Integrating Virtual Reality in Cognitive Training of Older Adults
Without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized
Controlled Trials
João Pavão
, Rute Bastardo
and Nelson Pacheco Rocha
INESC-TEC, Science and Technology School, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
UNIDCOM, Science and Technology School, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
IEETA, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Systematic Review, Randomized Controlled Trials, Older Adults, Cognitive Training, Virtual Reality.
Abstract: This article aimed to analyse state-of-the-art empirical evidence of randomized controlled trials designed to
assess preventive cognitive training interventions based on virtual reality for older adults without cognitive
impairment, by identifying virtual reality setups and tasks, clinical outcomes and respective measurement
instruments, and positive effects on outcome parameters. A systematic electronic search was performed, and
six randomized controlled trials were included in the systematic review. In terms of results, the included
studies pointed to significant positive impact of virtual reality-based cognitive training interventions on global
cognition, memory, attention, information processing speed, walking variability, balance, muscle strength,
and falls. However, further research is required to evaluate the adequacy of the virtual reality setups and tasks,
to study the impact of the interventions’ duration and intensity, to understand how to tailor the interventions
to the characteristics and needs of the individuals, and to compare face-to-face to remote interventions.
The increase in life expectancy and population aging
have raised the prevalence of neurodegenerative
diseases, which represent a major threat to human
health (Constanzo et al., 2020; Lanctôt et al., 2023).
Considering all major groups of diseases, the diseases
of the nervous system have the greatest contribution
to the global impact on the health of populations
worldwide and are responsible for high disability
rates and global burden of disease (Cicerone et al.,
Mild cognitive impairment, an intermediate stage
between normal aging and dementia (Geda, 2012), is
characterized by an objective cognitive decline in one
or more cognitive domains (e.g., memory, attention,
information processing speed, executive functions, or
language) without any significant impairment in daily
activities and may be associated with a variety of
underlying causes, including dementia (Geda, 2012;
Constanzo et al., 2020). Dementia is a major
neurocognitive disorder that is characterized by a
cognitive decline in one or more cognitive domains in
such an extent that interferes with the individual’s
independence in daily activities (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). Alzheimer disease is
the most common form of dementia worldwide, and
estimations pointed that in 2010 it affected more than
36 million people (Prince et al., 2015). Moreover, this
number might double every 20 years to 66 million by
2030 and to 115 million by 2050 (Prince et al., 2015;
Constanzo et al., 2020).
Patients with dementia constitute a burden for
society, not only in terms of their quality of life and
the quality of life of their relatives and caregivers, but
also in terms of the costs of healthcare and social care
systems (Cruz et al., 2013; Chiao, Wu & Hsiao, 2015;
Watson, Tatangelo & McCabe, 2019; Constanzo et
al., 2020). Therefore, efficient approaches to deal
with the needs of an increasing number of patients are
required (Constanzo et al., 2020).
Pavão, J., Bastardo, R. and Rocha, N.
Integrating Vir tual Reality in Cognitive Training of Older Adults Without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.
DOI: 10.5220/0012710500003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 258-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Since epidemiological studies identified several
modifiable risk factors for dementia (e.g., diabetes,
hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, depression,
physical frailty, unhealthy dietary habits, smoking,
excessive alcohol consumption, low education, or
low social support level) (World Health Organization,
2019; Solomen et al., 2021), healthier lifestyles might
decrease dementia incidence and be translated into
individual and societal benefit (Altomare et al.,
In this respect, the World Health Organization
considered dementia prevention a public health
priority (Solomen et al., 2021) and published, in
2019, the first guidelines for risk reduction of
cognitive decline and dementia (World Health
Organization, 2019). These guidelines systematize
evidence-based recommendations on interventions
covering multiple domains, including weight,
hypertension, diabetes, alcohol and tobacco
consumption, social activity, physical activity, and
cognitive training (World Health Organization, 2019;
Solomen et al., 2021).
