Comparing On-Premise IoT Platforms: Empowering University of
Things Ecosystems with Effective Device Management
Mevludin Blazevic
and Dennis M. Riehle
Institute for IS Research, University of Koblenz, Universit
atsstraße 1, Koblenz, Germany
Internet of Things, Platform, Smart Campus, LoRaWAN.
This paper presents a comparative evaluation of on-premise Internet of Things (IoT) platforms utilizing the
Utility Analysis (UA) method within a university campus environment. The market analysis and evaluation
are conducted systematically using a scoring procedure, guided by expert interviews to identify functional
and non-functional requirements for the IoT device management in the University of Things (UoT) setup.
After a market exploration considering the exclusion criteria, ”no on-premise installation” and ”no license-
free cost models”, five IoT platforms are assessed against predefined evaluation criteria derived from these
requirements. Among the evaluated platforms, the Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) Network
Server ChirpStack is the most suitable software solution, demonstrating superior utility value. Chirpstack may
be integrated into the university’s own Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud infrastructure, enhancing data
privacy, security, and application control. The primary objective of this study is to identify an optimal IoT
platform capable of meeting stakeholder requirements for the exploration of available solutions. Recognizing
the critical role of the IoT platform within the Smart Campus/UoT ecosystem, this research contributes to the
enhancement of a Smart Campus infrastructure by facilitating efficient IoT sensor and gateway management.
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of
interconnected devices embedded with sensors, soft-
ware, and other technologies, enabling them to col-
lect and exchange data. This interconnected ecosys-
tem enables seamless communication and automation
across various domains, revolutionizing how we in-
teract with and manage our physical environments.
As the IoTs expands in significance and preva-
lence, the importance of IoT platforms as pivotal el-
ements within IoT systems grows as well. These
platform solutions differ in complexity, each offer-
ing distinct functionalities. IoT platforms are com-
prehensive software solutions designed to facilitate
the management, connectivity, and data processing of
interconnected devices within the Internet of Things
ecosystem. Consequently, organizations aiming to
integrate an IoT platform alongside their current In-
formation Technology (IT) setup encounter the chal-
lenge of choosing the most appropriate one for their
particular needs from a plethora of available software
solutions. Evaluating the functional aspects serves
as an important criterion for selection in this process
(cf. (Fahmideh and Zowghi, 2020; Guth et al., 2018;
Lempert and Pflaum, 2019)).
The objective of this paper is to perform a Utility
Analysis (UA) centered on on-premise IoT platforms
currently accessible in the market, aiming to estab-
lish both functional and non-functional criteria to in-
form our selection process. Additionally, the paper
endeavors to provide a guide based on best practices
for selecting an on-premise IoT platform suitable for
managing IoT devices and sensors within a University
of Things (UoT) or Smart Campus infrastructure and
A Smart Campus or UoT can be viewed as a sub-
component of a Smart City, while both entities share
a similar framework, with a Smart Campus essen-
tially functioning as a small-scale Smart City ((Zhang
et al., 2022; Fortes et al., 2019; Silva-da N
et al., 2022; Vasileva et al., 2018)). Within our real-
world implementation of the IoT infrastructure on the
university campus, approximately 100 sensors and 7
Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) gate-
ways are deployed. These sensors conduct various
measurements encompassing air quality (specifically
targeting fine dust pollution), meteorological parame-
ters, temperature, wind speed, and direction, Ultravi-
olet (UV) radiation, precipitation levels, and hailstone
dimensions within the outdoor campus area. Indoors,
recorded metrics include air pressure, Carbon Diox-
Blazevic, M. and Riehle, D.
Comparing On-Premise IoT Platforms: Empowering University of Things Ecosystems with Effective Device Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0012727000003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 310-320
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ide (CO
) levels, temperature, and humidity. Man-
aging these heterogeneous IoT datasets transmitted
via LoRaWAN requires structured management to be
able to evaluate it appropriately and use it advanta-
geously. Furthermore, an in-house hosted IoT plat-
form is important for registering and overseeing the
IoT installed devices and gateways at the university
campus alongside the collected data. This presents
several benefits for a Smart Campus infrastructure, in-
cluding the potential to seamlessly integrate the plat-
form with other IoT applications like data platforms
and visualization tools. By using a free open-source
solution, it also allows the development of extensions
or adjustments to the software. In addition, it of-
fers more flexibility in installation and user manage-
ment. External hosted systems like The Things Net-
work have some restrictions such as a limited num-
ber of devices or API keys. The latter is relevant for
a Smart Campus application for the integration and
interaction with other IoT applications such as data
platforms. The research objectives for this paper are
described as follows:
RO1: Identification of requirements for an IoT plat-
form for a Smart Campus infrastructure, consid-
ering potentially existing IoT infrastructures.
