Architectures of Contemporary Information Systems and
Legal/Regulatory Environment
alint Moln
1 a
, P
eter B
2 b
and Krisztina Menyhard-Bal
Information Systems Department, Faculty of Informatics, E
os Lor
and University (ELTE) P
any P
eter s
any 1/C,
H-1117, Budapest, Hungary
Faculty of Law, E
os Lor
and University (ELTE) Budapest, Egyetem t
er 1-3, H-1053, Budapest, Hungary
Enterprise Architecture, Business Processes, XAI, Large Language Models, Blockchain, Lakehouse, Public
Administration, Governance of Cities.
The information interchange, between humans and computers, and the data processing in the context of In-
formation Systems and Enterprises became a complex structure with a rapidly developing technology stack.
This paper proposes an integrated approach that combines recent technological approaches in architecture
for Information Systems and Enterprises concerning the recent development of the technology landscape.
There are established scientific and research disciplines in domains such as Enterprise Architecture, Anal-
ysis, and Design of Information Systems, Business Process Management and Modeling, Data Management
and Administration, and Human-Computer Interaction. The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (Ma-
chine Learning, Data Science) and its applications in enterprise environments necessitates defining a research
framework that can support the alignment of these components for research and practical applications. Since
Information Systems are of socio-technological phenomenon, and quick development of technologies meddles
with the privacy, and personal data of individuals. This fact implies that the legal, regulatory, and ethical set
of rules should be considered and built-in through architectural building blocks into Enterprise Architecture.
Therefore, the existing and emerging regulatory frameworks are considered to make it possible and realize
compliance through artifacts that care about conformance to rules. The legal environment and the ethics that
are deduced from the legal rules touch the local and public administrations that operate the cities through
advanced IT systems.
We are in a rapidly changing IT (Information Tech-
nology), Business, Legal, and Financial technolo-
gies environment where new approaches emerge and
will be incorporated into enterprises. Public admin-
istration is not except since IT technology penetrates
the public through mass media. The administrative
processes should embed the recent technologies that
are connected to information management, and doc-
ument handling, moreover, the governments should
take into account the international and national le-
gal rules, e.g., GDPR and AI Act in the European
Union (Sovrano et al., 2022; Voigt and von dem Buss-
che, 2017; Nikolinakos, 2023; Neuwirth, 2022). In
change management, we deal with the changes in the
company’s environment, in the ecosystem, within the
company (Business Processes, Workflow, and data
collections), and the technologies. Nowadays, there
is a lot of turbulence in all aspects of a company’s
business and IT life. There are sets of disruptive tech-
nologies that come into play that influence the En-
terprise Architecture (EA): (a) generative Artificial
Intelligence (AI), (b) LLM (Large Language Mod-
els), (c) generally, AI, Machine, Learning (ML), Data
Science (DS), (d) blockchain and General Ledger,
(e) IoT (Internet of Things) with low-power radio fre-
quency communication (RF), (f) Cloud computing in
tandem with broadband communication, (g) ubiqui-
tous computing, (h) Decentralized Finance, (i) Quan-
tum Computing, and (j) Digital Twins (Expert, 2024;
Gartner, 2024). The concept of EA is important
for companies to wrestle with the recent technology
stacks. The question is how the EA can help com-
panies, especially the resource-scarred MSMEs (Mi-
cro, Small, and Medium Sized companies). Some cir-
Molnár, B., Báldy, P. and Menyhard-Balázs, K.
Architectures of Contemporary Information Systems and Legal/Regulatory Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012733600003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 753-761
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cles of scholars, researchers, and professionals started
considering EA as an obsolete approach to solv-
ing problems of companies in the light of current,
fashionable tendencies such as e.g. DevOps (devel-
opment and operations), CD/CI (Continues Devel-
opment/Continuous Integration) and Agile Develop-
ment (Murat Erder, 2021; Chintale, 2023; Hering,
2018; Brandon Atkinson, 2018). Nonetheless, the EA
as an approach to provide an overarching company
perspective seems to be a necessary tool to tackle the
recent turbulent and dynamic IT and business envi-
ronment when new technologies are developed. In
light of the rapid pace at which new technologies
and their potential applications are emerging, it can
be quite challenging to accurately predict the grand
challenges that may arise in the future. The profes-
sionals and researchers in EA should remain up-to-
date with the latest advancements in IT, Data Science,
Machine Learning, and generally AI (Artificial Intel-
ligence) so that we can be better equipped to address
any challenges that may come our way. There is a
symbiotic relationship between Enterprise Informa-
tion Systems and Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise
information systems are important architecture build-
ing blocks of an enterprise’s architecture. Implement-
ing or modifying such a system involves changes to
its architecture. Similarly, any alteration to an en-
terprise’s architecture will impact its information sys-
tems. Next-generation enterprise information systems
should be viewed in the context of these new realities
to avoid any negative impact on their information sys-
tems. Some frameworks make it possible to analyze
the specific company and its EA, namely the Zach-
man ontology. The business and system engineering
approach supports disciplined planning and design
that are apt to practical applications, namely TOGAF
and ArchiMate (Zachman, 1987; Josey, 2016; Josey,
2017; Meertens et al., 2012). We apply the Zachman
ontology to provide a theoretical tool to organize the
issues that emerge as the consequence of the rapid
technology development the provide a possible map-
ping to maintain the challenges of both technology
and business development. The TOGAF and Archi-
Mate give a toolset to perform a planning and design
exercise by tracking the templates of architectural so-
lutions in the architecture continuum. The TOGAF
supports filling in the company-specific template of
architecture building blocks with the most recent so-
lutions and options with the integration. We adhere
to the neutral terminology of the international stan-
dard ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 against other open or pro-
prietary approaches to EA.(ISO, 2011). Some publi-
cations combined the formal, mathematics-based ap-
proach and architectures to grasp the significant prop-
erties of EISs (Enterprise Information Systems) con-
sidering the theoretical foundations of EA (Moln
and Bencz
ur, 2022; Moln
ar and
Ori, 2018;
Ori and
ar, 2018) There was an investigation of a specific
field of Cognitive Information Systems that uses sev-
eral domains of Artificial Intelligence to approximate
the cognitive capabilities of human actors regarding
EA (Mattyasovszky-Philipp and Moln
ar, 2023). The
goal is to cope with the emerging phenomena through
EA approaches to create a blueprint for enterprises
to handle the challenges and incorporate innovation
into the business model. We also discuss models and
theories that we believe could be useful in address-
ing the identified challenges of applying technology
for innovation. Innovation is a hot topic either from
a scientific or professional viewpoint in connection to
Information Systems in companies. The issue for the
firms is how to yield new services through exploiting
IT/IS services (Maglio et al., 2019). To illustrate the
value of these models and theories, we discuss recent
advances in the field of Enterprise Information Sys-
tems (EIS) and EA, which guide to help companies
address the emerging issues of responding to rivalry,
competition, innovation, and advances in technology.
We give an outlook on the related regulations and le-
gal environments that raise the issues of compliance
and conformance, and the application of a branch of
the related technologies called RegTech.
Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) refers to all the
systems, including people, technology, and data, that
are used to support the integrated functions of an en-
terprise. For this reason, EIS is a high-complexity
system whose core properties can be grasped in the
notion of a socio-technological system. The field
of EIS now covers different aspects, such as de-
sign, implementation, deployment, rollover, mainte-
nance, and adaptation. Enterprise Architecture is of-
ten used to provide a context for enterprise infor-
mation systems. From this perspective, EA can in-
fluence and prescribe the stages of the requirements
analysis, requirement specification, design, and im-
plementation of an enterprise EIS (Ashworth, 1988).