In the context of this article, being cognitive
training a relevant component for dementia
prevention is important to study new intervention
models to improve its efficiency and availability.
Traditionally, cognitive training was based on
paper-and-pencil exercises. However, the
technological development of the last decades
promoted new ways of information exchange in all
aspects of our society, including healthcare provision
(Constanzo et al., 2020). Health services delivered or
enhanced through information technologies offer
innovative ways to provide care (Constanzo et al.,
2020), and represent a viable option to support
individuals with cognitive impairments and
potentially reducing injury, hospitalisation, and
institutionalization in residence facilities (Di Lorito et
al., 2021; Di Lorito et al., 2022).
A diverse range of new services focused on
patients with cognitive impairment have been
developed (Di Lorito et al., 2022), including
resources for the patients and caregivers (Torkamani,
2014; Gately, Trudeau & Moo, 2019), assistive
technologies (Howard et al., 2021), and cognitive
training interventions (Orrel et al., 2017; Di Lorito et
al., 2021). In terms of cognitive training,
computerised programmes, supported on different
types of interaction devices, be it computers,
handheld devices, or virtual reality (i.e., computer-
based technology that allows user to interact with
multisensory simulated environment) (Sabbagh et al.,
2020), are increasingly being used (Livingston et al.,
2020). Specifically, virtual reality allows interactions
comparable to experience a real-life setting (Diaz-
Orueta, Blanco-Campal, Lamar, Libon & Burke,
Several reviews have analysed the use of virtual
reality by patients with mild cognitive impairment
(Kim, Jung & Lee, 2022; Tam et al., 2022; Yu, Li &
Lai, 2023), Parkinson (Marotta et al., 2022),
Alzheimer (Clay et al., 2020), or other neurological
conditions (Dascal et al., 2017; Bevilacqua et al.,
2019; Montana, Tuena, Serino, Cipresso & Riva,
2019). However, to our knowledge, there are no
published reviews analysing the impact of cognitive
training based on virtual reality on older adults
without cognitive impairment.
Therefore, this systematic review of the literature
aimed to gather updated empirical evidence on
preventive cognitive training interventions based on
virtual reality for older adults without cognitive
impairment. Its objectives were to identify i) virtual
reality setups and tasks, ii) clinical outcomes and
respective measurement instruments, and iii) positive
effects on outcome parameters.
This systematic review followed the guidelines of the
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) (Moher et al., 2010).
A review protocol was defined with explicit
descriptions of the methods to be used and the steps
to be taken (Xiao & Watson, 2019): i) search
strategies; ii) inclusion and exclusion criteria; iii)
screening procedures; and iv) synthesis and reporting.
2.1 Search Strategies
The following databases were searched: i) PubMed;
ii) Scopus; and iii) Web of Science. Eligible studies
were required to be published in English language. In
turn, there were no limits to the date of publication of
the studies.
Boolean queries were prepared to include all the
articles that have their titles, abstract or keywords
conform with the following Boolean expression:
(Computer OR “Virtual Reality” OR “Serious
Games” OR Web-based OR Mobile) AND
(Cognitive AND (Training OR Rehabilitation) AND
(“randomized controlled trial” OR RCT).
2.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The inclusion criteria were: i) full English articles; ii)
articles published in peer-reviewed scientific
Integrating Virtual Reality in Cognitive Training of Older Adults Without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized
Controlled Trials
journals; iii) articles reporting randomized controlled
trials; and iv) articles reporting evidence of the
application of virtual reality to support cognitive
training of older adults without cognitive impairment.
The exclusion criteria were: i) articles not
reporting randomized controlled trials; ii) articles
reporting the use of technologies other than virtual
reality (e.g., augmented reality) to support cognitive
training; iii) articles reporting the application of
cognitive training to populations other than older
adults without cognitive impairment (e.g., older
adults with mild cognitive impairment or Parkinson);
iv) articles not reporting primary studies (e.g.,
editorials, surveys or reviews); v) articles without
abstracts or authors’ identification; and vi) articles
whose full texts were not available. Moreover,
articles reporting on studies already covered by other
included references were also excluded: when two
articles reported on the same study in different venues
the less mature one was excluded.
