text output by ChatGPT contains many more charac-
ters and does not reiterate points or statements. How-
ever, ChatGPT is not able to provide any valid refer-
ences at all.
Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge that
each of the six papers drafted by AI systems, whether
it was Jenni AI or ChatGPT, adhered to the estab-
lished standards of academic writing, including as-
pects such as clarity and coherence, but excluding ci-
tation accuracy.
The plagiarism checker’s response to AI-
generated texts showed an interesting pattern. In
texts drafted by ChatGPT, approximately 9 % on
average (5 - 17 %) of the content was flagged for
potential plagiarism. This relatively low percentage
suggests a degree of originality in AI-generated
content. However, a notable increase in potential
plagiarism was observed in Jenni AI generated texts,
where the detection rate was significantly higher with
about 22 % on average (13 - 30 %). The discrepancy
in plagiarism detection between texts generated by
Jenni AI and ChatGPT raises important questions
concerning the data sources and methods employed
by different AI tools. It implies that Jenni AI may
depend more on pre-existing text sources, which
then raise the rate of content matching. On the other
hand, texts produced by models like ChatGPT have
a lower detection rate, which suggests an advanced
approach to content generation that may involve more
innovative information combinations.
5.1 Discussion of Topic 1: History of
Digital Education in Austria
Each paper follows a traditional academic structure
but focuses on different aspects of digital education
in Austria. The ones by ChatGPT and Jenni AI are
more focused on historical and policy perspectives,
while the human-authored paper includes a compara-
tive analysis and specific case studies.
5.2 Discussion of Topic 2: History of
Women in Computer Science
Every paper adopts a somewhat similar structure,
starting with an introduction and background, mov-
ing into detailed discussions of key female figures,
and concluding with future outlooks and recommen-
dations. However, the focus and depth of content dif-
fer, with some emphasizing biographical case stud-
ies and others more on the overall impact and chal-
lenges. In the assessment of the auto-generated con-
tent of both AI tools, it could be observed that the cur-
riculum vitae of the selected female scientists could
be used without modification, demonstrating a satis-
factory level of detail and accuracy. However, Jenni
AI produced a somehow confusing outline, by cre-
ating two different chapters dealing with challenges
of women in Computer Science (“Challenges Faced
by Women in Computer Science”, “Challenges and
Triumphs of Women in the Tech Industry”) and an-
other two for describing female figures (“Key Female
Figures in the Development of Computer Science”,
“Case Studies: Influential Women in Computer Sci-
5.3 Discussion of Topic 3: Modeling of
Mental Arithmetic Strategies Using
Each paper adopts a structured academic approach,
starting with an introduction and theoretical back-
ground, moving into the application and analysis of
UML in educational contexts, and concluding with
implications and future outlooks. However, they vary
in their focus areas, with two papers concentrating
more on mental arithmetic, while the third paper by
ChatGPT takes a broader view of UML’s integra-
tion in mathematics education. However, the human-
authored one is the only one that includes valid UML
The exploration of AI-authored versus human-
authored scientific texts in this experiment highlights
the evolving landscape of academic writing. AI tools,
represented by ChatGPT and Jenni AI, demonstrate
proficiency in generating structurally sound and co-
herent academic texts. However, their capabilities
are currently best utilized as augmentative tools rather
than replacements for human intellect and creativity.
The experiment’s investigation into the capacities
and limitations of AI in academic writing demon-
strates the current state and potential of AI tools in
scholarly work. While AI tools like ChatGPT and
Jenni AI demonstrate remarkable abilities in draft-
ing structured, coherent papers and theses, they still
require human oversight for depth, originality, and
academic rigor. Particularly, the underlying work re-
veals that AI can efficiently generate outlines, titles,
and even complete drafts, but these outputs often lack
in understanding and critical analysis that human ex-
pertise brings. Moreover, the experiment highlights
a significant difference in the approach of AI tools in
creating content. For instance, Jenni AI’s ability to
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education