Prevalence and User Perception of Dark Patterns:
A Case Study on E-Commerce Websites of Bangladesh
Yasin Sazid and Kazi Sakib
Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dark Patterns, Data Analysis, Dataset, Bangladesh, E-Commerce, User Perception, Categorization.
Dark patterns are deceptive design tactics that impact user decision-making. Such tactics can harm user’s
finances, privacy, and lifestyle. Researchers have explored dark patterns from different perspectives in recent
times. However, most of the work have been conducted in western countries. As dark patterns involve people
and their psychology, explorations in other cultural contexts may generate novel insights. We carried out such
a study in the local context of Bangladesh, focusing on the prevalence and user perception of dark patterns. We
first examined Bangladeshi e-commerce websites for dark patterns using a combination of automated methods
such as GPT-3’s in-context learning and a novel segmentation algorithm, along with manual validation to
address any limitations of the automated techniques. We also surveyed Bangladeshi university students about
exposure, awareness, and concern regarding dark patterns. Based on the findings of both explorations, we
ranked six dark pattern categories and subsequently divided them into two novel groups with distinct traits.
We also found that educational background in technology make users more aware and concerned about dark
patterns. 18.3% of the websites we analyzed in this study contained dark patterns, indicating prevalence of
such design practices in e-commerce websites of Bangladesh.
Dark patterns (DP) are user interface design tactics
that deceive users to alter their decision-making by
abusing knowledge of psychology (Gray et al., 2018).
For example, ‘Forced Action’ is such a dark pattern
where users are forced to perform an undesirable ac-
tion to access some other functionality. Such design
tactics can harm users financially, privacy-wise, and
even in the form of addiction (Mathur et al., 2021).
As a result, it is imperative to characterize and inves-
tigate these tactics thoroughly.
Existing research on dark patterns and user per-
ception has primarily focused on Europe and the
United States. However, research efforts in other local
contexts may generate novel insights because of cul-
tural and linguistic differences (Hidaka et al., 2023).
Thus, further efforts are needed to analyze dark pat-
tern data as well as user perception in a local context
like Bangladesh.
As a developing country, Bangladesh has rapidly
embraced digitalization. As a result, its e-commerce
sector has experienced significant growth in recent
years as well. However, this growth also brings the
risk of dark patterns that can harm the increasing
number of online users. Studying dark patterns in the
e-commerce industry of Bangladesh can help us un-
derstand how much local users are exposed to these
manipulative design tactics. Understanding local user
perception regarding dark patterns is also an impor-
tant area to explore.
Dark patterns can have varying representations in
user interfaces, making it difficult to identify and an-
alyze related data on a large scale. As identification
methods of dark patterns are still in the early stages,
there have been only a few efforts in collecting and
analyzing dark pattern data on a large scale. Mathur et
al. conducted the first exploration of textual dark pat-
tern data in a large sample of 11,000 shopping web-
sites, extracting 1,818 instances of dark pattern texts
(Mathur et al., 2019). Yada et al. extended their ex-
ploration to extract 1,178 non dark pattern texts from
the same websites (Yada et al., 2022).
Understanding user perception of dark patterns is
another relevant area of research, as these design tac-
tics abuse user psychology. Geronimo et al. found
that users struggle to recognize dark patterns, empha-
sizing the need for improved awareness mechanisms
(Geronimo et al., 2020). Bongard-Blanchy et al. dis-
covered that users can identify dark patterns but are
Sazid, Y. and Sakib, K.
Prevalence and User Perception of Dark Patterns: A Case Study on E-Commerce Websites of Bangladesh.
DOI: 10.5220/0012734900003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 238-249
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
often unaware of their harmful consequences, with
demographic factors influencing user perception as
well (Bongard-Blanchy et al., 2021). Gray et al. re-
vealed that users can sense manipulation, even with-
out precise terminology to describe such experience
(Gray et al., 2021). Maier found that users may ini-
tially react negatively to dark patterns but eventually
get normalized to them, suggesting awareness alone
might not be enough as a countermeasure (Maier,
2019). Hidaka et al. revealed that Japanese appli-
cations contain fewer instances of dark patterns com-
pared to the United States (Hidaka et al., 2023). This
finding emphasizes the necessity to analyze dark pat-
tern data and user perception in different local con-
texts. No such exploration has been done yet in the
local context of Bangladesh.
In this study, we analyzed the prevalence of
dark patterns in e-commerce websites of Bangladesh.
Member companies of the E-Commerce Association
of Bangladesh (e-CAB) were selected to be analyzed
to show the prevalence of dark patterns. We were able
to analyze 715 websites and HTML contents from rel-
evant webpages of those websites were extracted. A
novel page segmentation algorithm was used to iden-
tify candidate dark pattern texts from the HTML con-
tents. It was developed with a more relaxed inclu-
sion criteria for candidate dark patterns compared to
the segmentation algorithm developed by Mathur et
al., resulting in improved detection of dark patterns
(Mathur et al., 2019). Detection and classification
of dark patterns involved a combination of automated
and manual techniques. In-context learning capabili-
ties of GPT-3 were used to detect dark patterns from
the candidate texts according to our previous work
(Sazid et al., 2023). A manual review was carried out
to remove the false positives and classify the texts into
different dark pattern categories.
We complemented our work on the prevalence of
dark patterns with an empirical study on user per-
ception of dark patterns. A survey was conducted
with Bangladeshi university students of two groups -
one with a background in technology education and
the other without such a background. Participants
were presented with user interface design instances
of different dark pattern categories and then expo-
sure, awareness, and concern ratings were collected
for each dark pattern category.
We found 931 instances of dark patterns, 99 of
which were unique instances. These dark pattern in-
stances were classified into six common dark pat-
tern categories, including ‘Misdirection’, ‘Urgency’,
‘Scarcity’, ‘Social Proof’, ‘Obstruction’, and ‘Forced
Action’. The 931 dark pattern instances belonged to
131 different websites, which is roughly 18.3% of the
715 e-commerce websites analyzed in this study. Av-
erage ratings of awareness and concern across all dark
pattern categories show that users are aware of the
influences of dark patterns and are concerned about
such design tactics in general. Based on the find-
ings from the user perception survey and the preva-
lence data across dark pattern categories, we divided
the categories into two distinct groups - ‘Passive Dark
Patterns’ containing ‘Social Proof’, ‘Urgency’, and
‘Scarcity’ categories and Active Dark Patterns’ con-
taining ‘Forced Action’, ‘Obstruction’, and ‘Misdi-
rection’ categories. We found distinct characteris-
tics of these two groups in terms of prevalence, user
awareness, and concern. User perception survey also
revealed that users with a background in technology
education were more aware and concerned about dark
patterns than users with no such background.
The main contributions of this study can be sum-
marized as follows:
Analysis of the prevalence of dark patterns in e-
commerce websites of Bangladesh
Novel page segmentation algorithm that extracts
candidate dark pattern texts from HTML contents
of webpages
Collection of a dark pattern dataset containing 99
unique text instances labelled with different dark
pattern categories
Ranking dark pattern categories in terms of user
exposure, awareness, and concern
Novel grouping of dark pattern categories accord-
ing to their approach of abusing user psychology
Revealing the influence of technology education
(i.e., computer science or related fields) on user
awareness and concern regarding dark patterns
Dark patterns have attracted a lot of attention from re-
searchers in recent times. Researchers have worked
on the definition and classification of dark patterns
(Gray et al., 2018) (Mathur et al., 2019), explored
legal and policy-making perspectives (Luguri and
Strahilevitz, 2019), and studied user perception of
dark patterns (Geronimo et al., 2020). Detection tech-
niques (Mansur et al., 2023) (Stavrakakis et al., 2021)
and data collection efforts (Mathur et al., 2019) re-
garding dark patterns have also been explored. This
section provides an overview of past literature on tax-
onomy, data collection and analysis, and user percep-
tion of dark patterns.
Prevalence and User Perception of Dark Patterns: A Case Study on E-Commerce Websites of Bangladesh
2.1 Taxonomy of Dark Patterns
Dark patterns have versatile representations in user
interfaces, making it very challenging to define and
classify them under a holistic taxonomy. Brignull et
al. first defined the term ‘dark patterns’ as a set of
“tricks used in websites that make a user do things that
the user did not mean to” (Brignull et al., 2023). Re-
searchers since have tried to define and classify dark
patterns in various ways. Gray et al. classified dark
patterns into five distinct categories based on user ex-
perience - ‘Nagging’, ‘Obstruction’, ‘Sneaking’, ‘In-
terface Interference’ and ‘Forced Action’ (Gray et al.,
2018). Some researchers have classified dark patterns
specifically based on privacy (Jarovsky, 2022) (B
et al., 2016). Other researchers have also studied dark
patterns found on social media (Roffarello and Rus-
sis, 2022) and video streaming platforms (Chaudhary
et al., 2022).
Mathur et al. mentioned seven broad categories
of dark patterns in their work (Mathur et al., 2019).
These dark pattern categories are briefly discussed be-
Urgency refers to the category of dark patterns
that enforce a time limit on a sale or offer,
prompting users to make decisions and purchases
Misdirection refers to the category of dark pat-
terns that employ visuals, language, and emotions
to influence users towards or away from specific
Social Proof refers to the category of dark pat-
terns that accelerate user decision-making and
purchases, by showing the actions and behaviours
of other users.
Scarcity refers to the category of dark patterns
that indicate the limited availability or high de-
mand of a product, thereby increasing its per-
ceived value and desirability.
Obstruction refers to the category of dark pat-
terns that intentionally complicate a specific ac-
tion beyond what is necessary to discourage users
from taking that action.
Forced Action refers to the category of dark pat-
terns that require users to perform an additional
action, which is often undesirable, to accomplish
some other tasks.
Sneaking refers to the category of dark patterns
aimed at misrepresenting user actions or conceal-
ing/delaying information that users would proba-
bly oppose if they were aware of it.
2.2 Dark Pattern Related Data
Dark pattern data collection efforts rely heavily on
the successful detection of such deceptive tactics in
websites. However, it is a challenging task, especially
without a holistic definition and classification of dark
patterns. This is also a relatively new field of research,
and detection methods are yet to be matured. As a re-
sult, there have been very few efforts to collect dark
pattern data on a large scale. Another challenge in
such data collection efforts is determining the appro-
priate format (image, video, text, etc.) to represent
dark patterns.
Researchers have collected dark patterns in var-
ious formats, including video recordings (Geronimo
et al., 2020), screenshots (Mansur et al., 2023), ex-
tracted features (Soe et al., 2022), and textual data
(Yada et al., 2022) from user interfaces, each with
its own advantages and disadvantages. Geronimo et
al. prepared a comprehensive video dataset com-
prising screen recordings of mobile application us-
age (Geronimo et al., 2020). The dataset contains
15 videos, accompanied by classifications of identi-
fied dark patterns at different timestamps within the
videos. Mansur et al. created a dark pattern dataset
containing 501 instances by manually labelling user
interface screenshots collected from different sources
(Mansur et al., 2023). Soe et al. analyzed dark pat-
terns in cookie banners of 300 news websites (Soe
et al., 2020). For each cookie banner, they manually
extracted a set of features (location within the page,
clarity of options, site works after rejecting cookies
or not, number of clicks needed to reject all cook-
ies, etc.) in terms of dark patterns. However, data
collection and analysis efforts using video recordings,
screenshots, or manually extracted features are quite
challenging to carry out on a large scale. Alterna-
tively, textual data collection and analysis are more
convenient in terms of scalability.
Mathur et al. collected the first large-scale textual
dark pattern data (Mathur et al., 2019). They analyzed
more than 11,000 e-commerce websites and extracted
meaningful text segments using their page segmenta-
tion algorithm. Even though they collected text seg-
ments using automated techniques, dark pattern de-
tection and classification were carried out manually,
which is a time-consuming task. To ease the man-
ual labelling of a large number of text segments, they
used hierarchical clustering in their work. They found
1,818 instances of dark pattern texts from 1,254 web-
sites, which was roughly 11.1% of all analyzed web-
sites in their work. Yada et al. extended this textual
dataset of dark patterns by adding 1,178 non dark pat-
tern texts from the same websites (Yada et al., 2022).
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Overview of Dark Pattern Data Collection.
2.3 User Perception of Dark Patterns
As dark patterns abuse user psychology and manip-
ulate their decision-making, user perception regard-
ing the phenomenon is a significant area of research.
Geronimo et al. studied user awareness and their abil-
ity to recognize dark patterns found within popular
mobile applications (Geronimo et al., 2020). Their
efforts revealed that users often struggle to identify
dark patterns, highlighting the necessity to improve
user awareness mechanisms. Bongard-Blanchy et al.
investigated user awareness, and their capability to
recognize and resist dark patterns (Bongard-Blanchy
et al., 2021). They found that users can recognize dark
patterns even though they are often unaware of the
actual harmful consequences. Their study also iden-
tified that demographic factors such as age and edu-
cational background can influence user perception of
dark patterns.
Gray et al. conducted a survey on English and
Mandarin Chinese-speaking participants to explore
users’ experiences of feeling manipulated by digital
technologies, their emotional responses to such expe-
riences, and their awareness of manipulative design
practices (Gray et al., 2021). Their findings indicate
that users often have a sense that something is “off”
or manipulative, even when they lack the precise lan-
guage to describe it. Maier investigated how users
perceive, experience, and respond to dark patterns
(Maier, 2019). His findings suggest that while users
may initially be angered by dark patterns, they often
become accustomed to them over time. This leads to
the normalization of these deceptive design practices.
His work also highlights that awareness mechanisms
alone may not be sufficient to safeguard users from
dark patterns.
Most research efforts in analyzing dark patterns
and related user perception have been mainly con-
ducted in Europe and the United States. Hidaka et
al. termed these works as coming from the ‘Western
context’ and argued that the ‘Eastern context’ might
be different because of cultural and language differ-
ences (Hidaka et al., 2023). Their work also revealed
fewer dark patterns in Japanese applications (i.e., the
Eastern context) compared to the Western context.
Thus, further efforts are needed to analyze dark pat-
tern data as well as user perception in a local context
like Bangladesh. Such efforts are especially crucial
for local policy-making that can protect users from
the harmful consequences of dark patterns.
