Systematic Threat Modelling of High-Performance Computing Systems:
The V:HPCCRI Case Study
Raffaele Elia
, Daniele Granata
and Massimiliano Rak
Department of Engineering, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Via Roma 9, Aversa (CE), Italy
HPC, Threat Modelling, Security Assessment, Supercomputer.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems play a crucial role in different research and industry tasks,
boasting high-intensity computing capacity, high-bandwidth network connections, and extensive storage at
each HPC centre. The system’s objectives, coupled with the presence of valuable resources and sensitive
data, make it an attractive target for malicious users. Traditionally, HPC systems are considered ”trusted”
with users having significant rights and limited protective measures in place. Additionally, its heterogeneous
nature complicates security efforts. Applying traditional security measures to individual cluster nodes proves
insufficient as it neglects the system’s holistic perspective. To address these challenges, this paper presents a
methodology for collecting threats affecting HPC environments from the literature analysis using a Systematic
Search. Key contributions of this work include the application of the presented methodology to support the
HPC domain through the definition of an HPC-specific threat catalogue and, starting from it, the generation of
a threat model for a real-world case study: the V:HPCCRI supercomputer.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) represents a
computing paradigm characterized by exceptionally
powerful computing capability. HPC systems are
used for various research and industry tasks, with
each HPC centre equipped with a wealth of highly
desirable resources: high-intensity computing capac-
ity, high-bandwidth network connections, and exten-
sive storage (Mogilevsky et al., 2005). The objec-
tives for which an HPC system is designed, along
with the presence of attractive resources and sensi-
tive, critical data within it, make the infrastructure an
interesting target for malicious users. On the other
hand, HPC systems historically originate in academic
and research environments. They are often consid-
ered “trusted” systems (users have significant rights,
and there are rarely sophisticated protective measures
in place for those who have access to the system).
Furthermore, the heterogeneity of the resources that
may comprise the infrastructure further complicates
the situation: the use of different technologies extends
the attack vectors and makes it more challenging to
ensure the security of the infrastructure.
Threat Modeling is accepted as a critical step for
assessing system security. (Granata and Rak, 2023)
illustrates a set of tools for fine-grained threat mod-
eling. This approach involves meticulously identify-
ing potential malicious behaviours that could impact a
system, focusing on the various components involved.
By undertaking threat modeling, the objective is to
gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential
threats that could target the system. This understand-
ing allows for the development of suitable counter-
measures to mitigate these threats effectively. Our ap-
proach relies on the concept of threat, which refers to
malicious behavior that can be performed by a threat
agent. However, it does not consider technical as-
pects such as security vulnerabilities or weaknesses.
It’s worth noting that threat modelling is a high-level
practice compared to technological assessments. In
other words, we prioritize understanding and mitigat-
ing potential threats over focusing on specific tech-
nical flaws or vulnerabilities in the security system.
Following this research line, our work is based on a
methodology (Granata et al., 2023) aimed at building
a catalogue of all the fine-grained threats related to
a specific domain (in this case, HPC). Once the cat-
alogue is available, it can be used to produce threat
models for specific scenarios. The main contributions
Elia, R., Granata, D. and Rak, M.
Systematic Threat Modelling of High-Performance Computing Systems: The V:HPCCRI Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012733000003711
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2024), pages 327-337
ISBN: 978-989-758-701-6; ISSN: 2184-5042
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of this work are: i) the application of our defined
methodology aimed at extending a graph-based tech-
nique and building a threat catalogue on an HPC sys-
tem; ii) the generation of a fine-grained threat model
of a real case study: V: HPCCRI.
The structure of our work is outlined as follows: Sec-
tion 2 presents an overview of the significant con-
tributions made to threat modeling in the context of
HPC, while also highlighting the specific gap our re-
search aims to address. In Section 3, we elaborate
on the methodology employed for gathering threats.
Sections 4 and 5 delve into the detailed phases of this
methodology within the HPC context. Furthermore,
Section 6 offers insights into the practical applica-
tion of our methodology through a real-world case
study: the V:HPCCRI supercomputer. Finally, Sec-
tion 7 summarizes the conclusions drawn from our
research and outlines possible future work.
