Belfort Birth Records Transcription: Preprocessing, and Structured
Data Generation
Wissam AlKendi
1 a
, Franck Gechter
1,4 b
, Laurent Heyberger
2 c
and Christophe Guyeux
3 d
CIAD, UMR 7533, UTBM, F-90010 Belfort, France
FEMTO-ST Institute/RECITS, UMR 6174 CNRS, UTBM, F-90010 Belfort, France
FEMTO-ST Institute/DISC, UMR 6174 CNRS, Universit
e de Franche-Comt
e, F-90016 Belfort, France
LORIA, UMR 7503, SIMBIOT Team, F-54506 Vandoeuvre-l
es-Nancy, France
Belfort Civil Registers, Segmentation, Handwritten Text Recognition, Preprocessing, Text Skew.
Historical documents are invaluable windows into the past. They play a critical role in shaping our perception
of the world and its rich tapestry of stories. This paper presents techniques to facilitate the transcription of the
French Belfort Civil Registers of Births, which are valuable historical resources spanning from 1807 to 1919.
The methodology focuses on preprocessing steps such as binarization, skew correction, and text line segmen-
tation, tailored to address the challenges posed by these documents including various text styles, marginal
annotations, and a hybrid mix of printed and handwritten text. The paper also introduces this archive as a new
database by developing a structured strategy for the components of the documents using XML tags, ensuring
accurate formatting and alignment of transcriptions with image components at both the paragraph and text
line levels for further enhancements to handwritten text recognition models. The results of the preprocessing
phase show an accuracy rate of 96%, facilitating the preservation and study of this rich cultural heritage.
Handwritten text recognition (HTR) has recently
emerged as one of the most significant areas of the
pattern recognition field. Numerous researchers have
developed methods to transcribe a variety of docu-
ments, such as historical archives (Philips and Tabrizi,
2020), books, letters, and general forms using spatial
(offline) (Wang et al., 2021) or temporal (online) (Gan
et al., 2020) processes. Transcription is the process
of automatically translating handwritten text within a
digital image into a machine text representation, often
resulting in a more accessible format. This process
includes applying various approaches, such as pre-
processing methods, where the image is prepared for
analysis (e.g., noise reduction, normalization), as well
as deep learning techniques for recognizing handwrit-
ing text. Finally, post-processing methods are used
to fine-tune the output, correct errors, and improve
readability (Chacko and P., 2010). Figure 1 illustrates
the essential preprocessing tasks, crucial for preparing
the image for analysis before employing deep learn-
ing techniques for text recognition.
Nowadays, systems can analyze document lay-
outs (Diem et al., 2011) and recognize text at several
levels, including characters, text lines, paragraphs,
and entire documents. Furthermore, these systems
can distinguish distinct handwriting styles written in
a variety of languages (Carbune et al., 2020).
Despite significant advancements in recognizing
modern handwritten text, there are still many chal-
lenges that need to be addressed in transcribing his-
torical documents. These documents often feature
unique characteristics such as angular and spiky let-
ters, ornate flourishes, and overlapping words and
text lines in various handwriting styles (Bugeja et al.,
2020). Additionally, the reproduction quality of these
documents significantly increases the time required
for the preprocessing phase (Nikolaidou et al., 2022).
The historical significance of Belfort’s records
stems from the city’s distinctive demographic history
in the nineteenth century. Following France’s de-
feat to Prussia in 1871 and Germany’s absorption of
Alsace-Lorraine, Belfort witnessed a rapid population
AlKendi, W., Gechter, F., Heyberger, L. and Guyeux, C.
Belfort Birth Records Transcription: Preprocessing, and Structured Data Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012715600003720
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2024), pages 32-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-693-4; ISSN: 2795-4943
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Preprocessing components: the essential preprocessing steps involved in the transcription of handwritten text within
digital images.
increase. This growth was primarily driven by the
entry of Alsatians, particularly those from Mulhouse,
who decided to remain in French territory or relocated
to Belfort to work in the expanding textile and me-
chanical industries established thereafter 1871 (Del-
salle, 2009). This metropolis consequently serves as
a unique observatory for three fundamental changes:
urban expansion, migration, and the sexualization of
social relations. Figure 2 shows a visual represen-
tation of a sample page from these civil registers of
The study of birth records provides us with a
wealth of historical insights on a wide range of top-
ics. These include the duties and practices of mid-
wives, changes in cohabitation and the age of parents
when they have their first child, instances of out-of-
wedlock births, child recognition patterns, and the se-
lection of witnesses for official declarations. These
records also revealed information about child nam-
ing conventions and the prevalence of home versus
hospital births. Each of these components offers a
distinct perspective on the societal and cultural dy-
namics of the time. To successfully examine and ad-
dress these historical concerns, it is critical to cre-
ate a comprehensive knowledge database that will al-
low for their study and resolution. This procedure
entails transcribing archive contents using two meth-
ods. The first method is human-powered transcribing.
