Customizing Trust Systems: Personalized Communication to Address AI
Adoption in Smart Cities
Jessica Ohnesorg, Nazek Fakhoury, Noura Eltahawi and Mouzhi Ge
Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Max-Breiherr-Street 32, Pfarrkirchen, Germany
Trust, Individual Preferences, Communication, Transparency, Artificial Intelligence, Human Machine
Interactions, Smart Cities.
Since it is challenging to tailor trust management systems to accommodate diverse individual preferences due
to the evolving adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in smart cities, through a comprehensive review of in-
ternal and external factors influencing trust levels, including personal values, personality traits, and cultural
background, the paper highlights the crucial role of communications in human-machine interactions by em-
phasizing AI technologies. Based on the review, this paper proposes a Framework for AI Trust enHancement
(FAITH). The FAITH framework integrates personalized communication strategies with individual prefer-
ences to enhance trust in smart city systems. To validate the proposed framework, the FAITH framework is
applied in a use case scenario to demonstrate its potential effectiveness in fostering trust, collaboration, and
innovation. The research results contribute not only to understand trust management systems in smart cities,
but also offer practical insights for addressing the diverse preferences of individuals in smart cities.
In today’s urban landscape, smart cities integrate
advanced technologies to redefine the urban living.
As they undergo digital transformation, these cities
evolve into complex ecosystems, demanding a so-
phisticated approach to data governance and seamless
technology integration (Ge and Buhnova, 2022).
One significant challenge in this context is the di-
versity of individual preferences (Persia et al., 2020).
Given that each user has unique perspectives on life
and distinct personalities, it becomes challenging to
create a universally applicable trust management sys-
tem (Bangui et al., 2023). The interpretation of trust
varies among individuals, adding complexity to the
development of a system that can cater to everyone’s
needs. This underscores the need for an adaptive ap-
proach to trust management, considering the diverse
human factors influencing perceptions of trust. De-
veloping a system that resonates with the individual
preferences of a diverse population poses a notable
obstacle in the quest for effective trust management
within smart cities (Ohnesorg et al., 2024).
The aim of the paper is to answer the research
question of How can trust management systems be
tailored to accommodate diverse individual prefer-
ences in the evolving landscape of artificial intelli-
gence adoption?. We propose a framework to cap-
ture individual preferences and highlights the essence
of communication, in turn it offers a practical frame-
work for trustful applications in smart cities.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows, sec-
tion 2 states the methodological approach, followed
by providing an overview of previous research in re-
spect to internal and external factors, which give in-
sights about individual preferences of AI adoption.
Moreover, section 3 focuses on the change in com-
munication encompassing its understanding and its
significance in contemporary contexts, particularly
in scenarios involving human-machine-interactions.
Section 4 is about the proposed framework, which
will be evaluated and discussed in the section 5 by in-
volving multiple previous investigations and highlight
the correlations of certain elements. Finally, section 6
summarizes the research findings and outlines future
The methodology in this study involved a thorough
investigation of research papers, utilizing various
databases like Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore and our
university library. This exploration began with the
Ohnesorg, J., Fakhoury, N., Eltahawi, N. and Ge, M.
Customizing Trust Systems: Personalized Communication to Address AI Adoption in Smart Cities.
DOI: 10.5220/0012731400003714
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2024), pages 73-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-702-3; ISSN: 2184-4968
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
formulation of specific keywords covering key themes
such as trust, individual preferences, communication,
human-machine interaction, smart cities, and Artifi-
cial Intelligence. Employing stringent inclusion crite-
ria, we ensured that identified sources were available
in either English or German and offered open access
to full-text articles.
To refine search results, advanced techniques such
as Boolean operations were systematically applied,
and a detailed examination was conducted across ti-
tles, abstracts, and full articles. The selection process
embraced a broad range of publication years, while
also focusing on recent investigations to offer a com-
prehensive perspective on the subject and a more de-
tailed analysis of data related to customized trust sys-
tems landscape within smart cities.
In order to enhance the reliability and validity of
the proposed framework including the proposed sce-
nario, additional resources have been incorporated
and correlated with specific elements of the frame-
work to highlight different connections between our
framework and previous investigations.
