designed comprises of five stages, which are the Data
Refinement Stage (DRS), Geometric Matching Stage
(GMS), Depth Estimation and Refinement Stage
(DERS), Try-On Fusion Stage (TFS), and 3D Point
Cloud Modelling Stage (3D-PCMS), each carries
distinct yet significant role. In the architecture, in the
DRS, the network first takes in the 2D RGB garment
and single-person images as inputs and then refines
them into several representations. The GMS performs
the affine and TPS transformations for alignment and
geometric characteristics transfer purposes. The
DERS estimates the human body depth and refines it,
followed by the TFS for synthesis action to generate
the 2D warped garment human body image. Lastly,
the 3D-PCMS models and computes the 3D point
cloud of the 3D warped garment human body for
finalising it. For assessing the proposed network,
SSIM and FID were computed by testing the network
on several test sets and the results tabulated show
satisfying results and performance.
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