HydroLab: A Versatile Hydroelectric Power Lab for Security Research
and Education
Sebastian Obermeier
1 a
, Giorgio Tresoldi
2 b
, Bernhard Tellenbach
2 c
and Vincent Lenders
2 d
Hochschule Luzern Informatik, Campus Zug-Rotkreuz, Suurstoffi 1, 6343 Risch-Rotkreuz, Switzerland
Cyber-Defence Campus, armasuisse Science and Technology, Feuerwerkerstrasse 39, 3603 Thun, Switzerland
Industrial Cyber Security, Substation Automation Systems, Cyber Security Testing Laboratory, Hydrolab.
We present our experiences with designing, building and operating a lab for critical infrastructure consisting
of a hydroelectric power plant for power generation and a substation automation system for the transfer of
energy. The lab is unique in that it serves a double purpose, providing opportunities for both education and
research. The paper outlines the architecture, hardware and software components of the lab and validates its
effectiveness through classroom teaching and participation in two hackathons. The lab’s ability to combine
real-world applications with hands-on learning makes it an essential resource for students and researchers
interested in critical infrastructure systems. The presented lab can aid in advancing the understanding and
development of these systems for cyber security purposes.
In order to make the national infrastructure more re-
silient, it is crucial for future engineers to receive ed-
ucation in cyber security and to conduct research on
energy systems, especially on power generation and
the automation of substations, which are responsible
for the distribution of energy.
To enhance the learning experience and prepare
students and professional engineers for real-world
scenarios, we have designed and built a cyber secu-
rity lab for critical infrastructure that can be used at
the same time for education and research. The lab
utilizes actual elements to simulate a hydroelectric
power plant and a substation. This hands-on approach
allows for a more practical and accurate understand-
ing of the subject, as opposed to solely relying on sim-
ulated environments.
The main idea of the lab is to implement a mod-
ularized approach for cyber security controls within
critical infrastructure environments. It has several
components that resemble an end-to-end power sce-
nario, ranging from power generation to transmission.
1.1 Contributions
Beyond a previous contribution (Obermeier et al.,
2023), which focuses on recovery concepts for sub-
station automation labs, the main contributions of this
paper are:
It presents the design, architecture and compo-
nents for a novel cyber security focused energy
lab that includes a hydroelectric and a substation
automation system. The lab is built with real au-
tomation hardware and integrated by professional
electrical engineers to ensure a maximum degree
of realism.
It shows which training scenarios and exercises
have been integrated, including the setup of state-
of-the-art intrusion detection systems as learning
It evaluates the system through the use in two
hackathons and through classroom lectures, thus
showing the feasibility for both, education and re-
Lab approaches for education and research exist, e.g.,
(Holm et al., 2015) has conducted a meta study on in-
Obermeier, S., Tresoldi, G., Tellenbach, B. and Lenders, V.
HydroLab: A Versatile Hydroelectric Power Lab for Security Research and Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012713800003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 622-627
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
dustrial control system lab setups. (Frank et al., 2017)
suggests a design life cycle concept for the creation
and also maintenance of testbeds. Our evaluation con-
firms that maintenance should not be underestimated
and resources should be planned.
In contrast to generic approaches like (Sauer
et al., 2019), which has developed a low cost indus-
trial testbed for research and education focusing on
generic automation systems, our approach focuses on
a real-world substation environment including real-
world devices and software.
Another testlab is described in (Ruhe and Roesch,
2019), whereas (R
osch et al., 2020) is a movable ex-
tension to focus on cyber security aspects. However,
the approach differs from our testlab as it is an all-
in-one solution while our focus is on a modular ap-
A literature survey for critical infrastructure cy-
ber training has been conducted by (Chowdhury and
Gkioulos, 2021).
Concerning power systems, (Yang et al., 2015)
presents an IEC 61850 based testbed for research pur-
poses including cyber security tests. This testbed,
however, does not include IEC 60870–5–104 commu-
nication towards a central SCADA system, which we
have included in our lab. The investigation of (Yang
et al., 2015) in 2015 revealed that several of the used
Intelligent Electronic Device (IED)s exhibit vulnera-
bilities. This problem has not been completely solved
until today - during a hackathon, we discovered three
previously unknown vulnerabilities in our testbed of
fully patched state-of-the-art IED.
In case of low budget, (Gunathilaka et al., 2016)
has created a software-based smart grid testbed. How-
ever, our experiments show that the use of real-world
hardware in testbeds is crucial, especially for cyber
security research as the behavior of hardware under
various attacks is difficult to assess and simulate.
The National Institute of Standards and Technol-
ogy (NIST) recommends an industrial control sys-
tem cyber security lab setup in (Candell et al., 2015).
Their publication covers the lab setup and different
scenarios which can be acted out on the proposed in-
The design goals of our energy laboratory are to cre-
ate a mobile, miniaturized environment of a substa-
tion automation system that is realistic and extensi-
ble. The lab should be multi-purpose and capable of
supporting multiple users simultaneously. One impor-
tant aspect of the lab should be vulnerability research,
allowing for the identification and analysis of poten-
tial weaknesses in the used energy systems. The lab
should also be able to serve as a demonstration tool,
showcasing the capabilities and features of various
energy systems to decision makers and other stake-
holders. To provide a comprehensive understanding
of energy security, the lab should combine both, vul-
nerable components and the latest secure hardware
and software, in order to allow users to find known
weaknesses but also perform research on state-of-the-
art systems.
Additionally, the lab should have automated re-
covery capabilities to ensure that it can quickly re-
turn to normal operation after any disruptions or at-
tacks conducted by the users. Visual components, in
our case a water tank, should demonstrate the results
of successful attack scenarios that can be simulated
within the lab. Overall, the energy laboratory should
be designed to support a range of security awareness
and training objectives, providing a valuable resource
for engineers and decision makers working to secure
energy systems.
The lab consists of two parts, a Power generation
system that is implemented through a hydroelectric
power plant, and a Power transmission system that is
implemented through a substation automation system.
While the Power generation part is a basic simula-
tion environment with known security vulnerabilities,
the Power transmission part, which is represented by
the substation automation system, is a state-of-the-art
system that is fully updated.
Figure 1: Picture of the hydro lab.
HydroLab: A Versatile Hydroelectric Power Lab for Security Research and Education
Figure 2: Schematics of the hydro lab.
4.1 Hydroelectric Power Plant
The hydroelectric part of the energy laboratory offers
an introduction to Operational Technology (OT) and
a picture is shown in Figure 1. It consists of a model
of a hydroelectric power station where water is stored
in a elevated reservoir. Upon release, the water trav-
els through pipes, turns a turbine, and generates elec-
tricity. When excess energy is available, the water is
pumped back up to the reservoir.
The physical setup using water tanks allows to ex-
perience the consequences of an attack, e.g. the over-
flowing of one of the water tanks.
The schematics are illustrated in Figure 2. The
model includes three tanks which represent the lower
(T2) and higher elevation reservoirs (T1) plus an over-
flow tank (T3).
The water in the higher reservoir can be released
by two separate electric gate valves (EV1 & EV2).
Water then flows to the lower tank (T2) through
flowmeters (FM1 & FM2), which simulate the turbine
through lighting bulbs (B1 & B2). The water can be
pumped from the lower tank (and from the overflow
tank) to the upper tank using a pumps (P1 & P2). Both
tanks are equipped with level sensors (LS3 & LS5)
to sense overflows. To avoid that water spills on the
ground during cyber attacks, we have added separate
overflow pipes.
4.1.1 Architecture
The overall architecture is illustrated in Figure 3. The
sensors and actuators are connected to a Siemens S7-
300 (PLC1 in the image) and a Schneider Electric
Modicon M340 (PLC2) which are programmed with
the same logic. Both PLCs are used to control two
pumps that control the water flow. Both PLCs, as
well as the engineering workstation (Engg), the HMI
(based on Allen-Bradley FactoryTalk) and the substa-
tion automation system (SAS) are connected through
a Siemens SCALANCE XB208 Network switch.
Pump 1 & 2
Sensors &
Figure 3: Hydro lab architecture.
The system is designed to support two distinct
communication protocols to provide participants with
an opportunity to experience diverse implementations
while comprehending a single physical process. The
used protocols are Modbus for the M340 PLC and
S7comm for the S7-300.
