Ransomware Reconnaissance: Interrogating Certificates Towards
Proactive Threat Mitigation
Steph Rudd
Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research, CENTRIC,
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, U.K.
Security, Certificates, X.509, SSL, TLS, Ransomware, Remote Interrogation, CA, PKI, OpenSSL.
“Got Root?” Presented herewith is an innovative approach to ransomware defence by interrogating the secu-
rity certificate chain pertaining to modern website security. It is a proactive strategy to scrutinise the online
resources prior to download for assessment of likelihood that ransomware may be present as a result of in-
consistencies between the URL and its security certificate. OpenSSL is employed for interrogating certificate
attributes, including characteristics such as domain mismatch and revocation status, through the systematic
approach of certificate retrieval, parsing and validation. Whilst not a ‘silver bullet solution’ to the wider realm
of ransomware attacks, this study presents a nuanced approach to suspicion detected under certificate-related
vulnerabilities at a preemptive and reconnaissance stage of hazard - a necessary basis for any subsequent cyber
security investigation.
An investigation into the inspection of SSL/TLS
X.509 security certificates towards ascertaining the
possibility and probability of ransomware opportuni-
ties - and subsequent proposals towards safeguarding.
1.1 Context and Motivation
With ransomware becoming increasingly widespread,
the study places focus on the pivotal role of SSL/TLS
certificates in protecting information. Errors in these
certificates can lead to major security breaches, yet
they can be remotely analysed quickly and with re-
liable results. The urgency to fortify digital sys-
tems against such threats forms the core motivation
of our study. Challenging the conventional reliance
on tools such as Certbot as trusted Certificate Author-
ities (CA), in the context of ransomware exploit op-
portunities, provided insights into the areas requiring
future safeguarding, and proposed recommendations
of improvements beyond the remit of this study.
1.2 Novelties and Contributions
Listed non exhaustively are the key observations de-
duced from the study:
Overlooked Vulnerabilities in Certbot. Whilst
the trusted CA, Certbot, provides robust and free
security certificates, this study presents evidence
that critical misconfigurations such as lacking in-
tegrity in certificate chains, and revoked certifi-
cates, seemingly valid, are subject to manipula-
Browser Validation Limitations. Proof that
browsers cannot detect incomplete certificate
chains or revoked certificates, advantageous for
ransomware deception
Alternative Subject Analysis. Inappropriate cer-
tificate labelling also evades detection, allowing
malicious domains to appear trustworthy.
Revocation. Revoked certificates can remain ac-
tive yet undetected, allowing loopholes. Error
testing: Positioning of context between SSL/TLS
vulnerabilities against the advance and prevention
of ransomware opportunities.
Rudd, S.
Ransomware Reconnaissance: Interrogating Certificates Towards Proactive Threat Mitigation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012710600003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 97-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
1.3 Structure
The balance of this paper describes the background
problem, introducing the significance of ransomware
as a topical cyber threat, subsequently detailing pit-
falls of certificate vulnerabilities leading to attack op-
portunities. The most concerning pitfalls are carried
forward to testing, in which live nested subdomains
with deliberate errors are deployed using a trusted CA
and tested as they would be in industry. Conclusions
are drawn from these concerns and future work is pro-
posed to mitigate vulnerabilities discovered.
Ransomware, a rapidly evolving cyber threat, lever-
ages various attack vectors to infiltrate systems, en-
crypt data, and demand ransom. A critical and of-
ten underestimated avenue for these attacks is the ex-
ploitation of X.509 certificate vulnerabilities. The
security of these certificates is paramount as they
authenticate and secure communications for various
sensitive online processes such as finance, healthcare
and other personal or sensitive data. It is a major
concern that vulnerabilities such as expired certifi-
cates, weak encryption algorithms, or misconfigura-
tions can provide a conduit for ransomware attacks.
Such vulnerabilities not only weaken encryption, but
also erode trust mechanisms as a holistic entity - those
integral to digital security.
