Industrial Internet of Things for Assembly Line Worker’s Work
Fatigue Recognition
Venkata Krishna Rao Pabolu
1 a
, Divya Shrivastava
and Makarand S. Kulkarni
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, UP 201314, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Keywords: Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Worker’s Work Fatigue, Assembly Line, Sensors.
Abstract: The fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 is based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and other intelligent
technologies. IoT is mature enough to make seamless real-time communication between data-grasping sensors
and intelligent machines. Recognition and prevention of workers' work fatigue remain challenging for
manufacturing industries. The objective of this research is to develop an IoT-based worker’s work fatigue
recognition system to recognize the real-time fatigue status of assembly line workers. A learning-based
knowledge model is prepared from the historical worker’s work fatigue status to classify the worker’s work
fatigue status (as ‘Yes’ or ‘No’) using the real-time monitoring system. Where a sensor-connected IoT
framework is adopted for monitoring the real-time state of an assembly worker. Finally, an intelligent system
is proposed to recognize the real-time worker’s fatigue status from the IoT real-time monitored data using the
learning-based worker’s work fatigue recognition model. A use-case illustration is given to demonstrate the
research scope for a manual assembly line.
Workers' work stress or work fatigue is one of the
leading contributors to assembly line work errors,
which could become a bottleneck to work
productivity or product quality. Assigning a task to an
operator for an extended period can lead to worker
work stress or work fatigue, resulting in an efficiency
loss or disinclination of efforts or Musculoskeletal
disorders (MSDs) (Grandjean, 1979). Work-related
musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are caused by the
poor work environment or Ergonomics of the
workplace (Govaerts et al., 2021). Neck, shoulder,
and back-related problems are widely seen MSDs in
manufacturing workers (Yang et al., 2023), causing
34% of annual work time loss and 7% loss of
manufacturing productivity (Nur et al., 2014).
Moreover, the objective of Industry 5.0 is to
transform manufacturing companies from a
technology-centred approach to human-centric,
sustainable, and resilient manufacturing (Abdous et
al., 2023). This research aims to develop an intelligent
worker’s fatigue status recognition system to identify
the assembly line fatigued worker, which supports the
assembly line manager or supervisor while finding
and facilitating the assembly line fatigued workers.
Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
is providing a new direction to the manufacturing
industries by the application of digital technologies.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a modern and fast-
growing technology that has become a part of the
realization of Industry 4.0. IoT is a real-time
connecting link between the physical and digital
entities (Manavalan & Jayakrishna, 2019). A typical
IoT framework comprises sensors, edge gateways,
and a middleware cloud platform deployed to enable
real-time data. The Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT) refers to the use of IoT technologies in
manufacturing or factory floor applications. IoT is an
interconnection of many devices through an internet
system capable of monitoring, collecting,
exchanging, analyzing, and delivering data or
information (Al-Turjman & Alturjman, 2018). IoT
can be built with various “smart” sensors for
Pabolu, V., Shrivastava, D. and Kulkarni, M.
Industrial Internet of Things for Assembly Line Worker’s Work Fatigue Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0012726200003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 302-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
intelligent monitoring and data extraction. The
monitored data can be processed or mined with data
analytics and machine learning techniques to make
knowledge objects or models, eventually used for
intelligent decision-making.
A learning mechanism makes a learning-based
model, which makes a relation between monitoring
factors and the effect. However, the learning can be
either from sensing, historical experience, or a well-
defined source of knowledge. A classification model
can be developed through a learning process with
historical experiences or data points. Clustering
learning and classification learning are sequential
steps to recognize the patterns. Where the historical
experiences or data points are grouped into
meaningful clusters or classes, the class labels can be
used to build the classification mechanism (Cai et al.,
2009). Historical fatigued worker status can be
monitored. The monitored fatigued status data can be
classified as ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ classes. Furthermore, a
fatigued status classification model can be developed
with the worker fatigue status classified data. The
application of sensors, IoT, and classification
learning to detect the real-time fatigue status of the
assembly workers is the main research objective of
this work.
