Conceptualizing the Active Ageing Index (AAI): A Systematic Literature
Review of Frameworks and Supporting Digital Tools
ıa In
es Acosta-Urig
1,3 a
, Juan Pablo Holgu
2 b
, Mateo Sebasti
an Zea-Paredes
Juan Fernando Lima
1 c
, Alexandra Bermeo
1 d
, Javier D
3 e
and Ivana Harari
3 f
Computer Science Research & Development Laboratory, Universidad del Azuay, Av. 24 de mayo, Cuenca, Ecuador
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Azuay, Av. 24 de mayo, Cuenca, Ecuador
Facultad de Inform
atica, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Av. 7 N° 776, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Active Ageing, Older Adults, Literature Review, Frameworks, Digital Tools.
Currently, due to the growth of cities, a sedentary lifestyle, and increase in life expectancy, multiple approaches
are being analyzed on caring for the well-being of older adults. As part of these efforts, initiatives have been
developed to measure full aging. The active ageing index (AAI) proposed by the United Nations (UN) is one
of the most relevant measures; it was constructed using several lifestyle features. However, it is relevant to
identify whether the initiative of AAI is being adopted around the world, emphasizing the frameworks and
technological instruments for its execution, thus this work presents a Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
for collecting data related to AAI’s adoption by means of a qualitative analysis. The results reinforced that
the UN index is the one with the greatest impact; however, other countries and organizations are proposing
other approaches. On the other hand, the European Union countries are at the forefront in the development,
specifically since 2015. A qualitative analysis demonstrated that specific features have a greater impact on
its calculation, highlighting participation in society, people’s educational achievements, and access to health
services. Finally, the review shows insights for an analysis stage, but not yet the implementation phase.
The older adult population is constantly growing, and
is expected to reach 15.9% of the total population by
2050 (United Nations, 2019). Taking this into consid-
eration, it has become important to define strategies
and tools to support this segment of the population.
Here is where the concept of active aging (AA) comes
into light, which is defined by the World Health Orga-
nization (2002), as the process of maximizing health,
engagement, and safety to improve the overall quality
of life during the ageing process. It enables individu-
als to explore their capacity for physical, social, and
psychological well-being. Furthermore, this concept
strives to ensure appropriate safeguarding, security,
and assistance for elderly individuals when needed.
Various approaches have been proposed around
the concept of active aging that seek to measure it
based on several aspects or features of lifestyle. The
active ageing index (AAI), proposed by the United
Nations (UN) is most relevant approach among them;
however, other organizations and governments have
proposed extensions of AAI, such as the Development
of Self-Active Aging Index (S-AAI) among rural el-
derly in lower northern Thailand classified by age and
gender (Keeratisiroj et al., 2023), or simply have pro-
posed new methods such as the active aging-wellness
index (AAWB) (Fritzell et al., 2021).
However, AAI is based on main pillars: partici-
pation, health, and security (World Health Organiza-
tion, 2002), which are the basis for the policy making
when referring to older adults. Using these character-
istics within the three pillars. It is necessary to find a
way to measure the fulfilling or lack of them; then the
measurement of the AAI has emerged as a significant
research topic in recent times. This provides insight
into the potential of older adults and assists decision-
makers in enhancing policies to include them promot-
ing healthy living (Dugarova et al., 2017).
Acosta-Urigüen, M., Holguín-Carvajal, J., Zea-Paredes, M., Lima, J., Bermeo, A., Díaz, J. and Harari, I.
Conceptualizing the Active Ageing Index (AAI): A Systematic Literature Review of Frameworks and Supporting Digital Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0012722000003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 276-283
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
There are different technologies and methodolo-
gies that could be used in benefit of the older pop-
ulation and in the creation of an AAI. For instance,
the work by Haque and Afrin (2022), who studied the
construction of an active ageing index specifically for
Bangladesh, with satisfactory results. The work of Ko
and Yeung (2018), who created a framework for the
population of China, which could assist in the defini-
tion of policies for community based long term care.
