Research on Incentive Mechanism of Enterprise Personnel's
Self-Determined Salary
Lingyu Ji
College of Economics and Management, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang, 110159, China
Keywords: Self-Determined Salary, Compensation Function, SDT, Psychological Coefficient, Implementation Pattern.
Abstract: Salary mechanism is the core issue of enterprise distribution system, and it is also important content of
enterprise economic goal realization and management decision. The salary incentive mechanism of the
traditional enterprise personnel comes completely from the unified work performance evaluation system,
which is a kind of incentive behaviour of the management decision-makers. The research holds that the
incentive mechanism of compensation which is conducive to the economic development and management
optimization of enterprises should be the common incentive behaviour of enterprise decision-makers and
employees. Based on self-determination theory (SDT), this paper proposes an incentive mechanism for self-
determined salary, establishes a mathematical model of this salary mechanism, and points out the
quantitative characteristics of the relationship between self-determined target salary and enterprise plan
target salary. According to the three psychological needs of SDT, this paper describes the autonomy,
competence and relationship of enterprise personnel salary, and on this basis, puts forward the basic
hypothesis of running the autonomous salary incentive mechanism.
Salary incentive mechanism is the driving force to
ensure the efficient operation and development of
enterprise economy and management. With the
application of humanized management and self-
organization mode in personnel performance
evaluation, many enterprises choose the salary
incentive mechanism that conforms to their own
characteristics, the purpose of which is to seek to
maximize the work efficiency of enterprise
personnel and promote the economic growth and
sustainable development of enterprises.
In recent years, many scholars have explored how
to establish the salary incentive mechanism of
enterprise personnel by combining qualitative and
quantitative methods from the aspects of economic
analysis, management psychology and modern
enterprise system construction, and obtained
valuable research results in theory and practice (Cao
Lin, 2017; Ge Zhimin, 2016; Goya, 2015).
The main starting point of the research on the
salary incentive mechanism of enterprise personnel
is to improve the defects existing in the salary
distribution, its purpose is to restrain the unfair
phenomenon and the "false report" behaviour, and
form an objective, reasonable and scientific salary
distribution method. For example, the main defects
of salary distribution in the degree of individual
effort are not fine division of responsibilities,
decoupling of responsibility from economic
interests, unreasonable relationship between
contribution and income and so on (Tian Yanjun,
These defects will lead to the failure to truly
reflect the level of individual effort, and to improve
the level of individual effort cannot really get the
corresponding salary. Enterprise managers cannot
get the actual performance goals of employees, and
thus cannot mobilize the maximum efficiency of
enterprise personnel.
Indeed, people-oriented is the management
thinking of modern enterprises, the key issue is how
to realize people-oriented, how to reflect the salary
incentive mechanism people-oriented, so as to
achieve the optimization of enterprise management,
to achieve the maximum economic benefits, is the
enterprise decision makers face the problem to be
solved. Self-determined salary incentive mechanism
can solve this problem. The basic idea of the
incentive mechanism is to motivate employees to
determine the achievable and acceptable target
salary according to their own working ability and
Ji, L.
Research on Incentive Mechanism of Enterprise Personnel’s Self-Determined Salary.
DOI: 10.5220/0012731100003717
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2024), pages 128-134
ISBN: 978-989-758-695-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
salary expectation, and take it as the main parameter
of salary. At the same time, the compensation
amount is weighted according to the deviation
between the actual result and the target salary. The
application of this method has a strong incentive
effect, that is, when the two factors of directional
incentive and clear constraint coexist, the enterprise
personnel are guided to choose the target parameter
value with full effort and maximum psychological
expectation. Specifically, it is to encourage
employees to try their best to set a higher goal,
rather than a low goal.
In fact, the self-determined salary incentive
mechanism (SDSIM) comes from the self-
determination theory (SDT), which was proposed by
American scholars Deci and Ryan (1985). SDT
discusses the motivation of individual work from the
perspective of basic needs theory and cognitive
evaluation theory, involving three psychological
needs of individual effort, namely autonomy,
competence and relationship (Ryan & Deci, 2017).
