Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework
for Metaverse
Aritra Bhaduri
1 a
, Ayush Kumar Jain
, Swagatika Sahoo
1,2 b
, Raju Halder
1 c
and Chandra Mohan Kumar
Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India
Metaverse, Virtual Assets, Insurance, Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric.
The worlds of commerce, business, entertainment, education, and healthcare are set for a transition into the
Metaverse, enabling people to socialize, shop, invest, manufacture, buy, and sell in the virtual world. This
paradigm shift introduces a myriad of risks and threats to the virtual assets, unveiling new avenues for the
insurance marketplace to thrive. This paper presents Metasurance, a blockchain-based decentralized platform
that enables insurance organizations in crafting and administering tailored insurance products for various vir-
tual assets across different Metaverse platforms. Our solution supports automated management of the complete
life cycle, starting from insurance shopping and purchase, premium payments, maturity and claim settlement
without any hassle by establishing an interoperability among different Metaverse ecosystems. Moreover, we
leverage dynamic price prediction through federated learning, enabling insurance companies to optimize pre-
miums effectively. We present our working prototype developed based on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain
platform, supported by empirical evidence from system benchmarks and load testing, demonstrating enhanced
transaction throughput. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposal for an insurance solution within
the Metaverse ecosystem.
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the
Metaverse’s emergence as a symbol of digital inno-
vation highlights its transformative potential spanning
over various sectors, including banking, education, e-
commerce, entertainment, business, and many more
(Wang et al., 2023). In essence, the Metaverse rep-
resents a digital universe where individuals immerse
themselves in virtual experiences, social interactions,
and economic activities. It serves as a bridge between
the physical and digital worlds, offering endless pos-
sibilities for creativity, collaboration, and innovation.
As per the report (met, ), Metaverse market is pro-
jected to reach a value of US$74.4 billion in 2024 and
is expected to grow at an annual growth rate (Com-
pound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 2024-2030) of
37.73%, resulting in a projected market volume of
US$507.8 billion by 2030. Moreover, by 2024, it is
anticipated that there will be over 34 million virtual
reality (VR) headset installations worldwide, with 1.7
billion mobile augmented reality (AR) users globally.
As a result, such dynamic nature of this environment
may introduce various risks and threats where acci-
dents or losses loom. Few examples include cyber-
attack, failure due to technical glitches, server down-
time, physical and mental health (both real body and
virtual avatar), and unintentional infringement of real-
world rights (Di Pietro and Cresci, 2021). These
emphasize the importance for Metaverse residents to
safeguard their virtual assets from unforeseen events,
highlighting the need for tailored insurance coverage.
Furthermore, the inherent complexities of the
Metaverse demand a blockchain-based (Nakamoto,
2019) insurance system which offers unparalleled se-
curity and efficiency through the utilization of smart
contracts. These self-executing contracts not only
automate claims processing but also ensure a level
of transparency and trust that traditional insurance
mechanisms often struggle to attain. As we navigate
this epoch of the Metaverse, it becomes evident that
insurance, augmented by blockchain technology, is
Bhaduri, A., Jain, A., Sahoo, S., Halder, R. and Kumar, C.
Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework for Metaverse.
DOI: 10.5220/0012722100003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 190-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of
risk management in the digital realm.
1.1 Motivation and Contributions
Even though there have been a number of blockchain-
based insurance systems (Amponsah et al., 2021;
Brophy, 2020; Kar and Navin, 2021; Popovic et al.,
2020; Raikwar et al., 2018; Kalsgonda and Kulka-
rni, 2022; Hassan et al., 2021; Loukil et al., 2021)
in the literature, they have not addressed the unique
challenges of the Metaverse, including: (1) Metaverse
is very new - lack of understanding among insurers,
insured, and products to cover in the metaverse, (2)
highly dynamic pricing behaviour of the metaverse
assets, (3) interoperability - capability to connect with
multiple metaverse platforms, (4) requirement of uni-
versal ID for metaverse objects across the platforms,
(5) identity management for the participants and in-
formation flow, (6) achieving scalability through a
careful design of the platform (on-chain vs. off-chain
components), and (7) secure payment system.
Now, let us explore potential failure scenarios
within the Metaverse, prompting users to seek insur-
ance coverage for potential losses:
Virtual Asset Loss. Users may face loss or theft
of virtual assets like in-game items or digital cur-
rencies due to hacking or unauthorized access. In-
surance policies such as virtual asset insurance of-
fer financial recovery by compensating for the lost
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Risks. Partici-
pants in DeFi activities within the Metaverse are
exposed to risks like smart contract exploits or liq-
uidity pool failures. Insurance solutions like DeFi
Risk Insurance provide a safety net, ensuring fi-
nancial security in such scenarios.
