Dispositional Learning Analytics to Investigate Students Use of
Learning Strategies
Dirk Tempelaar
, Anikó Bátori
and Bas Giesbers
School of Business and Economics, Department of Quantitative Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht,
The Netherlands
School of Business and Economics, Department of Educational Research and Development, Maastricht University,
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Keywords: Dispositional Learning Analytics, Learning Strategies, Self-Regulated Learning, Problem-Based Learning,
Higher Education.
Abstract: What can we learn from dispositional learning analytics about how first-year business and economics students
approach their introductory math and stats course? This study aims to understand how students engage with
learning tasks, tools, and materials in their academic pursuits. It uses trace data, initial assessments of students'
learning attitudes, and survey responses from the Study of Learning Questionnaire (SLQ) to analyse their
preferred learning strategies. An innovative aspect of this research is its focus on clarifying how learning
attitudes influence and potentially predict the adoption of specific learning strategies. The data is examined
to detect clusters that represent typical patterns of preferred strategies, and relate these profiles to students'
learning dispositions. Information is collected from two cohorts of students, totalling 2400 first-year students.
A pivotal conclusion drawn from our research underscores the importance of adaptability, which involves the
capacity to modify preferred learning strategies based on the learning context. While it is crucial to educate
our students in deep learning strategies and foster adaptive learning mindsets and autonomous regulation of
learning, it is equally important to acknowledge scenarios where surface strategies and controlled regulation
may offer greater effectiveness.
In today's technology-driven and ever-changing
landscape, the acquisition of skills conducive to
adaptability is imperative. Self-regulated learning
(SRL), highlighted as essential by various sources
(Ciarli et al., 2021), is vital for continuous learning
and development in the dynamic digital age. SRL
encompasses a set of skills that facilitate learning
processes and lead to positive academic outcomes,
such as improved performance and continuous
progress (Haron et al., 2015; Panadero and Alonso
Tapia, 2014). Specifically, SRL involves (meta-)
cognitive and motivational learning strategies that
shape a dynamic and cyclical process enabling
students to guide their own learning (Zimmerman,
1986). While there exist six different models of SRL
(Panadero, 2017), most of them have the cyclical
process comprising three phases in common:
preparatory, performance, and appraisal. Despite the
abundance of scientific literature on SRL and its
promotion in educational settings, teachers and
students often encounter challenges in fostering these
skills, even within pedagogical approaches like PBL,
where self-regulation is more integrated (Loyens et
al., 2013).
Educational technology presents an opportunity to
promote students' SRL. However, while some
educators successfully foster SRL using technology,
others struggle (Timotheou et al., 2023). This
discrepancy may stem from variations in technology
features and student engagement with technology,
which influence its impact on learning and
performance (Lawrence and Tar, 2018; Zamborova
and Klimova, 2023). Recent advancements in
educational research, particularly in learning
Tempelaar, D., Bátori, A. and Giesbers, B.
Dispositional Learning Analytics to Investigate Students Use of Learning Strategies.
DOI: 10.5220/0012711200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 427-438
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
analytics, notably dispositional learning analytics,
offer valuable insights into SRL in technology-
enhanced learning (Pardo et al., 2016, 2017;
Tempelaar et al., 2015, 2017).
Recent years have witnessed a significant
expansion in learning analytics research, providing
novel insights into how students engage with online
educational tools and content. Dispositional learning
analytics, a methodological approach focused on
understanding learners' inherent characteristics and
tendencies, has emerged as a significant development
(Buckingham Shum and Deakin Crick, 2012). By
combining dispositional data with objective trace
data, researchers can potentially derive predictive and
actionable insights, aiding in understanding student
behavior, learning strategies, and enabling a more
tailored educational experience (Han et al., 2020;
Tempelaar et al., 2015, 2017).
The current study investigates the learning
strategies of first-year business and economics
students enrolled in an introductory mathematics and
statistics course. This context is of interest due to the
challenges and opportunities presented by the subject
matter, which requires both conceptual understanding
and practical application and is often perceived as
difficult by students. Our focus on this group aims to
illuminate how students engage with complex
quantitative content, thereby contributing to
enhancing academic success. Our primary objective
is to explore and understand the range of learning
strategies preferred by these students. To achieve this,
we employ a dual approach: analyzing trace data,
which provides digital footprints of students'
interactions with learning tools and materials,
combined with dispositional data such as learning
related mindsets and learning strategies. This analysis
aims not only to identify prevalent learning strategies
but also to discern their correlation with students'
engagement with digital learning tools. This
understanding is pivotal for informing more effective
pedagogical approaches and targeted interventions to
enhance student learning outcomes (Han et al., 2020).
