Product-Line Engineering for Smart Manufacturing:
A Systematic Mapping Study on Security Concepts
Richard May, Alen John Alex, Rakky Suresh and Thomas Leich
Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode, Germany
Security, Configurable Systems, Product-Line Engineering, Smart Manufacturing, Systematic Mapping Study.
The growing configurability of smart-manufacturing software systems (SMSS) introduces a variety of security
concerns. Although there is an ever-increasing risk for exploiting configuring-caused issues, there is currently
no overview of research on security within SMSS, especially those based on product-line engineering (PLE).
To address this gap, we employed a systematic mapping study of 43 publications (2014–2023) related to the
intersection of security, SMSS, and PLE. Besides an overview of what properties have been researched, we
identified nine literature gaps to guide future research. Overall, there is a need for more research on PLE
security concepts in SMSS. Current approaches often address security as a separate requirement rather than
integrating it into the PLE framework or mapping it to the unique properties of SMSS. Concrete security
concerns are typically hardly described, which may have fatal consequences in safety-critical systems.
In the past few years, smart manufacturing (SM)
has emerged as a novel approach that embraces the
convergence of advanced technologies, e.g., based
on machine-learning-driven data analytics (Kusiak,
2018). This paradigm shift transcends traditional
manufacturing methods, transforming factories into
adaptive ecosystems that seamlessly integrate auto-
mated, data-driven production processes (Qu et al.,
2019). SM supports the increase of functions and
their configurations, making smart-manufacturing
software systems (SMSS) variant-rich and highly
complex (Fischer et al., 2023). Product-line engi-
neering (PLE) is an established approach for develop-
ing and maintaining such configurable software sys-
tems (Uysal and Mergen, 2021). Specifically, PLE
enables the creation of product families (i.e., variants)
with shared functionalities (i.e., features), optimiz-
ing development efficiency and reducing costs (Apel
et al., 2013). Configurability is becoming increas-
ingly important for SMSS, which often require con-
figuration to accommodate different production lines
or product variants (Uysal and Mergen, 2021). How-
ever, the growing variability of SMSS presents sev-
eral unique challenges, particularly in terms of sys-
tem security (Kenner et al., 2021). Precisely, the more
configurable systems are, the greater the risk of po-
tential (mis)configurations or (unintended) feature in-
teractions, leading to vulnerable bugs or even system
failure (May et al., 2024).
PLE in the context of SM has already been ad-
dressed by research, e.g., Heikkil
a et al. (2016) ana-
lyzed how to deal with configurability in robot sys-
tems and Fischer et al. (2021) investigated cyber-
physical systems configuration testing. However, we
miss a systematic overview of existing research es-
pecially how they handle security. We aim to address
this gap by employing a systematic mapping study to
analyze existing literature (2014–2023) and investi-
gate: (1) to what extent the properties of configurabil-
ity and security are covered by research and (2) which
properties are underexplored and thus need more re-
search. In this context, our contributions are:
An overview understanding of current research re-
garding security in the context of PLE and SMSS.
A discussion of which properties have been ade-
quately covered or need more research.
An open-access replication package.
Next, we address preliminary knowledge on config-
urable systems, SM, and security.
May, R., Alex, A., Suresh, R. and Leich, T.
Product-Line Engineering for Smart Manufacturing: A Systematic Mapping Study on Security Concepts.
DOI: 10.5220/0012715400003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 323-330
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Configurable Systems. A configurable system is a
software platform containing sets of reusable features
that can be enabled, disabled, or adjusted to config-
ure platform variants (Apel et al., 2013). PLE is an
established approach for managing configurable soft-
ware, incorporating concepts such as feature model-
ing (Meinicke et al., 2017) to facilitate maintenance
or flexibility (van der Linden et al., 2007). There
are three common verification strategies: product-
based (i.e., code or abstraction analysis on each con-
figuration), feature-based (i.e., analysis of each fea-
ture), and family-based (i.e., analysis of a meta sys-
tem) (Th
um et al., 2014). Configurable systems
usually rely on the classification by their projection
space, including problem space (i.e., domain abstrac-
tion to identify requirements), solution space (i.e., im-
plementation and product derivation), and their con-
nection through a mapping in which appropriate fea-
tures are derived (Meinicke et al., 2017).
