An Extended Method for Transmitting Secret Messages in Textual
Documents Based on Paragraph Resizing
Benjamin Aziz
1 a
, Estabraq Makiyah
1 b
and Aysha Bukhelli
2 c
School of Creative and Digital Technologies, Buckinghamshire New University, High Wycombe, U.K.
Office of the Prime Minister, Bahrain
Formal Methods, Information Hiding, Lexical Steganography, Text Steganography, Linguistic Steganography.
This short paper presents an extended method for the embedding of secret messages in text documents based
on the readjustment of paragraph sizes in a document. The new method improves on an existing method in
literature proposed by the authors previously, by introducing the idea of choice functions, which allows for
any two paragraphs in a document to be compared. This new method provides for greater flexibility when
performing text steganography. The paper also defines a modified algorithm, based on the Diffie-Hellman
protocol, for establishing an agreement between two communicating parties on the choice of paragraphs to
compare prior to the commencement of the communication session. Finally, the paper demonstrates the appli-
cability of the extended method by means of a few examples.
Steganography, as an art of embedding secret content
in cover media, has taken up in recent decades as an
exciting and important field of research part of the
wider field of data security and protection research,
as a result of the plethora of digital content format
and content generation technologies. And although
the majority of the research in the area of steganog-
raphy is concerned with rich media content, such as
images (Cheddad et al., 2010), audio (Jayaram et al.,
2011), video (Liu et al., 2019) and even virtual real-
ity (Wilson, 2019), text steganography remains an ac-
tive area of research encompassing several methods
for the embedding of secret content.
We can classify all steganographic methods in one
of three categories:
Alteration of Cover Media. In this method, the
cover medium is altered to embed the secret con-
tent. In image-based steganography, the resulting
stego-object is expected to be visually indistin-
guishable from the original cover object and the
resulting image will still look the same as the orig-
inal cover to the normal human eye. Moreover,
in the absence of a mechanism for determining
the originality of the cover image (e.g. by digi-
tally signing it), it is also impossible to determine
which set of pixels represents the original cover
and which other set represents the stego-object.
Despite the fact that the majority of literature so
far on textual steganography uses this method, al-
teration of text remains an insecure method as a
result of the fact that such modifications can eas-
ily be detected with a suitable level of precise doc-
ument comparison with the original. This is evi-
dent in the lack of discussion of the security of this
method in literature on textual steganography.
Generation of New Media. In this method, we
generate a new cover altogether with characteris-
tics that match the embedding of our secret mes-
sage. For example, this would be similar to the
capturing of an image using a digital camera,
and where that image has already characteristics
matching our secret message. Another example
would be to generate (e.g. using generative AI
methods) some new text excerpt, again that en-
codes the secret message within.
Search for a Suitable Media. In this method,
we search among the currently available media
for a cover medium that matches the embedding
of our secret message. In this case, we nei-
ther alter existing cover nor generate a new one,
but simply match with an existing one, drawn
Aziz, B., Makiyah, E. and Bukhelli, A.
An Extended Method for Transmitting Secret Messages in Textual Documents Based on Paragraph Resizing.
DOI: 10.5220/0012716600003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 389-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
from a database of such media, that exhibits the
right characteristics for our secret message. This
matching cover becomes itself the stego-object for
the communication.
In what follows, we assume that the attacker (the war-
den) has no access to the original text document, as
our method is not immune to visual analysis.
In Section 2, we discuss a few works in literature
related to our paper. In Section 3, we review the the-
oretical background underlying the method proposed
by (Aziz et al., 2022), which forms the basis for our
extended method. In Section 4, we introduce our new
extended method for embedding secret content into
textual documents. We also define in this section the
extraction process reversing our embedding method.
In Section 5, we demonstrate our extended method
through a simple example. In Section 6, we give a
sketch of how the new method can be implemented
based on a previous mechanism for sharing secrets
that was defined in (Aziz, 2021). Finally, in Section 7,
we conclude the paper with future research directions.
Recently, there have been several attempts to de-
sign format-based textual steganographic methods for
different languages like English, Persian and Ara-
bic. Format-based steganography is when the phys-
ical features of text symbols are used to conceal a
message. The features are altered in such a manner
that the human eye cannot detect them (Baawi et al.,
2018). For example, lines within the text are moved
up and down to conceal bits of secret data. Simi-
larly, words are moved left or right or up and down.
In some cases, white spaces in-between words or in-
between paragraphs or lines, are used to hide such
data. In feature-based encoding, the physical features
of the words themselves are altered in order to con-
ceal information. This is reliant on actual symbols
in the language being used. Naharuddin et al. (Na-
haruddin et al., 2018) suggested a method that maps
the secret message’s bits onto a cover text using the
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(ASCII) characters, comprising punctuation, spaces
and symbols. The secret text is initially embedded
using a one-time pad and transformed into a stego-
object. Then, each character is transformed into 7-bit
binary numbers. The embedding procedure is carried
out by mapping one bit of the secret text onto the first
bit of the stego-object character comprising the same
quantity of bits. Each bit position for the bit of the se-
cret text is documented as a stego key, which is placed
on the bit of the stego-object. The stego key func-
tions as a key to extract the secret text embedded in
the stego-object.
Maher (Maher, 1995), on the other hand, de-
signed a text data-hiding programme called TEXTO.
TEXTO was designed to transform PGP ASCII-
armored data into English sentences. This method
is convenient for exchanging binary data, especially
embedded data. The secret data here are replaced
by English words, meaning TEXTO works like a
simple substitution cipher, which results in reducing
suspicion over the produced encoded text. Chap-
man and Davida (Chapman and Davida, 1997) in-
troduced a steganographic scheme that consists of
two functions: NICETEXT and SCRAMBLE. NICE-
TEXT transforms a secret message text into a text that
looks like natural language, by parsing the cover text
and extracting syntactical patterns, i.e Part-of-Speech
(PoS) tags. SCRAMBLE does the opposite; it parses
sole words from the generated text and recreates the
encoded text by using codes from the dictionary ta-
ble. Later, Chapman (Chapman et al., 2001) expanded
this approach by using sentence models and large dic-
tionaries of words classified by PoS tags. By using
the “extensible contextual template” approach, com-
bined with a synonym-based replacement strategy, the
generated text seems more realistic than it is with the
original NICETEXT function.
Attallah et al. (Atallah et al., 2001) proposed a wa-
termarking scheme for natural language text by em-
bedding small portions of the watermark bit strings in
the syntactic structure of a number of selected sen-
tences in the text. This scheme is suitable for ex-
tended meaning texts, such as reports, manuals and
so on, which need integrity protection rather than
secrecy protection as is the case with critical texts
that governments and industries produce in abun-
dance. Later, Attallah (Atallah et al., 2002) also
presented a semantically-based scheme, which im-
proves the information-hiding capacity of any texts
through two techniques: first by modifying the gran-
ularity of meaning of individual sentences, and sec-
ond, by dividing the number of sentences affected
by the watermark, which makes it possible to water-
mark short texts too. On the other hand, Moerland
proposed in (Moerland, 2003) a text steganography
technique, which is based on using selected charac-
ters from words. For instance, the first letter of all
the paragraphs can be used to conceal the secret mes-
sage. By placing all selected characters together, the
complete secret message can be extracted.
In (Bergmair, 2004), Bergmair presented the lin-
guistic problem of word-sense ambiguity and demon-
strated its relevance to current computer security ap-
plications in the context of Human Interactive Proofs
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
(HIPs). HIPs enable a machine to automatically deter-
mine whether the machine is interacting with another
machine or with a human. In doing so, Bergmair used
the linguistic anomaly, which states that a word can
have different meanings dependent on the context it
is used in. In the same line of semantic interpretation
of text, Chand and Orgun (Chand and Orgun, 2006)
developed a linguistically robust embedding applica-
tion called LUNABEL, which converts a message into
semantically mundane text. LUNABEL uses word
replacement with substitution classes based on tra-
ditional word replacement features, as well as fea-
tures like semantic criteria and frequency statistics.
LUNABEL creates text, which preserves the syntac-
tic structure and semantic context of the original cover
text. In the same manner, Liang (Liang and Iran-
manesh, 2016) proposed a method by adding five
white-space characters to random positions in a line
using a key to correlate to the characters required for
embedding secret information. This method is advan-
tageous as randomly spread white-spaces can encode
a message differently using different keys. The white-
spaces contained in the secret text regulate the embed-
ding process.
