Informal Learning Opportunities: Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy,
Motivation for Programming Interest
Ella Kokinda
1 a
, Makayla Moster
1 b
, Paige Rodeghero
1 c
and D. Matthew Boyer
2 d
School of Computing, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, U.S.A.
Department of Engineering & Science Education, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, U.S.A.
Informal Learning, Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy, Coding Camp.
We explore how using Scratch in a three-week game programming camp impacts students’ interests, moti-
vation, and perceived self-efficacy in programming. In this study of high school students, we use pre- and
post-camp surveys to measure interest in STEM and perceived self-efficacy. Additionally, we use a pre- and
post-skills assessment test to understand how informal learning affects campers’ abilities. We found that when
analyzed as a group, self-efficacy and motivation did not statistically change for the campers. However, in-
dividually, campers trended towards increased self-efficacy and motivation in their skills. Our work extends
current research regarding informal learning opportunities for neurodiverse individuals and situates the effec-
tiveness of informal learning for programming and STEM motivation and interest.
As technology advances and we search for the lim-
its of what we can accomplish with software devel-
opment and other technical sciences, considering di-
verse perspectives becomes evermore important to
help drive innovation and solve complex problems.
Researchers have called for introducing STEM ed-
ucation at an early age for more long-term interest
in STEM topics and to promote creative and crit-
ical thinking (Bagiati et al., 2010; Campbell and
Speldewinde, 2022). Early software and game devel-
opment exposure often happens through Scratch
, a
browser-based block programming language for game
development. K-12 Scratch programming has shown
to be beneficial for students to develop computa-
tional thinking, code construction, and coding pat-
terns (Fagerlund et al., 2021). Students who were ex-
posed to programming concepts through Scratch at an
early age may also find it easier to transition to non-
visual-based programming languages (Armoni et al.,
As we continue to push for greater participation
numbers in STEM education and earlier introductions
to STEM concepts, there is a growing need to rec-
ognize that neurodiverse students, those with ADHD,
autism, and other learning needs, have much to of-
fer in higher education and within the STEM field as
a whole (Chrysochoou et al., 2022). However, many
of these students often face barriers in their educa-
tional journey that would otherwise enable them to
embrace their strengths (Syharat et al., 2023; Clouder
et al., 2020). Emerging research shows that we need
to move away from traditional pedagogy, leverage and
embrace universal design standards, encourage stu-
dents to focus on their strengths, and encourage di-
vergent thinking (Chrysochoou et al., 2021; Moster
et al., 2022). Using informal learning, project-based
learning, and multi-model instruction methods, this
camp aims to provide students the opportunity to pur-
sue their strengths, encourage divergent thinking, and
allow for the students to learn at their own pace.
Building on previous research, we explore the
positive impacts of informal STEM learning oppor-
tunities through a three-week summer camp. In this
paper, we make several contributions to software en-
gineering education and broaden the understanding of
STEM informal learning by:
investigating and reporting findings on the per-
ceived interest and value of informal learning op-
portunities like summer camps
Kokinda, E., Moster, M., Rodeghero, P. and Boyer, D.
Informal Learning Opportunities: Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy, Motivation for Programming Interest.
DOI: 10.5220/0012710400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 413-426
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
investigating and reporting findings on campers’
self-efficacy with game development pre- and
post-informal learning opportunity
discuss the outcomes of a three-week summer
camp and derive recommendations from our key
successes and suggest areas for improvement
Researcher positionality helps frame the work as
a whole and also shape how and why certain research
decisions were made (Secules et al., 2021). As a
research team, we are motivated to understand how
informal learning opportunities impact neurodiverse
individuals, particularly in STEM-forward situations.
All four authors are White, middle-class, and able-
bodied; the first three authors are female, and the
last author is male. Two authors identify as neuro-
diverse individuals; all four have had prior experience
working with neurodiverse groups. Our positionali-
ties and personal experiences help shape our research
approach and motivate us to understand how we can
best support individuals like ourselves in STEM.
In this section, we discuss informal learning opportu-
nities, student self-efficacy, and the use of future time
2.1 Informal Learning Opportunities
Informal leaning opportunities, like summer camps,
provide students with more agency and autonomy in
their educational choices and opportunities for pos-
itive teamwork engagement (Furlong, 2012; Jizat,
2021; Heidari et al., 2021). Particularly in STEM ed-
ucation, prior research shows that informal learning
opportunities may increase student interest in STEM
topics and careers, improve self-efficacy in related
areas, and motivate students to explore STEM in a
formal education setting (Nite, 2014; Dailey, 2018;
DiSalvo, 2014; Maiorca et al., 2020). In particular,
computer science or programming focused summer
camps have been shown to be a positive influence for
high-school students and provide opportunities out-
side of school to interact with STEM professionals
(Lira et al., 2022; Roberts et al., 2018). These op-
portunities afford students invaluable time to develop
necessary skills that could lead to STEM degree re-
tention and relevant employment within their desired
field of study (Espinosa, 2011).
Little research has been conducted with regard
to neurodiversity and STEM or programming related
summer camps for high school students. Additionally,
there is little research on informal learning opportu-
nities and neurodiverse students. Our research aims
to explore how a game development summer camp,
an informal learning opportunity, affects neurodiverse
students motivations and interests in STEM, as well
as measure how much they learn about game devel-
2.2 Motivation and Interest
Research indicates that motivation and interest play
a key role in gaining and retaining student interest in
STEM topics and careers (Saleh et al., 2019). Stu-
dents’ motivation and interest in STEM can be self-
derived, promoted or encouraged by their parents, be-
ing offered STEM classes in school, or through mo-
tivated teachers who provide and encourage a stu-
dents’ growth and interests (Christensen et al., 2015;
Lee et al., 2018; Rafanan et al., 2020). While re-
search shows that a main motivator for STEM inter-
est is student preference, efforts like informal learning
can spark interest in students who may not have self-
derived STEM interests.
