Ethical Considerations. During the realization of
this work, we don’t upload any payloads to the target
real-world web applications. We only submit queries
and observe the returned value. Our aim is to eval-
uate whether SCWAD can be used in practices and
avoid poisoning the real-world web applications. We
unveil a TID vulnerability in the Crazygames applica-
tion. We have shared this unveiling with the applica-
tion owner, explaining our experiments are designed
for scientific research only.
In this study, we have introduced SCWAD, an auto-
mated web application pentesting framework. Cen-
tral to our approach is the structured and quantifi-
able representation of a target web application’s el-
ements, referred to as the knowledge base in this con-
text. The introduction of the knowledge base con-
cept brings forth significant advantages. Firstly, it
enables the pentest process to be modeled as a se-
quential decision-making problem. SCWAD incor-
porates an automated pentest agent that selects vi-
able vulnerability exploration actions based on the at-
tributes defined in the knowledge base. Additionally,
the pentest agent within SCWAD can enhance the un-
derstanding of the target web application by updating
attribute values in the knowledge base, thereby guid-
ing subsequent vulnerability exploration actions. Sec-
ondly, the design of the knowledge base allows vul-
nerabilities to be encoded as logic expressions involv-
ing the attributes of the knowledge base. This feature
facilitates interaction between the automated pentest
agent and human oracles; the agent can assess po-
tential vulnerabilities’ feasibility by matching knowl-
edge base attributes with encoded logic expressions
representing vulnerability signatures. Looking ahead,
our future research aims to integrate reinforcement
learning-based agents, enhancing adaptability and ef-
ficiency in vulnerability exploration. The pentest
policies learned through interactions with diverse web
applications can empower human security analysts
to uncover novel vulnerability exploitation methods.
This knowledge, in turn, can inform proactive mea-
sures for strengthening the security posture of target
web applications.
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