Since it is challenging to precisely capture individ-
ual preferences, establishing a reliable environment
is essential for maintaining trust among individuals
in smart cities. However, two key factors underpin
this challenge: while intelligent systems demand trust
in specific situations, the absence of the human el-
ement raises concerns in real-world scenarios where
individual preferences favor human interaction over
smart systems. Another noteworthy challenge is the
potential reluctance of some users to adopt the pro-
posed trust mechanism. This emphasizes that a uni-
versal trust mechanism may not align with the diverse
preferences and perspectives of individuals in smart
cities (Ohnesorg et al., 2024).
(Davis et al., 1989) emphasized this concept in
his Technology Acceptance Model, which assesses
the factors influencing the acceptance of technology
based on two prior aspect, which consist of the per-
ceived usefulness and ease of use. The potential chal-
lenge of non-adoption occurred when individuals per-
ceive a technology as not meeting their needs or being
difficult to use.
As shown in Figure 1, trust levels in AI adoption
are influenced by internal and external factors, which
also impact the future of AI adoption in smart cities.
In this section, we explore how certain factors impact
trust. Personal values are recognized as influential in
system/service adoption and trust; users are more in-
Figure 1: A set of individual preference factors.
clined to adopt systems that align with their personal
values. For example, environmental concerns and
time consciousness have been shown to influence the
adoption of e-governance services, where users who
prioritize saving paper and value the convenience of
service access without physical visits are more likely
to utilize such services (Belanche et al., 2012).
Personality trait is another factor that can influ-
ence trust. Recent studies suggest that individual dif-
ferences in personality traits lead to variations in trust
levels. The Big Five personality model is commonly
used to classify primary personality factors into five
categories: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscien-
tiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness. Some litera-
ture indicates that agreeableness and neuroticism have
the most significant impact on trust, for example,
(Zhou et al., 2020) demonstrates high levels of agree-
ableness or conscientiousness exhibiting greater trust
in automation. (B
ockle et al., 2021) concluded that
high levels of extroversion and agreeableness lead to
higher level of trusts while openness presents a nega-
tive relationship with trust.
Furthermore, personal experience significantly in-
fluences the formation of trust, where every accom-
plishment by the trustee results in higher trust lev-
els. On the other hand, each setback reduces this
trust. However, according to casual attribution the-
ory, failure doesn’t always result in a trust crisis; the
interpretation of the cause of failure plays a crucial
role in this situation. This theory similarly applies
to success, where the way success is perceived can
significantly enhance trust levels (Falcone and Castel-
franchi, 2004).
SMARTGREENS 2024 - 13th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Upbringing and family environment is suggested
to affect trust, where individuals from less urban-
ized areas might have a protective mechanism that
allows for a rapid increase in trust following posi-
tive social interactions (Lemmers-Jansen et al., 2020).
Other studies suggest that people growing up in fam-
ilies where upper generations are dominant over the
younger generation show less trust levels, alterna-
tively horizontal extension households are more fa-
vorable for trust (Kravtsova et al., 2018).
Physiological factors are another vital factor in-
fluencing trust; some evidence suggests that a nat-
ural tendency to trust may have genetic origins to
the extent that common genes had greater influence
than growing up in the same environment. Trust
based on physiology is of two types; person-based
trust (considering the trustee as an individual) and de-
personalized trust (considering trustee as a member
of a group). Studies show that depersonalized trust
has a great effect on the level of trust as a trustor
is more likely to trust a person they perceive as so-
cially familiar, coming from the same social group
as the trustor, as depersonalized trust represents an
agreement between the in-group members (Evans and
Krueger, 2009). The other internal factor is educa-
tion and knowledge, where evidence suggests that in-
dividuals living in countries with strong governments
and having higher levels of education are more trust-
ing while those living in less efficacious states show
a negative relationship between education level and
trust (G
uemes and Herreros, 2019).
In terms of external factors, cultural background
significantly influences trust where literature depend-
ing on Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions (power
distance (PDI), individualism (IDV), masculinity
(MAS), uncertainty avoidance (UAI), long-term ori-
entation (LTO) and indulgence (IND)) state that par-
ticipants of a high IDV and LTO cultures are more
likely to trust others while those from high PDI and
UAI cultures are less likely to trust (Thanetsunthorn
and Wuthisatian, 2019). Demographics represent an-
other external factor, with research showing that fe-
males have less trust than males in terms of trusting
autonomation; additionally, the more workload is re-
quired by the user the less the tendency to trust the au-
tonomous agent; in addition, users tend to have more
trust in more reliable agents (Hillesheim et al., 2017).
Media and its influence serve an additional exter-
nal factor, research indicated that information on both
social and traditional media have significant effect on
trust (Lee et al., 2021). Moreover, geographical loca-
tion is another factor where studies showed that the
higher the absolute geographical latitude the lower
the exposure to diseases, the lower the variety in lan-
guages and ethnic groups and the lower the income
inequality which leads to greater trust (Le, 2013).
One critical element among the external factors
is economic factor. Related research works demon-
strated that the influence of economic wealth on insti-
tutional trust exists only among rural, less educated
and economically disadvantaged individuals where
this group of people tend to have more trust in in-
stitutions. On the other hand people in environments
marked by significant diversity, advanced education,
and wealth, personal wealth does not automatically
lead to increased trust in government and institutional
systems (Sechi et al., 2023).
Another important aspect that represents a crucial
challenge in the context of interaction between human
and machine is the trust management indicator ”com-
munication”. The evolution of AI technologies from
several mediators, through which people communi-
cate, to interactive communicators, which engages in
simultaneous conversations and presents communica-
tion researchers with both theoretical challenges and
opportunities. Previous research highlighted that the
primary challenge lies in the divergence of commu-
nicative AI in function and human interpretation from
traditional technology roles in communication theory,
which have been grounded in anthropocentric defini-
tions (Guzman and Lewis, 2020).
Scholars in the field of human, machine, and com-
munication are actively addressing this challenge by
exploring how technology can be re-conceptualized
as a genuine communicator. This novel perspective
opens up avenues to pose innovative questions about
three crucial aspects of communicative AI technolo-
gies: (1) understanding the functional dimensions
that shape individuals’ perceptions of these devices
and applications as communicators, (2) examining the
relational dynamics governing people’s connections
with these technologies and, subsequently, their rela-
tionships with themselves and others, and (3) delving
into the metaphysical implications arising from the
blurred ontological boundaries that challenge tradi-
tional definitions of what constitutes human, machine,
and communication, which is presented in figure 2
(Guzman and Lewis, 2020).
According to previous research, society 5.0 is an
evolving trend towards an information society. The
transition to digital formats for producing, distribut-
ing, and consuming goods and services enhances
value within the digital economy. Knowledge pro-
cessing, relying on data aggregation from diverse
sources, becomes essential for service delivery. Thus,
it is crucial to have access to metadata, encompass-
ing data quality, source identification, licensing, and
usage rights, concerning private information, for ef-
Customizing Trust Systems: Personalized Communication to Address AI Adoption in Smart Cities
Figure 2: Constitution of human machine communication.
fective operations. Therefore, establishing Society
5.0 demands a heightened dedication to transparency
and the seamless integration of information resources.
This commitment may extend beyond standardization
groups to encompass active participation from indi-
viduals and businesses involved in creating and im-
plementing solutions (Frost and Bauer, 2018).
After thoroughly understanding both external and in-
ternal individual preference factors, it’s time to lever-
age them effectively. The framework outlined in the
subsequent sections of this research revolves around
integrating communication strategies with individual
preferences, ultimately resulting in clear communi-
cation measures. These measures enable individuals
to comprehend how systems function, thus bolstering
their trust in the system.
As illustrated in Figure 3, FAITH operates as a
cyclical process driven by AI. It begins by identifying
personal traits and progresses through various steps,
including selecting the suitable communication strat-
egy based on individual factors, implementing a feed-
back and evaluation mechanism, and ultimately en-
suring continuous learning and evolution.
Firstly, the framework starts by defining diverse
individual preference factors, recognizing the impor-
tance of understanding the varied backgrounds and
personal traits of users. This involves creating a com-
prehensive profile for each individual and identifying
their preferences. These components are then orga-
nized within a machine learning system, which ana-
lyzes the profiles to select the suitable communication
strategy for each individual. The goal is to ensure that
information is accurately conveyed and systems are
well understood. In the end it can be used to enhance
the trust for the system.
