Development of an Instrument for Evaluating Learning Experiences
in a Hybrid Learning Environment
Paola Costa Cornejo
, Laëtitia Pierrot
and Melina Solari Landa
Centre Capsule, Sorbonne University, 4 Place Jussieu, Paris, France
Cren, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, Le Mans University, Le Mans, France
Techné, University of Poitiers, 1 rue Raymond Cantel, Poitiers, France
Keywords: Learning Experience, Hybrid Learning Environment, Higher Education.
Abstract: An interest in hybrid teaching environment (HLEs) has emerged, particularly since 2020. A previous study
on HLE during the Covid-19 period identified several evaluation challenges. These challenges stem from the
composite nature of the environments (combining human, technical, and pedagogical elements) and their
hybridity (varying degrees of support, openness, and presence-distance interaction). The literature also
highlights methodological shortcomings. The learning experience in a blended context is poorly defined, and
data collection often prevents comprehensive analysis. This paper specifically addresses the following
research question: how can we measure the learning experience in a blended learning context? The state-of-
the-art review identifies key dimensions for consideration, emphasizing the need for multidimensional
approaches to gain a deeper understanding of the learning experience. We aim to apply the designed
instrument in research in three different contexts. Ultimately, this paper seeks to enrich our understanding of
the complexities surrounding the learning experience in blended learning and to provide recommendations
that support teachers' pedagogical practices.
The recent interest in hybrid learning environments
(HLEs) is partially fuelled by the COVID-19
pandemic. Our previous research, studying and
assessing HLEs during forced distance learning
(Costa et al., 2022) lockdown, revealed two key
challenges in evaluating these learning environments.
(1) Existing evaluations often focus on either the
technical aspects (tool usability or utility for instance)
or participant (learners, teachers or academic staff)
feelings, neglecting the environment's holistic nature
that encompasses both technology and social
interactions. (2) Teachers in our study reported
implementing innovative, student-centred practices,
while students felt disoriented by the lack of a
familiar lecture structure. This aligns with Carreras
and Couturier (2023), who observed universities
focusing on content provision and highlighting the
need for teacher development on instructional design
to optimize the learning experience. Additionally,
Peltier (2023) echoes our findings regarding differing
perceptions of presence and distance between
learners and teachers.
A review by Raes et al. (2020) highlights the
potential of hybrid learning environments. Such
HLEs offer both organizational benefits (e.g. efficient
teaching practices) and pedagogical advantages (e.g.
improved learning quality). However, the technical
foundation of these environments requires
adjustments for both teachers and learners. For
example, both groups often report diminished social
presence due to reduced or absent visual and auditory
cues compared to traditional classrooms. Addressing
these challenges, Raes et al. (2020) propose key
research recommendations for HLEs:
Expand and diversify data collection;
Prioritize empirical and longitudinal studies
Costa Cornejo, P., Pierrot, L. and Solari Landa, M.
Development of an Instrument for Evaluating Learning Experiences in a Hybrid Learning Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012726800003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 605-612
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Employ multimodal analysis to capture the
complex nature of engagement, social
presence, and belonging
Evaluate the effectiveness of specific teaching
scenarios within HLEs
Consider the unique possibilities and
limitations of each learning environment
within its institutional context.
Our paper tackles this research question: what
aspects should we consider when evaluating the
learning experience in a hybrid learning environment
to support continuous improvement? Identifying
these crucial dimensions helps pinpoint where data
collection is necessary to assess the effectiveness of
the hybrid approach. Ultimately, these insights can
inform targeted training and support for teachers in
instructional design within hybrid settings.
This proposal focuses on evaluating HLEs within
higher education, encompassing diverse academic
fields yet sharing a common need for assessment. We
consider three specific cases:
1. The START european project supports teachers
who support students transition from high school to
university. It utilizes online resources in various
formats, complementing face-to-face courses and
introducing elements of hybridization. For instance, it
facilitates the integration of students' personal
experiences into the academic sphere, prompting
teachers to acknowledge the transitional process. To
enhance the effectiveness of these resources,
analyzing the combined impact of disciplinary and
personal aspects is crucial.
2. The projects supported by CAPSULE include
some initiatives led by the faculty of Science and
Engineering at Sorbonne University that aim to
transform existing bachelor's degree courses from
purely face-to-face delivery to HLEs formats. This
initiative adresses the question: how should we
evaluate these ongoing transformations, which
respond to the needs expressed by both teachers and
instructional designers?
3. The Learners Portal project arose from
concerns about low student engagement with the
resources provided for hybrid learning courses. An
alumni survey's preliminary results confirmed this,
also revealing a lack of dedicated learning
communities for these cohorts, potentially hindering
the development of crucial autonomous and self-
regulated learning competencies.
