Towards an Eco-Gamification Platform to Engage Consumers in the
Textile & Clothing Circular Economy
Estrela F. Cruz
1,2 a
, David Braga
, Diogo Assunc¸
, Pedro M. Faria
1 b
and A. M. Rosado da Cruz
1,2 c
ADiT-LAB, Instituto Polit
ecnico de Viana do Castelo, 4900-348 Viana do Castelo, Portugal
ALGORITMI Research Lab, Universidade do Minho, Guimar
aes, Portugal
Eco-Gamification, Sustainability, Textile and Clothing, Circular Economy.
Nowadays people are buying too many clothes. This results in the overexploitation of the Earth’s natural
resources and an increase in waste that is not sustainable. It is necessary to consume fewer new resources, and
alternatively reuse more, repair if necessary, share and donate more, and at the end of the garment life it is
necessary to transform it to be used as raw material in the creation of new products and in this way contribute
to the circular economy. This article proposes the creation of a gamified platform that engages consumers,
brands and other participants in more sustainable practices at the same time that helps consumers to manage
their clothing closet. It also allows consumers to manage other closets, such as their children’s closet or their
home textiles. The main goal is to encourage consumers to adopt more sustainable practices with regard to
clothing and home textiles. The proposed platform allows to share and donate clothes through the creation of
sharing/donation groups. The main objective is to contribute to the transition of the textile and clothing sector
towards the circular economy, making it a more sustainable sector.
Today’s society, especially in developed countries, is
too consumerist. This excessive consumption is lead-
ing to the depletion of the planet’s natural resources
and a huge increase in waste with harmful effects on
soil, water and air. This trend must be reversed. It
is necessary to reduce the consumption of new re-
sources, replacing them with recycled materials, and
prolonging the life of products in use.
The European Union, aware of the problem, has
created directives for the management of textile waste
and the reintroduction of fibers into the textile indus-
try’s value chain, encouraging the circular economy
(Chioatto and Sospiro, 2023)
.c Moreover, the Eu-
ropean Union has identified the textile and clothing
sector as a priority sector to move towards the circu-
lar economy (Vercalsteren et al., 2019).
The circular economy is seen as one of the most
promising strategies to reduce the environmental im-
pact of the textile industry (Gillabel et al., 2021). For
the circular economy to become a reality, it is nec-
essary the participation and commitment of everyone
involved in the value chain: governments, clothing
designers, manufacturers, distributors, and consumers
(Alves et al., 2023; Cruz and Rosado da Cruz, 2023;
Vercalsteren et al., 2019). In fact, the end consumer
plays a very important role in the circular economy.
End consumers’ decisions can lead them to purchase
products with a lower environmental impact, imple-
ment a set of good environmentally friendly practices
that extend the useful life of products in use, and influ-
ence other participants in the value chain through their
good choices, among other results (Cruz and Rosado
da Cruz, 2023).
Examples of the environmentally friendly prac-
tices that consumers can adopt are buying less and
prolonging the life of clothes, by using a piece of
clothing more often, making repairs, sharing, do-
nating, renting or selling and buying second-hand
clothes. Also, when a garment is no longer wearable,
it can be sent for recycling so that it can be trans-
formed into raw materials again, closing the CE loop
(Gillabel et al., 2021; Cruz and Rosado da Cruz, 2023;
Vercalsteren et al., 2019). Consumers can also choose
to buy more environmentally friendly, or socially fair,
clothes. To achieve this, consumers have to trust
brands and this implies that brands implement trace-
Cruz, E., Braga, D., Assunção, D., Faria, P. and Rosado da Cruz, A.
Towards an Eco-Gamification Platform to Engage Consumers in the Textile & Clothing Circular Economy.
DOI: 10.5220/0012733300003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 296-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ability and transparency throughout the value chain.