Smart Manufacturing. SM aims to be highly inte-
grated within software and hardware, giving a high
degree of productivity, flexibility, and configurabil-
ity (Kusiak, 2018). It points towards intelligent, inter-
acting systems, primarily based on data-driven tech-
nologies and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) which is a
bridge between the cyber and physical worlds (Zheng
et al., 2018). SM technologies are an essential part
of Industry 4.0, aiming to transform traditional man-
ufacturing into smart, network-driven, and nearly au-
tonomous manufacturing (Tuptuk and Hailes, 2018).
In general, the goal of SM is to meet the changing
requirements and conditions in the factory, the sup-
ply network, and customer needs through real-time
responses (Kang et al., 2016). In this way, the manu-
facturing industry aims to address the ever-increasing
demands for individualization, quality improvement,
and shorter time-to-market (Zheng et al., 2018).
Security. As more manufacturers are transitioning
to SM, the physical and cyber worlds are merging,
leading to increasing system complexities and greater
attack surfaces (Alani and Alloghani, 2019). So,
achieving robust security oriented towards customer
demands, policies, and legal regulations is crucial to
mitigate threats (ISO/IEC 27000, 2018). Threats are
adverse incidents that may have a negative impact on
a system, e.g., vulnerability exploits. The likelihood
and impact of these incidents is called a risk (ISO/IEC
27005, 2022). Typically, countermeasures (e.g., au-
thentication) are implemented in the context of a de-
fined strategy (i.e., pattern) to provide an appropriate
security level. Such countermeasures are usually ori-
ented towards the fulfillment of six essential security
goals, including confidentiality, integrity, and avail-
ability (i.e., CIA triad), as well as accountability, au-
thorization, and non-repudiation (i.e., goals of infor-
mation security) (ISO/IEC 27000, 2018).
To address our research objectives, we carried out a
systematic mapping study (Petersen et al., 2015). The
methodological steps are illustrated in Figure 1.
IEEE Scopus
abstract selection
snowballing selection
data extraction/analysis
research gaps
full-text selection
discussion &
literature databases
Figure 1: Overview of methodological research steps with
numbers indicating the amount of selected publications.
3.1 Study Design
Databases and Search String. We relied on three
databases: SCOPUS, IEEE XPLORE, and ACM DIG-
ITAL LIBRARY and used the following search string:
(“product*line*”) AND (“famil*” OR “config*” OR
“variab*” OR “variant*” OR “feature” OR “model*”)
AND (“secur*” OR “protect”) AND (“industry” OR “in-
dustrial” OR “manufactur*” OR “production” OR “cy-
Inclusion Criteria. We applied the following inclu-
sion criteria (IC) to select relevant publications:
. The publication must have been published in the
past decade (2014–2023), ensuring the topics
included are fairly recent.
. The publication must be longer than three
pages, ensuring that the literature included pro-
vides sufficient details.
. The publication must be a peer-reviewed book
chapter, journal article, or conference paper to
achieve a minimum quality of the publications
included in our selection. We intentionally ex-
cluded review and/or overview studies.
. The publication must cover PLE approaches in
the context SM as well as security concepts.
Data Extraction Criteria. To extract data valuable
enough to achieve our research objectives, we created
the following data extraction categories:
Publication including four criteria:
Publication year of the contribution.
Contribution type, i.e., a publication classifica-
tion, including open items, method, model, met-
ric, or tool (Engstr
om and Runeson, 2011).
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Perspective, i.e., a decision whether the publi-
cation is focused on a security concept devel-
oped on PLE techniques or (static) security of
an PLE-based system.
Fields, e.g., robotics, manufacturing.
Configurable System including five criteria:
System focus, i.e., a specification of what is ac-
tually configurable, including software, hard-
ware, or both.
Evolution, i.e., a description of evolutionary
processes and issues, e.g., related to updates.
Verification strategy, i.e., a method that is ad-
dressed in the publication, including feature-,
product-, or family-based verification.
Projection space, i.e., a classification into prob-
lem space, solution space, or mapping.
Tool, i.e., if the publication mentioned any spe-
cific tool support for configuration.
Security including six criteria:
Standard, e.g., ISO/IEC 27000 series.
Goals, including confidentiality, integrity, avail-
ability (CIA triad), authorization, accountabil-
ity, non-repudiation (information security), and
other goals (e.g., authenticity).
Threats and risks, i.e., threat- or risk-related se-
curity issues of configurable systems.
Vulnerabilities, i.e., exploitable weaknesses.
Patterns, i.e., concrete strategies to ensure sys-
tem security.
Countermeasures, i.e., mitigation techniques
addressing threats, vulnerabilities, or risks to
ensure security.
3.2 Study Conduct
The search was performed by the first author on
November 15
, 2023 and resulted in 523 publica-
tions after applying the selection criteria (489 after
removing duplicates). By reading the titles and ab-
stracts, a total of 69 publications was found. Then,
the number of selected publications was reduced to
38 publications based on the full-texts, followed by a
single pass of forward/backward snowballing, yield-
ing five more publications (i.e., 43 publications in to-
tal). Next, the first author analyzed all selected lit-
erature. In this context, open-coding (i.e., labeling
of data) and open-card-sorting methods (i.e., classi-
fication of recurring data into common themes) were
applied. The second and the third author took ran-
dom samples (five papers each) to verify the results.
All analyzed data and interpretations were discussed
until consensus was reached between all authors. In
Figure 1, all methodological steps are illustrated.
In the following subsections, we describe the results
classified according to our categories (cf. Table 1).
4.1 Publication
Publication Years. Starting in 2014 with two publi-
cations, the number remains constant between 2015
and 2018 (4.5 publications per year on average).
There is a peak in 2019 with eight publications, fol-
lowed by six publications per year in 2020 and 2021.
Surprisingly, we found only two publications in 2022
and one publication in 2023.
Contribution Type. Most publications focus on open
items (e.g., challenges). Methods and models are each
described by 12 publications. In six cases, a concrete
tool (e.g., framework) is proposed.
Perspective. We identified that the majority (37) is
related to quite static security as part of the PLE while
only in six publications configurable security mecha-
nisms are described.
Fields. The application fields comprise diverse work-
ing areas and SM sub-fields. However, most publi-
cations (17) are focused on cyber-physical production
systems. Ten publications are related to general man-
ufacturing without further specifications. We identi-
fied seven more fields with less publications, includ-
ing, e.g., robotics (4) and cloud manufacturing (3).
4.2 Configurable System
System Focus. Most publications (24) focus on soft-
ware without considering any hardware components.
19 publications are related to software and hardware
(e.g., cyber-physical production systems).
Evolution. About half of the publications (21) con-
sidered quite diverse evolutionary processes, e.g., fea-
ture interaction evolution. However, these are typi-
cally described in a rather superficial way.
Verification Strategy. 24 publications present infor-
mation on verification, including feature-based (13),
product-based (7), and both feature- and product-
based (4). Interestingly, there was no information on
family-based verification of any SMSS.
Projection space. We found that 17 publications
relied on a mapping of the problem and the solu-
tion space. Furthermore, 15 publications covered the
problem space and 11 publications the solution space.
Tool. Only 13 tools for supporting PLE or secu-
rity management are applied, including FeatureIDE
(3), HyperFlex Toolchain (2), and others (8) such as
pure::variants. We highlight that there are current
frameworks focusing on the field of cyber-physical
Product-Line Engineering for Smart Manufacturing: A Systematic Mapping Study on Security Concepts
Table 1: Overview of the extracted data regarding publication, security, and configurable system.