The next section will present the review of the
current literature on learning experience evaluation
and then we introduce the foundation of our proposed
evaluation tool.
2.1 Challenges in Measuring the
Learning Experience of Hybrid
Learning Environments
The study of learner experience within HLEs reveals
a diversity of approaches. This variety stems from
differing theoretical frameworks and the absence of a
single, universally accepted definition for "blended
learning" (BL). As Eggers et al. (2021, p. 175) rightly
stated in their systematic review, "the definition of
BL has long been confusing." Notably, French-
speaking researchers and practitioners (Eggers et al.,
2021; Peltier & Séguin, 2021), have widely adopted
the term "dispositif hybride de formation" (hybrid
learning environment) since its introduction by the
Hy-Sup collective (Deschryver & Charlier, 2012).
The evaluation of HLEs raises the issue of the
evaluation concept's polysemy, highlighting the need
to clarify which elements are being measured.
Lachaux (2023, p. 6) defines its multifaceted nature
as focusing on continuous improvement, acting as "an
intermediate diagnosis (...) on the lookout for
anything that is not working, or working well enough,
with a view to improvement”. However, two
systematic reviews (Buhl-Wiggers et al., 2023; Raes
et al., 2020) reveal the limitations in existing
research. Most studies rely on qualitative methods
and case studies, limiting generalizability (Raes et al.,
2020). Additionally, longitudinal studies and
assessments of long-term effects are scarce (Buhl-
Wiggers et al., 2023).
Further, Lajoie et al. (2021) highlight a critical
issue in distance learning research: inconsistent
descriptions of the learning environments themselves
hinder accurate assessment of their impact on student
learning. They also pinpoint the lack of attention to
pedagogical design, proposing a model incorporating
students' socio-demographic characteristics and
course pedagogy to predict potential dropouts.
Defining the learning experience in HLEs
remains too a subject under discussion. Many studies
equate it with satisfaction or performance, often
linked to learner engagement. For instance, Wu et al.
(2010), cited by Bouilheres et al. (2020), emphasize
how perceived success and learning environment
impact overall satisfaction. Similarly, Xiao et al.
(2020) directly link satisfaction and learning
experience to students' ability to explore resources
and engage cognitively. However, alternative
perspectives shift the focus from satisfaction to
student perception and agency. Molinari and Shneider
(2020) define it as "the way learners perceive and give
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
meaning to the learning situation and the emotions
they feel" (p. 3). Authors favoring a learner-centered
approach (Boud & Prosser, 2002; Charlier et al.,
2021; Molinari & Schneider, 2020; Peraya &
Charlier, 2022) stress the importance of designing
HLEs around the students’ perspective. In this
perspective, teaching and learning processes as
inseparable and learning occurs within a specific
context, shaped by diverse student perceptions.
Therefore, "students perceive the same learning
context in different ways, and this variation
fundamentally impacts their approach to learning and
the quality of their outcomes" (Boud & Prosser, 2002,
p. 238).
2.2 Key Dimensions for Assessing the
HLEs Learning Experience
A comprehensive review by Schneider & Preckel
(Schneider & Preckel, 2017) analysed 38 meta-
analyses encompassing over 2 million students in
face-to-face courses to explore factors contributing to
academic success. Their findings identified 105
relevant variables, highlighting the strong correlation
between "social interaction," "course design," and
"performance." The study emphasizes that students’
performance aligns with stimulating learning
environments characterized by clear information
presentation, active student interaction, and
cognitively engaging activities. Additionally,
students with high performance often display positive
self-efficacy, strong prior academic achievement, and
a strategic use of learning strategies. Building upon
these findings, authors like Bonfils & Peraya (2011),
Charlier et al. (2021), De Clercq (2020), and Tricot
(2021) underscore the importance of considering
students' characteristics to design learning scenarios
that effectively meet their diverse needs.
The variables involved in the learning experience
are diverse in nature. While designing a good course
is crucial, effective learning experiences go beyond
mere planning. As highlighted by several researchers
(Amadieu & Tricot, 2014; Deschryver, 2008;
Entwistle & McCune, 2013; Viau et al., 2005), the
real challenge lies in encouraging student
engagement with activities that require active
participation. This reluctance often stems from a lack
of developed skills, including digital competencies,
self-regulation, autonomy, and collaboration
(Kaldmäe et al., 2022). This underlines the inherent
complexity of the issue, requiring a systemic
understanding of the diverse and dynamic variables
Schneider & Preckel (2017) emphasize the crucial
role of effective implementation in maximizing the
impact of different teaching methods on student
performance. Their analysis of numerous studies
revealed moderating effects for almost all teaching
methods, implying that their effectiveness hinges on
how they are delivered. Notably, teachers of high-
performing students invested heavily in designing
well-structured courses with clear learning objectives
and frequent, targeted feedback. This aligns with
other research highlighting the importance of
continual professional development for higher
education instructors (Romainville & Michaut,
2012). Such training equips teachers with the skills
and knowledge needed to effectively implement
diverse teaching methods, ultimately fostering
student success.
Building on the concept of learner-centred
environments, Boud & Prosser (2002) identify four
key areas to enhance the student experience in
technology-rich settings. Two of these areas directly
address learner engagement and consideration of
individual learning contexts.
2.2.1 Involving Students
Building upon the foundation laid by the Hy-Sup
collective (Deschryver & Charlier, 2012), recent
research emphasizes a learner-centred perspective to
understand how HLEs impact students (Charlier et
al., 2021; Peraya & Charlier, 2022). This necessitates
understanding students' expectations, prior
knowledge, and sense of self-efficacy (Bandura,
2003; Follenfant & Meyer, 2003; Jackson, 2002;
Lécluse-Cousyn & Jézégou, 2023). Furthermore,
Viau et al. (2005) advocate for designing meaningful
learning activities that students perceive as valuable.
This means highlighting their usefulness, interest,
perceived cost, and importance, ultimately fostering
student motivation (De Clercq, 2020; Entwistle &
McCune, 2013; Viau et al., 2005).
Beyond learner characteristics, several design
aspects of HLEs influence student engagement. One
key factor is the degree of course openness, which
Jézégou (2021, 2022) links to students' perception of
organizational and relational proximity (Brassard &
Teutsch, 2014; Moore, 2003). To assess this,
Jézégou's GEODE evaluation system (2021)
proposes three dimensions:
Spatio-temporal openness; flexibility in
accessing learning materials and engaging in
activities (time, place, pace).
Pedagogical openness; freedom in learning
objectives, sequence, methods, formats,
content, and evaluation.
Development of an Instrument for Evaluating Learning Experiences in a Hybrid Learning Environment
Openness in mediated communication; choice
of media, communication tools, and resource
Research on factors influencing student success in
HLEs has explored various elements. Studies have
examined how engaged and motivated students are in
the learning process (Ames, 1992; Elliot, 1999;
Houart et al., 2019). Others dive into the different
ways students approach learning and how it impacts
their success (Biggs, 1987; Entwistle & McCune,
2013). Research (Pirot & De Ketele, 2002) highlight
the importance of pre-existing knowledge and skills
developed in earlier education, including time
management, organization, and cognitive skills. This
aligns with research emphasizing the connection
between learning strategies, self-regulation, and
academic success (Cosnefroy, 2010; Cosnefroy et al.,
2018; Eggers et al., 2021; Zimmerman, 2000).
2.2.2 Recognising and Integrating Students'
Learning Context
Hybrid learning environments (HLEs) exist within a
complex ecosystem. Recognizing this, evaluation
must consider not only the pedagogical
implementation but also the material and human
contexts of the students involved. For example, does
the activity align with students' current
circumstances, considering task demands and
resource availability? Do assessment activities
accurately reflect learning outcomes and allow for the
demonstration of high-level achievement? As Peraya
& Charlier inquire, how does the "current diversity of
learning spaces transform the student experience"?
(Peraya & Charlier, 2022, p. 38). While research
highlights these crucial perspectives and challenges,
methodological guidance on data collection remains
Building on the previous points, Boud & Prosser
(2002) advocate for two additional design features:
challenging activities and opportunities for active
practice. These elements aim to enhance student
learning by promoting deeper cognitive engagement
(Chi & Wylie, 2014; De Clercq, 2020; Vellut, 2019).
This approach encompasses tasks that allow students
to demonstrate their learning, receive feedback,
reflect on their progress, and gain confidence through
hands-on practice.
2.3 Instruments Used to Assess the
Learning Experience in an HLE
Two main approaches exist for collecting data on
students' learning experiences in HLEs.
1. Observed data: This mainly involves analysing
traces left by students in Learning Management
Systems to assess online participation in
learning activities (Bennacer, 2022).
Understanding the meaning behind these traces
is crucial, but interpreting these traces requires
careful consideration of ethical and interpretive
dimensions (Pierrot, 2019). Additionally, the
Hy-Sup collective (2012) proposes a typology
based on observing both learners and teachers,
using 14 items to categorize 6 types of HLEs.
This helps guide improvement in course design,
but different perceptions can arise from its sole
use (Pierrot et al., 2023).
2. Self-reported data: This involves collecting
student data through questionnaires or
qualitative methods like interviews (individual
or group). For example, evaluating learning
strategies often relies on questionnaires with
statements and Likert scales to express
agreement or disagreement (Cosnefroy, 2010;
Cosnefroy et al., 2018; Eggers et al., 2021;
Zimmerman, 2000). However, limitations
include the declarative nature of the data and
potential respondent drop-off due to lengthy
questionnaires, which can compromise
Our review of the current research allows us to
identify major dimensions for evaluating the learning
experience in HLEs, along with potential pitfalls to
avoid. We define the learning experience as students'
perception, understanding, and interaction within an
HLEs, leading to varying levels of engagement with
their learning.
For characterizing the instructional design, we
adopt the Hy-Sup collective's (Deschryver et al.,
2012) theoretical framework. The 14-question self-
assessment tool previously mentioned distinguishes
between 3 teaching-centred and 3 learning-centred
types, also highlighting nuanced differences in five
dimensions (presence-distance articulation,
mediation, mediatization, support, and openness).
We propose enriching this framework by
incorporating the learners' perspective, specifically
focusing on variables that enhance their engagement
within a given HLE context. Additionally, we suggest
complementing perceived data with observed data to
strengthen the evaluation process, as defined by
Lachaux (2023).
Designing our HLEs learning experience evaluation
tool involved leveraging the iterative strengths of
design-based research (Amiel & Reeves, 2008). This
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
means merging research insights with practitioner
input through a cyclical process. As suggested by
vom Brocke et al. (2020), the process is cyclical as it
adapts through use.
Figure 1: DBR method used in the study (adapted from
Sanchez, 2022).
A core element of this approach is our theoretical
model built around the key dimensions of the HLE
learning experience. This model served four key
purposes: (1) identifying main considerations for
evaluating the learning experience, (2) guiding the
pedagogical design of the HLE itself, (3) integrating
mechanisms for observing the learning experience
during implementation, (4) enabling a
multidimensional analysis of the collected data (see
Figure 1).
We first took up the dimensions identified by the
Hy-Sup collective (Charlier et al., 2021; Deschryver
& Charlier, 2012; Peraya & Charlier, 2022) to
develop our theoretical framework. To enhance our
understanding of students' perspectives in HLEs,
several new dimensions beyond those already
explored seem crucial, aligning with Boud &
Prosser's (2002) recommendations. These include
individual characteristics, skills and feelings of self-
efficacy concerning the proposed activities (skills
relating to the nature of the task and techniques for
the tools that instrument them), considering their
expectations in terms of learning, or even their
learning context.
Figure 2 shows an extract from our evaluation
model designed to capture different aspects of the
learner experience in HLEs. The model’s snippet
focuses on measuring learner involvement and the
dimensions of the meaning of the activity, the feeling
of self-efficacy, the openness of the course and in-
depth learning. The model thus combines dimensions
relating to learners and others relating to the technical
environment on which the HLE is based. In addition,
the sub-dimensions identified are based on
observable elements (e.g. explicitness of target skills)
and other perceived elements (usefulness of the
Building on the research reviewed earlier, our
approach emphasizes using a mixed-method
approach with data triangulation. This combines
multiple data collection methods, allowing us to
compare analyses of the same element from different
perspectives. This supports the objectivity and
richness of our findings while capturing the
complexity of the HLEs learning experience
(Bobillier Chaumon, 2016).
Figure 2: Extract from the theoretical model of the learning experience in an HLE.
Development of an Instrument for Evaluating Learning Experiences in a Hybrid Learning Environment
The rest of the work will consist of defining, the
specific data collection methods for each dimension
of the proposed model. Finally, we will implement
the designed tool in our own educational contexts to
test its effectiveness in real-world settings.
This paper delves into the existing literature to
identify the main dimensions for a multidimensional
evaluation of the HLEs learning experience. This
exploration produced a framework encompassing
various dimensions and sub-dimensions that
influence and inform how students learn and engage
in HLEs settings. In answer to our research question
(namely what aspects to consider when evaluating the
learning experience in a hybrid learning environment
for continuous improvement?), our research suggests
focusing on several dimensions: (1) consider
individual learner characteristics, (2) investigate
learner involvement and engagement, (3) assess
course potentialities in terms of in-depth learning, (4)
evaluate technical environment features and (5)
combine subjective with objective data for a richer
understanding of the learning experience. Based on
these guidelines, our framework serves as the
foundation for a tool we are developing to measure
the learning experience. This tool aims to surpass the
methodological limitations of commonly used data
collection methods in the field. In the next stages, we
will apply, refine, test and validate this tool.
Ultimately, our work seeks to deepen our
understanding of the multifaceted HLEs learning
experience. This will allow us to provide valuable
recommendations for pedagogical engineering and
empower teachers with self-reflection tools to
enhance their teaching practices.
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