(a) Screenshot of a simulation step in which one light is
sufficient to achieve the desired brightness for a person.
(b) Screenshot of a simulation step in which two lights are
required to achieve the desired brightness for a person.
Figure 2: Screenshots of different steps during the simula-
tion of the running example (see Section 3) with two per-
sons (black squares) in different contexts (enclosed by X)
changing their positions. Illuminated areas are depicted in
white, dark areas in dark gray.
heterogeneous CPS. It comprises a model of the
physical environment that describes the capabilities
of physical sensors and actuators with respect to their
functionalities and the physical contexts they reside
in. Additionally, our description encompasses the
definition of physical phenomena that the CPS may
observe or influence. Our approach includes an appli-
cation model that enables the application developers
to take a physical perspective to specify desired ob-
servations and influences of physical phenomena of
interest. This allows the programmers to focus on
the desired effect of the CPS, rather than having to
directly interact with heterogeneous and mobile sets
of physical devices. The RTE infers the required ac-
tions of the physical sensors and actuators according
to the application’s needs transparently (with respect
to the application). We achieve this by introducing
virtual sensors and actuators that represent the joint
capabilities of possibly multiple physical devices that
are mapped to observations and influences of physical
phenomena of interest. Therefore, the application de-
velopers take a systemic view and I/O virtualization
is introduced such that they do not have to explicitly
interact with physical devices.
The realization of our model poses many chal-
lenges yet offers opportunities. From a theoretical
point of view, a type system has to be introduced
that precisely describes the operations the developer
is able to perform on the provided data within the
application. Additionally, models have to be created
for the transparent coordination of multiple heteroge-
neous actuators. The implementation of such models
for distributed CPS requires further considerations on
performance, consistency, energy efficiency, and real-
time capabilities.
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SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications