Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models and Natural Language
Processing Techniques for Comprehensive ESG Risk Score Prediction
Abhiram Nandiraju
and Siddha Kanthi
Frisco High School, Frisco, U.S.A.
Reedy High School, Frisco, U.S.A.
Natural Language Processing, ESG Risk Assessment, S&P 500, Corporate Sustainability, Financial Decision
Companies are subject to stringent expectations in terms of social responsibility, particularly in managing risks
associated with their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. These practices are evaluated us-
ing ESG risk scores. Traditionally, ESG risk scores are generated by firms like Sustainalytics and MSCI, which
primarily focus on larger corporations. Consequently, entities investing in smaller companies, such as venture
capital firms, private equity firms, and individual investors, face a challenging and resource-intensive process
for initial risk assessment. However, our research has uncovered a novel approach through the application
of machine learning techniques and the use of multimodal large language models based on publicly released
company reports. This approach enables the prediction of ESG risk scores with an accuracy of 68.09%, offer-
ing a viable tool for preliminary analysis. Significantly, this research introduces a pioneering framework that
utilizes a new architecture for analyzing ESG practices, transforming the traditional assessment process for
both large and small companies alike. Our research shows high accuracy in predicting risk assessments and
simplifies the evaluation process. Nonetheless, there is potential for enhancing this accuracy through further
refinement of the models, improvements in data extraction, and continued exploration of additional modeling
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) cri-
teria have become increasingly pivotal in assessing
a company’s impact on environmental, societal, and
corporate sustainability. Alongside the rise of ESG is
the transformative field of artificial intelligence (AI),
particularly the development of chatbots, which have
revolutionized numerous sectors by automating in-
teractions and processing large volumes of data ef-
ficiently. Their role in business and finance is no ex-
ception, offering new avenues for data analysis and
customer engagement. One of the most significant
developments in the domain of ESG assessment has
been the introduction of ESG Risk Scores, which pro-
vide a quantitative measure of a company’s exposure
to and management of ESG-related risks. However,
the current process of calculating these scores faces
several challenges: a limitation to larger companies
due to resource constraints, a lack of standardization
across different scoring systems, and a time-intensive
and expensive evaluation process. Additionally, the
calculation of these scores has not fully embraced
automation, making the process less efficient than it
could be. This paper seeks to address these limita-
tions by proposing an automated, machine learning,
and Chat-GPT 4-based approach to predict ESG risk
scores using publicly available company reports, such
as annual reports, from S&P 500 companies. Through
this, we aim to extend the applicability of ESG risk as-
sessment to a broader range of companies, including
smaller firms often overlooked in current methodolo-
gies. By leveraging AI and machine learning, there
is potential to not only democratize ESG risk assess-
ment but also enhance its accuracy and efficiency,
paving the way for more inclusive and sustainable
corporate practices. It is important to note the sub-
jectivity and inconsistencies in ESG scoring, which
could hinder the accuracy of traditional AI models
trained on ESG data, as seen with different firms pro-
viding vast analyses of the same data and information
on the same company. The remainder of the paper
is structured as follows: Section 2 presents a review
of the literature, Section 3 outlines the methodology
Nandiraju, A. and Kanthi, S.
Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing Techniques for Comprehensive ESG Risk Score Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012725700003717
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2024), pages 69-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-695-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
we used, Section 4 presents our results, Section 5 dis-
cusses the implications and limitations of our find-
ings, and Section 6 concludes our research paper.
2.1 Machine Learning Techniques in
Machine Learning’s ability to “learn” and then pre-
dict based on data especially suits the financial indus-
try which is all about strategic use of data to make
predictions that will beat the competition (Rundo et
al., 2019). Thus, it is not outlandish to visualize a
future in finance where firms are competing to create
models with the highest accuracy and lowest loss to
outplay their competitors. Previously, some machine
learning applications for finance included: algorith-
mic trading (Hansen, 2020), credit scoring (Dastile
et al., 2020), fraud detection (Dornadula & Geetha,
2019), regulatory compliance (Bauguess, 2017), and
portfolio management (Aithal et al., 2023).
2.2 Machine Learning Techniques for
ESG Risk Assessment
Similar to the rest of the financial industry, machine
learning has been utilized for ESG Risk Assessments
as well. What’s unique about machine learning is that
it gives a degree of creativity to the user as to which
model they specifically want to use that will be the
most effective given their goal and the data available.
