Enhancing Participation Through Inquiry Learning and Citizen
Science: Science for Everyone
Eileen Scanlon
and Christothea Herodotou
Institute of Educational Technology, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, U.K.
Keywords: Informal Learning, Participation.
Abstract: Volunteers in citizen science projects contribute their labour to the activities of science, becoming involved
in the advancement of science. With the advent of digital technologies, the involvement of non-scientists in
scientific projects has mushroomed (see Curtis et al., 2018). However, the nature of the participation in citizen
science has been limited in a variety of ways. We have adopted the term citizen inquiry to describe our
approach. Our interest in inquiry learning was developed in the Personal Inquiry project (see Sharples et al.,
2015) which developed an approach to supporting inquiries of personal relevance in science learning. We
developed software to support pupils, our first iteration of the nQuire platform. Further projects explored
ways in which such software could be of use in encouraging participation in citizen science inquiry. We
designed the later iterations of the nQuire platform (nquire.org.uk) as a citizen science and inquiry learning
tool, that can support any individual or organisation (with or without research background) to set up and
manage their own scientific investigations. We report here on the impact of this work over a fifteen-year
period. We discuss the ways in which this software has allowed enhanced participation in citizen projects and
the potential development of this approach for democratising citizen science.
We are interested in the development of science
understanding and appreciation for the public. In
contemporary society we need this understanding and
appreciation for the public to become meaningfully
involved in democratic decision making on issues of
Often, we assume that the development of science
understanding starts and is informed most of all by
our formal instruction in science taking place in
educational establishments. Those who thrive in such
settings can potentially become professional
scientists or find employment in jobs where knowing
science is a prerequisite. But for many people, over a
lifetime, their involvement in science continues by
more informal means such as watching television
programmes, reading popular science books, or
becoming involved in amateur science clubs.
So, the science we learn in formal settings is only
one part of the way we become interested and
potentially involved and knowledgeable about science.
This paper describes work investigating the
relationship between methods used to learn science at
school and the development of our understanding of
science through our appreciation and involvement in
informal science activities. In particular, we have
been working on citizen science to assess its potential
to add particular informal learning opportunities to
other more formal ways of learning science. The
approach we have developed which informs all our
work in this area is citizen inquiry. This is best
summarized in this quote:
The term ‘citizen inquiry’ was coined to describe
ways that members of the public can learn by
initiating or joining shared inquiry-led scientific
investigations (Sharples et al., 2013). It merges
learning through scientific investigation with mass
collaborative participation exemplified in citizen
science activities, altering the relationship most
people have with research from being passive
recipients to becoming actively engaged(Herodotou,
Sharples and Scanlon, 2017, p 1).
Scanlon, E. and Herodotou, C.
Enhancing Participation Through Inquiry Learning and Citizen Science: Science for Everyone.
DOI: 10.5220/0012732800003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 557-563
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In this paper we describe how our work in citizen
science, inquiry learning and the development of
software to support participation has progressed over
the past fifteen years.
Acquisition of science knowledge is one part of the
potential benefit for volunteers engaging in citizen
science projects. By surveying participants in
Zooniverse, one of the oldest online citizen science
platforms, Masters et al. (2016) have established that
volunteers are often picking up knowledge about
science concepts depending on whether or not there
was additional instructional material provided to
them. They write:
more actively engaged participants perform
better in a project-specific science knowledge quiz,
even after controlling for their general science
knowledge’ (Masters et al., 2016, p. 1).
However, Masters et al. and others have also
described potential benefits from learning about the
processes of science and have evidence that some
citizen scientists believe they are learning also about
the processes of science. Having been involved with
other citizen science projects such as iSpot
(Silvertown et al., 2014, Scanlon et al., 2014) and
iNaturalist (Herodotou et al., 2023), we have
developed an approach to the multifaceted ways in
which we need to approach the evaluation of learning
in citizen science projects.
We made attempts to investigate learning from
involvement in using these platforms through the
extraction of log files (such as number of projects
joined, duration a volunteer is connected to the
platform) both by reviewing the impact of
involvement with the platforms and on the views of
participants on what they have learned. An example
of what can be learned by these mixed method
approaches is given in Silvertown et al. (2014)
writing about learning from iSpot.
‘While we have anecdotal evidence from
comments made by participants that they have
learned, we do not have direct, quantitative evidence
of learning in iSpot yet. However, we do know from a
previous analysis of 400 participants’ behaviour that
they provided determinations for fewer than 40% of
their very first observations, but that they themselves
determined more than 60% of their 50th
observations’ (Scanlon et al., 2014, p142).