However, this method is costly and time-consuming.
The second is automatic transcribing, which employs
computer science techniques.
This paper aims to address the preprocessing
phase challenges associated with transcribing the
Belfort birth records, with a focus on improving data
quality, segmenting documents, and developing struc-
tured data representations to improve the preservation
and accessibility of historical birth records. Hand-
written text recognition of such documents poses a
significant challenge, particularly in the context of
mixed handwritten and printed text. Despite signifi-
cant advancements in Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) techniques in recent years, these techniques
have not adequately addressed the challenges asso-
ciated with transcribing these documents. The dis-
tinctive characteristics of these records necessitate a
unique approach for accurate transcription. This en-
tails exploring novel strategies and methodologies to
overcome the impediments and ensure the accuracy
and efficacy of the transcription process.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents a summary of recent achieve-
ments in the field. In Section 3, we detail the char-
acteristics and challenges associated with the Belfort
Civil Registers of Births. Section 4 is devoted to pro-
viding a summary of the experimental results. Finally,
in Section 5, the conclusion is drawn with suggestions
for future research directions.
Several studies have been published to improve the
image processing field and address the challenges pre-
sented by the preprocessing phase, including bina-
rization/thresholding, noise removal, and contrast en-
hancement methods. This phase is frequently em-
ployed in many important areas, as demonstrated
in (Hussain et al., 2023; Al-Khalidi et al., 2019)).
In a study by (Philips and Tabrizi, 2020), the au-
thors surveyed this primary phase in the historical
document transcription process, which includes steps
such as binarization, skew correction, and segmen-
tation processes. Their findings emphasized the vi-
tal importance of transcription accuracy as a require-
ment for meaningful information retrieval in archival
texts. Furthermore, in (Binmakhashen and Mah-
moud, 2019), authors conducted a rigorous examina-
tion of several document layout analysis (DLA) tech-
niques to detect and annotate the physical structure
of documents. The investigation focused on the many
stages of DLA algorithms, such as preprocessing, lay-
out analysis approaches, postprocessing, and perfor-
mance evaluation. This research lays the groundwork
for the development of a universal algorithm capable
of handling all types of document layouts.
Several key steps of the preprocessing phase are
outlined below.
Belfort Birth Records Transcription: Preprocessing, and Structured Data Generation
Figure 2: Sample of Belfort Civil Registers of Births.
2.1 Noise Removal
This step involves removing unnecessary pixels from
the digital image that could impact the original infor-
mation. The noise might arise from the image sen-
sor and electronic components of a scanner or digital
(Ganchimeg, 2015) presented a hybrid binariza-
tion approach for improving the quality of histori-
cal and ancient documents. They combined global
and local thresholding techniques while keeping min-
imal computational and temporal costs. Further-
more, the study demonstrates that identifying the
characteristics of noise patterns is critical for choos-
ing appropriate methods for their removal. Fur-
thermore, (Chakraborty and Blumenstein, 2016) pre-
sented a survey on removing marginal noise from his-
torical handwritten document images, such as Aus-
tralian Archives, which poses unique layout complex-
ities. The survey is intended to assist researchers in
determining the best methods based on the type of
marginal noise in their datasets, as well as to highlight
the limitations of existing approaches, paving the way
for the development of more general and robust solu-
Many effective algorithms have been proposed to
denoise images by enhancing sparse representation
in the transform domain through grouping similar 2-
D image fragments into 3-D data arrays. One no-
table example is the Block-Matching and 3D Filtering
(BM3D) algorithm, which could be applied before the
binarization step to effectively enhance the outcomes
of the prerequisite process (Montr
esor et al., 2019;
Dabov et al., 2007).