The personalized communication strategies are
then adapted based on the individual profile. This step
Figure 3: Framework for AI Trust enHancement (FAITH).
ensures that the communication approach aligns with
the unique characteristics and preferences of each
user. This is to enhance the effectiveness of the com-
munication process. By tailoring the communication
strategies, the framework aims to optimize the recep-
tion and comprehension of information, thereby bol-
stering trust in the system.
Next, the framework proceeds with the conduc-
tion of experimental trials. Certain standards are es-
tablished for these experiments, and the results are en-
tered into an AI-driven machine learning system. This
system analyzes the outcomes of the trials to deter-
mine their success. If the results are deemed success-
ful, the system is implemented accordingly. However,
if the results are not desired, the system redirects its
approach and leverages the feedback mechanism to
learn from the outcomes.
Continuous learning and adaptation are integral
components of the framework. Regardless of the trial
outcome, the system continually evolves and adapts
based on the feedback received. This iterative pro-
cess allows for ongoing refinement and improvement,
and ensures that the communication strategies remain
effective and responsive to users’ needs.
The framework operates on the principles of un-
derstanding individual preferences, tailoring com-
munication strategies accordingly, conducting exper-
imental trials, and iterative learning and adapting
based on feedback. By prioritizing personalized com-
munication and continuous improvement, the frame-
SMARTGREENS 2024 - 13th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
work can effectively enhance trust management sys-
tems in smart cities.
After investigating the determinants influencing trust
levels in AI adoption, we identified that certain fac-
tors were interrelated. Among these interconnected
determinants education and knowledge may affect the
trust (Labonne et al., 2007). Furthermore, economic
factors and geographical location were found to be in-
terrelated where locations of higher geographical lati-
tude tend to have less income inequality and thus lead-
ing to more trust (Le, 2013).
In addition, personality traits and psychological
factors were found to be interlinked in terms of per-
sonality traits being considered part of the psychol-
ogy of the brain, as evidences suggest that personal-
ity traits have significant genetic components (Evans
and Krueger, 2009). The connection is the relation
between demographics and education and knowledge
where some literature considered education level as
part of demographics and indicated that college grad-
uates have more trust in automated agents when com-
pared to less educated individuals (Hillesheim et al.,
To further validate the FAITH framework, we
have simulated a case scenario to validate the pro-
posed framework. This framework aligns its elements
with the narrative’s components. The scenario illus-
trates an international workplace setting and high-
lights a particular individual preference connected
with a communication strategy deemed potentially
Consider that a leading tech company is on the
verge of introducing an innovative AI-driven system
designed to streamline workflow processes. As the
firm is committed to inclusiveness and recognizing
the diverse needs of its workforce, this company un-
derstands the significance of catering to individual
preferences and communication styles.
Within its diversity, the company acknowledges
the diversity in cultural backgrounds, where each is
with its unique values, beliefs, and communication
preferences. Recognizing this diversity is crucial
for effective communication and collaboration within
the company. This company is aware that adopting
a one-size-fits-all approach to communication might
not yield the desired results and could potentially lead
to misunderstandings or disengagement among em-
ployees. Thus, the company is dedicated to defining
and adapting communication measures that resonate
with the diverse preferences of its workforce.
The company’s strategy lies the Human-Machine-
Human (HMH) interaction concept, emphasizing col-
laborative engagement between humans and ma-
chines. One of the primary components of this strat-
egy involves utilizing machines to enhance trans-
parency. By providing clear explanations of pro-
cesses and outcomes, this company aims to enhance
the trust and understanding among its workforce.
This approach not only improves communication but
also facilitates a culture of openness and account-
ability within the organization (Lansing et al., 2023;
uktabak et al., 2021).
As the company progresses with the develop-
ment and implementation of its AI-driven system,
it remains committed to evaluating its effectiveness
through experimental trials. Through thorough as-
sessments, the company can assess the impact of its
communication measures on employee satisfaction,
productivity, and overall organizational performance.
With a commitment to understanding diverse individ-
ual preferences, implementing effective communica-
tion measures, and leveraging HMH interaction, this
company aims to cultivate a workplace culture char-
acterized by trust, collaboration, and innovation.
In alignment with this vision, the proposed frame-
work illustrates how these principles can be effec-
tively applied within the context of company opera-
tions. This framework outlines the steps for defining
diverse individual preference factors, creating user
profiles, identifying preferences, developing person-
alized communication strategies, adapting measures
based on individual preferences. It also includes ex-
perimental trials by implementing feedback mecha-
nisms, and embracing continuous learning and adap-
In order to evaluate our framework we conducted
research on how AI and machine learning are reli-
able in terms of using machine learning to obtain the
suitable communication strategy. (Pagliaro and San-
giorgi, 2023) suggests that AI has become essential in
activities such as real-time monitoring and data anal-
ysis. In addition, machine learning and AI have rev-
olutionized data analysis, enabling us to identify hid-
den trends and uncover new phenomena. These find-
ings demonstrates that the initial steps of the FAITH
framework are applicable.
Further findings indicate that AI is capable of en-
abling computers and machines to perform functions
such as problem-solving, decision-making and com-
prehension of human communication profile (Sarker,
2022). This acts as a proof of the validity of FAITH
framework in terms of deciding which communica-
tion strategy fits the best with each individual.
Customizing Trust Systems: Personalized Communication to Address AI Adoption in Smart Cities
Figure 4: Validation of the FAITH framework.
Another previous study introduced an AI-driven
tool designed to offer real-time guidance during data
collection in experiments. This tool aims to make ex-
periments more efficient and accelerate research in
material science (Sundermier, 2023). This approach
aligns with our idea that it suggests the potential inte-
gration with the proposed framework. By incorporat-
ing this tool, the experimental process could embody
more reliable results and increase the likelihood of a
more effective implementation of the system.
As advanced technologies become integrated into
smart cities, they reshape the way people live, work,
and interact socially (Walletzk
y et al., 2022). This
digital transformation of urban landscapes requires
complex administrative structures and seamless tech-
nology integration (Blanco et al., 2023). However,
among this transformation, one significant challenge
is the diversity of individual preferences.
Each user brings unique perspective, value, and
personality traits to the table, making it challenging
to develop a universally applicable trust management
system. The varied interpretations of trust by individ-
uals further complicates this task and highlights the
need for an adaptive approach to trust management
that takes into account different human factors.
Addressing this challenge requires a detailed un-
derstanding of internal and external factors shaping
individual preferences. Personal values, personality
traits, cultural background, and personal experiences
all play crucial roles in shaping trust levels. Moreover,
external factors such as demographics and economic
status further influence trust dynamics within smart
city environments.
To address this challenge, the proposed Frame-
work for AI trust enhancement presents a practical
solution. FAITH integrates personalized communi-
cation strategies with individual preferences, aiming
to enhance trust in smart city systems. By aligning
communication measures with diverse preferences,
FAITH seeks to foster trust, collaboration, and inno-
vation within smart city environments.
In this paper, we have proposed a FAITH frame-
work to provide a pathway towards building trust, col-
laboration, and innovation within the evolving land-
scape of artificial intelligence adoption in smart cities.
By integrating personalized communication strategies
with individual preferences, this framework has ad-
dressed the question how trust management systems
can be tailored to accommodate diverse individual
preferences in the evolving landscape of artificial in-
telligence adoption. The framework has offered prac-
tical insights for dealing with various user preferences
in the digital age and can also help to create more in-
clusive and resilient smart city environments.
In order to validate the framework, we have ap-
plied the FAITH framework in a use case scenario,
which showcases how personalized communication
measures can effectively address to the diverse pref-
erences of employees. In the scenario, a company’s
commitment regarding individual preferences and
leveraging effective communication strategies high-
lights the importance of adapting trust management
approaches to suit diverse populations.
Further research is planned to comprehensively
resolve the challenges associated with trust manage-
ment in smart cities and can explore innovative strate-
gies and solutions to ensure the trustworthy use of
artificial intelligence technologies in urban environ-
ments. Specifically, research could focus on develop-
ing and implementing standardized trustworthy pro-
files to enhance trust assessment in both emerging and
established business relationships.
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Customizing Trust Systems: Personalized Communication to Address AI Adoption in Smart Cities