Our route into further work on promoting,
developing, and evaluating involvement in citizen
science occurred after a period of intensive work on
the topic of supporting inquiry learning in formal
settings. We will describe in the next section our
attempts to develop inquiry learning approaches and
more active participation in citizen science. Our
approach has been developed by involvement in a
number of funded projects over the last fifteen years.
These are summarised in Table 1.
Table 1: Funding for projects developing our approach.
Project Title
Personal Inquiry
Open Science Lab
Young People’s
citizen science
Learn CitSci
research: a mental
health pilot
EDU Cit Sci
Extending Design
Thinking Through
Our initial funding for work in schools for personal
inquiry, led to investigations of inquiry learning in the
Open Science Lab funded by Wolfson. This was
further developed with students in a University
technical college supported by Nominet. We
developed our approach to evaluation of citizen
science further during work with the National Science
Foundation project, while experimenting with social
missions funded partly by Mental Health Scotland.
BBSRC provided support for development of a citizen
science community, while funding from the EU is
allowing us to test other features in a school setting.
We started this work in 2009 back at a time where
ultramobile computing devices had first come into
British schools and teachers were trying to work out
what to do with them, particularly the possibilities
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
they offered of helping students work on projects that
connected work in school and home and other settings
in which they learn science. We received funding for
a joint research councils funded project Personal
Inquiry- Personal Inquiry (PI): Designing for
Evidence-Based Inquiry Learning across Formal and
Informal Settings, a research project funded in the
first round of the ESRC/EPSRC Technology
enhanced learning Programme. The aim of the project
was to help children to develop scientific
understanding using technology enhanced learning to
support mobile and contextual learning. The project
worked closely with a range of stakeholders including
schools, discovery centres, and museums. In addition
to hardware support, we realised that to develop the
kind of software necessary to support the process of
inquiry we had to instantiate it in a way that made
sense both to teachers and to software developers, so
we constructed a simple representation of the inquiry
process (Scanlon et al., 2012). The new personalised
learning approach we developed was important in the
success of the project.
The reason we identified personal inquiry as a key
theme for our work was because we were trying, as
well as looking at the technological possibilities to
support inquiry, to find ways of increasing motivation
for students, around work particularly associated with
the science curriculum. We thought there were three
ways in which we could make school inquiries more
personal. One was by focusing on oneself (Myself),
one by focusing on work related to the community
(My community) and one focusing on the local
environment (My environment).
The project was successful, and this was
demonstrated in the studies conducted in schools
which indicate that the personal inquiry toolkit was
successfully adopted in schools teaching science and
geography by teachers and by pupils (aged 11 to 14).
We worked in formal teacher directed lessons where
students’ work in classrooms was connected to field
trips and homework sessions. We also worked in after
school clubs. In this way we were able to establish
that the toolkit ‘effectively supported the transition
between individual, group, and whole-class activities
and supported learning across formal and informal
settings’. (Sharples et al., 2016, p. 309).
Towards the end of the project, we found ourselves
working more with students outside the confines of the
curriculum, outside the stated goals of their classroom
work, working in after school clubs and in this context
found that the software developed was still useful to
support students. As a consequence, we decided to
explore the potential for using and further developing
this software support for informal settings.
3.1 Potential of Inquiry Learning
Outside Formal Education
We received the next funding support to help us look
at the potential for taking this approach to personal
collaborative inquiry learning for schoolchildren in
formal settings and broaden it to other members of the
public in informal settings. In studies funded by
Nominet (Herodotou et al. 2014, Sharples et al., 2017),
we explored this which led to the public launch of a
newly developed version of the software nQuire.
inquiry). Initial findings from the Nominet funded
project and work from a PhD student (Aristeidou et al.,
2017) on the exploration of methods for developing
communities researching a topic of interest to them.
These led us to conclude that there was potential for a
fully functional platform to support work in citizen
science, extending our approach. With financial
support from the OU/BBC partnership (see below), a
new version of nQuire was designed and launched
(www.nquire.org.uk) that effectively supports
community and citizen science activities.
Figure 1: The nQuire home page.
Volunteers can either take part in citizen science
projects others created or design, pilot and manage
their own citizen science activities. nQuire has been
designed to the highest ethical and data protection
standards and is free to use by the public (Herodotou
et al., 2021). To enable design of high-quality studies,
an authoring functionality for designing citizen
science studies is in place. This is accompanied by a
process of data quality review by experts.
3.2 Some Citizen Science Projects (or
‘Missions’) with nQuire
To give a brief summary of projects that we have done
since our pivot towards citizen science we give a few
examples. We have made the software available to
anybody who wanted it, with our support, and we did
Enhancing Participation Through Inquiry Learning and Citizen Science: Science for Everyone
a few small scale inquiries, including one with the
University of Wolverhampton where we were
interested in views about novels, another Open
University one on sleep chronotypes, one on
observations of starling murmuration and another
about the growth of trees. These were led by
ourselves, and by others including Universities and
Charities. While smaller scale than later inquiries
these inquiries could become extended in time e.g.,
nQuire was used in capturing people's preferences of
novels in a series of inquiries.
The platform is available to anyone to run their
investigations. This includes members of our
university, members of other Universities, other
organisations or individuals wanting to research areas
of personal interest.
After a few years of operation on a relatively
small scale we attracted the attention of those who
had worked on the development of Lab UK studies.
These had been large scale studies where the BBC
had partnered with scientists to collect data from the
public on a range of topics related to broadcasts. After
some conversations about the functionally of the
platform we were approached by the BBC/OU
partnership to consider whether the platform could
work for investigations at large scale, the scale we
might expect by connection with broadcasts. Up to
this point the typical group of learners or citizen
scientists that we had on an inquiry was around 200
participants, sometimes up to a thousand. In our
partnership with the BBC/OU, we needed to plan an
extension of the platform so that it could cope with
hundreds of thousands of participants. The first
example of this was the use of this new version of
nQuire (named Tomorrow's world nQuire) to be
deployed for future large-scale inquiries or
‘missions’. We partnered with the British Trust for
Ornithology to develop a set of inquiries as part of the
BBC Gardenwatch campaign in 2019. The
Gardenwatch investigation (or “mission”) was
designed by the British Trust of Ornithology and The
Open University and promoted by the BBC
Springwatch TV series. The purpose was to
understand “who” lives in UK gardens by asking
citizens to report on mammals, worms, and birds they
observe in their gardens. More than 230,000
contributions were collected. Findings provided
recommendations as to what people should be doing
to support biodiversity in their gardens, for example,
providing boxes and food to specific species. Another
broader purpose was as an opportunity to include
discussion of the inquiry in the TV programme and
support and promote a call to action. If the mission
allowed people to understand more about which
resources are most important for the survival of
species in gardens, this could encourage people to
take action which would support biodiversity having
found out more about how this all worked. For
example, they might be encouraged to do more to
support biodiversity in gardens by providing log
piles, leaving grass, and feeding hedgehogs or similar
approaches to using their gardens. nQuire currently
hosts investigations in fields such as biodiversity
mental health, literacy, and education.
Figure 2: What is nQuire.
Stein et al. (2023) have reviewed multi-project
citizen science platforms highlighting similarities and
differences, which is helpful to see the range of
options and functionalities.
The key difference with nQuire from other
platforms available is our focus on supporting a range
of different types of users and broadening the range
of benefits for them. We would distinguish nQuire
from other multi-project citizen science platforms as
it is distinctive in the following ways: it enables users
to define research questions, design a methodological
approach and collect data, allow for community
communications and commenting on data, integrated
data analysis and visualisation tools, are accessible
from a web browser and have supported authoring
tools. These users can be members of the public not
only scientists.
To summarise the ways in which our platform is
Enables design and management of projects
through an authoring functionality.
Data are securely stored in university servers.
All citizen science studies have gained ethical
approvals before going live.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Data can be collected in a range of forms
including text, image, sensors.
Data can be confidential or open to the public
to read, comment and like enabling peer
Dynamic data visualisations give immediate
feedback to volunteers as to what emerging
findings look like at a given point of time.
Data can be shown on a map.
Data can be downloaded at any time.
Interim and final reports can be shared with
We have conducted interviews and administered
questionnaires to users of the nQuire platform who
had chosen to participate in citizen science projects
(Herodotou et al., 2017). We have done some work to
understand what, whether and how people learn from
participating in some of these citizen science
inquiries. A questionnaire to 150 users of the platform
revealed that main motivations for taking part in a
mission were to contribute to scientific research, an
appreciation of the importance of helping with
research, their own personal interest, and curiosity
about the topic (Herodotou et al., 2017). These results
are both comforting and challenging. One challenge
is represented by comments from users such as the
desire for a number of activities to be completed
before there was a sense of a developed trajectory of
learning. (There are similarities here to the issue of
tracking learners in formal settings to identify a
trajectory of learning development). A view could be
taken about whether participation in the platform had
increased and individuals’ knowledge and confidence
and contributing to science and using scientific
results. However, many of our participants have a
limited participation on the platform, taking part in
only one set of missions. In this regard nQuire is
currently not as developed as platforms such as
Zooniverse where the number of potential activities
engaged in by participants is much larger. We do not
expect all participants or volunteers to have a desire
to create their own studies (and this is supported by
our survey results), but we do hope that for some keen
volunteers this will be a window to understanding and
accessing science in ways their skills and knowledge
are developed and citizen science activities are
supporting not only science but also their local
communities. We continue to explore the possibilities
of tracking the learning outcomes of people who
engage in our activities and extending our methods
beyond reliance on self-support.
We have designed the nQuire platform
(nquire.org.uk), as a citizen science and inquiry
learning tool, that can support any individual or
organisation (with or without research background) to
set up and manage their own scientific investigations
in any research field (Herodotou, Sharples, Scanlon,
2017). In this regard we are mindful of the principles
of citizen science outlined in this document by the
European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
(https://osf.io/xpr2n/wiki/home/) and enthusiastic
about the idea of opening science to all including
those with no relevant qualifications or expertise.
We consider citizen science to be a means through
which people can educate themselves. It is potentially
a means to provide support for them in developing
life-long skills, in particular critical and scientific
thinking. These are much needed to understand and
cope with pressing socio-scientific issues. Offering
people opportunities to understand and engage with
science (broadly defined to include natural, physical,
and social science) in ways that are responsive to their
own needs, could develop trust in the outcomes of
research and help people make decisions in an
informed and evidence-based manner reducing, for
example, the risk of trusting misinformation.
Our ambition therefore in this work is to open the
knowledge production process to a wider group in
society using the citizen science inquiry method. That
is our ambition is to use this to increase the
knowledge of how science and research is done in the
general public so that people can understand how
science is produced and as a result build greater trust
in scientific outcomes and potentially be more aware
of contentious claims.
We are investigating how can this be achieved
through enabling people to design their own
investigations and to receive training as to how to
design a good scientific study in order to make a start
on democratising current scientific practices. This is
an ambitious project. Offering training to scientists on
how to engage with their participants in ways that
benefits result for the science, scientists and citizens
involved. We also see such work as potentially
helping to democratise current scientific practices by
offering training to scientists as to how to engage with
their participants in ways that benefit both the science
and citizens, and by designing tools that scaffold the
process of opening science to the public
(visualisations etc).
Enhancing Participation Through Inquiry Learning and Citizen Science: Science for Everyone
Like (Bela et al., 2016) we would like to make
progress in operationalising the transformative
aspirations of citizen inquiry to support the
development of scientific thinking skills in the
general population.
As a consequence of 15 years of development we
now have a pedagogically informed platform for
citizen science which allows us to consider learning
at scale. nQuire is our pedagogically informed citizen
science platform. It has been developed by The Open
University to support individuals and organisations
design, launch, and manage scalable research
projects. We can support large-scale online
investigations in any topic or discipline, and currently
we have recorded more than a quarter of a million
contributions to missions.
Individuals or organisations can use our authoring
environment to create scientifically robust and ethical
investigations. For scientists and others wishing to
use the platform there is an overhead associated with
authoring and taking the appropriate steps for ethical
approval. This is monitored by the nQuire team but so
far, the process is reasonably smooth.
To realise our ambitions, we will continue to
extend and develop the platform. So far, we have
developed appropriate tools to put in place to support
our ambition. We think that integrating activities with
our citizen inquiry missions will give us the
opportunity to further test this approach. We will
work to further understand the aspirations of our
users. As more inquiries or missions are developed
this will help us test out the proposition of what we
need to do to further democratise research.
However, our most recent funded work with the
nQuire platform is taking us back to the original
inspiration of this work, inquiry learning in schools.
nQuire is one of the emerging technologies being
explored to encourage and facilitate the development
of design thinking in schools. This design-based
research funded by the EU Horizon programme and
Innovate UK (Exten(DT)
, http://www.extendt2.eu).
This project involves us in working with eight
partners throughout Europe on exploratory case
studies with emerging technologies in schools. Our
contribution to the project is the development of a
version of nQuire, nQuire for students, that can be
used to develop students’ research skills in primary
and secondary schools.
Our thanks are due to our stakeholders, participants
and the funders listed in Table 1. We would like to
acknowledge also all the members of the nQuire team
over the years, especially our colleagues Mike
Sharples, Eloy Villasclaras-Fernandez, Paul
Mulholland. Maria Aristeidou, Kevin McLeod and
his team.
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participation. Computers in Human Behavior, 74 pp.
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Enhancing Participation Through Inquiry Learning and Citizen Science: Science for Everyone