Towards Privacy-Preserving Multi-Cloud
Identity Management Using SOLID
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
1,2 a
and Islam Belmerabet
IDEA Lab, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Department of Computer Science, University of Paris City, Paris, France
Keywords: Digital Identity Management, Privacy-Preserving, Access Control, Identity and Access Management,
Identity Management Protocol.
Abstract: Digital identity management services are essential for user authentication in Cloud Computing infrastructures.
They allow for flexible access control to services based on the characteristics (also called attributes) of the user
and the history of interactions. These services ought to safeguard users privacy while enhancing cross-domain
interoperability and streamlining identity verification procedures. In this research, we provide a strategy for
satisfying these requirements by fusing protocols for Zero-Knowledge proofing, semantic matching techniques,
and high-level identity verification principles expressed in terms of identity attributes. The paper describes the
fundamental strategies we employ as well as the design of a preliminary architecture based on these methods.
Cloud Computing and online services are evolving
paradigms for large-scale infrastructures. Cloud
Computing provides several advantages, including
cost savings, flexibility, sustainability, insight, and
quality control. In the software business, Cloud
Computing technologies such as Amazon Elastic
Computing Cloud (EC2), Simple Storage Service
(S3), and Google App Engine are widely used.
However, despite the effect and efficiency of these
application services, there are still Security and
Privacy concerns about how these Cloud providers
treat user data. The consequences of insecure Cloud
Computing platforms may be found in a variety of
technical paradigms, including Web-Based
Outsourcing, Mobile Cloud Computing, and Service-
Oriented Architectures (SOA). A secure Cloud
implementation necessitates an adaptive security
mechanism to provide users with a high degree of
confidence in the Cloud. Without the capacity of such
solutions to ensure a significant degree of security
and privacy, there will continue to be a major concern
a 0000-0002-7104-6415 – This research
has been done in the context of the Excellence Chair in Big
Data Manament and Analytics, University of Paris City,
Paris, France.
of privacy loss and sensitive data leakage, limiting
the wide adoption of Cloud services (Tari, 2014).
Privacy is a basic right that necessitates the proper
use and safeguarding of personal information. Cloud
Computing paradigms breach privacy in a variety of
ways, including the theft of personal information
(Deng, 2010), the unregulated use of Cloud services,
data propagation, possibly unauthorized secondary
usage, trans-border data flow, and dynamic
provisioning. The privacy concerns revolve around
Identity and Access Management (IAM) challenges,
namely identity provisioning and de-provisioning,
maintaining a single ID across numerous platforms
and organizations, compliance visibility, and security
when using a third-party or vendor network. Current
procedures often prove consensus through a third-
party service or the general terms and conditions for
personal data processing. When providing user
permission in an environment with limited or no user
interface, security and privacy concerns become more
problematic due to unauthorized data usage
permission and insufficient processing of personal
information, which is frequently overlooked during
the design phase.
b 0009-0003-7878-0991
Cuzzocrea, A. and Belmerabet, I.
Towards Privacy-Preserving Multi-Cloud Identity Management Using SOLID.
DOI: 10.5220/0012719900003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 649-654
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Schema of the Reference Architecture.
The primary issues concerning data security
policies for Cloud users in terms of Cloud security
implementation are the following ones. First, the
commitments of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) to
ensure information security. Second, there are open
and documented data security policies. Third, there
are the measures set to categorize data access, as well
as its justification via third-party auditing. As a result,
when allowing third-party access, companies must
design a data access hierarchy, and good identity
management for third-party access should be a
priority for any CSP (Kumar et al., 2011). An inside
attack can occur without proper identity management
by distributing malicious programs on edge nodes and
exploiting vulnerabilities that affect the Quality of
Service (QoS). Such hostile behaviors can have a
substantial impact on temporarily preserved sensitive
In this paper, we present an architecture that aims
at improving identity verification management in a
privacy-preserving manner by utilizing high-level
identity verification policies expressed in terms of
identity attributes, Zero-Knowledge proof protocols
(e.g., (Goldreich & Krawczyk, 1996)), semantic
matching techniques, and employing SOLID
Decentralized Secure Data Stores (SOLID, 2024).
The context of application is the Multi-Cloud
environments (e.g., (Pawar et al., 2015)). To deal with
this, we introduce the adoption of SOLID as one of
the main relevant innovations of our proposal, which
sees engrafting SOLID as a kind of Cloud service
within our reference archtiecture, and delegating to it
the privacy-preservation functionalities mapped on
so-called PODs (Personal Online Datastores). PODs
are decentralized data stores where user data are
secured once and used after across multiple systems
(e.g., Amazon, Facebook and YouTube). By marrying
the SOLID PODs’ philosophy, we ineherit the similar
mechanism, initially developed for Web-based
systems, to Clouds, with the goal of ensuring privacy-
preserving user data management (including identity
management) across multiple Clouds (e.g., public
Clouds and/vs private Clouds). Thanks to PODs, we
can “transfer” privacy-preserved user data across
multiple Clouds.
With the growth of Cloud Computing, hundreds of
users and many apps are communicating and
exchanging sensitive data. As a result, it is critical to
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
manage identities securely while also protecting data
privacy. Several research studies on privacy in Cloud
identity management have been proposed to that
purpose. Among them, the following ones are
(Angin et al., 2010) present IdM Wallet, a
solution for entity-centric Identity Management
(IdM) in the Cloud that employs an active
package scheme. The active bundle is a
container for metadata, access control policies,
personally identifiable information, and the
virtual machine (which manages and controls
the program code included in a bundle). The
zero-knowledge proof is used to authenticate
an entity without exposing its identifier,
resulting in an anonymous identification. With
this idea, it is feasible to utilize identity data in
unreliable hosts and to reduce sensitive data on
the network by providing just the attributes
required by each service provider;
(Weingärtner & Westphall, 2014) combine the
use of encryption, policy management, and
notification of service provider confidence
levels. Their method addresses the lack of
control over user identification data when
enrolling with federated Identity Providers
(IdPs). Users can set their attribute distribution
policies, choosing which Personal Identifiers
Information (PIIs) are released. However, user-
centric distribution policy management can
cause issues because the majority of users lack
appropriate expertise about policy generation
and management;
(Spyra et al., 2016) deal with data storage in
the Cloud and the protection of sensitive data.
The proposal adds eXtensible Access Control
Markup Language (XACML) to the Office
Open XML (OOXML) document format,
defining a sticky policy that ensures the
integrity and credibility of information. To
enforce the XACML policy, cryptography-
based identity (IBE) is used as an
authentication technique.
The contribution of this research proposal is to
improve the different phases of the reference privacy-
preserving management of digital identity attributes
in domains with heterogeneous name spaces
architecture shown in Figure 1 with particular
regards to privacy preserving tasks using SOLID
decentralized data stores, which establish a
standardized framework for personal data storage and
sharing on the Web. This specification enables
individuals to exert fine-grained control over their
digital identities, foster enhanced privacy and user
agency, and epitomizes a paradigm shift by placing
data ownership and control squarely in the hands of
the user. As mentioned in Section 1, we use the same
SOLID philosophy on different Web systems applied
to different Clouds via PODs, so that achieving
effective and efficient privacy-preserving identity
management over multi-Clouds.
To address the problem of privacy-preserving
management of digital identity attributes in domains
with heterogeneous name spaces, this privacy-
preserving multi-factor identity attribute verification
protocol can match Cloud service providers and client
vocabularies using a matching technique based on
look-up tables, dictionaries, and ontology mapping
techniques. The protocol uses an Aggregate Zero
Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge (AgZKPK)
cryptographic protocol to allow clients prove
knowledge of multiple identity attributes with a single
interactive proof without having to provide them in
clear (Bertino et al., 2009).
SOLID is a specification that allows for storing data
securely in decentralized data stores called PODs,
where PODs are like secure personal Web servers for
data. The main idea consists in creating, for every
user (or user group) one POD that contains privacy-
preserving user data and access it across multiple
Clouds, without the need for re-identification. This
approach enforces scalability and self-authentication,
thus reducing the risk of cyber-attacks, by also
introducing the nice amenity of limiting data entry
activities that may increase the possibility of identity
thefts and personal-data attacks.
In this case, SOLID stores the information related
to user identity attributes used in this multi-factor
identity attribute verification approach which is
managed by the Registrar component, namely,
Identity Records (IdRs) containing identity tuples for
each user identity attribute. Each identity tuple
consists of a tag, that is, an attribute name, the
Pedersen commitment of the attribute value, the
signature of the Registrar on the commitment, and
two types of assurance, namely validity assurance and
ownership assurance, and a set of nyms (weak
identifiers) along with ontology mappings, set of
Towards Privacy-Preserving Multi-Cloud Identity Management Using SOLID
synonyms, session data, and mapping certificates
provided by the Heterogeneity Management Service.
3.2 Identity Attribute Matching
An Identity Attribute Matching Protocol uses a
combination of look-up tables, dictionaries, and
ontology mapping in order to address the different
variations in identity attribute names as follows:
Syntactic Variations: refer to the use of
different character combinations to denote the
same term, they can be identified by using look
up tables;
Terminological Variations: refer to the use of
different terms to denote the same concept, and
they can be determined by the use of
dictionaries or thesaurus such as WordNet
(Miller, 1995);
Semantic Variations: are related to the use of
two different concepts in different knowledge
domains to denote the same term, these can be
solved by ontology matching techniques.
There are two important issues related to the
identity matching protocol which are the following:
Which party must execute the matching? And
it is addressed by performing the matching on
the CSP, as performing the matching at the
client has the obvious disadvantage of the client
lying and asserting that an identity attribute
referred to in the CSP policy matches one of its
attributes, which is not the case. The usage of
ZKPK protocols preserves the user identity
attribute privacy by ensuring that the CSP does
not learn the values of these attributes – hence,
the CSP has no reason to lie about the mapping;
How to build on previous interactions the client
has had with other CSPs? As a result, in order
to make interactions between clients and CSPs
faster and more convenient for users, the
matching protocol relies on the use of proof-of-
identity certificates these certificates encode
the mapping between (some of) the user
identity attributes and the identity attributes
referred to in the policies of CSPs with which
the user has previously successfully interacted.
3.3 Multi-Factor Authentication
In the Multi-Factor Authentication process, once the
client receives Match, the set of matched identity
attributes from the CSP retrieves from the Registrar
or from its certificate repository local to the client, the
commitments satisfying the matches and the
corresponding signatures. The client then aggregates
the commitments, and according to the ZPK sends the
aggregated zero knowledge proof to the CSP.
If the aggregated zero knowledge proof is valid,
the CSP accepts it, and if the aggregate signature
verification is successful, the CSP issues a proof-of-
identity certificate to the client. The certificate proves
that the client identity attributes in the Match set are
mapped onto CSP ontology concepts and that the
client proved its knowledge of those attributes.
The CSP sends the proof-of-identity certificate to
the client and stores a copy of the certificate in its
local certificate repository. The proof-of-identity
certificate can be given to another CSP to allow the
client to prove knowledge of an attribute without
performing the aggregate ZKP protocol. The CSP that
receives the certificate just has to confirm the
certificate validity.
3.4 Heterogeneity Management Service
The Heterogeneity Management Service consists of
two modules: Synset SetUp and Ontology Manager.
The inclusion of these modules within our digital
identity management architecture underscores its
critical role in enabling seamless interoperability and
coherence across diverse data sources. The Synset
SetUp module pivotal function involves querying
local thesauri to extract an extensive array of
synonyms corresponding to a specified term, thereby
enhancing the comprehension and contextualization
of digital identity elements. This facet assumes
paramount importance in digital identity management
systems, where precise understanding and
interpretation of identity attributes are fundamental.
Complementing this, the Ontology Manager module
assumes a strategic role by facilitating ontology
mapping functionalities.
Within the domain of digital identity
management, this module ability to reconcile and
align dissimilar ontological structures becomes
indispensable. By transcending discrepancies in
schema and semantics, the Ontology Manager
module ensures the harmonization of identity-related
data elements across varied ontological
representations, thus fortifying the coherence and
consistency of digital identities.
As an integral component of our digital identity
management architecture, the Heterogeneity
Management Service stands as a testament to its
pivotal role in promoting semantic coherence and
facilitating effective data integration within the realm
of identity management systems, thus contributing to
the overall identity protection goal.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.5 UML Modelling of the Proposed
We provide an entity-centric, identity-centric-driven
IdM methodology called anonymous identification,
which is based on the usage of Zero-knowledge proof
for entity authentication without revealing its
identifier. Figure 2 shows anonymous identification
and the IdM service topology, in the context of our
reference Cloud architecture enriched by SOLID
PODs, which allow us to achieve the multiple Cloud
It is feasible to prove a claim or assertion
(authenticate) using Anonymous identity without
providing any credentials. Consider the following
scenario: a customer purchases books from Amazon.
To obtain the books via mail, the customer must
submit his mailing address. In certain cases, many
parties are involved in the same transaction and
require distinct information from the user. The
shipping firm needs the address. On the contrary,
Amazon does not need to know the customer address,
but wants to ensure that the user provides a valid
address to the delivery business. In this situation,
following Anonymous identification, the IdM service
generates a token that comprises the address that must
be revealed. Aside from the address, this token
contains metadata, access control restrictions, and
VM. This token is sent to the CSP, which may then
distribute it to the mailing firm. The IdM service
secures user attributes when transmitted to CSP and
allows us to utilize it on untrusted hosts and send
Figure 2: IdM Service Model.
In conclusion, digital identity management services
are critical in Cloud Computing infrastructures for
authenticating users and supporting flexible access
control to services based on user identity features
while maintaining data privacy. To this end, the
proposed methodology aims to improve
interoperability across multiple domains while also
simplifying identity verification management in a
privacy-preserving manner by utilizing high-level
identity verification policies expressed in terms of
identity attributes, zero-knowledge proof protocols,
semantic matching techniques, and employing
decentralized secure data stores. The critical factor of
our proposal is represented by well-understood
Future work is mainly oriented towards enriching
our framework with innovative features of privacy-
preserving identity management over multi-Clouds
(e.g., (Chaudhary & Kalra, 2019; Cui et al., 2019;
Raja et al., 2021)), and improving the integration with
big data methodologies, which span even-
heterogenous domains (e.g., (Langone et al., 2020;
Morris et al., 2018)).
This work was partially supported by project SERICS
(PE00000014) under the MUR National Recovery
and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union -
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