This study introduces several innovative aspects
to the field of dispositional learning analytics. Firstly,
it emphasizes the importance of linking initial
learning dispositions, measured at the beginning of
the course, with subsequent learning strategies. By
identifying profiles in this data, we aim to uncover
how initial dispositions may predict the adoption of
specific learning strategies. This approach represents
a significant departure from traditional methods,
which often focus solely on outcomes, to a more
nuanced understanding that encompasses the origins
and evolution of learning behaviors. Moreover, we
leave the traditional variable-centred method of
analysis, in favour of a person-centred analysis.
The insights derived from this study offer
potential benefits to various stakeholders in
education. For educational scientists and designers,
our findings provide critical data to inform the
development of more effective curriculum designs
and learning tools. Teachers can leverage this
information to better understand their students'
learning processes, potentially identifying those
employing less beneficial strategies. This
understanding is crucial for developing targeted
interventions that can significantly enhance student
learning outcomes and promote more effective self-
regulation in the learning process.
Self-regulated learning (SRL) stands as a key
educational strategy essential for navigating today's
dynamic academic environment. Defined by a
repertoire of skills enabling learners to effectively
manage and oversee their own learning processes,
SRL has been extensively studied for its pivotal role
in achieving favourable academic outcomes, such as
improved performance and ongoing advancement
(Haron et al., 2015; Panadero and Alonso-Tapia,
2014). At the core of SRL lies a cyclical and dynamic
process encompassing cognitive, metacognitive, and
motivational strategies (Zimmerman, 1986). Despite
the extensive literature on SRL, its practical
implementation, particularly in cultivating these
skills within diverse pedagogical contexts, remains a
significant challenge for educators and learners alike.
This challenge extends to student-centred
pedagogical approaches like Problem-Based
Learning (PBL), which inherently complements and
supports the principles of SRL (Hmelo-Silver, 2004;
Schmidt et al., 2007). PBL, centred on real-world
problem-solving, encourages learners to actively
participate in their learning journey, fostering critical
thinking and self-regulated learning skills. In a
program based on PBL principles, learners are
continually required to self-regulate as they
collaboratively and individually navigate through
problems, apply knowledge, and adjust strategies
based on feedback and reflection. However, research
shows mixed results regarding student learning
approaches. A comprehensive literature review on the
adoption of deep versus surface learning approaches
in PBL revealed a small positive effect size
concerning the adoption of deep learning approaches
(Dolmans et al., 2016), yet some studies report a
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tendency to adopt surface learning approaches across
the studied population (Loyens et al., 2013).
The affordances of educational technology have
been recognized as a potent means to promote SRL
(Persico and Steffens, 2017). However, despite the
unparalleled developments in digitization in (higher)
education, technology alone is not a cure-all for
delivering high-quality technology-enhanced
education, especially considering the emergency
remote learning implementations (Mou, 2023).
Educational research indicates that while some
teachers succeed in fostering SRL in their students
through technology-enhanced learning means, others
do not (Timotheou et al., 2023). Several factors could
underlie this finding, including teacher attitudes and
behaviours regarding technology, the features of
technology, and student engagement with the
technology (e.g., Lawrence and Tar, 2018;
Zamborova and Klimova, 2023). In technology-
enhanced learning environments that promote self-
regulated learning through scaffolding, dispositional
factors have been found to influence student
engagement (Tempelaar et al., 2017, 2020).
Advances in the development of dispositional
learning analytics show promise in aiding the
understanding of SRL in technology-enhanced
learning contexts (e.g., Pardo eta al., 2016, 2017;
Tempelaar et al., 2017, 2020).
2.1 Dispositional Learning Analytics
In the ever-evolving realm of educational research,
Learning Analytics (LA) emerges as a crucial tool,
providing a thorough examination of educational data
to extract actionable insights for learners, educators,
and policymakers (Hwang et al., 2018). Initially, LA
research primarily centred on constructing predictive
models using data from institutional and digital
learning platforms. However, these early efforts
mainly demonstrated the descriptive capabilities of
LA, confined to aggregating and analysing learner
data within existing educational infrastructures
(Viberg et al., 2018; Siemens and Gašević, 2012).
Acknowledging the limitations imposed by the static
nature of such data, Buckingham Shum and Deakin
Crick (2012) introduced the concept of Dispositional
Learning Analytics (DLA), proposing an innovative
framework that intertwines traditional learning
metrics with deeper insights into learners'
dispositions, attitudes, and values.
By incorporating learner dispositions into the
analytic process, DLA aims to enhance the precision
and applicability of feedback provided to educational
stakeholders, thereby refining the effectiveness of
educational interventions (Gašević et al., 2015;
Tempelaar et al., 2017). The concept of 'actionable
feedback,' as conceptualized by Gašević et al. (2015),
emphasizes the transformative potential of DLA in
fostering a more nuanced approach to educational
support, moving beyond generic advisories to deliver
tailored, context-sensitive guidance.
Despite the recognized value of LA in identifying
at-risk students, the challenge of translating analytic
insights into effective pedagogical action remains
significant, as evidenced by studies such as
Herodotou et al. (2020). DLA seeks to address this
gap by incorporating a multidimensional analysis of
learning dispositions, thereby offering a richer, more
holistic understanding of learners' engagement and
potential barriers to their success.
For instance, the simple directive to 'catch up'
may prove insufficient for students consistently
falling behind in their learning process. A deeper
exploration into their learning dispositions through
Dispositional Learning Analytics (DLA) might reveal
specific barriers to their academic engagement, such
as a lack of motivation or suboptimal self-regulation
strategies, enabling more precise interventions
(Tempelaar et al., 2021).
A notable utility of DLA lies in the nuanced
integration of motivational elements and learning
regulation tactics within the broader LA framework.
Our previous research indicates that, although a high
degree of self-regulation is often praised, striking a
balance between self-directed and externally guided
regulation is essential (Tempelaar et al., 2021a, b).
Identifying students predisposed to either excessive
self-reliance or significant disengagement allows for
the design of tailored interventions that resonate with
their unique learning styles. For individuals inclined
towards overemphasis on self-regulation, feedback
may highlight the benefits of external inputs and
adherence to the prescribed curriculum framework.
Conversely, for those displaying disengagement,
strategies may focus on igniting intrinsic motivation
and fostering active participation in the learning
2.2 Research Objective and Questions
In this current investigation, we aim to delve deeper
into how DLA can enhance both the predictive and
intervention capabilities of LA. Expanding upon prior
research conducted by scholars such as Han et al.
(2020), Pardo et al. (2016, 2017), and Tempelaar et
al. (2021a, b), we pivot our focus in this study to
learning strategies. The research questions arising
from this research objective involve examining
Dispositional Learning Analytics to Investigate Students Use of Learning Strategies
whether and how dispositional learning analytics can
help us better understand how learning attitudes
influence and potentially predict the adoption of
specific learning strategies within a student-centred
teaching approach.
3.1 Context and Setting
This research was conducted within the framework of
a mandatory introductory mathematics and statistics
module tailored for first-year undergraduate students.
This module constitutes an essential component of a
business and economics program at a medium-sized
university in The Netherlands, with data collection
spanning academic years 22/23 and 23/24. The
module extends over an eight-week period, requiring
a weekly commitment of 20 hours. Many students,
especially those with limited mathematical skills,
perceive this module as a significant hurdle.
The instructional approach adopted involves a
flipped classroom design, primarily emphasizing
face-to-face Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
sessions. These sessions, conducted in tutorial groups
of up to 15 students, are led by content expert tutors.
Each week, students participate in two such tutorial
groups, each lasting two hours. Fundamental
concepts are introduced through lectures delivered
weekly. Additionally, students are expected to
allocate 14 hours per week to self-study, utilizing
textbooks and engaging with two interactive online
tutoring systems: Sowiso (https://sowiso.nl/) and
MyStatLab (Nguyen et al., 2016; Rienties et al., 2019;
Tempelaar et al., 2015, 2017, 2020).
A primary goal of the PBL approach is to cultivate
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) skills among
students, emphasizing their responsibility for making
informed learning choices (Schmidt et al., 2007).
Collaborative learning through shared cognitions is
another objective. To achieve these aims, feedback
from the tutoring systems is shared with both students
and tutors. Tutors utilize this feedback to guide
students when necessary, initiating discussions on
feedback implications and suggesting improvement
strategies. These interactions take place within the
tutorial sessions and are not observed.