Publication Security Configurable system
Threats and risks
System focus
Projection space
Eichelberger et al. (2014) S PLE GM S S
Gherardi et al. (2014) S PLE R S M
Smiley et al. (2015) S PLE IA S M F
Vogel-Heuser et al. (2015) S PLE GM S/H P F
ıa et al. (2015) S PLE ERP S M
Galindo et al. (2015) S PLE GM S P
Arrieta et al. (2015) S PLE CPPS S M
Kokaly et al. (2016) S PLE GM S/H P F
Etigowni et al. (2016) PLE S CPPS S M
a et al. (2016) S PLE R S/H S
Feldmann and Vogel-Heuser (2017) S PLE GM S P
Larrucea et al. (2017) S PLE IN S/H M P
Young et al. (2017) S PLE A
Seidl et al. (2017) S PLE GM S P
McGee et al. (2017) S PLE IA S P F
Jalil and Bakar (2017) S PLE ERP S M P
Krieter et al. (2018) PLE S CM S P P
Brugali and Hochgeschwender (2018) S PLE R S/H S
Zhang et al. (2018) S PLE CM S/H S F/P
Islam and Azim (2018) S PLE CPPS S/H S F
Shaaban et al. (2019) PLE S CPPS S S P
Hajri et al. (2018) S PLE A
de Oliveira et al. (2019) S PLE A
nete (2019) S PLE CM S/H S F
Bennaceur et al. (2019) PLE S CPPS S/H M P
Ebnauf et al. (2019) S PLE CPPS S S
Meixner et al. (2019) S PLE CPPS S/H P
Daun et al. (2019) S PLE GM S M
ıa et al. (2020) S PLE R S/H P
Pett et al. (2020) S PLE A
Meixner (2020) S PLE CPPS S P
nete et al. (2020) S PLE CPPS S/H M
Varela-Vaca et al. (2020) PLE S CPPS S M P
Bandyszak et al. (2020) S PLE CPPS S M F
Xiao and Li (2021) S PLE CPPS S S F/P
Varela-Vaca et al. (2021) PLE S CPPS S S F
Uysal and Mergen (2021) S PLE GM S S F
Fischer et al. (2021) S PLE CPPS S/H P
Bressan et al. (2021) S PLE GM S/H M
Capilla et al. (2021) S PLE GM S M F
Feichtinger et al. (2022) S PLE CPPS S P F
Vogel-Heuser et al. (2022) S PLE CPPS S/H P
Fischer et al. (2023) S PLE CPPS S/H P F
General: Fulfilled Not fulfilled Perspective: S PLE: static security concept besides PLE, PLE S: security concept based on PLE
Field: A
: Automotive, A
: Avionics, CM: Cloud manufacturing, CPPS: Cyber-physical production systems, ERP: Enterprise-resource planning
GM: General manufacturing, IA: Industrial analytics, IN: Industrial networks, R: Robotics
System focus: S: Software, H: Hardware; Projection space: P: Problem space, M: Mapping, S: Solution space; Verification: F: Feature-based, P: Product-based
production systems and security-configuration verifi-
cation, namely CyberSPL (Varela-Vaca et al., 2020)
and CARMEN (Varela-Vaca et al., 2021).
4.3 Security
Standard. There were four publications referenc-
ing standards, precisely NIST cyber-physical-systems
program (2), IEC 62443 (1), and IEEE 1686 (1).
Goals. In the context of the CIA triad, confidentiality
(9), integrity (9), and availability (16) are mentioned.
Regarding information security, most publications re-
fer to authorization (10). Only three publications con-
sider non-repudiation (2) or accountability (1). Five
other non-standardized goals are described, including
reliability (6), authenticity (3), dependability (2), per-
formance (2), and robustness (1).
Threats and Risks. We found that threats and risks
are usually not described in detail. In general, issues
that threaten the security of the SMSS are typically
related to six categories: safety (13), communication
(7), configurability (7), access (6), privacy (4), and
trust (2). Note that publications may refer to more
than one category. 12 publications do not mention
any concrete threats or risks.
Vulnerabilities. The majority of the publications (32)
do not consider vulnerabilities. However, in 11 cases,
vulnerabilities that are closely related to threats and
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
risks are mentioned, e.g., misconfigurations.
Patterns. There are eight publications that propose
patterns that, however, vary greatly, e.g., due to dif-
ferent fields and use cases, including misuse cases (1)
or access control patterns (1).
Countermeasures. We identified various mitigation
techniques in 20 publications which we classified into
four categories: access control (8), system or data iso-
lation (6), general security analyses (3), and encryp-
tion mechanisms (2). Other countermeasures (5) in-
clude decentralization (1) or modularization (1).
In the following, we discuss our study results and
derive nine literature gaps (LG) to be addressed in
future research. We are aware that there are cur-
rently numerous approaches to dealing with security
in SMSS that have little or no context to PLE and
thus usually also to configuring. Here, it should be
investigated to what extent such approaches can be
transferred to PLE. However, this would exceed the
scope of our study.
5.1 Configurable Smart-Manufacturing
Software Systems
Referring to the publications years, our results show
that there is an awareness of SMSS security in the
PLE community. However, this trend is decreas-
ing since 2021. Interestingly, a significant num-
ber of open items as contribution types (e.g., chal-
lenges) were described until 2017, while more meth-
ods and models were published between 2018 and
2020. Since 2021, the focus has been much more
on open items again. Specifically, current challenges
arise mainly in the handling of complexities (e.g.,
time, configuration), variability (e.g., variant man-
agement), knowledge management and artificial in-
telligence, and (testing) agile requirements. Thus,
(LG1) there is a need for novel solutions (i.e., meth-
ods, models, tools that address the solution space)
considering recent challenges of PLE-based SMSS
during their development life cycle.