In our previous review of ESG Risk score predicting
research, the most common types of machine learn-
ing algorithms were random forest classifiers (Chen
& Liu, 2021; Chowdhury et al., 2023; D’Amato et
al., 2021, 2022; D’Amato et al., 2023; Del Vitto et al.,
2023; Teoh et al., 2019), linear regression (D’Amato
et al., 2023; Del Vitto et al., 2023; Dwivedi et al.,
2023; Zhang, 2023), and LSTMs (Teoh et al., 2019).
Each model provides a different approach to analyz-
ing the data and can yield different accuracies and
losses. Furthermore, to determine our model, we must
first determine our data.
2.3 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
in ESG Risk Assessment
Natural Language Processing is a machine-learning
technique that can derive conclusions from a given
piece of text in the same way a human analyzes texts.
Historically, natural language processing has been uti-
lized to analyze tweets on Twitter and associate them
with a movement in the stock market depending on
the content of the tweet. In essence, natural lan-
guage processing is used to take unstructured data,
such as public company reports, and make sense of
it. Throughout ESG Risk Score prediction research,
a vast majority focuses on the analysis of financial
statements of companies and trying to derive an ESG
Risk Score from the profitability of the company.
Research papers exploring this intersection have
been published, yet none focus on the intersection of
NLP & ESG in the United States while utilizing mul-
timodal large language models. For example, Zhang
(Zhang, 2023) explores the use of NLP on 100 Chi-
nese ESG reports to predict ESG Market Risk. Sim-
ilarly, Dwivedi et al. (Dwivedi et al., 2023) utilized
a sample of 90 companies’ publicly released reports,
which were included in the National Stock Exchange
(NSE), based in India. However, neither utilized
American-based companies, such as those listed on
the S&P 500. Uniquely, D’Amato et al. (D’Amato et
al., 2021) assessed a company’s ESG Risk profile uti-
lizing their fundamental ratios found on the balance
sheet and other financial statements.
2.4 Data Source Considerations and
Considering the preceding focus on financial state-
ments and profitability to predict ESG Risk Scores,
we decided to explore the relationship between pub-
licly released reports of a company and its ESG Risk
Scores. Since we are analyzing reports, which are
predominantly text, we will have to use some sort of
Natural Language Processing technology. Although
we considered other forms of text-based data, such as
specific ESG-focused reports, we ultimately decided
against them because of the lack of data on the in-
ternet, which would have resulted in a poorly trained
Dwivedi et al. (Dwivedi et al., 2023) constructed
a study with data from the NIFTY100 ESG Index,
comprising 84 companies, which was utilized, with
ESG risk scores obtained from S&P Global and other
corporate attributes from Moody’s Orbis. The study
applied machine learning techniques, including Gra-
dient Boosting, to develop an ESG risk score model
using a dataset with 47 corporate attributes, focusing
on analyzing the impact of these attributes on ESG
risk scores.
Krappel et al.s (Krappel et al., 2021) study used
a dataset comprising 7413 companies from Refinitiv
Eikon, spanning from 2002 to 2019. It included fun-
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
damental financial data and ESG ratings, focusing on
how a company’s fundamental data over time reflects
in its ESG ratings. The analysis incorporated a broad
range of financial and non-financial data to predict
ESG performance.
D’Amato et al.s (D’Amato et al., 2022) study an-
alyzed the STOXX Europe 600 Index constituents.
This study collected ESG risk scores and balance
sheet information for 401 companies from Thomson
Reuters Refinitiv ESG. The research aimed to under-
stand the relationship between various balance sheet
items and ESG risk scores, using a dataset that also
detailed the ESG performance across different indus-
try sectors.
T.-T. et al’s (Teoh et al., 2019) research utilized
Thomson Reuters ESG Scores to assess the CSR ef-
forts of companies. It combined ESG risk scores with
financial performance indicators like ROE, analyzing
the year-on-year changes in these metrics. Several
machine learning models, including SVM, Random
Forest, and LSTM, were developed to classify the
changes in ESG risk scores and their correlation with
financial performance.