RO2: Execution of a market analysis followed by
evaluating appropriate IoT platforms.
In the subsequent section, an overview of the con-
cept of IoT platforms and related work within the
Smart Campus/UoT domain is provided. Following
this, the Research Methodology for this work is pre-
sented. Subsequently, the presentation of all iden-
tified stakeholder requirements is given. Utilizing
these requirements, evaluation categories are formu-
lated for subsequent analysis. Five IoT platforms
identified from the market analysis are evaluated us-
ing UA. Finally, the findings of this study are summa-
rized, limitations are acknowledged, and an outlook is
provided for further research building upon this work.
2.1 IoT, Smart Campus and IoT
A broad spectrum of definitions for the IoT is found
across scientific and non-scientific literature, as ev-
idenced by works such as those by Baiyere et al.
(2020), Chui et al. (2020), Miorandi et al. (2012),
and Rayes and Salam (2017). These definitions
commonly emphasize the integration of physical ob-
jects with digital technologies. IoT can be thus de-
scribed as a network of connections between digital
technologies and physical objects, enabling the lat-
ter to acquire computational capabilities and interact
autonomously or with human intervention ((Baiyere
et al., 2020)). Moreover, various IoT domains were
established, including Smart City, Smart Buildings,
Smart Agriculture, Smart Manufacturing, and numer-
ous others ((Garda
c et al., 2017; Ibarra-Esquer
et al., 2017). IoT sensors offer a variety of new
services accross these domains, for instance, sensor-
based smart parking solutions in smart cities ((Riehle
et al., 2023)) or smart air-quality monioring in smart
buildings ((Arz von Straussenburg et al., 2023)). Ac-
cording to Zhang et al. (2022), a Smart Campus is re-
garded as a component within the broader domain of
a Smart City, encompassing diverse subdomains such
as Smart Education, Smart Assessment, Smart Learn-
ing, Smart Teaching, and others. These subdomains
are supported by different information technologies
ınez et al., 2021; Mircea et al., 2021)).
The increasing applications and popularity of IoT
and the resulting investments by companies in these
technologies have created strong competition in the
market, leading to multiple existing IoT standards.
In addition, connectivity requirements of IoT devices
vary depending on the use case and IoT domain,
which means that different protocols are used ((Bha-
jantri and S., 2020)), which leads to a large number of
IoT platforms and connectivity standards such as Lo-
RaWAN on the market ((Barros et al., 2022)). This di-
versity in protocols, coupled with the multitude of use
cases and software companies, leads to a large num-
ber of IoT platforms available in the market ((Barros
et al., 2022)).
An IoT platform serves as a middleware compo-
nent within a holistic IoT system, facilitating the ex-
change of data between edge devices and enterprise
applications in both directions. It represents a multi-
layered technology that facilitates the provisioning
and administration of IoT devices and services, ef-
fectively overseeing the deployment process for IoT
applications in enterprises ((Barros et al., 2022; Fah-
mideh and Zowghi, 2020; Guth et al., 2018)).
IoT platforms from different manufacturers offer
varying core functionalities tailored to diverse appli-
cation contexts, often lacking comprehensive cover-
age of all required functions. These platforms receive
the data collected by sensors from the IoT devices
through protocols such as Wifi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-
wave, and LoRaWAN. Serving as middleware com-
ponents, IoT platforms provide diverse functionali-
ties for data processing and transmission, separating
them from systems purely addressing IoT data stor-
age ((Wolters et al., 2023)). While most IoT platforms
Comparing On-Premise IoT Platforms: Empowering University of Things Ecosystems with Effective Device Management
primarily focus on establishing connections to IoT
devices and managing them through device manage-
ment functionalities, data visualization features are
not consistently integrated and are frequently supple-
mented by third-party software (cf. (Guth et al., 2018;
Fahmideh and Zowghi, 2020; Elgedawy and Shoukry,
2022; Toutsop et al., 2021))
2.2 Related Work
A brief exploration of scientific literature using Sco-
pus and specifically targeting the article titles, ab-
stracts, and keywords for ”iot platform comparison”
and ”iot platform evaluation” yields merely six find-
In 2019, Panduman et al. (2019) conducted a
comparative examination of five distinct IoT plat-
forms within the Smart Factory domain. Alongside
the Thingsboard platform, the analysis encompassed
the KAA platform, Microsoft Azure IoT, AWS IoT, and
Thingspeak. The study’s findings indicate that Azure
IoT and the KAA platform predominantly fulfill the
specified criteria, albeit these criteria are specifically
tailored to the Smart Factory domain.
In their 2019 work, Berawi et al. (2019) intro-
duced Chief-Screen 1.0, a specialized IoT platform
for the construction domain. The authors gathered re-
quirements and design considerations through group
and expert interviews, integrating them into the plat-
form’s development. However, they did not compare
Chief-Screen 1.0 with other platforms.
Kugler et al. (2021) discuss the creation of a
method for selecting IoT platforms along given cri-
teria such as security, pricing and usability. They also
propose a workflow for setting up and deploying these
platforms. However, they do not offer an in-depth
comparison of existing IoT platforms on the market.
Like Kugler et al. (2021), Garc
ıa-Valls and
ın (2022) focus on presenting an evalua-
tion methodology for IoT platforms, using healthcare
as an illustrative domain. They offer a workflow for
selecting and assessing these platforms, specifically
conducting performance evaluations on cloud-based
platforms in their application example. Furthermore,
no market analysis is carried out in their study.
Nasser et al. (2023) also focus on constructing a
model for evaluating IoT platforms. Unlike previous
studies, their model encompasses both technical and
business criteria. Input and design parameters for the
evaluation model were established through a literature
review. However, the study does not include a com-
parative analysis of the existing IoT platforms in the
When selecting the most suitable IoT platform from
numerous options, scoring procedures such as utility
value analysis are leveraged. Scoring models involve
quantitatively assessing objects or subjects based on
weighted criteria. UA, a type of scoring, compares
decision alternatives against each other ((K
2021; Cascio, 1996)). Adapted for this research work,
the procedure steps outlined by K
uhnapfel (2021) are
as follows:
In step 1, the university describes its objective and
outlines the prerequisites for an IoT platform. The ob-
jective clarifies the rationale behind employing UA.
The requirements and design considerations for the
selecting process considering the current IoT infras-
tructure are gathered through expert interviews and
brainstorming techniques (cf. (Geschka and Geschka,
2014; Soest, 2023)) specified requirements are con-
solidated into a requirements table, which serves to
establish inclusion criteria for IoT platforms follow-
ing the guidelines for requirements engineering in
software development by Kassab (2022) and Lam-
sweerde (2009).
In step 2, five decision alternatives are chosen
based on predefined exclusion criteria. These criteria
are defined through interviews with university stake-
In Step 3, the evaluation criteria (decision crite-
ria) are determined based on the identified require-
ments. The criteria are essential for the success of this
methodology and should therefore be chosen care-
fully and refer to the properties of software and il-
lustrate the usefulness of a decision alternative. It is
important to note that there are criteria that are viewed
objectively and criteria that can be viewed subjec-
Step 4 includes the weighting of the decision crite-
ria based on subjective assessment using percentages,
where the sum of the individual weights is 100%. In
order to find out the importance of the respective cri-
teria, the paired comparison method ((David, 1963))
was used.
In Step 5, a scale is defined for evaluating the
achievement of the goal criterion. It was decided to
employ a numerical ordinal scale ranging from 0 to 4.
Step 6 includes evaluating the decision criteria.
Here, points are awarded based on the predefined
scoring system. To conduct the evaluation, data
was sourced from the manufacturer documentation of
each IoT platform and insights gleaned from the test
setups of the on-premise installations.
In Step 7, the utility value or score is calculated.
The points awarded for each criterion are multiplied
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
by their respective weightings to determine the crite-
rion’s utility value for a decision alternative. The total
utility value is then calculated by summing up these
individual utility values.
Step 8 involves making the decision and explain-
ing the result. Here, a decision is made based on the
calculated overall utility values and summarized in a
short discussion.
To assess an appropriate IoT platform for the uni-
versity’s application context, a thorough requirement
analysis is necessary. This involves conducting ex-
pert interviews and employing brainstorming tech-
niques ((Geschka and Geschka, 2014; Soest, 2023)).
In this context, the administrators of the IoT devices
that were previously managed via The Things Net-
work over the past three years are considered ex-
perts. With increasing experience working with The
Things Network in the Smart Campus area, essential
needs have surfaced that surpass the capabilities of
The Things Network. Of utmost significance is the
need to accommodate storage for any number of sen-
sors, gateways, and Application Programming Inter-
faces (API) keys. Unfortunately, this is not possi-
ble with The Things Network as only a limited num-
ber of devices and API keys can be stored. An in-
house hosted on-premise IoT platform offers the ad-
vantage by enabling the creation of multiple platform
instances tailored for educational purposes, specifi-
cally catering to students studying IoT. Therefore, an
open-source solution is necessary. These instances
provide a hands-on experience during seminars or ex-
ercises within lectures. Furthermore, the flexibility to
spin up additional instances on the university’s cloud
infrastructure further enhances accessibility and scal-
ability, empowering students to explore IoT concepts
in a practical and interactive environment. The re-
quirements for an IoT platform are closely linked to
the operation of the Smart Campus LoRaWAN infras-
tructure. For this reason, relevant terms such as EUI
can be found in the LoRaWAN requirement tables (1
and 2). The Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) or De-
vEUI is a 64-bit identifier that is provided to a manu-
facturer of IoT devices and is standardized. The prin-
ciple is comparable to the concept of MAC addresses
for addressing computers on Ethernet. The only dif-
ference is the length of the identifier. The IEEE Reg-
istration Authority is responsible for assigning an EUI
area for manufacturers.
The requirements are categorized into functional
and non-functional aspects. Functional requirements
outline specific functions that the IoT platform must
prioritize implementing (Table 1). Non-functional re-
quirements, on the other hand, pertain to performance
standards and quality attributes of the software, en-
suring the necessary functionality is delivered (Table
2). The goal was to prioritize the identified require-
ments based on their importance. This prioritization
is crucial for evaluating the defined categories during
the subsequent UA. This process is significant due to
the presence of exclusion criteria, which, if not met,
can result in immediate rejection of the software as
they are considered essential or strongly desired by
the university environment. Vice-versa, if other re-
quirements of lesser significance are unmet, the se-
lection process does not necessarily lead to rejection
but could still influence decision-making among sev-
eral options. To organize these priorities effectively,
the requirements table is segmented into ”must-have,
”should-have, and ”nice-to-have” categories. Must-
have requirements hold the highest priority and en-
compass the exclusion criteria. While not indispens-
able for the success of the IoT platform, should-have
requirements should be implemented if feasible, pro-
vided they do not compromise any must-have require-
ments. Nice-to-have requirements, while less critical,
can still contribute significant value if met, and thus,
their fulfillment should not be entirely disregarded.
In total, 14 functional and 21 non-functional re-
quirements are defined and categorized into various
domains. For instance, functional requirements were
denoted by numbers like ”FR1” for abbreviation,
and non-functional requirements as ”NFR”. As de-
picted in Table 1, functional requirements span across
five distinct domains: (FR1) General requirements
regarding the functions of the IoT platform, (FR2)
Data Management), (FR3) Functional requirements
regarding interoperability, (FR4) Functional require-
ments for error handling and exception cases and
(FR5) Functional requirements for managing users
and access rights. General requirements for the
IoT platform (FR1) include basic functions that are
commonly provided also by other platforms such as
the gateway registration via an EUI, the data recep-
tion from LoRaWAN gateways and sensor registra-
tion. Under (FR2) Data Management we declared
the (FR2.1) On Premise-Hosting as a must-have. For
data security and compliance, access control to IoT
devices and compliance requirements such as the Eu-
ropean data protection regulation can be met as data
Comparing On-Premise IoT Platforms: Empowering University of Things Ecosystems with Effective Device Management
Table 1: Functional requirements for an IoT platform.
No. Requirement Name Description Priority
FR1 General requirements regarding the functions of the IoT platform
FR1.1 Gateway registration
via EUI
The IoT platform must provide registration of IoT gateways via an
FR1.2 Data reception from
LoRaWAN gateways
The IoT platform must enable receiving data via registered IoT gate-
FR1.3 Livelog The IoT platform is intended to provide a live log of the data flowing
through the gateways.
FR1.4 Sensor registration via
The IoT platform must provide registration of the organization’s IoT
sensors via an EUI.
FR1.5 Payload Formatter The IoT platform can provide a function to format the received data
into a desired format such as JavaScript Object Notation.
FR2 Data management
FR2.1 On Premise-Hosting The IoT platform must offer the option of being hosted on-premise
on a cloud.
FR3 Functional requirements regarding interoperability
FR3.1 Lightweight Direc-
tory Access Protocol
(LDAP) interface
The IoT platform should have an Lightweight Directory Access Pro-
tocol (LDAP) interface to access the organization’s own user IDs.
FR3.2 API interface The IoT platform must have an API interface for retrieval of data by
other applications via an API key.
FR3.3 Webhook The IoT platform must have webhook integration, to automatically
send data to the organization’s cloud.
FR3.4 MQ Telemetry Trans-
port (MQTT) interface
The IoT platform must provide an MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
interface for data transmission.
FR4 Functional requirements for error handling and exception cases
FR4.1 Automatic notification If an IoT gateway or IoT sensor fails, the IoT platform should send
a notification.
FR4.2 Monitoring The IoT platform is intended to provide a monitoring function to
provide an overview of the device status of the end devices.
FR5 Functional requirements for managing users and access rights
FR5.1 User management The IoT platform must have user management with access rights
FR5.2 Authorization concept The IoT platform is intended to assign rights to groups to which users
can be assigned.
FR5.3 Assignment of rights to
API key
The IoT platform should enable the assignment of rights to API keys
to restrict access from the respective external application.
FR5.4 Local user login In addition to Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), the
IoT platform should also be able to create local users.
governance. Furthermore, the university may have
control over effective and efficient data storage and
backup procedures due to the on-premise hosting.
Lastly, access only to authorized users can be granted
by having full control over the application hosting.
Furthermore, within FR3, which encapsulates in-
teroperability requirements, the significance of API
interfaces, webhooks, and MQ Telemetry Transport
(MQTT) was underscored. Stakeholders highlighted
in the requirements survey the need for processing
sensor data further in a custom-built IoT data plat-
form, along with data visualization, particularly us-
ing the open-source software Grafana. Consequently,
the existence of suitable interfaces becomes imper-
ative. Subsequently, FR4 and FR5 outline require-
ments concerning error handling and user manage-
ment, respectively. Within these sections, only the
inclusion of logic for user storage, whether through
installation on the local IoT platform database or
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), is
designated as a mandatory criterion.
The IoT platforms were evaluated using the UA
according to Cascio (1996) and K
uhnapfel (2021),
which was explained in more detail in Section 3.
The aim of this UA is to select, from a pool of po-
tentially suitable IoT platforms available in the mar-
ket, the one that aligns with the requirements outlined
in section 4. Specific criteria are defined, and failure
to meet any of these criteria will result in the exclu-
sion of an IoT platform from consideration. In addi-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 2: Non-Functional requirements for an IoT platform.
No. Requirement Name Description Priority
NFR1 Security
NFR1.1 Access control The system may only be used after successful authentication via the
LDAP of the organization or accessible by a locally created user.
NFR1.2 Encryption The IoT platform must implement encryption standards to protect
data from unauthorized access.
NFR1.3 Password verification The IoT platform can include functionality to assess the strength of
passwords entered by users.
NFR1.4 Password Policies The IoT platform can provide functionality to configure password
NFR2 Reliability
NFR2.1 Fail-safety The system must be 99% available. Must-have
NFR3 User friendliness
NFR3.1 User-friendly interface The system is designed to offer a user-friendly interface to simplify
working on the IoT platform.
NFR3.2 Mobile interface The user interface should be accessible on mobile devices. Should-have
NFR4 Scalibility
NFR4.1 Number of API keys The IoT platform must enable the creation of an unlimited number
of API keys.
NFR4.2 Number of IoT gate-
The IoT platform must enable the registration of at least 30 gate-
NFR4.3 Number of users The IoT platform must be free of restrictions regarding the number
of users created.
NFR4.4 Number of devices The IoT platform should enable the registration of at least 1000 de-
NFR4.5 Number of Groups (Or-
ganizations) / Multite-
The IoT platform should be free of restrictions regarding the number
of groups or organizations created
NFR5 Performance
NFR5.1 Latency The IoT platform must have low latency for real-time data process-
ing in IoT applications.
NFR6 Legal requirements
NFR6.1 Selection of frequency
The IoT platform must have a frequency range configuration on
which the IoT gateways receive data.
NFR6.2 Data protection Personal sensitive data must be collected and kept following data
protection regulations.
NFR7 Technical requirements
NFR7.1 LoRaWAN network ar-
The IoT platform must be based on the LoRaWAN Network archi-
NFR7.2 Network server The IoT platform must provide a network server for routing the data
from the IoT gateway.
NFR7.3 Device drivers The IoT platform should offer the possibility of providing the orga-
nization’s device drivers to reuse them.
NFR7.4 Device driver properties Device drivers should incorporate features for payload handling, de-
code/encode functionalities, and settings configuration.
NFR8 Financial constraints
NFR8.1 Use of non-proprietary
The IoT platform must be installed and accessible without the need
for licensing fees.
tion, the criteria were weighted according to a per-
centage in order to include their importance in the
As a result of the expert interviews, two signifi-
cant exclusion criteria were identified which are (1)
No On-Premise Hosting and (2) Paid license mod-
els. Installing an on-premise IoT platform on the uni-
versity’s own cloud infrastructure offers several ad-
vantages over relying on external platforms like “The
Things Network”. Firstly, it provides greater con-
trol and autonomy over data privacy and security, as
sensitive information remains within the university’s
trusted environment. Secondly, it enables customiza-
tion and tailoring of the IoT platform to specific needs
and requirements without dependency on external ser-
vice providers. Additionally, it reduces reliance on
third-party services, mitigating the risk of service dis-
ruptions or changes in terms of service as happened to
The Things Network infrastructure in the past. Over-
all, deploying an on-premise IoT platform enhances
Comparing On-Premise IoT Platforms: Empowering University of Things Ecosystems with Effective Device Management
data governance, flexibility, and reliability for uni-
versities that seek robust and scalable IoT solutions.
After considering the two exclusion criteria, the op-
tions for suitable IoT platforms can be significantly
reduced. Following a brief market survey, only five
IoT platforms are found to meet both criteria. On-
premise hosting can additionally improve latency due
to the infrastructure being located onsite. Moreover,
it removes the reliance on a stable internet connec-
tion for accessing the IoT platform, which is essential
for cloud-based services. Following the completion
of the market analysis, the following IoT platforms
were identified, taking into consideration the previ-
ously mentioned exclusion criteria: (1) Thingsboard
(2) ChirpStack
, (3) SiteWhere
, (4) Mainflux
, (5)
The Things Stack Sandbox
Table 3: Cross table for the pair comparison method.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Σ
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
2 3 2 2 6 7 8 2 3
3 4 3 3 7 8 3 4
4 5 4 7 8 9 2
5 6 7 8 9 1
6 7 8 9 2
7 8 9 5
8 8 7
9 4
According to the requirements identified in the
requirements table, the following decision criteria
were formed for evaluation: (1) Range of Functions,
(2) User Management, (3) Interoperability, (4) Er-
ror Handling, (5) Security, (6) User-Friendliness, (7)
Scalability, (8) IoT Protocol Support, and (9) Techni-
cal Aspects.
(1) Range of Functions: This criterion describes all
functions that are offered by the IoT platform, fulfill-
ing the requirements across all priority levels.
(2) User Management describes the extent to which
it is possible to manage users, groups, and the corre-
sponding allocation of rights within the IoT platform
is evaluated here. This includes determining the feasi-
bility of establishing an LDAP connection and creat-
ing local users, as well as the ability to assign permis-
sions regarding API keys to regulate access for both
users and external applications.
(3) Interoperability: This aspect examines the IoT
platform’s capability to communicate with other de-
vices and systems, encompassing the availability of
interfaces aligned with requirement FA3 as outlined
in the Table 1.
(4) Error Handling: This criterion evaluates the ex-
tent to which monitoring functions are integrated
within the IoT platform and the extent to which no-
tifications are sent in the event of a sensor or gateway
failure, for example. This also includes notifications
in the event of interrupted data flow or the failure of a
service within the platform.
(5) Security: This evaluation criterion includes all im-
plemented security precautions within the IoT plat-
form, which protects against unauthorized access to
the data by third parties. This refers, for example,
to the need for a strong password through password
policies and encrypting all traffic.
(6) User-Friendliness: To facilitate ergonomic user
interactions within the platform, a user-friendly
Graphical User Interface (GUI) is essential. This cri-
terion ensures that this requirement is fulfilled.
Table 4: Calculation of the critical weight as a percentage.
Range of functions 8
IoT Protocol Support 7 19%
Scalability 5 14%
Technical Aspects 4 11%
Interoperability 4 11%
User Management 3 8%
Error Handling 2 6%
User-Friendliness 2 6%
Security 1 3%
Total 36 100%
(7) Scalability: Given that IoT use cases for enhanc-
ing research and education at the university are con-
tinually evolving, and the IoT infrastructure is ex-
pected to expand with additional components, the
scalability of the IoT platform becomes vitally impor-
tant. This scalability accommodates a growing num-
ber of sensors, gateways, users, and API keys.
(8) IoT Protocol Support: This criterion is used to
evaluate whether the IoT platform for the University
of Things infrastructure includes an appropriate se-
lection of IoT protocols. The presence of MQTT, Lo-
RaWAN, and Webhook is considered essential.
(9) Technical Aspects: This evaluation considers mul-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
tiple technical requirements, including compatibility
with the LoRaWAN network architecture and features
like Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA) for IoT sensors.
Additionally, it assesses the platform’s capability to
set the license-free frequency range.
The weighting of the decision criteria was carried
out in a cross-tab using the paired comparison method
((David, 1963)) according to the principle “Is more
important than” (see Table 3). The far right column
sums up how often a criterion exceeded another crite-
rion in its relevance.
Table 4 shows the result of the criteria weighting
using the cross-tab, sorted according to the ranking
of their relevance. The percentages were rounded to
whole numbers.
Once the criteria are prioritized based on their sig-
nificance, an appropriate scale for evaluation is es-
tablished. An ordinal scale ranging from 0 to 4 is
designated for all criteria. If a criterion is not ful-
filled, it receives zero points. If the criterion is inade-
quately met with significant deficiencies, one point is
awarded. Adequate fulfillment with deficiencies war-
rants three points, while a good extent of fulfillment
merits three points. Finally, four points are granted
for excellent fulfillment. The evaluation of decision
criteria is depicted in Table 5. If information regard-
ing an IoT platform was unavailable from the test en-
vironment or manufacturer documentation, the crite-
rion was labeled as ”No information.
The calculation of the utility value for each de-
cision alternative is presented in Table 6. In sum-
mary, the open-source software ChirpStack emerged
as the top-rated option, achieving a utility value of
3.63. This platform is specifically designed for con-
necting LoRaWAN end devices and encompasses es-
sential core functions such as device connectivity,
management, data transformation, event handling,
and API management. Additionally, it offers cross-
sectional functionalities including user management,
encryption, and platform administration. ChirpStack
is deemed the optimal choice due to its similarity to
The Things Stack Sandbox, serving as a LoRaWAN
network server.
Moreover, ChirpStack includes an application
server, join server, and geolocation server for end de-
vice positioning. It boasts scalability without limita-
tions on gateways, devices, and users, ensuring com-
patibility with future expansions of the IoT system
and increasing use cases on campus. The integration
into existing UoT infrastructure and interoperability
with external applications allows for continual exten-
sion of functionality by connecting additional IoT ap-
While Thingsboard also presents a viable alterna-
tive, it offers a comprehensive suite of IoT functions
tailored to industrial IoT, potentially exceeding ex-
plicit university requirements. However, it’s worth
noting that the developers of Thingsboard also pro-
vide paid models. The Community Edition, an open-
source version of Thingsboard, is available under the
Apache 2.0 License, albeit without any support of-
ferings. Nonetheless, ChirpStack provides the option
for integrating Thingsboard functionalities if needed
in the future.
Apart from Chirpstack, The Things Stack Sand-
box is provided as Software as a Service (SaaS)
through the cloud by The Things Industries, the man-
ufacturer also provides it as an open-source option for
installation on-premise. This alternative is closely be-
hind ChirpStack in the rating with a utility value of
3.54. It offers the same core functions as ChirpStack
and The Things Stack Sandbox, but The Things In-
dustries emphasizes that The Things Stack Sandbox
is limited in its features compared to the paid enter-
Table 5: Evaluation of the decision criteria.
No. Criteria Thingsboard
Chirpstack SiteWhere Mainflux The Things
1 Range of Functions 2 4 4 2 4
2 User Management 1 2 1 2 4
3 Interoperability 3 4 4 4 3
4 Error Handling 3 1 2
5 Security 3 3
3 3
6 User-Friendliness 2 4 2 1 4
7 Scalability 4 4 2
8 IoT Protocol Support 4 4 1 4 4
9 Technical Aspects 4 4 1 4 4
Comparing On-Premise IoT Platforms: Empowering University of Things Ecosystems with Effective Device Management
Table 6: Calculation of the utility value of the decision alternatives.
Thingsboard Chirpstack SiteWhere Mainflux
The Things
Stack Sandbox
Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
1 22% 2 0.44 4 0.88 4 0.88 2 0.44 4 0.88
2 8% 1 0.08 2 0.16 1 0.08 2 0.16 4 0.32
3 11% 3 0.33 4 0.44 3 0.33 3 0.33 3 0.33
4 6% 3 0.18 1 0.06 2 0.12 0 0 1 0.06
5 3% 3 0.09 3 0.09 0 0 3 0.09 3 0.09
6 6% 2 0.12 4 0.24 2 0.12 1 0.06 4 0.24
7 14% 4 0.56 4 0.56 2 0.28 0 0 4 0.42
8 19% 4 0.76 4 0.76 1 0.19 4 0.76 4 0.76
9 11% 4 0.44 4 0.44 1 0.11 4 0.44 4 0.44
Σ 100% 3 3.63 2.11 2.28 3.54
prise version. In addition, according to the manu-
facturer, this is suitable for small-scale testing pur-
poses and not for use within a larger productive en-
vironment. In contrast to The Things Stack Sand-
box, ChirpStack is well-suited for larger production
environments. ChirpStack is primarily available as
an open-source solution, lacking paid enterprise mod-
els offering guaranteed support. Compared to The
Things Stack Sandbox, ChirpStack has, in addition to
the lack of the ability to create user groups, also less
granular setting options for user rights, in contrast, it
offers more integrations in the applications and the
option to create multiple tenants. Apart from a few
differences, both IoT platforms are very similar, and
basically, both represent a suitable decision alterna-
tive for the UoT environment. There is still the pos-
sibility that The Things Industries will impose further
restrictions on the free versions in the future to switch
users to the paid models.
In addition to the required functions, Thingsboard
also supports the modeling of entities and relation-
ships from the real world, i.e. assets, devices, and
their relationships with each other. Furthermore, it
provides real-time data visualization within customiz-
able dashboards. These dashboards support ”multi-
tenancy, ensuring that users from different tenants
cannot access data or dashboards from other tenants.
This function is crucial in large IoT systems and is
also available in ChirpStack. Another key feature of
Thingsboard is its ”rule engine, a powerful and so-
phisticated tool for processing incoming data. This
refers to the filtering, enrichment, and transformation
of data and corresponding actions that can be carried
out such as triggering alarms, executing REST API
calls, and sending push notifications. Within alarm
management, users can create, delete, and confirm
alarms. Mainflux, an open-source IoT platform, ranks
fourth in the utility analysis. While it lacks native
support for LoRaWAN, it offers a LoRaWAN adapter
as a bridge to the LoRaWAN network. However,
the adapter necessitates an existing LoRaWAN net-
work server, such as ChirpStack, to function. There-
fore, Mainflux isn’t a viable choice for the university
without such implementation. Nonetheless, similar to
Thingsboard, it can be integrated with a ChirpStack
instance later on to enhance its capabilities.
The SiteWhere IoT platform encompasses all es-
sential core functionalities, including device connec-
tivity, management, data transformation, event han-
dling, API management, and user administration.
However, details regarding the maximum capacity for
devices and gateways are absent from the documen-
tation. While the scalability of microservices via Ku-
bernetes replication is outlined, there’s no mention of
LoRaWAN network integration or support. Given the
university’s reliance on LoRaWAN for its existing IoT
infrastructure, the absence of this feature renders Site-
Where unsuitable as a decision alternative.
This study involved the development of requirements
for an IoT platform tailored to a University of Things
setting. It drew upon insights from operating the uni-
versity campus’s existing IoT infrastructure and in-
terviews with IoT administrators. Subsequently, a
market analysis was conducted based on both func-
tional and non-functional requirements, followed by
the evaluation of five on-premise installation IoT plat-
forms using utility analysis.
The first research objective involves the collection
of requirements for an IoT platform for the manage-
ment of IoT sensors and gateways for a smart cam-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
pus/UoT infrastructure. The process involved utiliz-
ing both operational experiences and insights from in-
stalling the existing IoT infrastructure on the univer-
sity campus. Additionally, the expertise of IoT ad-
ministrators responsible for managing the campus IoT
infrastructure was leveraged. The requirements were
categorized into functional and non-functional types,
identifying 21 non-functional and 16 functional re-
quirements. During the requirement gathering phase,
the university’s IoT experts and stakeholders priori-
tized effective device management, hosting, and user
management. Notably, there was no specific request
for IoT data visualization and filtering within the IoT
platform, as a separate IoT data platform will be de-
veloped for this purpose. A multitenancy function
was not declared a must-have for user and device
management, as the IoT infrastructure is viewed as
a private domain. Nevertheless, multitenancy is de-
clared a should-have to be able to host the IoT plat-
form for possible future research partners with IoT
gateways and devices. By leveraging its own Infras-
tructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud infrastructure and
hosting an open-source on-premise IoT platform with
multitenancy capabilities, the university not only en-
sures data sovereignty and security but also estab-
lishes a robust foundation for accommodating IoT de-
vices from diverse domains such as Smart City or
Smart Region projects. This setup enables integra-
tion and collaboration between various stakeholders
within the university’s ecosystem, fostering IoT appli-
cations and knowledge exchange while maintaining
control over data privacy and governance as well as
European data protection regulations ((Blazevic and
Riehle, 2023)).
The second research question involved conduct-
ing a market analysis focusing on on-premise IoT
platforms. Utilizing exclusion criteria based on
on-premise and license-free cost models, five IoT
platforms underwent UA. Consequently, Chirpstack
emerged as the preferred choice for implementation
within the Smart Campus/University of Things envi-
ronment, fulfilling all essential and several additional
criteria. The Things Stack Sandbox demonstrated
adequacy solely in the realm of user management.
Given that access to the IoT platform for device man-
agement is primarily required by IoT administrators,
elaborate group and user management functionalities
are considered unnecessary in the end.
In future research projects, we recommend opti-
mizing and refining the requirements for an IoT plat-
form, as well as evaluating the use of Chirpstack
over a longer period. In addition, the requirements
and evaluation criteria should not only be defined for
smart campus infrastructures but also expanded in a
more abstract sense so that they can also be used
for other IoT domains such as smart cities or smart
health. Thus, these requirements can be useful for
projects when selecting IoT platforms. The benefit of
the multi-tenant function would also be interesting for
smart region projects that rely on the use of an open-
source platform for cost and data protection reasons.
Since an IoT platform like Chirpstack is already in-
stalled in an in-house cloud infrastructure, this effort
is no longer necessary for smart region organizations.
This research has been supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Research
Grant No. 432399058.
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