The Future of Oil and Gas Offloading: Leveraging Blockchain for
Enhanced Transparency and Efficiency
Paulo Henrique Alves
1 a
, Isabella Frajhof
Elisson Michael Ara
, Rafael Nasser
1 b
Gustavo Robichez
, Cristiane Lodi
, Carlos Henrique Fernandes
, Rhenan Borges
and Gilson Lopes
ECOA Institute, Pontificial University Catholic of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Blockchain, Offloading, Lifting, Loan, Refund.
In the dynamic and complex arena of the oil and gas sector, the management of offloading activities presents
considerable challenges, particularly regarding data transparency, distribution, security, and financial transac-
tions involving multiple parties, e.g., companies in a joint venture. The nature of multiple-party environments
requires a high level of systematization, transparency, and activity orchestration to manage these challenges
effectively. To address these challenges, this paper explores an innovative solution employing blockchain
technology, creating efficient mechanisms to enhance transparency and the security of recorded transaction.
The solution specifically focuses on the processes of oil production recording, lifting schedule management,
and the intricate handling of loans and refunds. We underscore the criticality of managing loans and refunds
to facilitate the lifting process, ensuring equitable oil volume distribution among consortium members. Thus,
this work presents a comprehensive blockchain-based system that provides the accuracy and integrity of data,
enhancing transparency and trust among consortium participants. This system seamlessly integrates all stages
of offloading operations, from planning to execution, thereby revolutionizing crucial data management prac-
tices in the oil and gas sector by applying blockchain technology. Our findings suggest that implementing such
technology in this context fosters a collaborative, trustworthy, secure, and efficient operational environment.
FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading)
technology is a widely used method for extracting
offshore oil and gas (O&G) reserves (Gaidai et al.,
2021). The offloading process in an O&G consor-
tium gathers activities from lifting planning to lift-
ing execution. This process faces a variety of chal-
lenges in integrating not only internal data, but also
data from other companies. These challenges mirror
the complexities found in ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning) systems, where the integration of diverse
data streams across departments is crucial (LaGrange
and Maisey, 2019; Son and Lee, 2019). In the of-
floading process, this integration encompasses coor-
dinating approvals, auditing activities, and managing
the flow of process of data across multiple companies
ujo et al., 2019). This intricate task requires a
system capable of handling diverse expectations and
operational protocols.
In 2013, the exploration of the Mero unitized field
in Brazil’s pre-salt area commenced under the Pro-
duction Sharing Agreement (PSA). This marked a
crucial milestone in Brazil’s oil sector and it was
a key aspect of the government’s inaugural bidding
round (Carlotto et al., 2017). Libra was the win-
ning consortium to explore the Mero unitized field.
Such consortium is formed by Petrobras, respon-
sible for operating the joint venture, Shell Brasil,
TotalEnergies, China National Petroleum Corpora-
tion (CNPC) and CNOOC as partners, and Pre-Sal
oleo S.A (PPSA), representing the Federal Gov-
ernment (de Melo et al., 2019; Nasser et al., 2020).
Petrobras recently achieved a milestone with FPSO
Guanabara, recording its highest monthly production
on a pre-salt platform with 179 thousand barrels per
. Such achievement is a strong evidence of the
Alves, P., Frajhof, I., Araújo, É., Nasser, R., Robichez, G., Lodi, C., Fernandes, C., Borges, R. and Lopes, G.
The Future of Oil and Gas Offloading: Leveraging Blockchain for Enhanced Transparency and Efficiency.
DOI: 10.5220/0012721400003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 366-373
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
production potential of this field, which means a con-
siderable high amount of generated data.
In regards to offloading activities, efficiently man-
aging and transparently distributing critical data re-
lated to oil production, lifting schedules, and exe-
cution, including financial aspects like loans and re-
funds, presents a significant challenge. The involve-
ment of numerous consortium members, operators
and non-operators, often results in high human re-
source costs for recording and managing these ac-
tivities, as well as keeping consortium companies in-
In this sense, blockchain technology emerges as
a solution to these challenges. Its decentralized ap-
proach and immutable ledger provide a framework
for transparent and efficient process management, ad-
dressing transparency, data integrity, and trust among
consortium members. Moreover, the oil and gas
industry has implemented blockchain technology in
several instances. This indicates the recent adoption
of this technology in this sector (Miranda et al., 2023;
Alves et al., 2022; Batista et al., 2023).
OffloadingBR was developed to leverage
blockchain technology for offloading operations in
the O&G sector. This system, built on the Hyper-
ledger Fabric (HF) platform (Kumar and Barua,
2023), offers a permissioned network for secure
and transparent data management. It integrates key
offloading operations, including production volume
recording, lifting schedule management, and handling
loans and refunds. With smart contract functionality,
OffloadingBR automates contractual obligations
and operational rules to improve transparency and
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 fo-
cuses on the Libra consortium application context,
and section 3 discusses the related work. Section
4 presents the OffloadingBR solution, while section
5 discusses the use of a private blockchain network.
Section 6 presents the solution limitations. Finally,
section 7 presents the conclusion and future work.
As mentioned before, the Mero field model, formal-
ized under the PSA, was part of the first bidding round
of the pre-salt organized by the Brazilian government
(Carlotto et al., 2017).
The Mero unitized field is explored by the Li-
bra consortium, composed by Petrobras, serving as
the Operator with a 38.6% stake, Shell Brasil and
TotalEnergies, each holding 19.3%, and CNPC and
CNOOC, each with a 9.65% share, and PPSA with a
3.5% of participation.
According to the PSA, the distribution of pro-
duced oil volume follows a defined structure. Each
cubic meter (m³) of oil produced in an FPSO is pro-
portionally divided, with PPSA entitled to its share
of oil profit, and the remaining volume following the
proportion foreseen in the PSA.
A collaborative research, development and in-
novative project was initiated with the Pontifical
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), in
compliance with the research and development obli-
gation foreseen on the PSA
. Aiming to pursue tech-
nological innovation within the Libra consortium, this
project focuses on leveraging blockchain technology
to enhance operational efficiency and transparency.
This collaboration resulted in the development of the
OffloadingBR, a blockchain-based offloading system,
which will be presented on the following sections.
This section provides an overview of the current state
of the art in digital innovations in the O&G sec-
tor. It particularly focuses on core industry activities,
such as offloading, consortia deliberation process, and
other activities associated with FPSO’s. The goal is to
highlight the advancements and identify possible gaps
compared to our solution.
Yasseri and Bahai present a system, with an engi-
neering approach, emphasizing the need for efficient
interface management (IM) during the design phase to
minimize late changes and ensure cost-effectiveness
(Yasseri and Bahai, 2019). This paper also mentions
that an effective IM system shall handle the complex
data requirements of FPSO projects. These systems
must be capable of capture, store, and process large
volumes of diverse data to support decision-making
and project management. In this sense, OffloadingBR
represents an advancement in coordinating the plan-
ning, execution, and oversight of loan and refund op-
The RD&I Clause is an obligation foreseen in explo-
ration, development, and production of oil and natural gas
agreements. Such obligation is regulated by the National
Petroleum Agency (ANP). Under concession agreements,
the RD&I clause establishes that the concessionaire must
disburse expenses qualified as research and development,
corresponding from 1% to 0.5% of the gross revenue of the
camp production due to Special Participation. Regarding
the sharing agreement and onerous concession, the value
varies from 1% to 0.5% of the annual gross revenue of the
oil camp
The Future of Oil and Gas Offloading: Leveraging Blockchain for Enhanced Transparency and Efficiency
erations, contributes to managing FPSO data effec-
Affonso et al. highlight how traditional document-
centric processes in engineering can be replaced by
a data-centric approach, enhancing quality, consis-
tency, and reducing design costs and time (Affonso
et al., 2020). The authors discuss the significance
of R&D and digital innovation across many organi-
zational sectors, emphasizing the need for workforce
engagement and mindset change to appreciate digi-
tal technologies. In this sense, blockchain technolo-
gies can address these needs in R&D projects with
the collaboration between the university and industry,
e.g., OffloadingBR built under the Libra Consortium
collaboration with a Brazilian university.
Duggal and Minnebo detail the adaptability of FP-
SOs in various offshore oil-producing basins, high-
lighting technological advancements, key projects,
and future trends, including digitalization and car-
bon footprint reduction (Duggal and Minnebo, 2020).
In this sense, OffloadingBR proposes digitalization
by developing a blockchain-based solution, allowing
data persistence, transparency, and distribution.
The authors in (Cotrim et al., 2022) show im-
provements in data simulation in offloading activities.
The study demonstrates that Artificial Neural Net-
work (ANN) models trained on actual metocean con-
can provide increased accuracy and reduce
computational time compared to traditional methods.
This approach also allows for continuous fine-tuning
and updating models with new data, improving ac-
curacy over time. The authors also highlight the im-
portance of data acquisition, specifically concerning
the sensitivity and restrictions on the complete dataset
used in the research. Thus, OffloadingBR is a first
step towards a data lake construction related to of-
floading activities.
These studies highlighted the evolution from tra-
ditional, document-centric processes to innovative
data-centric approaches with the use of blockchain
technology in O&G consortia. Systems such as Of-
floadingBR represent a milestone regarding registra-
tion and distribution of complex data, as well as coor-
dination of operations in a multiparty environment.
Metocean conditions refer to the combined wind,
wave, and climate conditions in a particular location.
In the contemporary O&G sector, a significant chal-
lenge lies in the efficient management and transparent
distribution of critical data regarding (i) oil produc-
tion, (ii) lifting schedule, and (iii) lifting execution,
which includes financial transactions such as loans
and refunds. The complexity of these operations, in-
volving multiple consortium members with different
roles, often leads to high human resource costs, spe-
cially for the Operator, responsible for leading this
The complexity involved in the lifting and offload-
ing life cycle happens because when a lifting oc-
curs, each cubic meter (m³) of oil must be proportion-
ally distributed among its members according to each
member’s participation as foreseen in the PSA. With
some exceptions, the withdrawal of the produced oil
is commonly carried out by one company at a time.
Considering that, as a rule, only a single ship will per-
form the offloading. However, such ship has a limited
cargo capacity. Also, each cubic meter belongs pro-
portionally to each company in the consortium, there-
fore, the oil lifting involves, simultaneously, a relief
and a mutual action. For example, let’s consider a
scenario where a ship has a capacity of 80,000 m³, but
Company A only possesses 40,000 of produced
oil. To address this imbalance and optimize shipping
efficiency, the Operator plays a crucial role in manag-
ing loans between consortium companies. This pro-
cess enables Company A to borrow the required vol-
ume of oil from other members, thereby fully utilizing
the ship’s capacity of 80,000 m³..
The lifting process involves recording oil produc-
tion and management of lifting, loan, and refund, such
as: importing production and stock values, organiz-
ing dates and ships’ authorization for oil lifting, cal-
culating and predicting loan and refund values, and
informing other consortium companies. Considering
that this involves crucial business information, the
process and calculus must be flawless, since any er-
ror can seriously impact the lifting, causing relevant
money loss.
To facilitate the management of the lifting and
offloading process, we conducted several meetings
with the Operator’s stakeholders in 2022 and 2023
to address these challenges. These meetings accel-
erated the agile development of the system, by en-
abling rapid stakeholder feedback and fast system de-
velopment. Two challenges emerged during these
meetings: the need to automate the process and data
sharing with consortium members. The automation
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
was important to increase efficiency, security and data
availability, since most of the activities were man-
ually done. Data sharing was important to assure
transparency of core business data between consor-
tium members, enhancing trust between them.