When it comes to non-English text steganography,
we find also plenty of literature, specially in relation
to languages such as Persian and Arabic. For exam-
ple, Shirali-Shaherza (Shirali-Shahreza and Shirali-
Shahreza, 2006) created an application based on hid-
ing binary values in Arabic or Persian scripts using
a feature-coding method. This method depends on
the points inherited in the Arabic or Persian alpha-
bet. The points’ location within the pointed letters
hide information as follows: First, the hidden infor-
mation is translated into a binary value. Then, the
cover text is scanned, and whenever a pointed let-
ter is detected, the location of the point may be af-
fected if hidden binary value is one or zero. The
location of the point is slightly shifted up if the
hidden bit value is one. Otherwise, the location
remains unchanged. In (Shirali-Shahreza, 2008),
Shirali-Shahreza also proposed a text steganogra-
phy technique based on different spellings of words
in British and American English. Some words in
both dialects have different spellings for the same
word; such as ‘colour’ and ‘color’. Furthermore,
in (Shirali-Shahreza and Shirali-Shahreza, 2008),
Shirali-Shahrezaand and Shirali-Shahreza evolved the
previous technique to cater for the different terms for
the same word in British and American English di-
alects, and substituting the text to hide secret data. For
example, the term ‘elevator’ in American English is
referred to as ‘lift’ in British English, and substituing
one for the other facilitates the hiding of one bit.
Baawi et al. (Baawi et al., 2020) suggested a tech-
nique to enhance the embedding capacity for format-
based text steganography using the font as well as
other text characteristics for encoding secret informa-
tion. This technique uses similar symbols for sev-
eral codes, known as Set of High-Frequency Letters
(SHFLs). The embedding process is based on re-
placing English letters with codes that share similar
shapes. One pass encodes two bits, where 00, 01, 10
and 11 conceal glyph1, glyph2, glyph3 and glyph4,
respectively (see Table 1 for an example of four let-
ters, ‘e’, ‘t’, ‘a’ and ‘o’). The steganographic capac-
ity of the table can be enhanced, and the technique
is based on lower-case SHFL. This two-bit technique
outperforms the standard text steganography because
it enhances the embedding capacity of the stego-text.
Table 1: Selected letters in SHFL for the hiding process
(Baawi et al., 2020).
ASCII Code Unicode
S = 00 S = 01 S = 10 S = 11
e 0065 0023 0026 002A
t 0074 003C 003D 003E
a 0061 005B 005D 005E
o 006F 007B 007C 007D
Most of the new space insertion techniques are in-
spired from the Kashida technique developed by Taha
et al. in (Taha et al., 2020), who suggested a format-
based text steganographic technique intended for the
Arabic language and based on the Kashida and Uni-
code text (including zero-width non-joiner (discrete),
zero-width joiner, little space and zero-width space
along with traditional spaces). The cover text can be
used to conceal one bit of the secret text in each letter
by transforming the letters using their position (i.e.
end, middle or beginning of a word, or an isolated
word). The shapes of the letters are corrected using a
software that changes typographic sequences depend-
ing on letter positioning (i.e. isolated, end, middle or
beginning). Kashida, typed as ’, represents a char-
acter in the Arabic langauge that extends a letter but
does not change the word meaning.
We give a recap here of the theory of the new textual
embedding method that was presented in (Aziz et al.,
2022) for completeness. In (Aziz et al., 2022), the
authors presented a model of a textual document S S
that assumed the document S consisted of a number of
paragraphs such that S = (P
), where S is the
set of all possible such documents. P,P
,... P is
An Extended Method for Transmitting Secret Messages in Textual Documents Based on Paragraph Resizing
the set of every possible sound paragraph written in
English, hence S P , or in other words, a document
is a finite sequence of such paragraphs. In addition to
this, a paragraph P was assumed to consist of a finite
number of (possibly repeating) characters, defined by
the function:
ch of : P (C )
where C is the multi-set of all possible characters in
English and (C ) is the power-set generated from
C and preserving the multiplicity of each character
in the multi-set, as defined by Axiom V of (Blizard,
1988). Hence:
ch of(P) = {|c : c P|}
Where we assume that a paragraph has at least one
sentence defined by a punctuation mark, that is a ‘!’
or a ‘?’ or a ‘.’. Additionally, the model of (Aziz et al.,
2022) assumes the condition that no paragraphs have
empty number of characters, i.e.:
P P : |ch of(P)| > 0
A similar condition applies to documents, where no
documents are assumed to be empty, or in other
words, S = ( ) does not exist. Moreover, a stronger
condition is required to hold if a document is to be
used as a cover document, that is
S S : is cover(S) |S| > 1
where is cover : S B is a predicate that asserts
whether a document can be used as a cover for em-
bedding secret messages or not. This last condition
assumes that, unless a document contains two or more
paragraphs, it is neither suitable for the method of
(Aziz et al., 2022) nor to our extended method pro-
posed later.
The main mechanism, which was used in (Aziz
et al., 2022) for embedding secret messages in text
documents was the R : P × P {0,1} function,
which essentially compares two paragraphs and re-
turns a 0 or a 1 depending on the result of the compar-
ison. It is possible to define R in any way one prefers,
however, this was defined in (Aziz et al., 2022) as be-
ing a size comparison function on the number of char-
acters in a paragraph:
) =
0 if |ch of(P
)| |ch of(P
1 otherwise
which will be the same definition we will be using
throughout the rest of this paper. Note that we refer
to the parameters of R as the left paragraph (P
) and
the right paragraph (P
), and the choice of instanti-
ating these depends on the specific case that uses R
(discussed in the next section).
Our extended embedding process builds on the same
approach used in (Aziz et al., 2022) for embedding
secret messages M in text documents. However, we
introduce a different method by which M is built:
M = [R(c
where, i
which gives us a (k 1)-long secret message. This
definition introduces an n-wise choice function, c
,..., p
)) = p
A choice function chooses the i
element in a se-
quence. Every c
is a partial function whenever i < 1
or i > n, for an n-long sequence.
In our embedding method, we shall call the se-
quence of pairs of such choice functions, ρ, such that:
ρ = ((c
where there is a requirement that:
1 i
for the document S on which the choice functions are
In order to extract a message, the message receiver
will need to have agreed on the definition of R above
with the sender of that message, beforehand. Such
definition of R could in real terms vary, giving there-
fore rise to different variations of this method, each
with its own definition of R. However, here we stick
with one definition of R. With this in mind, the ex-
traction logic can be defined as follows:
Y ω (P
) ρ [ ] = ω (Y ω) (P
) ρ [ ]
where Y is Curry’s fixed-point combinator as defined
in (Curry and Feys, 1958, p.178), (P
) is the
text document received by the receiver, ρ is as se-
quence of pairs of choice functions as defined in the
previous section, [ ] is an empty list, which will be
filled with the bits of the secret message during the
extraction, and finally, ω is defined as follows:
ω = λ f .λs.λr.λℓ. if r = [ ] then else f s (r\fst(r))
( : R(fst(fst(r))(s),snd(fst(r))(s)))
which is a λ expression (Church, 1932) that embeds
the definition of R. Here, fst : S P is a partial
function that returns the first paragraph element in a
sequence, snd : S P is a partial function that re-
turns the second paragraph element in a sequence and
\ : S × P S is a partial function that takes a se-
quence and a paragraph, and returns the sequence re-
sulting from the removal of that paragraph from the
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
input sequence. Finally, ( : n) =
is an operation
that joins an element n to the tail of an existing list
such that n becomes the last element of the new list
. In our case, n = R(fst(fst(r))(s), snd(fst(r))(s)),
which informally, is the bit resulting from the applica-
tion of the R function to two paragraphs, fst(fst(r))(s)
and snd(fst(r))(s). The former is chosen based on the
first choice function included in the first element of
the received ρ (or r), and the latter is chosen based
on the second choice function included in that ele-
ment of ρ (or r). Both fst and snd are partial functions
since they are not defined over anything other than
pairs (basically, our pairs of choice functions in a ρ
element). \, on the other hand, is partial since the el-
ement being removed from a sequence may not be a
member of that sequence.
As a simple example, let us consider the 5-paragraph
excerpt in Figure 1 taken from Jules Verne’s “Journey
to the Centre of the Earth”. In its current form, this ex-
cerpt naturally encodes the message M = [1,0,1,1],
given a sequential comparison of subsequent para-
graphs, i.e. ρ = ((c
5.1 Modes of Selection
In the most general case, there are no conditions on
how ρ is selected. In fact, there are no conditions on
the size of the transmitted message M. However, we
only consider below interesting choices of ρ, where
the size of the transmitted message is at least as large
as the number of paragraphs in the cover text minus
one. We do not consider cases of smaller messages,
since these can be transmitted in text documents with
fewer number of paragraphs, therefore, they do not
represent any new cases.