Chowdhury et al.s (Chowdhury et al., 2023) study
aims to develop a machine learning-based ESG rat-
ing prediction model using firm-specific and macroe-
conomic predictors, involving steps like feature se-
lection, data cleaning, and model validation. Data
sources include Thomson Reuters Datastream and the
World Bank, with variables like ESG risk score, com-
pany size, and macroeconomic indicators. Various
machine learning models, including Neural Networks
and Random Forests, were evaluated for predicting
ESG ratings, employing cross-validation and ROC
curve analysis for model selection.
2.5 Practical Applications and
Our findings will pave the way for investors to derive
holistic findings for companies regardless of whether
or not they have publicly released ESG risk scores.
This approach aligns with the growing trend in fi-
nance to leverage machine learning for more accurate
predictions and novel measure construction (Ahmed
et al., 2022). Not only will this help investors, such
as those in corporate finance evaluate smaller com-
panies, whose actions may not be as magnified as
larger companies, but it will also hold every single
company accountable for their actions in the environ-
mental, social, and governance spaces. Furthermore,
the application of machine learning in developing su-
perior measures and reducing prediction errors in fi-
nance underscores the potential of these technologies
in enhancing corporate governance and accountability
(Chen & Liu, 2021).
3.1 Dataset Selection
Since our study is targeted to S&P 500 company
information, we acquired an open-source Kaggle
dataset with S&P 500 companies’ ESG metrics
(Dugar, n.d.). To accurately account for differences
in model input, we kept the following attributes in our
Symbol: The unique stock symbol associated
with the company.
Name: The official name of the company.
Total ESG Risk Score: An aggregate score eval-
uating the company’s overall ESG risk.
Environment Risk Score: A score indicating the
company’s environmental sustainability and im-
Social Risk Score: A score assessing the com-
pany’s societal and employee-related practices.
Governance Risk Score: A score reflecting the
quality of the company’s governance structure.
ESG Risk Level: A categorical indication of the
company’s ESG risk level.
The next step was to add 3 columns to our
dataset: “Environmental Description”, “Social De-
scription”, and “Governance Description”. These
columns would eventually include direct quotes re-
garding environmental, social, and governance fac-
tors from each company’s 2022 annual report and any
other publicly released reports. The steps to fill in
these columns required a 3 step approach. Firstly, to
access each company’s annual report we web-scraped
text from the URL structured as follows:
ualReports/PDF/{Stock Exchange} {Company Tick
er Symbol} 2022.pdf}
We iterated through a 2D array structured as fol-
lows to attribute the Stock Exchange to the Company
Ticker Symbol:
[(Stock Exchange, Company Ticker Symbol),
(Stock Exchange, Company Ticker Symbol),
(Stock Exchange, Company Ticker Symbol)]
Secondly, after iterating through each company’s
pdf file, we extracted the respective report’s text and
Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing Techniques for Comprehensive ESG Risk Score
Figure 1: Prompt Given To ChatGPT-4.
sent a request to OpenAI’s ChatGPT API utilizing the
“gpt-4-1106-preview” model. We structured the re-
quest input as shown in Figure 1.
Lastly, after formatting the API’s output data into
“Environmental Description”, “Social Description”,
and “Governance Description” categories, we added
all categories to our dataset under each company.
3.2 Pre-Processing Measures
Before our data was ready to use within our models,
we had to pre-process our aggregated dataset. Our
pre-processing measures are as follows:
Missing Values: In some cases, we had issues
with web scraping content and OpenAI API re-
sponses. Therefore, we implemented Python’s
“.fillna(”)” method to fill in NaN inputs to values
that are recognizable by our model.
Stemming: Stemming is a text normalization
technique that involves reducing words to their
base or root form, which helps minimize the com-
plexity of the textual data by consolidating dif-
ferent forms of a word into a single representa-
tion. For example, the words ”connect”, ”con-
necting”, ”connected”, and “connection” are all
reduced to the stem ”connect”. This is partic-
ularly beneficial in our analysis as it decreases
the variability within the text data, allowing our
machine-learning models to focus on the essence
of the content rather than getting bogged down
by the nuances of language. We utilized “Porter
Stemmer”, a widely-used algorithm for stemming
English words. The choice of the algorithm was
guided by the balance between aggressive stem-
ming, which might oversimplify the text, and gen-
tle stemming, which retains more of the word’s
original form.
