Studying Trustworthiness of Neural-Symbolic Models for Enterprise
Model Classification via Post-Hoc Explanation
Alexander Smirnov
, Anton Agafonov
and Nikolay Shilov
Line, 39, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, Deep Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Concept Extraction,
Post-Hoc Explanation, Trust Assessment, Enterprise Model Classification.
Abstract: Neural network-based enterprise modelling support is becoming popular. However, in practical enterprise
modelling scenarios, the quantity of accessible data proves inadequate for efficient training of deep neural
networks. A strategy to solve this problem can involve integrating symbolic knowledge to neural networks.
In previous publications, it was shown that this strategy is useful, but the trust issue was not considered. The
paper is aimed to analyse if the trained neural-symbolic models just “learn” the samples better or rely on the
meaningful indicators for enterprise model classification. The post-hoc explanation (specifically, the concept
extraction) has been used as the studying technique. The experimental results showed that embedding
symbolic knowledge does not only improve the learning capabilities but also increases the trustworthiness of
the trained machine learning models for enterprise model classification.
Recently, the application areas of machine learning
methods based on artificial neural networks (ANN)
have significantly extended. Nevertheless, the
efficient application of ANNs is still highly
dependent on training data that is required in
significant volumes. Thereby absence of large
volumes of training data is still a significant
constraining factor for their application in a number
of areas (Anaby-Tavor et al., 2020; Nguyen et al.,
2022). On the other side, once defined symbolic
knowledge can be tailored to new problems without
the necessity of training on extensive datasets.
Consequently, the fusion of symbolic knowledge and
ANNs (sub-symbolic knowledge) can be considered
as a promising research direction. The result of such
a fusion is referred to as neural-symbolic artificial
intelligence (Garcez & Lamb, 2020).
One of the areas that can benefit from sub-
symbolic and symbolic knowledge fusion is
enterprise modelling assistance. Application of
machine learning techniques to enterprise modelling
assistance has been addressed recently (Shilov et al.,
2021, 2023) demonstrating the potential efficiency of
the enterprise modeller assistance based on the ANN
paradigm. The assistance can include both suggestion
and verification of node and relationship types and
labels implementing such functions as auto-
completion and error corrections. It was also shown
that efficient assistance can only be achieved if the
ANN-based models take into account the modelling
context, e.g., class of the model (such as concept
model, process model, etc.), its target users (engineers
or top managers), and others.
In the previous publication (Smirnov et al., 2023)
the authors analysed the application of the symbolic
artificial intelligence to the enterprise model
classification problem. It was demonstrated that its
usage indeed improved the ANN-based model trained
on a limited dataset. However, the publication did not
consider the trust issue. It was not researched if the
trained models just “learned” the samples or relied on
the meaningful model class indicators. The research
question to be answered in this work is “If the neural-
symbolic machine learning model is more
trustworthy than the pure ANN model?”. For this
purpose, an approach from the area of explanation of
Smirnov, A., Agafonov, A. and Shilov, N.
Studying Trustworthiness of Neural-Symbolic Models for Enterprise Model Classification via Post-Hoc Explanation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012730700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 873-880
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
trained ANNs (namely, post-hoc ANN explanation)
has been used to understand if the ANNs rely on
meaningful enterprise model class indicators.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
describes the state-of-the-art in the areas of symbolic
and sub-symbolic knowledge integration and post-
hoc ANN explainability. It is followed by the
presentation of the data used and the research
methodology. Section 4 presents the experimentation
results and their discussion. The concluding remarks
are given in Section 5.
The section briefly considers approaches and
architectures used for integration of symbolic and
neural knowledge as well as techniques of post-hoc
ANN explanations.
2.1 Approaches for Embedding
Symbolic Knowledge into ANNs
Embedding of symbolic knowledge into ANNs can be
achieved using various techniques. The paper
(Ultsch, 1994) defined four distinct approaches:
neural approximative reasoning, neural unification,
introspection, and integrated knowledge acquisition.
The approaches address different tasks and their
choice is normally defined by the task being solved.
The neural approximative reasoning combines
methods in the area of approximate inference
generation in intelligent systems (Guest &
Martin, 2023) mostly aimed at building ANNs
approximating existing rules.
The integrated knowledge acquisition aims to
extract knowledge from a limited set of
examples (usually generated by an expert) and
then to re-formulate discovered patterns into
rules (Mishra & Samuel, 2021).