2.2 Binarization
This step entails transforming digital photos into bi-
nary images consisting of two collections of pixels in
black and white (0 and 1) (Mustafa and Kader, 2018).
Binarization is useful for dividing an image into fore-
ground text and background.
(Tensmeyer and Martinez, 2020) focused on his-
torical document image binarization, establishing a
standard benchmark that played a critical role in driv-
ing research on the subject. The work covers a vari-
ety of additional approaches and techniques, includ-
ing statistical models, pixel categorization with learn-
ing algorithms, and parameter tuning. Additionally, it
discusses evaluation metrics and datasets.
2.3 Edges Detection
This step entails recognizing the edges or boundaries
of the text within the image by connecting all con-
tinuous points that have the same color or intensity,
utilizing techniques such as Laplacian, Sobel, Canny,
and Prewitt edge detection (Ahmed, 2018).
2.4 Skew Detection and Correction
Skew describes the misalignment of text within a dig-
ital image. In other words, it specifies the number
of rotations required to align the text horizontally or
vertically. To achieve this goal, several skew detec-
tion and correction approaches have been proposed,
including Hough transformations and clustering.
They are detailed in (Biswas et al., 2023), in which
the authors discussed various methods for detecting
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
skew angles in the text images, including Hough
Transform, Projection Profile-based methods (PP),
Nearest Neighbor clustering (NN), and Cross Corre-
2.5 Segmentation
This stage involves breaking the handwritten text im-
age into letters, words, lines, and paragraphs, fre-
quently using the image’s pixel properties. The seg-
mentation process has been carried out using a variety
of methodologies, including threshold methods, edge-
based methods, region-based methods, watershed-
based methods, and clustering methods. The segmen-
tation stage is regarded as one of the most important
procedures that can considerably increase the accu-
racy of HTR models.
(Singh et al., 2022) describe different classical
and learning-based line segmentation approaches for
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) in historical
manuscripts. The study suggests that connected com-
ponents and graph-based techniques are beneficial so-
lutions for situations such as overlapping lines and
touching characters in historical manuscripts. Addi-
tionally, in (Pach and Bilski, 2016), the authors ap-
plied a binarization algorithm based on Gaussian fil-
tering to address the non-uniform luminance within
selected pages from the Latin Theologica Miscel-
lanea documents. Additionally, they utilized a Hough
Transform Mapping technique to better handle the
diverse conditions of handwritten manuscripts, in-
cluding cases with overlapping characters. Fur-
thermore, (Plateau-Holleville et al., 2021) employed
a modular analytic pipeline that utilizes cutting-
edge image processing and machine learning algo-
rithms to automate data extraction from the proposed
French vital records. This pipeline includes docu-
ment preprocessing and text segmentation, utilizing
histograms and the EAST method to locate text boxes,
with the objective of aiding in the manual annotation
of the training dataset. The results reveal that the
EAST approach is effective for identifying text boxes
in such documents.
On the other hand, (Saabni et al., 2014) com-
puted an Energy Map for both binary and grayscale
images to minimize the non-text areas by extract-
ing connected components along the text lines. Ad-
ditionally, they employed a seam carving technique
to find seams (paths of least energy) in the com-
puted energy map, which aids in identifying the text
lines. The study also introduced a new benchmark
dataset comprising historical documents in various
languages. Similarly, (Louloudis et al., 2009; Pa-
pavassiliou et al., 2010; Alaei et al., 2011) pro-
posed valuable methodologies on text line segmen-
tation. While (Chakraborty and Blumenstein, 2016)
acknowledges that the literature on page segmenta-
tion for historical handwritten documents is limited
compared to non-historical documents, suggesting a
research gap in the field.
3.1 Belfort Civil Registers of Births
The birth records in the Belfort commune’s civil
registries include 39,627 records written in French,
each scanned at 300 dpi. These records were cho-
sen for their consistency, as they include Gregorian
birth dates beginning in 1807 and are accessible un-
til 1919 due to legal limits. Originally, these regis-
ters were handwritten entries but were changed to a
partially printed version with certain areas left vacant
for recording precise data about the newborn’s state-
ment. The timing of the changeover to the hybrid
preprinted/manuscript format varied between com-
In Belfort, the shift happened in 1885, affecting
around 57.5% of the 39,627 documented declarations.
The archive can be accessed online up to 1902 using
the following link:
form/e5a0c07e-9607-42b0-9772-f19d7bfa180e (ac-
cessed on January 20, 2024). Furthermore, we have
acquired permission from the municipal archives to
examine data up to 1919.
3.2 Records Structure
These records provide crucial information such as the
child’s name, parents’ names, and witnesses, among
other details. Figure 3 depicts a sample record from
civil registers. Table 1 outlines the structure and con-
tent of a record within the archive.
3.3 Automatic Transcription Challenges
The transcription of records in the Belfort archives
presents a variety of challenges, as outlined below.
3.3.1 Document Layout
The Belfort birth documents use two unique docu-
ment layouts. The first type has double pages, each
containing a single complete record, whereas the sec-
ond type has double pages accommodating two com-
plete records per page. Nonetheless, certain pages
Belfort Birth Records Transcription: Preprocessing, and Structured Data Generation
Table 1: The structure and contents of a record in the Belfort Civil Registers of Births as presented in (AlKendi et al., 2024).
Structure Content
Head margin
Registration number.
First and last name of the person born.
Main text
Time and date of declaration.
Surname, first name and position of the official registering.
Surname, first name, age, profession and address of declarant.
Sex of the newborn.
Time and date of birth.
First and last name of the father (if different of the declarant).
Surname, first name, status (married or other), profession (sometimes) and address
(sometimes) of the mother.
Surnames of the newborn.
Surnames, first names, ages, professions and addresses (city) of the 2 witnesses.
Mention of absence of signature or illiteracy of the declarant (very rarely).
Mention of official recognition of paternity/maternity (by father or/and mother): surname,
name of the declarant, date of recognition (by marriage or declaration).
Mention of marriage: date of marriage, wedding location, surname and name of spouse.
Mention of divorce: date of divorce, divorce location.
Mention of death: date and place of death, date of the declaration of death.
Figure 3: A record from the Belfort Civil Registers of Birth
with annotations indicating different sections. The main
body of the text, which contains detailed information, is
highlighted in blue. Annotations in the margins are high-
lighted in yellow. The record number, a unique identifier
for the record, is highlighted in green. The record name is
highlighted in red. Both the record number and name rep-
resent the header margin of the record.
may contain entries that start on one page and con-
tinue to the next.
3.3.2 Reading Order
It is critical to understand the order in which text areas
are to be read, including both the primary text and any
marginal annotations. The record should be read in
the following order: the record number first, followed
by the name, the main content, and any marginal notes
last. This arrangement requires reading from left to
right and top to bottom.
3.3.3 Hybrid Format
Some registers incorporate entries with both printed
and handwritten texts, as depicted in Figure 2. These
handwritten portions might vary greatly in style, leg-
ibility, and ink density, necessitating a smooth tran-
sition between OCR and handwriting recognition
modes during transcription. Furthermore, the spa-
tial arrangement of printed and handwritten text can
be complex, with handwritten comments appearing in
margins, between printed lines, or even superimposed
on the printed content.
3.3.4 Marginal Annotations
These mentions are about the individual’s birth but in-
serted thereafter, often in different handwriting styles
and using different scriptural instruments. They are
also positioned differently in comparison to the main
text of the declaration.
3.3.5 Text Styles
The registers show a variety of handwritten tech-
niques, including angular and spiky letters, varying
character sizes, and intricate flourishes, resulting in
instances where words and text lines overlap within
the script.
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
3.3.6 Skewness
Skewness is the misalignment of handwritten text
caused by the way it was written by writers. Many
lines within the main paragraphs and margins show
text skew anomalies, including vertical text (rotated
90 degrees). Efficient methods are required for ad-
justing image skewness, regardless of the degree of
3.3.7 Deterioration
The images show text deterioration caused by fading
ink and page smearing, including ink spots and yel-
lowing of the pages.
3.4 Preprocessing Methods
Several methods and filters have been applied to the
images to remove noise and enhance the visibility of
the text for effective edge detection and automatic ex-
traction. The suggested methodology segments text
images into two levels: text paragraphs and lines.
To achieve this, a manual document layout analysis
methodology is employed to identify the major com-
ponents of the records (record number, name, primary
content, margins) on the pages. The process involves
determining the coordinates of these major compo-
nents using a custom interface tool, while the coor-
dinates of the text lines within them are determined
automatically. The key steps of the preprocessing
phase are outlined below. Figure 4 shows the general
pipeline of methods applied to the images.