2.3 Screening Procedures
All retrieved references were imported to a
spreadsheet Excel and checked for duplicates. Then,
the titles and abstracts of all references were screened
according to the predefined review inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Full texts of potentially relevant
articles were retrieved and independently screened by
two randomly chosen authors, to verify if the
inclusion and exclusion criteria were meet. If a
consensus could not be reached between the two
authors, a third author was consulted.
2.4 Synthesis and Reporting
In addition to general inclusion and exclusion criteria,
the included studies were assessed against the
Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale,
which is considered a reliable and effective scale for
the evaluation of randomized controlled trials (De
Morton, 2009).
Moreover, tabular and narrative syntheses were
prepared to systematize the virtual reality setups and
tasks, and the experimental characteristics of the
studies: i) studies’ type (i.e., feasibility or efficacy);
ii) participants’ characteristics (i.e., number, mean
age, and where they live); iii) duration of the studies;
iv) outcomes and respective measurement
instruments; vi) delivery forms (i.e., individual versus
group intervention, and face-to-face versus remote
interventions); and vii) compliance and attrition (i.e.,
number of dropouts versus the number of participants
that completed the interventions.
Finally, the authors systematize the significant
impacts of the cognitive training interventions on
clinical outcomes that were reported by the included
3.1 Selection of the Studies
The electronic literature search was performed in
June 2023 and 2999 references were retrieved. Then,
913 references were removed because they were
duplicated, did not report primary studies (e.g.,
editorials), or did not have abstracts or the
identification of the respective authors.
During the title and abstract screening, 2078
references were excluded. Some excluded references
were focused on cognitive training supported on
computerized solutions other than virtual reality or
despite reporting the use of virtual reality the
respective research studies did not target older adults
without cognitive impairment.
After the full-text analysis, two articles were
removed, one because reported a research protocol
and the other because the mean age of the participants
was 44 years old.
Therefore, the final list of the retrieved articles
contained six studies (Eggenberger, Schumacher,
Angst, Theil & de Brui, 2015; Mirelman et al., 2016;
Htut, Hiengkaew, Jalayondeja & Vongsirinavarat,
2018; Boller, Ouellet & Belleville, 2021; Kwan et al.,
2021; Zukowski, Shaikh, Haggard & Hamel, 2022)
that were included in this systematic review.
3.2 Quality Assurance
The PEDro scale comprises 11 items: eligibility
criteria, randomization, concealment, baseline,
blinding of subjects, therapists and assessors,
subjects’ retention, intention to treat analysis,
between-group comparison, and measures of
variability. For each study, when an item was
verified, a point was added up to its total score. As the
result of the application of the PEDro scale, one study
was classified as excellent, four as good, and one as
3.3 Virtual Reality Setups and Tasks
In terms of virtual reality setups (Table 1) fully
immersive environments and semi-immersive
environments were equally distributed (i.e., three
articles each). In turn, in what concerns the tasks
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
performed by the participants, all tasks comprised
simultaneously cognitive training and physical
3.4 Experimental Characteristics of the
Three of the included studies (Boller et al., 2021;
Kwan et al., 2021; Zukowski et al., 2022) aimed to
assess the feasibility of virtual reality cognitive
training interventions. The remainder studies
(Eggenberger et al., 2015; Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut
et al., 2018) were efficacy studies.