Training and Testing Split: In our study, we di-
vided our dataset into two distinct sets: the train-
ing set and the testing set. This division is a fun-
damental practice in machine learning to evalu-
ate the performance of our models. Typically, the
training set is larger and used to train the model,
allowing it to learn the underlying patterns in the
data. The testing set, on the other hand, is used to
evaluate the model’s performance on unseen data,
ensuring that our model can generalize well to
new, unobserved data. We adhered to a training-
focused ratio, allocating 90% of the data for train-
ing and the remaining 10% for testing. This split
was performed randomly to ensure a representa-
tive and unbiased distribution of data across both
sets. We separated the data in this manner to min-
imize the effects of model underfitting, wherein
the model would not learn the inherent patterns
within the training data.
3.3 Model Building
Before delving into the specifics of each model uti-
lized in our study, it is crucial to contextualize the
application of sentiment analysis within the scope of
our research objectives. Sentiment analysis, a com-
putational technique, aims to identify and categorize
opinions within the text to ascertain the writer’s at-
titude towards a particular subject, product, etc., as
positive, negative, or neutral. In the context of our re-
search, we seek to gauge the sentiment of company
reports regarding Environmental, Social, and Gov-
ernance (ESG) factors. Our model-building process
incorporates four distinct machine learning models:
Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and Bidirectional
Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT),
each offering unique benefits for predicting the ESG
Risk Score.
3.3.1 Linear Regression Model
The Linear Regression model is adopted for its sim-
plicity and efficacy in predicting numerical outcomes.
Mathematically, it is expressed as:
y = β
+ β
+ β
+ ···+ β
+ ε (1)
where y represents the ESG Risk Score, β
is the in-
tercept, β
, β
, . . . , β
are the coefficients of the pre-
processed text features x
, x
, . . . , x
, and ε is the error
term. This model establishes a linear correlation be-
tween the textual data from reports and quantifiable
ESG risk scores, facilitating straightforward interpre-
tation and efficient prediction.
3.3.2 Logistic Regression Model
Logistic Regression is leveraged for its proficiency
in classifying outcomes, ideal for predicting categori-
cal ESG risk levels (negligible risk, low risk, medium
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
risk, high risk, and severe risk). It employs the logis-
tic function to estimate probabilities that then dictate
class membership:
p(y = 1) =
1 + e
where p(y = 1) represents the probability of the ESG
risk score falling into a specific category (e.g., high
risk). This model effectively links pre-processed text
features from reports to categorical ESG risk scores.
3.3.3 LSTM (RNN) Model
LSTMs, a special kind of RNN, are adept at process-
ing sequence data, making them particularly suitable
for text. The core concept of an LSTM is its ability
to maintain a cell state and apply gating mechanisms,
which include:
Forget Gate: f
= σ(W
, x
] + b
Input Gate: i
= σ(W
, x
] + b
Cell State Update:
= tanh(W
, x
] + b
Output Gate: o
= σ(W
, x
] + b
Updated Cell State: C
= f
+ i
Output: h
= o
Here, σ denotes the sigmoid function, W and b
represent weights and biases for each gate, respec-
tively, and h
and C
are the hidden state and cell
state at time t. This sophisticated mechanism enables
LSTMs to capture long-term dependencies within
textual data, essential for understanding the complex
nuances associated with ESG factors.
3.3.4 BERT Model
The Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT) model represents a paradigm
shift in how machines understand textual information.
Its architecture is grounded in the transformer model,
which relies on attention mechanisms to weigh the
significance of different words in a sentence. For-
mally, the transformer uses self-attention mecha-
nisms, which can be described as follows:
Attention(Q, K, V ) = softmax
V (3)
where Q, K, and V represent the queries, keys, and
values matrices, respectively, and d
is the dimension
of the key vectors. This mechanism allows BERT to
consider the context of each word in the entire doc-
ument bidirectionally, as opposed to previous models
that processed text in one direction.
BERT’s training comprises two main tasks:
Masked Language Modeling (MLM) and Next Sen-
tence Prediction (NSP). The MLM task randomly
masks words in a sentence and trains the model to
predict these masked words, thereby learning context.
The NSP task trains the model to predict whether a
sentence logically follows another, enhancing its un-
derstanding of sentence relationships.
For fine-tuning BERT on specific datasets, such
as those related to ESG factors, the pre-trained BERT
model is adapted as follows:
1. The final output layer of BERT is replaced with
a new layer, tailored to the specific classification
task (e.g., predicting ESG risk scores).