A further challenge towards mitigating ran-
somware risks associated with certificate vulnerabil-
ities is user naivety. The average user often lacks
the expertise to understand the nuances surrounding
Transport Layer Security (TLS) security in general -
let alone certificate inspection within or even beyond
the browser interface. Ignorance of browser warning
regarding safety of expired and untrusted certificates
however is fairly obvious. The type of person who
would happily disregard the safety of a browser on
their private device is unlikely to possess the where-
withal to proceed beyond that warning, as the process
is deliberately obfuscated - and most organisational
firewalls will prevent that proceeding for users who
can. More poignantly is the fact that such vulnerabil-
ities are permitted to launch in the first instance - and
these are the errors on which this study is based.
How possible is it to manipulate, mimic, and mock
a trusted CA? Having achieved a number of deliberate
errors into a server, how well can they be hidden, by
the casual browser, or by closer inspection of a desig-
nated tool such as OpenSSL (Tuleuov and Ospanova,
The answers to these questions will inform us of
the realities of certificate vulnerabilities, but more im-
portantly bring concrete indicators to the next gener-
ation of CA infrastructures and safety requirements.
Presented below are details of the tool used for test-
ing, and which vulnerabilities are suitable for testing
given the behaviour and automated safety settings of
3.1 Related Work
There are several recent studies in detection of ma-
licious software in IoT (Tam
as et al., 2021), Ma-
chine Learning (ML) neural models (Obetta and
Moldovan, 2023), Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Lu and
Thing, 2022), and advanced malicious binaries ex-
isting within system files (Chukka and Devi, 2021),
there is little coverage on direct and simplistic pre-
ventative tactics such as addressing publicly-available
security information directly. Whilst such advanced
technologies are indeed necessary and with great suc-
cess, this study places focus on how vulnerabilities in
remote servers can indicate the possibilities of mali-
cious attempt - thus providing advanced warning, and
ideally, preventing the ransomware connection.
3.2 Obvious Indications
Many certificate vulnerabilities will flag in the
browser automatically, warning them that the site is
insecure and creating an extra layer of difficulty to
proceed any further. This is often enough to scare
users from venturing any further, and therefore cer-
tificate vulnerabilities that provide this function need
not be considered. For less obvious certificate vul-
nerabilities, ie, those that do not trigger such warn-
ings, interaction with Certbot is considered. Cert-
bot is a trusted and open-source Certificate Authority
(CA), used to issue X.509 certificates, ensuring safety
throughout. Ideally, Certbot will prevent any artificial
vulnerability implementation, representative of resis-
tance against ransomware.
3.3 Potential Pitfalls
These are the multiple vulnerabilities pertaining to
X.509 certificates (Zulfiqar et al., 2022), and their un-
derlying centralised management system Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI), (Vlad et al., ; Housley and Polk,
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
1. Expired Certificates. Expired certificates, or
very short validity periods, cannot be set in Cert-
bot, but auto-renewal can be disabled to create
the same in time. Expired certificates, while not
directly linked to ransomware, raise red flags in
browsers, and therefore require no further consid-
2. Short Key Lengths. Certificates with short cryp-
tographic key lengths are more vulnerable to
brute-force attacks, but fortunately, Certbot does
not support modification of key lengths - and so
they will always abide by the latest TLS standard.
3. Misconfigured Certificates. Misconfigurations
related to the setup of the certificate (such as en-
abled cipher suites and protocols) can be exam-
ined using OpenSSL . This is a broad turn of
phrase, largely referring to the misconfiguration
of cipher suites and SSL or TLS protocols, which
could potentially be modified in the generated
configuration files after certificate issuance.
4. Self-Signed Certificates. Certificates generated
without a CA flag up on browsers and are amongst
the most obvious of all dangerous website indica-
tors. Certbot is a trusted CA, and thus does not
produce self-signed certificates.
5. Revoked Certificates. These are valid certificates
that have been withdrawn for whatever reason. If
they remain unidentified, they can be exploited
for ransomware attacks by mimicking trustworthy
sites and misleading users into downloading ma-
licious content. This is an important vulnerability
to investigate using Certbot.
6. Domain Mismatch Certificates. Generate cer-
tificates where the Common Name (CN) or Sub-
ject Alternative Name (SAN) doesn’t match the
subdomain. Although not a direct vector for ran-
somware, it can often play a part in sophisticated
phishing schemes, leveraging the naivety of the
user, and often opens the possibilities of Man-in-
the-Middle (MitM) attacks.