The use of a Digital Product Passport, with a sus-
tainability index label that is easy to understand by
all consumers, containing a classification and/or sum-
mary information of the social and environmental im-
pact of clothing production, is essential to empower
consumers for good/sustainable decisions and prac-
tices (Alves et al., 2022; Alves et al., 2024; Williams
et al., 2023).
This article focuses on the end consumer. The
goal is to encourage the end consumer to adopt more
sustainable practices and, for that, we are proposing
the creation and implementation of a gamified plat-
Gamification is a term that consists of applying
certain fun and engaging elements, which are usu-
ally found in games, to a non-game context (Deter-
ding et al., 2011). The concept of gamification comes
from the gaming industry due to its ability to bring en-
tertainment and positive experiences to human beings
(Deterding, 2015). As conclude in (Cruz and Rosado
da Cruz, 2023) gamification is a strategy that can ef-
fectively be used to challenge and involve citizens in
the context of the circular economy and sustainability.
“Eco-gamification” or “green gamification” is a
concept specifically aimed at encouraging more en-
vironmentally friendly behaviors. Basically, “Eco-
gamification” consists in applying gamification ele-
ments with the aim of rewarding the user/consumer
when they perform good environmental actions.
“Eco-gamification” makes the user/consumer partici-
pation in the CE more fun and rewarding (Md Nor and
Azhar, 2017). “Eco-games” promote environmen-
tally sustainable behaviors by challenging the players
to perform real-life tasks that contribute to reducing
the environmental impact on the planet (Md Nor and
Azhar, 2017).
In this article we are proposing the creation of a
platform that uses gamification elements to involve
the consumer in a set of more sustainable and envi-
ronmentally friendly practices with regard to cloth-
ing/home textiles. At the same time, the proposed
platform helps the consumer to manage not only their
clothes closet, but also allows them to manage other
closets, such as those of their children or their home
(home textiles). The proposed platform also allows to
share and donate clothes through the creation of shar-
ing/donation groups.
This project emerged as a continuation of the
project presented in (Alves et al., 2024) where the
need to involve the consumer in the circular economy
emerged in order to close the CE loop.
The rest of this article is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents a background review of platforms
that try to encourage consumers to be more sustain-
able. Section 3 covers our proposed solution for the
Eco-gamification platform. Finally, section 4 dis-
cusses results and presents conclusions and ideas for
future work.
A systematic literature review on digital strate-
gies/tools for consumer engagement in sustainability
and circular economy in the T&C value chain, has
been previously carried out by some of this paper’s
authors in the context of the same project (Cruz and
Rosado da Cruz, 2023). The main objective of the
project is to contribute to the transition of the tex-
tile and clothing sector towards the circular economy,
making it a more sustainable sector.
2.1 Sustainability in Textile & Clothes
Numerous authors discuss sustainability and circular
economy within the textile and clothing sector, and
how the end consumer may be more involved in the
process. In (Cruz and Rosado da Cruz, 2023) the
authors have studied digital solutions for engaging
end-consumers in that process, and have found exam-
ples of solutions for enticing end consumers to buy
less, purchase environmentally and socially sustain-
able clothing, develop a pro-environmental consumer
self-identity, engage in collaborative economy, re-
pair/maintain clothes, either by themselves or through
maintenance services’ companies, and giving con-
sumers information about the traceability and sus-
tainability of every garment or textile item, increas-
ing the process transparency. Besides these con-
sumer empowering solutions for engaging into CE
and sustainable practices, other solutions were more
organization-oriented and targeted at Brands’ market-
ing and educational activities towards sustainability
and the Circular Economy.
Examples of solutions for some of these pur-
poses are those presented in (Pe
na-Vinces et al., 2020;
Shang and Wu, 2022), which aim to extend the life of
clothes, by sharing, renting or donating clothes. The
authors in (Pe
na-Vinces et al., 2020) propose a plat-
form for selling children’s clothing. Children grow
quickly, so clothes are only usable for a short period
of time causing a lot of waste. Promoting clothes
reuse, by reselling or donating them, is an important
way of prolonging the useful lifetime of clothes.
