falls short to examine the scenarios in more detail. As
the focus is more on methodology, we only get a ta-
ble that compares the numbers of reversed elements
(theoretical vs. obtained) for the three tools without
a discussion about programming language specific is-
sues and the correctness of the results.
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verse C++ code to UML. These include language de-
tails as well as the recovery of high-level models. The
latter is currently in general not supported by tools.
In our approach, it only works for a rather small sub-
set of projects: the design recovery from code that
has been previously generated with our approach, as
the implementation patterns are known and carefully
chosen during the design of the code generator with
respect to a bijective mapping.
For the design recovery of legacy code, informa-
tion of applied implementation patterns must be pro-
vided. We hope that deep learning can provide a
means in the future to recover this information, as it
should cope with the fuzzy application of implemen-
tation patterns by developers. In order to train these
mechanisms, we plan to use the code base from the
SW heritage project (Software-Heritage, 2023) and
the fact that a certain subset of the projects contain
both design documents and the associated code allow-
ing us to obtain a training dataset.
This work has been funded by CEA through the plat-
form Deeplab and by ANR PIA: ANR-20-IDEES-
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Challenges in Reverse Engineering of C++ to UML