5.1.1 |M| = |S| 1: Base Case
This case corresponds to the original embedding al-
gorithm proposed in (Aziz et al., 2022). Here, the
definition of ρ is restricted by the following format:
ρ = ((c
for a text document of n number of paragraphs, which
represents the comparison of sequential paragraphs’
sizes. In our example of Figure 1, if we wanted to
embed the secret message M
= [0, 0, 1, 0], we will
have to modify the excerpt such that R(P
) = 0,
) = 0, R(P
) = 1 and R(P
) = 0. An
example of a modified excerpt embedding this mes-
sage is that of Figure 2, which we refer to as S
When extracting this message, we simply apply
the following fixed-point calculation:
Y ω S
)) [ ] =
5.1.2 |M| = |S| 1: Random Selection Case
In this more generic case, the choice of ρ is only
bounded by one condition: that the size of the embed-
ded message must be one fewer than the number of
paragraphs in the cover text document (i.e. similar to
the size of the message in the base case). Otherwise,
the definition of ρ may allow for any two paragraphs
to be compared depending on the pre-communication
agreement made by the two communicating entities.
We will discuss in slightly more detail in Section 6
how such pre-communication agreement can be es-
tablished securely. For now, we assume that both enti-
ties know which two paragraphs need to be compared,
for each of the bits in the secret message.
As an example, let us assume that ρ =
)) and using the mod-
ified excerpt of Figure 2, this will allow us to embed
the following message:
M = [1, 0, 0, 0]
In this case, in order to extract the secret message, we
apply the following fixed-point calculation:
Y ω S
)) [ ] =
5.1.3 |M| > |S| 1: Finite but Unbounded Case
In this last case, the number of message bits is finite
but unbounded, meaning it can be any number of bits,
as long as the two communicating entities have a pre-
agreed length of the secret message. For example,
if we assume that |M| = 8, then we may agree that
the following definition of ρ consisting of eight pairs
of choice functions, would be used as our embedding
ρ = ((c
Consequently, to embed the following message:
M = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
we will need to modify the original excerpt of Fig-
ure 1 to a new excerpt that matches this message and
An Extended Method for Transmitting Secret Messages in Textual Documents Based on Paragraph Resizing
P1: Really, what was the good of making such a fuss about an old quarto volume,
the back and sides of which seemed bound in coarse calf|a yellowish old book,
with a faded tassel dangling from it?
P2: However, the professor’s vocabulary of adjectives was not yet exhausted.
P3: "Look!" he said, asking himself questions, and answering them in the same breath;
"is it handsome enough? Yes; it is first-rate. And what binding! Does it open easily?
Yes, it lies open at any page, no matter where. And does it close well? Yes;
for binding and leaves seem in one completely. Not a single breakage in this back after 700 years
of existence! Ah! this is binding that Bozerian, Closs, and Purgold might have been proud of!"
P4: All the while he was speaking, my uncle kept opening and shutting the old book.
I could not do less than ask him about the contents, though I did not feel the least interest
in the subject.
P5: "And what is the title of this wonderful volume?" I asked.
Figure 1: A five-paragraph excerpt from Jules Verne’s ”Journey to the Centre of the Earth”.
P1: Really, what was the good of making such a fuss about an old quarto volume,
the back and sides of which seemed bound in coarse calf|a yellowish old book,
with a faded tassel dangling from it?
P2: However, the professor’s vocabulary of adjectives was not yet exhausted.
"Look!" he said, asking himself questions, and answering them in the same breath;
"is it handsome enough? Yes; it is first-rate.
P3: And what binding! Does it open easily?
Yes, it lies open at any page, no matter where. And does it close well? Yes; for binding and
leaves seem in one completely. Not a single breakage in this back after 700 years of existence!
Ah! this is binding that Bozerian, Closs, and Purgold might have been proud of!"
P4: All the while he was speaking, my uncle kept opening and shutting the old book.
P5: I could not do less than ask him about the contents, though I did not feel the least interest
in the subject. "And what is the title of this wonderful volume?" I asked.
Figure 2: The modified excerpt, S
P1: Really, what was the good of making such a fuss about an old quarto volume,
the back and sides of which seemed bound in coarse calf|a yellowish old book,
with a faded tassel dangling from it? However, the professor’s vocabulary of adjectives
was not yet exhausted.
P2: "Look!" he said, asking himself questions, and answering them in the same breath;
"is it handsome enough? Yes; it is first-rate. And what binding! Does it open easily?
Yes, it lies open at any page, no matter where. And does it close well? Yes;
for binding and leaves seem in one completely. Not a single breakage in this back after 700
years of existence!
P3: Ah! this is binding that Bozerian, Closs, and Purgold might have been proud of!"
P4: All the while he was speaking, my uncle kept opening and shutting the old book.
P5: I could not do less than ask him about the contents, though I did not feel the least interest
in the subject. "And what is the title of this wonderful volume?" I asked.
Figure 3: The modified excerpt, S
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
the choice of ρ above. An example of such (suitably)
modified excerpt could be that shown in Figure 3. We
call this second modified excerpt, S
Now, in order to extract the secret message for
this case, we again apply our fixed-point calculation:
Y ω S
)) [ ] = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1,1]
A new and important usage of Diffie-Hellman shared
secret keys (Diffie and Hellman, 1976) was demon-
strated in (Aziz, 2021) as a means of agreement be-
tween two entities on the semantic interpretation of
the exchanged messages. This approach opens the
possibility, in our case, to achieve a sort of separation
of concerns, between defining ρ and sharing a secret
key that would allow both communicating entities to
agree on ρ, before the commencement of the commu-
nication session.
Assuming ι is an index function defined as:
ι : N ((Ξ × Ξ) × ... × (Ξ × Ξ))
where Ξ = {c,c
,...} is the set of all possible choice
functions, then we can simply retrieve a specific defi-
nition of ρ by applying:
) = ρ
is the Diffie-Hellman key pre-agreed between A
and B. A generic definition of ι was given in (Aziz,
2021) as an indexing function that can be used to re-
trieve a semantic domain (ρ in our case).
We can also modify the algorithm given in (Aziz,
2021) for agreeing a semantic domain by introducing
a new albeit slightly modified algorithm as shown in
Algorithm 1 below. The net outcome of calling the
ALICE procedure will be that ρ
= ρ
As a result, both ALICE and BOB will end up
agreeing on the same ρ value to use in the modifi-
cation of textual documents in the subsequent com-
munication session(s).
This paper has presented an overview of recent pro-
cedures for hiding secret messages in text docu-
ments through steganography. Both format-based
techniques modifying text attributes and linguistic
methods producing credible language covers were re-
1: procedure ALICE
2: Choose some a N
3: Compute K = BOB(c
mod p
where c
= g
mod p
4: Set in internal state ρ
=: ι(K)
5: return
6: end procedure
8: procedure BOB(c
9: Choose some ρ (Ξ × Ξ) × ... ×(Ξ × Ξ)
10: Choose a specific b N such that
mod p) = ρ
11: Set in internal state that ρ
= ρ
12: return c
where c
= g
mod p
13: end procedure
Algorithm 1: A modified DH-based ρ Agreement Algo-
rithm [p,g,ι are global parameters, ρ
are local state
viewed. However, limitations were recognised with
the capacity and security of the existing approaches.
To address these concerns, a novel extended em-
bedding method is proposed based on encoding mes-
sages by adjusting the size of comparative paragraph.
The choice of the paragraphs being compared is al-
lowed to be flexible, unlike the original sequential
comparison method proposed in (Aziz et al., 2022).
The theory underlying our approach is formally ex-
pressed using the λ-calculus, and method for agree-
ing the choice of paragraph functions is also proposed
by an algorithm based on the Diffie-Hellman protocol
(Diffie and Hellman, 1976). We hypothsise that this
this new technique will provide increased hiding ca-
pacity and resilience against statistical attacks by ex-
ploiting structural properties of the textual document.
Future work will be focused on exploring a num-
ber of research directions: First, we intend to ex-
plore substitute definitions of the paragraph compari-
son function R to define optimal configurations of the
cover text. Second, it would be interesting to define
a search algorithm that searches for text documents
with the most suitable features, such that both the hid-
ing capacity as well as the security of the stego-object
are maximised. Extending the approach to other me-
dia formats, such as images, video and audio would
also be possible, by adopting a block comparison ap-
proach, where parts of the image or video file are
compared against other parts as a means of hiding a
bit of information. Finally, we propose that recent
generative artificial intelligence methods may be use-
ful in generating natural language cover documents
with suitable characteristics, or even generating the
actual stego-object documents.
An Extended Method for Transmitting Secret Messages in Textual Documents Based on Paragraph Resizing
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