EIS and EA are closely intertwined, and emerging
technologies require that integration issues with es-
tablished solutions and new technologies be kept un-
der control. The proposed EA solutions can provide a
blueprint for the ongoing maintenance and evolution
of EIS to adapt to the changing business and tech-
nology landscape and adopt new approaches. The
SEC-SCIS 2024 - Special Session on Soft Computing in Ethicity and Smart Cities Services
Zachman framework is one of the approaches used
in enterprise architecture that provides a comprehen-
sive overview of information systems. Unlike TO-
GAF and Archimate, which use an engineering ap-
proach, the Zachman framework takes a theoretical
foundation(ZachmanInternational, 2024). It can be
considered as a meta-schema or ontology of the col-
lections of ISs in an enterprise. This theoretical ap-
proach can describe a compound structure and can be
used for semantic mapping and matching during inte-
gration exercises(Ma et al., 2022). According to La-
palme (Lapalme, 2012), the Zachman framework can
be regarded as a theory that provides a comprehensive
overview of information systems.
2.1 Issues of Enterprise Information
Systems and Architecture
The Zachman ontology is a useful tool for under-
standing the intricate structure of a set of information
systems, as well as the associated business processes
and workflows. The Zachman Enterprise Architec-
ture provides a toolkit that can be utilized to iden-
tify a suitable location for new technology building
blocks and to integrate or extend these new compo-
nents with the existing IT/IS services. As previously
mentioned, the main objective of the Zachman Enter-
prise Architecture (EA) is to provide a comprehensive
understanding of an enterprise. This makes the Zach-
man EA an explanatory theory for Information Sys-
tems (IS). By presenting a new perspective on how
EA can be perceived, the Zachman EA goes beyond
being just a methodology. Rather, it serves as a theory
that provides a comprehensive oversight to depict an
enterprise. Zachman’s Enterprise Architecture (EA)
can be perceived as a theory of Information Systems
(IS) that helps researchers and practitioners under-
stand the role and objectives of EA. This comprehen-
sion is crucial for adapting EA to new business and
information technologies, which can help overcome
challenges. Developing and maintaining EA and ISs
can trigger strategic and tactical planning of EA re-
newal, followed by the design and implementation of
ISs that are touched. Zachman EA can be viewed as a
meta-ontology for business and a meta-schema for IS,
which can serve as a research methodology and meta-
theory for IS research. In summary, Enterprise Archi-
tecture (EA) is a powerful approach for developing,
maintaining, and documenting information systems.
It offers a variety of tools and models and has proven
effective in many projects. Despite the hype around
digital transformation and the many technologies that
it encompasses, we believe that EA will remain rele-
vant in aligning, adapting, and extending the business
services supported by information systems. While the
application of EA can be complex and intertwined
with IT, it is essential for enterprise change manage-
ment and providing a clear picture for stakeholders.
The need for change is driven by competition, rivalry,
and technological development. Disciplined and agile
methods in business and IT projects have changed the
way organizational changes, systems, and software
are planned and developed. Digital transformation in-
troduces new issues, such as the need for improved
customer relationship management and strengthening
the network in ecosystems. Organizations require a
theoretical approach, such as an ontology or meta-
schema, and a lightweight, customized method that
is aligned with customer needs and iterative, allow-
ing for continuous improvement. Therefore, an EA
methodology based on the Zachman ontology that fo-
cuses on business services and can be easily under-
stood by each stakeholder is necessary. We summa-
rize the major properties of Zachman ontologies to
make our application understandable Table 1.
The basic idea is to use the English interrogatives
to explore the “world” thereby the obtained answers
make it possible for a system analyst or architect
to depict the various facets of “entities in the enter-
prise” either tangible or intangible (Gewertz, 2016).
Kipling’s classical poem gives a clue to the appli-
cation, then the Zachman ontology yields a guid-
ance.(Kipling, 1998). The what embraces the data en-
tities and all possible storage formats, database man-
agement systems, data warehouses, data lakes, and
the data that are stored in them. The how incorpo-
rates the intangible business processes and workflows
the where can be interpreted as the distribution of the
communication network, and computing service cen-
ters in geography and cyberspace. The who can be
translated into responsibilities with a strong connec-
tion with security, data protection, and access rights.
The when can be perceived as timing and scheduling,
the why the mission of the company mapped onto ob-
jectives and then regulation, and internal standards.
