simulation support and a phone as a simulation ele-
ment) can diminish the sense of immersion. A pro-
posed solution is to project the simulation onto a large
screen, allowing participants to stand in front of it for
a more immersive experience without resorting to Vir-
tual Reality technologies. Feedback from AttrakDiff
and UES-SF questionnaires indicates positive partic-
ipant reception, highlighting emotional and intellec-
tual engagement, particularly with the LLM version.
This suggests a promising avenue for learning simula-
tions and serious games, as intellectual stimulation is
crucial for Experiential Learning, enhancing the edu-
cational quality of the simulations.
Integrating LLMs into simulations introduces
challenges with controlling variables and event trig-
gers, unlike dialogue trees where each node directly
impacts simulation outcomes. A workaround in this
project involved prompting the LLM to suggest ac-
tions, yet interpreting complex, variable-rich LLM re-
sponses remains a hurdle. A second LLM could the-
oretically parse the first’s output, though this raises
issues around its training and increased timings. This
approach complicates the balance between maintain-
ing simulation integrity and leveraging LLMs for dy-
namic, naturalistic dialogue generation. The distinc-
tion between dialogue trees and LLM in dialogue gen-
eration highlights a trade-off between control and nat-
uralness. Dialogue trees offer complete control, en-
suring consistency, while LLMs provide a more natu-
ral interaction but with less predictability. This raises
the question of merging both methods to harness their
respective strengths, suggesting a hybrid approach
where a dialogue tree could potentially guide an LLM
for improved consistency, opening avenues for inno-
vative solutions in dialogue generation.
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• Surveys: Raw Data and Test Protocol
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Interactive Storytelling Apps: Increasing Immersion and Realism with Artificial Intelligence?