And lastly, Mik¸elsone et al. (2023) created a Healthy
Ageing Index using and comparing data from Latvia
and Iceland. Based on these specifications, the main
question is ”What are the frameworks that have been
implemented for the conceptualization of the active
ageing index?”. It gives opening to a deep analysis
about the conceptualization of the active ageing, in-
cluding the demographic situation, frameworks and
digital tools used in the measurement.
Seeking to address and cover the review, this work
is structured as follows: Section 1 presents the intro-
duction to the topic, followed by the Related work on
Section 2. The methodology which was followed to
perform this systematic literature review is presented
on Section 3, while Section 4 present the obtained Re-
sults and the discussion, it includes the qualitative and
quantitative analysis. Finally, the conclusions are pre-
Active ageing refers to the quality of life that an
older adult should have, which includes daily activ-
ities within the home, work and job environment, and
social activities that they are capable to execute. An-
other important area where older adults also are able
to perform is in politics, due to their preparation,
knowledge, and mainly, experience . Therefore, it is
important to search the manner to calculate the AAI
focused on our society, reaching towards the improve-
ment of their quality of life. In this context, there are
different methods to perform this calculation, how-
ever, this research performs a systematic literature re-
view (SLR) of previous works related to methodolo-
gies, tools, and frameworks, to then analyze and in-
terpret the data obtained.
The research developed by S
et al. (2020) identifies a political framework of active
ageing, through the study of strategies and programs
carried out on the subject in Spain, Europe and the
global context. Also, in the study carried out by Pe-
queno et al. (2020), the researchers identify the qual-
ity of life assessment instruments used in population
studies in older adults around the world. In Naah et al.
(2020), the authors identified 3 key facets of active
ageing: employment, community support and hous-
ing. A gender bias was identified in active ageing,
with income having a significant impact. This study
suggests that policies should incorporate a gender per-
spective and income options for older adults.
Related to literature reviews on this topic, in the
study by Badache et al. (2023), the researchers con-
ducted a SLR about the perspectives of older adults
aged 75 and over on what it means to age successfully.
Summarizing the results, the authors selected 15 stud-
ies of the 4661 proposed for research, as a conclusion
to this, they identified that theories should continue
to be developed, using the perspectives of understud-
ied populations. In the work developed by Menichetti
et al. (2016), the researchers conduct a review with the
objective of mapping health promotion interventions
aimed at promoting active and healthy ageing among
older adults. As a result, they found that different rec-
ommended interventions promoted for active ageing
are effective in improving health and quality of life,
despite this, no study has undertaken a holistic study
that improves long-term results.
Related to technology, the work by Rocha et al.
(2019), the researchers identify relevant applications
to promote active ageing, with the type of technolo-
gies that have been applied in the studies. As a result,
in these studies they identified that different types of
detection devices were developed for smart cities to
promote active ageing, which allows older adults to
fully participate and integrate into society. In Berde
and Kuncz (2019), the role of the internet in older
people is focused and increasing the weight given to
internet use when calculating the AAI, and comparing
different weighting systems. Furthermore, this study
recommends including a more sophisticated indicator
on the internet use in the AAI, added to this, they ver-
ified that older citizens of the European Union have
increased their use of the internet, becoming increas-
ingly relevant as basic literacy.
Related to frameworks for the analysis of AAI, in
Xu et al. (2022), the quality of life of the older peo-
ple in China is evaluated under the framework of ac-
tive ageing. For this, they used security, participa-
tion and health information data from various statis-
tical sources, from 2000 to 2016, showing that be-
tween 2005 and 2015 the quality of life improved in
terms of security, participation and health . To im-
prove the quality of life, this study proposes reducing
the socioeconomic gap between regions, strengthen-
ing family support and improving social services for
the elderly.
Another way to analyze the AA is proposed by
Lak et al. (2020), who carried out a study based on the
Conceptualizing the Active Ageing Index (AAI): A Systematic Literature Review of Frameworks and Supporting Digital Tools
concept of “active ageing”, where they tried to under-
stand and apply the concept in a more effective way,
for this the researchers identified 15 key aspects, rang-
ing from personal characteristics to social health, with
this, the researchers brought together these aspects
using a 5P model (person, processes, place, princi-
pal, policy formulation), concluding that it is recom-
mended to apply these aspects when addressing the
topic of active ageing.