The student learning process unfolds in three
phases. The first phase involves preparation for the
weekly tutorials, during which students engage in
self-study to tackle "advanced" mathematical and
statistical problems. While not formally assessed, this
phase is crucial for active participation in the
tutorials. The second phase centres on quiz sessions
held at the end of each week (excluding the first).
These quizzes, designed to be formative, provide
feedback on students' mastery of the subject. With
12.5% of the total score based on quiz performance,
students are motivated to extensively utilize the
resources available, particularly those with limited
prior knowledge. The third and final phase is
dedicated to exam preparation during the last week of
the module, involving graded assessments.
3.2 Participants
In total, data from 2406 first-year students enrolled in
academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 were
utilized in this study. All of these students had
engaged with at least one online learning platform.
Among these students, 37% identified as female,
while 63% identified as male. Regarding educational
background, 16% possessed a Dutch high school
diploma, while the majority, comprising 84%, were
international students. The international student
cohort predominantly hailed from European
countries, with a notable representation of German
(33%) and Belgian (18%) nationalities. Additionally,
7% of students originated from outside Europe.
The approach to teaching mathematics and
statistics varies considerably across high school
systems, with the Dutch system placing a greater
emphasis on statistics compared to many other
countries. However, across all countries, math
education is typically categorized into different levels
based on its application in sciences, social sciences,
or humanities. In our business program, a prerequisite
for admission is prior mathematics education tailored
towards social sciences. Within our study cohort,
37% of students pursued the highest track in high
school, contributing to a diverse range of prior
knowledge. Therefore, it was essential for the module
to accommodate these students by offering flexibility
and accommodating individual learning paths,
alongside providing regular interactive feedback on
their learning strategies and tasks.
In addition to a final written exam, student
assessment included a project where students
statistically analysed personal learning disposition
data. To facilitate this, students completed various
individual disposition questionnaires to measure
affective, behavioural, and cognitive aspects of
aptitudes, including a learning strategies
questionnaire at the outset of the module.
Subsequently, they received personalized datasets for
their project work.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.3 e-Tutorial Trace Data
Trace data were collected from both online tutoring
systems and the Canvas LMS, which provided general
course information and links to Sowiso and
MyStatLab. Both Sowiso and MyStatLab employ
mastery learning as their instructional method
(Tempelaar et al., 2017). However, they differ
significantly in their capabilities for collecting trace
data. MyStatLab offers students and instructors several
dashboards summarizing student progress in mastering
individual exercises and chapters but lacks time-
stamped usage data. Conversely, Sowiso provides time
stamps for every individual event initiated by the
student, along with mastery data, enabling the full
integration of temporality in the design of learning
models. Previous studies (Tempelaar et al., 2021a,
2023) focused solely on the rich combination of
process and product trace data from Sowiso. In this
study, we incorporate both trace data of product type,
taken from both e-tutorials, as well as trace data of
process type from Sowiso only. The mastery achieved
by students in each week as preparation for their quiz
sessions constitutes the product type data. Mastery data
represent the proportion of assignments students are
able to solve without using any digital help, in every
week of the course.
The main type of process data, available for the
mathematical e-tutorial Sowiso, is the number of
attempts students undertake to solve the weekly
assignments. Following previous research (Tempelaar
et al., 2023), we delineated three distinct learning
phases based on the timing of learning activities. In
phase 1, students engaged in preparation for the tutorial
session of the week. During these face-to-face tutorial
sessions, students discussed solving 'advanced'
mathematical and statistical problems, necessitating
prior self-study to facilitate active participation in
discussions. Phase 2 learning involved preparing for
the quiz session at the conclusion of each module
week. Phase 3 encompassed preparation for the final
exam, scheduled for the eighth week of the module.
Consequently, students made timing decisions
regarding the extent of their preparation across each of
the three phases.
3.4 Instruments
3.4.1 Study of Learning Questionnaire
The learning strategies questionnaire (see Table 1)
was adapted from the questionnaire employed by
Rovers et al. (2018), which in turn was adjusted from
the questionnaire developed by Hartwig and
Dunlosky (2012) to suit a Problem-Based Learning
(PBL) environment. To customize it for the specific
course, supplementary items regarding the utilization
of online learning platforms were integrated. All
items were assessed on a Likert scale ranging from 1
(never) to 7 (often). The survey was administered
midway through the course to ensure participants'
familiarity with the included learning strategies. It is
apparent that the initial items predominantly focus on
passive learning strategies, which are generally
deemed less effective compared to the subsequent
items that emphasize more active strategies like self-
testing (Dunlosky et al., 2013; Hartwig and
Dunlosky, 2012).
