Linkage Between CVE and ATT&CK with Public Information
Tomoaki Mimoto
, Yuta Gempei
, Kentaro Kita
, Takamasa Isohara
Shinsaku Kiyomoto
and Toshiaki Tanaka
KDDI Research, Inc., 2–1–15 Ohara, Fujimino-shi, Saitama, 356–8502, Japan
University of Hyogo, 7–1–28, Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku Kobe, Hyogo 650–0047, Japan
Establishing rapid and effective cyber threat intelligence collection and analysis methodologies are required to
counter the rapidly growing sophistication of cyberattacks. The overview of known vulnerability information
and related information can be found in databases such as NVD. However, the relationship between vulner-
abilities and TTPs, which are effective CTIs, must be analyzed individually by experts, and many of these
relationships are unknown. In this study, we attempt to connect vulnerability information keyed to CVE-IDs
with the ATT&CK, which is a knowledge base for TTPs. Specifically, vulnerability information and tech-
niques associated with ATT&CK are each put into an embedding representation with related information, and
the similarities between them are evaluated to estimate the techniques related to the CVE-IDs. This study
considers the reproducibility problem due to the lack of ground truth in the cybersecurity field by handling
only information available from the surface Web.
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) pro-
vide vulnerability information, and each vulnerabil-
ity is assigned a CVE-ID mainly by MITRE, a non-
profit organization in the US. The number of reported
vulnerabilities that could be used in cyberattacks has
continued to increase rapidly since 2017, and what’s
more, this is just the tip of the iceberg
. The tradi-
tional reactive approach to cyberattacks is becoming
antiquated, and a change to the proactive countermea-
sures against potential attacks is being demanded.
Tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are a
concept related to vulnerability threat assessment that
focuses on the principles of attacker behavior and at-
tack scenarios. TTPs represent the most fundamental
idea of attacers, and analyzing and evaluating TTPs
are considered to be the most important for under-
standing the nature of cyberattacks. Understanding
TTPs can facilitate an understanding of the attacker’s
behavior and help in determining policies for defense.
Early identification of potential ways that an attacker
can exploit a vulnerability, and knowing where it is in
the attack life-cycle, will lead to accurate vulnerabil-
ity assessments. Therefore, linking CVEs and TTPs
to predict attack scenarios that exploit the vulnera-
bilities, estimate risks, and prioritize responses is ex-
pected to be one of the proactive measures against cy-
ber threats.
Prior to the advocacy of the pyramid-of-pain, the
ATT&CK framework was created by MITRE, a US
non-profit organization, based on the fact that the
techniques attackers exploit converge to some extent
with the constraints of the target object. ATT&CK
is a knowledge base that organizes TTPs and can be
used for developing threat models, determining coun-
termeasures, and active threat hunting in cybersecu-
rity. There are several databases related to cyberat-
tacks and vulnerabilities, such as the National Vulner-
ability Database (NVD) managed by MITRE in addi-
tion to ATT&CK, Common Weakness Enumerations
(CWE), and Common Attack Pattern Enumeration
and Classification (CAPEC) managed by NIST. For
reproducibility, this paper constructs data for eval-
uation from structured databases and discusses the
representativeness of vulnerability using LLM. Our
experiments showed that aggregating multiple pieces
of connectable information improves expressiveness,
which suggests the possibility of further enhancing
expressiveness through the use of unique and superior
Mimoto, T., Gempei, Y., Kita, K., Isohara, T., Kiyomoto, S. and Tanaka, T.
Linkage Between CVE and ATT&CK with Public Information.
DOI: 10.5220/0012722600003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 655-660
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
1.1 Research Topic
There are many challenges to collecting and analyz-
ing cyber threat information to generate Cyber Threat
Intelligence (CTI) (Rahman et al., 2023), and we
consider two issues here. The first is that the large
amount of threat information in its various forms is
not well coordinated with each other. Even in struc-
tured databases managed by organizations, informa-
tion may be missing or insufficiently coordinated. For
example, connecting vulnerability information with
TTPs is considered effective for accurate risk assess-
ment and attack detection, but these connection meth-
ods have not been established, and there is little ex-
isting research. The second is the scarcity of correct
and reproducible available data in the cybersecurity
field, for example, there are few tagged corpora. In
the previous study (Kuppa et al., 2021), experts man-
ually link CVE-IDs to techniques as the correct an-
swer data, and the results are not disclosed publicly.
In addition, it uses multiple non-public information
generated by experts and is not reproducible. Rah-
man et al. also show that the sources of information
handled by existing research are often unclear (Rah-
man et al., 2023). This poses issues of generality and
reproducibility, and may hinder the development of
the cybersecurity field as a whole.
In this study, we target ATT&CK as information
that is not connected clearly to vulnerability informa-
tion and examine the linkage method between CVE
and ATT&CK. We also explain a method to extract
some of the linked data between CVE-ID and tech-
nique from publicly available information as the cor-
rect data, and guarantee the reproducibility of the ex-
1.2 Contribution
This study discusses the possibility of enriching vul-
nerability information by improving the embedding
representation. Vulnerabilities assigned a CVE-ID
can be connected to multiple pieces of information
by traversing public databases, which can be lever-
aged to improve embedding representation of vulner-
ability information. Furthermore, a similar embed-
ding representation can be used to map related infor-
mation that is not easily associated with the vulnera-
bility to the same space as the vulnerability informa-
tion, and the similarity of the information enables the
linkage between them. In this study, we utilize CWE
and CAPEC as information that can be connected to
CVE-IDs starting from NVD, and discuss the possi-
bility of connecting CVE-IDs to the ATT&CK tech-
nique by evaluating the similarity. In our experiments,
we have confirmed that by combining information, it
is possible to connect CVE-IDs to TTP chains, which
are the clusters of related techniques, with about 87%
accuracy, even from only the most basic information
This study also argues for the need to ensure gen-
erality and reproducibility through the use of publicly
available data. This allows comparison of the meth-
ods themselves, independent of the value of the data
used, and encourages the development of research in
the field of cybersecurity. The problem of lack of
ground truth is a challenge in the field of cyber se-
curity. In this research target, we construct a dataset
by extracting necessary information from public in-
formation, and guarantee that all information about
the experiment can be reconstructed from public data
2.1 Public Dataset
In the cyber security field, public databases have been
established to share information among organizations
in order to combat the vast number of vulnerabilities
and attacks that exploit them. In this study, we utilize
NVD, CWE, CAPEC, and ATT&CK, which are used
by security vendors.
NVD provides an overview of each vulnerabil-
ity and exposure, including URLs with related in-
formation, the organization that registered the CVE,
CVSS score, related CWE-ID, affected software ver-
sion, and update history. In this study, we use in-
formation that can be extracted from the NVD re-
garding vulnerabilities with IDs assigned in 2023 as
of 1/23/2024. CWE is a database that systematizes
vulnerability types, and in version 4.13, vulnerabil-
ity types are classified into 934 categories, each of
which is assigned a CWE-ID as an identifier. CWE
provides an overview of each vulnerability type and
related vulnerability types and CAPEC-IDs. CWE
is organized from multiple viewpoints such as soft-
ware development and hardware design, and we use
the CWE-1000 dataset, which contains all vulnerabil-
ity types organized from the perspective of research
objectives. CAPEC is a database that systematizes at-
tack patterns, and in version 3.9, there are 559 types,
each with a CAPEC-ID as an identifier. CAPEC
provides an overview of each attack pattern, the re-
lated attack patterns and CWE-ID, the prerequisites
for a successful attack, the attack flow, and mitigation
measures. CAPEC, as well as CWE, is organized in
multiple views, and we use CAPEC-1000, which in-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
cludes all attack patterns, as our dataset. ATT&CK
is a knowledge base that organizes TTPs and can be
used for developing threat models, determining coun-
termeasures, and active threat hunting in cyber secu-
rity. In ATT&CK, as in other structured databases,
identifiers are assigned to each of the TTPs and we
focus on the techniques of the enterprise field. Tech-
nique has sub-techniques for further details, and in
v14, they are organized into 201 techniques and 424
sub-techniques. Effective mitigation is linked to each
technique in the dataset available from ATT&CK.
Moreover, we also utilize group information to con-
struct the TTP chains described below. The groups
represent activity clusters known as threat actors, and
each group is linked to the techniques they primarily
2.2 Dataset for Evaluation
Ground truth, i.e., data for evaluation, is necessary to
conduct an evaluation experiment. Data for evalua-
tion can be easily constructed when information con-
tained in structured databases is used as the objective
variable. However, when making predictions about
information with unknown connections, experts often
have to tag the information manually. Although this
work incurs a significant cost, it can also be used as
highly accurate training data, and as a result, a highly
accurate model can be expected. However, there are
often cases where the correct data generated is not
disclosed, and in these cases, the superiority of the
model’s design method cannot be compared and is
not reproducible. In this paper, the correct answers
are also constructed from only publicly available
data, and the design guarantees generality and repro-
ducibility. Specifically, we utilize AlienVault’s Open
Threat Exchange (OTX), a crowdsourced threat infor-
mation sharing platform that is open to anyone with a
registered account. OTX provides an SDK
to collect
threat information called pulse. Pulses include IoCs
such as IP addresses and URLs, and may also include
CVE-IDs and related techniques from ATT&CK. In
this paper, we extracted the pulses from OTX’s Alien-
Vault account from 1/1/2023 to 1/11/2023 that contain
both CVE-ID and technique, and treated the combina-
tion of these pulses as a dataset for evaluation.
2.3 Building TTP Chains
Inferring techniques used by attackers for CVE-IDs
may allow us to predict the sequence of attack meth-
ods, i.e., TTP chains. If a TTP chain can be identified
through a technique associated with a CVE-ID, it is
possible to predict possible subsequent attack meth-
ods and proactively tackle the vulnerability if it could
pose a significant risk later on. Therefore, we discuss
the linkage between CVE-ID and technique as well
as the linkage between CVE-ID and the TTP chain.
We apply a method to reproduce TTP chains from
techniques (Al-Shaer et al., 2020). We focus on 143
groups in total in the ATT&CK dataset, and repre-
sent them as one-hot vectors based on the techniques
they use. Since ATT&CK classifies techniques into
201 types, excluding sub-techniques, each attacker
group g
is represented by g
0, 1
. Consider-
ing a matrix consisting of groups and techniques M
0, 1
, we obtain a technique t
0, 1
is represented by a one-hot vector of groups. It is
possible to construct highly related technique clusters
by evaluating the similarity of these technique vectors
and clustering them, and each cluster can be consid-
ered as a TTP chain. In our experiment, the same
setting as in (Al-Shaer et al., 2020) were used and
the final number of clusters was 37. Note that it has
been reported that a technique association of about
90% has been found in clusters using this method, and
this study treats the results obtained as true (Al-Shaer
et al., 2020).
This study discusses the linkage between vulnerabil-
ities assigned a CVE-ID and information that can-
not be directly connected to the CVE-ID. As a case
study, we attempt to connect CVE-IDs to techniques
for ATT&CK or TTPs as information that cannot be
directly connected. Specifically, the vulnerability to
which the CVE-ID is assigned and the information to
be connected, in this case the technique, are each put
into an embedding representation, and the technique
associated with the CVE-ID is inferred from the sim-
ilarity between them.
3.1 Embedding Representations
Embedding representations of words and sentences
have been realized by deep learning models using
CNNs and RNNs, but since the transformer-based
architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) was proposed in
2017, various fast and accurate NLP models have
been proposed, including BERT (Devlin et al., 2018).
This paper uses BERT, one of the major NLP models,
to achieve an embedding representation of vulnerabil-
Linkage Between CVE and ATT&CK with Public Information
ity information.
The pre-training model used in BERT utilizes
BooksCorpus and English Wikipedia as pre-training
data, and the model has good comprehension of gen-
eral terms and sentences, but poor understanding of
terms and contexts in the cybersecurity field. There-
fore, we use SecBERT (Liberato, 2022), which is a
pre-trained model using documents from the cyberse-
curity field. Using custom heads is generally more ac-
curate than using CLS tokens in the final layer, and in
this paper, we obtain the embedding representation of
a sentence by the average pooled value of all tokens
in the final layer. In the database used in this study,
a single description contains multiple sentences, and
because these sentences are input together, the num-
ber of tokens exceeds 512, which is the upper limit
that can be processed by BERT, in some cases. There
are various ways to truncate sentences, and here we
use 256 tokens each at the beginning and end of a
sentence if the number of tokens exceeds 512. With
the above heuristic tuning, an embedding represen-
tation for a vulnerability assigned a CVE-ID v
obtained. Similarly, an embedding representation for
a technique in ATT&CK v
is obtained. Since v
and v
are represented by vectors of dimension 768,
respectively, it is possible to directly evaluate their
3.2 Use of Multiple Resources
We consider improving the expressiveness of vulner-
abilities by adding relevant information. It is possi-
ble to link NVD, CWE, and CAPEC with each other
using the CWE-ID and CAPEC-ID as keys, so that
they can be used as additional information to express
the vulnerability to which the CVE-ID is assigned.
ATT&CK is also interlinked with tactics, techniques,
mitigations, etc., so that, for example, it is possi-
ble to check which mitigations are valid for a given
technique. Hence, as with CVE-IDs, ATT&CK tech-
niques can also utilize related information such as
mitigations and tactics that represents the technique.
In this paper, we use n pieces of information related to
CVE-IDs and ATT&CK techniques. The final embed-
ding representations of vulnerabilities and techniques
are evaluated as a weighted average of the embedding
representations of a single information and additional
information. Let v
be the embedding representa-
tion of a single information and v
1, 2, ..., n
be the embedding representation of n additional in-
formation, the final embedding representation v
expressed as follows.
· v
· v
Here, w
is the weight for each information and they
are fixed at i; w
= 1 in the following experiments.
By obtaining v
in the same way as v
, they can be
mapped onto the same space, and thus, v
can be
directly compared to each other. There are currently
625 techniques, of which 424 are subtechniques. The
embedding representation v
of each technique is
obtained by formula (1) using the embedding repre-
sentation v
of the technique and n embedding repre-
sentations v
of the sub-techniques. Cosine similarity
is used as the similarity measure in this study.
4.1 Estimation of Technique
This paper uses CVE’s description, and CWE and
CAPEC’s description and mitigation as embedding
representations of vulnerabilities. The embedding
representations of vulnerabilities are represented here
by (CVE’s description, CWE’s description, CWE’s
mitigation, CAPEC’s description, CAPEC’s mitiga-
tion), where each item is set to 1 if the information
is used and 0 if not. For example, if only the CVE’s
description is used, it is represented as (1, 0, 0, 0, 0).
Similarly, the descriptions of techniques and mitiga-
tions are used for the embedding representations of
techniques, and the embedding representations using
both descriptions are represented as (technique, mit-
igation) = (1,1). We first tested the linkage between
CVE-ID and each technique. For evaluation, the top
k techniques that are similar for each CVE-ID are se-
lected, and it is considered correct if at least one of
the techniques is included in the correct data.
Table 1 shows the results of similarity evalua-
tion of vulnerabilities represented by CVE-IDs and
ATT&CK technique. Each raw represents the pre-
diction accuracy at k
1, 2, 3, 4
for each represen-
tation of CVE-IDs and techniques. For each k, the
top three scores are shown in bold. The accuracy in-
creases gradually as k increases, but it is not linear.
On the other hand, as k increases, the error rate also
increases. In our experiments, for the estimation of
techniques, the error rate was lowest for k = 1 in most
cases, i.e., the total number of correct techniques rel-
ative to the total number of predicted techniques was
the largest. For the estimation of technique, surpris-
ingly, we confirmed that (1, 0, 0, 0, 0), i.e., the case
in which only the CVE-ID’s descriptions are used,
is highly accurate. One reason for this may be that
the description of a mitigation relates to more than
one technique. For example, M1018 is about manag-
ing user accounts properly, and there are nearly 100
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Prediction of techniques related to CVE-ID.
CVE, ATT&CK 1 2 3 4
(1,0,0,0,0), (0,1) 0.055 0.055 0.091 0.272
(1,0,0,0,0), (1,0) 0.073 0.182 0.291 0.309
(1,0,0,0,0), (1,1) 0.109 0.291 0.382 0.491
(1,1,0,1,0), (0,1) 0.055 0.055 0.091 0.255
(1,1,0,1,0), (1,0) 0.073 0.145 0.182 0.182
(1,1,0,1,0), (1,1) 0.164 0.273 0.291 0.327
(1,1,1,1,1), (0,1) 0.055 0.055 0.091 0.200
(1,1,1,1,1), (1,0) 0.073 0.164 0.200 0.236
(1,1,1,1,1), (1,1) 0.127 0.255 0.309 0.345
(0,1,1,0,0), (0,1) 0.036 0.055 0.109 0.291
(0,1,1,0,0), (1,1) 0.055 0.218 0.273 0.345
(0,0,0,1,1), (0,1) 0.036 0.055 0.109 0.200
(0,0,0,1,1), (1,1) 0.073 0.164 0.182 0.238
(0,0,1,0,1), (0,1) 0.036 0.055 0.109 0.236
(0,0,1,0,1), (1,1) 0.073 0.091 0.127 0.182
techniques that this approach is effective. Therefore,
even if mitigation can be estimated, it does not lead
to technique estimation. A result supporting this con-
sideration is that when the representation of technique
is (0,1), the CVE-ID is rarely tied to a specific tech-
nique. It is considered that in order to connect a CVE-
ID to a unique technique, it is necessary to have infor-
mation that includes a description clearly associated
with that technique.