Related to features of living environment, the re-
search carried out by Wood et al. (2022), they indi-
cate how human characteristics could support active
and healthy ageing, for this the researchers identified,
defined facilitators and barriers in various domains,
such as sociocultural, personal, environmental, politi-
cal and economic. The researchers mapped their find-
ings with the WHO List of Essential Characteristics
of Age-Friendly Cities (World Health Organization,
2007), highlighting the need and relevance of taking
into account transcultural and migrant communities.
In addition to this, the researchers used the Citizen
Science Evaluation Tool, which was used to rate the
quality of participatory approaches.
Related to the application of the AAI across the
word, the study by Przybysz and Stanimir (2023a)
performed a comparison study between countries of
the European Union (EU), based on a subjective eval-
uation of the activities related to active ageing, for
this, they made use of the database of the European
Social Survey, in order to obtain a result close to real-
ity. Moreover, they developed analyzes based on gen-
der and age groups, as a result of this, they identified
recurring patterns based on behavior corresponding to
active ageing; also, they were able to verify that these
results were the same in different countries in which
this study was replicated. In Przybysz and Stanimir
(2023b), researchers discuss the importance of active
ageing and how activity in different areas can trans-
late into a better quality of life. This study as a basis
compares the quality of life of older Polish inhabi-
tants with others countries of the European Union to
identify the causes of inactivity. To do this, they de-
fined an original indicator of active ageing, examining
the impact that various activities had on older adults,
in terms of their life satisfaction, using a comparative
analysis and a classification method.
In Robbins et al. (2018), they carried out a system-
atic review in order to emphasize the importance of
promoting active ageing and how affordable and scal-
able these can become, through the use of digital ini-
tiatives such as e-health and telemedicine. Therefore,
the researchers demonstrated a wide range of thera-
pies that are available internationally, through an ap-
proach based on community and technological meth-
ods, despite this, the lack of depth of the studies they
carried out resulted in limitations such as the small
number of samples, restricted statistical analyzes and
variability of measurements in the results. Also, the
study indicates that research approaches (technolog-
ical, conventional) should be included, in controlled
trials, with the purpose of improving the quality of
the information used to educate policymakers, health
professionals, communities and individuals about ac-
tive ageing efforts.
This paper follows the guidelines proposed by
Kitchenham and Charters (2007), which is a system-
atic and iterative process for literature reviews, based
on three stages: planning, conducting, and reporting
the results. The planning stage is focused on define
the protocol including the research question and sub-
questions (RQs), databases, inclusion and exclusion
strategies, and data extraction criteria. The execu-
tion stage, where the primary studies are collected and
coded, the initial number of articles are decreased due
to the application of inclusion and exclusion strate-
gies. And finally, the reporting stage, which is pre-
sented by means of charts and descriptive analysis
addressing the discussion of the findings, this stage
is shown in the section of results.
3.1 Planning the Review
The systematic review protocol is the base to perform
a successful systematic literature review, therefore, in
this subsection, the main features related to the proto-
col are shown. As a first activity, a research question
needs to be estblished, for the purpose of this work
is ”What are the frameworks that have been imple-
mented for the conceptualization of the active ageing
index?”, then, there is needed to define the research
sub-questions (RQs), which will help to address the
main research question. Following are presented each
of the research sub-questions:
RQ1. What frameworks, tools and applications
have been implemented to capture, process, and
analyze information related to the AAI?
RQ2. What conceptualization methods have been
applied in research on the AAI?
RQ3. What is the state of research in the field of
frameworks used in the conceptualization of the
Once the RQs have been defined, it is necessary to
define the digital databases (digital libraries) which
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 1: Data extraction criteria.
RQ Extraction criteria Collected features
EC01: Framework active aging-wellness index (AAWB), active aging index AAI), self-active
aging index(S-AAI), other.
EC02: Analysis type development, research, other.
EC03: Framework
age, sex. region, internet service, academic level, independent life, health
services, finance indicators, society participation, other.
EC04: Screaning
surveys, interviews, statistical data, historical data, others.
EC05: Analysis
age range, region classification, virtual environments, seg, others.
EC06: Analysis
mathematical models, mapping of local policies, Djurovic’s coefficient,
EC07: AAI health surveys, participation surveys, security surveys.
EC08: AAWB social indicators, application domain.
EC09: S-AAI WHO’s frameworks, age and gender classification, surveys, explorative
factorial analysis, others.
EC10: Data collection UE’s income and lifestyle survey (EU-SILC), Lifestyle European survey
(EQLS), prior projects.
EC11: Phase(s) in
which studies are based
analysis, design, implementation, testing.
EC12: Type of
proof of concepts, survey, experiment, quasiexperiment, prototype, case
study, others.
EC13: Approach scope industry, academy.
EC14: Methodology new, extension.
EC15: Country
EC16: Year
allow to collect a high quantity of primary studies
related to the main topic; these libraries were se-
lected because they have technical and medical arti-
cles. Each library has different ways to obtain the
articles, such as filters, reports, and search strings.
The search strings are the best approach to get articles
based on a query, the query is a set of words (quo-
tation marks for literal searches), logical connectors
(AND, OR, NOT), and wildcards (asterisk as word
competition) that allow a user to refine a search of ar-
ticles. Table 2 shows the search string for each library,
and the quantity of articles returned by itself.
Table 2: Search string results by library.
Library Search string Result
”active ageing”
AND (index OR framework)
”active ageing”
AND (index OR framework)
”active ageing”
AND (index OR framework)
The definition of strategies to guarantee that the
selected primary studies is the key to carry out a
proper systematic literature review, the initial strate-
gies are part of the exclusion and inclusion criteria,
these aspects allow to define whether a study will be
part or not of the analysis. In this work, those were
defined as follows:
Inclusion Criteria: observational studies, ran-
domized clinical trial, randomized controlled
trial, language (only English, Spanish, Por-
Exclusion Criteria: books, book chapters, work-
shops, reviews or systematic reviews, duplicate
reports of the same study in different sources,
short works with less than 5 pages.
Data extraction strategy is based on providing a
set of data extraction criteria that allows to systemati-
cally collect data, in addition, mark answers for each
criterion were provided to facilitate the data collec-
tion process. Also, metadata will be collected from
the sources, such as: conference, magazine, article,
digital library, year of publication, country of origin
and authors. Table 1 shows the extraction criteria of
the primary studies, classified by the research ques-
tion, with an identifying code and its classification.
Conceptualizing the Active Ageing Index (AAI): A Systematic Literature Review of Frameworks and Supporting Digital Tools
3.2 Conducting the Review
In this phase, the activities declared in the planning
stage are executed with the following structure: col-
lecting the primary studies, applying the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, executing the data extraction strat-
egy, and finally, the data synthesis (see results and dis-
cussion). To improve the trace among each step, ini-
tially, in each digital library, the articles were filtered
using the search string proposed above, after that each
article was stored for revision, with a total of 446 ar-
ticles obtained from this initial search.
In the selection of primary studies, the articles that
were relevant were selected by reading their abstract
and title, using the platform ”Covidence”, which is
a platform for improving and tracing a SLR. In addi-
tion, the exclusion and inclusion criteria were applied,
which helped for the selection of the required articles.
Also, a quality assessment for each article was done,
it was rated with ”yes” for any research that agrees
with the topic being addressed, otherwise it was rated
with ”no”, resulting in 149 articles chosen for analy-
sis. Figure 1 shows each stage and number of articles
for each stage.
446 articles
149 articles
158 articles
430 articles
Figure 1: Stages and number of articles in stage 3.2.
For data extraction by means of each extraction
criteria (EC), the studies were classified with 0 and 1
for each criterion. The first step was to tabulate the
date of publication, digital library, country of origin
and the criteria for data extraction. Following this, a
count and cross-relation between variables was car-
ried out, thus allowing a demographic study, trends
and new lines of research to be obtained.
The results of this review are structured on 3 stages:
Demographic analysis, which is focused on under-
standing when and where the AA initiative is being
adopted. After that, a quantitative analysis, which al-
lows to identify and represent the reality of each ex-
traction criteria. And finally, qualitative analysis, fo-
cused on answer the main research questions.
4.1 Demographic Analysis
The demographic analysis was tackled where primary
studies show that 56 countries are developing research
related to the active ageing. The Figure 2 shows a
summary of the top 20 countries and their percentage
of studies, which were determined with the data col-
lected from the RSL. Then, the descriptive analysis
shows that Spain, United Kingdom, and China are the
top three countries where this topic and its research is
widely addressed due to the amount of articles. On
the other hand, even though the active ageing is a re-
ality in some countries, the true is that the rest 36 of
countries, out of the figure, are tacking the quarter of
primary studies collected showing a less than one per-
cent for each of them.
Figure 2: Top 20 countries and percentage of studies related
to active ageing.
Regarding the years when the initiative was de-
veloped, Figure 3 shows that, starting in 2020, the
trend tends to increase in terms of publications of ac-
tive ageing, being this time in which the most studies
were carried out.
Figure 3: Trend of adoption of AA over the years.
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
4.2 Quantitative Synthesis
For this subsection, the analysis quantitative is shown
by means of text, the percentage for each feature (re-
lated to the extraction criteria) is represented by one
or two representative article(s).
EC1. Framework: there are 1% of studies re-
lated to the topic of the Active Ageing Wellbeing In-
dex (AAWB) [SA106]; however, for the Active Age-
ing Index (AAI) there are 43% of studies that are
related to that topic, in addition to this, 55% of the
other frameworks were noted, highlighting [SA03],
EC2. Type of framework: On the one hand, 35%
of the studies are related to the use of the type of
analysis framework, having as important examples
[SA02], [SA04] and [SA08]. Furthermore, 11% re-
garding the types of frameworks of conceptual scope,
relating studies such as [SA07], [SA21]. Added to
this, there is 54% that refers to frameworks related to
research [SA148], [SA149], [SA150]. Lastly, there is
only a 1% for studies with other types of frameworks
EC3. Variables: 17% of studies related to
age, highlighting studies such as [SA154], [SA158].
Added to this, 9% for studies related to the region, the
most representative being [SA135], [SA142]. Also,
there are a 14% of studies that focus on the item
about sex [SA113], [SA112]. For employment rates,
a percentage of 7%, covering investigations such as
[SA145], [SA138]. For Educational Achievement the
9% [SA158], [SA148]. For Access to health services,
7%, with research such as [SA141]. In relation to
financial indicators, 6% [SA136]. Independent liv-
ing 7% [SA149], participation in the company 10%
EC4. Tools: Surveys 34% [SA158], Statistics 7%
[SA154], Historical data with 5% [SA156], and Other
with 34% [SA157].
EC5. Analysis: Age ranges with 29% [SA117],
[SA111]. Virtual Environment 3% [SA116], Sex with
26% [SA112], Other 22% [SA110].
EC6. Process: Structural Equations for data anal-
ysis with 5% [SA144], Map local policies for each
region with 6% [SA150], coefficients calculated by
Djurovic formulation with 2% [SA74], and Other
with 87% [SA69 ].
EC7. AAI: Health surveys with 39% [SA122],
Participation surveys with 33% [SA128], and Safety
surveys with 28% [SA133].
EC8. AAWB: with a percentage of 49% [SA144],
and domains with 51% [146].
EC9. S-AAI: Framework approved by the WHO
with 50% [SA126], Classification by age and gen-
der for the study 24% [SA127]. Questionnaires, 16%
[SA135], Exploratory factor analysis, 8% [SA71].
Another with 1% [SA121].
EC10. Data Collection: EU Survey of Income
and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) with 11% [SA48],
[SA13]. Based on projects previously carried out by
organizations or researchers, 69% [SA03]. and Other
with 1% [SA68].
EC11. Phase(s) in which the studies are based:
The most concurrent study phase was the analysis
phase with a percentage of 72%, followed by the test
study phase with a percentage of 11%.
EC12. Type of Validation: The types of valida-
tion most used in the study were, first, experimenta-
tion with a percentage of 29%, followed by proof of
concepts with a percentage of 22%, and in third place
was the type of validation. of case study with a total
percentage of 21%.
EC13. Approach scope: It has been identified that
7% correspond to an industrial scope and the remain-
ing 93% refers to academic scope studies.
EC14. Methodology: 38% of the studies imple-
ment a new methodology and the remaining 62% are
the studies that are based on previous studies.
4.3 Qualitative Synthesis
The extraction criteria (EC), and their collected fea-
tures from the 152 studies were classified, based on a
heatmap, which was created answering each research
question (RQ) formulated in the methodology, high-
lighting the following statements:
In the case of RQ1, a comparison between EC3
and EC1, where for the AAI framework variables
such as age, sex and participation in society were
used, in addition to this, the use of another type of
framework is detailed which presented the frequent
use of variables such as , age, other and sex.
Figure 4: Evaluating the RQ1 by means of EC1 y and EC3.
In the case of RQ2, the comparison was made be-
tween EC3 and EC11, where it could be noted that
Conceptualizing the Active Ageing Index (AAI): A Systematic Literature Review of Frameworks and Supporting Digital Tools
in terms of the studies that focused on the analysis
study phase, they used more the variables that have
been referents regarding the socio-economic charac-
teristics. Demographic features such as: age and sex,
the graph also details the use of other types of vari-
ables, in addition to those already used in the studies.
Figure 5: Evaluating the RQ2 by means of EC11 y and EC3.
In the case of RQ3, EC1 and EC11 were com-
pared, where it can be noted that the tendency of the
studies has indicated the use of other types of frame-
work with regard to the present question and with a
tendency to be in the analysis study phase, followed
by this, another framework that has been implemented
is the active aging index (AAI), in which it was found
that the most used study phase was also the analysis
Figure 6: Evaluating the RQ3 by means of EC11 y and EC1.
In the context of this study, we have focused on an-
swering three research questions formulated for this
research. Subsequently, these were tackled by means
of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Thus, in re-
lation to the first research subquestion, it has been
identified that the framework that has been used the
most was the one that was related to the Active Ag-
ing Index (AAI), in addition to other types of frame-
works used for the other investigations, all of them in
the same amount of AAI. For the RQ2, it was found
that the studies which were in the analysis phase, the
Sociodemographic variables used were age, sex, and
also, the use of other types of variables is highlighted.
Regarding to subquestion 3, we have that in the sense
of the frameworks used, the majority are related to the
analysis study phase, focusing especially on the use of
frameworks such as AAI, among others.
It can be concluded that the frameworks that have
been dealt with the most in the selected studies are
related to other types of frameworks. In addition, it
was found that apart from this, one of the most used
frameworks was the AAI. Many of these studies were
related to the use of demographic variables such as
age, sex and most of them were related to studies re-
lated to the analysis study phase, thus answering the
questions formulated above. Moreover, the study is
outlined so that in the future a framework related to
our environment will be implemented based on the
present research.
Moreover, after executed the systematic literature
review, it was determined that, around the world, there
have been identified many different types of indexes,
which are used to calculate the level of active age-
ing among older adults. However, once studiyng the
used variables, it has been clear that they constantly
repeat across all found indexes. Therefore, said vari-
ables could be defined to, further, create and apply an
active ageing index adapted to a latinoamerican real-
This research is supported by Vice-rectorate for Re-
search of Universidad del Azuay contestable grant
2023-0130. In addition, the authors wish to thank the
teachers from the Facultad de Inform
atica of the Uni-
versidad de la Plata by their expertise on the field.
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The list of articles that were used in this literature
review can be found at the following URL: https:
Conceptualizing the Active Ageing Index (AAI): A Systematic Literature Review of Frameworks and Supporting Digital Tools