The neural unification aims training ANNs to
learn logical statement sequences leading to the
original statement confirmation or refutation
for generalizing argument selection strategies
when proving assertions (Picco et al., 2021).
The introspection assumes ANNs to monitor
steps performed during logical inference thus
learning to avoid erroneous pathways and to
come to reasoning results faster
(Prabhushankar & AlRegib, 2022).
Thus, the most appropriate approaches for
embedding symbolic knowledge into ANN-based
classifier are the neural approximative reasoning and
integrated knowledge acquisition.
2.2 Symbolic and Neural Knowledge
Integration Architectures
The symbolic and neural knowledge integration
architectures are classified based on the “location” of
symbolic rules in an ANN (Wermter & Sun, 2000):
The Unified architecture suggests to encode
symbolic knowledge within the neural
netowrk. In this case, two ways are possible:
(i) encoding symbolic knowledge in separate
ANN fragments (Arabshahi et al., 2018; Pitz &
Shavlik, 1995; Xie et al., 2019), or (ii) by
network’s non-overlapping fragments (Hu et
al., 2016; Prem et al., n.d.).
The Transformation architecture assumes
mechanisms translating neural knowledge into
symbolic and/or back, e.g., extraction of rules
from an ANN (Shavlik, 1994).
Hybrid modular architecture suggests to
encode symbolic knowledge into modules that
are separate from ANN. This can be done in
three ways: (i) Loosely coupled architecture:
one-way interoperability (Dash et al., 2021; Li
et al., 2022); (ii) Tightly coupled architecture:
two-way interoperability (Xu et al., 2018; Yang
et al., 2020); and (iii) Fully integrated
architecture: two-way interoperability via
several interfaces (Lai et al., 2020).
In contrast to the approaches (sec. 2.1), the
architectures are not tailored to specific use cases but
should be selected based on the unique problem under
consideration. It can be noticed that when symbolic
knowledge is stored within dynamic modules such as,
for example, evolving ontologies, a hybrid modular
architecture is preferable (the symbolic knowledge
can be updated without affecting the neural
knowledge). Conversely, when dealing with static
knowledge, unified and transformational
architectures might seem to be appealing due to their
adaptability and the amount of techniques available.
As a result, in (Smirnov et al., 2023) the loosely
coupled hybrid modular architecture was selected to
maintain the autonomy of symbolic knowledge with
provisions for its extension and update.
2.3 Post-Hoc Approaches to the
Explainability of ANNs
Post-hoc techniques (Confalonieri et al., 2019, 2020,
2021; Panigutti et al., 2020) are designed to explain
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
pre-existing models that have been trained without
explicit provisions for interpretability. These
approaches have the potential to be employed with
any existing ANN. The majority of post-hoc methods
involve approximating the ANN using a more
understandable model (e.g., a decision tree).
An alternative approach for post-hoc explaining
ANN’s predictions involves establishing a link
between knowledge or concepts, typically
represented in an ontology, and the activation of
ANN’s layers (Agafonov & Ponomarev, 2022; de
Sousa Ribeiro & Leite, 2021). This correspondence
process, referred to as “concept extraction”, entails
training a mapping ANN. The mapping network takes
the output of specific neurons from the main network
being explained and produces the probability that the
sample processed by the main network corresponds to
the specified ontology concept. Frequently, these
mapping networks can attain a significantly high level
of predictive accuracy, facilitating the dependable
extraction of a set of concepts from a given sample.
In (Agafonov & Ponomarev, 2023), a library was
presented that includes a number of concept
extraction approaches based on the construction of
mapping networks. In particular, an algorithm was
implemented that simultaneously extracts all
concepts using a single ANN. This approach uses all
activations from the main network as input to the
proposed mapping network. The proposed
architecture of such a mapping network includes
outputs corresponding to specific concepts.
In this paper, we consider how the concept
extraction approach can be used to assess the
reliability of networks in which symbolic knowledge
has already been integrated. In particular, the scenario
of using this approach is considered in the absence of
an explicit ontological connection between the
concepts of the subject area.
3.1 Problem and Dataset
The considered problem is enterprise model
classification. The class of an enterprise model is
determined by the quantity and types of the model’s
nodes (the detailed dataset description can be found
in (Smirnov et al., 2023). The dataset comprising 112
models (insufficient for conventional ANN training)
of 8 unbalanced classes (Table 1).
