Empowering Multidimensional Machine Learning over
Cloud-Enabled Big Data Infrastructures with ClustCube
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
1,2,* a
, Carmine Gallo
and Marco Antonio Mastratisi
IDEA Lab, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Department of Computer Science, University of Paris City, Paris, France
SMARTCHAIN – ICT Technologies, Crotone, Italy
Keywords: Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Multidimensional Machine Learning, Cloud-Enabled Big Data Infrastructures.
Abstract: Multidimensional Machine Learning is emerging as one of the key features in the whole Big Data Analytics
landscape. Within this broad context, the OLAP paradigm is a reference pillar, and it represents the theoretical
and methodological foundation of the so-called Multidimensional Big Data Analytics trend, an emerging trend
in the Big Data era. In this paper, we show how the state-of-the-art ClustCube framework, which predicates
the marriage between OLAP and Clustering methodologies, can be successfully used and exploited for
effectively and efficiently supporting Multidimensional Big Data Analytics in real-life big data applications
and systems.
Big Data Analytics (e.g., (Russom, 2011; Zakir, et al.,
2015)) has imposed itself as one of the disruptive data
technologies of the last decades. Indeed, the number
of applications scenarios where Big Data Analytics
has a relevant impact is paramount. Within this wide
and various context, Multidimensional Machine
Learning (e.g., (Orphanidou & Wong, 2017;
Babanezhad, et al., 2020; Moris, et al., 2022; Zhong,
et al., 2020)) is emerging as one of the key features in
the whole Big Data Analytics landscape. The main
idea here consists in applying well-consolidated ML
methodologies and methods to the core layer of well-
understood big data analytics tasks directly, with the
advantage of improving expressive power of
analytical models and accuracy of retrieved results.
Within this broad context, the OLAP paradigm
(Gray, et al., 1997) is a reference pillar, and it
represents the theoretical and methodological
foundation of the so-called Multidimensional Big
Data Analytics trend, an emerging trend in the Big
Data era (Cuzzocrea, 2020; Cuzzocrea, 2021;
Cuzzocrea 2022). The main assertion of
Multidimensional Big Data Analytics theory relies in
the fact that real-life datasets, and, especially, big
datasets, are inherently-multidimensional in nature
(e.g., (Iglesias, et al., 2019)).
In this paper, we show how the state-of-the-art
ClustCube framework (Cuzzocrea, 2015), which
predicates the marriage between OLAP and
Clustering methodologies, can be successfully used
and exploited for effectively and efficiently
supporting Multidimensional Big Data Analytics in
real-life big data applications and systems. More into
details, we devise and assess via implementations and
case studies an innovative ClustCube methodology in
the context of Multidimensional Big Data Analytics,
and clearly prove its feasibility and reliability in real-
life tools.
ClustCube represents a cutting-edge solution for
integrating data from heterogeneous sources which
vary both in content and format. This approach
facilitates intelligent analysis and predictive
processing in several sectors. It is important to note
that data extracted from a distributed database can
take significantly different forms than the original
stored information. This diversity may be particularly
evident in complex objects which could be generated
This research has been made in the context of the
Excellence Chair in Big Data Management and Analytics
at University of Paris City, Paris, France.
Cuzzocrea, A., Gallo, C. and Mastratisi, M.
Empowering Multidimensional Machine Learning over Cloud- Enabled Big Data Infrastructures with ClustCube.
DOI: 10.5220/0012727100003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 389-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
by complex SQL instructions involving multiple
JOIN queries on distributed relational tables.
ClustCube model combines the power of
clustering techniques on complex database objects
with the versatility of OLAP in supporting
multidimensional analysis and knowledge discovery
from grouped complex database objects with mining
opportunities and expressive power impossible for
traditional methodologies. In ClustCube model, data
cubes complex database objects are stored within data
cube cells, rather than conventional SQL-based
aggregations as in standard Business Intelligence-
oriented OLAP data cubes.
On the other hand, the ClustCube model opens the
door to innovative methods for supporting machine
learning data analytics, by engrafting advanced
methodologies such as Multidimensional Clustering
and Multidimensional Regression.
The scheme of ClustCube is depicted in Figure 1,
where different layers of the framework are shown.
Figure 1: ClustCube Model.
The investigated research area contains several
research proposals that are close to our work. In this
Section, we report on some of the most noticeable of
In (Wu, et al., 2023), authors discuss the challenge
of benchmarking for Cloud environments, by noting
that traditional benchmarks for OLAP are typically
designed for on-premise setups. In response, they
introduce Raven, a Cloud-oriented OLAP benchmark
with a versatile architecture and varied workloads.
Raven is tailored for assessing OLAP engine
performance on Cloud platforms, boasting features
like flexible architecture, diverse workloads, support
for Cloud service deployment, integration with
various Cloud OLAP engines (such as Presto,
SparkSQL, Kylin and Athena) and the ability to
evaluate different engine configurations. In essence,
Raven offers users a comprehensive and adaptable
tool for evaluating and understanding OLAP engine
performance in Cloud environments by empowering
them to make informed decisions about selecting and
configuring OLAP services to meet their specific
Authors in (Kuschewski & Leis, 2021) discuss the
challenge posed by the wide range of hardware
instances offered by public cloud providers for
Cloud-based analytical query processing systems.
They propose the use of white-box models that take
into account workloads, hardware and costs to
determine the optimal instance configuration.
According to the authors, this approach can guide the
evolution of native Cloud OLAP systems. They argue
that black-box models are unsuitable because they
provide a few details and model-specific systems.
Authors present a white-box model designed for
OLAP workloads, along with an interactive tool to
explore the model's predictions. This model includes
instance-local caching and materialization, as well as
imperfect scalability and network data exchange
required for describing distributed processing.
In (Ribeiro, et al., 2020), authors focus on OLAP
analysis and parallel query processing in Cloud
computing environments via using C-ParGRES. C-
ParGRES is a system designed to execute OLAP
queries in parallel by leveraging the resources
available in a cloud computing environment. The
main goal of this research is to enhance the
performance and efficiency in processing OLAP
queries, enabling better scalability and resource
management in Cloud environments. Authors notice
that several companies have moved their data to the
Cloud using the concept of Database as a Service
(DBaaS). Transferring databases to the Cloud poses
various challenges related to flexible and scalable
data management. While some of these companies
have transitioned to NoSQL databases, many still rely
on relational databases in the cloud to manage data,
especially those critical for decision-making
processes. With these considerations in mind, C-
ParGRES explores database replication, interquery
and intraquery parallelism to efficiently support
OLAP queries in the cloud.
C-ParGRES leverages
cloud capabilities such as on-demand resource
provisioning and elasticity. Additionally, C-
ParGRES can create multiple independent virtual
clusters for different databases and users.
Authors in (Zhan, et al., 2019) analyze the
phenomenon of the enormous growth of data in terms
of size and variety. OLAP databases are assuming an
increasingly crucial role in conducting real-time
analysis with reduced latencies (for example, in the
order of hundreds of milliseconds), especially when
incoming requests are complex in nature.
Additionally, these systems are expected to support
significant query concurrency and high write
throughput, as well as being able to handle queries on
structured and complex data such as JSON, vectors
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and texts. In line with this, authors present
AnalyticDB, a real-time OLAP database system
developed at Alibaba. AnalyticDB maintains indexes
of all columns asynchronously with an acceptable
impact, thus ensuring low latencies for complex and
spontaneous queries. Its storage engine extends the
traditional hybrid row-column layout to allow for
rapid retrieval of both structured and complex data.
To manage large-scale data with high query
concurrency and write throughput, AnalyticDB
separates access paths for reading and writing. To
further reduce query latencies, a new storage-aware
SQL optimizer and execution engine has been
developed to fully exploit the advantages of
underlying storage and indexes. AnalyticDB has been
successfully deployed on the Alibaba Cloud to meet
the needs of numerous customers, both large and
In (Khrouf, et al., 2018), authors focus the
attention on documents containing relevant
information for decision-making processes.