2. The entire model is then trained on the domain-
specific dataset, allowing the model to adjust its
internal weights to better understand and classify
the new data.
This fine-tuning process enables BERT to extract
meaningful features from ESG-related text, leverag-
ing its deep contextualized representations to under-
stand the nuances and complexities of natural lan-
guage. The advantage of using BERT lies in its ability
to capture both sentiment and thematic content rele-
vant to ESG factors, providing a nuanced analysis of
textual data. This approach significantly enhances our
methodology, allowing for a more insightful and ac-
curate derivation of ESG Risk Scores.
3.4 Conclusion
Figure 2: Visual Representation of our Methodology Pro-
Figure 2 shows a visual representation of our method-
ology process. The next section will detail the results
obtained from applying these methodologies.
4.1 Linear Regression Model Results
Considering the nature of traditional linear regres-
sion evaluation metrics, we instead decided to inter-
pret our results with a 25 percent tolerance to pro-
vide a consistent evaluation approach between models
Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing Techniques for Comprehensive ESG Risk Score
Figure 3: True ESG risk score vs Predicted ESG risk score
on Testing Data (Linear Regression).
Figure 4: Linear Regression Model Results with ±25% Tol-
(Figure 4). As a result, the Linear Regression model
shows a moderately high level of accuracy. This sug-
gests it can relatively effectively predict ESG Risk
Scores based on the textual data extracted from com-
pany reports. Given the model’s simplicity and ease
of interpretation, these results are promising, espe-
cially for initial assessments or in situations where
computational resources are limited. However, the
model might not fully capture the complex relation-
ships and nuances inherent in the textual descriptions
of ESG factors.
4.2 Logistic Regression Model Results
Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7 are our confusion
matrices, which outline the success of the logistic re-
gression model in predicting environmental, social,
and governance levels respectively. The varied per-
formance of the Logistic Regression model across dif-
Figure 5: Environmental Model Confusion Matrix.
Figure 6: Social Model Confusion Matrix.
ferent ESG categories (environmental, social, gover-
nance) could indicate that the model is more attuned
to certain aspects of ESG risk than others. The rel-
atively moderate accuracy in each category, partic-
ularly in governance, suggests that the model may
struggle with the complexity and variability of lan-
guage used in ESG reporting. With the similarity in
excerpts within the data across ESG risk levels, a lo-
gistic regression, which utilized the bag of words NLP
technique may struggle.
4.3 LSTM Model Results
The low accuracy of the LSTM model is surpris-
ing, given its capability to process sequence data and
its effectiveness in natural language processing tasks
(Figure 8). This might indicate challenges in the
model’s configuration or the nature of the data. It
could suggest that the LSTM is either overfitting or
underfitting the training data or that the sequential
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Figure 7: Governance Model Confusion Matrix.
Figure 8: Training & Validation Accuracy Over Epochs and
Training & Validation Loss Over Epochs (LSTM Model).
aspects of the text are not as predictive of ESG risk
scores as hypothesized. This result might necessitate
a review of the model architecture, data preprocess-
ing, or feature selection.
4.4 BERT Model Results
Figure 9: Training & Validation Accuracy Over Epochs and
Training & Validation Loss Over Epochs (BERT Model).
While BERT models are proficient in understanding
language context, the moderate accuracy in this ap-
plication suggests that the model may not have been
fully optimized for this specific task (Figure 9). The
complexity of ESG reporting text and the subtleties
of risk assessment might require more fine-tuning of
the model, or additional contextual features may be
needed to improve its predictive power. This result
underscores the challenges of applying advanced NLP
models to specialized domains like ESG risk assess-
4.5 General Results
Figure 10: The image on the left is the Environmental Word
Cloud. The image in the middle is the Social Word Cloud.
The image on the right is the Governance Word Cloud.