Among the 36 node types in the dataset, the
analysis focuses only on 20 meaningful ones,
including: Attribute, Cause, Component, Concept,
Constraint, External Process, Feature, Goal,
Individual, Information Set, IS Requirement, IS
Technical Component, Opportunity, Organizational
Table 1: Enterprise model classes in the dataset.
Enterprise model class Number of
Business Process Model 43
Goal and Goal & Business Rule Model 13
Business Rule and Business Rule &
Process Model
Actors and Resources Model 12
Concepts Model 10
Technical Components and
Requirements Model
4EM General Model 7
Product-Service-Model 4
Unit, Problem, Process, Unspecific/Product/Service,
Resource, Role, Rule. The mean node count per
model is 27.3.
3.2 Methodology
3.2.1 Classification of Enterprise Models
The experiment reported in (Smirnov et al., 2023)
was based on the usage of the ANN shown in Figure
1(a). It is aimed at classification of enterprise models
based the presence and quantities of nodes of certain
types in the model without accounting for the graph
topology. It has three fully connected layers followed
by the rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation
function. The input data is presented as a vector of the
size 20, with each element presenting a distinct node
type. Intermediate layers have sizes 128 and 64
neurons respectively. The output data is the vector of
size 8, with each value corresponding to enterprise
model classes. The highest value position in the 8-
number vector identifies the model class.
Pre-processing involves two steps. Initially, the
quantity of nodes for each of the 20 types within an
enterprise model is computed. This vector is
normalized by dividing it by the highest node count,
resulting in values ranging between 0 and 1.
Training is done with the learning rate of 10
chosen after conducting multiple experiments with
various learning rate values. The Adam optimizer
(Kingma & Ba, 2014) is employed due to its superior
performance in most scenarios, faster computational
speed, and minimal parameter tuning requirements.
Early stopping is implemented to stop training when
the test set accuracy fails to improve for 20
consecutive epochs.
Studying Trustworthiness of Neural-Symbolic Models for Enterprise Model Classification via Post-Hoc Explanation
Figure 1: Studied ANN-based machine learning models (based on (Smirnov et al., 2023).
Classification model evaluation employs a 5-fold
cross-validation approach, which assumes
partitioning the dataset into 5 subsets of similar sizes,
with 5 experiments conducted where each subset
serves as the test set once, while the remaining
subsets are merged to form the training set.
The following approaches to network training
were considered:
Basic ANN training. In the initial experiment, a
normal ANN is employed for classification, with the
Cross Entropy function being used as the loss
function, as illustrated in Figure 1 (b).
Embedding symbolic knowledge using the
semantic loss function. The semantic loss function
proposed in (Xu et al., 2018) is combined with cross
entropy loss via calculating the weighted sum (Figure
L = CELoss + λ ∙ SLoss, (1)
where CELoss and SLoss represent the cross-entropy
loss and the semantic loss respectively, λ > 0 is a
hyperparameter the balances the constituents of the
total loss function, representing the weight of the
semantic loss. The initial semantic loss weight is 0.5.
Each successive epoch the weight of the semantic loss
is reduced by the value inverse to the total number of
epochs. At each iteration, the final semantic loss
weight is determined as the maximum between zero
and the current semantic loss weight. The semantic
loss function facilitates the integration of logical
constraints into the ANN output vectors, leveraging
such knowledge to enhance the training process.
These constraints entail specifications where an
enterprise model can be classified into a particular
class if it has a node of a specific type. For example:
"if the model includes a Rule node, it can only belong
to one of the following classes: 4EM General Model,
Goal Model and Goal & Business Rule Model, or
Business Rule Model and Business Rule & Process
Model". 20 rules have been defined for all 20 node
types. The remaining training parameters were held
as in the previous experiment.
Embedding symbolic knowledge using
symbolic pre-processing. The third experiment
included extension with extra inputs derived from the
application of rules to the original input data, as
illustrated in Figure 1(d). These rules align with those
described in the previous experiment. The additional
8 inputs correspond to potential model classes
(assigned a value of 1 if the class is viable, and -1
otherwise). Consequently, the initial layer of the
ANN was expanded to the size of 28 nodes instead of
the original 20. All other training parameters
remained unaltered.
To conduct the experiment, 5 launches of the
cross-validation procedure for each of the above
approaches have been carried out. According to the
results of each cross-validation, the mean accuracy
value for all folds was saved along with the accuracy
values of the best network (with the lowest loss value
on the test set).
The results of training the main models reported
in (Smirnov et al., 2023) showed that symbolic
knowledge can indeed notably enhance the results of
regular ANN for classifying enterprise models with
small amount of training data. The most substantial
enhancement was observed for the model
incorporating symbolic data pre-processing: mean
achieved accuracy was 0.973 vs. 0.929 achieved
using regular ANN). At the same time, the usage of
the semantic loss function did not yield any
significant improvement (accuracy of 0.920).
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.2.2 Trustworthiness Assessment Using a
Concept Extraction Approach
In the presence of trained networks for classifying
enterprise models, it becomes possible to interpret
their predictions using a post-hoc approaches to
explanation. In particular, the concept extraction
approach would allow to identify the types of nodes
of a specific enterprise model, the presence or
absence of which influenced the classification result.
In other words, it will be possible to understand if the
machine learning model relies on the node types as
the significant sign of the enterprise model class and
does not just learn the enterprise models in the
training set.
As noted earlier, the extraction of concepts (node
types) is carried out using mapping networks, which
provide links between the internal representation of
the sample by the main classification network and
each of the concepts. The quality indicators of
mapping networks can be used to compare the
classification networks of enterprise models in terms
of consistency of their internal representations with
symbolic knowledge. Thus, the more consistent the
internal representations are, the higher the
trustworthiness of the network and its reliability.
The process of extracting concepts is carried out
using the simultaneous extraction approach
implemented in the RevelioNN library (Agafonov &
Ponomarev, 2023). The simultaneous mapping
network receives as input the values of the produced
(when the sample is inferred) activation of all fully
connected layers of the main network classifying
enterprise models, and its outputs are the probabilities
of each of the concepts (node types).
The following values of the architecture
parameters of the simultaneous mapping network
were set (Figure 2):
16 output neurons in decoder blocks;
8 output neurons in the internal representation
Concept blocks are represented by layers
containing 8 neurons at the input and 1 neuron
at the output;
20 concept blocks (in our case, it is determined
by the number of possible types of nodes of the
enterprise model).
Each mapping network was trained three times for
each already trained best classification network (with
the lowest loss value on the test set). Thus, the number
of mapping networks was 15 for each approach
described in sec. 3.2.1.
The number of learning epochs was limited to
1000, and the patience value for the early stopping
was 200. The Adam optimizer with a learning rate of
0.001 was used.
To assess the quality of mapping networks, the
prediction accuracy of each of the concepts (node
types) was calculated, as well as the mean prediction
accuracy of all node types.
The results of the carried out experiment are
illustrated in Figures 3-5 and Table 2. The vertical
line segments in the figures indicate the variation of
the indicated value between different experiment
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the mean
accuracy of enterprise model classification networks
based on the results of all launches of the cross-
validation procedure. It can be seen that the best
classification quality (accuracy about 0.98) is typical
for the approach using symbolic pre-processing (no
variation between different launches). The reason for
this can be the strong correlation between the
additional inputs in this scenario and the anticipated
outcome, which positively impacts the efficiency of
the machine learning model. The classification
accuracy in basic network training turns out to be
Figure 2: Simultaneous mapping network structure.
Studying Trustworthiness of Neural-Symbolic Models for Enterprise Model Classification via Post-Hoc Explanation
Figure 3: Distribution of the mean classification accuracy
for all networks.
Figure 4: Distribution of the mean classification accuracy
for networks with the lowest loss value at each cross-
Figure 5: Distribution of the mean accuracy of concept
significantly lower, as well as when using semantic
loss. It is also worth noting that in the case of using
symbolic pre-processing, there is practically no
quality variation.