Grayscale Conversion: The original images are
converted to grayscale, which simplifies subse-
quent processing and lowers computer complex-
Gaussian Blur: A Gaussian blur (GB) is applied
to the grayscale images to minimize noise and
improve feature recognition. Equation 1 repre-
sents the Gaussian blur operation applied to the
grayscale images.
GB(x, y) =
where σ
and σ
represent the kernel sizes, and σ
is the standard deviation.
Adaptive Thresholding: Adaptive thresholding is
utilized to generate a binary image that highlights
the edges and features of interest. Equation 2 de-
picts the adaptive thresholding process performed,
yielding binary images. The Gaussian approach is
used with a fixed block size to generate the adap-
tive threshold value T (x, y) based on the image’s
local characteristics, eliminating any overlapping
between lines if it exists.
thresh(x, y) =
255, if GB(x, y) T (x,y)
0, if GB(x, y) > T (x,y)
T (x, y) = mean(x, y) 2 × stddev(x, y).
where mean(x, y) is the mean pixel value of
the local neighborhood centered at (x, y), and
stddev(x, y) is the standard deviation of pixel val-
ues in the same local neighborhood.
Morphological Operations: Dilation operations
are conducted to refine the detected edges by ex-
panding the boundaries of the text, making bright
regions brighter and dark regions darker. These
processes enhance and manipulate the structure
of the edges observed in the preceding stage, in-
creasing their clarity and significance. Equation 3
represents the dilation operation applied to the im-
ages using a horizontal kernel of size 1x205. This
operation is employed to identify the core of the
text line. It computes the maximum value among
neighboring pixels along the horizontal direction.
Image dilation(x, y) =
(thresh(x, y + i)). (3)
where (x, y) is the position of the pixel within the
images, and i is the horizontal offset within the
Contour Detection: This technique identifies and
extracts contours from the filtered images. The
parameters have been configured to obtain only
the external contours or outlines of the text lines.
It also simplifies and compresses contours by ex-
cluding unnecessary points, hence saving mem-
ory. This process returns a list of contours as well
as a hierarchical representation of those contours.
These contours are then examined and filtered us-
ing thresholds that represent the width and height
of the text lines in the paragraphs.
Skew Correction: A skew correction process is
applied to the text line images in various steps,
including the utilization of filters, the Canny
edge detection algorithm, and the Hough Line
Transform. First, we used the Numpy func-
tion ’np.arctan2’ to determine the slopes of the
detected text lines. These slopes provide in-
formation about the lines’ orientation, allowing
us to identify the main horizontal line. We
Belfort Birth Records Transcription: Preprocessing, and Structured Data Generation
Figure 4: Preprocessing components: the essential preprocessing steps involved in the transcription of process of Belfort Civil
Registers of Births.
next computed the median angle using the ac-
quired slopes and converted it to degrees. Sec-
ondly, we determined the center of the text line
image and generated a rotation matrix using
cv2.getRotationMatrix2D as depicted in Equa-
tion 6. This matrix is crucial for the subsequent
rotation operation. Additionally, we identified the
most frequent color in the text line image’s bor-
der region to fill empty spaces in the background
after skew correction. This is done by counting
the occurrences of each unique integer value in
the pixel values and selecting the maximum count
to effectively find the most common color. Fi-
nally, this process applies an affine transformation
to the text line image using the calculated matrix
M. The flag parameters (cv2.INTER CUBIC and
cv2.BORDER CONSTANT) are used to specify
the interpolation method for cubic interpolation
and the border value parameter for a smooth ro-
tation of the image around its center. This results
in a more accurate representation of text line im-
Angle = median (arctan 2(y, x)) ×
where x and y represent differences in the y and
x coordinates of line endpoints, respectively.
Center =
where N
and N
are the dimensions of the image.
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D (Center, Angle, 1).
where 1 indicates that there is no scaling applied
in the transformation.
Figure 5 illustrates example of the skew correction
step applied to text line image.
The parameter and threshold settings are automati-
cally adjusted based on the characteristics of the input
images. Figure 6 shows examples of the preprocess-
ing phase.