Table 2 present the experimental characteristic of
the studies. The number of participants varied from
17 (Kwan et al., 2021) to 302 (Mirelman et al., 2016),
and their mean age varied from 67.3 (Boller et al.,
2021) to 78.9 (Eggenberger et al., 2015) years old. In
four of the studies (Eggenberger et al., 2015; Boller
et al., 2021; Kwan et al., 2021; Zukowski et al., 2022)
the participants were older adults living
independently in the community, while in two studies
(Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut et al., 2018) the
participants were older adults living in residence
facilities. One study (Mirelman et al., 2016) included
older adults without cognitive impairments and older
adults with Parkinson disease that were taking
antiparkinsonian medication. The remainder studies
only included participants without cognitive
impairments, although (Boller et al., 2021)
considered older adults with subjective memory
complaints, but, in terms of inclusion criteria
neuropsychological were performed to determine
whether the participants were cognitively intact.
One of the feasibility studies (Zukowski et al.,
2022) consisted in a single training session. The other
two feasibility studies had a duration of two weeks
(Boller et al., 2021) and eight weeks (Kwan et al.,
2021). The longest efficacy study (Eggenberger et al.,
2015) was conducted during six months and the other
two efficacy studies were conducted during eight
(Htut et al., 2018) and six weeks (Mirelman et al.,
Table 1: Virtual reality setups and tasks.
Authors, Year Immersive Level Virtual Reality setups Tasks
Eggenberger et al.,
Semi-immersive Treadmill positioned with a large
screen and a pressure sensitive
Dancing, treadmill walking, or
treadmill walking with simultaneous
verbal memory training
Mirelman et al.,
Semi-immersive Treadmill positioned with a large
screen and a Kinect
Real life challenges such as
obstacles, multiple pathways, and
distracters that require continued
adjustments of steps
Htut et al., 2018 Semi-immersive X-box 360 Games of X-box 360 such as Light
Raise (stepping forward, backward,
or sideward) or Virtual Smash
(moving upper and lower limbs with
slightly bending trunk to crush the
box on the left, right, and front)
Boller et al., 2021 Full-immersive Head-mounted display, wireless
position sensors and, handheld
Virtual shop and virtual car ride
Kwan et al., 2021 Full-immersive Head-mounted display, wireless
handheld controllers, and an under-
desk ergometer with adjustable
cycling resistance
Travel in the virtual world through
cycling on an ergometer while
simultaneously participating in
cognitively demanding daily living
tasks (e.g., find a bus stop, reporting
lost items or bird watching)
Zukowski et al.,
Semi-immersive Treadmill positioned with a large
Treadmill walking
Integrating Virtual Reality in Cognitive Training of Older Adults Without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized
Controlled Trials
Table 2: Experimental characteristics of the studies (participants, outcomes, and respective measurement instruments).
Authors, Year Number of
(mean age)
Outcomes Instruments
Eggenberger et al.,
89 (78.9) Memory Executive Control Task, Paired-Associates
Learning Task, and Logical Memory subtest
(Story Recall) and Digit Forward and Backward
tasks from Wechsler Memor
Attention A
e Concentration Test
A and B
processing speed
Trail Making Test (A and B), and Digit Symbol
Substitution Task from Wechsler Adult
ence Scale
Training enjoyment Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale
Mirelman et al., 2016 302 (73.8) Attention NeuroTrax
Executive function NeuroTrax
Falls Incident rate of falls during the 6 months after the
end of trainin
Walking spee
Electronic instrument
Walking variabilit
Electronic instrument
Balance Short Physical Performance Battery
Daily activities and
Physical Activity Scale for
the Elderly
of life Short Form 36 Health Surve
Htut et al., 2018 84 (75.8) Global cognition MoCA and Timed Up and Go test Cognition
Balance Berg Balance Scale and Timed Up-an
Muscle strength 5 Times Sit to Stand and Handgrip Strength
Falls Fall Efficac
Scale International
Exercise effort
Borg CR-10 scale
ment Questionnaire
Boller et al., 2021 40 (67.3) Memory Word Recall Task, and Multifactorial Memory
Kwan et al., 2021 17
Global co
nition Montreal Co
nitive Assessment
sical frailt
level Fried Frailt
e scale
Walking spee
Timed Up-an
Feasibility (i.e.,
adherence, adverse
outcomes, and
successful learnin
Intervention attendance rate of completers,
intervention completion rate, level of engagement
in ergometer cycling, Virtual Reality Sickness
Questionnaire, and trend in com
letion time
Zukowski et al., 2022 60
Global co
nition Montreal Co
nitive Assessment
Attention Trail Making Test (A and B), and Stroop Colour-
Word Test
rocessing spee
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
10-meter Walk Test, and Timed U
Timed U
Balance Four S
uare Ste
Lower extremity
30-second Sit-to-Stand Test
Visual acuit
Snellen Test
Daily activities and
Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, Activities-
specific Balance Confidence Scale
As can be seen in Table 2, in addition to cognitive
functioning (e.g., global cognition, memory, attention
or information processing speed) and physical
functioning (e.g., walking speed and variability,
balance, or muscle strength) the clinical outcomes
also include daily activities and community
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
participation (Mirelman et al., 2016; Zukowski et al.,
2022), and quality of life (Mirelman et al., 2016).
Moreover, two studies also measured nonclinical
outcomes, such as training enjoyment (Eggenberger
et al., 2015) or feasibility (Kwan et al., 2021).
In two studies (Eggenberger et al., 2015; Boller et
al., 2021) the cognitive training was delivered in
small groups (i.e., six participants (Eggenberger et
al., 2015) and four or five participants (Boller et al.,
2021)). All the other studies considered individual
interventions. Moreover, none of the included studies
implemented remote interventions, which means that
all the interventions were face-to-face.
Concerning compliance and attrition, globally,
474 participants completed all the interventions and
assessments. Dropouts due to health issues or
personal reasons were reported in five studies
(Eggenberger et al., 2015; Mirelman et al., 2016;
Boller et al., 2021; Kwan et al., 2021; Zukowski et
al., 2022), and its rate ranged from 3% of the single
session study reported by Zukowski et al. (2022) to
47%, the dropout rate reported by Eggenberger et al.
(2015). In what respects the remainder study (i.e.,
(Htut et al., 2018)) it is unclear if all participants
completed all the interventions and assessments.
3.5 Clinical Outcomes
In terms of clinical outcomes, the preventive
cognitive training interventions based on virtual
reality had significant positive impacts on cognitive
and physical functioning.
Three studies (Eggenberger et al., 2015; Htut et
al., 2018; Kwan et al., 2021) reported significant
impacts on cognitive functioning: i) Htut et al. (2018)
reported that the scores of Montreal Cognitive
Assessment of the virtual reality group were
significantly greater that the controls, and the average
time of the Timed Up and Go test Cognition from the
virtual reality group significantly decreased when
compared to controls; ii) Kwan et al. (2021) reported
a significantly larger improvement in global
cognition for the virtual reality group when compared
to control group; and iii) Eggenberger et al. (2015)
reported a significant performance improvement in
the intervention groups of the information processing
In turn, two studies (Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut
et al., 2018) reported significant impacts on physical
functioning: i) walking variability - Mirelman et al.
(2016) reported that walking variability during
obstacle negotiation was significantly lower in the
virtual reality group; ii) balance - Mirelman et al.
(2016) reported that the scores on the
Short Physical
Performance Battery
improved significantly in the
virtual reality group, while Htut et al. (2018) reported
that the scores on the Berg Balance Scale and the
Timed Up and Go performance time after exercise of
the intervention groups were better than the controls;
iii) muscle strength - Htut et al. (2018) reported a
significant increase in the left and right handgrip
strength after the virtual reality exercises; and iv) falls
- Mirelman et al. (2016) reported that incident rate of
falls was significantly lower in the virtual reality
group while Htut et al. (2018) reported a significant
decrease in Fall Efficacy Scale International scores
after exercise.
