corridor are irrelevant. This could be, for example,
slow-moving traffic, animal crossings, a burst front
tyre, a car collision or any other unforeseeable event.
Conducting the experiments with model vehicles
showed more difficulties than our previously
published simulation (Kuzmic and Rudolph, 2020).
In a real environment, the quality and measurement
tolerance of the sensors and the design of the model
vehicles for the test play an important role. The
previously published and in this paper extended and
improved lane detection (Filtered Canny Edge
Detector) could additionally be further optimised for
hardware with limited resources (Raspberry Pi 3 B).
However, about 30 FPS, which we achieved by CPU
parallelization, already enabled us to run our lane
detection in real-time.
In addition, selected examples of the experiments
in this work were published online (Kuzmic, 2023)
with references to our scientific publications.
For future work, the car body of the model
vehicles could be improved. It is also recommended
to use a better ultrasonic sensor for measuring the
distance to the vehicle in front. Finally, it would be
most interesting to test how the algorithm presented
in this paper performs in the real world with real
autonomous vehicles in real size on a real motorway.
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