2.3 Self-Efficacy
Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in their
ability to successfully perform a specific task or
achieve a desired outcome (Bandura, 1997). In the
context of computer science education, self-efficacy
relates generally to a person’s beliefs about their abil-
ity to learn and succeed in computer science (Lin
et al., 2013). It plays a significant role in shaping
students’ motivation, engagement, and learning out-
comes. Research suggests that self-efficacy can be
influenced by various factors, such as goal types and
learning environments (Eccles and Wigfield, 2002).
Creating opportunities for students to engage in in-
formal learning experiences can potentially enhance
their self-efficacy in programming skills. In computer
science education, self-efficacy beliefs play a signifi-
cant role in students’ preference for teacher authority
and their overall satisfaction with e-learning experi-
ences (Lin et al., 2013). Furthermore, self-efficacy
has been found to be a strong predictor of engage-
ment and achievement in various learning contexts,
including computer skills, English language learn-
ing, and science education (Pintrich and De Groot,
1990). Studies have shown that students with higher
self-efficacy beliefs are more likely to engage in
learning activities, persist in the face of challenges,
and achieve better learning outcomes (Rosson et al.,
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.4 Neurodiversity
Neurodiversity, as defined by Clouder et al., is an um-
brella term encompassing various neurotypes, e.g., in-
dividuals with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyscalculia, Autis-
tic Spectrum, or Tourette Syndrome, that deviate
from the norm, i.e., neurotypical (Clouder et al.,
2020). This concept recognizes and celebrates the
inherent differences in the structure and function-
ing of the brain, resulting in neurological varia-
tions (Roy and Jain, 2021). In the context of this
research with neurodivergent learners, neurodiver-
sity matters because it acknowledges and values the
unique strengths and perspectives that neurodiver-
gent individuals bring to the virtual learning envi-
ronment. Rappolt-Schlichtmann et al. advocate for
a strengths-based approach, including Universal De-
sign for Learning
, to support the overall well-being
and development of students with Dyslexia (Rappolt-
Schlichtmann et al., 2018). This approach aligns with
the aim of this study exploring the impact of infor-
mal learning on students’ interests and motivation,
taking into account their neurodivergent traits. By
acknowledging neurodiversity, educators can create
inclusive learning environments that cater to the di-
verse needs of students, including those with autism,
ADHD, dyslexia, and other specific learning difficul-
In this section, we describe our methodology for how
we examined campers coding skills and interest in
computing including our research questions, camp
design, participant description, and data collection
and analysis processes. We utilized surveys and ob-
servations throughout the camp to explore the impacts
of the summer camp as an informal learning opportu-
nity in the field of game development.
3.1 Research Questions
The objective of this research and this camp is to
enhance understanding of how informal learning op-
portunities affect campers’ interest in computing and
perceived self-efficacy in game development, particu-
larly for neurodiverse campers. Therefore, we ask the
following Research Questions (RQs):
: How does participation in a three-week
summer camp utilizing project-based learning
affect campers’ interest in computing?
: How does participation in a three-week
summer camp utilizing project-based learning
affect campers’ self-efficacy in game develop-
In RQ1, we aim to understand the campers’ in-
terests in various aspects of computing, whether or
not these interests are career driven, and how three
weeks of informal learning may influence their com-
puting interests. In RQ2, we examine campers’ per-
ceived self-efficacy in game development and com-
puting. Using a self-efficacy scale and a short knowl-
edge pre- and post-assessment of Scratch skills, we
are interested in the impact of the camp on campers’
computing abilities. The research questions along
with their corresponding data are presented in Table
3.2 Camp Design
We strategically developed the design of our summer
camp to facilitate a virtual three-week program con-
ducted through Zoom. Each student was required to
have an adequate computer that could run Zoom and a
web browser simultaneously. The first week of camp
focused on getting the campers the correct software
and extensions they need to work collaboratively in
Scratch and teaching the campers basic elements of
game development and how to brainstorm the story of
their own game. On the first day of camp before any
instruction, the research team administered both the
initial skills assessment and computing interests sur-
veys. Then, using demonstrations of a premade game
and providing short videos on each concept needed
to build the premade game from the ground up, the
campers built two timing based games throughout the
rest of the first week. Campers would check-in with
instructors every few videos to ensure the task was
completed or receive assistance when needed. The
next two weeks, campers were divided into teams of
four to five and tasked with collaboratively building
a game from the ground up based on their own ideas
and gaining consensus from their teammates. Each
day of the second and third week of camp campers
would work in teams in breakout rooms with instruc-
tors who would call a stand-up meeting every 15 to 20
minutes to ask the campers what they have been work-
ing on, what they may have completed, and what they
plan on working on next. Finally on the last day of
camp before show-casing each teams game, campers
were given the skills assessment and computing in-
terest surveys for a second time. A comprehensive
timeline of the camp is provided in Table 2.
Informal Learning Opportunities: Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy, Motivation for Programming Interest
Table 1: Research question methodology table.
Research Question Methods Data Collected Use
RQ1: How does project based
learning in a three-week summer
camp influence students’ perceived
interest in computing?
Computing Interest Survey
Future Time Perspective (FTP) Survey
Individual student interests in
computing, future time
perspective, and value of learning
game development
Aggregate and analyze students’
pre-and post-surveys for computing
interest. Use FTP to situate if campers
considered a career in computing or
value in a computing related career
RQ2: How does project based
learning in a three-week summer
camp influence student perceived
self-efficacy in game development?
10 question Scratch skills assessment,
pre- and post-camp self-efficacy survey,
participant observation video transcripts
Individual student self-efficacy
assessments and skill assessments
and memoed observations
Aggregate and analyze campers’
self-efficacy before and after camp,
using the scratch assessment to consider
results from perceived self-efficacy.
Table 2: Camp Instruction Timeline.
Day 1 Welcome session Meet and greet instruc-
tors and campers Initial research surveys
Install and check required materials and
Day 2 Technology check for campers Introduc-
tion to game story types Brainstorm in
groups favorite game story types Building
first example game
Day 3 First example game continued
Day 4 Building second example game
Day 5 Creating music and sound effects Brain-
storming game ideas
Day 6 Assign teams Team brainstorming
Day 7-12 Game development
Day 13 Game development continued Invited
guest speaker Practice presenting game to
the other campers
Day 14 Final touches on game Practice presenting
Day 15 Re-administer research surveys Game pre-
3.3 Participants
Per university human-subjects research requirements,
the research team obtained approval from our Insti-
tutional Review Board (IRB) to conduct this study,
and the camp is offered for free for all students par-
ticipating, regardless of participation in the research
study. We obtained participant consent from both
parents and students using IRB-approved forms and
documents. A total of 22 campers participated the
IRB approved research portion of the camp. However,
over the course of three weeks 8 campers dropped out
and one was asked to leave due to conflicts with the
camp’s behavior expectations, leaving us with 13 total
campers who participated in all three weeks of camp
and had both parent and camper consent to partici-
pate in the research. The ages of the campers ranged
from 14 to 17 years old, and 12 were male and 1
was female. Four campers were in 9th grade, two in
10th grade, five in 11th grade, and two were in 12th
grade. All campers resided in the United States and
attended camp remotely from their respective loca-
tions. Six of our thirteen campers indicated at sign up
that they did not have programming experience in the
Table 3: Camper demographics with programming experi-
ence and self-reported career interests at the start of camp.
ID Age Gender Grade Programming Exp. Career Interest
C1 15 Male 9th None Culinary
C2 16 Male 10th Some - C++, Python Computer Science
C3 15 Male 9th None Journalism
C4 16 Male 11th Some - JavaScript, C++ Game Development
C5 16 Male 11th None Game Development
C6 16 Male 9th None Game Development
C7 14 Male 9th Some - Unspecified Computer Science
C8 17 Male 12th None Game Development
C9 16 Male 11th Some - Python Computer Science
C10 15 Male 10th Some - Scratch, Python Automotive/Robotics
C11 16 Female 12th Some - C++ Zoology
C12 16 Male 11th None Animation
C13 16 Male 11th Some - Unspecified Game Development
last year or at all, while seven indicated varying levels
of coding experience. Eight campers indicated inter-
est in a software or game development career, while
others had other STEM interests or interests outside
of STEM completely - culinary, journalism, automo-
tive/robotics, animation, and zoology. A visual of
camper demographics can be found in Table 3.
3.4 Data Collection
To collect data, we employed two surveys using using
and conducted observations of the campers
during camp activities. We used Qualtrics’ built
in ExpertReview system to ensure accessibility and
readability during the survey, as well as breaking out
into small groups with instructors if students needed
assistance during any portion of the survey.
The first student survey consisted of researcher-
adapted questions using a 5-point Likert scale on
computing interest and knowledge (National Center
for Women & Information Technology, 2020), self-
efficacy (Tsai et al., 2019), and future time perspec-
tive (Husman et al., 2007; Husman and Shell, 2008)
for computing, art, and music. Questions for this sur-
vey can be found Appendix A. The second student
survey was a 10 question Scratch skills assessment
developed by the research team with inspiration from
skills assessment questions from De Lira et al. and
found in Appendix B (Lira et al., 2022). Skills assess-
ment questions asked campers to look at code blocks
and answer what code blocks would produce, com-
plete code blocks for a specific outcome, and gen-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 4: Breakdown of skill assessment questions by com-
puting concepts.
Q# Computing Concepts
Q1 Conditionals
User interaction, conditionals,
code interpretation
Conditional, operators,
code interpretation
Q4 Synchronizaiton
Q5 Loops, operators
Q6 Object interaction, conditionals
Q7 Operators
Q8 Debugging
Q9 Debugging
Q10 Object Interaction
eral knowledge of programming concepts. Overall the
Scratch coding skills assessment investigated campers
abilities in conditionals, operators, user interaction,
code interpretation, synchronization, loops, object in-
teraction, and debugging. A full breakdown of ques-
tions and their related concepts can be found in Table
4. We administered both surveys twice - once on the
first day of camp, and again on the last day of camp
after three weeks of instruction.
3.5 Analysis
We initiated the analysis by evaluating surveys that
exclusively featured quantitative data. We crafted
questions on a 5-point Likert scale to measure com-
puting interest, self-efficacy, computing knowledge,
and future time perspective, and implemented a point-
based system for skills assessment, awarding one
point for correct answers and zero for incorrect ones.