Using blockchain technology in this context pro-
vides a transparent, secure, and efficient mechanism
for recording these transactions. Each loan and vol-
ume of oil exchanged are recorded on the blockchain
ledger. This ensures that all transactions are trans-
parent and immutable, thus maintaining the integrity
of the PSA and fostering trust among the consortium
The blockchain’s ability to provide a transparent
and auditable trail of these transactions is pivotal in
these complex logistical operations. The intricate pro-
cess of managing oil production, lifting, loans, and
refunds within the consortium lends itself perfectly to
the capabilities of blockchain technology.
Furthermore, the blockchain smart contracts en-
sure that all actions, from loan issuance to oil volume
distribution, strictly adhere to the PSA. Thus, com-
pliance is assured by the agreed-upon terms imple-
mented in the smart contracts.
The decentralized nature of blockchain requires
that any creation or modification of these smart con-
tracts must receive the consensus of all network par-
ticipants, thereby ensuring unanimous agreement and
commitment to the terms set forth. By embedding
these operational rules within the blockchain, the
technology ensures transparency, efficiency, and se-
curity, eliminating the potential for disputes and dis-
crepancies. The immutable and transparent nature
of blockchain, combined with the enforceability of
smart contracts, revolutionizes how consortium mem-
bers interact, transact, and maintain compliance.
4.1 Recording Oil Production
The first step towards offloading activities in the O&G
consortium involves registering oil production data in
a daily basis. In this phase, the consortium Operator
is responsible for registering production data and dis-
tributing the oil for each member company. This
information includes the volume of oil produced by
each company. The latter forms the basis for deter-
mining subsequent lifting schedules and allocations.
Leveraging blockchain technology in this context is
particularly advantageous. Once the Operator inputs
the production data into the blockchain system, it is
instantly and automatically disseminated across the
entire network, becoming immutable.
Consortium members, including non-operators,
can access the blockchain ledger to verify production
volumes, ascertain which company is scheduled for
lifting, and understand the quantity of oil allocated
for each lift. The blockchain’s immutable ledger en-
sures that, once recorded, the production data cannot
be altered, thus confirming its accuracy and reliabil-
ity. This process not only streamlines the decision-
making regarding oil lifting but also fosters a high
degree of trust among consortium members by pro-
viding a transparent and indisputable oil production
4.2 Lifting Schedule Steps
The second stage is related to lifting schedule man-
agement. This comprises four major steps: (i) entitle-
ment determination, (ii) cargo nomination, (iii) provi-
sional lifting schedule, and (iv) final lifting schedule,
as depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Lifting planning steps.
The entitlement determination involves the Oper-
ator disclosing to the consortium members the lifting
activities. This includes three key information com-
ponents: (i) an estimate of the oil production for the
upcoming two months, (ii) planned liftings for the
current month, and (iii) a balance of the oil stock of
the past three months. This information is crucial for
all subsequent decisions regarding lifting schedules.
The entitlement determination process is designed to
give all consortium members a clear and comprehen-
sive overview of available resources, upcoming pro-
duction, and current stock. This ensures that all par-
ties are equally informed and that the lifting process
can be planned efficiently and equitably.
Following the entitlement determination, the next
step involves consortium members setting cargo nom-
ination values for the Operator individually, i.e., the
values are not public; only the Operator can access
the suggested values. The cargo nomination includes
details about the date and volume of oil available for
lifting. Upon receiving these nominations, the Oper-
ator initiates the next step, i.e., the provisional lift-
ing schedule. In this step, the Operator reviews and
publishes the lifting schedule. All consortium mem-
bers can also review and, if necessary, request updates
while justifying the reasons for the change. This step
is crucial for maintaining transparency and fairness in
The Future of Oil and Gas Offloading: Leveraging Blockchain for Enhanced Transparency and Efficiency
the allocation process, confirming the requested cargo
nominations and ensuring compliance with the agree-
ment rules. In cases where updates are required, the
Operator review the nominations to reflect accurate
dates and volumes before sending the provisional lift-
ing schedule. This schedule is an initial plan, laying
out the framework for how and when the lifting activ-
ities shall be executed according to the current knowl-
edge of oil production and contract rules.
The final phase in the lifting schedule manage-
ment involves the Operator finalizing and sharing the
lifting schedule. This final schedule is informed by
the current production volume data and projections
for the following months, up until when the lifting is
executed. It is essential for this schedule to be both
accurate and adaptable, as it guides the operational
planning for all consortium members. Recognizing
the dynamic nature of oil production, the Operator pe-
riodically updates the final lifting schedule. These up-
dates are particularly important when the actual vol-
ume of oil produced deviates from initial forecasts.
By continuously adjusting the schedule to reflect the
most updated production data, the Operator ensures
that the lifting process remains aligned with the ac-
tual output, thereby maximizing efficiency and mini-
mizing discrepancies.
A pivotal element in managing the lifting schedule
is the requirement of digital signatures at each step,
ensuring the authenticity and non-repudiation of the
agreed-upon schedules and transactions. To address
this need, our proposed solution supports compatibil-
ity with two distinct digital signature solutions: Assi-
nadorBR (Paskin et al., 2020) and Adobe Sign
AssinadorBR is a cutting-edge, blockchain-based
application that offers integration with HF, Hyper-
ledger Besu, Ethereum, and Amazon Quorum DB.
The financial implications of using AssinadorBR vary
depending on the chosen blockchain platform. For in-
stance, choosing HF incurs no transaction cost. On
the other hand, Adobe Sign presents a more tradi-
tional digital signature approach, anchoring user iden-
tity to email addresses. It operates on a different
cost structure based on the signature package selected
from Adobe. Providing these two diverse digital sig-
nature options empowers the consortium Operator
with the flexibility to choose the solution that best
aligns with their operational needs and cost consid-
4.3 Lifting Execution with Loans and
The success of O&G lifting depends on the efficient
management of loans and refunds during execution.
In this phase, the Operator orchestrates loans to en-
able the lifting company to match the capacity of its
ship with the production volume of the FPSO. These
loans are proportionately distributed among partners
holding a positive oil stock relative to their produc-
tion volume.
As presented in Eq. 1, PSLV (Partners Suggested
Loan Volume) is a result of the lifter required vol-
ume (V
) times the volume available to lend (VAL
divided by the sum of all partner produced volume
(PPV), where i is a specific company and n is the num-
ber of consortium members. This calculus guarantees
that all partners are lending the proportional oil vol-
ume related to how much was produced. Moreover,
the data integration between produced volumes with
lifting execution allows the system to suggest volume
values so that the Operator can register it, enhancing
process transparency and activities efficiency.
= V
A vital aspect of this system is the timely repay-
ment of loans. Ideally, it shall happen before sub-
sequent lifting activities, to steadily clear any out-
standing balances. Eq. 2 presents how refunds are
calculated. PSRV (Partner Suggested Refund Vol-
ume) is a result of the Volume Produced by the Lifter
ProducedByLi fter
) in a certain time range times the
Partner’s Pending Loan Volume (PPLV
) divided by
the sum of Partners Borrowed Volume (PBV), where
i is a specific company and n is the number of consor-
tium members.
, if PSRV
, otherwise
where PSRV
= V
ProducedByLi fter
The refund process is equally intricate, where pay-
ments are distributed proportionally among loaners,
except in cases where the next lifter has open loans,
i.e., loans that were not paid off completely. In such
scenarios, the lifter with open loans is prioritized for
maximum refund, while the remaining volume is re-
distributed among other loaners. Figure 2 presents an
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
example of multiple calculus that can occur on the
same day and the need to integrate all these data to
consider all variables when planning the offloading
In this figure, each company is represented by a
specific color, and information about the company ap-
pears in two columns. The first column shows the
stock and balance volumes of the company on a par-
ticular date. The second column displays the produc-
tion, loan, refund, and lifting volumes. These values
are indicated by a plus or minus sign, which repre-
sents the operation carried out in the company’s bal-
The Company Balance Volume (CBV ) encapsu-
lates the available oil volume for each company in the
consortium on a given date. It is calculated consid-
ering Previous Day’s Balance (B
DayBe f ore
), Produced
Volume (PV ), Borrowed Volume (BV ), Lent Volume
(LV ), Refund Received Volume (RRV ), Sent Refund
Volume (SRV ), and Executed Lifting Volume (ELV ).
Eq. 3 consolidates transactional volumes to represent
the company’s available oil stock.
At the initial point of calculation, B
DayBe f ore
equal to the company’s existing stock. The inclusion
of PV in the formula accounts for new oil production,
BV and LV represent the volumes of oil borrowed and
lent, respectively, while RRV and SRV account for the
volumes of refunds received and sent. CBV is an in-
dispensable metric for decision-making and planning
in the O&G consortium, ensuring that each member
accurately understands their available resources for
operational activities.
DayBe f ore
+ PV + (BV LV )+
This complex management of loans and refunds,
currently managed through manual data sheets, un-
derscores a significant challenge in data coherence
and accessibility. It is critical to have an integrated so-
lution that covers all aspects of the lifting process, in-
cluding schedule planning, execution, and even loans
and refunds. By ensuring that all relevant data is co-
hesively integrated and easily accessible, the consor-
tium can move towards a more efficient, transparent,
and reliable operational framework, thereby enhanc-
ing overall effectiveness in the O&G sector.
These data do not reflect the real data, only for example
5.1 Technical Infrastructure and
OGBN was built on the HF platform. This platform
allows the creation of private channels, allowing sub-
sets of network participants to engage in confidential
transactions and data sharing. This feature is par-
ticularly beneficial in the O&G sector, where oper-
ations often involve business sensitive data and re-
quire selective disclosure among various stakehold-
ers. The flexibility to establish private channels en-
ables OGBN members to use a common infrastructure
while maintaining the confidentiality and integrity
of their individual operations. Figure 3 depicts the
OGBN architecture.
This architecture illustrates that each participant
possesses an instance of both the Peer and Orderer
nodes. Peer nodes are responsible for maintaining
the ledger and executing the smart contracts (known
as chaincode in HF). These nodes enable consor-
tium members to submit transactions, interact with
the ledger, and ensure that their copy of the ledger
is up-to-date and consistent with the network’s state.
The significance of Peer nodes lies in their ability to
facilitate transparency and immutability, ensuring that
all transactions and data within the OffloadingBR sys-
tem are verifiable and trustworthy.
In contrast, Orderer nodes are essential for main-
taining the overall health and consensus of the
blockchain network. These nodes take on the respon-
sibility of ordering transactions into blocks and dis-
tributing them to all Peer nodes in the network. The
Orderer nodes ensure that transactions are processed
in an orderly and efficient manner, thereby prevent-
ing potential conflicts and maintaining the integrity
of the blockchain. This ordered sequence of transac-
tions is critical in scenarios like offloading operations,
where the accuracy and chronological order of trans-
actions, such as lifting schedules and loan payments,
are paramount.
Moreover, HF’s capacity for creating private chan-
nels is particularly advantageous for OffloadingBR.
It allows different consortia to engage in confidential
transactions and data sharing, in a common infrastruc-
ture. This feature is crucial for managing the diverse
and often confidential data involved in offloading op-
erations, such as production volumes, lifting sched-
ules, and financial transactions related to loans and
refunds in different consortia.
Another significant benefit of HF is its scalabil-
ity and performance efficiency. Given the volume of
The Future of Oil and Gas Offloading: Leveraging Blockchain for Enhanced Transparency and Efficiency
Figure 2: Example of companies’ balance.