In this study, we extracted dark patterns from e-
commerce websites of Bangladesh to analyze the lo-
cal context and show the prevalence of such design
tactics in local e-commerce websites. We started our
exploration by defining a sampling frame for local e-
commerce websites, followed by automated crawling
of relevant website data. The crawled textual data was
then processed using a combination of automated and
manual methods to retrieve dark pattern texts across
different categories. Figure 1 provides an overview
of the different stages of data collection carried out
for this purpose. The resulting dataset of dark pat-
terns and other technical artifacts associated with this
study are publicly available on GitHub
Prevalence and User Perception of Dark Patterns: A Case Study on E-Commerce Websites of Bangladesh
3.1 Sampling Procedure
The sampling frame for this study is derived from
the membership list of the E-Commerce Association
of Bangladesh (e-CAB)
, which is a Bangladeshi lo-
cal organization that has 2,000+ e-commerce com-
panies as members. The members’ list of e-CAB
is the largest available representative sample of
Bangladeshi e-commerce companies. Thus, we con-
sidered this list as our sampling frame for this study.
Upon inspecting the members’ list of e-CAB
available online at ‘’, we
found a general pattern in webpage URLs associated
with each e-CAB member profile - ‘https://e-<member id>’, where
<member id> refers to the numbers ‘0001’ to ‘2238’
which are distinct member id numbers associated
with each e-CAB member companies. We used the
Javascript library ‘puppeteer’ to crawl the ‘company
name’ and ‘website URL’ data for each e-CAB mem-
ber company from their associated member profile
pages using this general URL pattern. As some
member profile pages were unavailable, we were
able to collect data for 2,216 member companies of
e-CAB. Two exclusion criteria were applied to these
2,216 instances of data - (1) 104 companies were
removed because their associated ‘website URL’ data
contained URLs of Facebook pages, not of company
websites, and (2) 57 companies were removed for
not having any specified ‘website URL at all. After
excluding these companies, we considered a total of
2,055 e-commerce websites for further inspection.
3.2 Crawling Website Data
We crawled the e-commerce websites to extract text
segments from them. We first manually examined
all the websites to collect and store relevant URLs,
followed by automatically crawling the HTML con-
tents from those URLs. Subsequently, we applied a
page segmentation algorithm to the HTML contents
to identify text segments for further inspection.
3.2.1 URL Retrieval
We tried to manually visit the home or landing page
of all of the 2,055 company websites. However, 650
websites were unreachable. We inspected the remain-
ing 1,405 websites to collect two additional URLs
alongside the home page URL from each website. For
product-based companies, we navigated to one cate-
gory page and one product page per website. And for
service-based companies, we navigated to the offered
services page and the portfolio page. In this way, we
manually inspected all the websites and tried to col-
lect URLs of the home page, one category/services
page, and one product/portfolio page. Two exclusion
criteria were applied - (1) websites that were static
pages with no further navigation available, and (2)
websites that lacked relevant information. These ex-
clusion criteria reduced the number of websites to 715
and 2,119 URLs were collected from these websites.
3.2.2 HTML Data Retrieval
We again used the Javascript library ‘puppeteer’ to
crawl the 2,119 URLs and retrieve the whole HTML
content associated with each URL. Some websites de-
tected our ‘puppeteer’ crawler as a bot and restricted it
from accessing the original HTML content. We used
the ‘puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth’ library to bypass
this bot detection. This library conceals certain prop-
erties from outgoing HTTP requests that can flag the
requests as coming from a bot. HTML contents of 51
URLs could not be retrieved because of connection
and navigation problems. We were able to collect the
HTML contents of the remaining 2,068 URLs.
3.2.3 Candidate Dark Pattern Extraction
Text segments need to be extracted from HTML con-
tents that we call ‘Candidate Dark Patterns’. For this
purpose, we needed a segmentation algorithm to ana-
lyze webpages and identify candidate dark patterns.
Mathur et al. proposed such a segmentation algo-
rithm, where segments are defined as visible HTML
elements that contain no other block-level elements
and at least one text element (Mathur et al., 2019).
Using this algorithm led to the discovery of very few
dark patterns in the HTML contents. We explored the
causes and found that the algorithm was too restric-
tive, discarding potential dark pattern texts.
We modified the segmentation algorithm to make
the inclusion criteria as relaxed as possible. We de-
fined segments as any visible HTML element that is
a leaf (i.e., does not contain any child elements) and
contains text content. However, we exclude paragraph
elements from this definition, as they usually repre-
sent longer blocks of descriptive text that are not rele-
vant to our analysis. Details of our page segmentation
algorithm are illustrated in Algorithm 1.
This version of the segmentation algorithm re-
sulted in the discovery of both, increased candidate
dark patterns and subsequently increased dark pat-
terns. So we used this algorithm to extract candidate
dark pattern texts from the HTML contents obtained
in the previous step. 770,570 texts was extracted from
the 2,068 HTML contents under analysis.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Algorithm 1: Page Segmentation.
Input: HTML Document
Output: List of Text Segments
1 Function extractTextSegments(page):
2 ignoredElements [“p”, “script”,
“style”, “noscript”, “br”, “hr”];
3 segmentsList [];
4 foreach element in page do
5 if element is not in ignoredElements
and element is visible and element
does not contain any child elements
6 innerText element.innerText;
7 segmentsList.append(innerText);
8 end
9 end
10 return segmentsList;
3.3 Detection and Classification
It is a time-consuming task to detect dark patterns
by manually reviewing the large set of 770,570 texts.
Thus, we employed a combination of automated and
manual approaches to detect and classify dark pattern
texts from the candidate texts. Dark pattern texts were
first detected using an automated approach leverag-
ing machine learning, followed by a manual review
of each text and associated URLs to remove the false
positives and classify the remaining texts into differ-
ent dark pattern categories.
3.3.1 Data Preprocessing
We removed candidate dark pattern texts that con-
sisted of only numbers or a single word. We also re-
moved price tag texts containing the local currency
sign, using regular expressions. This preprocessing
reduced the set of candidate dark pattern texts by 43%
to 435,536 texts. Removing the duplicates would re-
duce the set even further. However, multiple web-
sites or multiple webpages within the same website
can contain the same dark pattern text. Thus, remov-
ing duplicates would deny us the real scenario of dark
patterns in the e-commerce websites of Bangladesh.
As a result, we opted not to remove the duplicates in
this step.
3.3.2 Automated Dark Pattern Detection
We used machine learning to automatically classify
the candidate texts as ‘dark pattern’ or ‘not dark pat-
tern’. Yada et al. provided some baseline machine
learning models that could be used for this purpose
(Yada et al., 2022). Initially, we used their best-
performing model (RoBERTa
), trained on 1,178
dark pattern and the same number of non dark pattern
texts provided in their dataset. The hyper-parameters
were set according to their work. However, this ap-
proach resulted in a large number of false positives.
As a result, the subsequent manual verification would
be time-consuming, undermining the purpose of auto-
mated detection. Upon inspecting for causes behind
high false positives, we found the model to be vulner-
able to data overfitting.
Our previous work developed an automated detec-
tion technique that could detect dark patterns without
the need for training data, thus eliminating the con-
cern regarding data overfitting (Sazid et al., 2023).
This approach utilized the in-context learning capa-
bilities of GPT-3 to detect dark pattern texts. The best-
performing model from this work was the few-shot
model where two example texts per category were
used along with the category definitions to engineer
prompts for GPT-3. This approach was able to detect
six common categories of dark pattern texts success-
fully - ‘Misdirection’, ‘Urgency’, ‘Scarcity’, ‘Social
Proof’, ‘Obstruction’, and ‘Forced Action’. As the
approach using in-context learning resulted in a very
low rate of false negatives (under 10%) in our previ-
ous work, we reused this approach to detect dark pat-
tern texts from the candidate texts obtained in the pre-
vious step. To optimize resource usage, we only con-
sidered the unique texts in this step. We also treated
texts with numerical variations (e.g., ‘Only 4 left in
stock’ and ‘Only 1 left in stock’) as duplicates, en-
suring that similar texts are not processed by GPT-
3 separately. There were 91,585 such unique texts
among the set of 435,536 candidate texts. Our auto-
mated approach detected 2,185 out of those 91,585
texts as dark patterns.
3.3.3 Manual Dark Pattern Classification
We manually reviewed each of the 2,185 dark pattern
texts to check whether they were really instances of
dark patterns or not. We discarded 2,086 instances
as they did not belong to any dark pattern category
considered in this study. We reviewed each of the re-
maining 99 instances to classify them into the six dark
pattern categories. During the review, if the textual
data was insufficient for labelling, we manually vis-
ited the associated URL to gather context about the
text. This resulted in a dataset of dark patterns con-
taining 99 unique text instances labelled with their re-
spective dark pattern categories. As we only consid-
ered the unique texts in the previous step, we revis-
ited the set of 435,536 candidate texts to extract and
label the duplicates matching the 99 unique dark pat-
tern texts. Numerical variations were also treated as
Prevalence and User Perception of Dark Patterns: A Case Study on E-Commerce Websites of Bangladesh
similar texts in the previous step. Thus, we labelled all
such groups of texts with the same dark pattern cate-
gory. After considering the duplicates and numerical
variations, the final set of dark patterns consisted of
931 instances.
We conducted an empirical study to analyze user per-
ception regarding the presence of dark patterns in e-
commerce websites of Bangladesh. The goal was to
analyze and rank the dark pattern categories accord-
ing to users’ exposure, awareness about influence, and
concern. We also wanted to see if there is any differ-
ence in user perception based on whether they had an
educational background in technology or not.
4.1 Study Design
An open survey was conducted, directed primar-
ily at Bangladeshi university students. Participants
were first asked about their general understanding
of the ability of user interface designs to influence
user’s decision-making, followed by the frequency of
their usage of e-commerce websites and applications.
Later, participants were presented with six user inter-
face design instances containing dark patterns from
the six categories mentioned in the previous section.
Presenting only dark pattern instances could bias the
participants in favour of a negative perception regard-
ing the design instances. To counteract that possibil-
ity, four non dark pattern design instances were also
presented in the survey. The ten user interface de-
sign instances presented in this survey are illustrated
in Figure 2. Participants were presented with these
design instances in a random order and three ratings
were measured for each design. ‘Exposure’ rating
was measured based on whether the participant had
ever encountered such a design or not (0 = never en-
countered, 1 = encountered). To measure ‘Awareness’
and ‘Concern’ ratings, the following two statements
were presented respectively:
This kind of design can influence users to do
something that users normally would not do.
I am worried about the influence of this kind of
design on users’ decision-making and choices.
Participants were instructed to rate their agree-
ment on a 5-point Likert scale (from 1 = strongly dis-
agree to 5 = strongly agree). In addition, demographic
information (age, sex, and educational background)
was collected from the participants. All questions in
the survey were mandatory.
4.2 Participants
We collected responses from 68 participants. The
demographics of the participants were as follows:
45 male, 23 female. Their age ranged from 19 to
27 years (mean 22.57, SD 1.47). Participants were
divided into two groups based on their educational
background - 36 participants had an educational back-
ground in computer science or related fields and the
other 32 had no such background in technology edu-
cation. Our thinking behind such grouping is that par-
ticipants with an educational background in technol-
ogy might have a different perception regarding dark
patterns than the ones without such a background.
This section analyzes and discusses our findings
regarding the prevalence of dark patterns in e-
commerce websites of Bangladesh as well as the user
perception survey.
5.1 Prevalence of Dark Patterns
We analyzed the collected 931 dark pattern texts
to showcase the prevalence of dark patterns in e-
commerce websites of Bangladesh. These dark pat-
tern texts were found across 131 websites, consti-
tuting approximately 18.3% of the 715 analyzed e-
commerce websites. This is a much higher rate com-
pared to the work of Mathur et al., who found dark
patterns in 11.1% of their analyzed websites (Mathur
et al., 2019). The increased rate can be credited to
our use of a more relaxed page segmentation algo-
rithm than theirs, resulting in improved detection of
dark patterns. It is important to note that we exclu-
sively analyzed the home page, one category/services
page, and one product/portfolio page per website and
our analysis only focused on the texts of these pages.
Given the scope of our exploration, this finding serves
as a conservative estimate. As a result, it can be said
that the actual prevalence of dark patterns in the e-
commerce websites of Bangladesh is even higher.
Figure 3 illustrates the frequency of each dark pat-
tern category. ‘Social Proof and ‘Urgency’ had the
highest number of instances among all the categories
with 466 and 271 occurrences respectively. 165 in-
stances belonged to the ‘Scarcity’ category while
‘Forced Action’ and ‘Misdirection’ had 23 and 6 oc-
currences respectively.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
(a) Forced Action. (b) Misdirection.
(c) Obstruction. (d) Social Proof.
(e) Scarcity. (f) Urgency.
(g) Not Dark Pattern. (h) Not Dark Pattern.
(i) Not Dark Pattern. (j) Not Dark Pattern.
Figure 2: User Interface Design Instances Used in This Study.
Prevalence and User Perception of Dark Patterns: A Case Study on E-Commerce Websites of Bangladesh
Figure 3: Instances Across DP Categories.
Figure 4 illustrates the number of unique instances
across each dark pattern category. ‘Urgency’ tops
the other categories in this regard, with 41 unique
instances. ‘Social Proof and ‘Scarcity’ had 26 and
24 unique instances respectively while ‘Forced Ac-
tion’ and ‘Misdirection’ had only 6 and 2 respec-
tively. No instance of the ‘Obstruction’ category was
found in the study. We compared this prevalence of
unique dark pattern texts across categories with the
findings of Mathur et al., who also gathered unique
instances of dark pattern texts in their work (Mathur
et al., 2019). While the rankings of dark pattern cat-
egories in terms of prevalence do not perfectly align
between the two studies, two distinct groups emerge.
Both analyses indicate that ‘Urgency’, ‘Social Proof’,
and ‘Scarcity’ (Group A) had the highest number
of unique instances, while ‘Forced Action’, ‘Misdi-
rection’, and ‘Obstruction’ (Group B) had relatively
fewer unique instances. As a result, we can say that
Group A dark patterns were more prevalent in our
analysis than Group B dark patterns.
Figure 5 also confirms such a grouping of dark
pattern categories in terms of prevalence across web-
sites. ‘Urgency’, ‘Scarcity’, and ‘Social Proof had
the more prominent presence, with occurrences on
78, 28, and 26 websites respectively. ‘Forced Ac-
tion’, ‘Misdirection’, and ‘Obstruction’ were much
less prominent, with occurrences on only 7, 2, and
0 websites respectively. Interestingly, 121 of the 131
websites were associated with a single dark pattern
category, with the remaining 10 being associated with
at most two dark pattern categories.
Figure 6 illustrates the frequency of dark patterns
across the 131 websites. Most of the websites present
only 1, 2, or 3 unique instances of dark patterns,
whereas very few websites present larger quantities.
