Innovation or Imitation? A Critical Analysis of AI-Authored vs.
Human-Authored Scientific Papers
Corinna H
1 a
, Lisa Kuka
1 b
, Anneliese Fraser
2 c
and Barbara Sabitzer
1 d
STEM Education, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, Linz, Austria
Teacher Education Centre, University of Passau, Innstraße 41, Passau, Germany
Artificial Intelligence, Academic Publishing, Human vs AI Authorship, Digital Transformation.
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research and academic publishing has been a topic of growing inter-
est and debate. While some argue that AI-based systems have the potential to revolutionize the way scien-
tific papers and academic work are generated, others express concerns about the authenticity of AI-authored
papers. Several respected organizations have recently developed guidelines regarding the use of AI in schol-
arly manuscripts and publishing. This critical analysis will examine the advantages and disadvantages of
AI-authored scientific papers compared to those authored by humans. The underlying work describes the pro-
cess of creating different papers solely with the help of ChatGPT or Jenni AI and compares them to human
written drafts. Therefore, both AI tools were asked to generate scientific papers about the “History of Digi-
tal Education in Austria”, “A History of Women in Computer Science”, and “Modelling of Mental Arithmetic
Strategies Using UML”. In conclusion, it is indisputable that AI-driven tools significantly facilitate the drafting
of outlines, titles, and the composition of papers. However, the creation of a high-quality scientific academic
publication still demands considerable human input, encompassing both creative effort and critical thinking,
to ensure depth, originality, and scholarly rigor.
During the resulting Emergency Remote Teaching
(ERT) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students tried
to find new ways to interact with technology and
adapted to new tools (Vargo et al., 2021). Arti-
ficial Intelligence (AI) technologies, including lan-
guage translation, plagiarism detection, grammar and
spelling checks, and AI-generated essay outlines, are
widely acknowledged as beneficial tools that enhance
the writing process and assist scholars and students
in their academic endeavors. Furthermore, research
shows that AI improves students’ writing skills, sense
of self-efficacy, and comprehension of academic in-
tegrity, all of which have a favorable impact on aca-
demic writing. Still, students seem to be worried
about how it will affect their ability to be creative,
think critically, and behave ethically (Malik et al.,
With the inclusion of Large Language Models
(LLMs) into Digital Writing Assistants (DWAs) like
Grammarly or WordTune, students became confused
whether it is legitimate to use these tools for academic
writing. It is even possible to generate citations along-
side the work created by the AI, which are referred to
as Automatic Article Generators (AAGs) (El-Sayed
Abd-Elaal and Mills, 2022). Researchers, educators,
and anti-plagiarism software all face additional work
when identifying a piece of work produced by AAGs.
More and more universities struggle with the con-
cerns related to the integration of LLMs in student
projects. Several authors already tried to answer the
question, whether or not using AI technologies is a vi-
olation of academic integrity (Perkins, 2023). The In-
ternational Center of Academic Integrity (ICAI), es-
tablished in 1992 by notable scholars, provides an au-
thorized definition of academic integrity. Its founder,
Don McCabe, is recognized for having popularized
the term. The Center first defined the “fundamen-
tal values of academic integrity” in 1999 as honesty,
trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. In 2014,
they added the virtue of courage as a sixth compo-
nent. According to the ICAI, academic integrity is
Hörmann, C., Kuka, L., Fraser, A. and Sabitzer, B.
Innovation or Imitation? A Critical Analysis of AI-Authored vs. Human-Authored Scientific Papers.
DOI: 10.5220/0012712400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 534-541
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a dedication to these principles (International Center
for Academic Integrity, 2021). Many other defini-
tions exist and are feasible. However, this policy does
not include whether students perform academic mis-
conduct intentionally or not. However, in response
to the growing influence of AI in academic writing,
the Faculty of Business Administration at the Univer-
sity of Economics, Prague, has undertaken a signifi-
cant curricular reform in winter 2023. This reform re-
sults in the discontinuation of traditional written bach-
elor’s theses in favor of a diverse array of practical as-
sessments, collectively termed “bachelor’s projects”
(Friedmann, 2023).
The results from a survey to determine students’
perceptions of AI tools, underlined the significance
of appropriate instruction and guidelines for using
AI tools in order to prevent plagiarism problems
and maintain academic integrity (Kreps et al., 2022;
Holmes et al., 2021). Perkins (2023) even considers
LLMs as potential tools to reduce cognitive demands
that are required by a certain task and does not neces-
sarily see them as a violation of academic integrity.
This paper introduces an experiment of creating
different academic papers solely with the help of
ChatGPT or Jenni AI and comparing them to human-
written drafts. A brief introduction to the topic is
given in Section one, while Section two outlines the
development of AI in scientific and academic writ-
ing. The third section explains the AI tools used in the
experiment, whereas the methodology is described in
Chapter four. The conducted experiment, examining
human- and AI-authored work, is outlined in Section
five and discussed in Section six. Chapter seven pro-
vides a conclusion and an outlook on upcoming work.
For this experiment two different tools were used to
generate content for a scientific paper: ChatGPT-4
and Jenni AI (Ultimate Plan).
In the present study, ChatGPT-4, available at a
subscription cost of $ 20 per month, was selected
for its enhanced capabilities over its predecessor
ChatGPT-3. These improvements include more pre-
cise responses to queries, the ability to generate im-
ages through AI (integrating DALL · E), advanced
web browsing functionalities, and superior data anal-
ysis features.
The premium version of Jenni AI, priced at $ 20
per month, offers users an unrestricted word count al-
lowance daily. In contrast to the complimentary vari-
ant, Jenni AI imposes a limit of 200 AI-generated
words per day.
The significant difference in creating scientific pa-
pers with ChatGPT to Jenni AI is that the latter makes
a whole draft with a single line of input, whereas
ChatGPT users have to request every single step and
refine them. Still, both tools can be seen as AI co-
pilots that assist or augment human capabilities in var-
ious tasks or processes (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Co-piloting with AI tools (Revell et al., 2023)
(adapted by the authors).
2.1 ChatGPT
ChatGPT by OpenAI was chosen for this experiment
because of obvious reasons. It currently is the most
well-known AI chatbot and a very potent tool. Nei-
ther is ChatGPT the first GPT model, nor the first lan-
guage model. However, it significantly advanced nat-
ural language processing by popularizing huge lan-
guage models and quickening the use of artificial in-
telligence. In ChatGPT, the GPT stands for “Gen-
erative Pre-Trained Transformer”, a LLM that mim-
ics human speech through deep learning (Yosifova,
2023). ChatGPT can offer several significant bene-
fits in idea generation, outline creation, or writing and
editing support.
2.2 Jenni AI
In contrast to ChatGPT, Jenni AI is a specific tool for
academic purposes, enabling to correct grammatical
mistakes, provide citations in the work (which is not
possible with ChatGPT), and create strong arguments.
Still, it has to be noted that Jenni AI is also GPT
based. With its emphasis on academic writing and
integrated plagiarism detector, Jenni AI is ideal for
both academic essays and personal statements (Orig-, 2023). Jenni AI was created in 2016 by
David Park and Henry Mao. In 2020, Park relaunched
Jenni AI, and because to some new features and Tik-
Tok’s attention, more people started using it. Most
AI programs just reply to queries with long text pas-
Innovation or Imitation? A Critical Analysis of AI-Authored vs. Human-Authored Scientific Papers
sages. Jenni AI works on user’s behalf more closely
and learns from the input. She will also remind the
prompt engineer to write for him- or herself if he or
she depends too much on the AI’s help (Giles, 2023).
This experiment is designed to critically analyze and
compare the quality, authenticity, and overall effec-
tiveness of scientific papers authored by Artificial In-
telligence (AI) tools, specifically ChatGPT and Jenni
AI, against those authored by human researchers. The
experiment focuses on three distinct topics:
1. History of Digital Education in Austria
2. History of Women in Computer Science
3. Modeling of Mental Arithmetic Strategies Using
One of the human-authored papers (History of
Digital Education in Austria) was written in English
by the authors themselves and accepted at a subject
relevant international conference (International Con-
ference on Informatics in Schools) (H
ormann et al.,
2022). The two other works (History of Women in
Computer Science, Modeling of Mental Arithmetic
Strategies Using UML) were handed in in German as
Bachelor theses at the authors’ department and were
both graded with “Excellent”. The human authors
were briefed about the scope and expectations of the
experiment, ensuring their anonymity. To maintain
an unbiased comparison, the human authors indepen-
dently developed their texts without exposure to the
AI-generated content.
The underlying experiment utilizes two AI tools,
ChatGPT and Jenni AI. These tools were selected
based on their advanced language processing capabil-
ities and relevance in academic research. For each
topic, both AI tools were tasked to create compre-
hensive scientific text. The inputs provided were
standardized to ensure consistency in the information
available to both AI systems.
The AI-crafted papers were evaluated on multi-
ple dimensions including accuracy of content, depth
of analysis, coherence in structure, and adherence to
academic writing standards. Furthermore, each work
has been tested with the plagiarism detection tool
“Turnitin Similarity” which is commonly employed
in academic and educational settings to ensure the in-
tegrity and originality of written work.
The three human-authored papers, as well as the
six AI-created drafts, can be found online on GitHub
following the QR code in Figure 2 or the link https:
// vs Human Paper.
Figure 2: Sources of Human-Authored and AI-Drafted Pa-
4.1 Paper 1: History of Digital
Education in Austria
4.1.1 Human-Authored Paper
The underlying human-authored paper is entitled
“From Non-Existent to Mandatory in Five Years
The Journey of Digital Education in the Austrian
School System” and explores the evolution of the sub-
ject Digital Education in Austria, from the introduc-
tion of Computer Science in schools in 1985 to the
implementation of Digital Education as a mandatory
subject in the 2022/23 school year, encompassing dig-
ital competences, media literacy, and civic education.
The manuscript spans a total of ten pages, includ-
ing about 30,000 characters, and adheres to the con-
ventional structural framework typical of literature-
based academic publications:
(1) Introduction
(2) Computer Science in Austrian Schools
(3) Digital Education in Austria
(a) Masterplan for Digitalization
(b) 8-Point-Concept
(c) Introduction of the Subject Digital Education
(d) Compulsory Subject Digital Education in Aus-
(4) Conclusion and Outlook
(5) References
4.1.2 AI-Authored Draft – Jenni AI
To initiate the process of composing a paper using
Jenni AI, the following steps are required: The first
step is to define what “you are writing today?”. To
re-create the human-authored paper the prompt a re-
search paper about the history of the school sub-
ject “Digital Education” (digitale Grundbildung) in
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Austria was typed in. Jenni AI assessed the input
as “Great prompt” and the authors also ticked the
box “Outline Builder: automatically create document
Immediately, the AI-generated document, entitled
Austrian Digital Education History”, was presented,
exhibiting an organizational framework. The struc-
ture of the paper was delineated as follows:
(1) Introduction to Digital Education in Austria
(2) Historical Development of Digitale Grundbildung
(3) Evolution of Digital Education Curriculum in
Austrian Schools
(4) Key Milestones in Austria’s Digital Education
(5) Impact of Digital Education on Austrian School
(6) Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Digi-
tale Grundbildung
(7) Case Studies: Successful Implementations of
Digital Education in Austria
(8) Future Outlook: Prospects for Digital Education
in Austria
(9) Conclusion: Reflections on the History of Digital
Education in Austria
(10) References
Next, the authors just let the tool fill the sections
with text without editing it any further and Jenni AI
came up with seven pages in the first version. As there
was no abstract, the authors added the headline man-
ually and again let the tool fill the section with text
on its own. In total, the AI drafted seven pages with
about 24,000 characters, as well as eight valid refer-
ences. Thirty percent of the information was flagged
by the “Turnitin” software as possibly copied, which
was the highest of all papers.
4.1.3 AI-Authored Draft – ChatGPT
For creating a paper in ChatGPT the authors used
a similar prompt: I want to write a research paper
about the history of the school subject “Digital Edu-
cation” (digitale Grundbildung) in Austria and Chat-
GPT provided tips to structure the work:
(1) Introduction
(2) Historical Overview
(3) Conclusion
There was no abstract and no references provided.
Still, the authors separately asked for an abstract.
When prompting: Can you create a title for this pa-
per for me?, ChatGPT provided “Navigating the Dig-
ital Wave: A Historical Analysis of Digital Education
in Austria”. The prompt engineers then had to sep-
arately tell ChatGPT to write the beforehand defined
sections, like: Can you write the introduction for me
concerning this paper?
It has to be mentioned that in this case ChatGPT
was not able to provide valid references as it cannot
access or verify some sources, such as the latest sci-
entific journals, books, or articles. Still, ChatGPT
drafted ten pages with about 30,000 characters, while
the “Turnitin” software detected 6 % of potential pla-
Moreover, the authors instructed ChatGPT to pro-
duce an image that visually conveys the paper in order
to illustrate it (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Image created by ChatGPT visually represent-
ing “Navigating the Digital Wave: A Historical Analysis of
Digital Education in Austria”.
4.2 Paper 2: History of Women in
Computer Science
4.2.1 Human-Authored Paper
The bachelor thesis with the title “The Female Side of
Computer Science” comprises 46 pages (about 85,500
characters) in total and highlights the often over-
looked contributions of women in the field of Com-
puter Science, despite their active and ongoing in-
volvement in its rapid advancements. It aims to show-
case a selection of pioneering women, detailing their
lives and achievements, and examining how their sig-
nificant research has shaped and continues to influ-
ence the field. It is outlined like the following:
(1) Introduction
Innovation or Imitation? A Critical Analysis of AI-Authored vs. Human-Authored Scientific Papers
(2) Famous Female Computer Scientists
(3) Summary and Conclusion
(4) References
4.2.2 AI-Authored Draft – Jenni AI
Again the authors prompted a single line: I want to
write a thesis about the most important women in
Computer Science and confirmed the outline builder.
The work was entitled “Influential Women in Com-
puter Science” and had the following structure:
(1) Introduction to Women in Computer Science
(2) Historical Context of Women’s Contributions to
(3) Challenges Faced by Women in Computer Sci-
(4) Key Female Figures in the Development of Com-
puter Science
(5) The Impact of Women on Computer Science Evo-
(6) Challenges and Triumphs of Women in the Tech
(7) Case Studies: Influential Women in Computer
(8) Future Outlook: Encouraging Female Participa-
tion in Computing
(9) Conclusion: Recognizing Women’s Role in Shap-
ing Computer Science
The abstract was again missing but prompted by the
Like before, the text was generated automatically
and the AI tool came up with a total of seven pages,
consisting of approximately 24,000 characters. De-
spite the activation of the “auto cite from new sources
- external sources will be considered” feature, Jenni
AI did not include any external references in its out-
put. Moreover, the content was found to contain 24 %
instances of plagiarism according to the “Turnitin”
4.2.3 AI-Authored Draft – ChatGPT
Like before, the authors asked ChatGPT to write a
bachelor thesis about the most important women in
computer science and to create a title. The AI tool
came up with “Pioneering Code: The Untold Stories
of Women in Computer Science”. The outline that
was provided, looked like the following:
(1) Introduction
(2) Historical Context and Gender Dynamics in
(3) The Pioneers of Computer Science
(4) The ENIAC Programmers and Post-War Comput-
(5) Modern Trailblazers in Computer Science
(6) Contemporary Issues and Progress
(7) Conclusion
Fourteen pages, or about 43,000 characters, were
produced by ChatGPT in all, while the “Turnitin”
software identified 17 % of the content as potentially
To represent the thesis visually, the authors told
ChatGPT to create an image that represents this thesis
(see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Image created by ChatGPT visually representing
“Pioneering Code: The Untold Stories of Women in Com-
puter Science”.
4.3 Paper 3: Modeling of Mental
Arithmetic Strategies Using UML
4.3.1 Human-Authored Paper
The last human-authored paper that was examined
holds the title “Modeling of Mental Arithmetic Strate-
gies Using UML and explores the integration of Uni-
fied Modeling Language (UML) into Mathematics
education, specifically in the context of mental arith-
metic. It includes an analysis of mental arithmetic
strategies, represented in UML diagrams to visually
demonstrate their structure and relationships, while
also discussing the limitations of the study, noting that
it establishes a connection between mental arithmetic
and UML diagrams. The structure is outlined as fol-
(1) Introduction and Definition of Terms
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(2) What is UML and How Can It Be Used in Mathe-
matics Lessons?
(3) Mental Arithmetic Strategies
(4) Summary and Outlook
(5) References
It spans 31 pages and consists of approximately
44,000 characters.
4.3.2 AI-Authored Draft – Jenni AI
When Jenni AI was asked to create a bachelor thesis
about the integration of Unified Modeling Language
(UML) into Mathematics education, specifically in
the context of mental arithmetic it produced six pages
with approximately 17,000 characters and four reli-
able references. Additionally, the “Turnitin” program
revealed that there were 13 % instances of plagiarism
in the content. The following outline for the thesis en-
titled “UML Integration in Mental Arithmetic: Bach-
elor Thesis” was created by Jenni AI:
(1) Introduction
(2) Exploring the Role of UML in Enhancing Mental
(3) Theoretical Framework: UML Meets Mathemat-
ics Pedagogy
(4) Case Studies: UML Application in Learning
Mental Arithmetic
(5) Methodology for Integrating UML into Math Cur-
(6) Assessing the Impact of UML on Mathematical
Cognitive Development
(7) Challenges and Solutions in the Implementation
of UML Tools
(8) Conclusion and Outlook
(9) References
The prompt engineers also told Jenni AI to cre-
ate an example using an UML diagram how mental
arithmetic could be displayed but the tool did not un-
derstand the instruction.
4.3.3 AI-Authored Draft – ChatGPT
A total of 18 pages with about 63,000 characters
was generated by ChatGPT when asked to create a
bachelor thesis (several sub-prompts were typed in
of course). However, the “Turnitin” program found
5 % of possible plagiarism. The tool drafted the title
“Integrating Unified Modeling Language (UML) into
Mathematics Education: A Theoretical Approach to
Enhancing Mental Arithmetic Skills” and outlined the
thesis the following way:
(1) Introduction
(2) Literature Review
(3) Theoretical Framework for UML Integration in
Mathematics Education
(4) Hypothetical Application in Education
(5) Potential Impact and Hypothetical Outcomes
(6) Conclusion
When ChatGPT was asked to create an example
using an UML diagram how mental arithmetic could
be displayed, the AI drafted a picture investigating the
calculation (5 + 3) × 2 (see Figure 5). Sadly, neither
the text nor the diagram make sense.
Figure 5: UML diagram outlining the process of solving
(5 +3)× 2 created by ChatGPT.
Jenni AI does not draft an abstract by default, despite
being one of the most popular text editors for creat-
ing research papers or other academic work. How-
ever, when this AI tool creates one, the output is valid.
Moreover, the text of Jenni AI was somewhat super-
ficial, characterized by a tendency to reiterate points
without substantial depth. Jenni AI takes a lot of work
to produce long texts, as one must repeatedly motivate
the AI to draft additional text. Furthermore, it can
be observed that the titles Jenni AI creates are simple
and could be more creative. Still, the option to utilize
valid references is a huge help.
In contrary to Jenni AI, ChatGPT does not draft a
whole paper by prompting a single sentence. The user
has to specify many prompt lines and copy the results
into a text-processing application on their own. The
Innovation or Imitation? A Critical Analysis of AI-Authored vs. Human-Authored Scientific Papers
text output by ChatGPT contains many more charac-
ters and does not reiterate points or statements. How-
ever, ChatGPT is not able to provide any valid refer-
ences at all.
Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge that
each of the six papers drafted by AI systems, whether
it was Jenni AI or ChatGPT, adhered to the estab-
lished standards of academic writing, including as-
pects such as clarity and coherence, but excluding ci-
tation accuracy.
The plagiarism checker’s response to AI-
generated texts showed an interesting pattern. In
texts drafted by ChatGPT, approximately 9 % on
average (5 - 17 %) of the content was flagged for
potential plagiarism. This relatively low percentage
suggests a degree of originality in AI-generated
content. However, a notable increase in potential
plagiarism was observed in Jenni AI generated texts,
where the detection rate was significantly higher with
about 22 % on average (13 - 30 %). The discrepancy
in plagiarism detection between texts generated by
Jenni AI and ChatGPT raises important questions
concerning the data sources and methods employed
by different AI tools. It implies that Jenni AI may
depend more on pre-existing text sources, which
then raise the rate of content matching. On the other
hand, texts produced by models like ChatGPT have
a lower detection rate, which suggests an advanced
approach to content generation that may involve more
innovative information combinations.
5.1 Discussion of Topic 1: History of
Digital Education in Austria
Each paper follows a traditional academic structure
but focuses on different aspects of digital education
in Austria. The ones by ChatGPT and Jenni AI are
more focused on historical and policy perspectives,
while the human-authored paper includes a compara-
tive analysis and specific case studies.
5.2 Discussion of Topic 2: History of
Women in Computer Science
Every paper adopts a somewhat similar structure,
starting with an introduction and background, mov-
ing into detailed discussions of key female figures,
and concluding with future outlooks and recommen-
dations. However, the focus and depth of content dif-
fer, with some emphasizing biographical case stud-
ies and others more on the overall impact and chal-
lenges. In the assessment of the auto-generated con-
tent of both AI tools, it could be observed that the cur-
riculum vitae of the selected female scientists could
be used without modification, demonstrating a satis-
factory level of detail and accuracy. However, Jenni
AI produced a somehow confusing outline, by cre-
ating two different chapters dealing with challenges
of women in Computer Science (“Challenges Faced
by Women in Computer Science”, “Challenges and
Triumphs of Women in the Tech Industry”) and an-
other two for describing female figures (“Key Female
Figures in the Development of Computer Science”,
“Case Studies: Influential Women in Computer Sci-
5.3 Discussion of Topic 3: Modeling of
Mental Arithmetic Strategies Using
Each paper adopts a structured academic approach,
starting with an introduction and theoretical back-
ground, moving into the application and analysis of
UML in educational contexts, and concluding with
implications and future outlooks. However, they vary
in their focus areas, with two papers concentrating
more on mental arithmetic, while the third paper by
ChatGPT takes a broader view of UMLs integra-
tion in mathematics education. However, the human-
authored one is the only one that includes valid UML
The exploration of AI-authored versus human-
authored scientific texts in this experiment highlights
the evolving landscape of academic writing. AI tools,
represented by ChatGPT and Jenni AI, demonstrate
proficiency in generating structurally sound and co-
herent academic texts. However, their capabilities
are currently best utilized as augmentative tools rather
than replacements for human intellect and creativity.
The experiment’s investigation into the capacities
and limitations of AI in academic writing demon-
strates the current state and potential of AI tools in
scholarly work. While AI tools like ChatGPT and
Jenni AI demonstrate remarkable abilities in draft-
ing structured, coherent papers and theses, they still
require human oversight for depth, originality, and
academic rigor. Particularly, the underlying work re-
veals that AI can efficiently generate outlines, titles,
and even complete drafts, but these outputs often lack
in understanding and critical analysis that human ex-
pertise brings. Moreover, the experiment highlights
a significant difference in the approach of AI tools in
creating content. For instance, Jenni AI’s ability to
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
draft entire papers with minimal input contrasts with
ChatGPT’s requirement for detailed prompts at each
step. This distinction underscores the diverse method-
ologies inherent in AI tools and their varied applica-
tions in academic writing.
The ethical implications of AI in academic author-
ship also form a critical part of future discussion, as
there is a vast need for clear guidelines regarding the
use of AI in scholarly work. This now is especially
important as AI tools become more and more acces-
To further grasp the consequences of AI in edu-
cational contexts, more empirical research is neces-
sary, particularly in fostering creativity, critical think-
ing, and maintaining academic integrity. Addition-
ally, the exploration of AI’s potential in aiding di-
verse academic tasks, such as data analysis and lit-
erature review, is recommended as a future research
direction. In conclusion, while AI represents a sig-
nificant advancement in academic writing, its role re-
mains supplementary to human intellect and creativ-
ity. The findings of this experiment lay a foundation
for future exploration into the evolving relationship
between AI and human authorship in academia, em-
phasizing a need for an ethical balanced approach to
integrate AI tools in scholarly practices.
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Innovation or Imitation? A Critical Analysis of AI-Authored vs. Human-Authored Scientific Papers