Network Downtime or Technical Failures.
Technical glitches or network downtime can dis-
rupt user experiences in the Metaverse. Insurance
options like Network Downtime Insurance offer
financial recovery, allowing users to navigate dis-
ruptions confidently.
Virtual Property Damage. Events causing vir-
tual property destruction or damage can lead to fi-
nancial threats. Insurance options such as Virtual
Property Insurance compensate users for the loss,
empowering them to innovate within the virtual
Marketplace Fraud. Virtual marketplaces may
involve fraudulent activities risking financial
losses. Insurance solutions like Marketplace
Fraud Insurance provide coverage, fostering trust
and security among users.
Identity Theft in the Metaverse. Instances of
identity theft within the Metaverse can compro-
mise user accounts and assets. Identity theft pro-
tection in insurance policies, like Identity Theft
Insurance, ensures a secure Metaverse experience.
Virtual Events and Experiences Cancellations.
Unforeseen cancellations of virtual events or ex-
periences can lead to financial losses. Insurance
policies offer coverage for such cancellations, en-
couraging users to explore the Metaverse confi-
Cross-Metaverse Transactions. Users engaging
in transactions across different Metaverse plat-
forms may encounter complexities and risks. In-
surance coverage provides assurance, allowing
users to navigate cross-Metaverse transactions
Regulatory Changes and Compliance Risks.
Evolving regulations may pose legal risks to
Metaverse activities. Insurance policies act as le-
gal allies, offering protection and support amidst
changing regulatory environments.
To achieve comprehensive coverage, our research ad-
vocates for tailored insurance products for Metaverse
assets. Motivated by the identified risks, our research
aims to leverage blockchain technology for the fol-
lowing desired goals:
Enhanced Security and Transparency. Imple-
ment a blockchain-based insurance system to en-
sure secure and transparent record-keeping, re-
duce fraud, and enhance trust in the Metaverse in-
surance ecosystem.
Efficient Claims Processing. Utilize
blockchain’s decentralized nature for efficient
and tamper-resistant claim processing, ensuring a
streamlined and trustworthy mechanism for users
to access insurance benefits.
Flexibility and Adaptability. Leverage
blockchain’s flexibility to design insurance
policies that can adapt to the evolving risks and
complexities of the Metaverse, offering users
tailored and up-to-date coverage.
Smart Contract Automation. Employ smart
contracts to automate insurance processes, en-
hancing efficiency and reducing the likelihood
of errors in policy execution by eliminating un-
trusted third party.
Seamless Interactions among Various Meta-
verse Platforms. Design a blockchain-based in-
surance system that is compatible across various
Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework for Metaverse
Metaverse platforms, providing users with seam-
less coverage in a multi-platform environment.
To summarize, this paper makes the following contri-
1. We propose Metasurance, a novel approach which
provides insurance solutions to adeptly address
and mitigate the emerging risks of Metaverse
by leveraging the power of blockchain technol-
ogy. By introducing this system into the dynamic
Metaverse landscape, users gain assurance regard-
ing the security of their digital assets. Insurance
companies and third-party verifiers collaborate to
assess and compensate for losses incurred in the
Metaverse, mirroring real-world insurance mech-
2. Our proposed system captures the entire spectrum
of activities which encompasses registration, poli-
cies marketplace, policy purchase, paying premi-
ums, claiming policies, claim verification, claim
settlement, and interoperability using tokens. This
ensures interactive experiences for customers and
facilitates streamlined claim processing for insur-
3. We present our working prototype using Hyper-
ledger Fabric and NodeJS. The empirical evi-
dence acquired from system benchmarks and load
testings is encouraging, and shows us the effec-
tiveness of such a framework in the Metaverse set-
The structure of the paper is organized as follows:
The related work are discussed in Section 2. The de-
tailed descriptions of our proposed approach are pre-
sented in Section 3. Section 4 provides discussion on
dynamic price prediction using Federated Learning
(FL), highlighting its significance in our framework.
The communication process with various Metaverse
platforms for asset verification is discussed in Sec-
tion 5. The security threats and their possible counter-
measures are discussed in Section 6. We present the
proof-of-concept and its detailed experimental evalu-
ation in Sections 7 and 8. Finally, Section 9 concludes
our work.
There have been a number of proposals (Amponsah
et al., 2021; Brophy, 2020; Kar and Navin, 2021;
Popovic et al., 2020; Raikwar et al., 2018; Kalsgonda
and Kulkarni, 2022; Hassan et al., 2021; Loukil et al.,
2021) which explored the potential of blockchain to
revolutionize trusted insurance frameworks. Anokye
et al. in (Amponsah et al., 2021) conducted a com-
prehensive analysis of blockchain’s implications for
the insurance sector, examining both its advantages
and potential threats. In (Brophy, 2020), Brophy ex-
plored blockchain’s role in insurance from commer-
cial and regulatory perspectives. Kar et al. in (Kar
and Navin, 2021) discussed blockchain’s pivotal role
in addressing scalability and adoption challenges in
the insurance sector. Popovic et al. in (Popovic et al.,
2020) provided guidance on blockchain for actuaries,
risk professionals, and insurance companies, detail-
ing its use cases. In (Raikwar et al., 2018), Raik-
war et al. designed a blockchain-enabled platform for
processing insurance transactions with an experimen-
tal prototype on Hyperledger Fabric. Kalsgonda et
al. in (Kalsgonda and Kulkarni, 2022) proposed a re-
search framework and overviewed Hyperledger Fab-
ric’s use cases in insurance. The authors in (Hassan
et al., 2021) introduced a framework leveraging smart
contracts on a private Ethereum network for insurance
contracts. Loukil et al. in (Loukil et al., 2021) pre-
sented CioSy, a collaborative blockchain-based insur-
ance system for monitoring and processing transac-
There are some proposals (Sedkaoui and Chicha,
2021; Demir et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021; Niza-
muddin and Abugabah, 2021; Bader et al., 2018;
Roriz and Pereira, 2019; Pagano et al., 2019; Shar-
ifinejad et al., 2020), designed for specifically for
providing insurance for certain application domains,
such as flight (Sedkaoui and Chicha, 2021), automo-
bile (Vo et al., 2017; Demir et al., 2019; Liu et al.,
2021; Nizamuddin and Abugabah, 2021; Bader et al.,
2018; Roriz and Pereira, 2019) and more (Pagano
et al., 2019; Sharifinejad et al., 2020). Sedkaoui
et al. in (Sedkaoui and Chicha, 2021) introduced
Axa’s Fizzy platform for blockchain-based travel in-
surance. In (Vo et al., 2017), authors proposed a
blockchain solution for managing data in pay-as-you-
go car insurance systems. Demir et al. in (Demir
et al., 2019) proposed a tamper-free ledger for mo-
tor vehicle insurance records. Liu et al. in (Liu
et al., 2021) proposed a blockchain-based auto in-
surance data-sharing scheme. In (Nizamuddin and
Abugabah, 2021), Nishara et al. developed a decen-
tralized framework for regulating automobile insur-
ance claims. Bader et al. in (Bader et al., 2018) pre-
sented a smart contract-based platform for car insur-
ance. The authors in (Roriz and Pereira, 2019) ad-
dressed fraud prevention in vehicle insurance using
Ethereum. Pagano et al. in (Pagano et al., 2019)
outlined a methodology for blockchain-based digi-
tal insurance contracts against natural hazards. Shar-
ifinejad et al. in (Sharifinejad et al., 2020) demon-
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
strated blockchain’s applicability in smart city insur-
ance, showcasing reduced delays compared to con-
ventional methods.
This section elucidates our proposed blockchain-
based insurance management framework, called
Metasurance, for various Metaverse assets including
Virtual Lands, NFTs, Gadgets, and Avatars. Metasur-
ance involves a number of stakeholders, such as users,
insurers, and third-party claim verifiers, and it hosts a
set of smart contracts offering services such as reg-
istration, policy initiation, purchase, claim, and veri-
fication. Figure 1 depicts the overall system compo-
nents of the proposed Metasurance, which comprises
the following phases: (1) Stakeholder registration,
(2) Adding assets/creation of policies, (3) Purchasing
policies, (4) Paying premiums, (5) Claim request, (6)
Request verification, and (7) Claim approval.