Worker’s work stress and Musculoskeletal disorders
(MSDs) remain a considerable problem to the
manufacturing industry around the world. Workers’
work fatigue impairs work performance in alertness,
emotional stability, and mental and physical ability
(Sawatzky, 2017). (Sundstrup et al., 2020) have
discussed some of the typical MSDs observed in
industrial workers. Back or neck pains are the typical
MSDs observed in industrial workers. Health issues
such as memory or concentration loss, brain fog,
increased risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease,
hypertension, and decreased immunity are seen in
fatigued workers (Sawatzky, 2017). (Sedighi Maman
et al., 2020a) have attempted to recognize physical
fatigue using wearable sensors and machine learning
(Sadeghniiat-Haghighi & Yazdi, 2015) have
presented a detailed review on workers’ work stress
or fatigue. Furthermore, they elaborated fatigue
measurement techniques at the workplace regarding
physical, mental, and environmental aspects.
(Fardhosseini et al., 2020) used a three-axis
accelerometer to recognize the physical fatigue of
construction workers. (Ma et al., 2009) used
electromyography and heart rate methods to measure
muscular fatigue. (Baghdadi et al., 2019) used
electroencephalography (EEG) to detect the mental
fatigue of workers. (Charbonnier et al., 2016) used
electromyography (EMG) to recognize localized
muscle-related fatigue of workers. (Iskander et al.,
2018) used optical sensors to detect sleepiness.
(Halim et al., 2012) have done fatigue assessments for
prolonged standing workers using surface
electromyography (sEMG).
(Givi et al., 2015) and (Elmaraghy et al., 2008)
discussed worker’s work stress or fatigue-causing
parameters, such as assembly task repetition, task
complexity, task duration, task environment, worker
work skill, workplace ergonomic design, assembly
line speed, worker personality, working teams,
coordination, management strategy towards the work,
work distance, working space, worker motivation
level, length of task cycle, work interruptions, Etc.
(Pabolu & Shrivastava, 2021) given learning-
based fatigue classification function in terms of
worker and workload attributes. (Usuga Cadavid et
al., 2020) discussed learning methods widely using in
the Industry 4.0 era. Association rules, K-Nearest
Neighbors (k-NN), Bayesian networks, Naïve bayes
models, linear regression models, polynomial
regression, Gaussian process regression, Q-Learning,
R- learning, decision trees, bagging, gradient
boosting, random forest, ensemble learning, support
vector machine, etc., are some of the techniques
widely using in the industry 4.0 era. (Dogan & Birant,
2021) gave a detailed review of machine learning
methods useful to resolve manufacturing challenges
during the fourth industrial evolution. (Sedighi
Maman et al., 2020b) have discussed three types of
learning-based models to formulate the worker’s
stress behavior. Those are statistical models,
classifiers, and ensemble models. (Pabolu et al.,
2022) have proposed a prediction system using
machine learning applications to predict the
comfortable work-duration time of an assembly line
worker by considering the worker, work, and work
The application of intelligent systems in the
predictive maintenance of industrial equipment by
fault diagnosis and prognosis can be seen during the
Industry 4.0 era (Li et al., 2017). (Vogl et al., 2019)
have given a detailed review of diagnostic and
prognostic capabilities and corresponding
possibilities to make best practices in manufacturing.
Furthermore, it is described that prognostics and
health management can be done with intelligent
decision-making using inference knowledge, which is
made with real-time and historical state information
Industrial Internet of Things for Assembly Line Worker’s Work Fatigue Recognition
Figure 1: IoT-based intelligent fatigue recognition system.
of subsystems and components. The application of
cyber tools to manage operator health using
diagnostic and prognostic capabilities is the ongoing
research trend during this decade. The potential
requirement or research gap noticed during the
literature study is to display or show the real-time
fatigue status of all final assembly line workers using
diagnostic and prognostic capabilities. The
development of a wearable sensor-connected IoT-
based intelligent work fatigue recognition system to
recognize the real-time fatigue status of the assembly
line workers is the contribution of this research to fill
the research gap partially.
An IoT-based intelligent fatigue recognition system
is proposed to recognize workers' fatigue status.
Figure 1 shows the proposed framework to recognize
the assembly line fatigued worker. A set of sensors is
to be placed on the assembly line worker to monitor
the worker’s fatigue status. Furthermore, the IoT
framework transfers the fatigue factor’s sensor data to
the cloud. Then, an intelligent fatigue recognition
system reads the worker’s fatigue factor data and
recognizes the worker’s work fatigue status using a
learning-based fatigue status recognition function.
Details of worker fatigue status recognition function
(i.e., inference rule to invoke knowledge), IoT status
monitoring, and intelligent fatigue status recognition
are discussed in the following part of this section.
Worker Fatigue Status Recognition Function
The worker fatigue status recognition function is a
function to recognize the fatigued status of an
assembly worker from their current status. Equation
1 represents the worker fatigue status recognition
function. The worker fatigue status recognition
function is a function of the worker's age, sex, eye
blink rate, heart rate, and active hand moment. Where
eye blink rate is considered in blinks per minute, heart
rate is considered as heart rate reserve in beats per
minute, and active hand moment is in the form of
acceleration (m/s
Table 1: Description of indexes.
Index Descri
Worker Fatigue Status
a Worker’s a
Worker’s sex
e Blink Rate
HRR Heart Rate Reserve
DHR Direct Heart Pulse Rate
HR Resting Heart Pulse Rate
HM Hand Moment
Worker Fatigue Status (WFS) =
∗ 100
Equation 2 calculates heart rate reserve (HRR),
which is a function of the direct heart pulse rate
(DHR) in beats/min., and resting heart pulse rate
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2: IoT based worker fatigue factor monitoring.
(RHR) of the corresponding worker. Equation 3 is to
calculate the active hand moment, which is a vector
product of hand acceleration components (i.e., A
, A
) in m/s
Table 2: Historical Fatigue Response Data.
xx x xx xx% x.xx Yes
xx x xx xx% x.xx No
The worker fatigue status recognition function is
a learning model learned from the historical worker
fatigue status data. Table 2 shows the format of
historical worker fatigue status data, will be given to
the learning machine. A range of machine learning
classification models are available in the literature as
Logistic Regression, Polynomial SVM, Decision
Tree, Random Forest, xgBoost, Naïve Bayes, k-
Nearest Neighbour, Linear Discriminant Analysis,
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, Etc, (Wang, 2019).
A suitable machine learning classification model can
be used to make the worker fatigue status recognition
function for the historical worker fatigue status data
(i.e., Table 2).
The machine learning model (i.e., Worker fatigue
status recognition function) acts as an inference rule,
which will be stored in the knowledge base. Apart
from the inference rule, the knowledge base also
contains the facts about the assembly line workers,
including details of the factory's assembly line
workers list, corresponding age, sex, and
resting heart
pulse rate (i.e., RHR).
IoT Status Monitoring
During the IoT status monitoring, a set of sensors,
such as an eye blink sensor to measure the eye blink
rate of the worker, a pulse sensor to measure direct
heart pulse rate (i.e., DHR), and an IMU sensor to
measure hand acceleration must be placed on the
assembly line worker. Furthermore, the sensors must
be connected to the IoT controller. The IoT controller
sends the worker's current status or sensor’s
monitored data to the cloud or server. The IoT
monitoring framework is shown in Figure 2.
Intelligent Fatigue Recognition
The intelligent fatigue status recognition algorithm
does the worker fatigue status recognition. Figure 3
shows the framework of an intelligent worker’s
fatigue status recognition algorithm. The algorithm
takes the parameters of the worker fatigue status
recognition function (i.e., eq. 1) from the facts of the
knowledge base and IoT-monitored data. Where the
worker’s age, sex, and RHR are from the facts of the
knowledge base, and DHR, EBR, and HR values are
from the IoT-monitored data. However, HRR can be
calculated using Equation 2. An inference engine
Industrial Internet of Things for Assembly Line Worker’s Work Fatigue Recognition
takes all parameters of the worker fatigue status
recognition function (i.e., a, s, HRR, EBR, HR) and
finds the worker’s fatigue status using the worker
fatigue status recognition function (i.e., eq. 1).
Figure 3: Intelligent Fatigue Status Recognition Algorithm.
Let the IoT monitored status of an assembly worker
(i.e., worker9) is Figure 4. However, facts of the
respective worker are in Table 3. The objective is to
find the fatigue status of the corresponding worker
(i.e., worker9).
Figure 4: Worker9 IoT monitored status.
Table 3: Facts of worker9.
Worker Name a s RHR
Worker9 36 F or
Let the historical worker’s fatigue response data
is Table 4. Where ‘0’ is considered for female
workers and ‘1’ is considered for male workers.
Similarly, ‘Y’ represents the worker under fatigued
conditions, and ‘N’ represents not fatigued. The data
set (i.e., Table 4) is prepared data (i.e., not-real)
exclusively prepared for illustration.
