choreography, meaning that instead of central
orchestration unit as in SOA, microservices
themselves take responsibility for interacting with the
environment, i.e., in a microservice architecture
business processes are embedded into the services
(Cerny, 2017). This limited flexibility in design,
adjustment, and visibility of end-to-end business
processes, as well as difficulty of managing
microservice architectures, as a large unorganised set
of fine-grained, headless services, made unrealistic
the implicit expectation that microservice
architectures would be sufficient to meet all the needs
of large complex organizations (Xiao et al., 2016).
Furthermore, following Domain driven design
(DDD), microservices should be defined within a so-
called bounded context, a boundary of a model within
a specific domain. The purpose of this concept was to
encourage a design that focuses on delivering
business functionality rather than just focusing on
code reuse and decomposition (Evans, 2003).
However, very fuzzy definition of DDD´s bounded
context and the separation of business problem space
and solution space led to interpretion that DDD
domains (or subdomains) belong to "business" and its
problem space, while engineers define the bounded
context as the solution space-boundery of the
software they design (Tune, 2020). The next chapter
will introduce Composable Enterprise as a new
remedy for illnesses of large complex organisations,
aiming to bring bunded context of IT solution space
close to the business problem space and DDD
domains (or business capabilities).
2.2 Composable Enterprise
The term Composable Enterprise was introduced by
consultancy company Gartner in 2020, which defined
it as "an organization that can innovate and adapt to
changing business needs through the assembly and
combination of packaged business capabilities"
(Gaughan et al., 2020). Composable Enterprise is an
enterprise envisioned as modular and highly
adaptable to business changes. This is achieved
through Composable Business, an enterprise business
made up of a combination of easy interchangeable
and pluggable "lego-like" components. As
Composable Enterprise embraces the API economy, a
business model built around delivering enterprise
services to customers through APIs (Basole, 2019),
pluggability in Composable Enterprise is enabled
through APIs exposed by its composable
components. The key principles of Composable
Business include ensuring holistic system view at the
business level (and not just at the technology level)
and applying modularity to business assets to achieve
flexibility for implementing business change (Dessus,
2021). Modularity, defined as the extent to which a
system may be divided into smaller components, is an
important concept for reducing enterprise complexity
by breaking enterprise to independent parts, hiding
the complexity of each part behind abstraction and
API interfaces (Baldwin and Clark, 2000).
Modularity in Composable Enterprise is achieved
through enterprise business capabilities, which are
referred to as Packaged Business Capabilities (PBC)
in Composable Enterprise. Business Capability Map
(BCM), as a set of all enterprise business capabilities
(PBCs), is envisioned as a tool for achieving Business
Composability, a business-IT aligned service
abstraction that starts from the notion of first applying
service composability to business assets (or PBCs), to
achieve the scale and pace needed for implementing
business changes. Where PBCs would serve as
building blocks both for composing the enterprise and
encapsulating software components (Panetta, 2020).
Furthermore, Gartner defines three building blocks of
Composable Business: composable thinking,
composable business architecture and composable
technologies. Composable thinking promotes the idea
that everything can be composable by encouraging
the creative use of design principles throughout the
enterprise to enable more flexible adaptable way to
meet ever changing customer needs. Composable
business architecture, with use of business
capabilities delivering composable business processes
(Heinig, 2022), ensures that the organization and its
business are built as flexible and resilient. Where
composable technology enables flexible information
systems to support business which is achieved with
modular system architectures (Panetta, 2020). An IT
architecture that emerged to support building
composable technologies in Composable Enterprise is
so-called MACH architecture (MACH Technology,
n.d.). MACH is a set of design principles that
encourages building information systems as a set of
pluggable, scalable, and replaceable IT components.
MACH architectures promote the following concepts:
• Microservices-based: developing microservices
as independently developed, deployed, and
managed components
• API-first: hiding internal complexity, and
exposing functionalities through APIs that enable
pluggability of PBCs
• Cloud-native SaaS: leveraging hosting, elastic
scaling, and automatic updating of cloud
deployment models
• Headless: the core of composable concept are
headless, easy interchangeable components. At