TPACK is crucial for preparing teachers to navigate
through this new educational landscape (Zhang,
2021). Similarly, this study focused only on the
conception of teachers from the areas of mathematics,
science, technology and Art, with the teachers
needing an engineering background.
Future research can incorporate quantitative
methods applied to more teachers to collect data from
a larger sample. Additionally, future research can
focus on students' perceptions regarding the topic
under discussion. This can also encourage the
discussion regarding integrating the different
disciplines of STEAM education from the perspective
of teachers and students.
The master course received funding from the
Portugal's recovery and resilience plan. We would
like to sincerely thank all STEAM teachers which
agreed to participate in the study.
This paper was also funded by national funds
(PIDDAC), through the FCT – Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia and FCT/MCTES under the
scope of the projects UIDB/05549/2020 and
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