As anticipated above, our paper aims to build a cat-
alogue containing fine-grained threats affecting HPC
assets to support our threat modelling methodology.
Accordingly, in this section, we provide a compre-
hensive analysis of the scientific papers that focused
on HPC threat modelling, describing how the threats
have been selected as well as an analysis of the tech-
nique used to assess the HPC infrastructure.
NIST Special Publication 800-223 (Guo et al.,
2023) offers a detailed description of the HPC key
components and the threats that can be affected by
underlining the security of these assets. The HPC ar-
chitecture, the main components and how they can
be analyzed will be described in detail in Section 4.
Anyway, it is important to note that the document
divides an HPC architecture into Zones and evalu-
ates the threats each zone may be affected. The se-
lection phase plays a crucial role in the identifica-
tion of threats. It simplifies and enhances the process
of recognizing potential malicious behaviours. How-
ever, it is important to note that this approach op-
erates at a high level when modelling threats. This
means that it takes a broad perspective and may not
align with our specific approach or methodology for
addressing threats. In essence, while the selection
phase facilitates the identification process, its high-
level nature might diverge from our more detailed
and nuanced approach to modelling and managing
threats. A detailed analysis of the HPC architec-
ture is reported in Sec. 4. Hou et al.s recent work
(Hou et al., 2020a) examines high-level security re-
quirements specific to High-Performance Computing
(HPC) systems. The study underscores distinctions
from general-purpose computers and analyzes corre-
sponding security threats. Notably, the authors em-
phasize the need for a robust access control policy to
counter confidentiality-related threats in HPC. This
insight reinforces the importance of stringent access
control mechanisms and user access management for
ensuring HPC system security, contributing signifi-
cantly to the understanding of security challenges in
this domain. Some relevant scientific authors em-
phasize the need for a systematic and comprehensive
threat analysis approach tailored to the unique charac-
teristics of HPC clusters. As an example, Mogilevsky
et al. (Mogilevsky et al., 2005) advocate for the use of
a structured Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availabil-
ity (CIA) model as a basis for their proposed threat
model. As a result, the techniques used to extract
threats and security issues from an HPC system are
limited in literature because most of the work does
not describe the way the threats have been collected
and extracted from the model. To fill this gap, we
used an already-consolidated technique to systemat-
ically extend our threat catalogue in the context of
HPC systems. The catalogue has been built to extract
fine-grained threats from the model that affect parts
of a supercomputer.
This work aims to collect a detailed catalogue of HPC
threats from literature to support our fine-grained
threat model generation technique.
The technique (Granata et al., 2023) consists of
four steps: (i) Domain Analysis; (ii) Systematic
Threat Search; (iii) Data Analysis; (iv) Final Re-
sults. Domain analysis involves identifying the pri-
mary component types, including both hardware and
software components, as well as protocols used in the
systems within the target domain. Identifying assets
is crucial because they are the elements valued by the
owner and require protection. This process begins by
referencing architectures in scientific papers, surveys
and white papers. In our domain, the reference ar-
chitecture we based our work on is the one proposed
by NIST (Guo et al., 2023) and described in detail in
section 4. The key outcome of domain analysis is the
enhancement of our modeling technique, allowing the
definition of new asset types to take into account when
modelling an HPC scenario. The Systematic Threat
Search phase aims at collecting threats affecting the
HPC assets and protocols collected in the previous
step from different sources. In this case, a common
problem in literature is identifying a comprehensive
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
set of threats for each HPC asset. Accordingly, our
technique relies on a Systematic Literature Review
(SLR) aimed at collecting all the threats in a struc-
tured way as well as an overview of the threat mod-
elling techniques used to collect the threats. Resulting
of the SLR, the data extracted will be analysed to de-
rive threats, formulated structurally. A threat, in our
context, is delineated as a triad of (threat agent, com-
promised asset, and malicious behaviour). In essence,
it represents the proactive actions undertaken by a
threat agent with the intention of compromising an
asset. It is worth noticing that in this work, we did
not take into account the threat agents since our aim
is to collect threats and build a structured threat cat-
alogue. For further details, a technique aimed at se-
lecting threat agents in an automated way is shown in
(Granata and Rak., 2021). Data Analysis phase de-
scribes the way threats have been selected from the
papers as well as the data model used to describe a
As a result, (i) an extension of our modelling tech-
nique for the considered domain is formulated; and
(ii) the threat catalogue, which is a structured repre-
sentation of all information related to the security of
the system, highlighting the threats to which each as-
set type is exposed. The following sections will de-
scribe in detail each phase of the technique applied to
the HPC context.