The highest number of unique dark pattern texts on a
single website is 10.
Figure 4: Unique Instances Across DP Categories.
Figure 5: Websites Across DP Categories.
Figure 6: Unique Instances Across Websites.
5.2 User Perception of Dark Patterns
Based on the survey responses, we ranked and
grouped the dark pattern categories in terms of ex-
posure, awareness, and concern. We also carried out
Mann-Whitney U test to see if there was any differ-
ence in user perception based on educational back-
ground in technology.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Dark Pattern Category Rankings Based on User Perception.
Exposure Awareness Concern
DP Category Mean Rating (%) DP Category Mean Rating (1 to 5) DP Category Mean Rating (1 to 5)
1 Forced Action 94.12 Urgency 4.21 Obstruction 3.81
2 Urgency 88.24 Scarcity 3.99 Forced Action 3.78
3 Scarcity 86.76 Social Proof 3.96 Urgency 3.56
4 Social Proof 77.94 Obstruction 3.96 Scarcity 3.44
5 Misdirection 73.53 Forced Action 3.81 Social Proof 3.22
6 Obstruction 30.88 Misdirection 3.65 Misdirection 3.17
5.2.1 Ranking Dark Pattern Categories
Survey data was analyzed to rank different categories
of dark patterns based on users’ ratings of exposure,
awareness of their influence, and concern regarding
them. The rankings were determined by calculating
the mean ratings of exposure, awareness, and con-
cern for each dark pattern category by averaging all
participant responses. The resulting rankings are pro-
vided in Table 1. Notably, participants consistently
rated their awareness and concern regarding dark pat-
terns above the neutral value of 3, indicating a gen-
eral awareness of the potential influences of dark pat-
tern design instances and significant concern about
them. However, the category rankings of awareness
and concern do not perfectly align with each other,
suggesting that participants were not necessarily more
concerned about a design simply because they per-
ceived it to be more influential, and vice versa.
5.2.2 Grouping Dark Pattern Categories
Exposure, awareness, and concern ratings produce
further evidence in favour of our grouping of dark
pattern categories in the previous section. There is a
clear distinction in the ratings between the two groups
of dark patterns. Participants were more exposed
to Group A dark patterns than Group B, except for
‘Forced Action’. Such a contrast in the exposure rat-
ings makes more sense as they align directly with the
prevalence of these two groups explained in the pre-
vious section. Participants found Group A containing
‘Urgency’, ‘Scarcity’, and ‘Social Proof categories
more influential than Group B containing ‘Misdirec-
tion’, ‘Obstruction’, and ‘Forced Action’. The reverse
tendency is found in concern ratings as participants
found Group B more concerning than Group A, ex-
cept for ‘Misdirection’.
The contrast between awareness and concern rat-
ings across the two groups of dark pattern categories
can be explained by how these design instances man-
ifest themselves in user interfaces. Group A dark pat-
terns get users’ attention to certain actions using the
attraction of limited sales or discounts, and the rar-
ity or credibility of a product. Even though they can
create a sense of hurry among users, the user expe-
rience is not necessarily unpleasant, resulting in less
concern. On the other hand, Group B dark patterns
make users feel uncomfortable as they get controlled,
forced, or deceived by the user interface. As a result,
users are more concerned about this group of dark pat-
tern categories. According to this finding, we name
Group A dark patterns as ‘Passive Dark Patterns’ and
Group B dark patterns as ‘Active Dark Patterns’:
Passive Dark Patterns: This group of dark patterns
consists of ‘Urgency’, ‘Social Proof’, and ‘Scarcity’
categories. All of these techniques use users’ ‘fear of
missing out’ (FOMO) and create a sense of attraction
in users to take certain actions. They rely on social
conformity and the perception of limited availabil-
ity (time or quantity) to motivate users to take action
quickly. The main identifying factor of these dark pat-
terns is that they entice and attract users, rather than
forcing them. Because of their subtle presentation in
user interfaces, they do not seem abnormal to users,
even when users think they have a high influence on
their decision-making. As passive dark patterns have
been ‘normalized’ to users, finding countermeasures
for this group of dark patterns is more difficult and
necessitates legal and policy conversations regarding
marketing and advertisement strategies in general.
Active Dark Patterns: This group consists of
‘Forced Action’, ‘Misdirection’, and ‘Obstruction’
categories. These techniques manipulate user behav-
ior through deception, obstacles, or coercion. These
design instances forcefully drive users to act in ways
that are against their wishes or interests. The main
identifying factor of these dark patterns is that they
mislead or force users to make certain choices. As a
result, users often feel uncomfortable while encoun-
tering these dark patterns. These techniques under-
mine user autonomy and can lead to a negative user
Prevalence and User Perception of Dark Patterns: A Case Study on E-Commerce Websites of Bangladesh
Table 2: Results of Mann-Whitney U Test (n1=36, n2=32).
Variable Mann-Whitney U Statistic P Value H
Exposure 614 0.3184 No
Awareness 790 0.0042 Yes
Concern 739 0.0225 Yes
experience. Thus, this group of dark patterns does not
fall into traditional marketing or advertisement strate-
gies. Legal and policy regulations over design princi-
ples of online platforms can have a significant impact
on counteracting these dark patterns.
Two deviations are visible in Table 1 from our
analysis regarding the grouping of dark pattern cat-
egories - ‘Forced Action’ in the case of exposure rat-
ings and ‘Misdirection’ in the case of concern ratings.
We argue that these deviations are due to participant
bias or misunderstanding about the particular design
instances used in both cases. As shown in Figure 2a,
participants were presented with a cookie banner fea-
turing solely an Accept’ button without a correspond-
ing ‘Reject’ button, as an example of ‘Forced Ac-
tion’. The heightened frequency of responses indicat-
ing high exposure to ‘Forced Action’ could stem from
participants’ familiarity with cookie banners rather
than the dark pattern design featuring only an Ac-
cept’ button and lacking a ‘Reject’ button. As shown
in Figure 2b, participants were presented with an in-
staller interface containing two choices where one
was recommended and the other was blurred, as an
example of ‘Misdirection’. Participants could have
perceived such a recommendation as a helpful thing
and not considered situations where such preselection
and design interference could go against their inter-
ests; leading to less concern about this category.
5.2.3 Impact of Technology Education on User
Perception of Dark Patterns
Mann-Whitney U test was used to see if there was
any difference in user perception between participants
who had an educational background in technology
and participants who did not have such a background.
For this purpose, ratings of exposure, awareness, and
concern across all dark pattern categories were aver-
aged to get mean exposure, awareness, and concern
ratings for each participant, which were the three vari-
ables used in hypothesis testing. For each one of
the three variables, the null and alternative hypothe-
ses were as follows (CS = participants with an educa-
tional background in technology, NCS = participants
with no educational background in technology):
: Ratings from CS participants are lower than
or equal to that of NCS participants
: Ratings from CS participants are greater than
that of NCS participants
Table 2 presents the results from the one-tailed
Mann-Whitney U test (level of significance, α =
0.05). While the null hypothesis could not be rejected
for exposure, it was rejected for awareness and con-
cern; indicating statistically significant evidence that
participants with an educational background in tech-
nology are more aware and concerned about dark pat-
terns than participants without such a background.
This section discusses the potential threats that may
affect the validity of the study.
Threats to External Validity: The selection of the
e-CAB members’ list as the sampling frame poses an
external validity threat as not all e-commerce web-
sites of Bangladesh are members of e-CAB. However,
this is the largest possible representative sample of e-
commerce websites originated in Bangladesh. Ana-
lyzing a few URLs per website also poses a threat, as
other URLs may produce different results. However,
e-commerce websites generally have similar user in-
terface designs across category/services pages and
product/portfolio pages. That is why we considered
one instance of each of these webpage types, along
with the homepage. The survey participants in our
empirical study were university students. Thus, the
findings may differ for other age groups and educa-
tional levels.
Threats to Internal Validity: Survey participants
could have made assumptions about which responses
were socially desirable for this study, posing a threat
to the internal validity. However, we mitigated this
bias by communicating to the participants that there
were no ‘right’ answers. Random ordering of the user
interface design instances also poses a threat to the
internal validity.
Threats to Construct Validity: The automated de-
tection and manual classification techniques used in
the study may affect the construct validity. Our au-
tomated detection approach may have missed some
dark pattern data as false negatives. However, we car-
ried out the manual classification with great care to re-
duce the remaining threats as much as possible. There
would always be a possibility for survey participants
to misunderstand questions or appropriate contexts.
To mitigate this threat, we carried out a physical sur-
vey instead of a remote one. As a result, we were able
to provide clear explanations and instructions about
the survey to the participants.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
This study marks the first exploration into dark pat-
terns in the local context of Bangladesh. We com-
bined automated and manual methods to collect tex-
tual dark pattern data from the websites of mem-
ber companies of the E-Commerce Association of
Bangladesh (e-CAB). We analyzed 715 websites and
exposed dark patterns in 18.3% of those websites,
which is 7.2% higher than in previous research us-
ing a similar approach. We also surveyed 68 univer-
sity students about their perception of dark patterns.
Based on our findings from both explorations, we di-
vided dark pattern categories into two distinct groups
- ‘Passive Dark Patterns’ and Active Dark Patterns’.
Most of the dark pattern instances found in this study
belonged to ‘Passive Dark Patterns’. Our analysis also
revealed that users with a background in technology
education are more aware and concerned about dark
patterns than other users. Further research is needed
to analyze the reasons and consequences of dark pat-
terns, local developer perspectives, and potential reg-
ulatory frameworks in the context of Bangladesh.
This study is supported by the fellowship from the
ICT Division, Government of Bangladesh No.:
56.00.0000., date: 04.02.2024.
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