Table 1: Learning Strategy Questionnaire Items.
Item Learning strategy engagement
LrnApp01 Rereading textbook and reader
LrnApp02 Making summaries
LrnApp03 Underlining/marking text
LrnApp04 Explaining to myself what I am reading
LrnApp05 Remembering keywords
LrnApp06 Trying to form a mental image (an image
in my head) of what I am reading
LrnApp07 Testing myself by doing Sowiso exercises
LrnApp08 Testing myself by doing MyStatLab
LrnApp09 Testing myself with self-made test
LrnApp10 Studying worked-out examples in Sowiso
LrnApp11 Studying worked-out examples in
LrnApp12 Asking someone else to test me
LrnApp13 Asking questions to other students
(outside of the tutorial group)
LrnApp14 Studying with friends/other students
LrnApp15 Visiting lectures
3.4.2 Mindset Measures: Self-Theories of
Intelligence, Effort-Beliefs and Goals
Self-theories of intelligence measures encompass
both entity and incremental types, originating from
Dweck’s Theories of Intelligence Scale – Self Form
for Adults (2006). This scale comprises eight items:
four statements reflecting Entity Theory and four
reflecting Incremental Theory. Effort-belief measures
were sourced from two references: Dweck (2006) and
Blackwell (2002). Dweck offers example statements
illustrating effort as either negative—EffortNegative,
where exerting effort implies low ability—or
positive—EffortPositive, where exerting effort is
seen as enhancing one’s ability. The former serves as
the introductory item on both subscales of these
statement sets (see Dweck, 2006). Furthermore,
Dispositional Learning Analytics to Investigate Students Use of Learning Strategies
Blackwell’s comprehensive sets of Effort beliefs
(Blackwell et al., 2007) were utilized, consisting of
five positively formulated and five negatively
formulated items.
To identify goal setting behaviour, we have
applied the Grant and Dweck (2003) instrument,
which distinguishes the two learning goals
Challenge-Mastery and Learning, as well as four
types of performance goals—two of appearance
nature: Outcome and Ability Goals, and two of
normative nature: Normative Outcome and
Normative Ability Goals.
3.4.3 Learning Processes and Regulation
We employed Vermunt's (1996) Inventory of
Learning Styles (ILS) tool to assess learning
processing and regulation strategies, which are
fundamental aspects of Self-Regulated Learning
(SRL). Our investigation specifically targeted
cognitive processing strategies and metacognitive
regulation strategies.
The cognitive processing strategies align with the
SAL research framework (see Han et al., 2020) and
are organized along a continuum from deep to surface
approaches to learning. In the deep approach, students
strive for comprehension, while in the surface
approach, they focus on reproducing material for
assessments without necessarily understanding the
underlying concepts:
Deep processing: forming independent opinions
during learning, seeking connections and
creating diagrams.
Stepwise (surface) processing: investigating
step by step, learning by rote.
Concrete Processing: focus on making new
knowledge tangible and applicable.
The metacognitive regulation strategies shed light on
how students oversee their learning processes and
facilitate categorizing students along a spectrum that
spans from self-regulation as the predominant
mechanism to external regulation. These scales
Self-regulation: self-regulation of learning
processes and learning content.
External regulation: external regulation of
learning processes and learning outcomes.
Lack Regulation: absence of regulation.
The instrument was administered at the onset of the
academic study, indicating that the typical learning
patterns observed in students are those developed
during high school education.
3.4.4 Academic Motivations
The Academic Motivation Scale (AMS, Vallerand, et
al., 1992) is rooted in the framework of self-
determination theory, which discerns between
autonomous and controlled motivation. Consisting of
28 items, the AMS prompts individuals to answer the
question "Why are you attending college?" The scale
encompasses seven subscales, with four categorized
under the Autonomous motivation scale, representing
the inclination to learn stemming from intrinsic
satisfaction and enjoyment of the learning process
itself. Furthermore, two subscales are part of the
Controlled motivation scale, indicating learning
pursued as a means to an external outcome rather than
for its inherent value. The last scale, A-motivation,
denotes the absence of regulation.
3.5 Statistical Analyses
Drawing from the framework of person-centred
modelling approaches (Malcom-Piqueux, 2015) and
employing cluster analysis methodologies to identify
unique and shared learner profiles based on their
learning strategy data, this study utilized k-means
cluster analysis (Pastor, 2010). The input data
consisted of fifteen responses to the Study of
Learning Questionnaire (SLQ) instrument. Although
trace data and other disposition data could have been
included in the cluster analysis, the decision was
made to focus solely on profiles derived from SLQ
data. By categorizing students into clusters based
solely on perceived learning strategies, the study
gains the advantage of distinguishing and exploring
relationships between self-reported aptitudes and
those manifested in learning activities, as well as
other aptitude measures (Han et al., 2020). An
alternative approach, as seen in previous studies by
the authors (Tempelaar et al., 2020), could have
combined behavioural and dispositional measures for
clustering, resulting in profiles representing a mix of
actual learning activities and self-perceived learning
dispositions. Another potential approach could have
focused exclusively on trace data for clustering,
examining differences in learning behaviours among
clusters, as demonstrated by Tempelaar et al. (2023).
However, due to the absence of process-type trace
data for the MyStaLab e-tutorial, this approach was
not considered viable for this study.
The determination of the number of clusters
aimed to maximize profile variability while ensuring
that clusters were not overly small (comprising less
than 5% of students). Ultimately, a five-cluster
solution was selected, revealing five clearly distinct
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
profiles. Solutions with higher dimensions did not
significantly alter cluster characteristics and posed
challenges in interpretation. Subsequently,
differences between profiles in E-tutorial use,
mindsets, learning patterns, academic motivations
and course performance were explored through
variable-centred analysis using ANOVA. Since due
to large sample size, nearly all profile differences are
strongly significantly different beyond the .0005
level, reporting is focussing on effect sizes.
4.1 Student Learning Strategy Profiles
The optimal characterization of students' learning
strategy profiles emerged through a five-cluster
solution. This selection was predominantly driven by
the preference for solutions that offer a
straightforward and intuitive interpretation of the
profiles, prioritizing parsimony. The five-cluster
solution proves to be the best fit, delineating distinct
profiles of learning approaches within the clusters.
The clusters are presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Clusters Based On Learning Strategy Data.
The largest profile with 693 students is given by
Cluster 3, encompassing students who achieved “all
high” scores across all learning strategy items,
resulting in a relatively uniform and less diverse
learning strategy pattern compared to other clusters.
Conversely, Cluster 1, 297 students, serves as its
counterpart in many aspects, with “all low” scores for
most learning strategies. Cluster 4, 340 students, is
the profile of "non-tool users". These students apply
passive learning strategies such as rereading,
marking, and attending lectures, and trust on the
collaboration with peers. The two remaining profiles
are characterized by a strong focus on self-testing.
Cluster 5 students (505) are the intensive “tool-
users”: they utilize the e-tutorials not only for self-
testing but also for accessing worked-out examples.
Cluster 2 students (571) combine the focus on using
tools to self-test with the tendency to collaborate with
peers in learning.
4.2 Profile Differences in e-Tutorial
Figure 2 illustrates the average e-tutorial mastery
scores for the weekly topics. On the left side are the
seven mathematical topics covered over seven weeks,
while on the right side are the mastery scores for the
seven weekly statistical topics.
Figure 2: Profile Differences in Weekly Mastery Scores.
The five profiles are categorized into two patterns,
emphasizing notable distinctions between the two
profiles characterized by consistently low scores ("all
low") and those identified as "non-tool users," which
also attain low mastery scores. Conversely, the "all
high" profile, along with the two "self-testing"
directed profiles, are positioned on the opposite end
of the spectrum. Across all profiles, there is an
observable decline in mastery scores over time, with
the most significant decrease observed in the profiles
starting with relatively low mastery levels.
Process-type trace data, represented by Attempt
data for each of the weekly mathematics topics across
the three learning phases (preparing for tutorial
sessions, quizzes, and exams), exhibit a similar
declining pattern over the weeks. Furthermore, they
indicate that students predominantly focus on the
second learning phase, the preparation of quizzes,
elucidating the saw tooth gradient in Figure 3. At the
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Cluster 4 Cluster 5
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Cluster 4 Cluster 5
Dispositional Learning Analytics to Investigate Students Use of Learning Strategies
lower end of the saw tooth, the "all low" and "non-
tool users" profiles reappear. However, notably, the
gap between these two profiles and the other three
profiles is much narrower compared to the mastery
data. Evidently, extensive utilization of e-tutorials
coincides with less efficient usage.
Figure 3: Profile Differences in Weekly Attempts, by
Learning Phase.
4.3 Profile Differences in Mindsets,
Effort Beliefs and Goals
Different mindsets, whether it's the entity theory
implying a fixed intelligence belief or the incremental
theory suggesting intelligence is adaptable, show
minimal distinctions in their profiles. The most
notable variances are found in the incremental theory,
accounting for a 3.4% eta squared effect size. This
effect is magnified when paired with positive effort
beliefs, resulting in a doubled effect size of eta
squared 6.8%, whereas differences in negative effort
beliefs are ignorable.
When examining students' goal-setting
behaviours across the five profiles, variations emerge,
particularly in outcome goals (8.5% eta squared effect
size), learning goals (9.2% eta squared effect size),
and challenge-mastery goals (4.8% eta squared effect
size). Among these more pronounced profile
distinctions, students in “all high” Cluster 3,
characterized by consistently high attributes, tend to
align with adaptive behaviours, while those in “all
low” Cluster 1, with consistently low attributes, tend
to lean towards maladaptive behaviours. However, no
consistent patterns are observed in the remaining
three clusters: see Figure 4.
Figure 4: Profile Differences in Mindsets, Effort Beliefs
and Achievement Goals.
4.4 Profile Differences in Learning
The most prominent and consistent disparities across
all learning dispositions are observed in the
instrument that assesses cognitive learning
processing and metacognitive learning regulation.
Consistency is defined by consistently scoring either
high or low on processing and regulation strategies,
regardless of their type (except for the maladaptive
lack of regulation strategy). Cluster 3 students,
identified as exhibiting "all high" tendencies in
employing various learning strategies, demonstrate
this characteristic consistently in both processing and
regulation. Their propensity for deep learning, as well
as surface (stepwise) and concrete (strategic)
learning, surpasses that of any other cluster.
Moreover, their application of self-regulation and
external regulation of learning exceeds that of all
other clusters. Conversely, Cluster 1 students,
labelled as "all low" in terms of learning strategies,
exhibit uniformly low scores across all learning
processing strategies and both adaptive learning
regulation strategies. For the students in Cluster 2,
their emphasis on self-testing and collaborative
learning translates into a relatively modest intensity
in applying processing or regulation strategies.
However, a clear pattern is absent in the profile
differences between the remaining two clusters, the
"tool users" and "non-tool users" of Clusters 4 and 5.
Effect sizes vary from 7% for external regulation to
13.2% for stepwise processing, as depicted in Figure
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Cluster 4 Cluster 5
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Cluster 4 Cluster 5
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Profile Differences in Learning Processing and
Learning Regulation.
4.5 Profile Differences in Academic
In line with the outcomes discussed in the previous
section, distinct and consistent disparities among
clusters emerge in Autonomous and Controlled
Motivation. However, the only substantial effect size
is associated with Autonomous Motivation, reaching
13.8% eta squared, as shown in Figure 6.
Cluster 3 students, characterized as "all high,"
demonstrate the highest levels of both autonomous
and controlled motivation, while Cluster 1 students,
identified as "all low," exhibit the lowest levels of
motivation across both dimensions. This observation
challenges the assumptions of self-determination
theory, which suggest the prevalence of one
dimension of motivation over the other. Profile
variances among Clusters 2, 4, and 5 are minimal and
lack a similarly consistent pattern.
4.6 Profile Differences in Course
The true gauge of achievement lies in performance,
specifically in how students perform in the course.
Performance metrics including ExamMath,
ExamStats, QuizMath, and QuizStats reveal
variations among profiles, with effect sizes ranging
from 3.9% to 7.3%. The most notable effect size is
found in both quiz scores, where the eta squared
effect size reaches 7.3%.
Figure 6: Profile Differences in Academic Motivations.
Somewhat smaller, be it better visible in Figure 7, are
the profile differences in performance scores: quiz
scores (with range 0…4) and exam scores (with range
Figure 7: Profile Differences in Course Performance.
Two clusters stand out as top performers: the two
clusters characterized by extensive "tool usage,"
namely Clusters 2 and 5. Despite being the most
adaptable learners, students in Cluster 1, the "all high"
cluster, achieve intermediate levels of performance.
On the other hand, Cluster 1, consisting of "all low"
students, and Cluster 4, comprising "non-tool users,"
exhibit lower performance levels.
In our research, we examined students' preferences
for learning strategies through self-report surveys. In
a PBL curriculum, where students have access to
Deep proc. Stepwise
Self regul. External
Lack regul.