4.2 Estimation of TTP Chain
We then tested the linkage between CVE-ID and TTP
chains. In the estimation of TTP chains, we first de-
termine the clusters of TTP chains to which the tech-
nique connected to the CVE-ID of the correct data
belongs. We then select the top k techniques that are
similar to the embedding representation of the CVE-
ID as before, and determine the clusters of their TTP
chains. In the experiment, we assume that a vulner-
ability is correctly predicted when at least one of the
predicted clusters is included in the cluster of the cor-
rect data. The results of the experiment are shown
in table 2. We obtain higher accuracy in estimating
TTP chains than in estimating techniques, and even
with k = 1, the accuracy rate exceeds 56% at max-
imum. One of the main reasons for the improved
accuracy is that the estimation of the TTP chain is
a 37-classification task, while the estimation of the
technique is a 201-classification task, making it eas-
ier to guess. In addition to this, there may be a reason
specific to the TTP chain. Some techniques in the
same TTP chain are used selectively, and these can
be handled with the same mitigation. For example,
in our experiment, T1008 and T1104 are included in
Table 2: Prediction of TTP chains related to CVE-ID (1).
CVE, ATT&CK 1 2 3 4
(1,0,0,0,0), (0,1) 0.055 0.400 0.436 0.564
(1,0,0,0,0), (1,0) 0.291 0.509 0.636 0.745
(1,0,0,0,0), (1,1) 0.345 0.600 0.727 0.800
(1,1,0,1,0), (0,1) 0.164 0.400 0.436 0.655
(1,1,0,1,0), (1,0) 0.527 0.600 0.655 0.745
(1,1,0,1,0), (1,1) 0.509 0.709 0.764 0.873
(1,1,1,1,1), (0,1) 0.364 0.455 0.491 0.673
(1,1,1,1,1), (1,0) 0.527 0.600 0.655 0.745
(1,1,1,1,1), (1,1) 0.545 0.655 0.800 0.800
(0,1,1,0,0), (0,1) 0.255 0.455 0.491 0.564
(0,1,1,0,0), (1,1) 0.491 0.727 0.782 0.873
(0,0,0,1,1), (0,1) 0.164 0.400 0.436 0.636
(0,0,0,1,1), (1,1) 0.491 0.636 0.673 0.745
(0,0,1,0,1), (0,1) 0.364 0.636 0.491 0.709
(0,0,1,0,1), (1,1) 0.564 0.709 0.709 0.818
the same TTP chain. These are techniques that can
be used selectively or simultaneously to make it diffi-
cult to detect command and control. The mitigations
of them are common and characterize the TTP chain.
Therefore, unlike the estimation of the technique, the
inclusion of the mitigation is considered to contribute
to the evaluation of similarity as a cluster. In fact, the
estimation of the TTP chain tends to be slightly more
accurate when multiple pieces of information are in-
cluded, especially mitigation, than when only a single
piece of information is included. As with the estima-
tion of technique, the accuracy of the TTP chain in-
creases gradually as k increases, but the error rate also
increases, so it is necessary to determine an appropri-
ate k depending on the nature of the task. In our exper-
iments, for the estimation of the TTP chain, the error
rate was lowest for k = 3 in most cases. The highest
accuracy at k = 3 is about 80%, which is sufficient
when considering that the embedding representation
is constructed using only the most basic information
The experimental results so far indicate that the
NVD’s description is the most important sources in
terms of representing technique, and mitigation, es-
pecially CWE, contributes to the connection between
CVE-ID and TTP chain. With the above in mind, the
table 3 shows the results when the representation of
vulnerabilities is (1,1,1,0,0). The result when the rep-
resentation of the technique is (1,1) shows almost the
highest accuracy in the experiment so far. Especially
for ATT&CK, the combination of technique and mit-
igation improves the accuracy by 5.4 to 16.4%, con-
firming the effect of combining information. Our ex-
perimental results show that when embedding repre-
sentations of vulnerabilities, it is possible to construct
Linkage Between CVE and ATT&CK with Public Information
Table 3: Prediction of TTP chains related to CVE-ID (2).
CVE, ATT&CK 1 2 3 4
(1,1,1,0,0), (1,0) 0.400 0.673 0.691 0.764
(1,1,1,0,0), (1,1) 0.564 0.745 0.782 0.818
embedding representations that are more suitable for
the purpose by selecting and incorporating sufficient
information according to the purpose, even if it is a
simple linear combination. On the other hand, it also
suggests that the inclusion of unnecessary informa-
tion reduces the expressive power of the embedding
Here, we introduce some papers related to CVE-IDs
and TTPs as related studies. BRON (Hemberg et al.,
2020) is an initiative that attempts to connect various
types of information starting from tactics and prod-
ucts, and it can be confirmed that the connection be-
tween CWE and technique is insufficient. A similar
study by MITRE with CVE-ID and technique con-
nection results can be found on Github
, but it cov-
ers only some vulnerabilities up to 2020 and does
not allow evaluation for new vulnerabilities. In ad-
dition, Kuppa et al. developed a predictive model
of the ATT&CK technique associated with CVE-IDs
(Kuppa et al., 2021). In the experiment, CVE-IDs
were manually linked to techniques in advance, and
multiple other information sources were used to sug-
gest the possibility of connecting to unknown tech-
niques, and the model was designed for concept drift.
In studies related to TTPs, Ayoade et al. proposed a
bias-corrected SVM classifier to classify tactics and
techniques in reports from multiple security-related
companies (Ayoade et al., 2018), and Li et al. at-
tempted a multi-label classification of TTPs using the
semantic similarity of texts using TF-IDF (Li et al.,
This study proposed a method to improve the expres-
sions of vulnerability information using BERT. We
evaluated the similarity by applying a weighted aver-
age of multiple embedding representations of related
information to the vulnerability and the expected con-
nection destinations. This study differs from previous
defense/ to cve
works in that it is highly reproducible because all in-
formation is collected from publicly available infor-
mation. Therefore, it is possible to discuss the supe-
riority of the model construction method itself, inde-
pendent of the data. As a connection to ATT&CK, we
evaluated the linkability of techniques and TTP chains
associated with vulnerabilities and confirmed an im-
provement in accuracy of up to 16.4% with the use of
additional information, especially for the TTP chains
estimation. Since unnecessary information may be in-
cluded in the embedding representation, the accuracy
of the embedding representation is expected to be fur-
ther improved by using documents with higher infor-
mation content and by varying the weights according
to the reliability of the information.
Al-Shaer, R., Spring, J. M., and Christou, E. (2020). Learn-
ing the associations of mitre att & ck adversarial tech-
niques. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications
and Network Security (CNS), pages 1–9. IEEE.
Ayoade, G., Chandra, S., Khan, L., Hamlen, K., and Thu-
raisingham, B. (2018). Automated threat report clas-
sification over multi-source data. In 2018 IEEE 4th
International Conference on Collaboration and Inter-
net Computing (CIC), pages 236–245. IEEE.
Devlin, J., Chang, M.-W., Lee, K., and Toutanova, K.
(2018). Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional trans-
formers for language understanding. arXiv preprint
Hemberg, E., Kelly, J., Shlapentokh-Rothman, M., Rein-
stadler, B., Xu, K., Rutar, N., and O’Reilly, U.-M.
(2020). Linking threat tactics, techniques, and pat-
terns with defensive weaknesses, vulnerabilities and
affected platform configurations for cyber hunting.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00533.
Kuppa, A., Aouad, L., and Le-Khac, N.-A. (2021). Link-
ing cve’s to mitre att&ck techniques. In Proceedings
of the 16th International Conference on Availability,
Reliability and Security, pages 1–12.
Li, M., Zheng, R., Liu, L., and Yang, P. (2019). Extrac-
tion of threat actions from threat-related articles using
multi-label machine learning classification method. In
2019 2nd International Conference on Safety Produce
Informatization (IICSPI), pages 428–431. IEEE.
Liberato, M. (2022). Secbert: Analyzing reports using bert-
like models. Master’s thesis, University of Twente.
Rahman, M. R., Hezaveh, R. M., and Williams, L. (2023).
What are the attackers doing now? automating cy-
berthreat intelligence extraction from text on pace
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