Figure 3: OGBN architecture.
transactions and the complexity of data in offload-
ing operations, HF’s ability to handle high transac-
tion with minimal latency is key to maintaining op-
erational efficiency. This ensures that OffloadingBR
can operate smoothly under demanding conditions.
5.2 Applications and Potential Impact
The deployment of OGBN creates relevant opportu-
nities for numerous applications, ranging from im-
proving the efficiency of supply chain logistics to en-
hancing the transparency of transactions and opera-
tions. By providing a shared, yet secure and cus-
tomizable platform, OGBN facilitates seamless data
exchange and process coordination among its mem-
bers. The potential impact of OGBN extends be-
yond operational efficiencies to include advancements
in regulatory compliance, environmental monitoring,
and resource optimization, thereby contributing to the
overall sustainability and progress of the O&G sector.
OGBN already supports other applications in the
O&G sector, such as BallotBR (Alves et al., 2022).
The latter is a solution designed to support voting and
communication actions in a consortium environment.
The implementation of BallotBR within the OGBN
ecosystem indicates the network’s versatility and ca-
pacity to support a diverse range of blockchain appli-
cations, which includes the OffloadingBR solution.
Thus, in the context of the offloading use case
within the O&G sector, a permissioned blockchain
model is the most appropriate approach. This pref-
erence is rooted in the industry’s unique requirements
for confidentiality, control, and compliance. A per-
missioned blockchain, unlike its public counterpart,
allows for selective access control, meaning that only
authorized participants can join the network, which is
crucial in the O&G industry.
Furthermore, the ability to enforce specific gov-
ernance rules and protocols within a permissioned
blockchain aligns with the industry’s need for strin-
gent regulatory adherence and operational consis-
tency. This controlled environment not only fortifies
security and trust among participants but also enables
a more efficient and coordinated approach to offload-
ing operations. By ensuring that each member ad-
heres to the agreed-upon rules and processes, the per-
missioned blockchain model facilitates a harmonious
and transparent operational framework.
The proposed solution, while effective, encounters
limitations in its integration with the Operator’s Pro-
duction Import System (SIP) and SAP systems. These
systems are used to collect data from FPSO and man-
age invoices regarding the lifted oil, loans, and re-
funds. Currently, production data is manually im-
ported using Excel sheets. Despite this limitation,
once data is uploaded into the system, it adheres to
a write-only protocol. This means any subsequent
changes to the data are recorded, maintaining a histor-
ical record on the blockchain, ensuring data integrity
and traceability.
Additionally, while the system has been primarily
developed from the perspective of the Operator, who
plays a central role in the offloading environment, it
is also designed for use by non-operator companies.
Thus, their participation and feedback are crucial, as
they provide diverse insights and contribute to the sys-
tem’s continuous improvement, ensuring it meets the
broader needs of all consortium members.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In conclusion, our study demonstrates the potential
of blockchain technology in the O&G offloading ac-
tivity. By enhancing transparency and efficiency,
blockchain offers a transformative solution to long-
standing challenges in this industry. Our findings
suggest significant improvements in operational pro-
cesses and management, which are manually made,
laying the groundwork for more reliable and stream-
lined operations.
However, the adoption of this technology also
presents limitations and challenges that warrant fur-
ther investigation. This study serves as a stepping
stone toward a broader discussion on technologi-
cal advancements in the energy sector, underscoring
the need for continuous innovation and adaptation.
Moreover, integrating offloading data, which links oil
production, lifting planning and execution, and loan
and refund processes, marks a significant advance in
digitalization and efficiency enhancement within the
O&G industry.
In future work, we expect to perform qualitative
studies and execute a Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) methodology to receive the non-operator part-
ner’s feedback structure. Finally, we aim to enhance
the OffloadingBR data integration, connecting with
SIP and SAP systems.
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