In (Alves et al., 2024) the authors describe a
project whose objective is to implement traceability
of the value chain of the textile and clothing industry
Towards an Eco-Gamification Platform to Engage Consumers in the Textile & Clothing Circular Economy
in order to increase transparency in all supply chain.
In this project, information is collected and stored
to calculate the sustainability impact of a garment or
home textile.
2.2 Eco-Gamification Platforms
There are several proposals for the creation of
gamification platforms. Contributing to the eco-
gamification discourse in the context of T&C, Kol-
stad et al., (2017) proposed a platform to automati-
cally manage a clothes closet. In the proposed solu-
tion, all pieces of clothing are labeled with an RFID
(Radio Frequency IDentification) tag, thus allowing
these pieces of clothing to be tracked (Kolstad et al.,
2017). The same authors, in (Kolstad et al., 2018),
propose an extension to this solution where a recom-
mender system proposes clothes, which has not been
used for a long time, for recycling.
In the context of the circular economy of the tex-
tile and clothing industry, in (Alves et al., 2023) the
authors propose an gamified platform for the final
consumers in order to register and track all activities
related to clothes. The proposed platform is designed
according to the GDH (Gameful Design Heuristics)
framework heuristics.
In (Md Nor and Azhar, 2017) the authors pro-
pose and report a project that uses gamification tech-
niques to encourage students at UiTM Perlis to be-
have more environmentally friendly and reduce their
carbon emissions. Following similar ideas, Gustafs-
son et al., (2009) propose a game, developed in Swe-
den, to encourage teenagers and their families to re-
duce energy consumption at home (Gustafsson et al.,
There are several platform proposals that use gam-
ification strategies to encourage the use of public
transport, as is the case of (Kazhamiakin et al., 2021)
and (Cardoso et al., 2020). The platform proposed in
(Kazhamiakin et al., 2021), in addition to encouraging
citizens to use public transport, also helps transport
service administrators in making decisions to better
satisfy consumers. In (Cardoso et al., 2020), the au-
thors propose a platform to encourage residents and
tourists on the island of Madeira to use public trans-
Other authors have proposed gamified platforms
to encourage consumers to recycle more, as is the case
of (Hamberg et al., 2016) and (Briones et al., 2018).
In (Hamberg et al., 2016), the authors present a game,
developed in Sweden, to “engage” consumers in recy-
cling. In (Briones et al., 2018), the authors present a
study carried out in the city of Zaragoza, Spain, with
the aim of evaluating a prototype of a mobile applica-
tion (eco-gamified), to encourage citizens to recycle
more. The result was an increase in citizen participa-
tion by 32.2% and an increase in recycled waste by
In this section, the main requirements for the pro-
posed platform are presented, as well as the main
models produced when designing the platform. The
proposed platform aims to incentivize the user, i.e.
the end-consumer, to engage into good practices to-
wards CE in the T&C value chain, as identified in
section 2.1.
3.1 Gamification Elements
The gamification elements have been selected accord-
ing to the Gameful Design Heuristics, identified in
(Alves et al., 2023). The article (Alves et al., 2023)
has been published within the scope of the same
project and three of authors are the same in both arti-
cles. The set of good practices that the consumer can
execute may be grouped into three phases:
Before buying, that is, when the consumer makes
a decision about what to buy. The consumer can
choose to buy more sustainable products (that is
more environmentally friendly or more socially
fair products); The consumer can choose to buy
second hand; etc.
During possession/use, that is, while the item is in
the consumer’s possession, the consumer should
act to extend the useful lifetime of the product,
by reusing it as many times as possible; main-
tain the clothes, by applying more environmen-
tally friendly actions (e.g. cold washing, air dry-
ing, etc.); and, repair garments if necessary, ex-
tending their lifetime.
After useful lifetime, that is, when the consumer
stops using the clothes, if the clothes are already
at the end of their life, they must be sent to be
recycled, and thus contribute to the circular econ-
omy. If the clothes are still in good condition, the
consumer can donate, rent or sell them.
The platform encourages the adoption of the good
practices mentioned above, through the use of gami-
fication elements.
3.1.1 Scoring
Each action that the user registers on the platform, re-
ceives a score. There are three types of scores:
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Eco-Score - These points are used to calculate a
garment and the user’s sustainability index. The
user can also increase eco-score points by play-
ing educational games about environmental sus-
tainability, included in the application.
Sustainability Points (SP) - These points can be
exchanged for vouchers or other benefits proposed
by sponsors.
Experience points (XP) (or loyalty points) - These
are points used to encourage the user to use the
platform. These points increase whenever the user
registers actions on the platform. The quantity of
points decrease if the user does not use the appli-
cation for more than a certain number of days.
All types of points are used to obtain medals. Eco-
Score, or eScore, can be defined as an environmental
score, or classification, that allows knowing and com-
paring the environmental impact of the products and
of the user’s actions.
Table 1 summarizes the set of actions, and the cor-
responding game points, that can be taken by the con-
sumer and recorded on the proposed platform.
Table 1: Scoring consumer actions.
Operation/Activity XP SP Eco-Score
Register garment 1 1
0 or Garment
Eco-Score (from the
traceability platform’s
sustainability index)
Wear garment 5 5 8
Cold Wash 2 2 0
Warm Wash 1 1 -2
Dry clean 1 0 -3
Air dry 2 2 0
Tumble dry 1 1 -1
Ironing 1 1 -1
Repair 3 3 2
Swap 3 2 2
Sell 3 2 2
Donate 3 2 2
Send for recycling 2 2 1
Send to trash 1 -2 -5
3.1.2 The Game Levels
The XP are added to a level bar allowing the user to
advance to new game levels. As the gamer moves up
the game levels, new educational games are unlocked
and the player may be awarded new medals.
3.1.3 The medal system
There is a set of medals that are awarded as the user
achieves certain achievements. Some of the proposed
achievements and corresponding medals are shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: Example of achievements and medals.
ID Achievement
W1 Wearing the same garment 50 times
W2 Wearing the same garment 100 times
W3 Wearing the same garment 200 times
D1 First Donation
D2 Donate 10 garments
Sh1 share the first garment
Sh2 share 10 garments
S1 Sold the first garment
S2 Sold 10 garments
R2 Sent 25 items for recycling
C1 Created the first sharing group
3.2 Platform Requirements and
The platform’s objectives are targeted at encouraging
consumers to be more environmentally friendly and
engage in CE, while buying, owning and using, and
discarding of clothes or other textile items. Thus, the
platform’s requirements can be grouped into several
categories: some are aimed at consuming less; others
are oriented towards carrying out more environmen-
tally friendly activities; others to share more clothes;
and, others to send clothes for recycling in order to be
used for creating raw materials and enter the circular
Figure 1 represents a UML (Unified Modeling
Language) use case model, which models the require-
ments from the point of view of the consumer actor.
The consumer is the main participant in the game,
who, in addition to performing the tasks identified in
the table 1, can create and participate in clothing shar-
ing groups. The consumer can also play educational
In addition to the consumer, there are other partic-
ipants in the game to make it more real and advanta-
geous. So, the platform involve other actors like:
Service Provider: which can be a clothing repair
and maintenance company. Service Providers can
record maintenance actions for a garment.
Brands: which represents a clothing brand; In ad-
dition to being able to register the reception of a
piece of clothing to repair, recycle, sell second-
hand, Brands can create vouchers and exchange
them for points.
Recycling companies: that can register the recep-
tion of a piece of clothing for recycling.
Sponsors: Sponsors can be local institutions such
as city councils, zoos, etc. who will be able to pro-
mote events on the platform and, in return, offer
vouchers in exchange for points. For example, a
city council could promote an event, such as a half
Towards an Eco-Gamification Platform to Engage Consumers in the Textile & Clothing Circular Economy
Figure 1: Use case Model for the proposed platform - Consumer.
marathon or nature walk, on the platform and, in
return, offer free entry in exchange for points.
