agent’s decision to create new and non-trivial routing
and spectrum assignment protocols for optical net-
We present a new Deep Reinforcement Learning
Framework for Optical Networks called DREAM-ON
GYM. The framework allows the implementation of
deep reinforcement learning in a straightforward and
versatile manner to solve resource allocation prob-
lems in optical network architectures, such as routing,
spectrum or wavelength allocation, and band or core
selection in multiband or multicore architectures. To
this end, we provide a set of functions and modules al-
lowing agents and environments to interact to train the
models. The application relies on adapting the Flex
Net Sim Simulator to train and evaluate the agents.
This way, we reduce the time and complexity of im-
plementing and evaluating DRL for Optical Network
We exemplify the usability of our framework by
choosing a path with three different agents in an elas-
tic optical network. With this example, we demon-
strated the easy-to-use tool showing the difference in
the performance of the three agents. In addition, by
creating an app, we can make an application for a sim-
ple evaluation and training for a given optical network
In future works, we will use the framework to
allow interpretability and generalization of the mod-
els while training and evaluating DRL in optical net-
works and adding new capabilities to the framework,
such as compatibility for survivability problems.
Financial support from FONDECYT Iniciaci
11220650 is gratefully acknowledged.
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SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications