of the model and application, though a high-end card
will guarantee superior performance.
On the other hand, we discovered that the ac-
curacy of the model is more dependent on the vol-
ume and quality of the data with which it is trained.
Thanks to the comparisons between the first dataset
found and the dataset constructed from images of a
video game, it can be concluded that video games can
become a great repository of images that can be used
to solve a real-world context problem using detection
and classification models. Although the findings were
great it is important to note that there are a significant
number of false positives. This could be because the
model is confused by certain images or there are still
unexplored angles of view during the training.
These results allow for the identification of im-
provements that could be made to the project. Firstly,
although the model has shown good performance with
a single camera input, no tests were conducted with
more than one, so its operation would not be opti-
mal in a large security system. As a result, the next
step would be to test the model with multiple inputs.
To achieve this, it would be recommended to retrain
YOLOV7 models or its most recent version YOLOV8
in their ”tiny” variants, which are used to run mod-
els on low-resource computers (Cornejo et al., 2021;
ıa et al., 2020). Second, the trials’ dis-
covery of false positives shows that the model can be
significantly strengthened by being trained on a big-
ger amount of data (Rodriguez-Meza et al., 2021).
Given that GTA V was launched ten years ago, it is
advised to try using more contemporary video games,
which offer a comparable selection of weapons and
settings and greater graphic quality to further approxi-
mate reality, in order to continue practicing with video
game graphics. Finally, a good continuation of this
project would be to track the movement of the de-
tected armed criminals by leveraging the identifica-
tion of distinctive features.
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Use of Custom Videogame Dataset and YOLO Model for Accurate Handgun Detection in Real-Time Video Security Applications