Evaluating Digital Forensic Readiness: A Honeypot Approach
Philip Zimmermann
and Sebastian Obermeier
Hochschule Luzern Informatik, Campus Zug-Rotkreuz, Suurstoffi 1, 6343 Risch-Rotkreuz, Switzerland
Digital Forensics, Forensic Readiness, Honeypot.
Digital forensic readiness has proven to be a challenging undertaking for small to medium-sized companies.
To improve, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of forensic processes. In this paper, an approach for
a forensic honeypot is proposed that simulates an environment based on real company devices and is hosted
in the cloud. The data collected is used for the evaluation of the forensic process, enabling the identification
of discrepancies within the forensic readiness approach. The experimental results show the feasibility of the
approach in collecting forensic evidence in a short time. The paper also discusses limitations with regard to
the introduction of new security threats and the use and placement of endpoint intrusion detection systems.
Malware attacks pose a serious threat to the security
and integrity of digital systems, especially for small-
to-medium enterprises (SMEs), which may lack ade-
quate resources and expertise to deal with them. How-
ever, not all SMEs are equally exposed to malware
risks, and some may never encounter a malware in-
cident in their operations. This does not mean that
they can afford to be complacent or unprepared, as
malware attacks can occur at any time and cause sig-
nificant damage. Therefore, it is essential for SMEs to
adopt a proactive approach to digital forensics, which
is the process of collecting, preserving, and analyzing
digital evidence in the event of a cyberattack. This ap-
proach is known as digital forensic readiness (DFR),
and aims to minimize the impact of malware inci-
dents and facilitate recovery and investigation pro-
cesses. Measuring the effectiveness and functionality
of the DFR process is challenging without a genuine
or simulated incident. This paper aims to transform
a company device into a virtual honeypot, allowing
SMEs to evaluate their DFR capabilities.
1.1 Problem Description
Achieving forensic readiness is not a trivial task, as
it requires careful planning, testing, and evaluation of
the forensic capabilities and procedures of an organi-
zation. Furthermore, testing the forensic readiness of
an organization is challenging, as it cannot be done re-
alistically without simulating a malware attack, which
may be unethical or not practicable, e.g., due to the
criticality of the system. Therefore, there is a need
for novel methods and tools that can help SMEs to as-
sess and improve their forensic readiness in a safe and
effective manner.
One method of simulating cyber attacks within a
company is to use red teaming (Mansfield-Devine,
2018) (Oakley, 2019), which is a simulated cyberat-
tack that tests the security posture and incident re-
sponse capabilities of an organization. Although it
can provide valuable information on the strengths and
weaknesses of defensive measures as well as the ef-
fectiveness of the forensic readiness, red teaming also
has some potential downsides, especially for small
and medium enterprises (SMEs) that may have lim-
ited resources and expertise: First, red teaming is a
costly and time-consuming exercise that can divert re-
sources and attention from other business priorities.
Second, red teaming may not cover all the possible
scenarios and attack vectors that affect the forensic
capabilities and forensic readiness of an organization.
Third, red teaming can introduce new risks and vul-
nerabilities and can generate a large amount of data
that could overwhelm the forensic analysis capabili-
ties of an SME.
Another approach would be the use of dedicated
honeypots such as T-Pot
(Washofsky, 2021). How-
ever, as the company’s internal systems are typically
different from the honeypot, the resulting data may
Zimmermann, P. and Obermeier, S.
Evaluating Digital Forensic Readiness: A Honeypot Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012713600003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 615-621
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
not reflect the actual company infrastructure. In addi-
tion, it may not yield enough data to test the forensic
approaches. Nevertheless, we keep the idea of using
a honeypot, but more tailored to the actual SME.
1.2 Contributions
This paper
1. creates a concept for transforming a company de-
vice into a virtual honeypot
2. defines the steps that are needed to deploy and run
the honeypot securely in a cloud environment in
order to gather data for forensic analysis
3. evaluates the concept in a real-world experiment
and discusses the feasibility of the approach
Note that neither the process of sanitizing a sys-
tem such that no identifiable personal information is
present nor the actual analysis of the gap in the foren-
sic process is part of this document, as this is highly
depending on the type of company.
Numerous publications exist that explore the concept
of honeypots or forensic readiness, but linking both
does not seem common. (Kebande et al., 2016) fo-
cuses on utilizing honeypots for the collection of po-
tential digital evidence (PDE) within a BYOD (Bring
Your Own Device) setting, but does not transform ac-
tual devices into honeypots.
A comparison of the major cloud platforms for
the deployment of honeypots is made in (Kelly et al.,
2021). The paper confirms that threat actors try to
abuse cloud-based services.
During our investigations, we concluded that the
main use of honeypots is to detect attacks in an early
state both in IT (Dodson et al., 2020) and OT net-
works (Priya and Chakkaravarthy, 2023) since in-
teraction with the honeypot is typically not a normal
operational activity and can reveal security issues in
the cloud environment (Singh, 2021).
Regarding an optimal honeypot deployment,
(Verma and Dubey, 2020) discusses the advan-
tages and disadvantages of different deployment ap-
The authors of (Biedermann et al., 2012) utilize a
cloning mechanism to duplicate a live VM facing an
attack, redirecting the assault for analysis and learn-
ing from the attacker. To ensure rapid cloning during
live attacks, an approach is used to adapt the Xen hy-
pervisor (Barham et al., 2003), enabling rapid dupli-
cation of existing VMs. However, this approach is not
compatible with modern cloud environments, as users
lack the ability to make modifications to the hypervi-
sor in that setting.
To analyze data of a honeypot system, machine-
learning based approaches are becoming a viable op-
tion (Setianto et al., 2022).
To summarize, honeypots are frequently used to
detect attacks in an early stage, but the use for evalu-
ating a company’s forensic readiness is currently not
a common practice.
Once data is collected through the approach pro-
posed in this paper, forensic readiness capabilities
should be evaluated. Different models exist for this
approach, for example, (Taiwo and Claims, 2022).
Forensic analysis is also standardized in ISO/IEC
27043. However, such models are typically only ap-
plicable to companies that have a forensic footprint
and knowledge about forensic readiness. Our ap-
proach helps speed up this process, as our experi-
ments confirmed that incident data will most likely
be generated in less than a week.
In order to fulfill the two goals of ”forensic readiness”
as described by Tan (Tan, 2001), it is necessary to as-
sess the ability to gather pertinent digital evidence. To
evaluate this capability, a forensic honeypot is pro-
posed that simulates an environment based on real
company devices. This environment is exposed to the
public internet, and all interactions and potential inci-
dents are recorded by the forensic honeypot. The data
from the system used as the attack surface is then pro-
cessed using the existing forensic analysis approach.
The investigator can determine whether the collected
data are sufficient or whether the forensic readiness
approach should be extended or modified.
For the purpose of this paper, the following re-
quirements have been formulated.
Attack Detection. The system must be capable of
detecting attacks and generating corresponding
alerts over the duration of the data collection
Traceability. The attacker’s actions must be accu-
rately tracked, i.e., what, when, how, and by
whom actions were taken.
Security. An attack on the honeypot must not jeop-
ardize the security of the surrounding systems.
Transparency. The honeypot should not be recog-
nizable as such to external parties. It shall be
High Interaction. The honeypot should have a high-
level interaction capability.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The basic idea behind the construction of the hon-
eypot is to transform an existing system into that hon-
eypot and use it to attract attackers and collect foren-
sically relevant data. To achieve this, an existing sys-
tem is selected and rebuilt within the honeypot envi-
ronment. To allow investigation of security incidents,
the vulnerable system is periodically cloned. Backups
are created periodically from these clones to simplify
analysis, such as recovering traces obscured by the at-
tacker. Services like a Host Intrusion Detection Sys-
tem (HIDS) are then installed on the clone, allowing
monitoring of the environment without revealing this
to the attacker.
For proof of concept, two virtual machines with
restricted scope serve as the vulnerable system. How-
ever, the described method can also be applied to
complex systems as potential attack surfaces.
The operation of the honeypot is divided into three
Normal Operation: The system is deployed. To
stimulate an investigatable security incident, vul-
nerabilities can be introduced into the services be-
ing used. This can be done, for example, by em-
ploying services with known security flaws. Once
an attack occurs, an alert is generated, and the pro-
cess transitions to the next phase.
Data Collection: Upon detecting an attack on the
honeypot, the duration for data collection can be
determined based on the severity of the attack. Af-
ter this period elapses, the vulnerable system is
shut down and forensic analysis starts.
Forensic Analysis: During the forensic analysis
of the honeypot, the resources that participated in
the security incident are analyzed: the image of
the vulnerable system and any data from the re-
spective surrounding systems like HIDS.
Upon completion of these three phases, the imple-
mentation of DFR will be reviewed. The data col-
lected by the honeypot are used for the review, al-
lowing the identification of discrepancies between the
data collected from the forensic process and the actual
data generated during the incident.
3.1 Special Case: HIDS and Remote
A special case concerns the management system of
intrusion detection systems used, especially endpoint
detection and response (EDR) systems. In this con-
text, there are two viable options:
A) Setting up a new HIDS-Management Server in-
stance within the Honeypot environment may result in
higher costs due to licenses. Nevertheless, the honey-
pot remains self-contained, reducing the risk of an at-
tacker using the HIDS-Management Server for lateral
movement into the company network.
B) Alternatively, connecting an existing HIDS-
Management Server in the SME environment to the
honeypot eliminates the need for extra license fees.
However, this approach expands the attack surface,
potentially allowing attackers to exploit the connec-
tion for lateral movement into the company network.
To come to an informed decision, the SME should
first evaluate its current licensing situation for HIDS/
EDR. Following this, it is crucial to take into account
any regulatory requirements that may apply. A com-
prehensive risk assessment should then be conducted,
recognizing the financial limitations and the overall
risk tolerance of the organization.
For the implementation, we have used a system based
on the university notebooks. As there is no standard
HIDS throughout the university, we have employed
OSSEC (Open Source HIDS SECurity)
. It is cru-
cial to recognize that any HIDS could be appropriate
for the task. OSSEC+ was selected due to its open-
source nature. The honeypot experiment was set up
in Google Cloud using Ansible for automation.
In order to import an existing system as an attack
surface into the honeypot, it needs to be ensured that
this is done securely. For this purpose, the suggested
process is outlined, comprising both a setup phase (1-
4) and an operational phase (5-8).
1) Sanitization: The system must undergo sanitiza-
tion to prevent any potential leakage of sensitive in-
formation or credentials to an attacker
2) Import: To enable the import of the system,
it should be exported in a compatible format using
suitable tools like Disk2VHD
. For Google Cloud,
the Open Virtualization Format (OVF)
is a suitable
choice, the virtualized system should be exported in
such a format.
3) Prevention: Implement firewall rules that block
outgoing traffic (egress) from the system to ensure
that attackers cannot use it as a staging area.
4) Introduce Vulnerability: To gain insights into
the DFR capabilities, an attack should be analyzed.
To facilitate this, intentionally introducing a vulner-
ability can increase the likelihood of a successful at-
Evaluating Digital Forensic Readiness: A Honeypot Approach
tack. This step is optional and can also be completed
at a later time.
5) Deploy/ Simulate Attack: The system can then be
deployed, and specific scenarios can be tested by sim-
ulating attacks. This proactive approach eliminates
the need to wait for malicious parties to initiate an at-
tack. Alternatively, the system can be deployed with-
out simulating an attack. This allows the collection of
data that closely resembles real-life scenarios.
6) Preparing HIDS-Server: The Connection from
the HIDS-Agent to the HIDS-Server needs to be pre-
pared so it can be established after the cloning.
7) Clone: The system undergoes cyclical cloning, fol-
lowed by the installation of the HIDS-Agent on the
cloned system to enable monitoring.
8) Monitor: Active monitoring of the HIDS and fire-
wall logs is crucial to prevent any abuse of the system.
Figure 1 illustrates a run of the cloning task. As
this cloning task introduces a novel concept that has
not been previously observed in other honeypots, it
will be thoroughly illustrated.
Step 1: At first, a snapshot of the attack surface or
vulnerable host is created. Any existing snapshots
are deleted.
Step 2: A disk is generated based on the snapshot,
with the current date as its label. Disks with the
same label are removed, while those with a differ-
ent label are retained, this enables us to retain a
daily backup of the disk.
Step 3: The newly created disk is used to create a
new instance.
Step 4: Involves configuring the OSSEC+ agent
on the cloned attack surface.
The entire sequence repeats at a predefined interval of
45 minutes. At the heart of the cloning operation is
the cloning of the disks outlined in step 2. The corre-
sponding ansible code is shown in Figure 2. The an-
sible module google.cloud.gcp compute disk is uti-
lized. This module enables the manipulation of disks,
involving actions such as deletion and creation. Pa-
rameters for this module include the zone where the
disk will be generated, the disk’s name (which serves
as a unique identifier for the associated instance, in-
cluding the creation date), and the size. Notably, disks
will undergo continuous creation and deletion, with
one disk retained at the conclusion of each day.
Figure 3 presents the network topology of the ap-
proach, comprising of four key components:
OSSEC+-Server: This server functions as the
HIDS server, responsible for aggregating and pro-
cessing alerts generated by agents on the attack
surface clone and syslog messages from the attack
Attack Surface
Compute Engine
Attack Surface
Compute Engine
Attack Surface Clone
Compute Engine
Figure 1: Process of the cloning task.
- name: 'Delete old disk'
project: "{{ project }}"
name: "{{item.sign + ansible_date_time.date}}"
auth_kind: "{{ auth_kind }}"
service_account_file: "{{ service_account_file }}"
state: 'absent'
zone: "{{ zone }}"
ignore_errors: true
- {sign: 'v'}
- {sign: 'w'}
- {sign: 'm'}
name: 'Create disk from snapshot'
name: "{{item.sign + ansible_date_time.date }}"
project: "{{ project }}"
selfLink: "{{item.link}}"
auth_kind: "{{ auth_kind }}"
service_account_file: "{{ service_account_file }}"
state: 'present'
zone: "{{ zone }}"
size_gb: "{{item.size}}"
- {sign: 'v', link: "{{self_link}}", size: 15}
- {sign: 'w', link: "{{web_self_link}}", size: 15}
- {sign: 'm', link: "{{win_self_link}}", size: 125}
Figure 2: Ansible code for disk rotation.
Ansible Coordinator: This component orches-
trates the cloning process of the attack surface.
Attack Surface: These are virtual machines
(VMs) that serve as the attack surface. They col-
lect syslog messages and transmit them to the
Attack Surface Clone: The attack surface clone
replicates the original attack surface. An OSSEC
Agent operates on this machine, generating alerts
for further processing.
Firewall rules serve as a robust protective mea-
sure, efficiently intercepting and mitigating unautho-
rized communication attempts and the activation of
malicious software originating within the honeypot
environment. These regulations endorse exclusively
inbound network traffic, while strictly limiting activi-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Ansible Coordinator
Compute Engine
Compute Engine
Attack Surface
Compute Engine
Attack Surface Clone
Compute Engine
TCP: 22
UDP: 514
UDP: 1514
TCP: 80,443
Figure 3: Network topology and firewall rules.
ties such as initiating reverse shells and executing at-
tacks on external systems located outside the prede-
fined attack surfaces. The establishment of connec-
tions between the defined attack surfaces remains pos-
sible. Due to the utilization of software-defined net-
working in the Google Cloud network, each instance
functions as if it possesses its own firewall. Con-
sequently, firewall rules must be configured on both
To validate the forensic honeypot, two attack sur-
faces based on university devices were provisioned
and configured according to the eight step plan de-
fined earlier.
Linux host with SSH: A Debian system with a ssh
server that allows user login with standard pass-
Windows 10 host with RDP: A Windows 10 host
with RDP enabled that can be accessed with a
blank password.
While the Linux host was sourced from a server
in the university environment, the Windows host was
cloned from a live system on a laptop, converted to
the OVF format, and subsequently integrated into the
GCP environment. Following this integration, fire-
wall rules were established to enable communica-
tion. A crucial rule implemented is an implicit deny
rule, restricting all traffic that is not explicitly permit-
ted. The vulnerability introduced pertained to pre-
configured blank or standard passwords. Additional
vulnerabilities were later incorporated for simulated
tests. The system was then deployed to attract real at-
tackers. The Agent connections were established on
the OSSEC-Management Server before executing the
initial cloning task, allowing the Agents to connect as
soon as they were installed on the clones. The An-
sible playbook for continuous cloning was initiated,
and the logs of the HIDS and firewall were intermit-
tently monitored manually.
The assessment period was 24. Nov. 2023 to 29.
Nov. 2023. The first successful login for the user
”pi” occurred following a series of unsuccessful login
attempts by the same attacker. This event triggered an
alert by OSSEC at 9:31. The initiation of the second
phase, namely the data collection, is indicated by this
alert. The data collection timeframe has been estab-
lished with a deadline set for the 29th. Shortly there-
after during the next clone cycle, OSSEC detected the
generation of a new file that according to VirusTotal
is classified as a ”trojan” malware. Subsequently, OS-
SEC signaled a modification in the /etc/passwd file,
indicating that the user’s password had been changed
to prevent unauthorized access. In the Google Cloud
Platform (GCP) logs, this marked the beginning of an
increase in the firewall logs. Approximately every 30
minutes, 50,000 connection requests from the now in-
fected host were blocked. It is important to note that
the vulnerable machine is cloned, resulting in the gen-
eration of only 25,000 requests per machine in real-
ity. Following the data collection phase, an image file
of the virtual machine was acquired. The honeypot’s
findings could be corroborated with the actual data on
the system. In a real-world scenario, the disparities
between the intelligence gathered from the virtual ma-
chine image and logs from other systems would be as-
sessed in comparison to the intelligence collected by
the honeypot. These differences provide insights into
how the DFR process can be enhanced and whether
adjustments are needed.
Table 1 provides information on the usage of the
honeypot during the evaluation phase.
Table 1: Statistics honeypot evaluation.
Windows Debian
Login Attempts 49807 72766
Successful Logins 1257 249
Actions on Host None Malware Installed
In order to illustrate how a real-world attack sce-
nario would occur, an attack was conducted on both
machines as part of a student exercise. The Debian
machine was configured with sudo version 1.8.19p1-
2.1, which contains a vulnerability identified as CVE-
2021-3156. This vulnerability enables an attacker to
exploit a heap-based buffer overflow, thereby acquir-
ing root privileges.
During an attack, OSSEC detected a brute force
attack on SSH credentials, marking a successful login
Evaluating Digital Forensic Readiness: A Honeypot Approach
after numerous failed attempts as suspicious. Subse-
quently, the alert system flagged the creation of the
file linpeas.sh, with relevant details such as the alert
timestamp, originating host, alert type, and MD5 and
SHA1 hashes of the new file, as illustrated in Figure
4. Similarly, OSSEC signaled the creation of the ex-
ploit file exploit userspec.py
. The exploit, generat-
ing approximately 2000 alerts, indicated a segmenta-
tion fault caused by the exploit. Notably, OSSEC did
not recognize the multitude of segmentation faults as
indicative of a buffer overflow. The creation of a new
user ”gg”, resulting from the exploit script, triggered
another alert. OSSEC also detected the password
change associated with this newly generated user.
The attack executed on the Windows machine dif-
fered, as the machine did not possess any well-known
security flaws. The attack focused on installing mal-
ware and involved the following steps: Login to the
machine with the blank password, install executable
on the machine, simulate a dropped file in the au-
tostart directory, and simulate changed and added reg-
istry keys. OSSEC detected each of these actions and
created alarms.
"_index": "ossec-alerts-3.x-2023.12.07",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "2RRiRIwBmKL8NDW4whs9",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"@timestamp": "2023-12-07T13:06:11.155Z",
"hostname": "(debvuln)>syscheck",
"decoder": "syscheck_integrity_changed",
"SyscheckFile": {
"path": "/tmp/linpeas.sh"
"rule": {
"firedtimes": 3369,
"groups": [
"level": 10,
"comment": "File added to the systen.",
"sidid": 554
"agent_name": "debvuln",
"agentip": "",
"timestamp": "2023 Dec 07 13:06:10",
"id": "1701954370.1141060"
Figure 4: Json alert.
The experimental evaluation revealed that real-world
attacks manifested within a few hours of online pres-
ence. The honeypot demonstrated effective detection
of intrusions and malicious actions on hosts such as
the installation of malware or the creation of a new
user as the result of a privilege escalation. For show-
casing advanced attacks, we included two vulnerabil-
ities into the VMs. The requirements of Section 3 can
be evaluated as follows:
Attack Detection. In both, simulated and actual sce-
narios, the honeypot identified the attacks.
Traceability. In both simulated and real-world situa-
tions, it was feasible to precisely trace the actions of
the attacker, including what, when, who, and how of
their activities.
Security. An attack on the honeypot must not com-
promise the security of the surrounding systems. The
vulnerable host and its clone establish two outgoing
connections to the rest of the system: one for sending
Syslog messages to the OSSEC server and another for
the clone’s communication with the OSSEC server
via the OSSEC agent. With firewall rules blocking
additional communication, an attack on the honeypot
does not pose a threat to other honeypot systems. The
productive subsystems are in a separate environment,
and the use of GCP ensures galvanic isolation of the
honeypot from the productive system.
Transparency. The sole configuration on the at-
tack surface host involves the ”rsyslog.conf, enabling
the transmission of Syslog messages to the OSSEC
server. This host, which functions as a complete vir-
tual machine with either Linux or Windows OS, hides
its honeypot nature from external attackers.
High Interaction As the vulnerable host is a fully
functional instance of a virtual machine, the interac-
tion level of the honeypot can be classified as ”high.
We have observed no automatic containment by
the cloud provider when the firewall blocks outgoing
requests, making it technically possible to replicate a
realistic environment. Real-world attacks manifested
shortly after deployment, confirming the viability of
using it as a honeypot and creating valuable data to
evaluate the effectiveness of DFR processes. Our fire-
wall configuration has ensured that the honeypot is
not exploited as an entry point for attacks on addi-
tional systems. Moreover, costs can be adjusted as
required since the infrastructure is in the cloud.
Known limitations of the system include the in-
ability to create an exact 1:1 replica of an existing en-
vironment. Sanitization of data before deployment in-
cludes, for example, the deletion of sensitive personal
or sensitive company data, which inherently modifies
the system. However, as relevant aspects of the foren-
sic readiness system are preserved, we consider the
impact of this modification to be negligible.
While it is crucial that firewall rules limit out-
bound traffic for security reasons, yet this also pro-
vides attackers a way to detect the honeypot.
Furthermore, the mere presence of critical compo-
nents in the honeypot could potentially leak informa-
tion, leading to a decision to exclude them. Striking
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
a balance between accurately portraying the system
and limiting the disclosure of information to potential
attackers becomes an important consideration that is
based on the individual company’s business.
Another limitation concerns the host-based intru-
sion detection systems (HIDS), in our experiments
OSSEC. It requires proper configuration as the default
configuration fails to provide alerts for newly created
files and the inability to recognize buffer overflows
generated in simulations as attacks. Custom rules can
be set up to configure these aspects, but it remains
unclear which other attack scenarios may not be de-
tected by OSSEC. However, this is based on the HIDS
used in the individual company, and other HIDS may
perform differently.
However, regardless of the HIDS, there is no as-
surance that the system is completely secure and that
attackers cannot exploit the honeypot; however, since
the honeypot is an isolated system, the impact of such
an incident is limited. By implementing robust se-
curity mechanisms and incorporating additional man-
ual controls (e.g., limited storage space and compu-
tational power), a high level of confidence in the sys-
tem’s security can be achieved. In addition, our exper-
iments have shown that the time span until an attacker
exploits the system is in the range of days. This means
that the risk of the honeypot being used as a dissem-
ination facility for illegal content is limited when its
monitored frequently.
Forensic readiness and its evaluation are important el-
ements for a holistic security architecture. The pre-
sented approach can be used to analyze forensic readi-
ness capabilities before an actual incident occurs or
even before an attack simulation is conducted. It is
based on cloning an existing system, sanitizing it to
transform it into a honeypot, and deploying it in a
cloud environment. The experiments carried out have
shown that this approach is feasible, reasonably se-
cure, and generates actual data for forensic investi-
gations as attacks on the honeypots are conducted.
Therefore, we consider our approach an important
step in enabling a forensic readiness assessment using
existing company systems and processes, especially
for small and medium enterprises.
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Evaluating Digital Forensic Readiness: A Honeypot Approach