Consequently, their analysis can assist decision-
makers in better understanding their organizations’
business processes and making well-founded
decisions that cannot be achieved through traditional
data warehouse inspection. However, it emerges that
most textual data are not integrated into decision-
making systems or considered during decision-
making processes. This is due to various reasons,
such as the lack of specific functionalities for
document data warehouses. Therefore, to address this
issue, it has become essential to incorporate textual
data into Decision Support Systems. In this context,
several attempts have been made, with most focusing
on utilizing information stored in documents by
employing a set of aspects to model documents
according to different user-proposed perspectives
and to enhance OLAP over documents. Authors
identify two main categories for document storage
and OLAP. The first one adopts the traditional
multidimensional model by integrating specific
extensions for textual data processing. The second
one proposes specific models for document OLAP
such as the galaxy model and the diamond model. In
their research, authors present a new model called
CobWeb, which extends the galaxy model for
document OLAP. This model employs the concept of
aspects, which are standard. An aspect is considered
a viewpoint as it groups a set of data describing
similar documents. By transforming each aspect into
a dimension in the CobWeb document storage model,
these aspects are used as possible analysis axes. In
CobWeb, authors introduce several significant
extensions, such as the constraint exclusion between
dimensions, the ability to define recursive
parameters, duplicate dimensions and correlated
dimensions. Also, in CobWeb, authors introduce four
operators for visualizing OLAP query results via
using the concept of Tag Cloud as to assist decision-
makers in interpreting their query results more
effectively. These operators are: TableCloudTags,
Filter_Tag, CellCloudTags and Agg_Tag.
Authors analyze Cloud Data Warehouses in
(Dkaich, et al., 2017), with their enormous size and
high resource consumption that, very often,
representing a significant burden for local
infrastructures. Cloud-based solutions for data
warehousing emerge as a promising answer to
manage the immense amounts of involved data. Many
companies extensively use data warehouses for data
analysis, leveraging XML not only to handle semi-
structured data but also to capitalize on the Web
environment. The idea of integrating both solutions
within a parallel environment therefore appears as a
logical step. Authors propose leveraging XML not
only for data storage and exchange but also to connect
it to the distributed processing of multidimensional
data. The study addresses the challenge of storing
documents in distributed environments such as Cloud
nodes, by exploring the possibility of combining data
storage and decision analysis based on OLAP data
cubes within Cloud environments via using the
MapReduce model for query processing.
In (Dehne, et al., 2015), authors introduce the
problem of requests for Online Transaction
Processing (OLTP) transactions in a data center,
being these transactions typically accessing only
limited parts of a database. On the other hand, OLAP
queries need to aggregate vast portions of data, often
causing performance issues. In reply to this challenge,
(Dehne, et al., 2015) presents CR-OLAP, an
innovative real-time OLAP system based on Cloud
that is built on a new distributed index structure for
OLAP, namely the distributed PDCR tree. CR-OLAP
leverages a scalable Cloud infrastructure consisting
of multiple standard servers (processors). In other
words, as the database size increases, CR-OLAP
dynamically increases the number of processors to
ensure optimal performance. In addition to this, the
distributed data structure PDCR tree supports
various dimensional hierarchies and efficiently
processes complex dimension hierarchies, which are
a fundamental element in OLAP systems. This
system proves to be particularly efficient in handling
complex OLAP queries that require aggregating large
segments of the data warehouse, such as: reporting
total sales for all stores located in California and New
York during the months from February to May of all
Empowering Multidimensional Machine Learning over Cloud- Enabled Big Data Infrastructures with ClustCube
years. By conducting an evaluation of CR-OLAP on
Amazon EC2 Cloud using the TPC-DS benchmark
dataset, results demonstrate that CR-OLAP
effectively scales with an increase in the number of
processors, even for most complex queries. Derived
results provide a response time of less than 0.3
seconds, considered real-time.
Finally, authors in (Cruz Lopes, et al., 2014)
explore mechanisms for handling transactional
queries on encrypted data, which is slightly related to
our research. However, little attention has been paid
to understanding how a Cloud-Hosted Data
Warehouse (CDW) should be encrypted to support
query analysis. Since data is stored in the DAS
provider, there are potential risks for sensitive data,
such as financial information or medical records
stored on an unreliable host. Therefore, directly
executing queries on encrypted data can significantly
improve query performance while preserving data
privacy. With this goal in mind, authors introduce the
concept of direct query execution on encrypted data,
by illustrating the potential to improve query
performance and preserve data privacy. They
examine an approach to encrypt and query a CDW.
Performance tests were conducted on the OLAP
system developed by the authors, specifically tailored
to the proposed encryption approach, to evaluate the
system effectiveness in query processing. Results
indicate that the overhead introduced by the proposed
encryption approach decreases as the proposed
system scales, as comparable to an unencrypted
dataset. Furthermore, executing aggregations and
data grouping directly on encrypted data stored in the
server led to performance improvements (from
84.67% to 93.95%), when compared to the
performance obtained by executing the same
computational pattern on the client after decryption.
In the context of Multidimensional Big Data
Analytics, the aspect of multidimensional cuboids
plays a fundamental role. These cuboids, each of
which represents an entity in the multidimensional
space of data provide a structured and comprehensive
view of the data itself. It is important to emphasize
that cuboids can vary significantly depending on the
dimensions chosen and the level of detail applied to
each of them.
The use of cuboids allows for a more in-depth
analysis and understanding of the data by enabling the
identification of complex relationships and patterns
within them. This feature offers enormous potential
to further optimize the entire process related to the
creation, selection and management of cuboids.
Starting from the Cuboid Lattice Schema, it is
possible to significantly improve the phases involved
in Data Mart development. This process includes
several crucial stages:
Analysis and Reconciliation of Data Sources: in
this phase it is essential to carefully examine the
available data sources by ensuring consistency
and integrity before proceeding further.
Requirements Analysis: fully understanding the
needs and requirements of the system is
fundamental by ensuring all end-user needs are
Conceptual Design: key concepts and data
relationships are outlined here creating a
conceptual structure that will serve as a
foundation for subsequent phases.
Loading and Validation of the Conceptual
Schema: this phase involves the practical
implementation of the conceptual schema,
verifying its effectiveness and consistency with
the initial requirements.
Logical Design: conceptual concepts translate
into a logical model by defining tables,
relationships and necessary primary/foreign keys
for system implementation.
Physical Design: technical and infrastructural
aspects of system implementation are defined
here, optimizing performance and scalability.
Feeding Design: this phase focuses on defining
processes for feeding data into the system by
ensuring an efficient and reliable flow.
Utilizing the power of Big Data enables these phases
to be addressed more efficiently and effectively. The
ClustCube methodology, applied in this context is
outlined in Figure 2, providing a visual and structured
guide for implementing this innovative approach to
data management.
ClustCube methodology is divided into seven
phases or levels as shown in Figure 2. Below, we
provide a detailed description of the operations
carried out at each level, by using a specific data cube,
called TourismDC, which is a tourism-sector data
cube that will be described deeply in Section 4.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: ClustCube Methodology for Multidimensional
Big Data Analytics.
Level one represents the starting point. At this
level we can observe the presence of the initial data
cube, TourismDC. TourismDC consists of the fact
table named Reservation to which sixteen dimensions
are connected, expressing the analysis dimensions of
the model. Among the main dimensions we observe
Accommodation, Point of Interest, Car Rental, Flight,
Ferry, Taxi, Tour and Tourist.
Second level implies the configuration of the
Cuboid Lattice Schema relating to a data cube. Due
to considerations regarding graphical representation,
the displayed Cuboid Lattice Schema diagram
actually corresponds to a four-dimensional data cube
rather than the data cube TourismDC. This is because
the Cuboid Lattice Schema of the data cube
TourismDC would be too extensive to be displayed
within such a schema.
However, the main issue concerns the intrinsic
concept of the Cuboid Lattice Schema, which
involves representing, in general, the concept that
starting from a fact table connected to n dimension
tables, it is possible to create a lattice of cuboids each
of which represents a different degree of
consolidation along one or more dimensions. In this
context, therefore, level two of the schema indicates
the representation of cuboids derived from the main
data cube TourismDC.
At the third level the cuboid grid is still present,
but three cuboids highlighted in red are noticeable
indicating they have been selected. This highlighting
reflects the selection process carried out by
ClustCube, which can select cuboids belonging to
different levels. This selection enables us to identify
cuboids deemed significantly relevant for the
subsequent analysis phase of the grid. Thanks to this
targeted selection, we carefully choose cuboids
capable of providing optimal results for our objective.
Level four presents the Analysis Service
Elaboration service. Through the Analysis Service
Elaboration operation, it is possible to process
Analysis Services elements such as tabular models,
data cubes, dimensions and data mining models.
Multiple elements can be processed simultaneously,
either sequentially or concurrently. If there are no
elements requiring a specific processing order,
concurrent processing can expedite the process. In the
case of concurrent processing of elements, the
operation can be configured to automatically
determine the number of elements to process
concurrently or manually specify this number.
Sometimes, when processing analysis elements it is
necessary to process elements dependent on them as
well. Analysis Services Processing operation offers
an option to process all dependent elements in
addition to the selected ones. Processing performed
on selected cuboids provides crucial information on
both clusters and Multidimensional Regression.
Level five is represented by the Cloud
. The
Computational Framework of Multidimensional Data
Analytics System Support relies on Microsoft Azure
Cloud infrastructure. Crucial phases of the complete
implementation of Big Data Analytics techniques are
outlined in the following points:
Analysis (Big Data Mining):
Prediction (Big Data Prediction);
Visualization (Big Data Visualization).
Peculiarity of each phase lies in the adoption of
multidimensional modeling methodologies of Big
Data aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and
expressive power of all phases within the overall
process of Big Data Analytics. The latter further
demonstrates the flexibility of our methodology.
Level six and level seven focus on the
visualization and processing capabilities, as well as
prediction, of the PowerBI component. The
framework introduces suitable solutions for big data
visualization that utilize advanced graphical tools for
accessing Big Data, as to really support and guide the
big data analytics phase via simplifying data
understanding and interpretation.
In particular, the types of visualization
components that the framework aims to support are
as follows:
Built-In Big Data Visualization Components:
these visualization components create classic
graphical objects (histograms, scatter plots, pies,
etc.) directly from the knowledge extracted from
Big Data.
User-Defined Data Visualization Components:
these visualization components are graphical
objects whose appearance can be defined based on
specific analysis goals, either natively or by
composing the basic Built-In Big Data
Visualization Components.
Empowering Multidimensional Machine Learning over Cloud- Enabled Big Data Infrastructures with ClustCube
In this Section, we provide a detailed proof-of-
concept of the capabilities of ClustCube in a real-life
setting represented by the tourism sector. We first
introduce the data cube TourismDC, the central entity
of our proof-of-concept. Then, interesting
multidimensional cuboids can be derived from the
main data cube.
Conceptual diagram in Figure 3 illustrates the
Dimensional Fact Model (DFM), through which it is
feasible to represent data within the OLAP data cube
TourismDC. It highlights the dimensions of analysis
and the relevant facts related to the representation of
the modeled reality.
Fundamental aspects of the model are:
providing support for conceptual design;
creating an environment where users can query
intuitively and guided.
Figure 3: DFM of the Data Cube TourismDC.
Graphical representation of the DFM assumes the
form of a Star Schema. At the center of the schema
lies the Reservation table, serving as the fact table
since it contains various measures enabling
significant results. Furthermore, it holds considerable
importance in the decision-making process. The
Reservation table contains all bookings made by
tourists for available services.
Starting from the DFM, the data cube TourismDC
has been implemented through the integrated
environment of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (see
Figure 4).
This implementation allows us to realize both the
big multidimensional data management and analytics
procedures, in order to effectively test the properties
and the potentialities of the proposed framework in
real-life settings.
Figure 4: Data Cube TourismDC.
Here, the fact table is associated with sixteen
dimensions and their corresponding relationships that
delineate the various analytical dimensions of the
model. These dimensions include Accommodation,
Point of Interest, Car Rental, Flight, Ferry, Taxi,
Tour, Tourist and Geographical Area. Some of these
dimensions feature hierarchies to allow for a more
detailed analysis. In our context, the dimensions
represent the services available to tourists. Other
dimensions include: Accommodation Review, Car
Rental Review, Flight Review, Ferry Review, Tour
Review, Taxi Review and Point of Interest Review.
The latter dimensions listed, as suggested by their
names, represent the evaluations expressed by tourists
regarding the quality of the services used.
As regards the multidimensional big data
analytics properties of the framework, Figure 5
illustrates a case of Multidimensional Clustering
Figure 5: Section Multidimensional Clustering Analysis.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this paper, we have provided our methodology for
applying the state-of-the-art ClustCube framework to
the real-life problem of supporting Multidimensional
Machine Learning over Cloud-enabled big data
infrastructures, and we have shown its proof-of-
concept in the tourism sector. This model can be
further extended, for instance via supporting the
discovery of new communities among tourists (e.g.,
(Wu, et al., 2013; Chen, et al., 2021)).
Future work is mainly oriented to engraft into our
framework innovative aspects of big data processing
(e.g., (Cuzzocrea & Mansmann, 2009; Islam, et al.,
2017; Langone, et al., 2020; Barkwell, et al., 2018;
Bobek, et al., 2022; Hiremath, et al., 2023)).
This work was partially funded by the Next
Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4,
Component 2, Investment 1.5 (Directorial Decree n.
2021/3277) - project Tech4You n. ECS0000009.
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