The substation automation system (SAS) is con-
nected through the network switch, as illustrated in
the bottom right corner of Figure 3.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
DOMPROD (Substation)
Hitachi / ABB
Switch Box
Process Level
Hitachi / ABB
Bay/Unit Level
+ Tools
Station Level
XPG Gateway
XPG Gateway
CMC 256
Figure 4: Conceptual Overview of the Substation System.
4.2 Substation Automation System
The goal of the substation automation system is to
create a complex, realistic system that mimicks a real-
world installation. It does not contain a physical vi-
sualization, but utilizes an accurate configuration and
system. It is secure-by-design through the use of lat-
est standards, firewalls, segmentation, IDS, etc. It in-
volves recovery and reset options into defined states
according to (Obermeier et al., 2023). Therefore, the
system allows for reproducible, complex, and realistic
Figure 4 illustrates an overview of our substa-
tion system. The left blue box denotes the substa-
tion (DOMPROD), while the right box symbolizes
the network control center (DOMOT/NCC). The left-
most red box illustrates the process level, simulated
through an ABB Switch Box, which is capable of
replicating the states of circuit breakers, switchgears
and other field components. The RED670 IED on
Bay Level is employed for the protection, monitor-
ing, and control of overhead lines and cables. The
Omicron CMC256 is connected to the RED670 to
simulate overcurrents, which may arise from light-
ning strikes on power lines. The managed switch,
equipped with a monitoring port, mirrors all traffic to
the Omicron StationGuard IDS on the station level.
That level also accommodates the local SCADA sys-
tem, as well as supplementary tools. The Fortigate
Firewall safeguards the substation from the wide area
communication network, which is simulated through
IPSec as VPN technology. The counterpart symbol-
izes the network control center, inclusive of the cen-
tral SCADA system.
4.2.1 Architecture
The lab network layout is illustrated in Figure 5. Each
computer icon represents a virtual machine. The
Omicron CMC 256 is not included in this figure be-
cause it is not connected to the network but directly to
the IED.
While we have virtualized the IT hardware, the
industrial components are bound to their dedicated
To evaluate the lab, we created two scenarios: a class-
room setting and a hackathon experience. To answer
the question whether it is possible to master a com-
plex, multi-component technology, we have utilized
lab exercises. To examine the extent to which partici-
pants are able to apply their knowledge independently
and perform research, we have utilized a hackathon
setting. Furthermore, we evaluated the potential of
combining vulnerable components for early success
(e.g. known vulnerabilities through the use of weak
protocols) with more sophisticated state-of-the-art se-
curity challenges.
5.1 Evaluation in Classroom
The use of a substation laboratory in a classroom set-
ting allows students to apply theoretical concepts to
real-world situations, leading to a deeper understand-
ing of the system. Furthermore, the hands-on experi-
ence in the lab also improves problem-solving skills,
as students are able to experiment and test different
Concretely, we have implemented several exercises in
our lab:
Protection of the Power Grid. In this exercise, stu-
dents focus on the general operation of the power grid
and start with learning about the different protection
functions and their use in power networks. In the
practical part, they we will use the Omicron CMC256
to test the protection functions and evaluate the re-
closing feature that can automatically re-establish a
power grid.
Operation. Students learn about how to switch, rec-
ognize alarms, and set parameters. In the practical
portion, focus is on the IEC61850 protocol and how
Layer 2 Messages are used. Tools for monitoring
OT protocols and how to interpret the data are intro-
duced as well. Additionally, the use and monitoring
of IEC60870-5-104/101 is covered.
Cyber Security Maturity Assessment. In this exer-
cise, students focus on evaluating the cyber security
maturity and creating a catalog of cyber measures.
First, they analyze the IP concept and network dia-
gram, create a maturity table and risk assessment fol-
lowing the NIST framework (Barrett, 2018).
HydroLab: A Versatile Hydroelectric Power Lab for Security Research and Education
Figure 5: Network Layout of the Substation System.
Cyber Measures. A catalog of cyber measures is
created in this exercise including a revision of the net-
work segmentation. In the practical portion, the de-
fined measures in the network are implemented, in-
cluding a proper segmentation. Additionally, the con-
figuration of the affected components is improved and
IDS. After evaluating different concepts of IDS and
methods integration, students integrate the Omicron
StationGuard IDS practically and test its detection ca-
pabilities by executing the following attacks: Packet
Injection, DoS, and Password Brute Force.
After the classroom has been completed, which
consisted of 6 days with 6 lectures each, we have con-
ducted a survey among the 15 participating students.
We have received feedback from 8 participants. All
students reported that the lab was worth their time
and effort. Some students felt that the workload was
high, due to the required preparation and reading be-
fore and after the lab sessions. Three students would
like to have even more exercises. Despite this, the
results of the lab indicate that the students learned a
significant amount from the experience. Overall, the
lab was deemed completely satisfactory by seven par-
Anecdotal evidence also supports the benefits of a
substation laboratory in the classroom. For example,
students who have participated in laboratory sessions
in a substation setting have reported a greater under-
standing of the material and a higher level of engage-
ment in the class. One student went on to a career
as a cyber security engineer for a utility. His em-
ployer reported that the on-boarding was exception-
ally short. In addition, students who participated later
in the hackathon and had experience in a substation
lab demonstrated higher levels of success and were
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
XPG Gateway
Siemens IED
1 = Not useful at all 5 = Extremely useful 0 = Not stated
Figure 6: Usefulness of the Infrastructure.
better able to apply their knowledge to the competi-
5.2 Evaluation at Hackathons
The complete lab was evaluated through two 4-5 day
hackathons, which took place in September 2022 and
2023, respectively, with more than 30 participants
from various private, military and governmental or-
ganizations. The participants were split up into cross-
functional teams, each with different focal points in
the area of attack, digital forensics & intrusion detec-
tion, and reverse engineering.
The laboratory was used throughout the
hackathons, allowing its participants to identify
different vectors of attack on industrial control sys-
tems and carry out attacks themselves in the different
parts of the laboratory. The participants appreciated
the opportunity to be able to work on a concrete
system resembling a real world setup.
To evaluate its usefullness, we created a survey of
24 quantitative and qualitative questions. 23 partici-
pants of the ICS Hackathon completed the survey.
Figure 6 shows the results of the perceived useful-
ness of the provided infrastructure: ”Please indicate
below on a scale from 1 (not useful at all) to 5 (ex-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
tremely useful) how you would rate the usefulness
of the infrastructures provided at the hackathon?”.
In general, the mean index MD of the satisfaction
rate was high, with the exception of the hydroelectric
model as this part has not been used by many par-
ticipants. Note that we have employed an additional
standalone Siemens Siprotec device in the hackathon,
which is not part of the regular setup.
Another result of the hackathon was the discovery
and reporting following a responsible disclosure pro-
cess of three vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-4778, CVE-
2022-4779, CVE-2022-4780), which were discovered
through analysis of the Gateway Applicance and its
firmware. CVE-2022-4778 concerns a path traver-
sal vulnerability in the gateway that allows authen-
ticated users to get unauthorized access to files on the
server’s filesystem. CVE-2022-4780 concerns hard-
coded crendentials in the gateway. The identified vul-
nerabilities show that the use of state-of-the-art hard-
ware for cyber security research is essential because
it provides a more realistic and accurate representa-
tion of the actual devices and systems being targeted
by potential cyber attacks, unlike simulated devices
which may not accurately reflect real-world scenarios
and vulnerabilities.
An additional result of the hackathons was a test
suite for IDS in substation environments developed by
the defense team. The authors plan to report about it
in a separate paper.
We have presented the design and use of a lab dedi-
cated to cyber security in critical infrastructures that
models a hydroelectric power plant to produce energy
and a substation automation system to transfer it. The
lab is unique in its double use for both teaching and
research purposes. The lab features a combination
of old and new devices and systems to cater to both
basic and advanced research and teaching needs, en-
abling hackathons with a broad audience. Going for-
ward, we will focus on the integration of additional
critical infrastructure components, e.g., for building
automation, to enable an even more holistic research
and learning experience.
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HydroLab: A Versatile Hydroelectric Power Lab for Security Research and Education