1. Expired Certificates. Expired certificates, or
very short validity periods, cannot be set in Cert-
bot, but auto-renewal can be disabled to create
the same in time. Expired certificates, while not
directly linked to ransomware, raise red flags in
browsers, and therefore require no further consid-
2. Short Key Lengths. Certificates with short cryp-
tographic key lengths are more vulnerable to
brute-force attacks, but fortunately, Certbot does
not support modification of key lengths - and so
they will always abide by the latest TLS standard.
3. Misconfigured Certificates. Misconfigurations
related to the setup of the certificate (such as en-
abled cipher suites and protocols) can be exam-
ined using OpenSSL . This is a broad turn of
phrase, largely referring to the misconfiguration
of cipher suites and SSL or TLS protocols, which
could potentially be modified in the generated
configuration files after certificate issuance.
4. Self-Signed Certificates. Certificates generated
without a CA flag up on browsers and are amongst
the most obvious of all dangerous website indica-
tors. Certbot is a trusted CA, and thus does not
produce self-signed certificates.
5. Revoked Certificates. These are valid certificates
that have been withdrawn for whatever reason. If
they remain unidentified, they can be exploited
for ransomware attacks by mimicking trustworthy
sites and misleading users into downloading ma-
licious content. This is an important vulnerability
to investigate using Certbot.
6. Domain Mismatch Certificates. Generate cer-
tificates where the Common Name (CN) or Sub-
ject Alternative Name (SAN) doesn’t match the
subdomain. Although not a direct vector for ran-
somware, it can often play a part in sophisticated
phishing schemes, leveraging the naivety of the
user, and often opens the possibilities of Man-in-
the-Middle (MitM) attacks.
7. Certificates with Invalid Signatures. These are
certificates where the signature verification fails,
indicating potential tampering or corruption, but
will also flag immediately in the browser.
8. Certificates with Incorrect Usage Flags. Cer-
tificates that are not flagged correctly for their in-
tended use, such as a certificate meant for securing
email being used for a web server.
9. Wildcard Certificates for Suspicious Domains.
While wildcard certificates are legitimate, their
use in certain contexts (like a brand-new or low-
reputation domains) can be suspicious. Cert-
bot insists on domain validation within the DNS
records for issuance of such certificates, and will
therefore always be valid on completion.
10. Certificates with Very Long Validity Periods.
Abnormally long validity periods might be a sign
of non-compliance with best practices or an at-
tempt to avoid frequent renewal scrutiny, which
is why Certbot will provide a set 90-day validity
period with auto-renewal so this cannot occur.
11. Certificates with Incomplete Chain of Trust.
These certificates do not have a complete path to
a trusted root CA, often because of missing inter-
mediate certificates. This is a vulnerability to be
tested, as modification of configuration files may
be available using certificate paths.
12. Certificates with Suspicious Subject Informa-
tion. This includes certificates with vague or
misleading information in the subject field, like
generic names or placeholder details. Certbot
populates these details automatically from within
the domain path and therefore will not occur.
13. Overly Broad Subject Alternative Names
(SANs). Certificates that cover an unusually wide
range of domain names or include unrelated do-
mains can be suspicious. This will be investigated
amongst other nested subdomains, subdomains,
or domains using configured DNS ‘A’ records.
14. Certificates Issued in the Future. Certificates
with a ‘Not Before’ date set in the future can be in-
dicative of system misconfigurations or malicious
intent. Certbot will not allow this behaviour as
auto-renew is available for the 90-day validity pe-
3.4 Concerns to Be Carried Forward to
Whilst it is understood that browsers will flag up the
most obvious of certificate non-compliance and sus-
picion, and Certbot can prevent the majority of mod-
ifications towards certificate detriment, there still re-
main a small number of item in abeyance:
1. Incomplete Certificate Chains. Maintaining a
chain can be disturbed such as from changes in
the CA’s intermediate certificates.
2. Subject Alternative Names (SANs). Unrelated
subjects may be legitimate, but can pose risks if
3. Deprecated Cipher Suites. Default configura-
tions may be subject to modification or change
over a long period of time or through auto-renewal
using the same parameters.
Ransomware Reconnaissance: Interrogating Certificates Towards Proactive Threat Mitigation