3.5 Structured Data Generation
Based on our previous research (AlKendi et al.,
2024), there is a strong need for a new deep learn-
ing technique specifically designed for transcribing
the French Belfort Civil Registers of Births, given
the numerous challenges it presents. This phase in-
volves manually transcribing a portion of the archive
pages to create a training dataset for the deep learning
model. Additionally, it entails the development of an
accurate methodology for linking the identified image
regains to the transcribed text. This will significantly
improve the labeling process for future development
3.5.1 Manual Transcription
The transcribed records feature a diverse range of
writing styles and span various historical periods.
During the manual transcription process, several tags
were employed to ensure the proper structuring and
identification of the record components. Table 2
presents the various types of tags utilized in the man-
ual transcription process. So far, a total of 207 .txt
files representing 637 records have been successfully
transcribed. Each .txt file may consist of 4 or fewer
records. Additionally, the files contain 709 margin
texts. The overall number of text lines in all the record
components is 13,913, and the total number of words
is 120,131 words and 745,582 characters. Figure 7
provides an example of transcriptions with tags.
3.5.2 XML File Generator
An XML file generator tool has been developed to
prepare the transcribed records for input into the deep
learning model. This is achieved by linking each com-
ponent within the images to its corresponding tran-
scription at both the paragraph and text line levels
based on the added tags. Each .xml file contains infor-
mation for double pages, encompassing four records.
The XML files have been designed to include the fol-
lowing properties:
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Figure 5: Examples of the skew correction steps applied to a text line image from Belfort Civil Registers of Births: (a) Original
text line image. (b) Result After skew correction.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 6: Examples of the preprocessing steps applied to a record from Belfort Civil Registers of Births: (a) Original record.
(b) After grayscale conversion. (c) With Gaussian blur. (d) After adaptive thresholding. (e) Following morphological opera-
tions. (f) Result after contour detection for text line extraction.
Image Information: This section includes details
such as the image name, type (single or double
page), image height, and image width.
Reading Order: As illustrated in Section 3.3.2,
this section identifies the reading order and pro-
vides a unique index number for each record,
specifying the type of components within the
reading order (title number, title name, paragraph,
Record Title and Name: This part of the XML
file contains information about the record’s title
and name, including their coordinates within the
image and the corresponding transcribed text.
Paragraphs and Margins: This section contains
details about the paragraphs and margins within
the record. It includes their coordinates within the
image and the corresponding transcribed text. Ad-
ditionally, information about the text lines within
the paragraphs and margins is provided, including
a unique ID, coordinates within the image, and the
corresponding transcribed text.
4.1 Text Line Segmentation
A two-phase automatic segmentation process is de-
signed to segment the components of an image into
text lines. The first phase involves applying a seg-
mentation tool to the main paragraphs and margins,
achieving an accuracy of 92% for the main paragraphs
Belfort Birth Records Transcription: Preprocessing, and Structured Data Generation
Table 2: The set of tags utilized in the manual transcription process.
Tag Description
<begin> Begin of the record.
<text>...<\text> Main text of the record.
<margin>...<\margin> Margins text.
<ptext>...<\ptext> Printed text.
<striped>...<\striped> Striped text.
<unreadable>...<\unreadable> Unreadable text.
<added above>...<\added above> Small text added above the text line.
<added below>...<\added below> Small text added below the text line.
<page> Start new page.
Figure 7: Examples of the tags utilized in the manual transcription process of Belfort Civil Registers of Births.
and 77% for the margins respectively. However, in
certain cases where text lines heavily overlap, such as
in cursive writing styles, the tool incorrectly detects
multiple lines as a single text line. To address this
issue, a second phase has been introduced to refine
the results of the first phase. This refinement exam-
ines the height of segmented lines and, if it exceeds
a predetermined threshold, applies a secondary phase
to split the lines horizontally, increasing the accuracy
to achieve 96% for the main paragraphs and 84% for
the margins respectively.
To assess the accuracy of our tool, we employ the
Detection Rate as an evaluation metric. This metric
quantifies the tool’s ability to accurately identify and
segment individual lines and compares the number of
detected lines with the number of lines in the ground
truth. Additionally, manual visual verification is con-
ducted to ensure the quality of results.
The Detection Rate is defined as follows:
Line Detection Accuracy (LDA) =
where T P represents True Positives, indicating the
correctly detected lines by our tool, and GT repre-
sents the Total Number of Lines in the Ground Truth
To determine optimal parameters for our specific
dataset, automatic determination has been performed
based on the total number of text lines in the transcrip-
tion. Table 3 presents the final parameters values that
enhance the tool’s effectiveness across different writ-
ing styles. Moreover, Table 4 shows the parameters
values used in the text lines skew correction step.
Additionally, a 5-pixel padding has been added
above and below the height of segmented text lines
when establishing their coordinates. This padding im-
proves the visibility and accuracy of segmentation,
particularly for various writing styles.
Figure 8 illustrates the accuracy achieved through
the text line segmentation process applied to the
Belfort Civil Registers of Births.
An accuracy comparison was conducted to eval-
uate the effectiveness of the suggested segmentation
tool compared to online artificial intelligence com-
mercial systems such as DOCSUMO, Ocelus, and
Transkribus, which offer free document recognition
trials. The experiment was conducted on the para-
graph image displayed in Figure 3 in terms of text
line segmentation. Table 5 depicts the accuracy rates
of the aforementioned systems.
4.2 Results of XML File Generation
An automatic verification tool has been developed to
verify and correct the formatting of our manual tran-
scriptions. This tool ensures that the tags are em-
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 3: Parameters values used in the text lines segmentation step.
Step Parameter Value
Gaussian Blur Kernel Size (101, 51)
Gaussian Blur SigmaX (Standard Deviation in X) 61
Adaptive Threshold Maximum Value 255
Adaptive Threshold Adaptive Method ADAPTIVE THRESH GAUSSIAN C
Adaptive Threshold Threshold Type THRESH BINARY INV
Adaptive Threshold Block Size 71
Adaptive Threshold Constant from Mean 2
Dilation Kernel Size (1, 205)
Dilation Iterations 1
Figure 8: Accuracy percentages of text line segmentation process across the various phases.
Table 4: Parameters values used in the text lines skew cor-
rection step.
Parameter Value
Gaussian Blur Kernel Size (5, 5)
Canny Edge Threshold1 50
Canny Edge Threshold2 150
HoughLinesP Threshold 100
HoughLinesP MinLineLength 100
HoughLinesP MaxLineGap 55
ployed correctly within the transcriptions, maintain-
ing accurate alignment between the image compo-
nents and the corresponding transcriptions when we
generate the .xml files.
We have processed .txt files that encompass com-
plete transcriptions, resulting in the creation of 90
.xml files. Each .xml file contains complete tran-
scripts (four records), totaling 360 records. An exam-
ple of one such XML file is presented in Figure 9. It
is important to note that our manual transcription pro-
Table 5: Accuracy comparison of Belfort Civil Registers of
Birth segmentation process with commercial systems. The
links of these systems were accessed on February 3, 2024.
System Accuracy (%)
Ocelus (URL) 99
Transkribus (URL) 97
Our method 96
cess is still ongoing as we work towards completing
the remaining paragraphs within the .txt files. This
ongoing effort will enable us to generate additional
.xml files in the future.
This paper has presented a comprehensive approach
to digitizing and transcribing the Belfort Civil Reg-
isters of Births. The methodology involves a va-
Belfort Birth Records Transcription: Preprocessing, and Structured Data Generation
Figure 9: Examples of the Structured Data Files for Belfort
Civil Registers of Births.
riety of preprocessing steps, including binarization,
skew correction, and segmentation. Despite the nu-
merous impediments posed by these historical docu-
ments, such as different text styles, marginal annota-
tions, and the hybrid nature of the texts (printed and
handwritten text), we have developed distinctive so-
lutions that successfully carried out the segmentation
process. The creation of an automatic verification tool
and the XML file generator ensures that transcriptions
are properly formatted and aligned with their corre-
sponding image components. Our results show a high
level of accuracy in text line segmentation, which is
critical for the effective structuring of these valuable
historical documents
In conclusion, the work presented in this paper
makes a significant contribution to the field of hand-
written text recognition, particularly in the context
of historical documents, by introducing a new valu-
able structured dataset. However, employing artificial
intelligence techniques in the preprocessing phase
could further refine accuracy, especially in the seg-
mentation process. Future research will focus on de-
veloping an automatic document layout analysis tool
and a deep learning model to transcribe the remaining
records automatically, with the ultimate goal of facil-
itating the recognition and study of this rich cultural
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