While verification feature- and product-based ver-
ification strategies seem common for SMSS. So,
(LG2) there is a lack of family-based verification
techniques that could be used to assess secure func-
tionalities across the entire product portfolio and
identify potential vulnerabilities that may arise from
evolving configurations. Note that despite its bene-
fits, family-based verification faces challenges such
as modeling the interactions between features and
configurations, handling feature interactions, and ef-
ficiently verifying large product portfolios.
SMSS are constantly evolving, including chang-
ing requirements, features, and interactions, with in-
creasingly automated evolutionary processes (Capilla
et al., 2021). Although evolution is addressed in
about half of the publications, more and deeper anal-
yses are needed, especially since evolution is mostly
described in a rather superficial way and handling
configuration throughout updates is still highly chal-
lenging. Consequently, (LG3) there is a need for
concrete methodologies that can handle evolving con-
figurations, feature interactions, and dependencies
without introducing new vulnerabilities (e.g., due to
faulty system configurations).
5.2 Security
Compliance with security standards can provide
a baseline level of protection for SMSS. However,
the consideration of general (e.g., ISO/IEC 27000
series) and domain-specific security standards (e.g.,
IEC 62443) is typically neglected in the PLE commu-
nity, impairing the successful transfer of SMSS ap-
proaches into practice. We argue that (LG4) there is
a need for mapping security standards to the security
engineering of the PLE framework. We are aware that
standard diversity means that it will hardly be possi-
ble to harmonize them in one single framework. Thus,
we assume that either dynamic frameworks or several
domain-dependent frameworks are required.
Surprisingly, the publications typically do not ad-
dress vulnerabilities, although their management is
an increasingly important field – especially in SMSS,
where vulnerability exploits may have fatal conse-
quences (e.g., system failure, reduced safety) (Yadav
et al., 2022). Consequently, (LG5) research is needed
that focuses on detecting and managing vulnerabili-
ties, especially in the context of the PLE framework.
Specialized variability and security modeling
tools are usually not mentioned by the publications.
Although there are tools, e.g., in the context of veri-
fying security configurations, (LG6) there still seems
to be a lack of appropriate tools for, as well as a lack
of awareness in the community since existing tools
are not or only rarely applied. So, there is a need
for accepted tool support that considers variable se-
curity concerns in the context of PLE activities that
are relevant to security and the unique requirements
of SMSS. Developing such tools may help automate
security tasks, such as avoiding typical threats and
risks in the context of system access or communica-
tion (cf. Figure 2). Such tools may also include the
application of appropriate security patterns as con-
Product-Line Engineering for Smart Manufacturing: A Systematic Mapping Study on Security Concepts
Threats and risks
Figure 2: Distribution of security goals according to threats
and risks (multiple goals or threats and risks per paper).
crete security strategies for configurable systems.
5.3 Security and Configurable
Smart-Manufacturing Systems
Interestingly, most publications (88%) refer to SM
fields which are highly dependent on hardware and
software (e.g., cyber-physical production systems).
However, most research (65%) focuses solely on soft-
ware security although hardware security is equally
important in SM, especially in the context of safety-
critical systems. Thus, (LG7) specifically intercon-
nected hardware and software components with com-
plex cross-dependencies in particular, require secu-
rity mechanisms in comprehensive security manage-
ment throughout domain engineering, security engi-
neering, and application engineering.
We identified that (LG8) security in SMSS is typ-
ically addressed as a separate concern, rather than
integrating it into the PLE framework or PLE-related
activities for SMSS. The approaches may lead to in-
flexible security countermeasures that cannot adapt
to changing SMSS requirements and configurations.
We argue, that this fact might be problematic be-
cause SMSS are constantly evolving due to new tech-
nologies, feature interactions, and changing busi-
ness needs. Thus, traditional security countermea-
sures (e.g., mechanisms such as ownership and con-
trol) are hardly adequate (Uysal and Mergen, 2021).
Continuous adaptive risk-based assessment and real-
time decision-making enable appropriate adaptive re-
sponses at production level (i.e., cyber-physical pro-
cesses) and business level (i.e., business processes).
The results show that availability and authoriza-
tion are the most common security goals. This is not
surprising, as both are essential for ensuring and con-
trolling access to resources in SMSS. However, most
goals are often overlooked in PLE-based SMSS ap-
proaches, despite their critical role in achieving a reli-
able security level by addressing common threats and
risks (cf. Figure 2). To address this gap, (LG9) the lit-
erature needs more compliant approaches to achieve
standardized security levels in the context of the PLE-
based system life cycles.
5.4 Threats to Validity
There is an inconsistent level of detail as well as vary-
ing understandings of terms and concepts presented
within the set of publications (e.g., system availabil-
ity vs. security availability). Furthermore, some pub-
lications fulfill the extraction criteria from different
perspectives and to varying extents, leading to poten-
tial risks for misinterpretations. The search string we
created might not contain all the literature available
which addresses security in SMSS, possibly affecting
the external validity. To tackle the risk of misinter-
pretation, multiple researchers systematically investi-
gated the publications and discussed the result until
consensus on a decision was achieved. Moreover, be-
sides relying on three well-known databases, we addi-
tionally performed a snowballing process. In this way,
we were able to increase the first number of publica-
tions (38), making the extracted results more reliable
and valuable.
We found related research within the field of PLE
which (partly) covers several aspects regarding secu-
rity or SMSS. Montagud et al. (2012) did a literature
review (1996–2011) on quality attributes (i.e., includ-
ing security) and measures for general PLE. Mahdavi-
Hezavehi et al. (2013) presented a literature review
(2000–2011) regarding variability in service-based
software systems and considered security in a broad
quality-related term. Geraldi et al. (2020) investigated
publications related to the IoT and PLE (2006–2018),
considering security as a non-functional requirement
and manufacturing as an IoT application field. There
is a systematic literature review by Uysal and Mergen
(2021) (no restricted time frame) focusing on SM and
the integration of PLE enterprise architectures. Se-
curity is described in the context of the (adaptive) risk
and trust trend. In a mapping study conducted by May
et al. (2022) security concepts for PLE-related data
storages (2013–2022) are analyzed. They identified
the manufacturing domain as one important domain
when considering PLE and data storages.
We consider two studies as close to our work.
Kenner et al. (2021) did a mapping study on PLE
safety and security (2011–2020) and May et al. (2023)
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
focused on security in PLE-based safety-critical sys-
tems (2008–2022). Both publications share an ap-
proach similar to that of our work, which is why
they served as a general orientation for our method-
ology. There are partly content-related similarities to
our study (e.g., cyber-physical production systems),
however, none of the publications is specifically fo-
cused on SM, distinguishing their insights from ours.
We argue that our findings are of high value to the
research community as we highlight unique insights
based on a different body of knowledge.
We presented a systematic mapping study on the ex-
tent of security research in PLE-based SMSS. Specifi-
cally, we analyzed 43 publications and presented nine
relevant literature gaps. We argue that there is high
potential for research in terms of security within con-
figurable SMSS. Publications often address security
as a necessary but quite static feature that refers to
the quality of SM systems. However, threats, risks,
or vulnerabilities that may arise in configurable sys-
tems as well as related PLE activities are typically not
further specified. We highlight that security in PLE-
based SMSS seems underexplored, although there is a
lot of literature related to security exclusively for SM
(without any focus on PLE). There is great research
potential regarding the investigation of software and
hardware security as well as their cross-dependencies
throughout configurations, harmonized mappings of
security standards, and tools for managing threats,
risks, and vulnerabilities in PLE-based SMSS.
Alani, M. M. and Alloghani, M. (2019). Security challenges
in the Industry 4.0 era. Industry 4.0 and Engineering
for a Sustainable Future.
Apel, S. et al. (2013). Feature-oriented software product
lines. Springer.
Arrieta, A. et al. (2015). Cyber-physical systems product
lines: Variability analysis and challenges. Jornadas
de Computaci
on Empotrada.
Bandyszak, T. et al. (2020). Orthogonal uncertainty mod-
eling in the engineering of cyber-physical systems.
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineer-
ing, 17(3).
Bennaceur, A. et al. (2019). Modelling and analysing re-
silient cyber-physical systems. In SEAMS. IEEE.
Bressan, L. et al. (2021). A variability modeling and trans-
formation approach for safety-critical systems. In Va-
Brugali, D. and Hochgeschwender, N. (2018). Software
product line engineering for robotic perception sys-
tems. International Journal of Semantic Computing,
nete, A. (2019). Energy efficient assignment and deploy-
ment of tasks in structurally variable infrastructures.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies