Impact of Policies on Organizations Engaged in Partnership
Zakaria Maamar
1 a
, Amel Benna
2 b
and Fadwa Yahya
3 c
University of Doha for Science and Technology, Doha, Qatar
Research Center for Scientific & Technical Information (CERIST), Algiers, Algeria
Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia
Partnership, Policy, ODRL, Opposition, Support.
This paper discusses how to identify and assess the impact of policies on organizations that engage in part-
nership. Partnership is a viable option for organizations wishing to sustain their growth and reinforce their
competitiveness to respond to ongoing changing business conditions. Because policies regulate organizations’
operations, they could either promote or undermine partnership. In this paper, policies are specialized into
local and partnership, and are specified in Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) defining what is permitted
to do, what is prohibited from doing, and what must be done. The paper devises partnership scenarios as a
set of coordinated partnership policies, labels partnership policies as either supportive of or opposing to local
policies based on an impact analysis, and, finally, implements a policy-based partnership system.
To sustain their growth and reinforce their competi-
tiveness, organizations have multiple practical solu-
tions to choose from such as revisiting their business
practices, exploring new markets, and forming part-
nership that is the focus of this paper.
Despite the bright side of partnership because of
benefits like bridging the gap in expertise and knowl-
edge, securing more cash, and saving costs (Oel-
wang, 2022), the road ahead to a successful partner-
ship could sometimes be “bumpy” minimizing any
form of benefit and even, questioning the purpose of
partnership. Organizations could be forced to adjust
their structures and/or functions to accommodate each
other’s (sometimes conflicting) work cultures, busi-
ness requirements, regulations, etc. It happens that an
organization has Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD)
policy that is not in-line with a partner’s policy that
restricts on-premise access to internal devices, only.
What should organizations do in this case? Should
they develop new policies which could result in ex-
panding the partnership scope? Should they continue
using existing policies which could result in contract-
ing the partnership scope? Or, should they adjust ex-
isting policies which could, also, result in expanding
the partnership scope with the risk of triggering con-
flicts with other policies? These are some questions
that partnering organizations will have to address.
Aligning ourselves with how Rights Expression
Languages (REL) like Open Digital Rights Lan-
guage (ODRL) provide constructs (e.g., policies, con-
straints, and actions) to control (mainly digital) assets
using permission, prohibition, and duty rules (W3C,
2018), we treat organizations’ systems in this paper
as assets and hence, will be the focus of partnership
scenarios. The analysis of these scenarios would re-
sult in labeling partnership policies as either support-
ive or opposing depending on how they impact ex-
isting local policies of each partnering organization.
This impact is a form of either solidification or wors-
ening. On the one hand, a solidification example is
when a group of employees can now access a part-
nering organization’s systems off-premise; a duty rule
in a partnership policy forces these employees to use
a security protocol that outperforms what a partner-
ing organization deploys. On the other hand, a wors-
ening example is when another group of employees
now see their access privileges reduced; a permis-
sion rule in a partnership policy refers to a system
that is technically incompatible with a partnering or-
ganization’s systems. Although the current literature
focuses on conflicting policies as a potential “side ef-
fect” of partnership (Donghun, 2018; Liu et al., 2021;
Maamar, Z., Benna, A. and Yahya, F.
Impact of Policies on Organizations Engaged in Partnership.
DOI: 10.5220/0012718500003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 684-691
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Wu and Liu, 2014), our examples illustrate how dif-
ferent we are in the sense of examining the impact
of partnership policies on local policies. Therefore,
as a pre-requisite to any successful partnership, we
raise the following questions: how are partnership
policies coordinated when devising partnership sce-
narios, and why are partnership policies labelled as
either supportive or opposing with respect to solidify-
ing or worsening local policies?
In this paper, our contributions are, but not lim-
ited to, (i) devising partnership scenarios as a set of
coordinated partnership policies,(ii) specification of
partnership and local policies in ODRL, (iii) labeling
partnership policies as either supportive of or oppos-
ing to local policies, and (iv) illustration of how part-
nership policies would either solidify or worsen lo-
cal policies based on this labeling. In the following,
Section 2 briefly presents ODRL, some related works,
and a case study. Section 3 analyzes the impact of
policies on partnering organizations. Section 4 tech-
nically demonstrates this impact. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper and identifies future work.
After an overview of ODRL and related works, the
rest of this section discusses a case study.
2.1 ODRL in Brief
ODRL provides a flexible and interoperable informa-
tion model, vocabulary, and encoding mechanisms to
represent statements about the usage of assets. An
asset is an identifiable resource or a collection of re-
sources such as data/information, content/media, and
services. ODRL adopts policies to represent permit-
ted and prohibited actions over an asset and required
obligations that stakeholders must meet over this asset
as well (W3C, 2018). ODRL key constructs include:
Policy could include permission, prohibition, or
duty rules. First, permission allows an action over
an asset if all constraints/duties are satisfied/ful-
filled. Second, prohibition disallows an action
over an asset if all constraints are satisfied. Fi-
nally, duty forcibly exercises an action over an as-
set or not. It is fulfilled when all constraints are
satisfied and have been exercised.
Party is an entity or a collection of entities that
could be a person, group of persons, organi-
zation, or agent. A party can fulfill multiple
roles namely, assigner, assignee, informed party,
consented party, consenting party, compensated
party, and tracked party.
Constraint is used either to refine components like
action, party, or collection of assets or to declare
conditions applicable to a rule. Constraints could
also be combined using logical operators.
Multiple works discuss ODRL from different per-
spectives and in different contexts. For instance, Kas-
ten and Grimm use OWL to enrich ODRL with se-
mantics (Kasten and Grimm, 2010). They note that
ODRL is not meant for specific case studies and
hence, can be adopted in many applications using the
concept of license. As a result, ODRL is attractive to
both policy advocates and ICT practitioners. In an-
other work, Serr
ao et al. develop OpenSDRM sys-
tem that uses ODRL as a REL in 3 different situa-
tions: digital music e-commerce, video-surveillance
data streaming, and controlled access to remote sens-
ing images (Serr
ao et al., 2005). In conjunction with
ODRL, OpenSDRM adopts SOAs principles along
with its SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL technologies.
2.2 Related Work
To the best of our knowledge, there are not works that
address the issue of policies impacting other policies
in term of either support or opposition. To address
this limitation, we examine conflicting policies as a
potential result of partnership.
In (Donghun, 2018), Yoon describes policy con-
flicts to manage research equipment as “the conflict
of interest between the government and the scientists
in the public R&D business and its execution by the
central government, local government, public institu-
tion, etc.. Upon analysis of these conflicts’ causes,
5 strategies were devised: formulate policies for re-
search equipment relocation, hold negotiations for
partial concession from one party to another, diffuse
confrontation with respect to the issues causing con-
flicts, mitigate differences between conflicting par-
ties, and promote rewards and mutual benefits. All
these strategies address conflicts between the govern-
ment and scientists to improve cooperation.
In (Khakpour et al., 2010), Khakpour et al. pro-
pose PobSAM that is an actor-based model for the
development of self-adaptive systems. PobSAM uses
policies to control and adapt systems’ behaviors. In
addition, PobSAM considers a classification of con-
flicts that could exist between a system’s policies.
These conflict types are expressed using a set of linear
temporal logic patterns that are then, used to analyze
policies and identify potential conflicts. Finally, Pob-
SAM adopts static analysis and model checking tech-
nique to verify the correctness of system adaptation.
In (Liu et al., 2021), Liu et al. focus on attribute-
based access control policy defined in eXtensible Ac-
Impact of Policies on Organizations Engaged in Partnership
cess Control Markup Language to propose a formal
definition of conflicts between a pair of rules in terms
of explicit, probable, and never. A conflict occurs if
there exists a user’s request such as 2 rules having at-
tributes with intersecting value sets that are applicable
for this request, or the decisions of 2 rules like per-
mit and deny are contradicting. A conflict is explicit
if (1) one rule shares all attributes with another rule,
(2) the shared attributes have intersecting value sets,
(3) their action sets overlap, and (4) their decisions
are distinct. A conflict is probable if the rules’ ac-
tion sets overlap and their decisions are distinct, and
the attributes of rules generated from the main rules
have intersecting value sets. Finally, there is no con-
flict when either the rules’ decisions are the same, the
rules’ action sets do not overlap, or the rules’ deci-
sions are distinct and their action sets overlap. In
either case, the rules are expected to have a subject,
or an object attribute expression (with a particular at-
tribute) that has non-overlapped value sets.