7. Certificates with Invalid Signatures. These are
certificates where the signature verification fails,
indicating potential tampering or corruption, but
will also flag immediately in the browser.
8. Certificates with Incorrect Usage Flags. Cer-
tificates that are not flagged correctly for their in-
tended use, such as a certificate meant for securing
email being used for a web server.
9. Wildcard Certificates for Suspicious Domains.
While wildcard certificates are legitimate, their
use in certain contexts (like a brand-new or low-
reputation domains) can be suspicious. Cert-
bot insists on domain validation within the DNS
records for issuance of such certificates, and will
therefore always be valid on completion.
10. Certificates with Very Long Validity Periods.
Abnormally long validity periods might be a sign
of non-compliance with best practices or an at-
tempt to avoid frequent renewal scrutiny, which
is why Certbot will provide a set 90-day validity
period with auto-renewal so this cannot occur.
11. Certificates with Incomplete Chain of Trust.
These certificates do not have a complete path to
a trusted root CA, often because of missing inter-
mediate certificates. This is a vulnerability to be
tested, as modification of configuration files may
be available using certificate paths.
12. Certificates with Suspicious Subject Informa-
tion. This includes certificates with vague or
misleading information in the subject field, like
generic names or placeholder details. Certbot
populates these details automatically from within
the domain path and therefore will not occur.
13. Overly Broad Subject Alternative Names
(SANs). Certificates that cover an unusually wide
range of domain names or include unrelated do-
mains can be suspicious. This will be investigated
amongst other nested subdomains, subdomains,
or domains using configured DNS ‘A’ records.
14. Certificates Issued in the Future. Certificates
with a ‘Not Before’ date set in the future can be in-
dicative of system misconfigurations or malicious
intent. Certbot will not allow this behaviour as
auto-renew is available for the 90-day validity pe-
3.4 Concerns to Be Carried Forward to
Whilst it is understood that browsers will flag up the
most obvious of certificate non-compliance and sus-
picion, and Certbot can prevent the majority of mod-
ifications towards certificate detriment, there still re-
main a small number of item in abeyance:
1. Incomplete Certificate Chains. Maintaining a
chain can be disturbed such as from changes in
the CAs intermediate certificates.
2. Subject Alternative Names (SANs). Unrelated
subjects may be legitimate, but can pose risks if
3. Deprecated Cipher Suites. Default configura-
tions may be subject to modification or change
over a long period of time or through auto-renewal
using the same parameters.
Ransomware Reconnaissance: Interrogating Certificates Towards Proactive Threat Mitigation
4. Deprecated Protocols. As with cipher suites.
5. Domain Mismatch. The configuration of server
files are beyond the remit of Certbot’s direct con-
trol, presenting a challenge in consistency be-
tween certificate and server setup.
6. Revocation. The discovery of revocation may or
may not be detected, depending on additional in-
frastructures and recognition, or as intermediaries
change over time.
Firstly, risk rankings are assigned by severity, to the
attributes which will undertake testing - followed
by an introduction to an appropriate testing setup,
and how to invoke such to effectively make use of
OpenSSL in a native environment from remote and
secure access to the server. The errors will then be
implemented onto separate websites, and interrogated
remotely using OpenSSL. This will demonstrate how
publicly available security information can return low,
medium, high and critical vulnerability indicators.
4.1 Assign Severity Ratings
It is understood within the wider consensus of secu-
rity practice, that assigning severity scores to vulner-
abilities is an objective method of user-oriented deci-
sion making (Rudd and Cunningham, 2022). Gener-
ally, low-medium warnings are acceptable, and high-
critical warnings are not. With reference to the risk
rating methodology by the Open Web Application Se-
curity Project ((OWASP), ), the assignments are pre-
sented as:
1. Low. Minor risks, negligible direct exploitation
2. Medium. Moderate risks, conditional exploita-
tion potential.
3. High. Significant risks, high exploitation likeli-
4. Critical. Severe risks, immediate and widespread
damage potential.
1. ICC, Incomplete Certificate Chain. This error
is usually rated with low to medium severity and
occurs when a server does not provide the full
chain of certificates. It can lead to trust issues but
is less directly related to severe attacks like ran-
somware. It can also be indicative of poor security
practices - a low warning, rated 2.
2. SAN, Overly Broad of Inappropriate Subject
Alternative Names (SANs). Involves certificates
with subject alternative names that don’t align
with the domain’s typical use. Rated medium,
in severity, this error could indicate broader se-
curity governance issues and open vectors for at-
tacks like phishing, a common ransomware deliv-
ery method, rated 2.
3. WCS, Using Weak Cipher Suites. Occurs when
a server supports outdated or weak cipher suites,
making encrypted communications vulnerable to
interception, and therefore a critical concern since
it can lead to data breaches or credential theft,
rated 4.
4. ODP, Outdated SSL/TLS Protocols. Employing
deprecated protocols like TLS 1.0 or SSLv3 sig-
nificantly increases the risk of cyber attacks, in-
cluding ransomware incidents, as protocols con-
tain known vulnerabilities that can be exploited
by attackers, thus marked as critical, 4.
5. DMM, Domain Mismatch. Rated high in sever-
ity, domain mismatches can indicate a Man-in-
the-Middle attack, often used for initial reconnais-
sance, infiltration, or delivering ransomware - a
prerequisite to attack, rated 3.
6. RVC, Revoked Certificates. Also a high-severity
issue, a revoked certificate often signals a security
compromise. If a certificate has been revoked due
to key compromise, it could potentially be used by
attackers to impersonate legitimate services, lead-
ing to ransomware deployment, rated 4.
4.2 Setup the Environment
To test and analyse the six deliberate SSL/TLS cer-
tificate errors (ICC, SAN, WCS, ODP, DMM, RVC),
an environment was established encompassing nested
subdomains on a Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS),
to accommodate the Linux-native issuance of certifi-
cates, by entering the remote server using the Se-
cure Shell (SSH), through a Linux terminal Command
Line Interface (CLI).
1. Nested Subdomains for Browser View. Each er-
ror type is assigned a unique nested subdomain,
allowing for isolated testing and clear visualisa-
tion in a web browser. This structure facilitates
the demonstration of how browsers react to each
specific SSL/TLS error.
2. Linux Environment for OpenSSL. OpenSSL
commands are used to simulate and test the cer-
tificate errors, providing a robust platform for ma-
nipulation and analysis.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
3. Creation of Certificates for Each Nested
Subdomain. Individual SSL/TLS certificates are
created for each nested subdomain using Let’s En-
crypt’s Certbot. These certificates are issued from
a recognised CA, and then modified to introduce
the specific errors.
4. Creation of Each of the Six Errors. Individually
created post-certificate issue:
(a) ICC (Incomplete Certificate Chain). Config-
ured by omitting intermediate certificates from
the server’s certificate chain, leading to trust
warnings in browsers.
(b) SAN (Overly Broad or Inappropriate
Subject Alternative Names). Implemented
by generating certificates with SANs that do
not match the intended domain’s typical usage,
potentially causing validation issues.
(c) WCS (Using Weak Cipher Suites). Estab-
lished by configuring the server to prefer weak
or deprecated cipher suites, detectable through
SSL/TLS handshake analysis.
(d) ODP (Outdated SSL/TLS Protocols). En-
acted by setting the server to use outdated pro-
tocols like TLS 1.0 or SSLv3, exposing known
(e) DMM (Domain Mismatch). Achieved by us-
ing a certificate issued for one domain on a dif-
ferent subdomain, leading to mismatch errors
in browsers.
(f) RVC (Revoked Certificates). Introduced by
revoking a certificate post-issuance, then veri-
fying its status using OCSP or CRL checks.
The Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP)
stack was setup on the global server to accommodate
the dynamic websites, and the following files were
added for deployment:
DNS ‘A Record. Added to the root
domain in the format of ‘subsubdo-
/var/www. Folder for mir-
rorXX.ransomrecon.domain.co.uk, containing
index.php so to distinguish which error
/etc/apache2/sites-available. mir-
rorXX.ransomrecon.domain.co.uk.conf, con-
taining the VirtualHost port 80 (insecure HTTP),
server name, document root, directory settings,
log paths, and SSL certificate paths, which will
automatically populate in their own conf file once
they are installed.