Moreover, Mirelman et al. (2016) reported that
quality of life was better in the virtual reality group,
even at the 6-month follow-up.
Finally, three studies (i.e., the feasibility studies
(Boller et al., 2021; Kwan et al., 2021; Zukowski et
al., 2022)) did not report significant impacts in
clinical outcomes, although they concluded that the
use of virtual reality-based cognitive training is
Six studies published between 2015 and 2022 were
included in this systematic review. This means that
the interest in conducting randomized controlled
trials to assess the impact of cognitive training
interventions based on virtual reality on older adults
without cognitive impairment is recent and did not yet
attract a significant number of researchers.
A simple search in databases such as Scopus or
Web of Science reveals that there are a huge number
of scientific articles focused on the application of
virtual reality, in general, and, in particular, to support
cognitive training interventions. Therefore, the
relatively small number of studies included in this
systematic review could be a surprise if we were not
aware that one of the inclusion criteria was the report
of randomized controlled trials. In this sense, the
number of articles included in this review is in line
with the number of articles included in other reviews
that addressed the cognitive training of older adults
with cognitive impairment using virtual reality (e.g.,
Kim et al. (2022) included six studies, Tam et al.
(2022) included eight studies, Clay et al. (2020)
included nine studies, Marotta et al., (2022) included
ten studies, and Dascal et al. (2017) included 11
Half of the studies included in this systematic
review were efficacy studies (Eggenberger et al.,
2015; Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut et al., 2018) and the
Integrating Virtual Reality in Cognitive Training of Older Adults Without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized
Controlled Trials
other half were feasibility studies (Boller et al., 2021;
Kwan et al., 2021; Zukowski et al., 2022).
Surprisingly the feasibility studies were more recent,
but in two of them (Boller et al., 2021; Kwan et al.,
2021), this is justified by the fact that they reported
the use of full-immersive environments (i.e., more
recent technologies).
The virtual reality setups of the fully immersive
environments included head-mounted displays,
wireless position sensors, and handheld controllers.
Additionally, Kwan et al. (2021) also included an
under-desk ergometer with adjustable cycling
resistance. In turn, in terms of semi-immersive
environments, Htut et al. (2018) reported the use of
X-Box 360 games, and Eggenberger et al. (2015),
Mirelman et al. (2016) and Zukowski et al. (2022)
reported the use of treadmills positioned with large
screens. Moreover, Eggenberger et al. (2015) also
included a pressure sensitive platform, and Mirelman
et al. (2016) a Kinect sensor.
The tasks performed by the participants include
treadmill walking (Eggenberger et al., 2015;
Zukowski et al., 2022), treadmill walking with
simultaneous verbal memory training (Eggenberger
et al., 2015), dancing (Eggenberger et al., 2015), real
life challenges such as obstacles, multiple pathways,
and distracters that require continued adjustments of
steps (Mirelman et al., 2016), virtual shop and virtual
car ride (Boller et al., 2021), travel in a virtual world
through cycling on an ergometer while
simultaneously performing cognitive tasks (Kwan et
al., 2021), and games of X-box 360 (Htut et al., 2018)
requiring the performance of physical exercises (e.g.,
stepping forward, backward, or sideward, or moving
upper and lower limbs).
Interventions were designed to be delivered face-
to-face, individually (Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut et
al., 2018; Kwan et al., 2021; Zukowski et al., 2022)
or in small groups (Eggenberger et al., 2015; Boller
et al., 2021). None of the interventions were designed
to be delivered remotely, and, therefore, it was not
possible to compare face-to-face interventions with
remote interventions.
The duration of the feasibility studies varied from
one session (Zukowski et al., 2022) to eight weeks
(Kwan et al.
, 2021). In turn, the efficacy studies
varied from six weeks (Mirelman et al., 2016) and six
months (Eggenberger et al., 2015). However, none of
the efficacy studies assessed the impact of the
duration and intensity (e.g., number of sessions per
week) of the cognitive training interventions on
clinical outcomes.
The participants of four of the studies
(Eggenberger et al., 2015; Boller et al., 2021; Kwan
et al., 2021; Zukowski et al., 2022) lived
independently in the community, while the
participants of two of the studies (Mirelman et al.,
2016) lived in residence facilities.
A multiplicity of clinical outcomes and
measurement instruments were considered by the
included studies. Except one study (Boller et al.,
2021) that considered a single clinical outcome (i.e.,
memory), the remainder studies considered multiple
clinical outcomes, including cognitive and physical
outcomes, quality of life, daily activities, and
community participation: i) global cognition (Htut et
al., 2018; Kwan et al., 2021; Zukowski et al., 2022);
ii) memory (Eggenberger et al., 2015); iii) attention
(Eggenberger et al., 2015; Mirelman et al., 2016;
Zukowski et al., 2022); iv) information processing
speed (Eggenberger et al., 2015; Zukowski et al.,
2022); v) executive functions (Mirelman et al., 2016);
vi) walking speed (Mirelman et al., 2016; Kwan et al.,
2021; Zukowski et al., 2022), vii) walking variability
(Mirelman et al., 2016); viii) mobility (Zukowski et
al., 2022); ix) balance (Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut et
al., 2018; Zukowski et al., 2022); x) muscle strength
(Htut et al., 2018; Zukowski et al., 2022); xi) falls
(Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut et al., 2018); xii)
physical frailty level (Kwan et al., 2021); xiii) visual
acuity (Zukowski et al., 2022), xiv) quality of life
et al., 2016); xv) daily activities; and xvi)
community participation (Mirelman et al., 2016;
Zukowski et al., 2022).
In terms of significant results, the studies pointed
to positive impacts of cognitive training interventions
based on virtual reality on: i) global cognition (Htut
et al., 2018; Kwan et al., 2021); ii) memory
(Eggenberger et al., 2015); iii) attention
(Eggenberger et al., 2015); iv) information
processing speed (Eggenberger et al., 2015); v)
walking variability (Mirelman et al., 2016); vi)
balance (Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut et al., 2018); vii)
muscle strength (Htut et al., 2018); and viii) falls
(Mirelman et al., 2016; Htut et al., 2018). The
application of the PEDRo scale pointed for a high
confidence level of these results. In fact, according to
the PEDro scale, five of the included studies were
classified as excellent or good.
More long-term randomized controlled trials are
needed to assess the impact of the duration and
intensity of the cognitive training interventions based
on virtual reality. Other evidence gaps are related to
the adequacy of the virtual reality setups (e.g., full
semi-immersive versus full immersive environments)
and the tasks to be performed by the participants,
since the included studies only compared participants
using or not using virtual applications. Also, is not yet
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
fully clear how the interventions should be tailored to
the specific characteristics of the participants to
achieve a precision risk reduction approach (i.e.,
tailoring the right interventions for the right people
and at the right time) (Solomen et al., 2021). In this
respect, it should also be compared the impact of
face-to-face and remote cognitive training
Like all systematic reviews, this systematic
review has limitations, namely, the dependency on
the keywords and the selected databases, or the fact
that publications not written in English were
excluded. However, the authors tried to guarantee that
study selection and the data extraction were
methodologically rigorous.
From the results of this systematic review, it is
possible to conclude that preventive cognitive
interventions based on virtual reality had positive
impacts in the cognitive (i.e., global cognition,
memory, attention, and information processing
speed) and physical (i.e., walking variability, balance,
muscle strength, and falls) functioning of older adults
without cognitive impairments. However, further
research studies are required to fulfil some evidence
gaps, such as, adequacy of the virtual reality setups
and tasks, impact of the duration and intensity of the
interventions, and how to tailor the interventions to
the characteristics and needs of the individual.
Moreover, it is also necessary to assess the impact of
remote cognitive training interventions based on
virtual reality.
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