In recent years, SDT has been widely used in the
fields of human behaviour analysis, business
management and social psychology, especially in
business management, and has also introduced three
psychological elements into specific human
behaviour management. However, the existing
researches are only reflected in the level of concept
description and meaning analysis, and there is a lack
of research results using SDT to solve specific
problems. For example, some researchers believe
that SDT should be applied to the design of
enterprise personnel compensation incentive
mechanism. However, how to apply it in actual
research and what effects can be achieved are not
involved in the existing literature. This leads to the
motivation of this study, and to the problem of
enterprise personnel salary incentive, combined with
the three psychological elements of DST for
exploratory research.
The purpose of this paper is to apply SDT to the
incentive compensation mechanism of enterprises,
improve the original incentive compensation model
from the perspective of reflecting the three
psychological needs of enterprise personnel, and
establish a new incentive compensation mechanism,
namely, autonomous incentive countermeasure
model. This strategy model has sufficient
exploratory incentive mechanism, which can not
only solve the defects in salary distribution, but also
find the working potential and independent
motivation of enterprise personnel, which is an
effective way to optimize enterprise management. In
addition, the main research method of this paper is
the combination of mathematical modelling and
information analysis.
The basic composition of the research content of
this paper is as follows: In section 2, based on the
original enterprise personnel salary distribution
model, a self-determined salary incentive strategy
model is established, and its basic significance and
function are analyzed. Section 3 analyzes the
operation of autonomous compensation incentive
mechanism according to SDT. Section 4 gives the
research conclusion and the research approach of
future research.
In the usual incentive countermeasures, the
following salary calculation methods are adopted
(He Ping, 1989):
kQB =
Where Q is the employee performance target
(workload) set by the enterprise, k is the salary ratio
coefficient determined to according to the nature of
the post, B is the function of Q, called the salary
function, and it is the salary value (salary number)
obtained by the enterprise personnel. According to
the research, formula (1) as a salary distribution
model is a salary incentive mechanism dominated by
enterprise decision makers, and all employees in the
enterprise should complete the performance
objectives set by their posts according to this salary
distribution model.
The biggest defect of this salary distribution
model is that the performance target set fails to
reflect the actual work ability of employees. Some
employees in the same position may be able to
complete the work without much effort, feel that
they have no use, and are not satisfied with the
salary. Others feel that performance targets are set
too high and they are not satisfied with the salary
they get for their efforts. Although enterprise
decision makers believe that reasonable design of
salary coefficient can play an incentive role.
However, due to the information asymmetry
between enterprises and employees in terms of work
motivation, ability and demand, the performance
goal set by decision makers is not the ideal goal to
maximize the efficiency of employees.
The above analysis shows that the main reason
for the defects of the existing salary incentive
Research on Incentive Mechanism of Enterprise Personnel’s Self-Determined Salary
mechanism is that the so-called salary incentive
mechanism only determines the salary distribution
through the completion of the workload, which
comes from the incentive thinking and salary
consciousness of the enterprise management
decision-makers themselves. No matter what kind of
enterprise work nature and personnel status, this
simple salary calculation method can be applied.
Although the existing salary calculation method
reflects the incentive function of more work and
more pay in form, it is not an optimized salary
incentive mechanism that conforms to the
characteristics of enterprises. In fact, from the
perspective of optimal management of enterprise
human resources, the real incentive mechanism
comes from the motivation of enterprise personnel,
which has three basic elements, namely, people's
self-awareness and desire, the role and status of
individual employees, and the degree of adaptation
to the enterprise environment and relationship.
According to the above reasons and background,
one of the effective countermeasures to achieve
salary management optimization in line with the
characteristics of enterprise personnel's own
motivation is to use SDT to build a salary incentive
mechanism in line with enterprise personnel's own
motivation. Based on this basic assumption, a new
compensation incentive model is established as
follows, as shown in formula (2).
bQ Q
In formula (2), B
is the compensation value of
the target set by the enterprise (the performance
target that the enterprise personnel must complete),
is the self-determined performance target
by the individual, which is determined according to
the actual situation of the employee.
is the
achievement of performance objectives under the
self-determined incentive mechanism, and b is the
compensation coefficient of the self-determined job
competency level.
, indicates that no matter the choice
of independent performance objectives, employees
cannot get salary; If
, it means that
regardless of the choice of independent performance
objectives, the corresponding remuneration should
be obtained according to the enterprise salary
distribution mode, that is to say, the enterprise
personnel should be encouraged to exceed the
performance objectives according to the actual
situation; If
, a variety of salary incentives
will appear, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Status of self-determined salary incentive
distribution function.
In Figure 1, horizontal axis
represents self-
determined performance goals from small to large,
and vertical axis B represents salary distribution
from low to high (values are fictitious for
convenience of argument).
The three solid lines in Figure 1 (C
, C
) represent different job competency level
coefficients, namely
(, , )==bbbb
medium and high), thus constituting three kinds of
self-determined salary incentive functions
(low, medium and high) for
different competency levels.
As can be seen from Figure 1, different starting
points of self-determined incentive performance and
different coefficients of job competency level will
have corresponding self-determined incentive
functions. In the case of the same coefficient of self-
determined job competency level, the basic model of
salary incentive mechanism is as follows:
Q (min) →
Q (max).
According to the above analysis, the salary
incentive mechanism reflected in Figure 1 is that, on
the premise of independently determining
performance objectives, the core of salary incentive
lies in individuals' cognition and choice of
competency level, thus constituting three kinds of
salary functions.
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
These three pay functions have their own base
points and pay coefficients, so they reflect the
relationship between different work performance
and pay, namely
, as shown
in formula (3), (4) and (5).
bQ Q
bQ Q
bQ Q
Because of different competency levels, different
correspondence between basic performance
objective (
) and salary is determined. Although
, b
and b
have the same compensation coefficient,
they each represent different corresponding
relationships, so the relationship between
performance objective (
) and compensation (B)
is also different.
For example, also the most basic self-determined
performance objective
Q , for different competency
levels b
, b
, b
, the compensation is different. In
addition, although
QQ , but
() ()>
gQ f Q ,
() ()>
hQ f Q , thus indicating that in the case of
higher competency level, a smaller cost can obtain a
higher salary.
In fact, the essential difference between the self-
determined salary incentive strategy model (formula
(2)) and the general compensation function (formula
(1)) is that they have different salary management
concepts. The former reflects the modern
management thinking of self-organization and self-
adaptation, while the latter is the traditional
institutional management mode.
This new salary incentive countermeasure model,
based on the premise of satisfying the work
cognition, desire and psychological perception of
enterprise personnel, forms a kind of salary
management motivation by maximizing the work
potential of individuals based on the self-
organization and self-adaptive operating mechanism.
This motivation comes from the three core elements
of DST theory, which also confirms the theoretical
value and practical role of DST in the study of
enterprise salary incentive mechanism. Then, how to
apply this new salary countermeasure model in
enterprise salary management, the next section will
give a specific analysis.
3.1 The Realization of Self-Determined
Through the analysis of the incentive countermeasure
model of self-determined salary, a very important
issue is the relationship between the parameter
selection in the model and the effect of the
countermeasure. The evaluation of the incentive
countermeasure of self-determined salary can be
analysed from two aspects: First, whether the
employees can have an objective and reasonable
positioning of their personal work ability, so as to
determine whether the employees have made the
greatest efforts and obtained the due salary. The
second is the satisfaction of enterprise personnel
with salary, that is to say, whether the salary level of
the enterprise and the self-determined performance
target (effort) can achieve the satisfaction of
Of course, enterprise management decision-
makers may not fully understand the maximum
working ability of employees, and employees
themselves cannot fully grasp their own ability
limits, which requires both enterprises and
employees to make a choice that maximizes the
benefits of both sides from the comprehensive
perspective of enterprise status and employees' own
characteristics, so that the compensation incentive
mechanism will be transformed from uncertainty to
limited certainty (Zhang Jianwei, 2024). In fact, the
salary mechanism of employees is a game between
enterprises and employees in terms of ability,
emotion and psychology. The determination of such
salary is in line with the economic operation and
development of enterprises, and the critical salary
that management decision-makers can do and
employees can accept.
In other words, the significance of this kind of
critical salary is that when it is lower than this value,
the employee cannot accept it, and when it is higher
than this value, the decision maker cannot.
Therefore, this kind of salary is called self-
determined incentive decision compensation.
Research on Incentive Mechanism of Enterprise Personnel’s Self-Determined Salary
The implementation process of incentive decision
making is carried out in two ways. First of all, the
decision maker should make a receipt of
information, which has the following three aspects:
(1) Psychodynamic analysis of employees'
different salaries. The so-called psychological
motivation refers to the change of employees'
psychological ability, which can reflect the
behavioural characteristics of employees' work and
(2) The adaptive process of employees' working
ability. This adaptive process is a prerequisite for
employees to establish autonomy in determining
work goals. This is because employees are not
completely clear about their ability to complete
tasks, but only understand the possibility. In other
words, after the self-adaptation process, employees
have certain self-adjustment ability, and the
possibility of job competence increases, which
gradually changes into positive judgment of their
own ability, and form self-determined work goals
under this condition (Li Yifan, 2024).
(3) Environmental impact degree analysis. The
working system of an enterprise is an open system of
information exchange with the outside world, which
is greatly affected by its environment under certain
conditions. It is necessary to understand the extent to
which employees' working ability is affected by the
interference of the external environment. This kind
of impact analysis can provide incentive
countermeasures for management decision makers at
any time (Maurizio Pugno, 2008).
The above three kinds of information are the basic
basis for autonomous incentive decision and the
premise of establishing compensation function. In
this paper, the employee's independent decision to
choose the work goal is called the salary goal.
However, in the real working environment, the
relationship between the employee's work and salary
is not completely linear. That is to say. In some
cases employees are not interested in getting paid
more for better work done (Thomas W Lin et al,
2005). Relative salary will appear here, that is, in the
salary of different jobs and salaries, the satisfaction
criterion is more suitable, that is, the satisfaction
salary of enterprise employees, which is a salary
distribution that realizes the wishes of employees
and can be recognized. This satisfaction consists of
three aspects: job self-satisfaction, competence
fulfilment satisfaction and relationship adaptation
Due to these three aspects, different psychological
coefficients of enterprise personnel are formed, that
is, P=(P
, P
, P
), in which P
is the psychological
coefficient of job competence, P
is the
psychological coefficient of salary need, and P
the psychological coefficient of environment and
relationship adaptability. In a non-ideal situation, the
three psychological requirements cannot be met at
the same time, so the psychological trend of
enterprise employees is to have a preference among
the three. If enterprise decision-makers can
understand various preferences and degrees, they
can build incentive mechanisms conducive to
enterprise operation and development.
In addition, on the basis of the above analysis,
enterprises can establish the self-determined salary
function introduced in this paper, or choose different
types of salary function. However, in the process of
selection and analysis of salary function,
psychological coefficient analysis of employees
should be added, and the relationship between P, P
, P
and the salary incentive should be studied. In
other words, when P, P
, P
, P
is in the acceptable
stable range, this kind of self-determined salary
incentive mechanism is feasible.
3.2 Basic Assumptions Based on SDT
According to the psychological needs theory of
SDT, "the generation of internal motivation and the
internalization of external motivation need the
nourishment of external environment" (Rosita
Chang et al, 2008). The compensation mechanism of
enterprise employees must meet the three
psychological needs of employees' autonomy,
competence and relationship. The need for
autonomy here refers to the need for employees to
independently choose the target salary based on their
actual conditions and work plan objectives, without
being influenced by others. For job competency
needs, it means that employees are competent
enough to do the essential work. The relationship
needs refers to the employee's personal emotion,
sense of belonging to the enterprise and the need for
The cognitive evaluation theory of SDT also
provides the thinking framework for this kind of
compensation mechanism, that is, how to improve
the cognition of self-determined compensation
realization from the perspective of compensation
construction environment (Priscila Ferreira, 2017).
This is because social environmental factors have an
impact on the motivation of self-determining salary,
and environmental factors have two conditions:
information attribute and control attribute. This
information attribute refers to the intrinsic sense of
competence in the perceived characteristics of
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
salary, which enables employees to satisfy their self-
salary expectations, thus generating the motivation
of employees to independently decide the target
salary. Control attribute can produce a kind of
control effect of salary psychological tendency,
which often reduces the blindness of salary choice
(Rosta Farzan et al, 2008). In addition, when
employees have a sense of belonging to the
enterprise and meet the needs of the relationship
between personal salary and the operation and
development of the enterprise, they will have a
strong motivation to decide their own salary.
According to the research, if the model of self-
determined salary incentive mechanism can meet the
needs of enterprise economic and management
development, a self-determining salary operation
mechanism of enterprise employees can be built,
which satisfies a basic assumption, that is, when the
economic and management environment of the
enterprise meets the three psychological needs of
employees: autonomy, competence and relationship.
In addition, when environmental factors have
identifiable information attributes and control
attributes, employees will participate in the incentive
mechanism of self-determining salary. According to
the SDT, corporate employees produce "positive
outcomes in a job performance, work behavior, work
attitudes, and mental health; On the contrary,
employees will have certain psychological barriers,
and the self-determined salary incentive mechanism
will have a negative effect.
Salary incentive is not only an important part of
enterprise human resource management, but also a
decisive factor to enhance enterprise labour
productivity, promote enterprise economic growth
and management efficiency. Under the traction of
the modern enterprise management concept of
people-oriented enterprise personnel, the single
institutional salary incentive mechanism has not
adapted to the operation and development of
contemporary enterprise economy and management.
A compensation incentive mechanism jointly
decided by management decision-makers and
employees can meet the development needs of
contemporary enterprises.
In order to solve the defects of enterprise
personnel compensation incentive mechanism, this
paper establishes a compensation incentive
countermeasure model based on DST to mobilize
enterprise personnel's own motivation. This
countermeasure model raises a new problem for
enterprise management optimization, that is, self-
determined motivation mechanism.
The main theoretical contribution of this study is
to put forward the concept of self-determined salary
incentive mechanism from the perspective of
management optimization, and its motivation
mechanism is determined by three basic
psychological elements, namely, enterprise
personnel's autonomy and desire (autonomy),
competence and relationship adaptation degree.
This paper only puts forward the countermeasures
of enterprise personnel salary incentive mechanism
from the perspective of theory and salary calculation
model construction, and lacks the practical
application analysis and data verification of the
model, which is the limitation and deficiency of this
study.Therefore, as an exploratory study of
enterprise salary management, the countermeasure
model of self-determined salary incentive
mechanism can provide certain inspiration for
enterprise management researchers, this is the
original intention of the author’s research.
In addition, the main content and approach of
future research is to further refine the core view of
DST into the actual study of enterprise salary
management, and establish the basic principle of
enterprise personnel salary incentive mechanism, as
well as the basic characteristics and operation mode
of self-determined motivation from the perspective
of three psychological elements (three dimensions):
autonomy, competence and relationship. In short, the
enterprise self-determined salary incentive
mechanism is a practical application of SDT, and
also a new attempt of the enterprise compensation
system model, which needs to be confirmed and
improved in the specific practice of enterprise
compensation management.
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FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business