Automatic Question Generation for the Japanese National Nursing
Examination Using Large Language Models
usei Kido
, Hiroaki Yamada
1 a
, Takenobu Tokunaga
1 b
Rika Kimura
2 c
, Yuriko Miura
2 d
, Yumi Sakyo
2 e
and Naoko Hayashi
2 f
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Graduate School of Nursing Science, St. Luke’s International University, Japan
Large Language Models, National Nursing Examination, Distractor Generation, Multiple-Choice Questions,
Automatic Question Generation.
This paper introduces our ongoing research project that aims to generate multiple-choice questions for the
Japanese National Nursing Examination using large language models (LLMs). We report the progress and
prospects of our project. A preliminary experiment assessing the LLMs’ potential for question generation in
the nursing domain led us to focus on distractor generation, which is a difficult part of the entire question-
generation process. Therefore, our problem is generating distractors given a question stem and key (correct
choice). We prepare a question dataset from the past National Nursing Examination for the training and eval-
uation of LLMs. The generated distractors are evaluated with compared to the reference distractors in the test
set. We propose reference-based evaluation metrics for distractor generation by extending recall and preci-
sion, which is popular in information retrieval. However, as the reference is not the only acceptable answer,
we also conduct human evaluation. We evaluate four LLMs: GPT-4 with few-shot learning, ChatGPT with
few-shot learning, ChatGPT with fine-tuning and JSLM with fine-tuning. Our future plan includes improving
the LLMs’ performance by integrating question writing guidelines into the prompts to LLMs and conducting
a large-scale administration of automatically generated questions.
Automatic question generation (AQG) is one of the
applications of natural language processing (NLP)
that has been actively studied in the educational do-
main. It is expected to significantly reduce the bur-
den on question writers. There have been a series of
comprehensive surveys in this area (Alsubait et al.,
2015; Kurdi et al., 2020; Faraby et al., 2023). Al-
subait et al. (2015) covered 81 papers published up to
2014 and analysed them from nine aspects: purpose,
domain, knowledge source, additional input, ques-
tion generation method, distractor generation method,
question format, answer format and evaluation. Con-
cerning the domain, the number of studies targeting
specific domains is slightly larger than that for a gen-
eral domain. Language learning is a dominant domain
among domain-specific studies, followed by mathe-
matics and medicine, but they are few.
Kurdi et al. (2020) followed Alsubait et al. (2015)
to systematically collected 93 papers on AQG pub-
lished from 2015 to 2019 and analysed the trend. The
domain distribution is similar to Alsubait et al. (2015),
i.e. the numbers of studies on domain-specific and
those on non-specific domains are comparable, and
the language learning domain remains dominant in
the domain-specific studies. Studies for new domains,
such as sports, appeared in their survey.
The studies reviewed by Alsubait et al. (2015)
and Kurdi et al. (2020) utilised template-based, rule-
based (Liu et al., 2010) or statistical-based (Kumar
et al., 2015; Gao et al., 2019) approaches. In contrast,
Faraby et al. (2023) collected 224 neural network-
based AQG papers published between 2016 and early
2022. Since neural network approaches require a
large amount of training data, the availability of large
datasets for Question-Answering (QA) systems, such
Kido, Y., Yamada, H., Tokunaga, T., Kimura, R., Miura, Y., Sakyo, Y. and Hayashi, N.
Automatic Question Generation for the Japanese National Nursing Examination Using Large Language Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0012729200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 821-829
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
as SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016), NewsQA
, has
facilitated neural question generation (NQG). These
datasets were initially designed and constructed for
developing QA systems but are also usable for AQG.
Faraby et al. (2023) focused on NQG in the educa-
tional context and introduced several datasets usable
for NQG. Also, they mentioned the difficulty of eval-
uating AQG, which comes from multiple potentially
appropriate questions and a shortage of evaluation
datasets considering this characteristic.
