Demonstration Experiment of Decentralized Learning Within
Traditional Decentralized Education
Masumi Hori
1,2 a
, Seishi Ono
and Kensuke Miyashita
Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan
Kyoto Women's University, Japan
Keywords: Decentralized Learning, Decentralized Architecture, Microcredential, Microlearning, Digital Badge.
Abstract: Modern decentralized learning aims to promote free and open education by building learning networks and
facilitating independent learning activities among relatively small, spontaneously formed communities
outside of schools. Traditional decentralized education, meanwhile, refers to the transfer of authority over
education systems from the central government to local authorities. Traditional decentralized education is also
commonly understood as integral to realizing a sustainable society. However, traditional decentralized
education also faces significant challenges, such as financial difficulties and a lack of motivation among
educators and learners. We propose a framework for incorporating a modern decentralized learning approach
that incorporates digital badges, microlearning, and microcredentialing into traditional decentralized
education systems in order to eliminate the obstacles presented by traditional decentralized education. This
study also identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed framework by conducting an empirical
experiment in which teacher training under decentralized education is implemented through online-based
decentralized learning, positioned as a learning community for teachers working in local government schools.
In the modern decentralized learning approach to
education, learners assist each other and share
learning experiences within small communities (Hori,
2018). In traditional formal education, by comparison,
students learn in a centralized manner, gathering in a
school and obtaining knowledge from a teacher.
Compared with centralized education, decentralized
learning improves the quality of education, enhances
the satisfaction experienced by learners, enables
education tailored to individual needs and community
characteristics, and facilitates the rapid adaptation of
teaching methods to social and environmental
Traditional decentralized education first emerged
in developing countries in the 1980s following the
transfer of the management of education services
from central to local governments with the goal of
improving fiscal efficiency. The traditional
decentralized approach not only generates economic
benefits but also promotes the democratization of
Both modern decentralized learning and
traditional decentralized education have their own
challenges. Although many proposals regarding
decentralized learning began appearing in
approximately 2008 and then continued throughout
the 2010s, there have been few practical successes.
Indeed, a clear gap exists between proposed theories
and real-world applications. Traditional decentralized
education advocates fiscal efficiency and the
democratization of education. Moreover, although
authority has been transferred from central to local
governments, the educational effects still need to be
fully realized.
Another problem common to both modern
decentralized learning and traditional decentralized
education is that, due to the lack of a centralized
infrastructure, it is difficult to maintain a standardized
Hori, M., Ono, S. and Miyashita, K.
Demonstration Experiment of Decentralized Learning Within Traditional Decentralized Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012723600003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 216-226
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
quality of education across various local school
Our ultimate aim is to realize flexible and agile
lifelong learning by introducing decentralized
learning into traditional decentralized education. This
study reports a preliminary demonstration experiment
in the achievement of this goal.
The study’s demonstration experiment shows that
integrating modern decentralized learning methods
into traditional decentralized education approaches
can solve problems facing both traditional
decentralized education and modern decentralized
learning. This experiment focuses on training primary
and secondary teachers in local governments in Japan.
Teacher training has become indispensable for local
governments seeking to respond to the diversifying
educational needs that have emerged due to rapid
social changes. However, despite the urgent need to
implement unique teacher training programs at the
local government and school levels, this
responsibility has been delegated to local education
offices. Modern decentralized learning provides
flexible options for teacher training, as its diversity of
methods can facilitate quick responses to social
changes while also respecting the autonomy of
The study understands local governments as
decentralized learning communities. Moreover, we
present a model of modern decentralized learning that
combines digital badges and microlearning to
improve teachers’ skills and visualize their
achievements. We also conducted an empirical
experiment to apply this modern decentralized
learning approach, which guarantees the quality of
learning through microcredentialing, to a real-world
scenario and evaluated the resulting challenges. This
empirical experiment will be conducted in three
Table 1 reports the results of the first stage.
Table 1: Experimental stage.
Stage Year Target Training Institute
1 2023 Two
One institution of higher
2 2024 Three
Two institutions of higher
3 2025 More than five
More than three
institutions of higher
By conducting these demonstration experiments
using the specified framework, we intend to clarify
how decentralized architectures can benefit
traditional decentralized education. We also outline
the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.
This paper is divided into ten sections. The second
through fourth sections overview traditional
decentralized education, modern decentralized
learning, and their challenges to provide background
for the experiment. The fifth section outlines the
digital badges, microcredentials, and micro-learning
used in the demonstration experiment. The sixth
section overviews the experiment, and the seventh
presents the results. The eighth through tenth sections
discuss the results and conclusions.
Traditional decentralized education was initially
introduced in the 1980s with the objective of reducing
federal spending on education and welfare and also
promoting the establishment of a democratic system.
This transition was part of structural adjustments
carried out under the guidance of the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank during the
implementation of a debt relief plan meant to alleviate
debt burdens. The policy was intended to decentralize
primary and secondary education by granting local
municipalities—which had formerly been controlled
by the central government—increased authority over
education policy. This shift had significant political
implications. Moreover, as outlined by Hanson
(1997), the policy also stated the anticipated benefits
of introducing a decentralization education system:
1) Improvement in management efficiency and
capacity through the introduction of market
2) Neutralization of teachers’ unions and
political parties
3) Education not limited by existing schools
4) Improvement in education quality caused by
improvements in teachers’ skills and the
procurement of appropriate teaching
5) The establishment of an environment for
continuous learning through community
Ensuring the effectiveness of a decentralized
architecture for traditional decentralized education
also requires addressing contemporary issues, such as
skills development for teachers and community
Management scholar Peter Drucker noted that
there were limits to the effectiveness of schooling and
that the best example of education was the literacy
Demonstration Experiment of Decentralized Learning Within Traditional Decentralized Education
movement promoted by Mao Zedong during the
Cultural Revolution (Drucker, 1998). During the
literacy movement, students who learned to read
taught other students the characters they had learned,
thereby enabling students to teach other students
without relying on schools. This movement led to a
considerable increase in the literacy rate in China in a
short period of time. This success story can be applied
to the use of modern internet technologies for the
teaching of more advanced information.
However, examples of best practices are
exceptions within traditional decentralized education,
which, despite significant expense and effort, has yet
to produce substantial global results (Hanson, 1998).
The emergence of blockchain and distributed ledger
technologies has catalyzed the development of
various forms of decentralized architectures,
including societal, organizational, and infrastructural
architectures. Among these, decentralized learning
systems constitute a significant innovation, and they
contrast sharply with the centralized educational
models that have dominated since the 18th century.
Paul Baran introduced the notion of
“decentralized networks” as intermediary systems
connecting centralized and distributed systems
(Baran, 1964). With the advent of blockchain
technology, the concept of decentralized networks
expanded to accommodate the broader societal shift
toward decentralization, challenging established
centralized social structures.
Decentralized learning, in particular, has garnered
attention because of its potential to revolutionize how
knowledge is disseminated and acquired (Tapscott,
2019). This paradigm proposes a shift from
traditional, school-centric learning to efficient online
education that is accessible to all. For example, the
“Learning is Earning 2026” campaign developed by
the Institute for the Future exemplifies this approach
by using blockchain technology to incentivize
individual and communal learning. This approach
parallels the literacy campaigns of the Cultural
Revolution yet adds a modern technological
interpretation that employs virtual currency.
Despite the promising prospects of decentralized
architecture, its practical applications have been
limited to virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin and
Ethereum. This sluggish transition to real-world
uptake can be attributed to several challenges:
In educational environments, the volatility of
virtual currencies often leads to instability and
financial failure. Persistent financial difficulties faced
by communities championing decentralized learning
hinder their ability to offer a supportive learning
environment. The localized nature of these
educational models increases the complexity of
assessing and validating the quality of educational
outcomes. Therefore, the visibility and credibility of
these models need to be enhanced for external
This analysis underscores the need for robust
mechanisms for validating and accrediting learning
achievements within decentralized learning
frameworks to ensure that they can obtain the level of
social trust and recognition necessary for broader
acceptance and implementation.
This study introduces modern decentralized learning
to traditional decentralized education settings. We
hypothesize that this will simultaneously solve the
problems facing both modern decentralized learning
and traditional decentralized education, which we
intend to demonstrate through an empirical
Traditional decentralized education was initially
intended to grant local governments increased
authority over education-related decisions. However,
there are limits to what local governments can
achieve independently due to their limited financial
and human resources while still ensuring the
provision of quality education. It is difficult to
identify successful examples of traditional
decentralized education, even when assuming a
global perspective and considering initiatives led by
international organizations such as the World Bank
and the United Nations.
Modern decentralized learning, meanwhile, is
based on the premise that learning networks are
constructed within each community. According to
this framework, individual communities can
encourage autonomous approaches to learning. To
motivate learners, decentralized architecture can be
employed to visualize learning results, and tutors can
provide learners with support. Indeed, within
decentralized architectures, communities become
network nodes that communicate with each other.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Traditional decentralized education can be enhanced
if the online education system can be structured to
support such autonomous efforts.
In this context, this study seeks to bring the
benefits of modern decentralized learning to
traditional decentralized education models by
introducing technologies such as microlearning,
digital badges, and microcredentialing to online
education environments.
5.1 Digital Badges
In the evolving framework of digital badges used for
decentralized education, the role of community
support is increasingly critical. Among various
innovations in this domain, the “open badges”
concept represents a pioneering effort to digitally
quantify and visualize learning achievements
(Jovanovic, 2014). This system is particularly notable
because (1) it enables badges to be issued by anyone,
and (2) it incorporates an endorsement mechanism to
authenticate each badge. The first feature
democratizes the badge issuance process, facilitating
a shift away from traditional, centralized educational
systems, while the second feature ensures that the
community can trust the value of the learning
achievement signified by the badge.
Crucially, the use of blockchain technology to
facilitate learning achievement badges represents a
third crucial feature of this system. This innovative
approach was spearheaded by the “Learning is
Earning 2026” initiative developed by the Internet
Engineering Task Force, which aims to leverage
blockchain technology to facilitate the distribution
and verification of learning achievements. This
technology promises to enhance the reliability,
transparency, and accessibility of educational
credentials, marking a significant advance in how
educational achievements are recognized and valued
in decentralized learning ecosystems.
5.2 Microlearning
To adapt to the evolving landscape of decentralized
education, traditional time-intensive learning
methods—such as those found in classroom
settings—must be made more practical. In today’s
fast-paced world, where individuals are constantly
engaged with work and other commitments, there is a
pressing need for models of education that can
accommodate the brief interludes of free time that
individuals experience throughout their day. This
approach would enable learners to gradually build a
cohesive body of knowledge through short,
intermittent study sessions. This mode of knowledge
acquisition is known as microlearning (Gassler, 2004).
Two critical technological requirements underpin
microlearning. The first involves the creation of a vast
array of learning materials that are concise and
focused on specific topics; these are referred to as
“microcontent.” The second necessity is a mechanism
for efficiently locating and compiling this
microcontent into curricula tailored to the learner’s
needs, ensuring that the content is relevant and
5.3 Microcredentials
Under a modern decentralized learning paradigm,
established authorities will not be the only entities
that can validate learning outcomes. That is, despite
not being able to grant formal degrees or certificates,
communities will be able to issue digital badges for
reaching microlearning milestones and completing
small-scale educational units. Ensuring the quality of
learning outcomes is essential, which emphasizes the
importance of properly managing credentials (Gish-
Lieberman, 2021).