All of these actors are able to create and publish
vouchers to be exchange for SP and may use the plat-
form to publicize events related to sustainability.
In short, the platform allows consumers to:
Create and manage their own profile and can cre-
ate other profiles to manage other clothing closets,
e.g. to manage a child’s clothes or to manage the
household clothes.
For a profile, the platform allows to register a
garment; record the use of a garment; record the
maintenance of a garment (washing; drying; iron-
ing, etc.); record a garment repair or refurb;
Create an outfit sharing group; Invite friends to
the group; Put an outfit in a sharing group; etc.
View points and medals;
Exchange points for services;
Consult statistics such as the most worn garment,
average number of times the garments are used,
There are two types of groups: private and public.
Anyone can belong and participate in public groups,
while private groups are only open for participation
by users invited by the group creator.
The proposed platform aims to be used by con-
sumers of all ages and genders, so it also includes the
possibility of “give a profile independence”, for when
a child is old enough and wants to manage their own
clothes closet.
In order to improve the usability of the applica-
tion, the concept of a laundry basket (for washing,
ironing, etc.) was created, where the user can add
several items and register the maintenance service for
all of them at once. The platform allows Service
Providers and Brands to register/confirm the repair of
a garment; record/confirm the maintenance of a gar-
ment; create and promote Services/Events/Vouchers
to be exchanged for points; exchange points for ser-
vices. Some Brands provide containers for collecting
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Data Model for the proposed platform, focusing on the end consumer relevant data entities.
items for recycling. Brands and Recycling Compa-
nies are able to register the reception of a garment
for recycling. Figure 2 represents the data model for
the proposed platform. As can be seen in the model,
a user profile has several clothes or clothing items.
Each clothe has a brand and a main color. A user
may create a bucket for aggregating clothes for any
purpose, such as for laundry, grouping together for us-
ing, or donating. A user profile may also create users’
groups, and invite other user profiles to be a group
member. Group members may share text messages
(groups text members) with the group (refer to Figure
2). A user profile may register activities they make on
their the clothes, including the use of clothes in each
day (daily use activities), and maintenance activities
(maintenance activities).
Towards an Eco-Gamification Platform to Engage Consumers in the Textile & Clothing Circular Economy
3.3 Platform Architecture
Figure 3 depicts the architecture model of the pro-
posed gamification software platform.
Figure 3: Architecture proposal for the platform.
This architecture comprises two components:
Backend: The backend is responsible for process-
ing requests from the frontend, managing data
storage and retrieval, and handling business logic.
It consists of two main parts:
API: The API is a set of rules and protocols
that define how the frontend can interact with
the backend. In this architecture, the API is
built using ASP.NET Core, a cross-platform,
open-source framework for building Web appli-
cations and services. The API is designed to be
RESTful, meaning it adheres to the constraints
of the REST architectural style.
Database: The database is responsible for stor-
ing and retrieving data. In this architecture,
two types of databases are used: MongoDB, a
document-oriented NoSQL database, and Post-
greSQL, an open-source relational database
management system. PostgreSQL was used as
the primary data store, while MongoDB is used
for store dynamic data.
Frontend: The frontend is responsible for present-
ing data to the user and receiving user input. The
frontend is a mobile app built using Flutter, an
open-source UI software development kit created
by Google. Flutter is used for building natively
compiled applications for mobile, Web, and desk-
top from a single codebase. The mobile app com-
municates with the backend API using HTTP re-
quests and receives data in JSON format.
The architecture also includes caching, session
management, and real-time communication technolo-
Redis: A high-performance in-memory data store,
was used for store secret information.
Websockets: A protocol for bidirectional, real-
time communication between a web browser and
a server. It is used here for implementing real-
time features such as chat, live updates, and noti-
Overall, this architecture provides a scalable, flex-
ible, and efficient solution for building web and mo-
bile applications.
3.4 Mockups
User interface mockups for all use cases of all actors
have been developed using Figma
. Figure 4 shows
four mockup screens. In the first mockup, the user
sees the clothes they have in their closet. It should be
noted that in the first version the game will be avail-
able in Portuguese, as can be seen in the mockups.
The user can select any item for registering an ac-
tivity on that item. In the second mockup, the user has
selected the black pullover. Then, they can mark it as
being used (button Utilizar”), or they can select an
available activity (refer to the third mockup in Figure
4). If the user selects the option to put the garment
into a basket (“Cesto”), then, the available baskets
are shown for selection (refer to the fourth mockup
in Figure 4).
Figure 5 represents a sequence of mockup screens
to register a maintenance activity at a service provider.
Here, after selecting the black pullover from their
closet (see the first two mockups in Figure 5), the
user selects the option to send the piece for mainte-
nance (“Arranjar”). Then, in the fourth mockup, the
system asks the user how the maintenance service will
be provided: if it will be carried out by the user (“Pelo
oprio”), or will be carried out by a service provider
registered on the platform as such (“Servic¸o”). If the
user selects Servic¸o, then a QR code is shown so that
the service provider can read it, telling the system that
it has received the clothing item for maintenance (see
the last mockup in Figure 5).
The way a person dresses reflects their personality and
influences the opinion that others have about them.
Today, people do not just buy clothes because they
need to warm up, but often they do it on impulse, be-
cause they like to change clothes often. The low qual-
ity of clothing, allied to “fast fashion”, leads to in-
creased consumption, making the general population
consuming more and more each year. This has lead to
a huge increase in waste, an unsustainable use of land
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Mockups for registering an activity on a garment/clothing item.
Figure 5: Mockups for stating the use of a garment/clothing item, in a given day.
to produce new raw materials, and a huge increase
in water pollution, for the production of clothing, as
well as the in air pollution, due to increased products’
It is necessary to raise awareness among the gen-
eral population for the need to be more sustainable
and contribute to the circular economy. It is necessary
to consume less, use the same clothes more often, ex-
change/donate or sell clothes that are no longer used
and, at the end of the clothes’ life, the clothes must be
sent for recycling.
This article presented a proposal for a platform
that, using gaming tactics, looks for involving and
”educating” the consumer to be more sustainable
and eco-friendly. The platform scores the most en-
vironmentally friendly actions for consumers and
awards them with recognition medals. These scor-
ing points can then be exchanged for maintenance
services or other vouchers offered by sponsors. The
platform involves the entire society: consumers; ser-
vice providers such as laundries, seamstresses, etc.,
clothing brands, recycling companies, and local insti-
tutions interested in promoting a more sustainable so-
ciety. The platform also allows the creation of several
profiles in order to facilitate the management of the
closet, not only the user’s own, but also closets from
associated user profiles, such as their children’s.
As future work, the authors intend to improve the
platform so that it can warn about clothes that have
not been used for more than a certain period of time,
suggesting donating/selling or sending them for recy-
cling. The platform is also intended to provide sug-
Towards an Eco-Gamification Platform to Engage Consumers in the Textile & Clothing Circular Economy
gestions on what clothes to wear on the same day or
the following day, depending on the weather forecast-
ing, and to provide suggestions on what clothes to
pack for a trip. With the information stored, the aim
is to understand consumer habits in various aspects
such as trends in the use of clothing items, mainte-
nance practices, etc.
This contribution has been developed in the context
of Project “BE@T: Bioeconomia Sustent
avel fileira
extil e Vestu
ario-Medida 2”, funded by “Plano de
ao e Resili
encia” (PRR), through measure
TC-C12-i01 of the Portuguese Environmental Fund
(“Fundo Ambiental”). To improve the manuscript’s
text, some AI-based tools have been used, such as
Google Translator and Writefull.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems