visual quality inspection. We demonstrated that our
approach can be used to train deep learning models
and improve the performance of models when used in
combination with real data.
The digital reality pipeline is designed for low
manual configuration effort allowing for a quick,
affordable, and thus broad use in industry. We have
analysed numerous processes and previous
developments in this area, adapted and improved
them, and combined these methods in a toolbox to
enable easy implementation for different production
parts. The main advantage of our approach compared
to other simulation tools lies in the implementation of
the modular digital reality concept. The next step is to
conduct a comprehensive study with different types
of objects and more synthetic data in combination
with fine-tuning the object detection models to
elaborate on the preliminary results described in
section 3.6. Furthermore, the processes for synthetic
data generation and defect detection described in the
previous sections are suitable for integration as an
automated visual quality control system into an active
production environment. This requires a continuous
process to allow the defect detection model to be
improved or enriched with new data. An example of
this would be training with a new defect type that only
occurred on the object after the model has been
deployed. The digital reality concept of using partial
models reduces the workload of integrating this new
defect type to parameterising the defect model
accordingly and finetuning the deep learning model
with the newly generated data. In the future, we aim
to further evaluate the pipeline with additional use
cases and an integration study in a real production
Part of this research has been funded by the Ministry
of Economics, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy
of Saarland under grant number D/2-ML-
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