tremely useful) how you would rate the usefulness
of the infrastructures provided at the hackathon?”.
In general, the mean index MD of the satisfaction
rate was high, with the exception of the hydroelectric
model as this part has not been used by many par-
ticipants. Note that we have employed an additional
standalone Siemens Siprotec device in the hackathon,
which is not part of the regular setup.
Another result of the hackathon was the discovery
and reporting following a responsible disclosure pro-
cess of three vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-4778, CVE-
2022-4779, CVE-2022-4780), which were discovered
through analysis of the Gateway Applicance and its
firmware. CVE-2022-4778 concerns a path traver-
sal vulnerability in the gateway that allows authen-
ticated users to get unauthorized access to files on the
server’s filesystem. CVE-2022-4780 concerns hard-
coded crendentials in the gateway. The identified vul-
nerabilities show that the use of state-of-the-art hard-
ware for cyber security research is essential because
it provides a more realistic and accurate representa-
tion of the actual devices and systems being targeted
by potential cyber attacks, unlike simulated devices
which may not accurately reflect real-world scenarios
and vulnerabilities.
An additional result of the hackathons was a test
suite for IDS in substation environments developed by
the defense team. The authors plan to report about it
in a separate paper.
We have presented the design and use of a lab dedi-
cated to cyber security in critical infrastructures that
models a hydroelectric power plant to produce energy
and a substation automation system to transfer it. The
lab is unique in its double use for both teaching and
research purposes. The lab features a combination
of old and new devices and systems to cater to both
basic and advanced research and teaching needs, en-
abling hackathons with a broad audience. Going for-
ward, we will focus on the integration of additional
critical infrastructure components, e.g., for building
automation, to enable an even more holistic research
and learning experience.
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HydroLab: A Versatile Hydroelectric Power Lab for Security Research and Education