In (Wu and Liu, 2014), Wu and Liu address policy
conflicts for collaborative service computing applica-
tions. Services are designed and deployed to work
according to providers’ policies. However, when ser-
vice collaboration is required to accomplish specific
business tasks, there could be some conflicts between
their respective providers. 3 conflict types are consid-
ered: duty, interest, and outcome. To address them,
the authors propose a knowledge-augmented logical
analysis framework that includes temporal logic anal-
ysis rules, semantic extensions, reconciliation rules,
and other domain information. First, a temporal first-
order logic is used to express policies, so that the ob-
tained logical expressions are analysed to deduce the
existence/absence of conflicts between these policies.
This analysis is augmented by a semantic knowledge
base containing among others attribute relationships
and dynamic constraints between attributes. The log-
ical analysis framework uses this information in the
logic reasoning to address the conflict.
Regarding ODRL, conflicts could occur between
permission and prohibition rules included in the same
policy, or when merging policies because of policy
inheritance and the resultant rules are inconsistent.
To address such conflicts, a policy with the conflict
property as either perm, prohibit, or invalid could be
used. Perm value means that a permission rule must
override a prohibition rule. Prohibit value means that
a prohibition rule must override a permission rule.
Finally, invalid value applies when the entire policy
is made void because of a conflict detected between
rules after a policy merge or inheritance.
The works above address conflicting policies us-
ing different techniques. However, there is a limited
emphasis on potential relations like support and op-
position that would capture the impact of policies on
other policies. In this paper, we use constraints to es-
tablish such relations along with using ODRL to spec-
ify these policies and their constraints.
2.3 Case Study
Our case study involves 2 organizations, weRetail
that operates in on-line shopping and weDeliver that
couriers parcels to customers’ locations. weRetail
runs online systems (assets according to ODRL vo-
cabulary) that policies manage in terms of who can
consult what, for what purpose, etc. Listing 1 is a pol-
icy between weRetail (line 6) and a customer (line 7).
The customer sets 48 hours (lines 11-13) prior to the
delivery date as a time limit (lines 15-17) for weRetail
to update (line 9) her order like substituting items and
changing delivery dates. Passed this time limit, the
update is prohibited (line 4) unless weRetail (line 21)
compensates the customer (line 22).
Listing 1: ODRL specification for customer orders.
1{" @context ": " ht t p : / / www . w 3 . or g / n s / o d rl . jso n l d " ,
2 " uid " : " http : // example . c om / po l i c y : 3 04 " ,
3 " @ t ype ": " Reques t " ,
4 " p r o hibitio n " : [{
5 " ta r g e t " : " ht t p : / / e x a m p l e . com / w e R e t a i l /
as s e t / C u s t omer O r d e r s " ,
6 " assigner " : " h ttp : // example . com / weRetail " ,
7 " assignee " : " h ttp : // example . com / us e r s /
customer " ,
8 " ac t i o n " : [{
9 " r df : va l u e " : {" @id " : " o drl : u se "},
10 " refi n e m e n t " : [{
11 " le f t O p e r a n d " : " elaps e d T i m e " ,
12 " operator " : " l t ",
13 " ri g h t O p e r a nd " : {" @ v a l ue " : " 4 8 H" , "
@t y p e " : " xs d : d u r a t i o n "},
14 " comme n t " : " l e ss tha n 48 h"},
15 {" l e f t O p e r an d " : " dateTime " ,
16 " operator " : " gt e q " ,
17 " ri g h t O p e r a nd " : " ht t p s : // w ww .
wikidata . org / w i ki / Q 2 0 0 5 8 7 9 3 " ,
18 " comme n t " : " de l i v e r y da te "}]}] ,
19 " re m e d y " : [{
20 " ac t i o n " : " co m p e n s a t e " ,
21 " c o m p e n sat i n g P a r ty " : " h ttp : // e x a m p l e .
co m / weRetail " ,
22 " c o m p e n sate d P a r t y " : " h ttp : // e x ample . co m
/ us e r s / c u s t o m e r "
23 }]}]}
The description above also applies to weDeliver
that has policies like in Listing 2. The main dif-
ferences with Listing 1 reside in the parcel schedul-
ing system that is the asset (line 5), the collection of
employees who are the assignee (lines 7-9), and the
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
permission rule (line 4) that is constrained by a duty
rule (line 11). This rule obliges weDelivers employ-
ees to request an access consent twice (lines 14-17)
from a consenting party (line 18).
Listing 2: ODRL specification for parcel scheduling.
1{" @context " : " ht t p : / / www . w 3. or g / ns / o d rl . jso n l d " ,
2 " uid " : " http : // example . c om / po l i c y : 2 01 " ,
3 " @ t ype ": " Agreem e n t " ,
4 " p e r m is si on " : [{
5 " ta r g e t " : " h ttp : // example . com / weDelive r /
as s e t / p a rce l S c h edu l i n g Sys t e m ",
6 " assigner " : " h ttp : // example . com / weDeliv e r " ,
7 " assignee " :{
8 " @t y p e " : " P a r tyCo l l e c t i on " ,
9 " so u r c e " : " h ttp : // example . com / weDelive r /
employees /"},
10 " ac t i o n " : " e x e c u t e " ,
11 " du ty " : [{
12 " ac t i o n " : [{
13 " r df : va l u e " : {" @id " :" od r l :
obt a i n C o n s en t "},
14 " refi n e m e n t " : [{
15 " le f t O p e r a n d " : " c o u n t " ,
16 " operator " : " e q ",
17 " ri g h t O p e r a nd " : " 2 " ,
18 " un it " : " htt p s : // w ww . wikidata . o rg /
wi k i / Q 1 15 6 3 "}]}],
19 " c o n s e n t ingP a r t y " : " h t tp : // e x a m p l e . co m /
pa r c e l Sch e d u l ing S y s t em / c o n s e n t m en t "}
Handling joint customers’ order and delivery
transactions, weRetail and weDeliver combine their
efforts during peak-seasons giving their respective
employees the opportunity of temporarily accessing
each other’s systems while maintaining full control
of these systems (Listings 1 and 2). For instance,
weRetail will schedule, without weDeliver interven-
tion, immediate deliveries to consumers who spend
more than $2000 in a single transaction per day. And,
weDeliver will modify orders’ delivery dates with-
out the intervention of weRetail, should some delivery
time-slots turn out slightly loaded and hence, could be
filled out with some early deliveries. These 2 scenar-
ios shed light on some requirements that partnership
policies should capture like the temporary nature of
partnership, eligible employees from each organiza-
tion to access each other’s systems, etc. Below are
2 partnership policies exemplifying how local policies
become solidified and worsened, respectively, based
on how these partnership policies are defined.
1. Partnership policy solidifying Listing 2’s local
policy where a new assignee is linked to an exist-
ing asset. To allow John from weRetail to access
weDelivers parcel scheduling system, he has to
be in a specific location and to secure at least the
same number of access consents from the same
consenting party. In Listing 3, the partnership pol-
icy has John as an assignee who is given access to
the parcel scheduling system as per the agreement
between both organizations. The solidification of
Listing 2’s local policy with respect to Listing 3’s
partnership policy is due to both the access from
a specific location and the adoption of at least the
same number of consents.
Listing 3: ODRL specification for a partnership policy (1).
1{" @context " : " ht t p : / / www . w 3. or g / ns / o d rl .
js o n l d " ,
2" uid " : " htt p : // exampl e . c om / p o l i c y : 3 02 " ,
3" @ type ": " Agreement " ,
4" p e r m i ss io n ": [{
5 " ta r g e t " : " h ttp : // example . com / weDelive r /
as s e t / p a rce l S c h edu l i n g Sys t e m ",
6 " assigner " : " h ttp : // example . com / weDeliv e r " ,
7 " assignee " : " h ttp : // example . com / weRetail /
us e r s / Joh n " ,
8 " ac t i o n " : [{
9 " r df : va l u e " : {" @id " : " e x e c u t e "},
10 " refi n e m e n t " : [{
11 " le f t O p e r a n d " : " sp a t i a l " ,
12 " operator " : " e q ",
13 " ri g h t O p e r a nd " : " h t tps : // www . w i k i d a t a .
