A New Digital Twin Paradigm: Definition, Framework, and Proposed
Jhonathan Mauricio Vargas Barbosa, Omar Danilo Castrillón Gómez
and Jaime Alberto Giraldo García
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial,
Campus La Nubia Bloque Q piso 2, Manizales, Colombia
Keywords: Digital Twins, Architecture, Framework.
Abstract: In this paper, the concept of Digital Twins is addressed in the context of Industry 4.0, highlighting its
definition, functional components, scope of application, proposed framework, and architecture. A definition
is proposed that emphasizes the precise replication of physical reality and the ability to adapt to changes and
incoming data. The proposed framework and architecture provide guidance for the effective implementation
of Digital Twins, emphasizing the importance of data management and versatile infrastructure. In summary,
Digital Twins represent a transformative technology with the potential to improve operational efficiency,
drive innovation, and realize the vision of Industry 4.0. Their evolution will continue to require additional
research and practical applications to unlock their full potential across various industrial and commercial
The advent of Industry 4.0 implies a marked
inclination towards the full automation of
manufacturing processes. This trend is supported by
the integration of cyber-physical systems, driven by
cloud computing and connectivity provided by the
Internet of Things (IoT) (Joyanes Aguilar, 2019). The
term Digital Twin is closely linked to Industry 4.0.
These digital twins create an accurate virtual
representation of a physical entity, where its behavior
is simulated using data. They are characterized by
their real-time synchronization capability, faithful
reproduction, and high fidelity through feedback
mechanisms between the real and virtual worlds, data
fusion analysis, and optimization of iterative
decision-making. Their purpose is to foster
interaction and integration between the physical
world and the world of information, as well as to
expand the capabilities of the physical entity (Li, Lei,
& Mao, 2022). The Digital Twin provides a digital
representation of the physical product. The digital
representation is constructed based on the
information gathered from various sources (C. S.
Durão, Zancul, & Schützer, 2024).
Although the concept of "digital twin" originated
in the 1970s, its current popularization is attributed to
a presentation by Michael Grieves in 2002. In this
presentation, Grieves addressed how the creation of a
virtual model of a product could have a significant
impact on the management of the product lifecycle
(Li, Lei, & Mao, 2022). The application of digital
twin technology has expanded into the architectural,
engineering, and construction (AEC) field, and
numerous studies have been actively conducted over
the past decade. However, existing studies are more
focused on establishing the framework and
possibilities of digital twins, and on proposing
specific architectures for certain use cases, making
these approaches difficult to generalize (Wook Kang
& Mo, 2024).
Various methodologies are employed in the
development of a Digital Twin, and each phase of its
creation presents different levels of complexity.
According to Hyre et al. (Hyre, y otros, 2022), the
complexity and capability of the Digital Twin vary
depending on the established objectives, categorizing
them into four categories, each one more complex
than the previous: the representation of the real
system, the replication of the real system, the realistic
representation of the physical object, and the ability
Barbosa, J., Gómez, O. and García, J.
A New Digital Twin Paradigm: Definition, Framework, and Proposed Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0012711600003758
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), pages 192-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; ISSN: 2184-2841
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to make decisions by integrating elements of artificial
In this work, we propose a new definition of
Digital Twin that encompasses not only the precise
replication of physical reality but also the ability to
adapt and evolve as circumstances and available data
change. Our approach focuses on flexibility and
interoperability, aiming to provide a robust framework
that can be applied across a variety of contexts and
In addition to presenting our definition of Digital
Twin, we also outline a proposed framework for its
effective implementation. This framework is based on
principles of modularity, scalability, and
collaboration, with the goal of facilitating the creation
and management of complex Digital Twins in
dynamic and evolving environments.
Finally, we explore a proposed architecture to
support the implementation of Digital Twins across
various domains. This architecture is based on a
combination of emerging technologies, such as the
Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, and cloud
computing, and is designed to provide the necessary
infrastructure for collecting, storing, and analyzing
data in real-time, as well as for visualizing and
simulating virtual environments accurately.
The Digital Twins, although emerging, represent a
promising innovation in today's technological
landscape. While the concept can be traced back to
the 1970s, their widespread adoption and practical
application in various fields are relatively recent. The
rapid evolution of technology in areas such as cloud
computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial
intelligence has propelled the development and
expansion of Digital Twins, making them an
increasingly relevant and powerful tool for enhancing
efficiency, productivity, and decision-making across
a wide range of industries and sectors.
So far, a formal or widely accepted definition, as
well as a unified process for the creation and
implementation of the Digital Twin, have not been
achieved. Different industries and application fields
present diverse perspectives and approaches. A
thorough review reveals that the Digital Twin is
progressively leaving its initial phase and moving
towards a stage of rapid development, where
researchers are beginning to explore real industry
practices and technologies. Although the original
vision of fully understanding and reflecting every
aspect of the physical twin is still far from being fully
realized, the application fields of the Digital Twin
demonstrate great vitality (Liu, Fang, Dong, & Xu,
This article is part of the doctoral thesis titled
"Methodological Proposal for Improving Production
and Service Systems in the Waste Industry through
the Use of a Digital Twin. Application in High-
Population Density Areas. In this study, an updated
definition of Digital Twins is presented, which
encompasses not only the precise replication of
physical reality but also the ability to adapt and
evolve dynamically in response to changes in the
environment. Furthermore, a proposed conceptual
framework and architecture are described to support
its effective implementation, with emphasis on
modularity, scalability, and integration with
emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things
(IoT) and cloud computing. These functional
components lay the necessary groundwork for fully
understanding and harnessing the potential of Digital
Twins in improving production and service systems.
In the Functional Components section of Digital
Twins, we will delve into a proposed definition of
these innovative systems, as well as the conceptual
framework and architecture designed to support their
effective implementation. Firstly, we will introduce
an definition of Digital Twins, which encompasses
not only the precise replication of physical entities in
virtual environments but also their ability to adapt and
evolve dynamically in response to changes in the
environment. Subsequently, we will examine the
proposed framework, which provides a structured
guide for the design and implementation of Digital
Twins in various industrial and service contexts.
Finally, we will explore in detail the architecture
designed to support the functionality and operability
of Digital Twins, emphasizing their modularity,
scalability, and integration capabilities with emerging
technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and
cloud computing. These functional components
provide the necessary foundation for fully
understanding and harnessing the potential of Digital
Twins in improving production and service systems.
3.1 Proposed Definition
In the realm of Digital Twins, they have been
proposed as a practical option for real-time
A New Digital Twin Paradigm: Definition, Framework, and Proposed Architecture
interaction. Based on this, some general
characteristics have been established (Ogunsakin,
Mehandjiev, & Marin, 2023).
Digital Twins must accurately represent both
the structure and the state of their physical
system, and data transfer must occur in real-
time with said physical system (Ogunsakin,
Mehandjiev, & Marin, 2023).
Digital Twins should enhance designs and
processes of the physical system even when the
physical system undergoes changes (online or
in real-time) (Ogunsakin, Mehandjiev, &
Marin, 2023).
Since physical systems are dynamic and
changing over time, the Digital Twins
representing them must also be able to change
their states in real-time (Singh, y otros, 2021).
A Digital Twin evolves alongside its physical
counterpart throughout its lifecycle. Any
changes in either twin, whether physical or
digital, are reflected in the other, creating a
closed feedback loop. A Digital Twin must be
self-adaptive and self-optimizing with the help
of data collected by its physical twin in real-
time, thus maturing along with its physical
counterpart throughout its entire lifespan
(Singh, y otros, 2021).
The Digital Twin, being a virtual replica of its
physical counterpart, needs to incorporate the
properties of the latter across multiple scales or
levels. This means that the virtual model of the
Digital Twin is based on both the macroscopic
and microscopic geometric properties of the
physical twin, as well as its physical properties
such as structural dynamics models,
thermodynamics, stress analysis, fatigue
damage, and material properties, including
stiffness, strength, hardness, and fatigue
resistance, among others. Therefore, the Digital
Twin is multi-physical, as it considers both the
geometric and physical properties of the
physical twin (Singh, y otros, 2021).