For the Likert scale questions, each category was iso-
lated and standard statistical tests were run on each
category. Due to our smaller sample size (less than
20), we opted to also use Hedge’s g to estimate our
effect size (NIST, 2017). Additionally, we performed
the Benjamini-Hochburg adjustment for p-values to
account for any false discovery rates (Benjamini and
Hochberg, 1995). Using corrections to paired-sample
t-test results, we improved our statistical understand-
ing of the data.
3.6 Limitations
We acknowledge that several limitations exist in this
study. One limitation is our sample size. Due to the
nature of our study we anticipated a smaller sample
size, but did not anticipate the number of campers to
drop the camp, thus we chose to accommodate our
statistical analyses using Hedge’s g. Second, survey
studies can be limited by response bias. The idea of
taking surveys for our population may not be consid-
ered exciting or fun and take away time from working
on programming. This may result in campers want-
ing to get through the survey quickly or answer in
an uninterested way. We have provided the duration
of each of the surveys administered to accommodate
this. However, given these limitations, we aim to tar-
get transferability of our results for informal STEM
education at the K-12 level for less represented group
rather than generalizability for neurodiverse individu-
als as whole.
In this section, we present the results of our pre- and
post-surveys for skills assessment, self-efficacy, and
4.1 Skill Assessment Analysis
As part of understanding campers’ perceived self-
efficacy (RQ
), we investigated campers’ actual
Scratch coding skills pre- and post-camp using an
identical 10-question survey. Pre-camp descriptive
statistics for 21 initial campers show that the overall
average score on a 10-question skills assessment was
6.54, and the median score of 7 out of 10 possible
points. The average time to complete the initial skills
assessment was 10.74 minutes, with a median time of
5.7 minutes. Several campers dropped out throughout
the three weeks of camp, leaving us with 13 campers
for the final assessment who participated in the initial
assessment. Post-camp descriptive statistics for the
13 campers show an overall average score of 6.84 and
a median score of 7 out of the 10 possible points. The
average time to complete the final skills assessment
was 8.69 minutes with a median time of 6.11 min-
utes. Overall, 6 campers (46.2% ) improved their as-
sessment score by 1 point, 5 campers (38.5%) scores
stayed the same, and 2 campers (15.4% ) reduced their
assessment score by 1.
Questions one, three, five, eight, and nine all saw
improvements from 7 campers who improved their
scores. The two most common questions improved
upon related to conditionals and debugging, questions
one and nine, respectively. Questions two and eight
saw 3 campers answer incorrectly regarding user in-
teraction, conditionals, and code interpretation, ques-
tion two and debugging in question eight. To note,
only one camper improved their score in two areas
while decreasing their score in another.
Using paired sample t-tests, we analyzed the dif-
Informal Learning Opportunities: Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy, Motivation for Programming Interest
ference between the pre- and post-camp assessment
for the 13 campers who stayed through the entirety
of camp. We found that the pre-camp assessment
showed an average score of 6.54 with a standard devi-
ation of 0.97, and the post-camp assessment showed
an average score of 6.85 with a standard deviation of
0.90. A descriptive statistics table is found in Table 5.
Skills assessment results indicate no significant mean
increase in campers’ skills, t(12) = -1.48, p = 0.08,
BH corrected p > 0.20.
Additionally, we asked campers within the com-
puting interests and self-efficacy survey their per-
ceived confidence in their current abilities and knowl-
edge in various computing areas. Pre-camp con-
fidence in computing knowledge for the thirteen
campers who completed camp averaged to being
somewhat confident in their abilities, with an average
score of 18.54 out of 35 total confidence points being
completely confident. Post-camp confidence in com-
puting knowledge improved slightly, with an average
score of 20.6 out of 35 total confidence points. Using
a paired sample t-test, we found no significant mean
increase in campers’ perceived confidence in comput-
ing skills, t(12) = -0.82, p > 0.20, BH corrected p >
0.30. These descriptive statistics can be found in Ta-
ble 5.
4.2 Computing Interest and
Self-Efficacy Analysis
As part of understanding campers’ interest in comput-
ing (RQ
), we investigated campers’ interests in what
they wanted to learn in a three-week summer camp,
understanding the campers’ future time perspective,
and perceived self-efficacy of their coding, music, and
art abilities. For the campers who completed all three
weeks of camp, the descriptive statistics are found in
Table 5.
Perceived computing interest pre-camp averaged
to being moderately interested in various computing
topics with an average score of 39.23 out of 65 to-
tal points. Post-camp interest increased slightly and
averaged to moderately interested, with an average
score of 40.31 out of 65 points. Computing interest
group results indicate no significant mean increase in
campers’ computing interests, t(12) = -0.21, p > .40,
BH corrected p > 0.40. The largest change in interest
by specific questions surrounded an increase in inter-
est in computer networking and thinking of new ways
to apply computer science, and found a decrease in
interest in a college degree.
We also asked camp-specific questions surround-
ing interest in making games, music, art, learning
about college opportunities, and making new friends.
Pre-camp survey for camp-specific interest averaged
to being moderately to very interested, with an aver-
age score of 24.31 out of 35 total points. Post-camp
survey for camp-specific learning interests decreased
slightly and averaged to being moderately to very in-
terested with an average score of 23.80 of 35 points.
Camp-specific computing interest group results in-
dicate no significant mean increase in camp-specific
computing interests, t(12) = 0.25, p > .40, BH cor-
rected p > 0.40. The largest change in interest by
topic was a decrease in interest in learning more about
computer science and software development and in-
creased interest in creating a videogame.
For our research purposes, future time perspec-
tive (FTP) is used to help situate computing inter-
ests and better understand the campers’ outlook on
a career and interest in programming as a whole us-
ing the value sub-scale from FTP literature. The
value sub-scale included 7 questions regarding use
of the information gained in the camp, skills or con-
cepts learned in camp being used in future projects or
class work, and the importance to campers of under-
standing computing concepts. Pre-camp FTP value
averaged to moderate agreement in having positive
value to the campers’ future with an average of 26.80
out of 35 total points. Post-camp FTP value stayed
about the same, with a marginal decrease with an
average of 26.46 out of 35 total points. FTP value
group results indicate no significant mean increase
in campers’ value of what they will learn within the
camp being useful in the future, t(12) = 0.17, p > .40,
BH corrected p > 0.40. The largest change in FTP
value for campers was an increase in believing they
would use information from the camp in the future
and a decrease in believing what was learned in camp
to be important for career success.
To understand campers’ perceived capabilities
with programming, we asked computing-specific self-
efficacy questions to the campers. Pre-camp student
self-efficacy scores averaged to being somewhat con-
fident that they had the capabilities to program or un-
derstand certain programming concepts, with an aver-
age score of 48.62 out of 80 total points. Post-camp
student self-efficacy scores increased their belief in
programming capabilities, with an average score of
57.23 out of 80 total points. Computing self-efficacy
group results indicate no significant mean increase in
camp-specific computing interests, t(12) = 0.25, p =
0.09, BH corrected p > 0.20. The largest change
in self-efficacy surrounded the ability to edit and re-
vise programs in an editor, not needing others’ help
to solve a problem, opening and saving code in an
editor, and running and testing code in an editor.
The least amount of change seen in self-efficacy sur-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
rounded knowing that work can be subdivided into
smaller tasks, predicting the outcome of code with
logical conditions, and learning more about program-
ming through debugging.
Finally, to understand campers’ perceived capabil-
ities with art and music, we asked music composition
and art creation self-efficacy questions to the campers.
Pre-camp student art and music self-efficacy averaged
to being somewhat confident that they had the capa-
bilities to make music and art for their games with an
average score of 47.69 out of 80 total points. Post-
camp student art and music self-efficacy scores in-
creased slightly to 53.84 out of 80 total points. Art
and music self-efficacy group results indicate no sig-
nificant mean increase, t(12) = 0.25, p = 0.01, BH cor-
rected p = 0.08. The largest change in self-efficacy for
art and music surrounded an increase in understand-
ing the basic elements of digital animation and draw-
ing in Scratch and understanding the basic elements
of digital music creation.
4.3 Individual Student Results
We analyzed each student before and after three
weeks of camp to understand where their skills, self-
efficacy, and motivation were. Analyzing each stu-
dent individually helps to guide where aspects of the
camp impacted the campers the most and if those im-
pacts reflect changes we need to make or aspects to
keep in the camp. Table 6 includes campers with their
respective differences in scores in all survey sections.
C1, male, age 15, no programming experience and
with a career interest in the culinary field, saw the
largest increase in his computing interest scores with
a positive change of 17 points. C1 also saw slight
increases in camp-specific computing interests, com-
puting knowledge, FTP, and self-efficacy (both gen-
eral and art/music categories). He had no change in
his skills assessment.
C2, male, age 16, some programming experience
in C++ and Python, and a career interest in computer
science, saw the largest increase in computing knowl-
edge scores with a positive change of 12 points. C2
also saw small increases in FTP and self-efficacy for
music/art. C2 saw a significant decrease in general
self-efficacy with a decrease of 11 points. Addition-
ally, C2 had decreased scores in both general and
camp-specific computing interests. He had no change
in his skills assessment. The team observed that C2
had an interest in music composition and other music-
related interests that he shared with the team.
C3, male, age 15, no programming experience and
with a career interest in journalism, saw the largest in-
crease in his self-efficacy scores with 17 points in art/-
music and 11 points in general self-efficacy. C3 saw
small a small increase in his camp-specific computing
interest scores. Additionally, saw the largest decrease
in FTP scores, decreasing by 9 points. C3 also de-
creased scores in general computing interest and com-
puting knowledge, both by one point each. He had an
increase of 1 point in his skills assessment. The team
observed that this student often had some confidence
issues and would be hesitant to speak up unless called
on, but toward the end of camp, he shared more about
what he was working on even when facing issues with
the collaboration software the team used to facilitate
C4, male, aged 16, some programming experience
in C++ and JavaScript, and a career interest in game
development, saw the largest increase in scores with
a positive change of 3 points in FTP. C4 saw some
decrease in scores in general computing interest by 7
points, and a decrease in self-efficacy by three points.
He saw no net change in camp-specific computing in-
terests, computing knowledge, art/music self-efficacy,
or in the skills assessment.
C5, male, age 16, no programming experience,
and a career interest in game development, saw sig-
nificant increases in his general self-efficacy with a
positive increase of 23 points and in computing inter-
est with positive 22 points. C5 saw small increases
in art/music self-efficacy by 8 points, in computing
knowledge by 6 points, and camp-specific computing
interests by 3 points. He had no change in FTP and
decreased his skills assessment by 1.
C6, male, age, 16, no programming experience,
and a career interest in game development, saw sig-
nificant increases across the board with positive 58
points in self-efficacy, 31 points in computing inter-
est, 19 points in computing knowledge, 17 in art/mu-
sic self-efficacy, and 14 points in camp-specific com-
puting interests. C6 saw a decrease of 3 points in FTP.
He also saw an increase of 1 point in his skills assess-
C7, male, age 14, some programming experience
reported but unspecified, and a career interest in com-
puter science, saw significant decreases in all sections
of the survey except for the skills assessment with no
change. C7 decreased by 27 points in general comput-
ing interests, 17 points in camp-specific computing
interests, 16 points in computing knowledge, three in
FTP, 18 points in self-efficacy, and 10 pints in art/mu-
sic self-efficacy.
C8, male, age 17, no programming experience,
and a career interest in game development, saw the
largest increase in his general self-efficacy score with
an increase of 14 points. C8 also saw an increase
in his camp-specific computing interests with an in-
Informal Learning Opportunities: Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy, Motivation for Programming Interest
Table 5: Descriptive statistics for thirteen (13) campers with Hedges’ correction to Cohen’s d, Benjamini-Hochberg (BH)
adjusted p-values for self-reported computing interest, perceived self-efficacy in computing, music, and art, perceived com-
puting knowledge, future time perspective.
Pre-Camp Post-Camp
Section Mean SD Mean SD Cohen’s d Hedges’ g p-value BH p-value
Skills Assessment
6.54 0.97 6.85 0.90 -0.41 -0.38 0.08 0.21
Computing knowledge
18.53 8.03 20.62 7.24 -0.23 -0.21 0.22 0.35
Computing Interest
39.23 13.68 40.31 12.11 -0.06 -0.06 0.42 0.42
Computing interest - camp
specific concepts
24.31 5.94 23.80 5.70 0.07 0.07 0.40 0.42
FTP Value
26.80 6.07 26.46 5.13 0.05 0.04 0.44 0.44
Self-efficacy 48.62 18.15 57.23 11.10 -0.40 -0.37 0.09 0.21
Self-efficacy art + music
47.69 7.78 53.84 7.05 -0.73 -0.69 0.01 0.08
crease of 7 points. He saw a decrease in both com-
puting knowledge and computing interest by 5 and 4
points. He saw no difference in FTP. Additionally, C8
increased his skills assessment by 1. C8 was observed
to be very quiet, but diligently working when given a
task, and typically needed no extra guidance or inter-
vention when working.
C9, male, age 16, some programming experience
in Python, and a career interest in computer science,
saw the largest increase in art/music self-efficacy with
a positive change of 17 points. C9 also saw an in-
crease in FTP scores by 7 points. He saw decreases in
computing interest by 14 points, camp-specific com-
puting interest by 8 points, self-efficacy by 5 points,
and in the skills assessment by 1 point. He saw no
change in FTP scores.
C10, male, age 15, some programming experi-
ence in Scratch and Python, and a career interest in
automotive engineering or robotics, saw the largest
increase in art/music self-efficacy with a positive
change of 14 points, followed by an increase in gen-
eral self-efficacy by 8 points. C10 also saw small in-
creases in FTP by 5 points, computing knowledge by
3 points, and camp-specific computing interests by 1
point. He had a decrease in computing interest scores
by 5 points. Additionally, he increased his skills as-
sessment score by 1 point.
C11, female, age 16, some programming experi-
ence in C++, and a career interest in Zoology, saw the
largest increase in general computing interest with a
positive change of 11 points. C11 also increased her
FTP and general self-efficacy scores by 9 points each,
computing knowledge by 6 points, and skills assess-
ment by 1 point. She saw a decrease in camp-specific
computing interests by 4 points. C11, towards the
end of the camp, increasingly ran into issues and bugs
with the software the camp used to facilitate collabo-
C12, male, age 16, no prior programming expe-
rience, and a career interest in animation, saw the
largest increase in self-efficacy with a positive change
of 39 points. C12 also increased scores in comput-
ing interest with a 22 point increase, in computing
computing with a 9 point increase, and in the skills
assessment test by 1 point. He saw a slight decrease
in camp-specific computing knowledge and FTP, both
decreasing by 2 points. C12 had no change in art/mu-
sic self-efficacy.
C13, male, age 16, some programming experi-
ence reported but not specified, and a career interest
in game development, saw his only score increase in
art/music self-efficacy with a positive score increase
of 9 points. C13 saw decreases in all other categories
by 23 points in computing interest, one point in camp-
specific computing interests, 10 points in computing
knowledge, four points in FTP, and 16 in self-efficacy.
He saw no change in his skills assessment.
Of campers who indicated that they had no prior
programming experience in the last year - C1, C3,
C5, C6, C8, and C12 - all saw score improvements
in general self-efficacy. C1, C3, C5, C6, and C8 also
all saw improvements in art and music self-efficacy,
while C12 saw no change. C3, C6, C8, and C12
also improved on their Scratch skills assessment af-
ter three weeks of camp. C1 saw no change in their
skill assessment, and C5 had a decrease of one.
In total, 5 of 13 campers saw a positive change
in general computing interests, and 7 saw no change
or positive change in camp-specific computing inter-
ests. Computing knowledge saw 9 of 13 campers
have no change or positive change to their scores. Fu-
ture time perspective (FTP) saw 8 of 18 campers have
no change or positive change to their scores. Gen-
eral self-efficacy saw 8 of 13 campers have a positive
change to their score and art/music self-efficacy saw
the majority, 12 of 13 campers, have no change or
positive change to their scores. The skills assessment
saw 6 campers with a positive change, 5 campers with
no change, and 2 with negative change.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 6: Individual student differences between pre- and
post-surveys for each section where CI is computing inter-
est, CI-C is camp-specific computing interests, CK is com-
puting knowledge, FTP is future time perspective, SE is
general self-efficacy, SE-A/M is art/music self-efficacy, and
Skills is the skills assessment test.
C1 17 2 4 5 3 2 0
C2 -8 -7 12 5 -11 5 0
C3 -1 5 -1 -9 11 17 1
C4 -7 0 0 3 -3 0 0
C5 22 3 6 0 23 8 -1
C6 31 14 19 -3 58 17 1
C7 -27 -17 -16 -3 -18 -10 0
C8 -4 7 -5 0 14 1 1
C9 -14 -8 0 7 -5 17 -1
C10 -5 1 3 5 8 14 1
C11 11 -4 6 9 9 0 1
C12 22 -2 9 -2 39 0 1
C13 -23 -1 -10 -4 -16 9 0
In this paper, we posed two research questions aim-
ing to understand how project-based learning in a vir-
tual summer camp can influence high school-aged
students’ interests (RQ
) and perceived self-efficacy
) in computing topics. In the following sections,
we discuss the impacts of the camp on both of our
research questions and give recommendations for oth-
ers who may be interested in similar informal learning
opportunities for K-12 students.
5.1 Promoting Interest in Computing
According to our survey on future time perspective
and computing interests, there was no significant
change in the campers’ perceptions or valuation of
a computing career following their participation in
the camp. While this result is surprising, we might
be able to attribute the lack of increased interest in
computing to using a block-based programming lan-
guage. The campers had a wide range of computing
skills, with about half of the campers having expe-
rience in text-based programming languages, which
might have attributed to the lack of change in com-
puting interest and value. Additionally, the camp’s
daily duration of two hours may not have been suffi-
cient enough to promote and practice various aspects
of software and game development.
5.2 Promoting Student Self-Efficacy
Individually, more than half of the campers (8) im-
proved on their general self-efficacy scores, but as
a group, this did not achieve statistical significance.
More than half of the campers (9) improved on their
art and music self-efficacy, but as a group with cor-
rections for a small sample size did not make signif-
icance. For the research team, this result was a lit-
tle unexpected, but for those with prior programming
experience, using Scratch could not have been engag-
ing enough or too easy for them. Interestingly, all
campers who did not indicate any prior programming
experience improved on their general self-efficacy,
and three with some programming knowledge also
improved. This leads us to believe that for those
with little to no programming experience, the camp
was successful, in part, at increasing general self-
efficacy through informal project-based learning ac-
tivities. However, for campers with prior program-
ming experience, our camp design may need to be
more engaging or complex to engage the campers in
ways that they felt were worth the effort to participate.
As a research team with prior programming experi-
ence in various programming languages like Python,
C++, and Java, we note that Scratch proved difficult
to work in coming from a non-block-based language.
We speculate that campers with text-based language
knowledge and proficiency may also have had a dif-
ficult time translating programming concepts to a
block-based language and led to lower self-efficacy.
5.3 Recommendations
Considering the lack of statistical difference and rela-
tively high pre- and post-skills assessment scores, we
must consider whether Scratch or block-based pro-
gramming is appropriate for high school students.
While many campers indicated that they did not have
any experience with programming in the last year,
block-based languages like Scratch may have been
part of their school curriculum in previous years. Us-
ing Scratch in the way that we did also may have lead
to some of our retention issues with campers through-
out the camp. This leads us to our first recommenda-
tion for building an informal STEM summer camp:
Recommendation: Clearly specify the target
programming experience level for the camp.
Little to no change in motivation or self-efficacy
could stem from several causes - lack of feedback,
unfamiliar environment, and/or needing more time in
teams to form a productive team dynamic. Initially,
the research team wanted to focus on having stand-
up meetings every 15 minutes when campers were in
teams working on their final game. However, adher-
ing to such a quick turnaround time proved challeng-
ing for teams who had campers who needed extra as-
sistance, were actively working through an issue or
Informal Learning Opportunities: Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy, Motivation for Programming Interest
bug with an instructor or teammate, or instructors did
not want to interrupt campers who were focused on
a task. We felt if campers had a better way to pro-
vide feedback to one another that motivation and self-
efficacy could be increased through positive peer in-
teractions. From this, we give another recommenda-
tion to provide multiple ways to provide feedback.
Recommendation: Provide multiple ways to get
inter-team feedback and facilitate peer-to-peer
Building a repertoire amongst teammates with
positive peer feedback could also alleviate the
campers’ being in an unfamiliar environment. On-
line classes have been shown to be challenging envi-
ronments for campers to form relationships in where
campers may not be able to express themselves fully
with only text or limited amount of camera use
(Symeonides and Childs, 2015). While we facilitate
various ice breakers and social games, the online na-
ture of the camp does not afford itself to quick fa-
miliarly with instructors and other campers. To com-
bat this, the team implemented a Discord server for
campers to utilize during and outside of camp as a
way to facilitate discussions and making connections
with the other campers. Discord was chosen as it is
a popular application for its use in gaming and as a
main communication app for many campers. From
this, we recommend finding ways to encourage con-
versation between campers in ways that they would
find familiar:
Recommendation: Provide the campers with a
familiar way to engage with others.
Along the same vein with having the ability to
form working and familiar relationships, the amount
of time we spend in camp may not have been adequate
enough to begin forming useful or beneficial relation-
ships. This could be increasing the duration of camp
each day. Thus, we recommend re-assessing engage-
ment time with campers each day:
Recommendation: Ensure enough time is allo-
cated in camp to let campers familiarize them-
selves with other campers and staff.
Additionally, increased time in camp could afford
finding ways to interact with campers in small groups
to get to know each other more. While the research
team used introductions on the first day, random-
ized small-group brainstorming, and having campers
move from group to group while making example
games, the campers did not have a significant amount
of time dedicated to getting to know one another.
Adding additional time overall to camp and providing
more interactive opportunities could prove beneficial
to campers forming teams naturally rather than camp
staff trying to pair campers together based on inter-
ests and observed interactions. Therefore, to facilitate
more natural teaming, we recommend:
Recommendation: Integrate more “ice-
breakers” and other team-building exercises
into the camp to build repertoire and familiarity
between campers.
Finally, we recommend bringing in speakers who
might be similar or relatable to the campers. In our
camp, we brought in a neurodiverse software and
game developer to speak to the campers about how
they navigated school, their job, and their well-being.
Campers responded well to our speaker with lively
engagement and had many questions after his presen-
tation. Therefore, to give the campers an opportunity
to interface with a mentor-like and relatable figure, we
Recommendation: Invite guest speakers who
are similar to your campers to promote represen-
tation and inspire the campers.
In this paper, we highlight where informal learn-
ing can be used in K-12 STEM education using a
Scratch-based game development summer camp de-
signed for neurodiverse high school students. Us-
ing surveys and in-situ observations, we found that
campers trended toward increased self-efficacy with
programming skills and increased motivation to pe-
ruse a STEM related topic. We then discuss recom-
mendations for others looking to implement online
informal learning opportunities and recommendations
on providing an environment that encourages and fa-
cilitates low-stakes learning in a collaborative setting.
Through subsequent research we aim to provide ad-
ditional insights into implementing our own recom-
mendations as well as continuing to investigate self-
efficacy and motivation as a result of informal learn-
ing in a summer camp setting.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
For replicability, we have included both an appendix
in this paper and an online appendix of both our pre-
and post-surveys. The in paper appendix includes all
questions related to computing interest and knowl-
edge, future time perspective, and self-efficacy. The
online appendix includes all questions and related im-
ages for the Scratch skills assessment.
We would like to thank all of the campers who par-
ticipated this year, it was amazing to see the amount
of creativity and determination everyone had to make
their game ideas come to life.
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Appendix: Survey Questions
Computing Interest
Regardless of whether or not you have actually tried
it, how interested are you in:
Making computers more intelligent (more like
Creating algorithms to make computers faster
Understanding how computers present data and
Designing computer games
Computer networking (like the internet)
Thinking of new ways to apply computer science
(like new apps or games)
Programming computers to create new apps
Finding technological solutions to world problems
using computer science
How much do you want to:
Take a computer science class
Take a game development class
Get a college degree
Get a computer science or technology related col-
Get a computing related career as an adult
Computing Interest - Camp Specific
During camp, how interested are you in:
Learning to code a videogame
Learning to make music
Learning to make art
Learning about college opportunities
Learning more about computer science and soft-
Making friends
Learning something you don’t know
Computing Knowledge
Right now, how confident are you in your ability to:
Learn computer science concepts
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Make computers more intelligent (more like peo-
Think of new ways to apply computer science
Find technological solutions to world problems
using computer science?
Design computer games
Understand how computers present data and im-
Create algorithms to make computers faster?
Future Time Perspective
Please respond to the following:
One shouldn’t think too much about the future
It is important to have goals for where ones to be
in 5-10 years
One should be taking steps today to help realize
future goals
I don’t think too much about the future
I don’t like to plan for the future
Its not really important to have future goals for
where I want to be 5-10 years
Planning for the future is a waste of time
I have been thinking about about what I want to
do in the future
It is no use worrying about the future
It is no use worrying about the future
What will happen in the future is an important
consideration in deciding what to do right now
What might happen in the long run should not be
a considerations in making decisions right now
What I do today will have little impact on what
happens 10 years from now
Half a year seems like a long time to me
I need to feel rushed before I can work on some-
I always Seem to do things at the last moment
I find it hard to get things done without a deadline
In general, six months seems like a very short pe-
riod of time
I will use the information I learn at this camp in
the future
I will use the information I learn in this camp in
other classes or projects in the future
What I learn in this camp will be important for my
career success
I will not use what I learn in this camp at all
Having an understanding of software and game
development is valuable
Understanding software and game development is
important to me
What I learn in this camp will be important for
personal success
General Self-Efficacy
Please answer the following questions about your pro-
gramming ability:
I can understand the basic logical structure of a
I can understand a condition expression such as
I can predict the final result of a program with log-
ical conditions
I can predict the result of a program when given
its input values
I know programming work can be divided into
sub-tasks for people
I can work with others while writing a program
I can make use of divisions to enhance program-
ming efficiency
I can figure out program procedures without a
sample or example
I don’t need others help to construct a program
I can make use of programming to solve a problem
I can open and save a program in a program editor
I can edit and revise a program in a program editor
I can run and test a program in a program editor
I can find the origin of an error whole testing a
I can fix an error while testing a program
I can learn more about programming during the
debugging process
Self-Efficacy Art and Music
Please answer the following questions about your dig-
ital art and music abilities
I understand the basic elements of digital drawing
I understand the basic elements of digital anima-
I understand the basic elements of digital drawing
in Scratch
I understand the basic elements of digital anima-
tion in Scratch
I am confident I can draw and animate characters
for a game
Informal Learning Opportunities: Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy, Motivation for Programming Interest
I am confident I can draw and animate background
scenes for a game
I understand the basic elements of digital music
I understand the basic elements of digital music
creation in scratch
I am confident that I can successfully make music
for elements of a game
Appendix: Skills Assessment Questions
The skills assessment and its accompanying images
can be found via an online appendix:
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education