Equation 4 shows the linear fit for the historical
worker’s fatigue response data (i.e., Table 4) at 80%
of learning and 20% of the test data set with 10-fold
crass validation. However, Figure 5 shows the
accuracy of all learning models where the linear
regression fit (i.e., eq. 4) is considered as the workers
fatigue status recognition function for the use-case
illustrative example.
Table 4: Historical worker’s fatigue response data.
Fatigue Status
22 0 23 10 2 N
35 0 32 22 3 Y
44 0 32 43 2 Y
53 0 25 35 2 Y
34 0 25 28 2 N
24 1 26 24 1 N
39 1 26 23 4 N
49 1 24 24 2 N
50 1 31 28 4 Y
39 1 27 31 2 Y
25 1 32 52 1 Y
22 0 23 10 2 N
1.282 𝑎 23.659𝑠
 5.722 𝐸𝐵𝑅 1.278 𝐻𝑅𝑅
1.117 𝐻𝑀233.670
Figure 6 shows the input to the learning-based
worker’s fatigue status recognition function (i.e., eq.
4) to recognize the worker9’s work-fatigue status,
where HRR is calculated using equation 2.
Table 5: Predicted work-fatigue response for worker9.
36 0 34 24 1 Y
Table 5 shows the predicted work-fatigue
response by the worker’s fatigue status recognition
function (i.e., eq. 4) for the worker9 based on the
monitored IoT current status (i.e., Figure 4). The
worker’s fatigue status recognition function is
predicted as worker9 under fatigued condition.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 5: Accuracy of the learning models.
Figure 6: Input to the fatigue status recognition function.
An IoT-based intelligent fatigue recognition system
is proposed for finding an assembly line fatigued
worker. The proposed framework is helpful to an
assembly line supervisor or manager while
recognizing an assembly line fatigued worker and
facilitation. Furthermore, the framework improves
the worker’s work life and work productivity. The
discussed use case in section 4 explains the
application of an IoT-based fatigue recognition
system for recognizing the assembly line worker’s
fatigue status.
The preparation of an IoT-based fatigue status
monitoring setup and the development of a worker
fatigue status recognition function are critical for
deploying the proposed methodology for a real
assembly line. However, selecting appropriate
sensors by considering their sensitivity, correctly
placing sensors on the assembly worker, and
maintaining and replacing sensors are critical for the
IoT-based fatigue status monitoring setup.
Preparation and selection of a learning-based fatigue
recognition model and corresponding prediction
accuracy are critical for worker fatigue status
recognition function. Six learning models are
prepared for the use-case illustration with the
historical worker’s fatigue response data (i.e., Table
4). These are the Linear Regression, Polynomial
SVM, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naïve Bayes,
Figure 7: Worker Fatigue Status Dashboard.
Industrial Internet of Things for Assembly Line Worker’s Work Fatigue Recognition
and Linear Discriminant Analysis models. Figure 5
shows their corresponding prediction accuracy. Since
the learning data set is small and the corresponding
prediction accuracy is low.
Making a historical worker’s fatigue response
data preparation system to make worker’s historical
fatigue-status data points (example Table 4), making
an appropriate learning-based worker fatigue status
recognition function, making a dashboard (i.e., Figure
7) to see real-time fatigue status of all assembly line
workers, improving the fatigue status recognition
accuracy and verifying the proposed methodology for
a large assembly line are the prospects to this
IoT-based intelligent work fatigue status recognition
system framework is presented. The framework
comprises a worker fatigue status recognition
function, IoT-based status monitoring, and intelligent
fatigue status recognition. Learning-based methods
are used to make worker fatigue status recognition
function. Sensor-connected IoT-based worker status
monitoring system to monitor real-time status of the
worker in terms of the worker fatigue status
recognition function’s factors. Finally, the intelligent
system classifies the monitored status as ‘Yes’ or
‘No’ using the developed learning-based worker
fatigue status recognition function. A use-case
illustration is presented to demonstrate the proposed
framework for a manual assembly line. Linear
Regression, Polynomial SVM, Decision Tree,
Random Forest, Naïve Bayes model, and Linear
Discriminant Analysis model are used to make the
worker fatigue status recognition function. The linear
regression model has given better prediction accuracy
compared to others. Making a historical worker’s
fatigue response data preparation system, making
worker fatigue status recognition function with
acceptable accuracy, and making a dashboard to see
the real-time fatigue status of all assembly workers
are the prospects for this work.
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Industrial Internet of Things for Assembly Line Worker’s Work Fatigue Recognition