Microcredentials have emerged as a solution to
these verification issues. Indeed, microcredentialing
has been adopted by over 150 countries worldwide,
including European countries, the United States,
South Africa, and countries of the Asia-Pacific
regions, as well as by organizations such as UNESCO
and the OECD. Despite this widespread adoption,
there is still no consensus regarding the best
microcredentialing practices and the scope of
appropriate applications for microcredentialing.
These initiatives all share a common goal: to achieve
quality assurance by implementing some form of
qualification framework (QFs).
Microcredentials are designed within QFs that
stipulate specific competencies that must be met for
quality assurance purposes. Maintaining high-quality
QFs and competencies across numerous credentials is
a formidable task.
The variety of approaches to microcredentialing
reflects the broad recognition of its potential benefits;
nevertheless, its practical applications and societal
value are yet to be fully realized.
Demonstration Experiment of Decentralized Learning Within Traditional Decentralized Education
6.1 Pilot System
Figure 1 outlines the system structure developed for
the demonstration experiment. The figure illustrates
an educational strategy that incorporates short video-
based sessions and tasks—each of which is designed
to be completed within approximately 10 minutes—
into individual learning modules. After the
completion of each module, learners are awarded
digital badges.
In the pilot system framework, these digital
badges, when submitted to local boards of education,
serve as evidence of having completed the required
training programs. Local boards of education are
responsible for managing elementary and secondary
education teachers within each local municipality in
Japan. Therefore, the experiment supports
microcredentialing by issuing and validating digital
Figure 1: Overview of the pilot system.
6.2 Realization of Microlearning
The structure of the pilot microlearning program is
shown in Figure 2. Microlearning programs that are
approximately 10 to 15 minutes in length and consist
of videos with synthetic audio are bundled together as
lecture units, and a digital badge is issued upon
completion of each program. In the pilot system, this
badge is referred to as aKnowledge Badge. After
attending ten credits worth of lectures and passing a
final test, students are awarded a digital badge. This
badge is referred to as a “Wisdom Badge.”
6.2.1 Content Creation
Creating small-scale, granular learning content for
microlearning presents practical challenges. Most
Figure 2: Microlearning structure.
faculty members at Japanese universities are
accustomed to delivering lectures that last 90 to 100
minutes. Indeed, they may dismiss the concept of
microlearning and, therefore, require opportunities to
become familiar with this new format. Nonetheless,
in traditional lectures, one slide is typically prepared
for each lecture; this approach became a focal point
of our microlearning initiative.
Initially, we informed university instructors that
the criterion for awarding the Knowledge Badge was
attending one standard lecture and completing the
wisdom badge course. Subsequently, we requested
that instructors develop slides and corresponding
tables of content for each lecture.
The slides were then segmented by the individual
responsible for developing the educational materials
based on the table of contents. These segments were
transformed into videos that could be viewed in
approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Table 2 summarizes
the pilot system approach to microlearning.
Table 2: Microlearning concept.
study time
Mode of thinking.
1–6 hours This corresponds to the
certificate of completion
for a conventional course.
This training course is a
microcredential because it
is an accredited unit of
60–90 minutes It is equivalent to a
certificate for completing
one traditional university
lecture course. In practice,
this is the minimum
granularity of badges
awarded for completing a
microlearning unit.
Microlearning Approx. 15
Lecture videos that
summarize the learning
content in 15 minutes or
less. They offer flexibility
by changing the conditions
for issuing badges of
by unit
Slide per Unit
Wisdom Badge
Certificate by
Lect ure
Lect ure
Lect ure
Microlear ning
configuration by
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
6.2.2 Standardization of Content
The pilot system uses concise video content, with
each segment lasting approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
Videos are created according to specific standards to
enable the flexible combination of video segments to
assemble various courses.
1) All video content is uniformly licensed under
a Creative Commons license.
2) Instead of human narration, a consistent
artificially generated voice is employed
across all videos.
3) Videos are cataloged and shared through the
video management platform on the pilot
6.2.3 Creative Commons Licensing
The training materials provided by the pilot system
are offered as open educational resources that are
accessible to anyone. As such, the entity overseeing
the pilot initiative is accountable for any potential
risks that may arise. To mitigate personal risks while
safeguarding creators’ interests, it is recommended to
identify content as belonging to the organization to
which the faculty member belongs, clarify the
identity of the copyright holder, and recognize
individual faculty members as contributors. Creators’
interests include maintaining their social reputation
and trustworthiness while also being recognized for
their contributions to education and research.
Additionally, the organization can alleviate any
potential disadvantages for faculty members by
allowing them the right to commercially utilize
derivatives of their work irrespective of Creative
Commons stipulations. Therefore, a standardized
Creative Commons license would cover content
disseminated through the pilot system.
6.2.4 Dvancements in Learning Using Voice-
Synthesized Slides
In order to facilitate microlearning integration, the
pilot system incorporates speech synthesis technology.
Instructional content designed to be completed within
approximately 10 to 15 minutes is delivered through
presentations using Microsoft
, a
trademarked product of Microsoft Corporation. These
presentations will feature a uniform design and be
accompanied by synthesized voiceovers generated
from scripts provided by the university faculty. The
result, designated as “speech-synthesized slides”
within the pilot system, ensures a consistent format
across all instructional videos to facilitate the seamless
integration of video segments into comprehensive
training modules regardless of the instructor’s identity.
Moreover, this approach streamlines the process of
updating material; modifications, such as changes to
slides or scripts, can be efficiently implemented, even
when there is a change in faculty, thus ensuring ease of
content management.
The pilot system employs an open-source voice
synthesis platform to create these text-to-speech
video slides. This platform converts text from the notes
sections of Microsoft
slides into
synthesized speech, resulting in an educational video
slide. By offering this platform as open-source
software (OSS), the pilot system reflects a commitment
to enhancing the accessibility and adaptability of
educational resources. This initiative highlights the
innovative use of technology in education and fosters a
collaborative environment where anyone can
contribute to or modify the platform.
6.2.5 Video Management System
This OSS initiative led to the development of a video
management system designed to enhance open online
learning. This system was created through a
collaborative effort involving the National Institute of
Informatics at Osaka University, Kumamoto
University, and the non-profit organization Cyber
Campus Consortium TIES. The system is openly
accessible on GitHub under an OSS license (ChiBi-
CHiLO, 2023). The architecture of the system is
illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Video management system diagram.
The video management system organizes video
content according to three hierarchical levels—
resources, topics, and books—with books
representing the highest level of organization. These
books can be integrated with learning management
systems (LMSs) using the learning tools interopera-
bility standard.
Within the pilot system framework, a book at the
highest level consists of a 10- to 15-minute video
consisting of speech-synthesized slides. Topics
correspond to individual slide pages, and the base-
Video Management System
Cour se B
Course A
n:1 n:n n:1
Demonstration Experiment of Decentralized Learning Within Traditional Decentralized Education
level resources are URLs to the video streaming
system. This hierarchical structure facilitates efficient
management and the updating of the video content for
each slide. Moreover, the video management system
supports the sharing and reusing of resources, topics,
and books, enabling the provision of content in
various combinations.
6.3 Open Badges
The pilot system uses OBv2.1, which consists of three
components: Assertion, BadgeClass, and Issuer
Profile (Ahn, 2014). Assertion describes the attributes
of the badge acquirer, and Issuer Profile describes the
attributes of the badge issuer. BadgeClass refers to the
template data for each badge; it is included in all
issued badges and is publicly available for reference
by third parties. The BadgeClass for the Wisdom
Badge contains the ID of the Knowledge Badge that
is required to earn the Wisdom Badge. The
BadgeClass for the Knowledge Badge contains the ID
of the microlearning that is required to earn the
Knowledge Badge. Therefore, each badge is able to
verify the learning content associated with it and the
conditions under which it was awarded.
In this way, the badges visualize learning results
and can be used both for self-reflection and as proof
of the completion of training.
6.4 Faculty Development Metrics for
Each local board of education in Japan is required to
maintain its own set of criteria for teacher
development. These criteria provide a detailed
framework of the skills and competencies that
elementary and secondary school teachers must
develop depending on their career level. Meanwhile,
this framework also provides an overview of a
teacher’s entire professional trajectory. This approach
embodies the principles of QFs by promoting learning
tailored to different stages of a teacher’s career. It also
emphasizes competencies by specifying the attributes
and skills that should be cultivated. The teacher
development metrics are tailored to reflect local needs.
Boards of education at the prefectural and municipal
levels are expected to independently manage teachers
continuous learning, beginning with their initial
training and extending throughout their careers. Many
boards of education have initiated such programs in
collaboration with local institutions that support
teacher education. Therefore, the foundational
elements necessary for implementing microcreden-
tials are already in place.
To ensure the quality of online educational
offerings and facilitate teachers’ access to structured
training based on their self-identified needs, this pilot
program aligns competency badges with the teacher
development standards established by local boards of
education, which recognize this program as an
accredited form of professional development.
6.5 Implementation of the Pilot
The pilot system consisted of a portal system, a LMS,
and a video management system (Figure 4). The LMS
was provided by Moodle
. Moreover, Moodle
functions were also used to offer courses and issue
digital badges.
The portal system was developed independently.
The portal system imports BadgeClass, a digital
badge issued by Moodle
, and implements a function
to map courses to the teacher development index. A
search function was also implemented to allow
learners to search for badges they wish to acquire
based on the structure of ability badges and
Knowledge Badges described in the imported
BadgeClass and the microlearning content included
in the Knowledge Badges.
In developing the portal system, OpenJS
Foundation’s node.js framework was used as the
backend, and Meta’s React™ component was used as
the frontend.
Figure 4: Implementation of the pilot system.
7.1 Subjects of the Demonstration
Experiment in This Study
Japanese teachers are known to allocate significantly
less time to self-study than their counterparts in
OECD countries (Ainley, 2018). Additionally, the
Mappin to teacher development
Completion List
Digital badge search
Portal system
Course managem ent
Digital badge issued
Video delivery
Video management system
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
results indicate that Japanese teachers need to
improve their IT skills.
However, one factor contributing to this situation
is the long working hours that restrict Japanese
teachers’ study time and hinder their learning
capacity, even if they are willing to study and
improve their skills. Although teacher training is
mandatory for Japanese educators, much training is
conducted face-to-face, demanding considerable time
commitment from teachers and contributing to their
extended working hours.
The significance of decentralized learning lies in
its potential to enable teachers to learn anytime and
anywhere, thereby sustaining their motivation for
learning. Evaluating the effectiveness of
decentralized learning can illuminate its importance.
Moreover, such evaluation can provide insights into
enhancing online education by creating an accessible
learning environment for students, regardless of their
IT proficiency.
If decentralized learning proves effective within
this context, it holds promise for facilitating lifelong
learning, particularly for individuals with time
constraints or those pursuing multidisciplinary
professions, both within Japan and globally.
7.2 Experimental Method
The demonstration experiment was conducted for
five months, from August 1, 2022, to January 10,
2023, with the cooperation of a local government in
Japan (Hori, 2023). The target learners (approx. 360
people) were teachers eligible for a training program
to improve their qualifications as mid-career teachers
at elementary and secondary educational institutions
within the target municipality. Mid-career teachers
who are expected to play a core role must attend a
training program to improve their qualifications. The
competency badges obtained through the pilot system
can be used for face-to-face training in this
demonstration experiment.
The training courses, or Wisdom Badges,
prepared for the demonstration experiment consisted
of 15 types. Teachers registered themselves as users
of the pilot system, and they freely selected training
courses. In addition, a final task, such as a multiple
choice test, was prepared, and a Wisdom Badge was
issued upon completion. Teachers are certified as
mid-career teachers by submitting their Wisdom
Badge using the report submission function of the
training system operated by the local board of
7.3 Results of the Demonstration
Table 3: Status of participation in demonstration
Number of subjects 360*
Number of teachers (learners)
Number of people who have
earned Wisdom Badges
7.3.1 Enrolment Status
Table 3 shows the enrolment status of the
demonstration experiment.
Of the approximately 360 eligible participants, 52
(14.7%) took the course, and approximately half (26)
of them obtained the Knowledge Badge as a badge of
competence. In addition, some teachers took multiple
courses and obtained multiple competence badges. Of
the 52 teachers, 28 (54.9%) took only one course, and
24 (47.1%) took two or more courses (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Number of courses taken by teachers.
Of the 52 teachers, about half, 26 (51.0%), earned
at least one badge (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Number of badges earned by teachers.
7.3.2 Questionnaire Results
A questionnaire was sent to those who had obtained a
competence badge upon completion of the course.
The number of samples collected was 13. Figure 7
Demonstration Experiment of Decentralized Learning Within Traditional Decentralized Education
Figure 7: Training satisfaction.
shows the results of the questionnaire regarding
satisfaction with the online training: In total, 83% of
the faculty members stated they were “satisfied” or
“mostly satisfied.” Figure 8 shows the results of the
questionnaire, which asked those who answered
“satisfied” and “somewhat satisfied” (Figure 7) what
they were satisfied with. The most common responses
were that they were able to freely choose the course
of their choice and that the video was easy to study
because it was broken up into smaller segments.
Figure 8: Factors of satisfaction.
Figure 9 shows the results of the questionnaire
questions asking about barriers to attending teacher
training. The number of samples collected were 13
from those who had obtained a competence badge
upon course completion.
Figure 9: Factors hindering training.
The number of respondents who mentioned time
constraints, such as “too busy with work” and “too
busy with housework/childcare,” is significantly
higher than the other responses.
Only the initial stage of this demonstration
experiment has been completed, and therefore, it has
produced limited data regarding the conditions under
which decentralized learning can be applied. Despite
these constraints, however, we have identified several
challenges and prospects for decentralized learning.
8.1 Effects of Decentralized
This experiment revealed the distinct characteristics
of decentralized education. The benefits of
microlearning for individuals with busy schedules
have been well documented in various empirical
studies, and our survey results confirmed this.
Additionally, the flexibility afforded learners when
freely choosing courses also proved beneficial.
We also observed reduced administrative costs
due to the adoption of digital badges. For training
providers, digital badges eliminated the need to create
participant lists and oversee a registration process.
Furthermore, incorporating teacher development
indicators into a QF facilitated quality assurance and
exemplified microcredentialing. However,
challenges persist regarding learner benefits, badge
validation, and the diversity and quality of content.
8.2 Mechanism for Learners to
Engage with the Qualification
To enhance the quality of teaching, teachers must
review their training history in alignment with
teacher development indicators stipulated by a QF.
They must objectively analyze the changes that they
observe before and after attending training and
develop a training plan that they pursue
autonomously. Although we failed to provide such a
mechanism in this experiment, the responses from
our survey highlight the demand for autonomous
training programs.
8.3 Badge Verification
In our demonstration experiment, a local board of
education used the report submission feature of
another training system owned by the local
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
government for submitting digital badges. This
system did not support verification of the authenticity
of digital badges, and data transfer between systems
was conducted manually. Developing a mechanism
for importing digital badges into a training system
owned by a local board of education after verifying
their authenticity, as well as managing course
histories in a unified manner, is an essential task for
the future.
8.4 Content Diversity
In this demonstration experiment, training content
was provided through a system operated and managed
by an institution of higher education. However, we
anticipate a significant increase in the number of
users, and the capacity of institutions of higher
education to provide training is limited. Therefore,
establishing a system for offering diverse and quality-
assured training programs in collaboration with other
universities is necessary.
Despite numerous endeavors in distributed learning,
substantial breakthroughs are still required. Although
considerable resources have been allocated to
traditional decentralized education, notable
achievements are still pending. This study addresses
both issues by integrating decentralized learning into
conventional decentralized education.
The primary objective is to demonstrate that
decentralized learning can foster growth of diverse
learning communities and facilitate adoption of
varied learning methodologies that address learning
needs and styles of all the stakeholders. Additionally,
within the established framework of distributed
education, we aim to establish a system that fosters
creation of distributed learning communities and
offers educators a spectrum of learning options.
Empirical validation of effectiveness of
distributed learning marks the initial phase of
accomplishment of our research .
Following the completion of the initial
demonstration, we have entered the next stage of the
experiment, with 31 training courses already
underway. Furthermore, we are actively pursuing
new developments.
9.1 Development of a Badge Wallet
Our team is currently working on a badge wallet
system. This digital platform will enable learners to
access and view their earned digital badges. It is
designed to store these badges, providing learners
with a concrete method of assessing their skill
upgrades and competency developments, as outlined
in the teacher development indices associated with
each badge. This tool facilitates self-directed learning
by allowing learners to assess their qualifications
from a broader perspective and plan their education
9.2 Development of the Badge
We are creating a system known as the “badge
cabinet.” It is aimed at enhancing the value of digital
badges beyond mere certificates. This system enables
local boards of education to verify badges and
efficiently organize extensive training records. With
the badge cabinet system, students can present their
digital badges to a local board of education,
facilitating a board’s ability to efficiently document
training achievements within their training record
systems, including personnel management systems.
The application of the badge cabinet extends beyond
this example. It can also serve as a centralized
platform for managing diverse training programs,
including both internal training sessions and
programs offered by external entities, as long as they
issue digital badges.
9.3 Enhancement of Training
Our objectives include establishing guidelines to
assure the quality of training throughout the pilot
study, improving training materials, and forming
partnerships with universities, particularly those
specializing in teacher education. These
collaborations aim to enrich the diversity and quality
of training offerings. Several universities have
already expressed interest in participating in this
This study demonstrates the potential of integrating
modern distributed learning methods into traditional
distributed educational systems to enhance the quality
and accessibility of education. Empirical studies
examining case studies of teacher training within
local municipalities have shown that digital badges,
microlearning, and microcredentials can address the
Demonstration Experiment of Decentralized Learning Within Traditional Decentralized Education
financial and motivational challenges faced by
traditional distributed education systems. Employing
these tools is expected to improve the quality of
education, which in turn could enhance educational
provision at the local level. Microcredentials
constitute a promising method for verifying skills and
knowledge acquired through distributed learning
systems, thereby building trust among all
Furthermore, the experiment of this study
provides evidence that this approach is not limited to
teacher training but can also be applied to
professional education in various industries requiring
specialized skills, such as nursing, caregiving, civil
engineering, and construction. Institutions of higher
learning can also deliver professional education in
these fields by leveraging online educational systems,
microlearning, digital badges, and microcredential
mechanisms through distributed learning. This
approach proposes a system that expands on the
professional education offered in industries requiring
specialized skills, such as nursing, caregiving, civil
engineering, and construction, providing access to
lifelong learning opportunities.
The demonstration experiment described in this
study is the first phase of a three-stage process; we
anticipate that this pilot study will produce new
insights as it progresses. The initial results are already
promising, and further application and evaluation of
distributed learning technologies and methods are
expected to yield profound and actionable insights
that will significantly inform educational reform.
Subsequent stages will focus on a broader range of
applications, the necessity of technical infrastructure,
strategies for providing ongoing support and
motivation for educators and learners, and solutions
for integration challenges in diverse regional contexts.
The forthcoming phases are pivotal in seeking
inventive educational solutions, undertaking
empirical investigations, and fostering active
partnerships among all educational stakeholders to
unlock the full potential of distributed learning.
The use of teacher training data was approved by
Osaka Kyoiku University. The authors would also
like to thank Enago ( for the English
language review.
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education