The rows in the table (see Table 1) describe the var-
ious views of the enterprise from the different view-
points of interested parties. The row of the executive
perspectives is about the strategy, mission, and high-
level business concepts and processes. The viewpoint
of the business manager embodies the business model
that can be described as pieces of models that are pro-
duced by business analysts. The business architecture
row represents the models that use the language of IT
with a strong business focus to be understandable to
the users and stakeholders within the company. Ei-
ther the system analyst or recently, the business archi-
tect who maps and refines the business level model
Architectures of Contemporary Information Systems and Legal/Regulatory Environment
Table 1: A mapping semantically between Zachman architecture and the recent technology components. (ZachmanInterna-
tional, 2024).
Aspects /
what how where who when why model view
Executive Fact, business
data / for usage
by recent
Business Service
Chain of Business
Business function Chain of Business
Process utilizing
Business goal Scope, Context
Business Analyst
Conceptual data
model / Data
Lake structured
and unstructured
Service with
added value
originated by the
composition with
business analytics
Actor, Role Business Process
Business Notions
Architect/ System
Class hierarchy,
Logical Data
Model structured,
and unstructured
Hierarchy of
User role, service
Business Rule Descriptive
Models of the
System &
Object hierarchy,
Data model
AI/ML/D.Sc at
program code
Hierarchy of
AI/ML/D.Sc at
program code
Object for
observation of
Choreography Rule Design Specification of
Models in the
of Business
Data in DBMS Service
Hierarchy of
Object for
observation of
Rule specification Configuration
model of the
applied toolset
The Enterprise Data Function Network Organization Schedule Operationalized
Components of
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Data Science (D.Sc.)
into models according to the relevant IT descriptive
methodologies. The typical examples are models of
business processes, workflows, and databases in het-
erogeneous technical approaches that make it possi-
ble to investigate the opportunities for digital trans-
formation. The system engineering row deals with
“physical” design, the transformation of the logi-
cal design into architectural building blocks that are
technology-dependent. For instance, the logical data
model has been translated into database management-
specific languages, e.g. SQL schemas, the process
models into program codes, the communication net-
work model into equipment specifications and com-
ponents of a software-defined network, etc. The im-
plementor row treats with the mapping of the physical
design onto the components, and tools of the avail-
able technology, e.g., building up the database by run-
ning the SQL statement specifying the data schema,
or compiling the program code into executable code,
then test them and adjust them to the specific technol-
ogy. The enterprise row incorporates the operation
of the company in a tangible, physical format, the in-
tangible bit streams are in the physical equipment or
virtual systems in cloud computing.
Consumers demand personalized services and prod-
ucts according to the concept of hyper-personalization
that appeared in electronic services (Jain et al., 2021).
Companies can satisfy this requirement through dig-
italized services and digital products exploiting IT.
There is enforcement to create innovative solutions,
and value propositions according to actual business
models (Maglio et al., 2019; Osterwalder and Pigneur,
2010). Improvements in IT and communication tech-
nologies are making information available through-
out the life cycle of products, services, and business
processes. Manufacturing systems, service provision,
and people are closely interconnected. In addition,
the resulting large amounts of data can be used in
recent IT, namely Data Science, Machine Learning,
and comprehensive Artificial Intelligence (AI) for op-
timization of the tasks within workflows, moreover
forecasting the demands for resources, services, and
products. EA has a great opportunity to effectively
adopt and integrate digital transformation through a
disciplined approach of Zachman ontology and then
the TOGAF can be used for the realization of the ar-
chitecture and augmenting the business services along
with the supporting services of ISs. The first two rows
of Zachman EA are strongly business-oriented and
contain a more formalized mapping of the business
SEC-SCIS 2024 - Special Session on Soft Computing in Ethicity and Smart Cities Services
strategy, the alignment of the business with the recent
technologies, and innovation perspectives to be im-
plemented through digital transformation. Moreover,
the ecosystems, digital products, and electronic ser-
vices become part of the architecture. We outline an
EA approach for supporting digital transformation in
MSMEs concerning the recent IT solutions. From a
bird-view perspective, we separate two major threads
that we can conceptualize as a higher level and a de-
tail level approach. The higher level defines the ar-
chitecture of the whole MSME. At the detailed level,
single functions in ISs are realized, built, and rolled
over. Besides the two overarching iterative cycles (see
TOGAF and Archimate (Josey, 2016; Josey, 2017))
two pillars help to advance the digital strategy of an
enterprise. The business strategy should be formu-
lated as a digital business strategy or should be in-
cluded explicitly. The digital business strategy em-
braces the velocity, scale, and scope of the use of re-
cent IT in the companies. The business model con-
tains information like value proposition containing
value curves, customer systems, and revenue struc-
ture (Cardoso et al., 2015). The next step is to work
out a company-specific architecture that considers the
general and sector-specific solutions. The goal of this
stage is to refine the business model according to the
first two rows of the Zachman EA. The proposed ar-
chitecture contains models of business services in the
form of business processes, data collections, the dis-
tribution of human and computer nodes, etc. The
third row in the Zachman EA incorporates the major
IT/S services and data collection that are required for
implementation. Thus, the architecture to be imple-
mentable can be concluded from the proposed archi-
tecture. This phase considers the digital transforma-
tion strategy and takes into account the existing archi-
3.1 Enterprise Architecture Support for
Digital Transformation
As we stated previously, the recent architecture ap-
proaches should take into account the ecosystem. The
Zachman as a theory and TOGAF as practical design
theory and project guidance can be used in tandem.
(Bondar et al., 2017). The company and its surround-
ing ecosystem can be seen as a co-evolving environ-
ment: the company and its network of connections
with other stakeholders should be systemically de-
signed to enable digital transformation and sustain-
ability trends. EA provides meaning to and supports
the transformation of the business. (Bakarich et al.,
2020). The senior management should deal with the
first row of the Zachman EA with innovation, digi-
tal transformation, and sustainability. The Business
Architecture in TOGAF handles the business analysis
models and the related artifacts focused on the non-
technology aspects, e.g. Business Process descrip-
tion in BPMN (White and Miers, 2008). The second
and third rows treat the socio-technological facets of
various ISs. The artifacts, incorporating the models
in these rows, are IT/IS artifacts, e.g. the descrip-
tion of facts and documents in models of the domain,
and the IT and business events are represented in the
form of behavior models of IS that is touched, and
the behavior model depicts the dynamic side of the
system. The third row contains design models, e.g.
logical data model, in the form of entity-relationship,
or UML class model. The fourth row contains the
artifacts of models that can be considered scientific
models, models according to Computer Science and
IT. For instance, Petri Nets for Business Processes,
Finite State Machines for state transitions, or rigorous
relation database models according to Codd’s relation
database theory that is founded in the theory of rela-
tions, algorithms, and sets. The disciplined approach
of EA can make it possible for the enterprise to be
adaptive and to get the silos fallen to achieve business
modularity. The technical architecture gives a syn-
ergistic set of data collections and processes devoted
to information handling to buttress the digital trans-
formation. The enterprise should consider the au-
tomation and data science technologies during an EA
exercise, automation technologies: (1) Cloud com-
puting, (2) IoT (Internet of Things), (3) Blockchain,
and (4) Robotic Process Automation (RPA). The pro-
cesses contained in the ”how” column will be ex-
tended by Data Science Technologies to achieve ef-
ficiency and effectiveness (Pisoni et al., 2021). How-
ever, Data Science Technologies demand data from
several sources. A Data lake as a data architecture
is an apt solution that can collect the data from vari-
ous resources and can be made available for the vari-
ous AI/ML algorithms for further processing(Moln
et al., 2020). The use of data raises several issues,
primarily the legal and ethical use of data in the al-
gorithms. (I) data of consumers, (II) data of opera-
tions from Customer Relationship Management Sys-
tem and IoT devices, telemetry systems., (III) data
from social networks, (IV) data from the Public Ad-
ministration, and (V) data from the partners in the
ecosystems who either cooperate or compete with the
enterprise. The paper of Molnar and Pisoni (Pisoni
et al., 2021) contains a comprehensive set of optional
domains of data analytics in companies and a set of al-
gorithms in Data Science and Machine Learning that
can be applied for analysis. The data analytics tasks
are strongly coupled to business processes and activ-
Architectures of Contemporary Information Systems and Legal/Regulatory Environment
ities in workflows. The outlined EA based approach
can assist MSMEs in the digital transformation since
this EA supports the data preparation, model defini-
tion, variable selections and then training and tuning
the model. We will discuss in the next section the
issues related to Data Architecture that will become
manifest through the data processing activities of IS
Having described above some aspects of Enterprise
Information Systems and Architecture, we have to
stop and have a look at the aspect, that usually comes
as a whip-crack at the finish of the development: legal
compliance. We like it or not, IT developments, espe-
cially those of disruptive technologies and their fol-
lowers, face a heavily fragmented regulatory environ-
ment. Legal specialists (in the field of personal data,
AI, data management, etc.) are expensive but still es-
sential for evading fines and other business killer legal
4.1 The Legislative Landscape
After five years of cohabitation with the GDPR
(European-Parliament ”and” of the Council, 2016) it
is useless to explain its goals but the other fruits of
the European legislation are worth stopping. First
of all the proposal on the regulation of Privacy
and Electronic Communications (ePrivacy Regu-
lation(European-Parliament ”and” of the Council,
2017)) repealing the 20-year-old ePrivacy Directive
will complete and clarify the provisions of the GDPR
concerning electronic communication by regulating
among other things confidentiality, storage, and era-
sure of electronic communication data or defining the
permitted processing of electronic communications
The regulation on the free flow of non-personal
data aims to ensure the free flow of data other than
personal data within the Union by laying down rules
relating to data localization requirements, the avail-
ability of data to competent authorities, and the port-
ing of data for professional users. By this legislative
tool, the goal is to deepen the difference between the
practice, and usage of personal and non-personal data
while trying to facilitate the free movement of the lat-
ter. The Open Data (European-Parliament ”and” of
the Council, 2019) directive is replacing the PSI di-
rective and aims to exploit the potential of public sec-
tor information by providing real-time access to dy-
namic data via adequate technical means and increas-
ing the supply of valuable public data for re-use.
The Data Governance Act(European-Parliament
”and” of the Council, 2022d) aims to facilitate data
sharing across sectors, among businesses, and be-
tween businesses and public authorities by establish-
ing a framework for trusted intermediaries that fa-
cilitate data sharing while ensuring compliance with
data protection regulations. The Data Act(European-
Parliament ”and” of the Council, 2023) is more on
business-to-consumer and business-to-business data
sharing by defining an obligation to make product
data and related service data accessible to the user
and by providing the right of the user to share data
with third parties.
The Digital Markets Act (DMA) (European-
Parliament ”and” of the Council, 2022b) regu-
lates the large digital platforms, such as search en-
gines, digital markets, web browsers, virtual as-
sistants, cloud services, online advertising services,
etc., which are gateways for business users to reach
end users. The regulation defines numerous obli-
gations on fair practice of competition, data acces-
sibility, or interoperability. Digital Services Act
(DSA) (European-Parliament ”and” of the Coun-
cil, 2022c) (European-Parliament ”and” of the Coun-
cil, 2022c) amending and complementing the e-
commerce directive together the with DMA aims to
create a safer digital space, by providing harmonized
rules for the provision of intermediary services in
the internal market and a framework of conditional
exemptions from liability for intermediary service
providers beside specific rules on due diligence obli-
gations for certain categories of intermediary service
In these norms, the legislation is still technolog-
ically neutral, not so in the case of the regulation of
AI systems. The essence of the AI Act (European-
Parliament ”and” of the Council, 2021) is the fear,
the risk management of this disruptive technology.
The fact, that even the legal definition of AI has
changed each round of the legislative process tells a
lot about the soundness of the proposal. Besides, a
huge amount of administration, work will be loaded
on the developers, providers, or others involved in the
marketization of these systems. The directive on AI
Liability (European-Parliament ”and” of the Council,
2022a) aims to define single rules on the disclosure
of evidence in the case of high-risk AI systems and
on the burden of proof in the case of non-contractual
fault-based civil law claims brought before national
courts for damages caused by an AI system.
SEC-SCIS 2024 - Special Session on Soft Computing in Ethicity and Smart Cities Services
Figure 1: Landscape on new regulatory environment based on the EU data strategy.
4.2 Main Legal Issues of EISs
The above-outlined legal landscape already proved
the indispensable involvement of legal knowledge
in the development and maintenance of EISs. Still
scratching the surface, besides the evident problems
arising due to the processing of personal data, many
other elements of the systems are exposed to legal
compliance issues. Maybe the most important, as
well the most difficult will be to define which data are
subject to the right of the ’free movement of data’,
and what datasets the company or authority has to
share with the data subject or other interested par-
ties. Moreover, not only the public sector but also
the participants of the private sector collecting huge
amounts of information (such as data of smart tools,
etc.) are subject to sharing this information with vari-
ous types of entitled persons. A well-thought-out and
conscious database design is needed to ensure that
business objectives are legally compliant, but also that
their technological implementation is legally and eco-
nomically efficient. Not only the major platforms but
many smaller as well will face obligations concern-
ing business activity, which will be reflected in the
architecture of their systems. In the future, the prob-
lems of AI technologies will be added to these com-
pliance issues: starting from the correct classification
of the technology used through the risk evaluation till
the concrete administrative obligations of the upcom-
ing rules will put a huge workload on the developers.
The use of machine learning algorithms has the po-
tential to perpetuate or amplify biases inherent in the
training data. Organizations need to adopt strategies
to identify and mitigate biases in data analysis and to
apply data science and machine learning algorithms
that promote the ethical use of data science and ma-
chine learning.
4.3 Data Protection or Data Security
For IT professionals assuring the security of the data
is not only essential, but it is a continuously repeating
task from the system planning to its maintenance. But
data security is only half of the job: data protection’,
as the abbreviation of the ’legal protection of personal
data’ is a more complex issue. Companies should un-
derstand compliance with data protection regulations
and utilize proper mechanisms. Since the GDPR it
has been a legal obligation to involve compliance pro-
fessionals in the development and implementation of
the data protection by design and by default’. The
first step is to precisely define the complexity of the
data in processes: from a privacy point of view, it is
enough to have the chance to identify a natural person
from the data processed to get the whole system un-
der the scope of the GDPR. A thorough analysis may
lead to the redefinition of the database structure by
creating its anonymized and/or pseudonymized parts.
As IT technology develops it allows more and better
automated individual decision-making which is not
ab ovo permitted by the law, more, they are not just
banned but even the lawful practices must satisfy the
Architectures of Contemporary Information Systems and Legal/Regulatory Environment
prescribed rights of the data subjects. The use of AI,
as a new, disruptive technology automatically leads us
to the inevitable task of data protection impact assess-
Enterprise Architecture is a multi-disciplinary field
that is essential in today’s complex business environ-
ment. On one hand, businesses face constantly chang-
ing market conditions and interconnected processes,
and on the other hand, they need to adopt new tech-
nologies to stay competitive. Recently, computing has
evolved to incorporate modern AI algorithms, specifi-
cally machine learning and soft computing. Research
on Enterprise Architecture should also focus on the
needs of MSMEs to identify cost-effective architec-
ture components and solutions that can provide AI-
related services to both their staff and partners. This
is because larger companies have the financial re-
sources to embed computing solutions into their ser-
vices. From the legal point of view, we have to un-
derline that the involvement of legal professionals in
the developments in its very first phase is crucial
defining data transfer interfaces, grouping data in line
with the regulatory needs, implementing the data pro-
tection by design and by default, etc. not only be-
cause of the legal risks of the systems on market or in
use but also its unforeseeable effect on the growth of
the development costs and resource needs in its pre or
post-launch phase.
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Action CA19130 - ”Fintech and Artificial Intelligence
in Finance Towards a Transparent Financial Industry”
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Architectures of Contemporary Information Systems and Legal/Regulatory Environment