Table 5: Production planning for solution scenario of sixth
generation mobile phone.
Events Week Pr.
37 0 0 37,500
38 0 0 37,500
39 0 0 37,500
40 0 0 37,500
Start FG.
41 0 0 37,500
42 50,000 50,000 37,500
43 50,000 100,000 37,500
44 50,000 150,000 37,500
45 50,000 200,000 37,500 137,500
46 50,000 250,000 37,500 125,000
47 50,000 300,000 37,500 112,500
48 50,000 350,000 37,500 100,000
49 50,000 400,000 37,500 87,500
50 50,000 215,000 37,500 75,000
51 50,000 90,000 37,500 62,500
52 50,000 30,000 37,500 50,000
1 50,000 18,000 37,500 37,500
2 27,061 18,061 0 10,439
3 10,439 9,500 18,944 18,944
4 14,974 9,474 0 3,970
5 3,970 4,944 8,237 8,237
6 5,409 4,853 0 2,828
7 2,828 4,181 3,423 3,423
8 2,355 4,086 0 1,068
9 1,068 2,604 2,462 2,462
scenario as $3,653,885.23. Therefore, summing loss
sales and carrying costs together we obtain the total
cost for problem and solution scenario as
$5,054,512.03 and $3,653,885.23, respectively. On
the other hand, upon implementing solution scenario,
we can reduce costs by $1,400,626.80 or by 27.71%.
Somehow, in this research, we propose the
solution scenario on forecasting only product demand
without considering other important variables such as
promotion and competitors. Therefore, for future
research, it would be more practical if we included
these variables into building the forecast model.
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