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Cluster 4 Cluster 5
Autonomous Controlled Amotivation
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Cluster 4 Cluster 5
QzMath QzStats ExamMath ExamStats
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Cluster 4 Cluster 5
Dispositional Learning Analytics to Investigate Students Use of Learning Strategies
various learning strategies both within and outside of
technology-enhanced learning environments, this is
the only way to identify how learning takes place.
However, if all learning occurs within digital
confines, the identification of learning strategies is
not limited to self-report methods but can also be
achieved behaviourally, through the analysis of traces
of learning activities. An illustrative example of such
behavioural identification of learning strategies is
provided by Fan et al. (2022), who investigated
learning within a MOOC environment. Fan and
colleagues identified two successful learning
strategies, called intensive and balanced, which were
positively associated with course performance.
Interestingly, these characteristics closely align with
our "all high" profile of preferred learning strategies
identified through self-reports.
Going back to the most salient finding of Rovers
et al.'s (2018) investigation of learning strategies
within a PBL-based program: again, it were the
students who employ a diverse range of learning
approaches who tend to excel. This diversity includes
strategies traditionally viewed as suboptimal, such as
surface-level learning methods. The key factor for
effective learning seems to be adaptability. Rovers et
al. (2018) conclude that students who reported
utilizing various strategies, including some
traditionally considered "ineffective" (like
highlighting, rereading, etc.), but in ways that suited
their learning context, appear being the most adaptive
Our study expands upon the application of diverse
instructional methods. Even within a standard PBL
curriculum, students have access to abundant learning
resources. By integrating blended learning into our
investigation, we further diversify the available
resources, compelling students to select from an even
broader array of learning strategies. Despite
significant shifts in learning environments, Rovers et
al.'s (2018) primary finding remains more or less
consistent: one of the effective learning approaches,
as indicated by course performance, involves
integrating all available learning strategies. This
includes employing deep learning whenever possible
but transitioning to surface-level approaches when
necessary. Students are encouraged to use
autonomous regulation when suitable but should not
hesitate to employ controlled regulation in
challenging circumstances.
Two additional profiles indicative of effective
learning methods concerning course performance
were observed among students who prioritize self-
testing. While the significance of self-assessment in
self-regulated learning is widely recognized
(Panadero et al., 2019), it's essential to exercise
caution in generalizing this finding beyond our
specific context, which involves two e-tutorials
grounded in mastery learning within a test-oriented
learning environment. It is evident that within a
learning environment offering ample opportunities
for self-assessment, students inclined towards self-
assessment tend to excel, even achieving the highest
course performance. However, the question arises
whether this pattern persists in contexts where self-
assessment isn't as robustly supported as in our
particular learning environment.
When assessing performance as a measure of
learning effectiveness, we identify two learning
strategy profiles that exhibit below-average
performance relative to others, albeit with modest
performance differences. Cluster 1 students primarily
rely on non-digital resources and employ surface-
level learning strategies such as highlighting,
underlining, and rereading. Cluster 2 students also
depend on non-digital resources, focus on
memorizing keywords, utilize self-explanation, and
heavily rely on peer collaboration for learning. The
rigorous nature of our course (mathematics and
statistics, which may not align with the preferences of
many business and economics students) could
contribute to the limitations associated with these two
learning strategy profiles. Conversely, students who
incorporate testing as a significant component of their
learning strategies demonstrate above-average
performance, underscoring its importance.
Importantly, previous mathematics education
does not account for variations in learning strategy
preferences, whereas gender does. Female students
are overrepresented among those who adopt effective
learning strategies compared to their male
Addressing challenges related to fostering SRL in
higher education, particularly in student-centred
learning approaches like PBL, is complex. The
current study offers additional insight into how SRL
can be understood through DLA, aligning with
findings from previous research indicating that
employing DLA aids in understanding learners'
motivations, attitudes, and learning strategies,
thereby facilitating the development of more
personalized and effective educational interventions
(Pardo et al., 2016, 2017; Persico & Steffens, 2017;
Tempelaar et al., 2017, 2020). For practical
implementation, DLA could be integrated into the
development of learning analytics dashboards to
inform both students and instructors about learning
progress (e.g., Matcha et al., 2019). However, it is
crucial to consider that interpreting results would
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
require some level of instruction to enhance
understanding and implementation of SRL strategies
within various learning and teaching contexts, as well
as how to interpret DLA data accordingly.
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