At the end of 2022, ChatGPT
appeared, and
numerous large language models (LLMs) followed.
Their versatility and high performance for various
tasks without fine-tuning made a great impact on both
academia and industry (Liu et al., 2023b). LLMs have
already been applied to AQG. For instance, Perkoff
et al. (2023) compared three types of LLM archi-
tectures: T5, BART and GPT-2, in generating read-
ing comprehension questions and concluded that T5
was the most promising. Yuan et al. (2023) used
GPT-3 to generate questions and choose better ques-
tions among automatically generated candidates. Oh
et al. (2023) utilised LLM for paraphrasing refer-
ences to improve the evaluation metrics for AQG.
Shin and Lee (2023) conducted a human evalua-
tion of ChatGPT-generated multiple-choice questions
(MCQs) for language learners, in which 50 language
teachers evaluated a mixed set of human-made and
ChatGPT-made MCQs without knowing their origins.
They reported both types of MCQs had comparable
We follow this line of research by utilising LLMs
to generate questions. This research is a part of the
project funded by the Ministry of Health, Labour
and Welfare (MHLW) of Japan, which aims to au-
tomate administering the National Nursing Examina-
tion. Thus, our target domain is nursing; specifically,
we aim to generate questions for the Japanese Na-
tional Nursing Examination. This study assesses the
feasibility of using the LLM-generated questions in
the Japanese National Nursing Examination. Even
though the question generation could not be fully au-
tomated, automating parts of the entire generation
process can reduce the workload on question writ-
ers. Unlike the prevalent language learning domain,
recruiting a large number of domain experts for evalu-
ation is difficult in our nursing domain. Therefore, the
challenge includes designing an effective and efficient
evaluation framework with fewer human resources.
In this paper, we report the progress of our on-
going research project that aims to generate MCQs
Which of the following was the leading
cause of death in Japan in 2020?
1. malignant neoplasm key
2. pneumonia
3. heart disease
4. cerebrovascular disease
Figure 1: Example of multiple-choice question (MCQ). The
original is in Japanese. This is our translation. The same
applies to the following examples.
for the Japanese National Nursing Examination us-
ing LLMs. An MCQ consists of three components:
a stem, a key and distractors, as shown in Figure 1.
AQG needs to generate these three components to
constitute a question. Particularly, distractor gener-
ation has been actively studied (Susanti et al., 2017;
Gao et al., 2019) since generating distractors is a bur-
densome task for question writers. Considering the
result of the preliminary experiment described in sec-
tion 3, we shift our focus on distractor generation by
Table 1: Choice type distribution in the past ten-year exam-
Choice type #questions
noun phrase 309
sentence 57
numerics 96
figure & table 22
exceptional questions 16
Total 500
In Japan, one must pass the National Nursing Exam-
ination to be qualified as a registered nurse. Gradu-
ating from a college or university with a nursing cur-
riculum is a prerequisite to the examination. The ex-
amination evaluates the knowledge and skills required
to become a registered nurse. It covers a wide range
of subjects to confirm the knowledge about nursing
from various perspectives, including the structure and
function of the human body, the origin of disease and
promotion of recovery, health support and social se-
curity system, basic nursing, adult nursing, geronto-
logical nursing, pediatric nursing, maternal nursing,
psychiatric nursing, home health care nursing, and in-
tegration and practice of nursing. These subjects are
organised into a three-level hierarchical structure con-
sisting of 16 major categories, 49 middle categories
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
and 252 minor categories.
The examination questions are in the form of
MCQ and classified into three: essential, general,
and situational. This study focuses on the essential
questions. The essential part consists of 50 questions
that assess particularly important basic knowledge. A
score of 80% or higher on the essential questions is
necessary to pass the examination. The questions are
intended to check the examinees’ knowledge of nurs-
ing and are not intended to select examinees for a cer-
tain quota. Figure 1 shows a question example in the
essential questions
. A question consists of a stem
(question sentences), a key (correct choice) and three
or rarely four distractors (incorrect choices).