We use a number of smart contracts in the pro-
posed framework, as follows: (1) UserSc: This smart
contract us used to register a user who wishes to get
insured for his assets, (2) InsurerSc: This smart con-
tract us used to register a insurer who wishes to pro-
vide insurance services, (3) VerifierSc: This smart
contract us used to register a insurer who wishes to
verify various claim requests, (4) PolicySc: This
smart contract is used by Insurers to create their
policy schemes and by users to view all avail-
able policies, (5) AssetSc: This smart contract is
used by users to register their blockchain assets, (6)
PolicyUserMappingSc: This smart contract is used
by users to register their asset with a policy, and pay
premiums of the policy, (7) ClaimSc: This contract is
used by users to claim a policy in case of any dam-
age of the asset that is covered in the insurance, (8)
TokenSc: This smart contract serves as the currency
and carries out the transactions between the different
Let us now provide a detailed description of each
of above-mentioned phases.
3.1 Registration
In order to access the system, stakeholders initiate the
registration process through their respective contracts
UserSc, InsurerSc, VerifierSc. This step enables
the involved parties (User, Insurer and Verifier) to
formally register themselves, acquiring the necessary
credentials for subsequent authentication procedures.
Once registered, the users, verifiers, and insurers gain
extended access to the system’s functionalities, allow-
ing them to register assets and create policies, respec-
tively. Note that each peer node is equipped with a
unique cryptographic key pair via trusted authority
(say, certificate authority), ensuring the security of all
transactions within the system. Let us now describe
the registration phase for stakeholders, policies and
virtual assets.
3.1.1 Stakeholder Registration
The stakeholder registration consists of three phases,
namely set up, key generation and authentication, for
user U, verifier V , and insurer I . Let us now discuss
each of these steps in detail.
Setup. The setup algorithm works in a manner
similar to (Goyal et al., 2006). This phase is initi-
ated by trusted authority T A (e.g. Certificate Au-
thority). Initially, T A selects a security param-
eter λ
. It then selects two multiplicative cyclic
groups G
, G
of prime order p, where p 2
Let e : G
× G
be a bilinear map and g be
the generator of G
Keygen. T A runs keygen algorithm (Shamir,
1985) to generate secret keys for insurer I , verifier
V , and user U. It chooses a random unique num-
bers (i.e. id Z
) for each of the insurers, veri-
fiers, and users as their unique identities (BLAK-
LEY, 1979). Next, T A randomly selects r, y Z
and computes KU
= g
, KU
= g
. Fi-
nally, it returns secret key SK = {KU
, KU
} to
I , V , and U. Then, for public key computation,
T A computes PK = e(g, g)
Verify and Signing Phase. After verification of
the identity of the stakeholders through proper
KYC documents, the T A signs the public key PK
of the corresponding I , V , and U, and publishes
it on the ledger. The secret key SK is then sent to
the respective I , V , and U through a secret chan-
3.1.2 Policy Registration
In this phase, the registered insurers can use their lo-
gin credentials to log back into their respective ac-
counts and finally, based on their organizational prin-
ciples, they can register various policies related to the
virtual assets. There are several field values which
are necessary and need to be provided by the insurers
based on which policies can only be listed for the fur-
ther processes. These field values include: (1) unique
Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework for Metaverse
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed system.
policy ID p
, (2) policy name p
, (3) policy type
, (4) insurer p
, (5) insurance coverage A
(6) premium amount A
, (7) claims per year T , and
(8) policy owner p
(which is set ‘NULL’ initially).
Each policy has a unique policy ID (p
) that is se-
curely generated using randomized UUID generators
(Leach et al., 2005). The algorithm for policy regis-
tration in PolicySc smart contract is detailed in Algo-
rithm 1. The policy can encompass additional param-
eters such as custom terms and conditions mandated
by the company, coverage limits, exclusions, cancel-
lation provisions, and endorsements. These elements
are intentionally excluded from the current solution
for the sake of simplicity. However, they can be seam-
lessly incorporated if the specific use case necessitates
their inclusion.
Algorithm 1: PolicyRegistration.
Data: p
, p
, A
, A
, T , I
Result: Policy ID p
1: r = random();
2: p
= IdGen(r);
3: p
4: p
= I ;
5: createPolicy(p
, p
, p
, p
, A
, A
, T , p
6: return p
3.1.3 Asset Registration
In Metaverse, users can own multiple digital assets
such as virtual lands, avatars, NFTs, Gadgets, etc.
While these assets have different roles in the virtual
ecosystem, they are prone to various kinds of risks
and threats, such as cyberattack, failure due to tech-
nical glitches, server downtime, physical and mental
health (both real body and virtual avatar), and un-
intentional infringement of real-world rights. Keep-
ing these facts in mind, Metaverse residents therefore
need to protect their digital assets with appropriate in-
surance products. In order to avail this service, the
users first need to register their virtual assets through
AssetSc smart contract for which they intend to pur-
chase insurance products. This requires the following
details: (1) asset name a
, (2) asset owner a
, (3)
asset type a
, (4) asset value a
, and (5) asset-age
. Once the process is done, asset gets registered
and is ready for further process. The asset registra-
tion algorithm is similar to policy registration and is
depicted in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2: AssetRegistration.
Data: a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, U
Result: Asset ID a
1: r = random();
2: a
= IdGen(r);
3: a
= U;
4: createAsset(a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
5: return a
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
3.2 Policies Marketplace
In this phase, users can easily check out different in-
surance policies from various insurers. Our interface
allows for easy filtering based on the supported asset
types and the specific insurers providing appropriate
policy. Registering for a policy is contingent on its
alignment with the asset type, and successful registra-
tion necessitates the payment of a purchase fee. The
querying policies based on different filters is shown
in Algorithm 3. The details of all policies are stored
in the levelDB database which is refered to as D B in
Algorithm 3: SearchPolicy.
Data: Search Keywords: Asset name x, Policy type y, Insurer-ID
Result: List of policies found
1: i list = DB .find({insurer = I });
2: p list = i list.filter({type = y});
3: return p list;
3.3 Policy Purchase
As mentioned earlier, the smart contract PolicySc
houses a comprehensive list of insurance policies re-
lated to the Metaverse world. To sign up for a
policy, user utilizes the function AssignPolicy in the
smart contract PolicyUserMappingSc by providing
the policyID (p
) and assetID (a
). The user is then
required to pay the initial amount which will be the
first premium for the insurance, which is a mandatory
amount. This action internally generates a policyMap
structure instance with unique ID m
, indicating the
association of the new policy p
with the user’s asset
, along with additional attributes ‘premium paid’
(p paid), ‘claim count’ (c count), and ‘claim amount’
(c amt) initialized to 0. The resulting structure is then
stored in an array linked to the user’s U. The policy
purchase algorithm is depicted in Algorithm 4.
Algorithm 4: PolicyPurchase.
Data: a
, p
, U
Result: Policy-Asset Map ID m
1: asset = getAsset(a
2: policy = getPolicy(p
3: if (asset.a
!= U)
4: exit;
5: p paid = 0, c count = 0, c amt = 0;
6: success = PayAmount(asset, policy, amount);
7: if (!success)
8: exit;
9: r = random();
10: m
= IdGen(r);
11: AssignPolicy(m
, p
, a
, p paid + +, c count, c amt);
12: return m
3.4 Paying Premiums
Upon acquiring a policy for an asset, users engage
in a streamlined premium payment process. This ap-
proach incorporates token utilization at the time of
payment, enhancing security and efficiency. Users
are presented with flexible premium payment options,
ranging from installment plans to convenient one-
time payments, all tailored to the insurer’s proposed
model. This novel premium payment system mir-
rors traditional insurance frameworks while incorpo-
rating advanced features for an enhanced user expe-
rience. Within the comprehensive user data model,
meticulous tracking of premium payments is ensured
through a dedicated premium paid counter. This
counter serves as a reliable indicator, keeping users
informed about the number of premiums already set-
tled. The algorithmic steps are depicted in Algorithm
Algorithm 5: PremiumPayment.
Data: m
, U
Result: Confirmation of payment
1: p
, a
= GetState(m
, U);
2: asset = getAsset(a
3: policy = getPolicy(p
4: success = PayAmount(asset, policy, amount);
5: if (!success)
6: exit;
7: m
. p paid ++;
8: return success;
3.5 Policy Claim, Verification, and
Upon purchasing a policy and fulfilling of premiums
according to policy agreement, users are able to ini-
tiate a claim. The process involves furnishing neces-
sary details and securely storing documents through
the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)
, as depicted
in Figure 3. The details required for initiating a claim
request include (1) issuance id m
, (2) user ID U,
(3) issuing insurer ID I , and (4) claim evidence CE.
Initiating a claim prompts the request to be sent to
I and subsequently to an independent verifier V , as
depicted in Algorithms 6 and 7. These entities au-
tonomously assess the claim, verify claim evidences
and uploads verification-reports on IPFS, deciding to
accept or reject. Accepted claims proceed to the set-
tlement phase, where the issuing insurer determines
and automatically adds the settlement amount to the
user’s account using backend chaincode logic. The
main steps in claim settlement, depicted in Figure 2,
Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework for Metaverse
1(c). Claim Request along with H
1(a). Upload Claim Evidence (CE)
3(b). Return HashLink (H
2. Verify Claim Request (CR)
4. Approval Result along with H
1(b). Return HashLink (H
5. If status (AR) = OK,
Claim Refund Initiated
6. Return Acknowledgement
3(a). Upload Verification Report (VR)
Figure 2: Flow diagram of policy claim, verification, and
are: (1) User uploads claim evidence (CE) to IPFS
and receives the hash link, (2) User calls the ClaimSc
contract to submit the claim, providing all the nec-
essary details given above with the hash link as the
claim evidence, (3) The contract stores the details as
a submitted claim request, and waits for a verifier to
verify, (4) Verifier verifies the claim request off chain
and uploads a Verification Report (VR) to IPFS, re-
ceives the hash link and sends the approve/decline re-
sult along with the report link, and (5) Insurer, on ap-
proval of claim request, processes the transaction and
sends the claimed amount decided by the verifier in its
report to insured user with a claim acknowledgement.
Algorithm 6: ClaimPolicy.
Data: m
, U, I , CE
Result: Claim Request
1: p
, a
= getState(m
, U, I );
2: asset = getAsset(a
3: policy = getPolicy(p
4: H
= IPFSupload(CE);
5: CR = generateClaim(asset, policy, U, I , H
6: Call ProcessClaim(CR, U, I );
Algorithm 7: ProcessClaim.
Data: CR, U, I
Result: Claim settlement
1: V = selectVerifier(CR);
2: AR = verifyClaimRequest(CR, V ) ;
/* Verificationperformed by V using VerifierSc smart
contract */
3: if status(AR) == OK and CR.claimed == false
4: SendAmount(I , U, CR.Claim Amount) ;
/* Send amount CR.Claim
Amount from I to U. */
5: CR.claimed = true;
Navigating the complexities of pricing in the Meta-
verse is akin to charting unexplored territory. Unlike
physical products, whose values tend to remain rela-
tively stable, Metaverse assets (such as virtual land,
Upload Local Model
Download Global Model
Metaverse 1
Download Local Model
Upload Global Model
Verification and Agrregation
Metaverse 2 Metaverse 3
Metaverse 4
Metaverse 5
Metaverse N
Figure 3: FL framework and global model training process
for dynamic pricing prediction.
cryptocurrencies, etc.) are prone to rapid and unpre-
dictable fluctuations. This presents a formidable chal-
lenge for insurance companies striving to set consis-
tent premiums and claims costs to offer reliable ser-
vices to users.
Our system addresses this challenge by estab-
lishing a collaborative framework wherein insurance
firms collaborate with various Metaverse platforms to
tailor premiums and claims costs. Leveraging fed-
erated learning (FL), our system facilitates seamless
collaboration and information exchange across di-
verse Metaverse platforms while safeguarding data
confidentiality and privacy.
Within our architecture, as depicted in Figure
3, multiple Metaverse platforms operate independent
blockchain networks and train local neural networks.
Acting as an intermediary, our blockchain-based plat-
form audits and supervises the interaction process
(parameter exchange) between clients and workers,
ensuring transparency and accountability in informa-
tion exchange. Clients, which include Metaverse plat-
forms, upload their local model parameters to the
Metasurance platform, while workers, also compris-
ing Metaverse platforms, download these local model
parameters for processing. On the worker side, after
aggregating and verifying the local model parameters,
workers upload the resulting global model parame-
ters back to the Metasurance platform. Subsequently,
clients download these global model parameters from
the Metasurance to inform their decision-making pro-
Through this seamless exchange facilitated by our
Metasurance platform, our system ensures the effi-
cient aggregation and verification of local model pa-
rameters, enabling accurate predictive modeling. This
process empowers insurance companies to make in-
formed decisions on premiums and claims costs, in-
stilling confidence in the Metaverse economy while
paving the way for sustainable growth and innovation
within the digital landscape.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
In the realm of verifying user claims concerning
Metaverse assets, establishing connections with the
respective Metaverse platforms is crucial for valida-
tion. Our system must seamlessly integrate with these
platforms, which calls for the adoption of interoper-
ability protocol solutions. The hash-locking protocol
(Dai et al., 2020) emerges as a promising solution for
this task.
Through the hash-locking protocol, tokens repre-
senting ownership or attributes of Metaverse assets
can be securely exchanged between our framework
and the Metaverse platforms. When a verification re-
quest is initiated by an insurance company, our system
can generate a unique hash value based on the rele-
vant asset information. This hash value is then locked
within a token along with additional metadata, ensur-
ing the integrity and authenticity of the verification
Upon receiving the token from our framework, the
Metaverse platform verifies the hash value to ensure
its consistency with the asset information stored on
the platform. Once validated, the token is unlocked,
granting access to the requested asset details or con-
firming its ownership. This mechanism not only en-
sures the security of the verification process but also
provides a tamper-proof method for validating Meta-
verse assets.
So, this protocol offers a robust solution for
achieving interoperability using tokens and validating
through tokens in the context of Metaverse asset veri-
fication. By leveraging cryptographic hashing and se-
cure token exchange mechanisms, our framework can
establish a reliable and tamper-proof method for ver-
ifying Metaverse assets, enhancing the integrity and
trustworthiness of insurance claims within the Meta-
verse ecosystem.
This section highlights the core security and privacy
features of our Metasurance framework. Designed to
resist potential threats, our approach ensures that only
authorized users can access and communicate within
the system securely. In the dynamic Metaverse land-
scape, attackers may exploit vulnerabilities, making a
robust security infrastructure crucial.
The following discussions delve into specific at-
tacks and the robust solutions implemented to coun-
teract them effectively.
Eavesdropping Attack: To counter eavesdropping
attacks, the Metasurance framework implements
end-to-end encryption. This ensures that sensi-
tive information, such as user credentials and pol-
icy details, remains confidential during transmis-
sion. The use of cryptographic protocols protects
against unauthorized interception of data, provid-
ing a secure communication channel.
Data Manipulation Attacks: The Metasurance
framework safeguards against data manipulation
attacks through the use of blockchain technology.
Immutable and transparent ledger records ensure
that once data is added to the blockchain, it can-
not be altered without consensus. This feature en-
hances the integrity of critical information, such
as policies, claims, and transactions.
Token System Vulnerabilities: The token system
embedded in the TokenSc contract of the frame-
work prioritizes security as its core design prin-
ciple. Employing advanced cryptographic tech-
niques, it safeguards both the generation and val-
idation processes of tokens. Periodic security as-
sessments are diligently carried out to pinpoint
and rectify any potential vulnerabilities.
By integrating these security measures, the Metasur-
ance framework establishes a robust defense against a
spectrum of potential threats, ensuring the safety and
confidentiality of user interactions and data within the
dynamic Metaverse environment.
In this section, we provide an in-depth overview of
the prototype implementation for our platform. The
prototype comprises three key components: (1) the
blockchain network, (2) the Fabric backend, and (3)
the client application. For the implementation of our
blockchain solution, we opted for Hyperledger Fabric
v1.4, with GoLang serving as the programming lan-
guage for our smart contract applications. In the back-
end, the client application utilizes the Hyperledger
Fabric, NodeJS SDK, and communication between
the backend and the client interaction occurs through
REST APIs, employing the HTTP protocol. We have
used the IPFS to store the documents uploaded by
users for making policy claims. Figure 4 depicts a
concise representation of the system architecture. The
organizations we have created are (1) User, (2) Insurer
and (3) Verifier. For every organization, we provide a
single peer and certificate authority (CA) node. Each
organization also has a couchDB instance running as
Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework for Metaverse
Figure 4: Proof-of-Concept System Architecture.
the state database. The blockchain has a orderer or-
ganization with the raft ordering service. Here, we
consider a single instance of the peer node and a sin-
gle channel through which the peers interact. The au-
thentication module is there for insurers and users and
uses cookie-based authentication. The cookie can be
generated using any algorithm like JSON Web To-
kens (JWT), and here we used a randomized salt-
based hashing algorithm to generate session tokens
from usernames that can be stored in any database
like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB throughout
the session. The same can even be done with JWT.
Let us now manifest the experiments we conducted
to quantify and evaluate the performance of the pro-
totype implementation of our proposal. In order to
evaluate, we cover a range of experiments where we
measure the read-write output of various operations.
All the experiments were performed on a laptop with
AMD Ryzen 5 7530U processor, 8 GB RAM, and
Ubuntu 23.10. We perform these tests using the Hy-
perledger Caliper benchmarking tool
. We use the
following performance metrics
in our benchmarking
process, defined below:
Send rate r
, where τ
is the number of
transactions sent and t is the time in which all of
them were submitted to the blockchain.
Transaction throughput η =
, where
(t) is simply the number of transactions
committed to blockchain at time t.
Transaction latency λ = t
cn f
, where t
cn f
the confirmation time of a transaction and t
the submit time of a transaction.
We evaluate the transaction latency and through-
put of our system consisting of various transactions
such as readUser, getPolicies, getAssets, viewIssued-
Policies, and payPremium. Let us discuss the exper-
imental findings for both Read and Write operations
pertaining to these transactions. Figure 5 illustrates
our assessment of the system’s throughput and latency
during the readUser transaction, focusing on reading
user profiles under high send rates. We observe that
a linear increase in both the send rate and through-
put over time. However, at higher send rates (above
300), they stabilize, indicating minimal change de-
spite further increases in send rates. Notably, the peak
throughput for reading user profiles occurs at a rate
close to 300 transactions per second (TPS).
In Figure 6, we evaluate the system’s performance
while continuously increasing the rate of requests
from 1 TPS to up to 300 TPS during getPolicies
transaction. We observe that the throughput initially
increases, but then slows the rate of increase after
getting to 300 TPS. Still, the rate keeps increasing
slightly but mostly remains constant with minimal
In Figure 7, we evaluate the system’s performance
while continuously increasing the rate of requests
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 5: readUser transaction performance.
Figure 6: getPolicies transaction performance.
from 1 TPS to upto 300 TPS during getAssets trans-
actions. We observe that the throughput initially in-
creases, but it begins to slow down once it reaches
300 TPS. Despite some fluctuations, the rate mostly
stabilizes with minimal changes, albeit slightly higher
than the throughput depicted in Figure 6.
Figure 8 shows a similar performance evaluation
while we are increasing send TPS from 1 to 300 for
viewIssuedPolicies transaction. Here also, the send
rate and throughput coincide with each other and be-
come almost flat after 300 TPS.
Let us delve into Write operations. In Figure 9,
we scrutinize the payPremium performance, which
assesses how users pay premiums for their policies.
Initially, both the send rate and throughput escalate
steadily up to 100 TPS. However, beyond this thresh-
old, although the throughput continues to climb, it
does so at a slower pace until it reaches around 175
TPS. Here, the network reaches its maximum capac-
Figure 7: getAssets transaction performance.
Figure 8: viewIssuedPolicies transaction performance.
Figure 9: payPremium transaction performance.
ity, resulting in a stabilized throughput thereafter. De-
spite a slight dip in throughput at the 400 TPS send
rate, the overall change is minimal when increas-
ing the send rates beyond 200 TPS. This decline in
throughput compared to read operations can be at-
tributed to the need for exclusive locks on shared
states during write operations, slowing down trans-
action processing in the blockchain. Additionally, ex-
amining the latency plots, we observe that while Fig-
ures 5, 6, 7, and 8 maintain relatively constant latency,
Figure 9 initially experiences a latency dip as the send
rate increases, eventually stabilizing to an almost hor-
izontal level.
Finally, we assess the performance of the claim-
Policy by gradually increasing the send rate. Notably,
the network’s throughput shows significant fluctua-
tions throughout this evaluation. Initially, it ascends
steadily until reaching 100 TPS, after which the rate
of increase diminishes slightly but continues up to 175
Figure 10: claimPolicy Benchmark.
Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework for Metaverse
TPS. Subsequently, network congestion leads to a de-
cline in both the send rate and throughput, even as the
send rate reaches 400 TPS. However, as the network
congestion eases, the throughput begins to rise again
before eventually declining once more after reaching
its peak. This observed trend is depicted in Figure 10.
In this paper, we introduce Metasurance, a
blockchain-driven decentralized platform designed
to empower insurance organizations for Metaverse
ecosystem. This platform facilitates the creation
and management of insurance products specifically
tailored for Metaverse assets across diverse plat-
forms. We demonstrate a proof-of-concept based on
Hyperledger Fabric, by systematically designing and
implementing various smart contracts. Additionally,
we undertake experiments utilizing Hyperledger
Caliper, a performance benchmark framework, to
meticulously assess the performance of our system.
Our findings conclusively demonstrate the feasibility,
efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of our proposed
system. While our current implementation does not
encompass the FL and interoperability components,
we view them as integral parts of our forthcoming
This research is partially supported by the research
grant provided by IIT Bhilai Innovation and Technol-
ogy Foundation (IBITF).
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