Reflecting on the results of our research on ESG risk
scores, it becomes evident that each model we em-
ployed has its unique strengths and limitations in this
task. Interestingly, despite the advanced capabilities
of LSTM and BERT models, it is both the Linear and
Logistic regression models that stand out with their
effectiveness. Achieving an accuracy of 68.09% for
Linear Regression and 51.05% for Logistic Regres-
sion, this model’s simplicity, ease of interpretation,
and decent performance make it a surprisingly viable
option for predicting ESG Risk Scores. This is par-
ticularly significant in scenarios where stakeholders
prefer models that are transparent and easy to under-
5.1 Discussion of Data Findings
The lower accuracy rates of the LSTM and BERT
models, 25.53% and 46.81% respectively, indicate
possible challenges in their configuration and train-
ing, or perhaps the inherent complexity of analyzing
the nuances in ESG reporting. While powerful in
handling sequential and contextual data, these sophis-
ticated models require more in-depth tuning and an
enhanced understanding of ESG report subtleties to
fully utilize their potential. The varied performance of
the Logistic Regression model across different ESG
categories also offers valuable insights. It suggests a
sensitivity to the specifics of each category, though its
overall effectiveness seems to lag behind that of Lin-
ear Regression for this particular task. These results
collectively underscore the complexity of assessing
ESG risks from textual data and the importance of
careful model selection and tuning. The success of
the Linear Regression model in our study is particu-
larly intriguing, as it suggests that in certain aspects of
ESG risk assessment, simpler models can be quite ef-
fective, especially for initial screenings or situations
where interpretability is crucial. However, there are
limitations faced throughout our process.
Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing Techniques for Comprehensive ESG Risk Score
5.2 Implications for Stakeholders
The upside of our results is undeniable for stake-
holders. With a machine learning algorithm that can
provide an enterprise risk score on ESG factors ef-
ficiently, investors can now conduct a holistic risk
analysis of companies that do not already have ESG
risk scores/analysis. For a vast majority of compa-
nies, especially those with a market cap under $500
million, an ESG risk score is not provided, mean-
ing that our system could provide an analysis within
seconds. This form of analysis is especially useful
for private equity firms who tend to acquire compa-
nies that are not publicly traded, much less assigned
an ESG risk score. Considering that ESG initiatives,
which comprise ESG risk scores, correlate with mar-
ket risk and returns as described by Zhang, being able
to efficiently analyze ESG risk will help investors dif-
ferentiate sound companies from unsound companies.
5.3 Data Limitations
Our research, focusing exclusively on S&P 500 com-
panies, as opposed to Teoh who focused on major
technological stocks and the NASDAQ index, and
Zhang who focused exclusively on Chinese compa-
nies, presented both strengths and constraints. While
this focus allowed us to work with a consistent and
relatively homogenous dataset, it also limited the gen-
eralizability of our findings. Expanding our data be-
yond the S&P 500 could have potentially introduced
a more diverse range of ESG practices and report-
ing standards, reflecting a broader spectrum of cor-
porate behaviors and policies. This expansion could
have provided a richer and more nuanced understand-
ing of ESG risk assessments, enabling our models to
capture a wider array of ESG factors and their im-
pact. Additionally, including smaller or international
firms, which often have different ESG reporting stan-
dards and challenges, might have revealed additional
insights into the variability and complexity of ESG
practices globally. Next, our specific data source,
company reports, may have led to poor, monotonous
data as companies tend to provide standard responses
for certain issues, making it difficult for our mod-
els to differentiate companies experiencing high risk
from those experiencing low risk. Finally, ChatGPT’s
response algorithm tends to follow a specific format
that may have introduced unintended patterns within
our dataset that the models tried to recognize. This
may be another reason why our linear and logistic re-
gression models may have performed better than our
BERT or LSTM models, as linear regression is more
adept at capturing these consistent, systematic pat-
terns in data, while more complex models like BERT
might overfit to the nuances in language, missing out
on these broader, more uniform trends.
5.4 Enhancing the Process
To enhance the effectiveness of our process, several
strategies could be considered. Firstly, our strat-
egy could have focused solely on either annual re-
ports or even sustainability reports as opposed to data
from a diverse range of publicly released company
reports to enhance and streamline the data retrieval
process. Secondly, exploring alternative data sources,
like news articles, social media, or consumer reviews,
could provide additional context and depth to the ESG
assessments. Furthermore, continuously updating the
dataset with the latest reports and data would ensure
that the models stay relevant and accurate over time.
Another aspect to consider is improving data prepro-
cessing techniques, such as more advanced natural
language processing methods, to better capture the
nuances and subtleties in the textual data. Lastly,
as independent researchers, we faced financial con-
straints that inhibited our data retrieval process and
our machine-learning capabilities. Specifically, up-
grading the LLM model we used requires more finan-
cial flexibility. Our process could incorporate inter-
disciplinary approaches, such as integrating insights
from behavioral economics to understand the impact
of corporate governance on ESG performance. This
draws inspiration from D’Amato et al.s exploration
of balance sheet items and their correlation with ESG
scores, suggesting a nuanced approach to feature se-
lection in our model. Further, Krappel et al.s work
on the temporal dynamics of company fundamentals
in reflecting ESG ratings underlines the importance of
including longitudinal data analysis in our methodol-
ogy. This could ensure our model adapts to tempo-
ral changes in ESG criteria, much like the dynamic
models suggested by T.-T. et al. and Chowdhury
et al., who assessed year-on-year changes in ESG
risk scores and their correlation with financial perfor-
mance using various machine learning models.
5.5 Subjectivity in ESG Risk Scores
A limitation in our study, and indeed in the field of
ESG risk assessment in general, is the intrinsic sub-
jectivity of ESG risk scores. ESG scoring is an ex-
tensive process, often involving qualitative judgments
and varying interpretations of what constitutes good
environmental, social, and governance practices. This
subjectivity can lead to inconsistencies and variability
in ESG risk scores, even among similar companies. It
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
also poses a challenge for machine learning models,
which rely on consistent and objective data to make
accurate predictions. Furthermore, we must take into
consideration the uneven distribution of companies
within the S&P 500 company portfolio. As shown by
Figure 11, in 2022 the Information Technology (IT)
sector and the Healthcare sector comprised 25.7%
and 15.8% of the S&P 500 companies, respectively.
This skew towards IT and Healthcare may raise con-
cerns about the representativeness of the dataset used
for machine learning models. Such dominance could
lead to models that are inadvertently tailored to the
ESG reporting standards, challenges, and practices
prevalent in these sectors, potentially overlooking the
unique environmental, social, and governance issues
pertinent to other industries.
5.6 Ethical Considerations
Critical ethical issues are brought up by using ma-
chine learning and natural language processing to
predict ESG risk scores. These issues include the
need to address biases in data sources and algo-
rithms to guarantee impartial and accurate assess-
ments in all industries. Robust data handling and
anonymization protocols are imperative to ensure pri-
vacy and protect sensitive information found in an-
alyzed texts. Furthermore, to promote accountabil-
ity and trust among stakeholders and enable well-
informed decision-making based on ESG evaluations,
models must remain transparent and interpretable.
Figure 11: S&P 500 Market Representation by Sector.
6.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, our research explores the use of var-
ious machine learning and natural language process-
Figure 12: Holistic Representation of our Novel Approach
vs Traditional Approaches.
ing techniques with public company reports to predict
their respective ESG risk scores. Specifically, venture
capital firms, private equity firms, and relatively mod-
est investors who can not afford the labor and capital-
intensive process of doing an in-depth corporate so-
cial responsibility analysis on each venture can use
our discovery to bridge this gap. Our research intro-
duces a pioneering framework that utilizes a new ar-
chitecture for analyzing ESG practices, transforming
the traditional assessment process for both large and
small companies alike.
6.2 Future Works
Future research in the area of machine learning mod-
els for ESG risk assessment has several promising av-
enues to pursue. Including companies that are not
listed on the S&P 500 in the research is a particularly
promising direction. This expansion would improve
the findings’ inclusivity and suitability for a wider
range of businesses, including startups and smaller
enterprises, in addition to diversifying the dataset.
These businesses frequently face distinct operating
constraints and could present particular ESG issues
and behaviors, providing a wealth of material for ad-
ditional research. An important topic for further study
is the examination of global ESG risk scores. A com-
pany’s ESG practices and reporting may be greatly
impacted by the differing ESG standards, laws, and
cultural viewpoints of various nations and areas. Fu-
ture research can also offer a more global perspec-
tive on ESG risk assessment by incorporating inter-
national data, which will help to create a more thor-
ough understanding of global ESG practices and their
implications. A more comprehensive understanding
of a company’s ESG impact could be obtained by in-
corporating a wider range of data sources, including
news articles, social media sentiment, and even re-
gional and political variables. Furthermore, we can
also find more relationships in our data and findings
by using more machine learning algorithms and tech-
niques like principal component analysis (PCA), sup-
Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing Techniques for Comprehensive ESG Risk Score
port vector machines (SVM), random forests, deci-
sion trees, and neural networks.
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