The choices can be words or phrases like in Fig-
ure 1, longer descriptions in clauses and sentences,
numerical values, graphs and tables. Table 1 shows
the distribution of the choice types in the essential
questions of the examinations over the past ten years,
which were provided by MHLW, the body respon-
sible for the National Nursing Examination. This
study considers only questions with choices of words,
phrases and sentences. Although some recent LLMs
can handle images as well as language, the number of
questions with figures and tables is small in the past
examinations. Questions with numerical choices are
better suited to rule-based approaches, e.g. setting ap-
propriate error offsets against the correct value will
make reasonable distractors.
To evaluate the potential of LLMs, we conduct a pre-
liminary study. Table 2 shows the topic, stem and
key of four questions used in the preliminary study.
We analysed the questions in the past examinations
regarding the correct answer rate, the discrimination
index and the distractor quality. These four ques-
were selected because our analysis of the past
ten-year questions revealed that the past questions on
these topics should be improved.
To make LLMs work well on a task, appropri-
ate prompts specialised to the task should be pre-
pared (Liu et al., 2023a). LLMs need to create a stem,
key and distractors to compose an MCQ. We prepare
different prompts with varying information for LLMs.
Table 3 shows variations of the prompts, in which
“I” indicates the information given to LLMs in the
The actual questions are in Japanese. This is a transla-
tion by the authors.
As the second topic has two keys, we can derive two
questions from this topic with each as a key. We used only
“dehydration” as the key in the preliminary experiment.
prompt and “O” the output from LLMs. The charac-
ters in the prompt names (T, S and K) stand for the
information given in the prompt. For example, the SK
prompt contains a stem and key for generating distrac-
tors. The NON prompt contains only a topic shown in
Talbe 3 to generate all MCQ components: a stem, key
and distractors.
Additionally, we put a paragraph of the corre-
sponding topic in nursing textbooks in the prompt, in-
dicated in the “textbook” column and T in the prompt
name, since textual information is the most popular
input type to the AQG systems (Kurdi et al., 2020).
Although ontology-type structured knowledge is a
plausible option, we used textbook paragraphs since
ontologies in our Japanese nursing domain are un-
available. We do not consider providing distractors
in the prompt because creating distractors has been a
crucial research theme in the past AQG research.
The eight prompt patterns in Table 3 and the
four topics in Table 2 make 32 questions in total.
We used ChatGPT (gpt3.5-turbo-0301) through Mi-
crosoft Azure API with the zero-shot approach, i.e.
providing no exemplar. In the prompt, instead of cre-
ating a question all at once, we took an interactive ap-
proach of creating each component at each turn. For
instance, an interaction with a SK prompt looks like
Figure 2
, where the USER part is our input, and the
ASSISTANT part is the ChatGPT response. Surpris-
ingly, ChatGPT generates four options, including the
key, by just being instructed to “memorise” the stem.
The explicit instruction to generate distractors in the
second turn results in the same distractors generated
in the first turn.
The generated 32 questions were assessed by four
of the authors who are faculty members of a graduate
school of nursing science, i.e. domain experts, and
two of them have experience in writing questions of
National Nursing Examination. The assessment re-
vealed that only one question presented in Figure 2
was judged to be usable for National Nursing Exami-
After discussion with the assessors and hearing
from other domain experts (non-authors) with expe-
rience in writing questions of National Nursing Ex-
amination, with showing the generated questions, we
had the following findings.
Question writers prefer manually creating ques-
tion stems to manage the knowledge to assess.
Creating stems is not so difficult for them in a set-
ting like National Nursing Examination, i.e. as-
sessing clearly defined basic domain knowledge.
The actual prompt is in Japanese. We translate it for
Automatic Question Generation for the Japanese National Nursing Examination Using Large Language Models
Table 2: Target questions in the preliminary experiment (Translation).
Topic Stem Key
hair-washing assistance Which of the following is correct in assisting with hair wash-
wash with the finger pads
repeated vomit Which of the following is caused by repeated vomiting? dehydration or alkalosis
standard precautions Which of the following is considered a source of infection
in the standard precautions?
basic structure of the human
body and bodily fluids
Which of the following is the highest percentage of adult
body weight?
intracellular fluids
Table 3: Prompt variations for the preliminary experiment.
name topic textbook stem key
USER: You will now create a question with the cor-
rect answer “intracellular fluids” from four options.
Memorise the stem, which will be presented here.
Stem: “Which of the following is the highest per-
centage of fluids in an adult’s body weight?”
A. blood
B. lymph fluids
C. intracellular fluids
D. extracellular fluids
The correct answer is C. “intracellular fluids”.
USER: What are three distractors?
A. blood
B. lymph fluids
D. extracellular fluids
Figure 2: Interaction with a SK prompt (Translation).
On the other hand, creating distractors is the most
difficult part of question generation. It is hard
to find distractors that seem plausible but are not
true. A set of distractors generated by ChatGPT
is far from acceptable as is, but some of them are
usable and inspiring.
Providing an excerpt from the textbook concern-
ing the topic in the prompt does not impact the
results positively.
Based on these findings, we decided to focus on gen-
erating distractor candidates by providing a question
stem and its key in the prompt.
We propose automatic evaluation metrics to evaluate
the quality of generated MCQs, particularly focus-
ing on the quality of distractors. Automatic evalua-
tion metrics are indispensable for efficient system de-
velopment since human evaluation is expensive and
time-consuming. ROUGE (Lin and Hovy, 2003) is
a popular evaluation metric based on the overlapping
ratio of units between system outputs and the refer-
ences (correct outputs). ROUGE concerns the close-
ness of individual outputs to the references. However,
we are concerned about assessing a set of generated
distractors for a given stem and key, i.e. we need to
consider the closeness between generated and refer-
ence distractors on a set basis instead of an individual
basis. In this respect, set-theoretic metrics like recall
and precision are more appropriate.
The relation among distractors in a set is also im-
portant. For instance, even though each generated dis-
tractor for a given stem and key is acceptable, they are
unacceptable if they are all the same or similar.
We first consider recall and precision, well-known
metrics in information retrieval. Given a question q
in the test set Q
, recall (R) and precision (P) are de-
fined as in equation (1) and (2).
, (1)
, (2)
where S
is an automatically generated distractor set
for the stem and key of q
and G
is the distractors
of q
, i.e. the reference distractor set. Recall indi-
cates how much the system can replicate the refer-
ence distractors, while precision indicates how much
the generated distractors are acceptable with regard to
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
the reference. We can average these metrics over the
test set to obtain the overall quality of the generated
distractors as in equation (3) and (4). They are called
macro-averaged recall and precision.
R =
, (3)
P =
. (4)
Recall and precision are based on counting the
number of generated distractors that are exactly the
same as one of the reference distractors. Noun phrase
distractors are highly probable to match the refer-
ence because they consist of a word or a few words.
However, generated distractors in sentence form with
more words hardly match the reference, meaning that
we might consider generated distractors inappropri-
ate even though they have the same meaning as the
references. To remedy this problem, we introduce
a similarity-based extension of recall and precision,
i.e. similarity-recall (R
) and similarity-precision
). First, we assume a similarity metric sim(·, ·)
that defines a similarity value between two arguments,
ranging from 0 to 1. The numerator of equation (1)
and (2) can be written as
| =
, (5)
where the index function (·) returns 1 when the ar-
gument proposition is true and 0 otherwise. Rewritten
the numerator respectively, a natural extension of re-
call and precision from counting exact matching items
to accumulating the maximum similarity values leads
to equation (6) and (7).
sim(s, g
), g
, (6)
, argmax
, g))
. (7)
Theoretically, these similarity-based metrics become
larger values than the original recall and precision.
Our other concern is the relationship among dis-
tractors. The definition of R
and P
does not care
about the correspondence between generated and ref-
erence distractors. For instance, R
can not distin-
guish a situation where each generated distractor has a
maximum similarity to a different reference distractor
from a situation where all generated distractors have
a maximum similarity to the same reference. To solve
this drawback, we further extend R
and P
to take
into account pairs of generated and reference distrac-
tors. Our idea is to find a pair set of generated and
reference distractors that maximise the sum of simi-
larities of the pairs and to use the similarity sum for
the numerator to calculate recall and precision. Con-
sidering the distractor sets S
and G
as nodes and their
correspondence as edges with the weight of their sim-
ilarity, we can formulate our problem as the maximum
weight matching (MWM) problem for weighted com-
plete bipartite graphs. Efficient algorithms, e.g., the
Hungarian algorithm, are known to solve this prob-
lem. Suppose we have a function MWM(V
, V
) that
returns the maximum weight sum of a bipartite graph
consisting of node sets V
and V
, we define combina-
torial similarity-based recall (R
) and precision (P
by equation (8) and (9).
, G
, (8)
, G
. (9)
Like the original recall and precision, these extended
metrics will be macro averaged over all test set ques-
tions for evaluation.
We are also concerned about the relationship
among generated distractors in a question. A set of
distractors representing similar concepts for a ques-
tion should be avoided. We propose a metric, distrac-
tor variation (DV), representing how much distractors
of a question differ from each other. Equation (10)
defines the distractor variation for a question q
. A
larger DV indicates the distractors of a question are
= 1
, j̸=k}
, s
There are various ways to calculate the similarity
between linguistic expressions, i.e., the implementa-
tion of sim(·, ·). The ROUGE score mentioned above
is one of them. In the experiment below, we use the
text embedding technique (Patil et al., 2023) to cal-
culate similarities between two distractors. Each dis-
tractor is transformed into an embedding (a dense real
vector) and their cosine similarity with the minimum
value rounded up to zero is used for a similarity of
distractor pairs.
5.1 Dataset
As mentioned in section 2, we obtained the essen-
tial questions of the National Nursing Examination
Automatic Question Generation for the Japanese National Nursing Examination Using Large Language Models
over the past ten years from MHLW. We target the
questions with noun phrases and sentences as the
choice, i.e. 309 (noun phrase choice) and 57 (sen-
tence choice), 366 questions in total (cf. Table 1).
These questions consist of 347 four-choice questions
(95%) and 19 five-choice questions (5%). They are
divided into 193, 87 and 86 questions for training,
validation and test data while maintaining the distri-
bution of subjects.
5.2 Models
We consider three language models: ChatGPT (gpt-
3.5-turbo-0613), GPT-4 (gpt4-0613) (Achiam et al.,
2023) developed by OpenAI, and the Japanese Stable
LM instruct alpha 7B-v2 (JSLM) model (Lee et al.,
2023) developed by Stability AI Japan. We used
ChatGPT and GPT-4 through the Microsoft Azure
API and JSLM on our GPU server. Since JSLM was
created using Japanese corpora, we expect it to per-
form well in processing Japanese text.
We conduct fine-tuning for ChatGPT and JSLM
using 193 questions in the training data. The fine-
tuning is not available for GPT-4 at the time of writing
this paper. The fine-tuning of ChatGPT is performed
in five epochs through Microsoft Azure OpenAI API.
We fine-tune JSLM using the SGD optimiser
, batch
size 1, learning rate 10
and 50 epochs. The model
with the lowest loss on the validation data is adopted
as the tuned model. We do not adopt any approxima-
tion techniques of parameter tuning like LoRA (Hu
et al., 2021); instead, we conduct full-parameter tun-
5.3 Prompting
In the name of prompt engineering, various tech-
niques have been developed to create better prompts
for controlling LLMs to respond successfully. The
in-context learning method is the most popular tech-
nique, in which several exemplars consisting of an in-
struction and its corresponding appropriate response
are included after instructions (Brown et al., 2020).
It is also called the one/few-shot learning method ac-
cording to the number of exemplars. In-context learn-
ing is particularly useful when additional model learn-
ing is difficult as in GPT-4. Our experiment adopts
four-shot learning for GPT-4, as it does not allow fine-
tuning; this model is named “gpt4”. We also apply
four-shot learning to ChatGPT (gpt3.5-turbo-0613) to
see the difference in impact on performance between
fine-tuning and in-context learning. We name Chat-
GPT with in-context learning “gpt3.5-few” and that
with fine-tuning “gpt3.5-FT”. For JSLM, we use no
exemplar in the prompt (zero-shot).
For few-shot learning of gpt4 and gpt3.5-few, four
questions are randomly selected from 193 questions
in the training data for exemplars; they are used for
all test questions. Figure 3 shows a zero-shot prompt,
and Figure 4 shows a few-shot prompt, in which a
stem and a key are embedded in the placeholders Q
and A respectively, and N is four or ve depend-
ing on the reference question
. In addition to fill-
ing the stems and keys, distractors are filled in the
placeholder D
in the few-shot prompt. Most past
questions have three distractors (four-choice ques-
tions), and the rest have four distractors. Since we are
generating distractor candidates, our prompts instruct
LLMs to generate five distractors for each question,
including one or two additional candidates.
USER: Give us ve distractors for the N-choice ques-
tion “Q” with the correct answer “A”.
Figure 3: Zero-shot prompt (Translation).
USER: Give us three distractors for the four-choice
question “Q” with the correct answer “A”.
ASSISTANT: Distractors:
— three more exemplars here —
USER: Give us ve distractors for the N-choice ques-
tion “Q” with the correct answer “A”.
Figure 4: Few-shot prompt (Translation).
5.4 Results
Table 4 shows the evaluation metric values of the
models for comparison. We used the Multilingual-
E5-Large model (Wang et al., 2022) to transform dis-
tractors into 1024-dimensional real vectors for cal-
culating similarity-based metrics. Table 4 is broken
down into two tables: Table 5 and Table 6, which
correspond to the questions with noun-phrase choices
and those with sentence choices, respectively. The
boldface indicates the best values across the com-
pared models. The distractor variation (DV) values
of the references are 0.126 for the entire set, 0.125 for
the noun-phrase choice set and 0.127 for the sentence-
choice set, respectively.
The prompt is in Japanese. This is a translation by the
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
Table 4: Result of the entire test set (86 questions).
gpt4 gpt3.5-few gpt3.5-FT JSLM
R 0.147 0.155 0.178 0.101
P 0.088 0.093 0.107 0.060
0.903 0.906 0.909 0.892
0.894 0.894 0.896 0.877
0.901 0.903 0.905 0.886
0.540 0.542 0.543 0.532
DV 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.122
Table 5: Result of the noun-phrase choice set (75 ques-
gpt4 gpt3.5-few gpt3.5-FT JSLM
R 0.169 0.178 0.204 0.116
P 0.101 0.107 0.123 0.069
0.906 0.909 0.913 0.895
0.895 0.896 0.899 0.880
0.903 0.906 0.910 0.889
0.542 0.544 0.546 0.534
DV 0.116 0.117 0.120 0.124
We also conducted a manual evaluation by the
domain-expert authors, the same as the preliminary
experiment. The topics in Table 2 are used to gen-
erate distractor sets for human evaluation. We give
a pair of a stem and a key as input; the second topic
makes two questions by using individual keys out of
two (dehydration or alkalosis). Therefore, we have
five distractor sets generated by each model. Table 8
shows how many generated distractors are deemed ac-
ceptable by the experts (“exp”) and how many of them
are the same as the reference (“ref”).
In-Context Learning vs Fine-Tuning
Comparing gpt3.5-few and gpt3.5-FT reveals that
fine-tuning is consistently more effective than in-
context learning throughout all recall/precision met-
rics. Furthermore, we can gain improvement by fine-
tuning with only 193 training instances. Gpt3.5-FT
outperforms gtp4 in the question set with noun phrase
choices and the entire set. We might achieve further
improvement with more training data through fine-
tuning. Collecting new data or applying data augmen-
tation techniques (Li et al., 2022) to the existing data
are possible research directions.
Impact of the Parameter Size
JSLM is consistently inferior to the GPT family in
the recall/precision metrics. The parameter size of
JSLM we used in this experiment is seven billion
Table 6: Result of the sentence choice set (11 questions).
gpt4 gpt3.5-few gpt3.5-FT JSLM
R 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
P 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.887 0.884 0.881 0.874
0.881 0.880 0.877 0.856
0.885 0.882 0.877 0.862
0.531 0.529 0.526 0.517
DV 0.115 0.111 0.088 0.114
Table 7: Number of different most similar references to a
generated distractor.
#ref gpt4 gpt3.5-few gpt3.5-FT JSLM
1 34 29 32 25
2 45 47 42 40
3 7 10 12 21
(7B), which is far smaller than those of GPTs. The
parameter sizes of GPT 3.5-turbo and GPT-4 are not
officially published. Still, considering that the param-
eter size of their predecessor, GPT3, is 175 billion,
we can estimate that GPT 3.5-turbo and GPT-4 have
a parameter size of three or more orders of magni-
tude larger than JSLM (7B). We should adopt a larger
JSLM model to see the impact of parameter sizes on
performance. However, interestingly, JSLM shows a
larger variation value (DV) for noun-phrase distrac-
tors than other models. The fact that JSLM has been
trained on Japanese corpora might be the reason.
Noun-Phrase Choices vs Sentence Choices
The original recall and precision metrics (R and P) do
not work for evaluating sentence distractors (Table 6).
In contrast, the proposed similarity-based recall and
precision metrics work for both noun-phrase and sen-
tence distractors. To investigate the effectiveness of
combinatorial similarity-based metrics (R
and P
we counted how many most similar reference distrac-
tors to a generated distractor are there. The correspon-
dence is shown in Table 7. In more than half of the
cases in all models, multiple reference distractors are
most similar to the same generated distractor. Such a
situation is not favourable, particularly for measuring
recall. Our combinatorial extension should remedy
this problem. We presume that the larger number in
the second and third rows of JSLM in Table 7 partially
explains a larger drop from R
to R
for JSLM than
other models.
Human Evaluation vs Automatic Evaluation
Table 8 shows how many generated distractors are
judged acceptable by the experts (“exp”) and are the
same as the reference (“ref”). We can see that gpt3.5-
Automatic Question Generation for the Japanese National Nursing Examination Using Large Language Models
Table 8: Result of manual evaluation.
gpt4 gpt3.5 gpt3.5 JSLM
-few -FT
Topic exp ref exp ref exp ref exp ref
hair-washing 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
vomit/dehydration 3 1 3 1 5 2 2 1
vomit/alkalosis 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 0
std. precautions 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0
body fluids 5 1 3 1 5 3 2 1
Total 13 4 11 3 12 6 5 2
FT reproduces the reference distractors most, which
can be considered as an effect of fine-tuning. Another
notable observation is that gpt4 generates many dis-
tractors acceptable by human experts, although it re-
produces fewer reference distractors than gpt3.5-FT.
Table 9 shows distractor examples generated by each
model. We notice that gpt4 generates unique accept-
able distractors compared to other models. In this re-
spect, gpt4 might be more creative. As Faraby et al.
(2023) pointed out, the reference distractor set is not
the only appropriate set, which is also supported by
our human evaluation. Gpt4 can assist the question
writers by suggesting inspiring distractors they may
not have considered. Reference-based automatic eval-
uation metrics can not appropriately evaluate gener-
ated distractors in this respect. Similarity-based met-
rics might remedy this problem since they calculate
the similarity of generated distractors to the refer-
ences. We need to verify the effectiveness of our au-
tomatic evaluation metrics by comparing them with
human evaluation results on a large scale. Building
an evaluator model using reinforcement learning tech-
niques is another possible approach. Reinforcement
learning based on human feedback is a common tech-
nique for tuning LLM (Christiano et al., 2023). The
evaluator model can be free from the reference, and
it can also be used to tune the distractor generation
Open vs Proprietary LLMs
This study employed an open LLM (JSLM) and pro-
prietary LLMs (ChatGPT and GPT-4). Only a few re-
search institutes can train huge language models, such
as ChatGPT. The size of open LLMs currently avail-
able, such as JSLM, is still limited. It is unclear how
close the performance of open LLMs can reach that of
huge proprietary LLMs. However, open LLMs have
advantages in their transparency, tuneability, repro-
ducibility and security. Security is particularly crucial
for our case, the national examination, considering the
confidentiality of information. We will continue to
work on both open and proprietary LLMs, balancing
Table 9: Example of generated distractors (Translation).
Stem: Which of the following is the highest percentage
of body fluids to adult body weight?
Key: intracellular fluids
Model Generated distructors
gpt4 plasma, urine, sweat, bile, cerebrospinal
(0.929, 0.909, 0.925, 0.555, 0.136)
gpt3.5-few blood, adipose tissue, lymph fluids, di-
gestive fluids, urine
(0.940, 0.906, 0.931, 0.558, 0.137)
gpt3.5-FT plasma, interstitial fluids, lymph fluids,
blood cell, platelet
(1.000, 0.963, 1.000, 0.600, 0.130)
JSLM blood, somatic cell, extracellular fluids,
plasma, interstitial fluids
(0.953, 0.928, 0.950, 0.570, 0.127)
Reference plasma, interstitial fluids, lymph fluids
Bolds are the same as the reference; italics are deemed acceptable by the
experts. The values in the parentheses are metrics (R
, P
, R
, P
, DV).
the aforementioned advantages of open LLMs and the
high performance of proprietary LLMs.
Future Plan
This feasibility study shows promising results in auto-
matically generating distractors for Japanese National
Nursing Examination using LLMs.
To achieve further improvement in distractor gen-
eration, we are considering two approaches. The first
is posting a negated question stem to QA systems or
LLMs to obtain answers, which should be usable as
distractors of the original question stem. Logically,
this seems to work, but we must verify it through ex-
periments. The second is integrating question writ-
ing guidelines into the LLMs prompts. A different
group in our project has analysed the past examina-
tion questions to compile the guidelines. There are
several prohibitions in question writing for National
Nursing Examination, e.g. coined words should not
be an option, opposing choices can not coexist and
so on. We observed non-existing words in the gener-
ated distractors of our experiments. The distractors
in breach of the prohibitions can be filtered out in
the post-processing. However, breach-free outputs by
LLMs are more preferable. The guidelines will also
include rules to make questions better. Those rules
can be incorporated into the prompts for LLMs.
After improving distractor generation, we plan to
administer a large-scale mock-up examination that
includes questions with automatically generated dis-
tractors. The size of the participating test-takers is
expected to be 1,000. We will conduct a human eval-
uation of a mixed set of human-made and machine-
made questions, following Susanti et al. (2017) and
Shin and Lee (2023). Also, we will compare the test-
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
taker responses to both types of questions on the same
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Automatic Question Generation for the Japanese National Nursing Examination Using Large Language Models