or g / wi k i / Q 1 83 ? wprov = s rpw 1_ 0 " ,
14 " comme n t " : " G e rmany "}]}] ,
15 " du ty " : [{
16 " ac t i o n " : [{
17 " r df : va l u e " : {" @id " : " o d rl :
obt a i n C o n s en t "},
18 " refi n e m e n t " : [{
19 " le f t O p e r a n d " : " c o u n t " ,
20 " operator " : " gt e q " ,
21 " ri g h t O p e r a nd " : " 2 " ,
22 " un it " : " h t tps : // www . w i k i d a t a . org /
wi k i / Q 1 15 6 3 "}]}],
23 " c o n s e n t ingP a r t y " : " htt p : // e x a m p l e . com /
pa r c e l Sch e d u l ing S y s t em / c o n s e n t m en t "
2. Partnership policy worsening Listing 1’s local
policy where a new assignee is linked to an exist-
ing asset. Should Michael from weDeliver modify
the delivery date of any customer’s order stored
in weRetails system, then weDeliver will com-
pensate the customer if the modified delivery date
happens after the 48 hours time-limit set in List-
ing 4. The worsening of Listing 1’s local policy
with respect to Listing 4’s partnership policy is
due to the additional financial compensation.
Listing 4: ODRL specification for a partnership policy (2).
1{" @context " : " ht t p : / / www . w 3. or g / ns / o d rl .
js o n l d " ,
2" uid " : " htt p : // exampl e . c om / p o l i c y : 3 05 " ,
3" @ type ": " Agreement " ,
4" p r o h ibitio n " : [{
Impact of Policies on Organizations Engaged in Partnership
5 " ta r g e t " : " h ttp : // example . com / weRetail /
as s e t / C u s t omer O r d e r s " ,
6 " assigner " : " h ttp : // example . com / weRetail " ,
7 " assignee " : " h ttp : // example . com / weDeliv e r /
Mich a e l " ,
8 " ac t i o n " : [{
9 " r df : va l u e " : {" @id " : " o drl : m o d i f y "},
10 " refi n e m e n t " : [{
11 " le f t O p e r a n d ": " ela p s e d T i m e " ,
12 " operator " : " l t ",
13 " ri g h t O p e r a nd " : {" @ v a l ue " : " 4 8 H" , "
@t y p e " : " xs d : d u r a t i o n "},
14 " comme n t " : " l e ss tha n 48 h"},
15 {" l e f t O p e r an d " : " dateTime " ,
16 " operator " : " gt e q " ,
17 " ri g h t O p e r a nd " : " h t tps : // www . w i k i d a t a
. o rg / w i k i / Q 2 0 0 5 8 7 9 3 " ,
18 " comme n t " : " de l i v e r y da te "}]}] ,
19 ... ,
20 " re m e d y " : [{
21 " ac t i o n " : " co m p e n s a t e " , . ..}]}]}
This section manages policy-based partnership with a
focus. labelling partnership policies as either support-
ive of or opposing to local policies.
3.1 Overview
Fig. 1 represents the chronology of operations that en-
ables partnership between organizations using part-
nership policies and evaluate the impact of partner-
ship policies on these organizations’ local policies. It
begins when organizations
i, j
develop local policies to
manage their own assets (1) and then, engage in part-
nership like in Section 2.3. This engagement initi-
ates developing joint scenarios. For each joint sce-
nario, relevant bodies define partnership policies (2)
and then, submit them to the policy engine for ver-
ification prior to their storage like the rest of local
policies in a dedicated repository (3). Once the def-
inition of all policies is complete, they are submit-
ted to the partnership engine that coordinates partner-
ship policies and next, labels them as either support-
ive of or opposing to local policies (4). More details
about policy labeling are given in Section 3.2. Notic-
ing both that supportive partnership policies solidify
local policies and that opposing partnership policies
worsen local policies, organizations
i, j
take measures
to reinforce the solidification and offset the worsen-
ing, respectively (5).
Partnership ecosystem
partnership policies
partnership policies
Policy engine
Partnership engine
Organization 
1 1
3 33
Joint scenarios
Organization 
Local policies
Local policies
5 5
Figure 1: Policy-based management of partnership.
3.2 Labeling Partnership Policies
To label partnership policies as either supportive of
or opposing to local policies, we look into poten-
tial overlaps between their respective constraints. In
ODRL, the constraint construct applies to specific
constructs namely, action, assignee, rule, and as-
set although constraints are optional in policies. To
label partnership policies, introduce the prohibition-
nullification concept and then, adopt ODRL constraint-
structure to label a partnership policy. Fig. 2 summa-
rizes the chronology of operations to adopt and the
conditions to check underpinning this labeling.
Prohibition nullification converts a prohibition
rule into a permission rule to ensure an “homoge-
neous” analysis of rules across all partnership and lo-
cal policies. We select permission rule because of the
lack of obligation to trigger a prohibition rule after
conversion. Should a prohibition rule have constraints
on itself, then their complementary constraints will
be integrated into the permission rule. In addition,
should a prohibition rule include remedies that com-
pensate this rule’s violation, then the remedies will
become duty rules in the permission rule.
In ODRL, a constraint structure consists of
2 operands connected by 1 relational operator like
in Listing 1’s lines 10-12 where the leftOperand
is “elapsedTime”, the rightOperand has a value of
A predefined list of ODRL terms exists.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Analyse PPs & LPs
Does PP include
prohibition rules?
Analyse constraint relations
per pairwise of constraints
Nullify prohibition
Are they
constraint free?
Do constraint
relations hold?
PP no-labeling
PP no-labeling
PP labeling
for all constraints
Figure 2: Flowchart of partnership policies labelling.
48 hours, and the operator is “It”. Thanks to the left-
Operand, we categorize constraint into budget, secu-
rity, time, location, and personnel.
In conjunction with prohibition nullification,
we define constraint relation between P artnership
P olicies (P P ) and L ocal P olicies (L P ) using their
respective constraints, P P
and L P
that apply
to the same actions in these policies’ rules. This re-
lation allows to decide on the constraint that a part-
nership policy would use, i.e., P P
, P P
, ei-
ther P P
or P P
, or neither P P
nor L P
leading to label a P P as either supportive of, oppos-
ing to, partially supportive of/opposing to, or neutral to
a L P , respectively. The constraint relations are:
- consolidate(P P
,L P
): when initiating
, LP
takes effect over P P
. Should the
consolidate relation hold, then P P
will be labeled
as supportive of LP
for that particular constraint
and hence, L P
will be adopted.
- override(P P
,L P
): when initiating P P
takes effect over L P
. Should the over-
ride relation hold, then P P
will be labeled as op-
posing to LP
for that particular constraint and
hence, P P
would be adopted.
- nullify(P P
,L P
): when initiating P P
, nei-
ther P P
nor L P
takes effect calling for
adjusting P P
into P P
without violating
. Should the nullify relation hold, then P P
will be labeled as partially supportive of/opposing
to LP
for that particular constraint and hence,
will be adopted.
- relax(P P
,L P
): when initiating P P
, ei-
ther P P
or L P
takes effect. Should the
relax relation hold, then P P
will be labeled as
neutral to L P
for that particular constraint and
hence, either P P
or L P
will be adopted.
Let us illustrate the discussions above with 3 ex-
amples including the case study. In the first ex-
ample, P P
s and L P
s constraints are on the ac-
tion construct. We assume that “dateTime“ left-
Operand in these constraints is defined as a time in-
terval ([b
i| j
, e
i| j
]). To reason over time intervals, we
resort to time relations (Allen, 1983):
1. Should equals([b
, e
], [b
, e
]) hold, then re-
lax(P P
,L P
) will exist indicating that P P
is time-based neutral to L P
. P P
s time in-
terval fully covers LP
s time interval and
vice versa.
2. Should during|starts| f inishes([b
, e
], [b
, e
hold, then override(P P
,L P
) will exist
indicating that P P
is time-based opposing to
. P P
s time interval partially covers
s time interval.
3. Should contains([b
, e
], [b
, e
]) hold, then con-
solidate(P P
,L P
) will exist indicating that
is time-base supportive of LP
. L P
time interval is totally covered by P P
s time
4. Should precedes|meets([b
, e
], [b
, e
]) hold, then
will not be labelled with regard to LP
5. Should overlaps([b
, e
], [b
, e
] hold, then nullify
(P P
,L P
) will exist indicating that P P
is partially time-based supportive of/opposing to
. Some parts of P P
s time interval do not
cover L P
s time interval leading to adjusting
s initial time interval to [b
, e
Another example is the case study where P P s
constraints in Listing 3 and L P s constraints in List-
ing 2 are on the action construct. To start with, the
execute action is constraint free in the local policy, so
this policy is dropped from the labeling of the part-
nership policy. Let us now focus on the obtainCon-
sent action that is present in both policies. Based
on the respective constraints on this action, consoli-
date(P P
,L P
) exists because the partnership
policy requires at least the same number of consents
as the local policy does indicating that P P is security-
based supportive of L P .
Impact of Policies on Organizations Engaged in Partnership
Figure 3: Labeling of P P
as supportive of L P
Figure 4: Labeling of P P
as opposing to L P
Figure 5: Labeling of P P
as partially supportive of/opposing to L P
To assess the impact of policies on partnering orga-
nizations’ assets, a system was developed in Java 8
using Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and deployed
on Windows 8 64 bits, 1.4 GHz quad-core proces-
sor CPU, 4GB RAM desktop. It mainly targets
Fig. 1’s partnership engine along with categorizing
constraints (e.g., budget, time, and location), so that
relevant policy managers in the system are enabled.
The source code is released on GitHub at https:
The system parses L P s and P P s to identify those
pairwises of L P
and P P
that have similar assets
and similar actions on these assets, so they could en-
gage in supporting and/or opposing relations. The
parsing is taken care of by an in-house JSON parser
developed using json-simple Java library. Then, the
system categorises these pairwises as per their re-
spective constraints. For each categorized L P
pairwise, the system selects the adequate pol-
icy manager to label these policies using constraints’
leftOperand. Depending on constraint categories, dif-
ferent tools are used such as Joda-Time java
to deal with time and time-interval constraints, and
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
World Cities Database
to deal with location con-
straint. This database includes more than 4 million
cities and towns in the world and can be queried to
define relations like equals, contains, and disjoint be-
tween 2 locations.
To test the system, we adopted LP
and P P
of Listings 2 and 3, respectively, and defined more
for instance, L P
and P P
integrating spatial and
dateTime ODRL constraints. An overview of these
policies is as follows: P P
(the use of the parcel
scheduling system as an asset is constrained to a spe-
cific location that is Tokyo), L P
(the use of the par-
cel scheduling system as an asset is constrained to a
specific location that is Japan), P P
(the use of the
parcel scheduling system as an asset is constrained to
a specific time-period that is 2023-11-15 to 2024-01-
15), and L P
(the use of the parcel scheduling system
as an asset is constrained to a specific time-period that
is 2023-12-01 to 2024-01-31).
Afterwards, we submitted the policies to the sys-
tem for labeling. Fig. 3 shows that P P
is supportive
of L P
due to consolidate relation. Fig. 4 shows that
is opposing to L P
because of override relation.
Finally, Fig. 5 shows that P P
is partially supportive
of/opposing to L P
because of nullify relation.
This paper discussed partnership as a viable option
for organizations wishing to bridge the gap in exper-
tise and knowledge, to secure more cash, and to save
costs. However, partnership could run into obstacles
minimizing its benefits and even, questioning its pur-
pose when organizations end-up adjusting their struc-
tures and/or functions to accommodate each other’s
(sometimes conflicting) work cultures, business re-
quirements, and regulations. These regulations cor-
respond to policies that we specify in ODRL and spe-
cialize into partnership and local. To examine poten-
tial relationship between these 2 types of policies, we
devised partnership scenarios as a set of policies to
coordinate, labeled partnership policies as either sup-
portive of or opposing to local policies, and finally
demonstrated a system implementing policy-based
partnership targeting a case study involving weRe-
tail that operates in the domain of on-line shopping
and weDeliver that operates in the domain of courier-
ing parcels to customers’ locations. In term of future
work, we would like to define measures that either
reinforce the solidification of or offset the worsening
of local policies, assess the scalability of the system
when several policies need to be managed, and imple-
ment the reinforcement and offsetting measures.
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Impact of Policies on Organizations Engaged in Partnership