and Linear Discriminant Analysis models. Figure 5
shows their corresponding prediction accuracy. Since
the learning data set is small and the corresponding
prediction accuracy is low.
Making a historical worker’s fatigue response
data preparation system to make worker’s historical
fatigue-status data points (example Table 4), making
an appropriate learning-based worker fatigue status
recognition function, making a dashboard (i.e., Figure
7) to see real-time fatigue status of all assembly line
workers, improving the fatigue status recognition
accuracy and verifying the proposed methodology for
a large assembly line are the prospects to this
IoT-based intelligent work fatigue status recognition
system framework is presented. The framework
comprises a worker fatigue status recognition
function, IoT-based status monitoring, and intelligent
fatigue status recognition. Learning-based methods
are used to make worker fatigue status recognition
function. Sensor-connected IoT-based worker status
monitoring system to monitor real-time status of the
worker in terms of the worker fatigue status
recognition function’s factors. Finally, the intelligent
system classifies the monitored status as ‘Yes’ or
‘No’ using the developed learning-based worker
fatigue status recognition function. A use-case
illustration is presented to demonstrate the proposed
framework for a manual assembly line. Linear
Regression, Polynomial SVM, Decision Tree,
Random Forest, Naïve Bayes model, and Linear
Discriminant Analysis model are used to make the
worker fatigue status recognition function. The linear
regression model has given better prediction accuracy
compared to others. Making a historical worker’s
fatigue response data preparation system, making
worker fatigue status recognition function with
acceptable accuracy, and making a dashboard to see
the real-time fatigue status of all assembly workers
are the prospects for this work.
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