Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC
Leonard Bradatsch
, Artur Hermann
and Frank Kargl
Institute of Distributed Systems, Ulm University, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Access Control, Threat Analysis, Risk Assessment, Zero Trust Security.
As enterprises increasingly adopt Zero Trust security, access control based on attributes is regaining attention
as a core aspect of Zero Trust. Evaluating the accuracy of access decisions is a vital aspect of securing
access control systems, typically involving threat analysis and risk assessment. A notable threat is attackers
gaining illegitimate access by compromising the attributes checked by the access control policies. However, a
systematic methodology for assessing attribute compromise risk is lacking. Knowing this risk aids in designing
more accurate access control policies. This paper introduces a novel framework to address this gap, using
modeled attackers and enterprises for risk assessment of attribute compromise. We also present a detailed case
study featuring six attackers and two enterprises, demonstrating the framework’s practicality and providing
insights into the security strength of fifteen common access control attributes. In the context of the case study,
attributes such as Certificate Authentication, along with User Usage and Device Usage, which both reflect the
coupling of users and devices, demonstrated high resilience against compromise attempts.
Organizations are increasingly adopting Zero Trust
(ZT) security due to the limitations of traditional
perimeter security against threats such as those from
malicious insiders (Rose et al., 2020). ZT emphasizes
stringent access control, encompassing both authenti-
cation and authorization, for every access request. ZT
distinguishes two main access control types: criteria-
based and score-based (Rose et al., 2020).
Criteria-based access control, similar to Attribute-
Based Access Control (ABAC) (Hu et al., 2013),
grants access only if an access request meets all pre-
defined policy criteria. These criteria, defined by at-
tributes such as usual access time and valid device
certificates, must be satisfied by the client’s request,
representing both user and device. An example is
shown in Listing 1.
Conversely, score-based access control, akin
to Trust-Based Access Control (TBAC) (Xiaoning,
2012), assigns weights to attributes. Access is granted
if the cumulative score from these weighted attributes
meets or exceeds a defined trust threshold. An exam-
if ac ce ss Ti m e != u su al Ac ce ss Ti me {
re que st . den y
if p r o vi de dD ev ic eC er t != c or re ct De v i c e C e r t {
re que st . den y
re que st . pe rmi t
Listing 1: Example criteria-based access control policy.
ple TBAC policy using an additive score calculation
method is in Listing 2.
sc o re = 0
if ac ce ss Ti m e == u su al Ac ce ss Ti me {
sc o re += 1 # E x am ple at tr i b u te we i gh t
if p r o vi de dD ev ic eC er t == c or re ct De v i c e C e r t {
sc o re += 4 # E x am ple at tr i b u te we i gh t
if sco re >= t hr es h ol d {
re que st . pe rmi t
} e lse {
re que st . den y
Listing 2: Example score-based access control policy.
It is crucial to assess the security strength of
ABAC and TBAC systems to prevent illegitimate ac-
cess, particularly by evaluating the accuracy of their
access decisions. Conducting a Threat Analysis and
Bradatsch, L., Hermann, A. and Kargl, F.
Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012715300003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 26-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Risk Assessment (TARA) is a common approach to
evaluate and enhance the security strength of such ac-
cess control systems (Shostack, 2014). TARA is a
systematic process that involves identifying, assess-
ing, and prioritizing potential threats, evaluating the
risks they pose to the target under evaluation, and de-
veloping strategies to mitigate them.
In a TARA for ABAC and TBAC systems, a par-
ticular focus is placed on the attributes used. Both
ABAC and TBAC rely on these attributes to dictate
the conditions under which clients are granted ac-
cess. A significant threat is the potential compromise
of these attributes, enabling attackers to mimic legit-
imate clients and gain illegitimate access. For exam-
ple, in 2022, stolen credentials accounted for 49 per-
cent of all data breaches (Verizon, 2023). The ease
of compromising attributes varies. For instance, the
usual access time is relatively easy to infer by just
probing and thus more vulnerable. In contrast, a de-
vice certificate is significantly harder to compromise
due to strong default security measures like storing
the certificate’s private key in a protected key storage.
Systematically assessing threats to attributes
through a TARA can be utilized for determining the
attributes’ risk level. We define the risk level as
the risk (low, medium, or high) with which an at-
tribute can be compromised. A TARA involves an-
alyzing potential attackers and the security strength
of attribute implementations. However, there is a
lack of research specifically focused on evaluating at-
tribute compromise risks in ABAC and TBAC sys-
tems. Focused research in this topic could improve
understanding of attributes’ security strength, aiding
in developing more accurate access control policies
and preventing illegitimate access. In ABAC, such
research could identify the most secure attributes for
securing sensitive data, while in TBAC, it could guide
the assignment of attribute weights based on their risk
of compromise.
This paper addresses the research gap in conduct-
ing systematic threat analysis to assess attribute com-
promise risks. Our main contributions are as follows:
We present two use cases motivating the risk
level assessment of attributes within the context
of ABAC and TBAC.
We introduce a framework that allows the assess-
ment of attribute risk levels depending on threats
modeled by a TARA.
We provide a detailed case study with six modeled
attackers and two modeled enterprises demon-
strating the framework’s application. This case
study provides concrete insights into the security
strength of the 15 evaluated attributes.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of the necessary technical back-
ground and reviews related work. Section 3 out-
lines two use cases, motivating the application of our
framework. In Section 4, we introduce our attribute
assessment framework. Section 5 presents a detailed
case study utilizing this framework. The use cases,
case study, and broader implications are discussed in
Section 6. Finally, Section 7 concludes with a sum-
mary and an outline of potential future work.
This section outlines TARA aspects pertinent to our
TARA outlines cybersecurity methods used to
identify and evaluate threats and vulnerabilities
within a system. It involves thoroughly examining
the system’s components and operations to pinpoint
potential compromise points and assess the impact of
such compromises.
Significant contributions to TARA methodolo-
gies include works by (Rocchetto and Tippenhauer,
2016), (Cardenas et al., 2009; C
ardenas and Baras,
2006), (Corman and Etue, 2012), and (Papakonstanti-
nou et al., 2021). The STRIDE model by (Shostack,
2014) is one of the most established methods for iden-
tifying threats in a TARA. We will follow STRIDE in
our paper.
The STRIDE model addresses the security threats
of Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information
Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Priv-
ilege. It starts with scrutinizing each access control
system component under these threat categories to
pinpoint vulnerabilities. This is followed by a risk
assessment evaluating the likelihood and impact of
threats, considering aspects like data sensitivity and
ease of compromise.
In our work, we focus on the likelihood of threats
and address the security threat of spoofing. Under the
STRIDE model, spoofing refers to masquerading as
a legitimate client to gain illegitimate access to a re-
source. This threat is particularly relevant in ABAC
and TBAC systems, where access decisions are based
on client attributes. Attackers may exploit these sys-
tems by compromising attributes to spoof legitimate
clients, thereby gaining illegitimate access.
In ABAC and TBAC, various studies address
spoofing threats. OWASP covers types of spoof-
ing under the terms Broken Access Control (OWASP
Foundation, 2021a) and Identification and Authenti-
cation Failures (OWASP Foundation, 2021b), espe-
Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC Systems
cially in web security. They describe vulnerabili-
ties that enable spoofing, such as weak credentials
or access control bypassing. (Crampton et al., 2015)
and (Morisset et al., 2018; Morisset et al., 2019) as-
sess the impact of missing attributes in ABAC sys-
tems. Research by (Mandal et al., 2021), (Chattaraj
et al., 2020), and (Manoj and Chandrasekar, 2014)
focuses on detecting or preventing attribute compro-
mise, such as location, in ABAC models. (Zhang
et al., 2013) and (Esmaeeli and Shahriari, 2010)
discuss secure attribute storage to prevent attribute
compromise. Additionally, several works, such as
from (Sasse et al., 2014), examine user mistakes or
fatigue in access control leading to spoofing attacks.
The identified related work extensively addresses spe-
cific spoofing threats and countermeasures through
various approaches like evaluating vulnerabilities, in-
tegrating detection mechanisms, and elucidating se-
cure attribute storage.
However, there is a lack of understanding about
attributes’ security strength in the sense of a risk of
compromise. To the best of our knowledge, no com-
prehensive framework exists for evaluating attributes’
compromise risk to assess their security strength.
Such an assessment can aid in designing more accu-
rate ABAC/TBAC systems, particularly in mitigating
the risk of spoofing for illegitimate access.
This section outlines two use cases in the ZT domain,
demonstrating how applying our framework for as-
sessing attribute compromise risk can contribute to
designing more accurate ABAC and TBAC policies.
The first use case relates to ABAC, and the second to
3.1 ABAC Use Case
In ZT environments, ABAC policies use specific at-
tributes to define conditions for resource access, as
depicted in Listing 1 (Garbis and Chapman, 2021).
Studies by (Garbis and Chapman, 2021) or (Bradatsch
et al., 2023) identify attributes like access time or au-
thentication factors for these policies. The number
of such attribute conditions varies with the sensitiv-
ity of the service; for instance, a calendar system may
have fewer conditions (Listing 1), while an enterprise
billing system might require more (Listing 3).
While (Garbis and Chapman, 2021), (Vanickis
et al., 2018), and (Ghate et al., 2021) provide ABAC
policy languages suitable for such scenarios, research
on the security strength of individual attributes is still
if ac ce ss Ti m e != u su al Ac ce ss Ti me {
re que st . den y
if s o f tw ar eP at ch Le ve l != u p To Da te {
re que st . den y
if p r o vi de dU se rP a s s w o rd != u se rP as sw or d {
re que st . den y
if p r o vi de dD ev ic eC er t != c or re ct De v i c e C e r t {
re que st . den y
re que st . pe rmi t
Listing 3: ABAC policy for an example billing system.
ongoing. For example, adding the access time at-
tribute may not significantly enhance security, as it is
relatively easy to compromise. Our framework aims
to assess the risk level of attributes, providing in-
sight into how much an attribute strengthens a policy
against illegitimate access through attribute compro-
3.2 TBAC Use Case
TBAC policies, like ABAC, utilize attributes to con-
trol access. However, TBAC systems calculate a trust
score from weights assigned to these attributes. Ac-
cess is only permitted if the calculated trust score
meets or exceeds a predefined threshold. An exam-
ple of policy using an additive approach is shown
in Listing 2. Models such as by (Yao et al., 2020),
(Bradatsch et al., 2023), and (Dimitrakos et al., 2020)
elaborate further approaches for trust score calcula-
tion for TBAC. The accuracy of TBAC hinges on pre-
cise attribute weighting. For instance, in a TBAC-
enabled corporate billing system with attributes like
access time, user password, software patch level, and
device certificate, imbalanced weighting can create
access inaccuracies. If the TBAC system overval-
ues access time and software patch level for trust cal-
culations, an attacker could exploit this by compro-
mising these two attributes, achieving the necessary
trust score without a valid device certificate or the cor-
rect user password. This misconfiguration in attribute
weighting could result in illegitimate access. Current
research, often using example weights, needs a sys-
tematic approach for the determination of the weights.
Our framework addresses this by guiding the assign-
ment of reasonable weights to attributes based on their
compromise risk, arguing that attributes that are eas-
ier to compromise should be weighted lower.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Motivated by the use cases described in the previous
section, we introduce a novel framework designed to
assess the risk of attributes being compromised by an-
alyzing threats to these attributes manifested by at-
tackers. This framework models attacker scenarios,
each involving a modeled attacker aiming to compro-
mise the attribute under evaluation within a modeled
enterprise. The outcome of this framework is a risk
level that indicates the likelihood of the attacker suc-
cessfully compromising the attribute. The impact as-
sessment of an attribute compromise is out of scope
of this paper. We assume that the access control sys-
tem of the modeled enterprises is secure and cannot
be compromised or bypassed.
We briefly overview the modeling process for at-
tacker scenarios in the next paragraph, followed by a
detailed description including a comprehensive mod-
eling example in the upcoming subsections. This
modeling process must be carried out for each at-
tribute to be evaluated.
The modeling process consists of four phases.
Phase One focuses on assessing the general feasibil-
ity of compromising the evaluated attribute. This in-
volves analyzing the attribute’s inherent vulnerabil-
ities and the potential skills an attacker might uti-
lize for compromising the attribute. This assessment
should be grounded in literature and expert insights.
The primary goal of this phase is to ascertain the base-
line security strength of the evaluated attribute, inde-
pendent of the modeled enterprise or attacker in the
specific attacker scenario.
Phase Two involves developing the considered en-
terprise model, defining the implementation strength
of the evaluated attribute. This implementation
strength must be assessed individually for each en-
terprise and should be aligned with the responsible
security experts. The implementation strength is then
integrated with the attribute’s general feasibility level
to refine the general feasibility from Phase One ac-
cording to the modeled enterprise.
Phase Three focuses on modeling the attacker,
who aims to compromise the evaluated attribute. This
involves defining the attacker’s skill set, including
skills such as effort or offensive knowledge. These
skill sets can either be customized for particular sce-
narios or derived from literature. The framework then
integrates these attacker skills with the attribute’s ad-
justed feasibility level from Phase Two. This allows
the refinement of the feasibility level to the specific
attacker in the scenario.
In Phase Four, a risk level is derived from the
feasibility level, adjusted for implementation strength
Figure 1: Conceptual depiction of the attacker scenario
modeling process.
and the attacker skill set. This risk level indicates the
extent to which the evaluated attribute implemented
in the modeled enterprise is at risk of being compro-
mised by the modeled attacker.
The conceptual framework of this process is de-
picted in Figure 1. In the following part of this sec-
tion, the attacker scenario’s modeling process is de-
scribed in detail.
4.1 Phase One: General Feasibility
The initial phase in attacker scenario modeling fo-
cuses on evaluating the general feasibility of an at-
tacker compromising the evaluated attribute. This
general feasibility is assessed for each attacker skill.
Considering both the attacker’s skills and the at-
tribute’s implementation strength as medium, this as-
sessment aims to establish a baseline scenario. We
denote each attacker skill’s feasibility to compromise
the evaluated attribute under these baseline conditions
as FL
. These feasibility levels are categorized
into high > medium > low.
This approach of establishing a baseline with
medium levels for both attacker skills and implemen-
tation strength lays the groundwork for Phase Two
and Three. In these subsequent phases, these gen-
eral feasibility levels can be adjusted to reflect the
unique characteristics and capabilities of each specific
attacker and enterprise. Using the same baseline fea-
sibility assessment allows multiple attacker and enter-
prise models to be effectively applied to the evaluated
For our framework, we use a set of attacker skills
from (Rocchetto and Tippenhauer, 2016). They cate-
gorize these skills into three groups: (1) knowledge-
based skills, (2) resource-related skills, and (3) psy-
chological skills. The specific skills are defined as
(1) Knowledge-based skills:
Offensive describes the expertise of the attacker
regarding performing attacks
System describes the attacker’s knowledge
about their target
(2) Resource-related skills:
Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC Systems
Distance refers to the attacker’s proximity to
their target, with higher skill levels indicating
closer proximity, excluding blackmail or phys-
ical threats
Manpower specifies the amount of people in-
volved in the attacks
Tools defines which tools are available to the
Financial Support specifies the attacker’s bud-
get. We exclude the ability to bribe a target
Effort defines the willingness of the attacker to
perform sophisticated attacks
(3) Psychological skills:
Determination specifies how long an attacker is
willing to performed an attack
Periodicity defines how often the attacker tries
to attack
Strategy described how structured an attacker
performs their attacks
This set of skills can be adjusted to fit specific use
This general feasibility assessment should be
grounded in literature and expert opinion. In our
study (Section 5), we interviewed professional pene-
tration testers to assess feasibility levels. For instance,
focusing on Password Authentication (PwAuth) with
Offensive skills, we found that passwords with
medium implementation strength (minimum 8 char-
acters, without mandatory use of password managers,
salted and hashed passwords in a secure shadow file)
are highly vulnerable to attackers with medium of-
fensive capabilities. One major vulnerability arises
from the absence of password managers, which typ-
ically provide domain verification, thereby making
passwords significantly prone to phishing attacks.
Consequently, we determined a high feasibility level
= high) for breaching PwAuth with Offen-
sive skills.
4.2 Phase Two: Enterprise Modeling
Phase Two of the modeling process focuses on mod-
eling the specific enterprise in the attacker scenario.
While Phase One assumes medium levels for at-
tribute implementation strengths, actual implementa-
tion strengths vary among enterprises. Consequently,
Phase Two requires assessing the specific attribute im-
plementation strength within the enterprise to be mod-
eled. These implementation strengths are classified
into three categories: high > medium > low.
For instance, low Password Authentication
strength indicates weak password policies and clear
text storage on servers. Medium strength suggests
improved policies and secure password hash storage.
High strength involves stringent policies, mandatory
password manager use, and highly secure server-side
hash storage.
The implementation strength is denoted as
and should be assessed by security ex-
perts responsible for the enterprise being modeled.
An attribute’s feasibility level is inversely related to
its implementation strength: a high implementation
strength makes compromising the attribute more chal-
lenging, lowering its feasibility level, and vice versa.
To reflect the diverse implementation strengths of
attributes across different enterprises, we adjust the
general feasibility levels FL
from Phase One,
using the enterprise’s specific attribute implementa-
tion strength IS
. Therefore, for each skill, we
apply the First Integration Logic to FL
. The
logic is as follows:
is decreased to the next lower level if
= high, with low as the minimum level
is increased to the next higher level if
= low, with high as the maximum level
stays unchanged if IS
For example, if the modeled enterprise has a high
implementation strength for passwords (IS
high), the feasibility level FL
= high is re-
duced from high to medium.
4.3 Phase Three: Attacker Modeling
The third step in the modeling process for attacker
scenarios involves the creation of attacker models,
each possessing a specific set of skills and skill lev-
els. We advocate for modeling concrete attackers
rather than testing all possible combinations of at-
tacker skills and levels. The latter approach lacks the
capability to clearly recognize which attacker is a re-
alistic threat and which is not. Our method allows for
modeling concrete attackers tailored to each specific
TARA, representing realistic threats.
The general feasibility levels FL
mined in Phase One were based on the assumption of
medium attacker skill levels. However, different types
of attackers may possess varying skill levels, which
we categorize as high > medium > low. For exam-
ple, an attacker with low offensive skills may conduct
basic attacks, medium skills enable advanced attacks,
and high skills facilitate highly sophisticated attacks.
When modeling attacker scenarios, it is crucial to
consider the actual skill levels of the attackers. There-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
fore, each considered skill must be assigned an at-
tacker skill level denoted as ASL
for the attacker
to be modeled. This assignment should be grounded
in a thorough review of relevant literature and in-
formed by the expertise of security experts. A high
skill level indicates greater feasibility for the attacker
to compromise a specific attribute, whereas a low skill
level suggests the opposite.
To account for varying attacker skill levels, the
adjusted feasibility levels FL
from Phase Two
are modified according to the corresponding attacker
skill levels (ASL
) of the attacker under consider-
ation. To achieve this, we apply the Second Integra-
tion Logic to each skill considered for the attribute
under evaluation. The specific logic is defined as fol-
is increased to the next higher level
if ASL
= high, with high as the maximum
is decreased to the next lower level if
= low, with low as the minimum level
stays unchanged if ASL
The feasibility level is adjusted by only one level, re-
gardless of whether the feasibility level is, for exam-
ple, initially low and the attacker’s skill level is high.
This approach is due to the baseline used in the frame-
work, where the medium attacker skill level was as-
sumed for setting the general feasibility levels. As a
result, both high and low attacker skill levels are con-
sidered to deviate by only one level from this medium
baseline during the feasibility assessment. As an ex-
ample, consider an attacker with a low offensive skill
level (ASL
= low). For the attribute Password
Authentication, the feasibility level for this skill as-
sociated to the attribute (FL
) would be down-
graded from high to medium.
4.4 Phase Four: Risk Level
The final phase in the modeling process is the deter-
mination of the risk level for the evaluated attribute
with which it can be compromised for an attacker-
enterprise combination. For our framework, we use
three different risk levels: (1) an attribute can be at
high risk, (2) at medium risk, or (3) at low risk to get
compromised. The following Risk Level Determina-
tion Rules are applied to each attacker scenario to de-
termine the risk level, where an attribute is considered
at high risk for compromise by an attacker against an
enterprise if one of the following conditions is true:
there is at least one FL
= high in both the
categories Knowledge and Resources
there is at least one FL
= high in the cat-
egories Knowledge or Resources and at least one
= medium in the respective other cat-
egory and at least one additional FL
medium in any category
there is at least one FL
= medium in both
the categories Knowledge and Resources, and at
least additionally FL
= medium in two ar-
bitrary categories.
An attribute is considered at medium risk for
compromise if one of the following conditions is true:
there is exactly one FL
= high in the cat-
egory Knowledge and exactly one FL
medium in Resources and all other feasibility lev-
els are low
there is exactly one FL
= high in the cat-
egory Resource and exactly one FL
medium in Knowledge and all other feasibility
levels are low
there is both one FL
= medium in the cate-
gories Knowledge and Resources, and one addi-
tional FL
= medium in any category.
An attribute is considered at low risk for compro-
mise in all other cases.
We require this specific distribution of an at-
tribute’s feasibility levels across various skill cate-
gories. We consider it unrealistic for an attacker
to compromise an attribute by possessing sufficient
skills in only one of the three categories. For in-
stance, an attacker should not be able to compromise
an attribute by having high skills solely in determi-
nation and periodicity. Knowledge about the system
or general offensive skills and having the resources to
execute attacks is always required. We further argue
that an attacker can compensate a high-level skill with
two medium-level skills. However, having at least a
medium level in the Knowledge and Resources cate-
gories remains a prerequisite.
4.5 Modeling Example
Before we present the case study, a comprehensive ex-
ample is given to provide more insights into the mod-
eling process and the thoughts behind it. In this ex-
ample, we use the attacker archetype Hacktivist trying
to compromise the attribute Certificate Authentication
(CertAuth) implemented by a Big Enterprise. The as-
sessments made below are the result of thorough in-
terviews with penetration testers. The complete ex-
ample modeling process is presented in Figure 2.
Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC Systems
In Phase One, we evaluate the general feasibility
levels for the attribute Certificate Authentication. An
attacker must acquire the certificate and its private key
to compromise the attribute. Unlike passwords, cer-
tificates are resilient to common attacks like phishing,
weak password policies, and brute-force attempts.
Standard tools like OpenSSL ensure robust default
settings for certificates’ private keys, including proper
file permissions, making extraction difficult. There-
fore, most of the attacker skills (with medium level)
show a low feasibility for compromising certificates
implemented with medium strength. Only offensive
knowledge and proper tools have medium feasibility
for compromising.
In Phase Two, we assessed the implementation
strength of Certificate Authentication in Big Enter-
prises. Focusing on Windows, the predominant en-
terprise OS, we examined its certificate security mea-
sures. Windows provides robust protection for cer-
tificates’ private keys by default. This includes
hardware-based key storage with strong authentica-
tion and encryption, comprehensive cryptographic
APIs, and extended detection and response tools that
safeguard key storage processes and block illegiti-
mate access. These mechanisms result in a high
implementation strength IS
= high. Conse-
quently, when integrating this with the general feasi-
bility levels from Phase One, the feasibility for com-
promising Certificate Authentication is low for all at-
tacker skills (FL
= low).
In Phase Three, we focused on the Hacktivist at-
tacker archetype, following (Rocchetto and Tippen-
hauer, 2016). This archetype describes hackers with
medium offensive knowledge and tools, working in
small groups. Their standout trait is high motivation,
leading to significant effort and determination. When
we applied these characteristics to the implementation
strength-adjusted feasibility levels from Phase Two,
both effort and determination feasibility levels were
adjusted from low to medium (FL
= medium,
= medium). All other feasibility levels
remain low.
Consequently, following the rules for determining
the risk level for an attribute from 4.4, the attribute
Certificate Authentication is at low risk getting com-
promised by a Hacktivist if implemented by a Big En-
In the following section, we present a detailed case
study that evaluates the feasibility and practicality of
our framework. This study also attempts to offer in-
sights into the security strength of common attributes
used in ABAC or TBAC systems.
The study evaluates general feasibility levels for
15 attributes and ten attacker skills. It includes the
construction of models for two separate enterprises.
Additionally, the study adapts six unique attacker
archetypes, each characterized by distinct skill sets.
Drawing from these data, we derive the attribute risk
levels from each attacker-enterprise combination.
The methodology of this modeling process is elab-
orated in the subsequent sections.
5.1 General Feasibility Levels
In the initial phase of our case study, we assessed
the general feasibility level for each attribute-attacker
skill combination.
We first aimed to identify a set of attributes for
the risk level assessment. (Bradatsch et al., 2023) pro-
vide a comprehensive list of attributes relevant to ac-
cess control. Focusing on attributes common in both
educational and enterprise networks, we conducted
structured interviews with two security experts and
three IT managers from these sectors. This approach
yielded a subset of attributes detailed in Table1 and
categorized by user or device association as in (Bra-
datsch et al., 2023).
For the attacker skills, we included all the skills
described in Subsection 4.1.
We evaluated the general feasibility levels
) for each attribute-attacker skill pairing.
This assessment was based on in-depth interviews
with three professional penetration testers. Details
of these interviews, including assumptions, method-
ology and proof of concept implementation, will be
available on our GitHub
. The derived feasibility lev-
els are presented in Table 1.
Our results highlight that the skills Offensive,
Tools, Effort, Determination, and Strategy are each
effective in compromising a wide range of attributes.
This emphasizes the importance of an attacker’s
knowledge (Offensive), methodical approach (Strat-
egy), tool availability (Tools), and time investment
(Effort and Determination) in successfully breaching
security measures. However, different attacker skills
are of varying efficacy for specific attributes. For
instance, Offensive knowledge is highly effective in
compromising passwords due to well-known attack
strategies like phishing, while its feasibility is only
medium for device certificates due to better default
protection mechanisms, which prevent several attack
vectors existing for passwords. Additionally, System
knowledge is particularly useful for attributes where
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: Example attacker scenario modeling process for the attribute Certificate Authentication implemented by a Big
Enterprise and targeted by a Hacktivist.
internal understanding is crucial, such as the Enter-
prise Presence of colleagues. Financial Support was
found to be less effective overall. Most attacks do
not depend on expensive hardware and a high num-
ber of tools are open source. Attributes that reflect the
time an attacker is willing to invest, such as Effort and
Determination, are highly effective against attributes
vulnerable to probing methods, such as Access Time
and Fingerprint. Here, Offensive knowledge is of less
importance as for probing no advanced knowledge is
necessary, for example. The skills Manpower and Pe-
riodicity are less effective emphasizing that perform-
ing attacks appropriately is more important than per-
forming attacks often. For example, performing just
random attacks has almost no chance for compromis-
ing a device certificate. Moreover, attributes requiring
up-to-date values, like Software Patch Level and Con-
nection Security, were found vulnerable across vari-
ous attacker skills. An attacker is able to compromise
these attributes by using the latest versions of soft-
ware. The reasoning behind the described results is
accessible on GitHub
. These assessments are influ-
enced by the personal experience of the interviewed
penetration testers. However, we want to make an at-
tempt to give a baseline assessment regarding the se-
curity strength of attributes.
The necessity for combining several attacker skills
for being able to compromise an attribute is consid-
ered later in the modeling process.
5.2 Enterprise Models
For determining enterprise models, we conducted in-
terviews with two security experts and three IT man-
agers from small enterprises and universities (less
than 500 employees) as well as from big enterprises
(more than 500 employees). We surveyed them re-
garding which attributes are implemented in their
enterprise and, if yes, with which implementation
strength they rate the attributes. A high implemen-
tation strength indicates that the enterprise uses well-
proven techniques and well-proven third-party soft-
ware for the attribute protection. A medium level
indicates that the enterprise implements its own so-
lution for this attribute with the drawback that these
solutions are not attacker-proof and are implemented
mostly by non-experts. This is often the case for at-
tributes such as User Usage or Enterprise Presence,
which are not part of an existing software solution.
The low level also indicates an enterprise’s own so-
lution but acknowledges that this attribute is easy
to compromise, such as just checking for the latest
patch for used software. If an enterprise type does
not implement an attribute, we marked it as not im-
plemented. The outcome of the interviews revealed
that most of the surveyed bigger enterprises use exist-
ing software solutions for the authentication factors
Password Authentication and Certificate Authentica-
tion, such as Microsoft Azure, whereas for other at-
tributes, they prefer to implement their own solutions.
Conversely, the surveyed smaller enterprises and also
the universities only implement authentication factors
Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC Systems
Table 1: Feasibility levels (high, medium, low) representing the likelihood of a successfully compromised attribute using the
stated skill.
User Attributes /
Attacker skills
Offensive high medium medium low medium medium
System medium high medium low medium medium
Distance low medium medium medium high low
Manpower low medium low low low low
Tools medium medium medium low high medium
Financial Support low medium low low low low
Effort medium medium medium medium high medium
Determination medium medium medium medium medium medium
Periodicity low medium medium low medium low
Strategy medium medium medium medium high medium
Offensive medium high high high medium medium medium low high
System low high high high high high medium medium high
Distance low medium high high low medium medium medium high
Manpower low high high high low medium low low high
Tools medium high high high medium medium medium medium high
low low high high low medium low low high
Effort medium high high high high medium medium medium high
Determination medium high high high high medium medium medium high
Periodicity low high high high medium medium low low high
Strategy medium high high high high medium medium medium high
Table 2: Implementation strength of the respective attribute
in the respective environment such as a big enterprise.
User Attributes
Big Enterprise Small Enterprise
high medium
Enterprise Presence medium not implemented
Service Usage medium not implemented
Device usage medium not implemented
Access Time medium not implemented
Access Rate medium not implemented
Device Attributes
Big Enterprise Small Enterprise
high high
Connection Security medium not implemented
Software Patch Level low not implemented
System Patch Level low not implemented
Fingerprint medium medium
Enterprise Presence medium not implemented
Service Usage medium not implemented
User Usage medium not implemented
Type low not implemented
and check for changing device fingerprints. The inter-
view results are outlined in Table 2.
5.3 Attacker Models
For the attacker models, we adopted the attacker
archetypes from (Rocchetto and Tippenhauer, 2016),
which are defined as follows:
Basic User describes a low skilled attacker such
as a script kiddie
Cybercriminal is an advanced but lone attacker
with professional tools available
Hacktivist is similar to a cybercriminal but with
higher manpower
Insider is a lone attacker with high knowledge
about the system who wants to damage the enter-
Nation State is an archetype from a highly skilled
attacker(s) in almost all categories. Due to the
fact that Cybercriminal Groups such as Fancy
Bear have similar resources and capabilities, we
include them in this category.
Terrorist is a low skilled attacker regarding the
knowledge-related skills but with high effort and
Accordingly, the attackers’ skill levels are defined as
depicted in Table 3.
5.4 Modeling Process
As the final step in our case study, we derived the risk
levels for attribute compromise by applying Phase
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: Attacker archetypes and their skill levels adopted from (Rocchetto and Tippenhauer, 2016).
Basic User
Cybercriminal Hacktivist Insider
Nation State
Offensive low medium medium low high low
System low low low high low low
Distance low low low high low low
Manpower low low medium low high medium
Tools low high medium medium high medium
FS low medium low low high medium
Effort low medium high medium high high
Determination low medium high medium high high
Periodicity low medium low low low low
Two, Three and Four to the general attribute feasi-
bility levels subsequently. If the enterprise does not
implement a specific attribute, we skipped it for this
attacker-enterprise pair. A comprehensive example
based on the presented data was already presented in
Subsection 4.5. The final results of the modeling pro-
cess are presented in Table 4.
5.5 Results of Case Study
For User Attributes we observed the following
things regarding their security strength: Password Au-
thentication proofs as high risk attribute for small en-
terprises, facing high risks from all attacker types ex-
cept Basic User. In contrast, the modeled Big En-
terprise experience a generally low risk in this area,
except for heightened threats from Nation States and
medium risk from Hacktivists. This is mostly rooted
in the fact that Small Enterprises have only medium
implementation strength for Password Authentication
and thus are vulnerable to common attack vectors
such as phishing or guessing. Contrarily, for our
modeled Big Enterprise, we assumed high implemen-
tation strength including mandatory password man-
agers and strict password policies which prevent these
attack vectors.
For attributes like Enterprise Presence, Service
Usage, and Access Time, which are not implemented
by Small Enterprises, Big Enterprises show a uniform
high risk across all types of more sophisticated attack-
ers, indicating that attributes that can be easily probed
are prone to compromise. Consequently, it should not
be placed too much confidence in these attributes for
access control.
Device Usage and Access Rate, exclusively rele-
vant to Big Enterprises, demonstrate varied risks. De-
vice Usage, which couples devices to users, is mostly
safe, only facing high risks from Insiders and Nation
States. Spoofing the correct device for the target client
proofs to be non trivial and being robust against most
of the attackers. Access Rate exhibits a range from
low to high risks depending on the attacker type, with
Nation States and Insiders again posing significant
threats. While Access Rate is also an attribute vulner-
able to probing, it is significantly harder to find the
correct access rate for a user-service pair, especially
if it is implemented with a lower and upper limit.
Overall, the analysis reveals that Nation States
and Insiders consistently emerge as the biggest threat.
While the Nation State attacker archetype can bring
every attribute to high risk of compromise, the Insider
only fails facing a high implementation strength for
Password Authentication.
For the security strength of Device Attributes, we
noted the following observations: Certificate Authen-
tication appears to be the least vulnerable attribute
across most attacker archetypes for both big and small
enterprises, consistently showing low risk. However,
it becomes highly vulnerable to Nation State attack-
ers, indicating that while it is robust against common
threats, it could be compromised against highly so-
phisticated attacks.
Connection Security, Software Patch Level, Sys-
tem Patch Level, and Type all exhibit uniformly
high risk across all attacker types for both big and
small enterprises. These attributes require only to
have the correct, for example, cipher suite or patch
level, and are thus easy to compromise for even non-
sophisticated attacker archetypes like Basic User.
Fingerprints present a medium risk for basic users
in both big and small enterprises, but escalates to
a high risk against all other attacker types. This is
due to the fact that they are vulnerable to probing but
harder to figure out the correct value compared to the
previous mentioned attributes as they combine several
pieces of information like browser resolution, browser
version and operating system version.
Enterprise Presence and Service Usage, both
showing low risk against Basic Users and Terrorists
but high risk against the other attacker types; similar
to the user attribute pendants.
User Usage, which couples users to devices,
demonstrates low risk across most attacker types but
becomes highly vulnerable to Insiders and Nation
States. This is rooted in the same reason as for De-
vice Usage, showing the difficulty to compromise not
Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC Systems
Table 4: Risk levels (high, medium, low) correspond to attacker and enterprise models. Results in black represent risk levels
for attributes in a large enterprise, while orange text shows those for a small enterprise. Attributes not implemented by small
enterprises have no label.
User Attributes Basic User Terrorist Hacktivist Cybercriminal Insider Nation State
low \ low low \ high medium \ high low \ high low \ high high \ high
low high high high high high
Service Usage low low high high high high
Device usage low low low low high high
Access Time low low high high high high
Access Rate low low medium high high high
Device Attributes Basic User Terrorist Hacktivist Cybercriminal Insider Nation State
low \ low low \ low low \ low low \ low low \ low high \ high
high high high high high high
Patch Level
high high high high high high
Patch Level
high high high high high high
Fingerprint medium \ medium high \ high high \ high high \ high high \ high high \ high
low high high high high high
Service Usage low low high high high high
User Usage low low low low high high
Type high high high high high high
only the target user but also the correct device related
to that user.
Overall, the analysis reveals that the attribute Cer-
tificate Authentication shows resilience against com-
mon attackers, they only falter against highly sophis-
ticated attacks like those from Nation States. While
User Usage shows also robustness against most of
the attackers, the remaining attributes are at high risk
to get compromised by more-sophisticated attackers
such as Hacktivists or Cybercriminals.
In this section, we discuss key aspects of the frame-
work, the case study, and the implications for the
described use cases. Our discussion begins with an
overview of the general aspects of our framework, fol-
lowed by its limitations and the implications derived
from our case study for both general attribute security
and the specific use cases.
6.1 General Aspects
Our framework facilitates detailed risk level assess-
ments for attributes in ABAC and TBAC systems,
which is crucial for developing secure policies. Ini-
tially, it assesses attributes’ general feasibility lev-
els. Subsequent phases integrate specific attacker
skills and enterprise implementation strengths, refin-
ing feasibility levels for different scenarios. In our
case study, we employed six attacker types charac-
terized by ten skills and two expert-driven enterprise
models, leading to an extensive risk level assess-
ment across various attributes. However, our frame-
work’s adaptability allows customization of attacker
skills, attributes, and implementation strengths, en-
suring flexibility and accuracy in diverse application
scenarios. This flexibility is crucial in providing ac-
curate and relevant risk assessments for each unique
In the modeling process of the framework, we uti-
lize three distinct levels: high, medium, and low. This
limitation to three levels was decided upon based on
insights from expert interviews. We found that assess-
ing the various aspects, such as feasibility levels, is al-
ready challenging with just these three distinct levels.
Introducing more levels would likely lead to increas-
ingly indistinct boundaries between levels.
6.2 Limitations
The application of our framework requires the de-
termination of feasibility levels, attacker skill levels,
and attribute implementation strengths. Due to the
scarcity of reliable data on these factors, it is neces-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
sary to consult security experts for these assessments.
We initiated this with detailed interviews involving
three penetration testers and three IT managers. How-
ever, this expertise is subject to the individual biases
of each expert. Individual assessments might vary
among experts. We recommend consulting multiple
experts to obtain a more reliable assessment.
6.3 General Implications
In our case study, we aimed to realistically model at-
tackers and enterprises to give insights on the security
strength of commonly used attributes. The implica-
tions presented are based on the assumptions made
for our case study.
Regarding user attributes in our Big Enterprise
model, Password Authentication with high implemen-
tation strength is resilient against various attackers,
except Nation State attacks. Device Usage is mainly
susceptible to Insider and Nation State attacks, while
Access Rate shows increased robustness but faces
growing risks from advanced attackers like Hack-
tivists. Most user attributes are highly vulnerable to
attackers at or above the Hacktivist level, though they
are relatively secure against Basic Users and, to a
lesser extent, Terrorists. In Small Enterprises, Pass-
word Authentication is generally vulnerable due to
medium implementation strength.
To quantify these findings, we express the security
strength of various user attributes in a big enterprise
context in a relational order as follows:
Password Authentication > Device Usage
Access Rate > Service Usage > Others
Here, > signifies a higher security strength, and
indicates a substantially higher security strength
based on the attribute’s risk of being compromised de-
rived from the conducted case study. For our small en-
terprise model, which primarily implement Password
Authentication, we omit a similar relational order.
Regarding device attributes in both big and small
enterprise models, Certificate Authentication is no-
tably resistant to all attacker types except Nation
State. Similarly, User Usage offers substantial se-
curity, except against Insider and Nation State at-
tacks. Service Usage and Enterprise Presence pri-
marily demonstrate spoof resistance to Basic Users.
However, other device attributes generally show vul-
nerability to most attackers.
The relational order for device attributes in both
large and small enterprise models is represented as:
Certificate Authentication > User Usage
Service Usage > Enterprise Presence > Others
6.4 Use Case Implications
The results from our case study has practical implica-
tions for the use cases discussed in Section 3. Specif-
ically, when formulating ABAC access control poli-
cies, the most effective attributes are user passwords
and device certificates, followed by Device Usage
and User Usage. These attributes play a crucial role
in securing sensitive information and preventing ille-
gitimate access. Additionally, Access Rate and Ser-
vice Usage can meaningfully enhance the accuracy of
these policies.
In TBAC systems, our framework aids in deter-
mining appropriate attribute weights. The case study
suggests assigning the highest weights to Password
Authentication and Certificate Authentication, fol-
lowed by User Usage and Device Usage with compar-
atively lower weights. There should be a significant
difference in weights between these attributes and
others, reflecting their security strength as shown in
equations 1 and 2. Determining specific weight values
requires aligning them with the system’s threshold,
the number of attributes considered, and the specifics
of the TBAC system in question.
Determining specific ABAC policies and TBAC
attribute weights is beyond this work’s scope and is
considered for future research.
This paper introduced a novel framework for assess-
ing the risk levels of attributes used in ABAC and
TBAC systems, evaluated as part of a TARA. This
framework enables, for example, the evaluation of
ABAC policies for their susceptibility to spoofing at-
tacks and aids in determining attribute weights in
TBAC systems. As part of a TARA, our framework
can be integrated, for example, into STRIDE’s spoof-
ing threat evaluation.
Our framework models attackers by skill level,
trying to compromise attributes in modeled enter-
prises characterized by implementation strength. This
approach allows for an assessment of the risk level
associated with each attribute being compromised.
Attacker skills, attributes and their implementation
strength can be adapted for the specific application
scenario, making the framework highly customizable.
To demonstrate the framework’s practicality, we
conducted a comprehensive case study, evaluating 15
commonly used attributes in the domain of access
control. These attributes were implemented in two
enterprise models and assessed against six attacker
models, with the entire study grounded in in-depth se-
Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC Systems
curity expert interviews.
The results offer insights into the security strength
of the evaluated attributes, helping with creating se-
cure access policies. In terms of user attributes,
Password Authentication with high implementation
strength emerged as the most robust against compro-
mise, followed by Device Usage. Among device at-
tributes, Certificate Authentication exhibited the high-
est security strength, closely followed User Usage.
These findings enable a direct evaluation of the re-
sistance of ABAC policies to spoofing attacks. Based
on our case study results, policies incorporating the
aforementioned four attributes are less vulnerable to
such attacks. In TBAC systems, this information can
guide the weighting of attributes, suggesting assign-
ing the highest weights to these four attributes.
For future work, we aim to conduct more in-depth
analyses and interviews with security experts to over-
come the framework’s current limitation of relying
on single experts’ opinions when assessing attribute
feasibility levels. Our goal is to establish a general
and unbiased baseline for the feasibility levels of at-
tribute compromise, taking into account specific at-
tacker skills. Additionally, we plan to expand the risk
assessment to further attributes like passkeys.
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