This section presents a detailed analysis of the High-
Performance Computing domain, taking into account
the reference architecture proposed by NIST (Guo
et al., 2023). Subsequently, starting from the refer-
ence architecture, the identified assets are described,
highlighting the reasons why they need to be ade-
quately protected. Lastly our modelling technique ex-
tension (Granata et al., 2022) is presented, focusing
on new asset types.
4.1 HPC Reference Architecture
According to NIST (Guo et al., 2023), as in evidence
in figure 1, an HPC system consists of four distinct
function zones: (i) access zone; (ii) computing zone;
(iii) data storage zone; and (iv) management zone.
The access zone consists of one or more nodes,
connected to external networks, that provide services
for authenticating and authorizing the access of users
and administrators and, possibly data transfer services
and web portals allowing for a range of web-based
interfaces to access HPC system services. At least
one node provides shells that can be used to launch
interactive or batch jobs.
The computing zone involves a set of compute
nodes connected by one or more high-speed networks
through which it is possible to run parallel jobs at
scale. Some nodes can be equipped with hardware ac-
celerators (e.g., GPU) to speed up applications. High-
performance communication networks (e.g., Infini-
Band, Omni-Path) are characterized by high band-
width and ultra-low latency; and they serve the pur-
pose of connecting compute nodes with data storage
zones. Instead, non-high-performance communica-
tion networks (e.g., Ethernet) are used as cluster inter-
nal networks to connect the high-performance com-
puting zone with the management zone and access
The data storage zone includes one or multiple high-
speed parallel file systems to provide data storage ser-
vices for user data. They are designed to handle vast
amounts of data, offering efficient storage capabili-
ties and rapid data access for both reading and writing
purposes. Typical classes of storage systems encom-
pass parallel file systems (PFS), node-local storage
for low-latency workloads, and archival file systems
that defend against data loss and support campaign
The management zone encompasses a pool of
nodes for HPC system operation and management.
It provides necessary protocols and services required
by the hosts within the other zones such as Do-
main Name Serivces (DNS), Network Time Protocol
(NTP), as well as configuration definitions, authenti-
cation, and authorization services through an LDAP
server. These services can run on dedicated hard-
ware or virtual machines. Additionally, the manage-
ment zone includes storage systems for configuration
data and node images, as well as logging and analy-
sis servers to alert administrators of events. Resource
requests for specific workloads are coordinated by
schedulers like SLURM and Portable Batch System
(PBS) due to the distributed nature of HPC systems.
4.2 Asset Identification
As previously explained, assets denote what must be
safeguarded. In this section, we identified 23 assets
from the analysis of HPC reference architecture pro-
posed by NIST. Each node in the described zone is
treated as an asset, resulting in 10 initial asset types:
login node, data transfer node, web portal node, com-
pute node, storage node, storage array, storage disk,
scheduler node, cluster services node, and provision-
ing node. Certain nodes, like login, data transfer, and
web portal nodes, serve as access points and are con-
Systematic Threat Modelling of High-Performance Computing Systems: The V:HPCCRI Case Study
Figure 1: HPC Reference Architecture.
sidered assets. Compute and data storage nodes are
vulnerable to compromise by malicious users seeking
to run illicit jobs or access legitimate user data. In par-
ticular, to differentiate nodes with GPUs from those
without, we added GPU nodes as asset types. Storage
disks and arrays are critical assets, as compromising
them could result in data loss or corruption, especially
since HPC systems typically lack backup services.
Each node of the management zone represent an as-
set: in particular, the scheduler node must be pro-
tected because its compromise might lead to sched-
uler tampering or an elevation of privileges; cluster
services nodes are critical since they store log data
and host crucial services such as LDAP. Provisioning
nodes store node images and are similarly important.
Communication networks constitute a valuable assets
because a malicious user might attempt to compro-
mise them to seek sensitive data or concretize vari-
ous threats (e.g., topology disclosure); therefore, we
have considered cluster external networks (typically
the Internet network), cluster internal networks (typ-
ically Ethernet network), and high-performance net-
work (typically InfiniBand network). Starting from
the analysis of the services hosted within the infras-
tructure, we have identified other nine asset types
such as DNS, because an attacker might exploit the
DNS server with the aim to overload a target through
DNS response traffic or generate a massive volume of
requests for non-existent records, which can overload
a recursive name server: as a result of this overload,
the DNS server may respond with NXDOMAIN for
these non-existent records, causing delays in DNS re-
sponse times; DHCP, in fact a malicious user might
assign all IP addresses available on the DHCP pool in
order to prevent the assignment to legitimate devices;
LDAP, because an attacker might attempt to list user
accounts or organizational units within the LDAP di-
rectory or inject harmful code into LDAP queries in
order to modify, or delete data; NTP, in fact an at-
tacker might modify the time provided by the server
causing synchronization problem; job scheduler (typ-
ically PBS or SLURM), because an attacker might get
access to scheduler logs information to learn about
currently running jobs and what jobs have users run
in the past; container platform (e.g., Singularity), in
fact an attacker might break out from a container to
the underlying host in order to move to other contain-
ers from the host or perform actions on the host it-
self; distributed file system, because its manipulation
or an improper configuration leads to any type of data
compromise; “web service” since, representing any
type of service provided via web, they are subjected to
threats such as sensitive data exposure. This analysis
allows us to identify all assets and expand our mod-
elling technique (MACM). For readability purposes,
the extension of the model is presented in Section 6
along with the case study.
Once the assets have been identified and the model
supports them and all possible interactions, our scope
is to build a structured catalogue of threats affecting
each HPC asset, considering both HPC components
and the protocol involved. To ensure a comprehensive
threat analysis, our approach relies on a Systematic
Literature Review aimed at collecting security threats
(i.e. Systematic Threat Search (Granata et al., 2023)).
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
5.1 SLR Protocol and Extraction
Consistently with Kitchenham et al. guidelines,
(Kitchenham et al., 2009), we have conducted the
SLR following three steps: Planning, Conducting,
and Reporting. The Planning phase aims to create a
protocol for querying various sources for articles with
the goal of both including and excluding specific pa-
pers from the results to answer specific research ques-
tions. The Conduction phase involves applying the
rules defined within the protocol to obtain a set of ac-
cepted papers that are suitable for addressing the re-
search questions. The Reporting phase encompasses
the documentation of the review’s outcomes and the
sharing of these results with potentially interested par-
ties. In order to perform the first phase we have se-
lected two different research questions:
RQ1: What are the threats for an HPC system?
RQ2: Which methodologies are used to produce a
threat model of the HPC system?
To answer the mentioned questions it is necessary
to individuate the appropriate papers from which the
data must be extracted. The papers were collected
through a keyword-based approach. It involves se-
lecting specific keywords and then formulating one or
more search queries. In particular, we have derived a
specific query to answer RQ1 and RQ2.
((hpc OR "high performance computing")
AND ("system" OR "data center" OR
"architecture" OR "infrastructure"))
AND (threat AND (analysis OR model
OR modeling))
We opted for Scopus as our primary search en-
gine due to its widespread usage and comprehensive
coverage, which includes results from other common
platforms such as Google Scholar, Springer, and IEEE
Explore. To individuate the relevant papers that may
answer the research questions, we have defined appro-
priate criteria: it is referred to as Inclusion and Exclu-
sion criteria and they depend on the systematic lit-
erature review’s purpose. The mentioned criteria are
reported in Table 1.
The Conduction phase is by three steps: (i) study
identification; (ii) selection; (iii) extraction. The ini-
tial step involves the identification of studies through
the implementation of a search strategy. Therefore,
we have used advanced search strings that rely on
Boolean expressions; in particular, the previously es-
tablished rules were applied within the mentioned
digital library using its respective language. Addition-
ally, sources of evidence (such as the paper related to
HPC security technologies provided by PRACE, and
other documents) were added to the comprehensive
Table 1: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Proposes threat analy-
sis/model for HPC sys-
It is not written in En-
Describes threats for
HPC system
Does not cover HPC
- Does not concern threat
analysis for HPC sys-
- Does not concern HPC
security threats
search results. As a result, we have obtained 106 pa-
pers. In the Selection step, the large number of studies
is reduced through the criteria specified in the proto-
col. In particular, after reading and analyzing all ab-
stracts, only the papers that meet the inclusion crite-
ria are accepted. As an outcome of this step, out of
the 106 starting papers, only 17 were selected as suit-
able for data extraction, while 89 papers were rejected
according to the exclusion criteria. The objective of
the final step is to extract data from the paper through
meticulous reading. The reading of 17 extracted pa-
pers highlighted that only 9 met the inclusion crite-
ria, while 8 met the exclusion criteria; so, 9 papers
were selected to try to answer research questions. The
outcomes of the systematic literature review have al-
lowed us to answer the two research questions previ-
ously mentioned. Here is a more detailed description.
The majority of the results describe the threats that af-
fect a high-performance computing system highlight-
ing which HPC zone is involved. Additionally, part of
these also illustrates the possible attacks that a mali-
cious actor can implement defining what CIA require-
ment is compromised. Each one of these papers also
describes for which reason an HPC system can repre-
sent an interesting target for an attacker. What has just
been said has allowed us to answer RQ1. It is impor-
tant to stress that part of these results has provided
us with an overview of high-performance comput-
ing systems describing architecture, the differences
with a general purposes system, and other general
concepts; furthermore, detailed insights into security
recommendations, requirements, challenges, mecha-
nisms, technologies, and enhancement methods have
been acquired (Nowak, 2017) (Pleiter et al., 2021)
(Hou et al., 2020b) (Yang et al., 2021). To answer
RQ2, as already discussed in section 2, not-specific
techniques have been adopted to derive threats of an
HPC system. As an example, some authors listed all
the threats affecting a supercomputer by considering
the security requirements they compromise. Accord-
ingly, some threats have been selected for confiden-
Systematic Threat Modelling of High-Performance Computing Systems: The V:HPCCRI Case Study
Table 2: Threat Catalogue: Data Model.
Threat Cata-
logue Field
Asset Type The kind of asset
Threat Threat that can affect an asset type
Description Brief description of threat
STRIDE STRIDE classification
Compromised Considers indirect threats, which
are threats that impact a particular
component and are then transmit-
ted to neighbouring components
PreCondition How much confidentiality, in-
tegrity and availability have to be
compromised in order to perform
the threat
PostCondition How much the threat compro-
mises the confidentiality, integrity
and availability
tiality, others for integrity and availability of services.
The result is significant for us because our approach
systematically derives threats from a well-structured
5.2 HPC Threat Catalogue
Our threat catalogue is a structured representation of
the threats that may affect some assets. From the
study of SLR selected papers we have built an Ex-
cel sheet including the threats related to all HPC as-
sets. We have followed two steps to build the HPC
Threat Catalogue: (i) collecting the threats for each
selected asset; and (ii) enhancing each pair compris-
ing an asset and a threat with the following data model
fields: description, STRIDE, Compromised, PreCon-
dition, PostCondition. Table 2 provides a description
of the mentioned fields. The Compromised can ei-
ther be self if it compromises the component itself,
or it may follow a specific format: role(relationship).
The role field can be either source or target and de-
termines whether the threat compromises the in-going
or out-going connections originating from the compo-
nent. Meanwhile, the relationship field acts as a filter
for the type of relation through which the threat can
propagate. The Precondition is articulated in the for-
mat of [LossOfConfidentiality, LossOfIntegrity, Los-
sOfAvailability], elucidating the extent to which the
threat must exploit the CIA security requirements.
Similarly, the PostCondition, presented in the same
format, delineates the impact on each security re-
quirement. Each compromising level is denoted by: n
(no compromise), p (partial compromise), and f (full
As a result, a part of the threat catalogue is re-
ported in the table 3. It is important to note that only
a portion of the threat catalogue has been included in
this paper, aligning with its length constraints. Inter-
ested readers may obtain the complete catalogue by
reaching out to the authors. Also, the Precondition
field is not taken into account since we considered it
as None (no precondition required).
The case study is represented by the University
of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, with its own super-
computer: V:HPCCRI. It is composed of forty-two
nodes and tree networks; in particular, there are two
login nodes, two management nodes, two storage
nodes, twenty-six compute nodes, and 10 GPU nodes.
The nodes are connected through both an Ethernet
network, chosen for its widespread adoption, cost-
effectiveness, and compatibility, and an InfiniBand
network, selected for its superior performance, low
latency, and scalability, particularly in the HPC con-
text. Also, a Broadcom (BCM) network is used to
provide robust networking solutions with advanced
features, scalability, and reliability, ensuring efficient
data transmission and network management within
the system architecture. The two login nodes are con-
nected to an external network (i.e., a University pub-
lic network), additionally, there is a firewall in front
of them. The management nodes host virtual ma-
chines connected to a VLAN – which in turn hosts
some services (i.e., OpenLDAP, zChild, and xClar-
ity). Furthermore, also other machines host services
such as container platforms. The job scheduler sys-
tem in place is PBS. GPFS is the distributed file sys-
tem present within the infrastructure.
6.1 MACM Extension
Once assets typology has been identified, we
extended our modelling technique, the Multi-
Application Composition Model (MACM) (Casola,
2019) to support HPC components. Our model re-
lies on a graph-based model characterized by nodes
and edges: each node aims to describe a system’s as-
set, and each edge represents the relationship that ex-
ists between two distinct assets. Each MACM node is
defined by a primary label that identifies the compo-
nent’s class and an optional secondary label that pro-
vides additional details. The most important param-
eter in our model is asset type, defining the typology
of the considered component. It is a mandatory la-
bel since it describes the functional behaviour of each
component and, accordingly, can be associated with
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Part of HPC Threat Catalogue.
Threat Description STRIDE Compromised PostCon Source
An attacker is able
to access the node
abusing the authenti-
cation system
S self,
[p,p,n] (Guo et al.,
An attacker modifies
and manipulates sys-
tem logs or records
T self,
[n,p,n] (Mogilevsky
et al., 2005)
An attacker gives
their own job higher
priority and/or mod-
ifies the legitimate
users’ job priorities
T, D self,
[n,p,p] (Mogilevsky
et al., 2005)
security issues. As a result of this phase, part of the
new asset types related to HPC components is shown
in Table 4.
6.2 System Modelling
We modelled the architecture described above using
the MACM model, as shown in Figure 2. It’s worth
emphasizing that the figure doesn’t include all mod-
eled nodes, but rather focuses on the key ones essen-
tial for providing a clear overview of the model.
It is composed of 61 nodes. Each label influences
the colour of the nodes, whereas attributes are not vis-
ible in the image. To provide a concise summary
of our model, we included only the essence of the
MACM relationships in Table 5. It is important to
emphasize that we have decided to use the symbol *
to refer to all nodes in the MACM that fall within a
specific category. Therefore, for example, the expres-
sion ComputeNode* highlights that the relationship
defined in the table applies to all twenty-six comput-
ing nodes.
6.3 Threat Model Generation
The procedure for generating the threat model, as de-
tailed in our prior work (Rak et al., 2022), involves se-
lecting all threats impacting the system described by
the MACM, forming a list of pairs denoted as (Com-
promisedAsset, MaliciousBehaviour). The procedure
relies on the data model outlined in section 5 and as-
sociates threats with each asset, considering param-
eters such as asset type, protocol, and role in com-
munication, as well as the compromised field. Ini-
tially, threats related to the asset type are enumerated
for each asset. For example, a Service.Web asset type
has different threats compared to a Service.DNS. Pro-
tocols described by the in-going and out-going arcs
are considered, using the direction of the edge in the
MACM’s directed graph to assign roles to assets in-
volved in communication. For instance, if a client
(CSC) communicates with a web application via the
HTTP protocol, the MACM model adds HTTP at-
tributes to the uses relationship, designating the CSC
as the HTTP client and the application as the server.
Once assets are classified as client or server, role fil-
tering is applied based on the Role field, determining
if a threat applies to the client, server, or both. The
Compromised field considers indirect threats affect-
ing a specific component and propagating to neigh-
bours. It can be self if the component is compromised
or has a template like Role(relationship). The Role
field, as explained, can be source or target, indicating
whether the threat compromises in-going or out-going
edges. The relationship applies a filter to the type of
relation the threat can propagate. For example, [self,
source(uses)] means the threat compromises the asset
and all nodes using that asset, while source(connects)
applies the threat to all networks connecting the asset.
It is worth noticing that our approach semi-
automatically derives all threats from the MACM
6.4 Case Study Results
According to our case study, the assets are the ones
already anticipated above and summarized in tables 4
and 5. Applying the threat modelling approach and,
in particular, considering only the criteria reported be-
low, we produced a lists of threats for each asset: An
asset Ai can be affected by a threat Ti if the Asset
Type of Ai is the same of the Asset Type of Ti. The
resulting threat model is characterized by six fields:
asset name, asset type, threat, CIA, STRIDE, and be-
Systematic Threat Modelling of High-Performance Computing Systems: The V:HPCCRI Case Study
Figure 2: V:HPCCRI MACM.
haviour. Asset name” represents the name associ-
ated with a specific V:HPCCRI asset; these assets are
all reported in MACM model. Asset type” repre-
sents the typology of assets that can be affected by
a specific threat. “Threat” represents a label that de-
fines the typology of threat. CIA reports the CIA re-
quirements that are compromised by a threat. The
STRIDE field indicates the STRIDE classification.
“Behaviour” is a brief description of a specific threat.
An abstract of the threat model is reported in table 6.
In our study, we approached protocol mod-
elling by prioritizing the services they support rather
than solely focusing on communication perspectives.
Thus, we chose not to present examples of threats di-
rectly affecting these protocols (e.g. DNS, DHCP,
NTP); instead, we concentrated on threats associ-
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 4: Part of MACM Node Labels and Assets.
Asset Type(s) Description Technology HPCZone
HW Server HW.PC A physical hosting hardware
HW Server HW.PC.LoginNode Node that provides login services HPCAccessZone
HW Server HW.PC.DataStorageDisk Disk storage HPCStorageZone
HW Server HW.PC.SchedulerNode Node that manages the HPC system HPCManagementZone
HW Server HW.PC.ComputeNode Compute node HPCComputingZone
Network LAN Network.Wired.HPC Local Access Network used in HPC system
that guarantee high bandwidth and low la-
Network LAN Network.Wired.Ethernet Local Access Network used in HPC system
that aims to connect nodes
service SaaS Service.DNS Domain Name System Protocol
service SaaS Service.LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
service SaaS Service.JobScheduler Job Scheduler, the assets vary based on the
technologies involved
HPCAccessZone, HPC-
Table 5: Part of relations between components in the case
Start Node Relation End Node
InfiniBandNetwork connects LoginNode*
EthernetNetwork connects LoginNode*
InfiniBandNetwork connects StorageNode*
connects GPUNode*
StorageNode hosts GPFS
ComputeNode hosts PBS
hosts VM*
VM1 hosts OpenLDAP
VM2 hosts xClarity
VM3 hosts zChild
EthernetNetwork hosts VLAN*
xClarity uses LoginNode*
zChild uses StorageNode*
ated with the services that utilize them. Some other
threats have been selected considering the Compro-
mised field, as already described. A part of the threat
model referred to this parameter is shown in the table
As an example, User Session Hijacking consist of
the stealing of a session token to get unauthorized ac-
cess to the system, compromising the PBS service.
Since the LDAP Injection threat has source(hosts) in
Compromised field, it compromises not only the ser-
vice LDAP, but also the virtual machine hosting the
service. Some threats can affect indirectly the net-
work connecting the services. For example, the down-
load of malicious content from the Login node can af-
fect its communications. Different threats can target
the network infrastructure, causing partitions that dis-
rupt communication in certain segments, ultimately
rendering them inaccessible. This type of threat also
undermines the integrity of all nodes linked within the
network. Other threats can affect the way containers
are handled by Singularity. As an example, an in-
truder can breach the boundaries of a container, suc-
cessfully accessing the underlying host to transition
to other containers from the host or carrying out oper-
ations directly on the host. This can compromise each
Node (i.e. Login, Compute and GPU) because of its
virtualization mechanisms. Finally, our threat analy-
sis revealed that the supercomputer is exposed to 164
distinct threats, with redundancy not factored in from
the presence of multiple nodes and virtual machines.
By considering each node and, therefore, each service
hosted on the node, the number of threats increases to
more than 1100. It is crucial to note that, an HPC
system typically hosts a significant and variable set of
services, depending on the demand. Accordingly, the
potential for threats significantly escalates, providing
ample opportunity for threat agents to launch attacks.
Since HPC systems originated in an academic and
research environment, they may be considered as
trusted and secure systems; actually, the reality is
quite different. In fact, the heterogeneity of the re-
sources that characterized them may extend attack
vectors leading to a compromise of infrastructure in
terms of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of
services. To understand which are the security is-
sues that affect HPC systems, this paper presented a
methodology for collecting existing threats in the lit-
erature by conducting a Systematic Literature Review.
In particular, our methodology allowed us to extend a
graph-based modelling technique (MACM) and build
an HPC-specific threat catalogue starting from a do-
Systematic Threat Modelling of High-Performance Computing Systems: The V:HPCCRI Case Study
Table 6: Part of Threat Model per Asset.
Asset name Asset type Threat CIA STRIDE Behaviour
Key Tampering I, A T An attacker tampers the key
used by devices
C I An attacker can exploit
fofwarding updates be-
tween the various nodes to
know network topology
Node 1
Elevation of
C, I, A E An attacker is able to
change its privileges in ac-
cess to the system services
and data
OpenLDAP Service.
C I An attacker attempts to list
user accounts or organi-
zational units within the
LDAP directory
DNS Service.
NX Domain C, I, A D Attacker floods server with
requests, leading to DNS
delays and ”NXDOMAIN”
responses for non-existent
records due to overload
Table 7: Some Threats due to Compromised Field.
Threat Post
STRIDE Asset Due to
User Session Hijacking [p, p, n] S PBS Login Node
LDAP Injection [n, p, n] T, D VM1 OpenLDAP
Download Malicious Content [p, p, n] S Each Network Login Node
Network Partitioning [n, p, p] D Each Node InfiniBand
Contained Escape [p, n, n] I, E Each Login Node,
Each Compute Node,
Each GPU Node
main analysis (i.e. the identification of the primary
hardware and software component types, and pro-
tocols) based on the reference architecture proposed
by NIST. Accordingly, using the threat catalogue, we
produced a fine-grained threat model for V:HPCCRI
real case study. As a result, our research highlighted
that this supercomputer can be affected by at least
164 different threats. In this regard, it is worth not-
ing that the work carried out is preliminary, as the
current security level of the case study has not been
determined, and no security measures currently im-
plemented have been identified. Additionally, poten-
tial security controls necessary to enhance the security
level of V:HPCCRI have not been considered. There-
fore, as future work, we plan to conduct a security
assessment of the case study using specific method-
ologies tailored for high-performance computing sys-
tems (assuming they exist) to individuate the secu-
rity level of the considered supercomputer, identify
implemented security measures, and assess the need
for additional security controls. At this point, we
plan to perform a risk analysis for all the threats to
which each identified asset is exposed to understand
if and which security countermeasures should be ap-
plied and in which order, since it’s crucial to imple-
ment security controls, but not every single one is nec-
essarily mandatory.
This work was partially supported by the UP-
SIDE project (B63D23000820004) and the project
DEFEDGE (E53D23016380001) under the PRIN
program funded by the Italian MUR.
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Systematic Threat Modelling of High-Performance Computing Systems: The V:HPCCRI Case Study