An interesting observation can be done, if only the
networks with the lowest loss value on the test set (the
“best” ones) obtained during each cross-validation
are considered. It turns out that when using the
semantic loss function and the symbolic pre-
processing approach (those with symbolic
knowledge), the mean classification accuracy is 1.0
and there is no variation (see Figure 4). While the
classical approach to ANN training produces a lower
accuracy with a significant variation in its values. It
can be concluded that embedding of symbolic
knowledge makes it possible to achieve better
prediction results (though not always) with a higher
Figure 5 shows the distribution of the mean
accuracy of extraction of all types of nodes by
mapping networks. Since 15 instances of mapping
networks were trained for each approach to training
the classification network, the results can be
considered fairly representative. It can be noted that
although numerically the values are quite close to
each other, the greatest accuracy is achieved when
extracting concepts from a network using symbolic
Table 2 shows the characteristics of the
distribution of the accuracy of extracting concepts
(each of the node types) by mapping networks. As
noted earlier, the mean prediction accuracy of the
entire set of concepts turns out to be approximately
comparable when for each of the approaches to the
classification network training. However, if consider
the best accuracy values for each node type are
considered, one can see that networks trained by
different approaches may be more preferable for
extracting some types of nodes. From this point of
view, none of the approaches under consideration is
clearly better than the other. But when considering the
best accuracy for each node type and for each
approach, it can be noted that the largest number of
concepts extracted with the highest accuracy
(indicated with bold) is extracted from a classification
network that uses symbolic pre-processing (15 out of
20). Thus, it can be concluded that its internal
representations are best aligned with symbolic
knowledge, and, consequently, it inspires more trust.
The research question stated in the paper is “If the
neural-symbolic machine learning model is more
trustworthy than the pure ANN?”
In order to answer the question, a state-of-the-art
analysis in the corresponding areas has been
performed and several experiments have been carried
out. Enterprise model classification based on the
contained node types has been used as the use case
for the experiments.
Three ANN-based architectures have been
analysed: regular ANN without any symbolic
knowledge, usage of the semantic loss function, and
data pre-processing using symbolic rules. Earlier
obtained results showed that embedding symbolic
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Characteristics of the distribution of the accuracy of extraction of concepts.
Node type
Basic Network
Using the Semantic
Loss Function
Using Symbolic
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Rule 0.9422 0.0320 0.9378 0.0330 0.9511 0.0330
Goal 0.9244 0.0295 0.9422 0.0266 0.9467 0.0246
Organizational Unit 0.9711 0.0117 0.9667 0.0218 0.9711 0.0117
Process 0.9600 0.0187 0.9622 0.0172 0.9333 0.0000
Resource 0.9622 0.0117 0.9644 0.0086 0.9644 0.0086
IS Technical Component 0.9933 0.0187 0.9867 0.0276 0.9978 0.0086
IS Requirement 0.9711 0.0117 0.9711 0.0117 0.9711 0.0117
Unspecific / Product / Service 1.0000 0.0000 0.9978 0.0086 1.0000 0.0000
Feature 1.0000 0.0000 0.9978 0.0086 1.0000 0.0000
Concept 0.9022 0.0295 0.9178 0.0248 0.9289 0.0172
Attribute 0.9556 0.0163 0.9578 0.0153 0.9667 0.0000
Information Set 0.9200 0.0303 0.9222 0.0499 0.8800 0.0246
External Process 0.7533 0.0676 0.7733 0.0491 0.7711 0.0486
Problem 0.9667 0.0126 0.9644 0.0266 0.9889 0.0163
Cause 0.9933 0.0138 0.9978 0.0086 1.0000 0.0000
Role 0.9333 0.0000 0.9311 0.0086 0.9289 0.0172
Constraint 0.9667 0.0000 0.9667 0.0000 0.9667 0.0000
Component 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
Opportunity 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
Individual 0.9356 0.0086 0.9333 0.0000 0.9333 0.0000
Mean accuracy 0.9526 0.9546 0.9550
Number of concepts extracted with the highest accuracy 9 8 15
knowledge as data pre-processing rules gives a
significant advantage in terms of the enterprise model
classification accuracy.
In this paper the problem of trustworthiness of
different ANN-based architectures has been analysed
via post-hoc explanation (specifically, the concept
extraction). This technique is aimed at searching for
certain concepts within the ANN-based models,
showing that the neural model indeed relies at these
concepts as indicators for the classification instead of
just learning the samples. The obtained results
showed that the accuracy of concept extraction for the
models with symbolic knowledge is higher than for
the model without such knowledge, though the
difference between the latter and the model with
semantic loss is relatively small. Thus, it can be
concluded that embedding semantic knowledge into
ANN-based models increases their trustworthiness
since they become more oriented to usage of proper
features (node types in this particular experiment) for
generating the output (enterprise model class).
Future research directions will be concentrated on
exploring more use cases and larger datasets.
The research is funded by the Russian Science
Foundation (project 22-11-00214).
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems