financial and motivational challenges faced by
traditional distributed education systems. Employing
these tools is expected to improve the quality of
education, which in turn could enhance educational
provision at the local level. Microcredentials
constitute a promising method for verifying skills and
knowledge acquired through distributed learning
systems, thereby building trust among all
Furthermore, the experiment of this study
provides evidence that this approach is not limited to
teacher training but can also be applied to
professional education in various industries requiring
specialized skills, such as nursing, caregiving, civil
engineering, and construction. Institutions of higher
learning can also deliver professional education in
these fields by leveraging online educational systems,
microlearning, digital badges, and microcredential
mechanisms through distributed learning. This
approach proposes a system that expands on the
professional education offered in industries requiring
specialized skills, such as nursing, caregiving, civil
engineering, and construction, providing access to
lifelong learning opportunities.
The demonstration experiment described in this
study is the first phase of a three-stage process; we
anticipate that this pilot study will produce new
insights as it progresses. The initial results are already
promising, and further application and evaluation of
distributed learning technologies and methods are
expected to yield profound and actionable insights
that will significantly inform educational reform.
Subsequent stages will focus on a broader range of
applications, the necessity of technical infrastructure,
strategies for providing ongoing support and
motivation for educators and learners, and solutions
for integration challenges in diverse regional contexts.
The forthcoming phases are pivotal in seeking
inventive educational solutions, undertaking
empirical investigations, and fostering active
partnerships among all educational stakeholders to
unlock the full potential of distributed learning.
The use of teacher training data was approved by
Osaka Kyoiku University. The authors would also
like to thank Enago ( for the English
language review.
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