former learning model. Forecasting accuracy is sig-
nificantly higher with transformer models than with
other deep learning. One of their greatest advantages
is their capacity to handle non-linear interactions, rec-
ognize intricate patterns, and analyze vast and varied
datasets. This study’s comprehensive assessment of
deep learning models for KPI forecasting across a va-
riety of datasets highlights the Transformer model’s
exceptional performance. It achieves an R
of 0.96
for prediction accuracy. The accuracy of forecasts
is boosted to a new level by this model’s capacity to
represent detailed temporal interactions. On the other
hand, as seen by its lower R
values across datasets,
the CNN model had shortcomings in processing se-
quential data. To enhance the model’s comprehension
of affecting elements, future research may investigate
more complex transformer topologies for more accu-
rate KPI predictions. Additionally, other datasets may
be considered.
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I33C22001330007 - funded under the National Re-
covery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Com-
ponent 2 Investment 1.5 - ’Creation and strengthen-
ing of innovation ecosystems,’ construction of ’ter-
ritorial leaders in R&D’ – Innovation Ecosystems -
Project ’Innovation, digitalization and sustainability
for the diffused economy in Central Italy – VITAL-
ITY’ Call for tender No. 3277 of 30/12/2021, and
Concession Decree No. 0001057.23-06-2022 of Ital-
ian Ministry of University funded by the European
Union – NextGenerationEU.
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Forecasting of Key Performance Indicators Based on Transformer Model