Figure 10: Model prediction graph start 01-08-2023 - pre-
diction time 17-09-2023.
calculations have determined the threshold for Pump
Maintenance Alert Level (PMAL) at 83.37. In light of
these findings, the estimated value of the impeller in
the FIP has been assessed at 80.02. This value, falling
below the established PMAL threshold, indicates the
necessity for maintenance intervention.
Consequently, our model’s predictions enable
maintenance and repair teams to plan effectively,
thereby increasing the efficiency and reliability of the
business. The identified situation is presented to the
relevant departments with reports containing visual
and statistical data from the trained model. This anal-
ysis process is conducted in accordance with a three-
day windowing logic. This method allows adaptation
to the dynamics of factory operations and enhances
the ability to respond quickly to changes in machine
In summary, we underscore the critical impact of
impeller wear in FIP on the textile dyeing process
and liquid chemical weighting systems through our
study. We emphasize the necessity for regular mon-
itoring and predictive maintenance of these pumps,
especially considering the wear patterns typically ob-
served within 4-6 months. Our use of the Facebook
Prophet model and time series data for early detection
of wear presents a proactive approach to maintaining
pump efficiency without installing new hardware and
high cost.
Our future research will involve applying the
Prophet model to time-series data we have already
collected from equipments in fabric dyeing machines
to develop predictive maintenance solutions.
This work is supported by The Scientific and Techno-
logical Research Council of Turkey (T
ITAK) un-
der the project number №3200916.
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DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications