Effects of Information Granularity on Health Education: An
Artificial Intelligence-Based Situational R-Map Analysis
Mikiko Oono
, Masaaki Ozaki
, Shreesh Babu Thassu Srinivasan
and Yoshifumi Nishida
Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
Aomi, Koto-ku, Japan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Japan
Keywords: Information Granularity, Injury Prevention, Education, Artificial Intelligence.
Abstract: Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death among children in Japan and around the world. Enforcement,
engineering, and educationalso known as the “three Es”currently constitute the core approach to injury
prevention, and education plays a critical role in school safety. Providing information tailored to learners is
an essential factor allowing educators to provide effective education, and we believe that granularity is one
of the key factors for tailored messages. The purpose of this study is 1) to propose a situational R-Map analysis
method to manipulate the granularity of injury data and 2) to examine how granularity affects injury
prevention education design using this method. In the situational R-Map analysis method, the words contained
in each sentence of an injury situation description are transformed into 100-dimensional vectors using the
distributed representation method. A situation vector is created as the average of the word vectors in each
sentence. The dimension of the situation vector is reduced from 100 to 2 using the “t-SNE” method. Then,
we reordered these clusters in order of severity. To examine how granularity affects injury prevention
education design, we conducted a workshop to see whether information granularity affects the number of
preventive strategies devised by caregivers. We created a list of five bar- or slide-related injury situations
(coarse list) and a list of a list of 30 bar-related or 19 slide-related injury situations (fine list). All participants
first read the coarse list to devise and write down preventive strategies for each type of playground equipment.
Then, they read the fine list to see whether they had come up with any additional strategies after reading the
fine lists, and if so, to write them down. A total of 131 caregivers participated in the study and the results
suggest that the appropriate granularity depends on the type of equipment and the learner’s occupation and
can be evaluated using our proposed method.
Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death
among children in Japan and around the world
(Statistics of Japan, 2022, Peden et al., 2009). The top
three leading causes of death in children aged 0–14
years are shown in Table 1. As such injuries are a
substantial burden to society, the Japanese
government has placed a high priority on reducing the
incidence of childhood injuries. A government
agency for children and family affairs was established
in 2023 to provide seamless support for children in
Japan, and injury prevention is one of the main
themes (Cabinet Secretariat, n.d.). In terms of injury,
school safety is an area that the Japanese government
has been working on in recent decades. According to
a report by the Japan Sport Council (JSC), in 2022,
nine child deaths were reported in elementary schools
and one in preschool, and approximately 72,000 and
282,000 injuries occurred in preschools and
elementary schools, respectively, with the medical
costs of each case exceeding 5000 JPY (ca. 40 USD
in 2023) (JSC, 2022).
Enforcement, engineering, and educationalso
known as the “three Es”currently constitute the
core approach to injury prevention. Because the
engineering approach typically requires no or
minimal individual actions (Peden et al., 2009), this
Oono, M., Ozaki, M., Srinivasan, S. and Nishida, Y.
Effects of Information Granularity on Health Education: An Artificial Intelligence-Based Situational R-Map Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012724400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 550-556
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
approach is generally considered to be more effective
than enforcement and/or education. However, for
many types of injuries at schools, either no
engineering strategies are available, or they take a
long time to implement. Consequently, education
plays a critical role in school safety. With an increase
in awareness about its importance at a community
level, by January 2024, the International Safe
Community Certifying Center had certified 17 Safe
Communities (SCs) and 21 International Safe
Schools (ISSs) through the Safe Community and Safe
School Designation Program (Japan Institution for
Safe Communities, n.d.). The SC framework, which
was originally established in Sweden in 1970, seeks
to systematize community activities in order to
facilitate the creation of safe and secure communities
in conjunction with citizens (International Safe
Community Certifying Centre, n.d.). The ISS system
is a version of the SC applicable to schools.
Nowadays, injury prevention education directed at
schoolchildren is also expanding (Oono et al., 2018,
Table 1: The five leading causes of death among persons
aged 5–19 years in Japan, 2022.
1 2 3
deformities, and
specific to the
perinatal period
deformities, and
deformities, and
* Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of cases.
One of the most difficult, but critical, factors for
injury prevention through education is to convince
people of the importance of injury prevention. This is
closely related to the concept of perceived
susceptibility in the field of health education.
Perceived susceptibility is a construct of the Health
Belief Model (HBM) developed by Irwin M.
Rosenstock (Glanz et al., 2008). The HBM is
concerned with the likelihood of contracting a disease
or developing a condition. According to the HBM,
people are more likely to practice healthy behaviors
if they believe that their chance of developing a
negative health condition is high (Glanz et al., 2008).
By applying this concept to injuries, people are most
likely to adopt preventive actions only if they are
convinced that serious injury can occur. Educating
caregivers, including schoolteachers, parents, and
staff in after-school programs is more complex, as
their perception of injury is ameliorated by the fact
that the injury does not affect them directly, but rather
the children in their care.
We have been conducting injury prevention
research for more than 20 years, and it is now well
understood from our experience that people’s
perceived susceptibility to injury depends on their
level of childcare experiences. For instance, when we
discuss an injury related to a swing, people with many
care experiences can think of a much wider variety of
injury risks than can novices. Therefore, from the
perspective of health educators, we need to provide
more details to novice caregivers regarding how
injuries occur so that they can assume and prepare for
prevention adequately. Our underlying assumption in
the present study is that information granularity is
critical to maximizing one’s learning ability, which is
the hypothesis tested in this study. Transmitting
information tailored to learners is always an essential
factor for educators who wish to provide effective
education (Hawkins, 2008), and we believe that
granularity is one of the key factors for such tailored
messages. In the present paper, we first propose a
situational R-Map analysis method to manipulate the
granularity of injury data. Then, we examine how
granularity affects injury prevention education design
using this method. Lastly, we introduce the Egao
search system using the proposed method.
We developed a situational R-Map analysis by
integrating existing R-Map analysis methods and text
mining. Conventionally, a R-Map is a well-known
method for prioritizing injuries from the viewpoints
of both frequency and severity (Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry, 2011). In this method, the words
contained in each sentence of an injury situation
description are transformed into 100-dimensional
vectors using the distributed representation method
Effects of Information Granularity on Health Education: An Artificial Intelligence-Based Situational R-Map Analysis
(word2vec). A situation vector is created as the
average of the word vectors in each sentence. The
dimension of the situation vector is reduced from 100
to 2 using thet-SNE method (Maaten and Hinton,
We used injury data from the JSC; the JSC
database is the largest school injury dataset in Japan.
Figure 1 shows a t-SNE graph depicting a cluster
analysis (20 clusters) of 6549 bar-related injury cases
that occurred in elementary schools using a k-means
approach. Each dot indicates one injury situation, and
each color indicates a similar injury situation.
Figure 1: A t-SNE graph depicting a cluster analysis of
6549 bar-related injury cases.
Next, we reordered these clusters in order of severity.
In the present study, we defined high-risk injuries as
those having both high frequency and high medical
costs. Figure 2 shows a situational R-Map for bar-
related injury cases based on the cluster analysis.
Figure 2: Situational R-map for bar-related injury cases
based on the cluster analysis.
Based on each cluster, we identified typical injury
situations. When situations from different clusters
were similar, we considered them to be the same
situation. Table 2 shows the top five examples of the
cluster situations based on injury severity. Using an
AI-based situational R-Map analysis makes it
possible to understand typical injury situations in a
data-driven way.
Table 2: Top five examples of cluster situations.
Injury situation
1 5, 9 Landed on one’s hands after falling.
2 1, 10 Hit one’s back and/or face after falling.
3 19 Hit one’s face on an unnoticed bar while
playing tag.
4 12 Failed to land properly and twisted one’s leg.
5 15 Some sand blew into one’s eyes or someone’s
foot touched one’s eyes.
In terms of injury prevention education, on the one
hand, vague information does not help much when
thinking about preventive measures. On the other
hand, too many details are ineffective because
learners cannot process them to develop appropriate
prevention strategies. The aim of this evaluation
study is to clarify how information granularity affects
injury prevention education design.
3.1 Method
3.1.1 Controlling Information Granularity
In this study, we controlled information granularity
by changing the number of clusters based on our
proposed method. Figure 3 shows a t-SNE graph of a
cluster analysis for bar-related injuries of 4480 cases
when determining the numbers of clusters as five
(left) and 30 (right). Then, we identified typical injury
situations for each cluster and reordered them in
terms of severity, which yielded two lists (Tables 3
and 4). Interim listings were omitted in the case of the
30 clusters in Table 4. As shown in these two tables,
identified typical injury situations are less detailed
when the number of clusters is five. We created two
lists for bar- and slide-related injuries. In the case of
slide-related injuries, we determined that the number
of clusters was 20 using a k-means approach.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: A t-SNE graph of a cluster analysis of bar-related
injuries (No. of clusters: 5 and 30).
Table 3: Injury situation list (No. of clusters: 5).
Injury situation
1 Fell on one’s hand or elbow and broke bones.
2 Fell and hit one’s body.
3 A child felt pain and a teacher noticed an injury.
4 Crashed into a bar when running nearby.
5 Fell and hit one’s face or a part of one’s body on bars or
the ground.
Table 4: Injury situation list (No. of clusters: 30).
Injury situation
1 Slipped and fell while moving forward and backward on
the bars.
2 Lost balance and fell on the arms or hands while
attempting to sit on the bars.
3 Fell to the ground.
4 Fell when unsupervised by a caregiver.
5 Hands slipped off the bars; failed to grasp the bars and
fell to the ground.
6 Fell and hit one’s arms. Complained about the pain.
7 Complained about the pain after a short time.
8 Failed to land properly and hit one’s body on the
9 Hit one’s face on a bar when playing tag.
10 Hit one’s face on a bar while moving through or failing
to notice.
28 Hit one’s mouth on a bar and started bleeding from the
teeth and lips.
29 Hit one’s head on a bar while jumping around.
30 Some sand blew into one’s eyes.
3.1.2 Analysis of the Influence of
Granularity on Injury Prevention
Education Design
In this subsection, we describe how we quantitatively
analyzed the influence of information granularity on
injury prevention education design. Where the
probability that event 𝑥
, 𝑥
…., 𝑥
can be (𝑥
), (𝑥
), the average information H can be calculated as
Eq. (1). In this study, we calculated the average
information H for situations in clusters and used it as
an indicator to determine the granularity of injury
situations quantitatively. This average information
for injury situations (SH) is defined as Eq. (2).
Thus, the larger the average information for injury
situations (SH), the finer the granularity of the injury
situation information categorized into clusters. Table
5 shows a summary of the average information for
injury situations.
Table 5: Summary of the average information for injury
SH No. of clusters
2.30 5
4.84 30
Slide 2.29 5
Slide 4.17 19
3.2 Data Collection
We conducted a workshop to examine whether
information granularity affects the number of
preventive strategies devised by caregivers. The
workshop procedures were as follows. First, all
workshop participants attended a lecture on the
importance of injury prevention. Second, all
participants received and read a list of five bar- or
slide-related injury situations (coarse list). After
reading, we asked the participants to devise and write
down preventive strategies for each type of
playground equipment to the best of their ability.
Third, we gave the participants a list of 30 bar-related
or 19 slide-related injury situations (fine list). Then,
we asked whether they had come up with any
additional strategies after reading the fine lists, and if
so, to write them down. We conducted three
workshops: one for bar-related and two for slide-
related injuries.
3.3 Results
A total of 131 caregivers participated in this study. A
summary of the three workshops is shown in Table 6.
When we counted the number of preventive strategies
that participants had listed by reading the coarse lists,
on average, group 1 listed 2.7 strategies (range, 0–7),
group 2 listed 3.81 (range, 0–8), and group 3 listed
3.44 (range, 1–6). When asked to come up with
Effects of Information Granularity on Health Education: An Artificial Intelligence-Based Situational R-Map Analysis
additional strategies by reading the fine lists, on
average, group 1 listed 1.41 new strategies, group 2
listed 3.30, and group 3 listed 2.07. Overall, 82% of
the participants successfully came up with new
prevention strategies after reading the fine lists.
Table 6: Summary of the three workshops.
Occupation No. of
1 Daycare
65 Bar Online
2 Children’s
37 Slide On site
3 Daycare
29 Slide On site
Figure 4 shows the relationship between the
average information for injury situations (SH) and the
number of strategies devised by the participants.
Regarding the number of strategies after reading the
fine lists, we added the numbers from the coarse and
fine lists. This figure clearly shows differences in
granularity effects by equipment type. As shown in
Figure 4, the slope connecting the two points for the
bars regarding fine and coarse injury situations is 0.56,
whereas the slope for the slide is 1.10. This means
that the participants devised more preventive
strategies for the slide after reading the fine lists.
Figure 5 shows that the slope connecting the two
points for the slide regarding fine and coarse injury
situations is 1.10 for daycare teachers, compared with
1.75 for children’s center teachers. This means that
the fine lists were more effective for allowing
children’s center teachers to think about preventive
strategies for slide safety.
Figure 4: Relationship between the average information for
injury situations (SH) and the number of strategies
(equipment type difference).
Figure 5: Relationship between the average information for
injury situations (SH) and the number of strategies
(occupation difference).
3.4 Discussion
In this study, we controlled information granularity
by changing the number of clusters based on our
proposed method and examined how it affected the
development of preventive strategies. The number of
strategies devised by learners is a critical factor in
injury prevention education design.
As shown in Figure 4, the fine lists for the bars
were less effective than the coarse lists in terms of
thinking about injury prevention strategies. This
might be because most bar-related injury situations
are nearly equal to “falling off the bars” or “hitting
the bars”. These situations cannot be more detailed,
even if the AI divides them into different clusters. By
contrast, slide-related injury situations vary, and thus
work well for learners to think about their actions.
Our results also suggest that granularity is affected by
the learner’s occupation. In this study, the fine lists
were more effective for children’s center teachers
than for daycare teachers. There are two important
points that should be taken from these findings. First,
our proposed method appears to be useful for
quantitatively evaluating the effectiveness of
educational information for learners. Health
educators often discuss the importance of tailored
information, and our method appears to be useful to
achieve these goals. Second, the appropriate amount
of granularity appears to depend on the type of
equipment and the learner’s occupation. This could
also help health educators create information tailored
to learners.
This study had several limitations. First, we did
not ask the participants about their age, sex, or
working experience, which could have affected the
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
number of preventive strategies they devised. Second,
we only asked the participants about two types of
equipment; the findings may have differed if we had
asked about other types. Third, we did not randomly
assign the participants to evaluate the granularity
effects. Despite these limitations, the results of the
present study suggest that information granularity
affects the design of injury prevention education, and
that our proposed method is useful to assess such
granularity from the viewpoints of equipment type
and learner’s occupation.
“Egao” means smile in Japanese. We named our
system Egao because a smile is one of the most
important social assets of children. The Egao search
system (hereafter, the Egao system) has three
functions, as shown in Figure 6: 1) it facilitates user
searches for high-risk injuries, 2) it provides safety
tips, and 3) it allows users to ask questions of experts
and other Egao users. A login ID and password are
necessary to access the Egao system. The first
function is implemented by a situational R-Map
analysis. Egao users can search for injuries based on
the locations at which the injuries are known to occur,
such as classrooms, gyms, or hallways, the types of
playground equipment that are known to cause the
types of injury, or the types of sporting activities
known to cause such injuries. Options can be selected
by clicking on an icon. The users also can input text
describing the cause of the injury to search for
associated injury types. The current list of icons is
shown in Figure 7. By clicking the search button, a
list of injury cases is displayed in descending order of
risk. The implementation of this function is as
follows. First, by using word2vec, a text mining
technique, sentences in an injury database that
contain descriptions of how various injuries occurred
are transformed into numerical vectors. We used
injury data from the JSC for the last 5 years
(approximately 990,000 injury data points). Second,
the Egao system then transforms the sentences
inputted by Egao users into numerical vectors, as in
the first step. Third, the Egao system calculates the
cosine similarities between the two vectors, using the
Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah (Annoy)
algorithm (Spotify, 2022), and then extracts the top
20 most similar injury situations. Fourth, the Egao
system reorders the 20 cases in order of severity.
Figure 6: Screenshot of the Egao search system menu.
Figure 7: Screenshot of the Egao search system.
The top five examples of extracted injury cases with
information on the nature and severity of the injury
are as follows. These representative examples show
the results in the Egao system for the sentence, I was
going up the stairs, and I slipped and fell because the
floor was wet”.
After cleaning the classroom, the student was
going up the stairs, slipped, and fell. The student
hit their hand on the floor and was injured.
(Broken bone, Severity: high)
During break time, the student hurried down the
stairs. The student slipped and fell because the
floor was wet and hit their head and right knee
on the floor. The student was pale and in shock
for a while. (Bruise, Severity: high)
The student was going down the stairs on the
way to the gymnasium to play with friends
during a lunch break. The student did not notice
that the floor was wet, and slipped and fell. The
student hit their head on the handrail and fell
down several steps until reaching the landing.
(Bruise, Severity: high)
The student slipped and fell off the first step at
the bottom of the stairs after descending the
Effects of Information Granularity on Health Education: An Artificial Intelligence-Based Situational R-Map Analysis
stairs while holding their friend’s hand. (Broken
bone, Severity: high)
During a short break between classes, the
student tripped and fell and hit their face on the
floor with considerable force. (Laceration,
Severity: high)
Here, we describe only five examples of injuries, but
as mentioned previously, users of the Egao system
obtain 20 examples of high-risk injury cases based on
their search terms.
In the second function of searching for safety tips,
Egao users can search for safety tips based on the
locations where the types of injury are known to
occur, such as in classrooms, gyms, or hallways, the
types of playground equipment on which they occur,
or the types of sports activities that cause them. These
options can be selected by clicking on an icon. Users
also can input words or sentences describing the
cause of injury to search for related safety tips. When
the Egao system cannot find safety tips in the list
based on the user’s search terms, it prompts the user
to ask questions; this function is explained as follows.
In the user questions function, Egao users can ask
questions regarding preventive actions. They can also
upload pictures and explain why they consider the
situations depicted in the images to be dangerous.
After posting the questions, they can receive
suggestions and comments from injury prevention
experts or other Egao users.
In this study, we conducted a situational R-Map
analysis by integrating R-Map analysis and text
mining methods. We applied the concept of
information granularity to injury prevention
education design to evaluate messages tailored to
learners. We controlled the granularity of injury
situation texts for this particular study, but this
strategy can be used for any kind of health
information to create effective health messages. We
also introduced the Egao system, which can be used
by schoolteachers. We plan to implement this system
in schools so that students and teachers can have fun
together learning about injury prevention. Most
importantly, by revealing that information granularity
influences learners’ ability to think about preventive
strategies, the results of this study indicate that
information granularity affects injury prevention
education design.
This work was supported by the JST-Mirai Program
Grant No. JPMJMI22H3.
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education