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled. These are
symbolic links that automatically popu-
late once the nested subdomains are de-
ployed using the command ‘a2ensite mir-
rorXX.ransomrecon.domain.co.uk.conf’, fol-
lowed by restarting the server using ‘systemctl
apache2 restart’. Such commands require sudo or
admin privileges.
4.3 Implementation of Specific Error
Following issuance of a valid certificate on each
nested subdomain, each will contain the entire cer-
tificate chain (fullchain.pem), the servers own certifi-
cate for that specific nested subdomain (cert.pem),
and the private key (privkey.pem) of the server, or
nested subdomain, which is used to decrypt informa-
tion encoded using the server’s public key and should
be kept secret from everything.
4.3.1 Issue the Only X.509 Certificate that Will
Remain Valid
Issue and retain one valid, error-free X.509 certificate
to use a benchmark for errors.
˜$ sudo certbot --apache -d
˜$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
˜$ sudo openssl s_client -connect
4.3.2 ICC Incomplete Certificate Chain:
Severity 2
Configure the server to utilise the certificate only
(cert.pem), as opposed to the complete chain
(fullchain.pem), thus negating the integrity through-
out. This can appear valid from the browser, but
should show issues on deep inspection accessible us-
ing OpenSSL.
1. Issue Certificate, Restart the Server, Validate
the Certificate on Port 443, HTTPS:
˜$ sudo certbot --apache -d
˜$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
˜$ sudo openssl s_client -connect
Ransomware Reconnaissance: Interrogating Certificates Towards Proactive Threat Mitigation
2. Identify the Certificate File Name:
˜$ nano /etc/sites-available/mirror02.
3. Modify the File to Reflect the Path of Cert.Pem
and Restart the Server - Change From:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/
˜$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
4. Test the Configuration:
˜$ sudo openssl s\_client -connect
4.3.3 SAN Overly Broad of Inappropriate
Subject Alternative Names (SANs):
Severity 2
Request a certificate with an extra SAN, a domain be-
yond the remit of the nested subdomain.
1. Issue Certificate, Restart the Server, Validate
the Certificate, as Before.
2. Request Certificates From Two Domains, One
the Mirror, and One Unrelated:
˜$ sudo certbot certonly --webroot
-w /var/www/subdomain.unrelated-
domain.co.uk -d mirror03.
ransomrecon.domain.co.uk -d
(choose option 2 for extend domains)
3. List Certificates to View SANs:
˜$ sudo certbot certificates
4.3.4 WCS Using Weak Cipher Suites: Severity
Change the configuration file to use deprecated cipher
suites such as MD5 rather than SHA256.
1. Issue Certificate, Restart the Server, Validate
the Certificate, as Before.
2. Change the Certbot-Generated Configuration
File to Include Weak Cipher Suites: HIGH,
MEDIUM, LOW will allow cipher suites of such
varying strengths, whilst an exclamation mark
will disallow the subsequent attribute; !aNULL
will disallow anonymous authentication. The
weaker suites can then be queried in OpenSSL.
˜$ nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/
˜$ SSLCipherSuite
3. Test the Configuration:
˜$ openssl s_client -connect
co.uk:443 -cipher MD5
4.3.5 ODP Outdated SSL/TLS Protocols:
Severity 4
Change the configuration file to use deprecated
SSL/TLS protocols such as SSL v3 or TLS v1.0.
1. Issue Certificate, Restart the Server, Validate
the Certificate, as Before.
2. Change the Certbot-Generated Configuration
File to Include Weak Cipher Suites:
˜$ SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -TLSv1 - TLSv1.1
3. Test the Configuration:
˜$ openssl s_client -connect mirror05.
ransomrecon.domain.co.uk:443 -ssl3
˜$ openssl s_client -connect mirror05.
ransomrecon.domain.co.uk:443 -tls1
˜$ openssl s_client -connect mirror05.
ransomrecon.domain.co.uk:443 -tls1_1
4.3.6 DMM Domain Mismatch: Severity 3
Obtain a valid certificate for a specific nested subdo-
main, then apply it to a separate subdomain. In this
scenario, mirror05 is valid, and used as support to er-
ror test mirror06, which is invalid.
1. Issue Certificate, Restart the Server, Validate the
Certificate, as Before.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
2. Repeat the Process for Another Nested Subdomain,
3. Reconfigure the le-ssl.conf File for mirror06 to Point
to the Paths for mirror05:
˜$ sudo nano mirror06.ransomrecon.domain
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/
4. Test the Configuration:
˜$ sudo openssl s_client -connect
-servername mirror06.ransomrecon.
4.3.7 RVC Revoked Certificates: Severity 4
Obtain a valid certificate and then revoke it. The certificate
should initially appear valid but should show as revoked
upon checking its revocation status.
1. Issue Certificate, Restart the Server, Validate the
Certificate, as Before.
2. Locate the Certificate and Full Chain Paths From
Checking the Certificate-Generated Configuration
File Using Global Regular Expression Print (GREP)
Command, Where:
-R or -r: Recursively search files in the specified
directory and all sub directories.
-i: Ignore case distinctions in both the pattern and
the input files.
-l: (Lowercase ’L’) List only the names of files with
matching lines, once for each file.
˜$ grep -Ril "SSLCertificateFile.
3. Revoke cert.pem and Validate the Certificate:
˜$ certbot revoke --cert-path
˜$ sudo openssl s_client -connect
-servername mirror07.ransomrecon.
Congratulations! You have
successfully revoked the certificate
that was located at /etc/letsencrypt/
4. Revoke fullchain.pem and Validate the Certificate:
˜$ certbot revoke - -cert-path
˜$ sudo openssl s_client -connect
-servername mirror08.ransomrecon.
Congratulations! You have
successfully revoked the certificate
that was located at /etc/letsencrypt/
We present the findings from the only valid certificate, and
the six deliberate errors, summarised below initially, and
subsequently expanded:
1. ICC, Incomplete Certificate Chain. Medium severity.
Showed valid on the browser, detected issues.
2. SAN, Overly broad of inappropriate Subject Alter-
native Names (SANs). Medium severity. Showed valid
on the browser, detected issues.
3. WCS, Using Weak Cipher Suites. Critical severity.
Seemingly possible by modification, but was not.
4. ODP, Outdated SSL/TLS Protocols. High severity.
Seemingly possible by modification, but was not.
5. DMM, Domain Mismatch. High severity. Flagged as
a browser safety error, but no issues detected.
6. RVC, Revoked Certificates. Critical Severity. Showed
valid on the browser, detected issues.
5.1 Issue the Only X.509 Certificate that
Will Remain Valid
Various details about the certificate and the TLS connection,
the output summary is:
1. Certificate Issuer and Subject Information. The
issuer details of the certificate, typically Let’s En-
crypt for a Certbot-issued certificate, and subject in-
formation, including the domain name for which
Ransomware Reconnaissance: Interrogating Certificates Towards Proactive Threat Mitigation
the certificate was issued - in this case, mir-
2. Certificate Validity Dates. The date from which the
certificate is valid, expiration date of the certificate.
3. Public Key Information. Type of key; RSA, ECDSA
etc, length; 2048 bits, and the public key itself in a
human-readable format.
4. Certificate Chain: List of certificates in the chain,
from the server certificate up to the root certificate, and
validation status of the chain.
5. SSL/TLS Version. SSL or TLS version used for the
connection; generally TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3.
6. Cipher Suite. The cipher suite used for establishing
the secure connection; more recently ECDHE-RSA-
7. Session Data. Session ID, if any, and key exchange,
encryption, and hash algorithms used in the session.
8. Handshake and Encryption Details. SSL/TLS hand-
shake process, and any encryption parameters that were
negotiated during the handshake.
9. Verification Outcome. Success or failure of the
SSL/TLS certificate, details about any errors encoun-
tered during the verification process.
10. Additional SSL/TLS Information. Any extensions or
additional features supported in the SSL/TLS protocol.
This is how a certificate output should look. It is a confir-
mation that Certbot has set up the attributes and completed
the handshake successfully, and by visiting the nested sub-
domain URL, it can be observed that the HTTPS status is
present and details of the browser security is provided.
5.2 Errors 1-6
Presented below are explorations into the results of deliber-
ate certificate errors 1-6:
5.2.1 ICC Incomplete Certificate Chain:
Severity 2
There are errors indicating problems with the SSL certifi-
cate chain, cited in the output file content:
1. Error 20. Unable to get the local issuer certificate: This
error occurs when OpenSSL cannot find the intermedi-
ate or root certificate necessary to validate the chain of
trust. It suggests that the server may not be correctly
configured to send the intermediate certificates, which
are essential for the client to validate the server’s SSL
2. Error 21. Unable to verify the first certificate: This
error is related to Error 20 and occurs when the SSL
client is unable to verify the server’s certificate in the
absence of the necessary intermediate certificates.
OpenSSL has correctly ascertained the certificate issuer and
first certificate to be questionable. The trust mechanism is
compromised, contributing to weakness and misdirection of
an original domain location.
5.2.2 SAN Overly Vroad of Inappropriate
Subject Alternative Names (SANs):
Severity 2
OpenSSL discovered a SAN entry for the unrelated domain,
and so the script was successful. The browser did not show
any indication of questionable trust, and the HTTPS with
verification details were sound. As a result, the conclusion
was that even though the site appeared to be valid through
the URLs browser, there was potential for vulnerabilities
and issues pertaining to integrity and trustworthiness:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Certificate Name: mirror03.ransomrecon.
Serial Number:
Key Type: RSA
Domains: mirror03.ransomrecon.domain.
co.uk subdomain.unrelated-domain.co.uk
Expiry Date: 2024-04-17 15:49:53+00:00
(VALID: 89 days)
Certificate Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Private Key Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5.2.3 WCS Using Weak Cipher Suites: Severity
Upon OpenSSL interrogation, there was no report of
weak cipher suites in use. It was discovered that Cert-
bot does not allow modification towards deprecated
and weak ciphers in any way, and even for educational
or testing purposes that this safety feature cannot be
overridden - which is very reassuring, considering this
would otherwise be a critical-severity vulnerability.
5.2.4 ODP Outdated SSL/TLS Protocols:
Severity 4
Exactly the same as with the cipher suite selection,
upon OpenSSL interrogation, there was no report of
weak SSL/TLS protocols in use. It was discovered
that Certbot does not allow modification towards dep-
recated and weak protocols in any way, and even for
educational or testing purposes that this safety feature
cannot be overridden - which is very reassuring, con-
sidering this would also be a critical-severity vulnera-
5.2.5 DMM Domain Mismatch: Severity 3
Although the browser will render a safety issue as
with self-signed certificates, querying sudo certbot
certificates will display the certificate as valid as they
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
haven’t been overwritten when the path within the
VirtualHost was overwritten:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Certificate Name: mirror06.ransomrecon.
Serial Number:
Key Type: RSA
Domains: mirror06.ransomrecon.domain.co.uk
Expiry Date: 2024-04-17 17:03:32+00:00
(VALID: 89 days)
Certificate Path: /etc/letsencrypt/
Private Key Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5.2.6 RVC Revoked Certificates: Severity 4
The output does not contain any infor-
mation indicating that cert.pem for mir-
ror07.ransomrecon.domain.co.uk has been revoked.
The SSL handshake is successful, and the certificate
appears to be valid. On browser visit to the URL, it
also appears secure and valid. The output does not
contain any information indicating that fullchain.pem
for mirror08.ransomrecon.domain.co.uk has been
revoked. The SSL handshake is successful, and the
certificate appears to be valid. On browser visit to the
URL, it also appears secure and valid.
A revoked certificate often indicates a security
compromise. If a certificate has been revoked due
to key compromise, it could potentially be used by
an attacker to impersonate a legitimate service, lead-
ing to ransomware deployment. It is a great con-
cern that an in-built error such as certificate revocation
with a severity rating of 4, or critical, can so easily
be left unnoticed by browser security features, even
OpenSSL interrogation. Whilst Let’s Encrypt’s Cert-
bot is a trusted, and largely robust implementation of
free and secure certificates, this is the one example
of where it shows considerable, critical vulnerabil-
ity. Towards addressing this concern, Online Certifi-
cate Status Protocol (OCSP), and a Certificate Revo-
cation List (CRL), should be installed globally within
the subdomain to impact on nested subdomains, and
within the root domain to impact on nested subdo-
mains, subdomains, and the domain itself.
5.3 Results Summary
Of the six original errors subject to testing, four
were permitted by modification of Certbot-generated
configuration files or otherwise interference via
OpenSSL. Reassuringly, tampering with item WCS
and ODP, cipher suites and protocols respectively),
were blocked by Certbot infrastructure. DMM was
also seemingly available to manipulate, but then
flagged as the same safety warning as self-signed cer-
tificates, and so the user was protected from that.
However, there were three permitted issues, over-
looked by Certbot, and of various severity and detec-
tion via OpenSSL:
1. ICC, Incomplete Certificate Chain. Medium
severity, and unflagged from the browser. Upon
closer inspection from OpenSSl, the output
showed two errors proving the valid status was
2. SAN, Overly broad of inappropriate Subject
Alternative Names (SANs). Medium severity.
Showed valid on the browser, and OpenSSL de-
tected no issues displaying two very different
branches of subdomains. Not even nested subdo-
mains; one was nested (the mirror), and one was
not - so they were not even on the same hierar-
chical level. RVC, Revoked Certificates. Crit-
ical Severity. This was very concerning, as the
revoked certificate did not flag up either on the
browser nor the OpenSSL query, even though we
have written evidence that the certificate was re-
voked - proving that X.509 certificate are a liabil-
ity for attacks pertaining to ransomware, or even
support the distribution of ransomware itself.
This study has highlighted numerous unobvious and
intricate vulnerabilities of CA certificate issuance, un-
derpinning the susceptibility of current certificate in-
frastructure to ransomware attack. Whilst CA tools
such as Certbot offer a largely robust and reliable
framework for certificate management, the findings
of the study reveal vulnerabilities still exist, rang-
ing from negligible to critical risk. Particularly con-
cerning incomplete chains and revoked certificates,
security breaches are at their highest potential and
particularly as automation in attacks grows through
bleeding-edge technologies. With support for ran-
somware deployment through Artificial Intelligence
(AI), Machine Learning (ML), and the decentralised
Web, Web3, it is paramount that future efforts towards
safeguarding are brought forward.
Ransomware Reconnaissance: Interrogating Certificates Towards Proactive Threat Mitigation
6.1 Future Work
Towards such future work, or preferably, imminent
work, let us consider the following innovative oppor-
Improvements on Current Certificate Is-
suance. Introducing inherent Online Certificate
Status Protocol (OCSP), and Certificate Revoca-
tion Lists (CRL), which should correlate and up-
date the certificates under revocation to be subse-
quently reflected in the browser as a flagged warn-
ing as other breaches currently are.
Improvements on Current Query Tools. Auto-
mated scripting techniques through Bash (Singh
and Vishwakarma, 2023), or similar in a plug-and-
play execution file for ease of use, where severity
ratings are automatically issued to the user from
queries launched on URL browsing. Such query
tools could be added as browser extensions for au-
tomated detection.
User Education Programmes. User education in
organisational training - although it is widely un-
derstood this is not a reliable method of eradicat-
ing ransomware per se, and automated prevention
is preferable.
Utilisation of AI and ML. Models to crawl the
web towards detecting potential ransomware en-
try points by employing query tools and other
automated scripts through user behaviour - but
as these models demand enormous datasets, this
could be a slow exercise and may also be criti-
cised in attempt to ‘boil the ocean’.
Advancements Towards Web3. As the web in
general moves increasingly towards decentralised
and distributed practices, smart contracts and im-
mutable rulesets are coming into their own. This
is potentially the most effective starting point, as
such practices are currently an open area and col-
laboration with large and mature, trusted CA such
as Let’s Encrypt need not be approached for col-
laboration with suggestions of improvement.
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IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security