stairs while holding their friend’s hand. (Broken
bone, Severity: high)
● During a short break between classes, the
student tripped and fell and hit their face on the
floor with considerable force. (Laceration,
Severity: high)
Here, we describe only five examples of injuries, but
as mentioned previously, users of the Egao system
obtain 20 examples of high-risk injury cases based on
their search terms.
In the second function of searching for safety tips,
Egao users can search for safety tips based on the
locations where the types of injury are known to
occur, such as in classrooms, gyms, or hallways, the
types of playground equipment on which they occur,
or the types of sports activities that cause them. These
options can be selected by clicking on an icon. Users
also can input words or sentences describing the
cause of injury to search for related safety tips. When
the Egao system cannot find safety tips in the list
based on the user’s search terms, it prompts the user
to ask questions; this function is explained as follows.
In the user questions function, Egao users can ask
questions regarding preventive actions. They can also
upload pictures and explain why they consider the
situations depicted in the images to be dangerous.
After posting the questions, they can receive
suggestions and comments from injury prevention
experts or other Egao users.
In this study, we conducted a situational R-Map
analysis by integrating R-Map analysis and text
mining methods. We applied the concept of
information granularity to injury prevention
education design to evaluate messages tailored to
learners. We controlled the granularity of injury
situation texts for this particular study, but this
strategy can be used for any kind of health
information to create effective health messages. We
also introduced the Egao system, which can be used
by schoolteachers. We plan to implement this system
in schools so that students and teachers can have fun
together learning about injury prevention. Most
importantly, by revealing that information granularity
influences learners’ ability to think about preventive
strategies, the results of this study indicate that
information granularity affects injury prevention
education design.
This work was supported by the JST-Mirai Program
Grant No. JPMJMI22H3.
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