Industry 4.0 encompasses various areas of
knowledge, and the Digital Twin is essential for
its operation as it integrates disciplines such as
computer science, information technology,
communications, mechanical engineering,
electrical engineering, electronics,
mechatronics, automation, industrial
engineering, and systems integration physics,
among others (Singh, y otros, 2021).
Given the characteristics of Digital Twins, we
propose a conceptualization that encompasses their
ability to dynamically and in real-time represent
physical systems, integrating multidisciplinary data
and models to accurately reflect both the structure and
behavior of their physical counterparts. This approach
would allow for the synchronous evolution of Digital
Twins with their associated physical systems,
facilitating continuous adaptation and optimization in
response to changes and events in the real
environment. Furthermore, Digital Twins would
provide a platform for simulation, analysis, and
prediction of operational scenarios, significantly
contributing to improving efficiency, productivity,
and quality across a wide range of industrial and
commercial applications.
A Digital Twin is an active representation
technique of a real system with continuous feedback,
which, using tools such as autonomous learning, Data
Mining, and sensors among other integrated tools in
Industry 4.0, generates active and predictive
information of systems in the virtual space.
Depending on the level of implementation and the
objectives set in its creation, the Digital Twin can be
used as a tool for short, medium, and long-term
decision-making, as an evaluation and training tool,
or as a key tool for improving production systems.
Figure 1 shows a proposed schematic definition of
Digital Twins.
The development of a Digital Twin must be
planned following some key concepts and practices
of project management. Just like in discrete event
simulation, Digital Twins should not be applied
indiscriminately, but rather a decision should be made
based on considerations about the system under study
and the relevance of the problem to be solved with
this tool.
Figure 1: Proposed Definition of Digital Twin.
Given the preceding discussion, it becomes
apparent that every real-world system has the
potential to be mirrored in the virtual realm,
information transfer
- Virtual Model
- Virtual Model with
data generation
- Virtual Mosdel with
Autonomous decision
- Short-term, medium-
term, and long-term
- Evaluation and
- Improvement of
production and
service systems
Digital Twins
Modification of the
Real System
Data transfer
Performance of the virtual system in the real system
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
facilitated by unidirectional data transfer in its
primary stage or bidirectional communication in its
more sophisticated form. In this context, the virtual
counterpart, or Digital Twin, encompasses a spectrum
of characteristics and functionalities tailored to the
level of implementation, ranging from a rudimentary
virtual replica to an intelligent decision-making entity
driven by the constant generation and acquisition of
data. The depth of implementation is intricately tied
to the predefined objectives established during the
methodological deployment of the Digital Twin.
In broad terms, the primary objectives of
implementing a Digital Twin could be to obtain a
resource that facilitates: (1) enhanced real-time
remote control, maintenance, and optimization; (2)
heightened safety concerning both material and
human factors; (3) enhanced understanding and
awareness of dynamic processes (Føre, y otros,
At an advanced stage of Digital Twin evolution, it
gains the capability to actively influence and adapt
the behavior of the real-world system, thus fostering
a feedback loop of predictive analytics and
continuous enhancement for the systems under study.
The extent to which this influence is exerted, and the
effectiveness of the feedback loop are contingent
upon both the level of implementation and the
specific objectives delineated for the Digital Twin's
3.2 Proposed Architecture
Arise during the interaction between the physical twin
and its virtual counterpart, it is imperative to establish
a series of mechanisms that facilitate the efficient
management of this data. The inherent complexity of
this interaction demands a robust and versatile
architecture capable of encompassing a wide variety
of tools, processes, models, and mechanisms. In this
regard, the proposed architecture stands as a dynamic
and adaptable framework responsible for
orchestrating all these elements to effectively carry
out the task of data management. Its comprehensive
design aims not only to optimize the collection,
storage, and processing of information but also to
ensure its integrity, security, and availability always.
This holistic approach to data management within the
framework of digital twins is essential to ensure their
effective operation and their ability to support
informed decision-making processes in various
industrial and commercial contexts.
The proposed architecture consists of three
fundamental layers: one dedicated to the physical
environment, another to the virtual environment, and
a third layer for communication and data transfer.
Both the layer of the physical environment and the
layer of the virtual environment have structural and
functional elements that describe the process, collect
data, and act based on the data processed and
collected by the communication layer. These
elements can be defined as follows:
Figure 2: Proposed Architecture
3.2.1 The Physical Environment
In the context of the Digital Twin, the functional
process refers to the system under study that will have
its digital counterpart, with clearly defined
boundaries. This process should incorporate sensors
and actuators according to the desired level of
application and automation, with these aspects
established in the implementation objectives. Sensors
are information-capturing devices that detect changes
in the system and generate data related to these
changes. On the other hand, actuators are devices
responsible for executing predefined actions in a
process in response to the information captured by the
3.2.2 Cloud Services/Offline Services
Data management encompasses the collection,
maintenance, and secure, efficient, and cost-effective
use of data. Authors such as Munappy define data
management as a process that includes data
collection, analysis, validation, protection, and
monitoring to ensure data consistency, accuracy, and
reliability (Munappy, Bosch, Olsson, Arpteg, &
Brinne, 2022). On the other hand, data processing and
analysis refer to the transformation of data into
knowledge (value), aiming for these processes to
occur within a reasonable timeframe. This can be
achieved through batch processing, where data is
collected over a specified time interval and
transformations are executed as scheduled, or through
real-time processing, which involves executing
transformations as data is collected.
Physical Environment
Virtual Environment
Cloud Services /
Offline Services
Functional Process
Virtual Model
A New Digital Twin Paradigm: Definition, Framework, and Proposed Architecture
3.2.3 The Virtual Environment
In the context of Digital Twins, the virtual
environment consists of several key components.
Firstly, the functional virtual model, analogous to the
functional process described in the physical
environment, possesses identical functional and
operational characteristics but exists within the
virtual space. Additionally, virtual sensors, mirroring
their counterparts in the physical space, perform the
same function of data capture but within the virtual
environment. Similarly, virtual actuators, akin to
physical actuators, operate within virtual
environments, executing actions based on the data
received. These components collectively form an
essential part of the digital replication process,
enabling real-time monitoring, analysis, and
simulation in virtual settings.
3.3 Proposed Framework
This text presents a framework designed to address a
specific issue in the application of Digital Twins. This
conceptual framework is based on a combination of
existing theories and practices, highlighting specific
needs in the implementation of digital twins for
improving production and service systems. The aim
of this framework is to provide a solid and coherent
structure for understanding and solving the problem
effectively and sustainably. Throughout this text, the
key components of the framework are described,
along with how they interact to achieve its goal.
Figure 3 illustrates the framework, which is described
Figure 3: Proposed framework.
The proposed framework is based on the
architecture described earlier, which addresses three
layers: the physical environment layer, the cloud
services layer based on information technologies, and
the virtual environment layer. These layers and their
elements are described below.
In this area, It is noteworthy that the ISO
organization (International Standard Organization,
2021) formulates the document ISO 23247-2:2021,
which establishes a reference framework for the use
of digital twins in the field of manufacturing. This
framework provides reference models from a domain
and entity perspective, as well as a functional view of
digital twins in manufacturing.
3.3.1 The Physical Environment
The physical environment of the system under study
is divided into three interconnected layers to facilitate
the flow of information: the physical environment
layer, the networks and connections layer, and the
control and execution sublayer. The physical
environment layer, the first one, houses the system
under study and relevant physical resources, as well
as the computational systems necessary for data
analysis and storage. The networks and connections
sublayer includes sensors for data capture, such as
temperature, pressure, and light sensors, converting
these measurements into electrical or digital signals.
Additionally, it encompasses data transfer
connections, both wired and wireless. The control and
execution sublayer are responsible for acting upon the
information processed by the Digital Twin, using
mechanical actuators and operators. The mechanical
actuators automatically perform actions based on the
received information, while operators act according
to an operation plan generated by the Digital Twin.
3.3.2 Cloud Services/Offline Services
This layer hosts intelligent data storage and
processing services, serving as the direct
communication interface between the physical
environment and the virtual environment. It houses
data obtained from the physical model, as well as data
from the virtual model resulting from information
analysis and processing. This layer acts as the direct
link, and a well-structured one ensures fast
bidirectional transfer of information.
3.3.3 The Virtual Environment
The virtual layer is fundamental in the development
and implementation of Digital Twins, as it hosts the
virtual replica of the real physical system, known as
Physical Environment Cloud Services/
Offline Services
Control and
Networks and
Sensor Interconections Worker
Service Layer
Virtual Model
- Production test
- Operational Process
Including but not limited to
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
the functional virtual model. Here, the services that
the Digital Twin can provide are designed and
executed, ranging from production tests to process
design and improvement, as well as operational
planning. This layer is formed through the continuous
collection and analysis of real-world data, which are
used to build a virtual model that emulates the
behavior and characteristics of the corresponding
physical system. Additionally, it allows the
simulation of various scenarios and conditions to
evaluate the performance and efficiency of the system
in different situations, as well as to test new design
strategies and techniques before implementing them
in the real world.
This virtual layer is dynamic and constantly
updated with the latest real-world data, allowing the
Digital Twin to accurately reflect changes in the
physical system in real time. The services offered by
the Digital Twin are diverse and range from data
analysis and simulation to assess process
performance and efficiency, to predictive
maintenance to anticipate failures and avoid
downtime. They also include performance
optimization to improve resource utilization and
energy efficiency, as well as personnel training to
enhance their skills and knowledge. Additionally, the
integration of systems into a single platform allows
for better coordination and control of production
processes, improving efficiency and reducing errors.
In summary, the virtual layer is essential for the
effective operation of Digital Twins, facilitating
constant interaction between the physical and virtual
environments and enabling an iterative optimization
process based on control instructions from the virtual
system to the real system.
In this paper, we have explored the concept of Digital
Twins within the context of Industry 4.0, providing
insights into their definition, functional components,
application scope, proposed framework, and
architecture. Drawing upon existing literature and
theoretical frameworks, we have proposed a
comprehensive understanding of Digital Twins as
dynamic and adaptable entities that bridge the
physical and virtual realms, offering real-time
representation, analysis, and optimization of complex
Our proposed definition of Digital Twins
emphasizes not only the accurate replication of
physical reality but also their capacity to adapt and
evolve in response to changing circumstances and
data inputs. We have outlined key characteristics that
define Digital Twins, including real-time
synchronization, continuous feedback mechanisms,
multidisciplinary integration, and self-adaptation
throughout the lifecycle.
Furthermore, our proposed framework and
architecture provide structured guidance for the
effective implementation and operation of Digital
Twins across various domains. The framework
delineates the interconnected layers of the physical
environment, cloud services, and virtual
environment, highlighting the essential components
and interactions necessary for seamless data flow and
Through the proposed architecture, we have
emphasized the importance of robust data
management mechanisms and versatile infrastructure
to support the functionalities of Digital Twins. By
incorporating elements such as sensors, actuators,
cloud services, and virtual models, our architecture
enables real-time monitoring, analysis, and
simulation, fostering informed decision-making and
continuous optimization of systems.
In conclusion, Digital Twins represent a
transformative technology with far-reaching
implications for diverse industries and sectors. By
leveraging real-time data integration,
multidisciplinary modelling, and adaptive algorithms,
Digital Twins have the potential to revolutionize
production processes, enhance operational efficiency,
and drive innovation in product development and
service delivery. As the field of Digital Twins
continues to evolve, further research and practical
applications will be essential to unlock their full
potential and realize the vision of Industry 4.0.
The authors would like to express their sincere
gratitude to Universidad Nacional de Colombia
campus Manizales, for their support and resources in
conducting this re-search. We also wish to thank the
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture for their
support of the doctoral program in Industrial
Engineering and Organizations.
This article is part of the doctoral thesis entitled
"Methodological Proposal for Improving Production
and Service Systems in the Waste Industry through the
Use of a Digital Twin. Application in High-Population
Density Areas" developed within the framework of the
doctoral program in the Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, and in this moment is in the final phase of
presentation. We are grateful to the Ministry of
A New Digital Twin Paradigm: Definition, Framework, and Proposed Architecture
Science, Technology, and Innovation for their
financial support of this research, and to all
participants and collaborators who made this study
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SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications