Exploring Applicability of LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents to
Solve Real-Life Problems:
Microsoft Entra ID Administration Agent (MEAN)
Roberto Rodriguez
and Nestori Syynimaa
1,2 b
Microsoft Security Research (MSecR), U.S.A.
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: LLM, Autonomous Agent, ChatGPT, Powershell, Entra ID.
Abstract: Microsoft Entra ID is Microsoft’s identity and access management solution used by many public and private
sector organisations globally. In March 2023, Microsoft retired two PowerShell modules which have enabled
automation of administrative tasks, such as user management. The replacement module is based on Microsoft
Graph API, and its effective usage would require administrators to learn software development skills. In this
paper, we will report the results of work-in-progress research on exploring the applicability of LLM-powered
autonomous agents to solve real-life problems. We describe the design and proof-of-concept implementation
of MEAN, an agent that performs Entra ID administrative tasks using Microsoft Graph API based on natural
language prompts. The results show that LLM-powered autonomous agents can perform at least simple Entra
ID administrative tasks. This indicates that the agents could ease the administrative burden by removing the
need to learn software development skills.
1.1 Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID (MEID) is Microsoft’s cloud-
based identity and access management (IAM)
solution (Microsoft, 2023c), formerly known as
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). MEID is widely
used globally in public and private sector
organisations (see Syynimaa, 2022).
Administrators can administer Entra ID via web-
based interfaces like the Entra ID portal. The portals
are suitable for changing Entra ID-wide settings and
performing manual tasks involving a small number of
individual targets, such as users or groups. However,
portals do not scale, which forces administrators to
rely on automation solutions. For instance,
administrators may need to quickly disable thousands
of users during a cyber security attack to prevent
further damage. This is not possible using the Entra
ID portal.
PowerShell is a task automation solution
consisting of a scripting language and a command-
line shell (Microsoft, 2023d). Microsoft has provided
PowerShell modules for administering Entra ID. The
first module, MSOnline, was published in the early
2010s, and the next one, AzureAD, was published
later in the 2010s. Both were built to help
administrators perform their duties, like managing
Entra ID users and licenses. However, these modules
are now set to be deprecated in March 2024 (Bash,
2023). The reason for this is that the underlying
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) the
modules are using are deprecated at the same time.
The only supported API after that is Microsoft Graph
(MSGraph) API (Microsoft, 2023b).
Microsoft offers a replacement module for
administrators called “Microsoft Graph PowerShell
SDK” (Microsoft, 2023a). The module is an API
wrapper for the MSGraph API, created automatically
from the MSGraph API schema (Microsoft, 2023a).
This is problematic for administrators as the module
is not built to help them perform their tasks but allows
Rodriguez, R. and Syynimaa, N.
Exploring Applicability of LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents to Solve Real-life Problems: Microsoft Entra ID Administration Agent (MEAN).
DOI: 10.5220/0012735700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 881-887
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
them to call the MSGraph API directly from
PowerShell. Even the name of the module contains
the acronym SDK, which refers to Software
Development Kit. According to the global skills and
competency framework for the digital world (SFIA),
software development skills are not part of the system
administrator role skill set (SFIA, 2023). Mastering
the new module would require learning software
development, especially MSGraph API.
1.2 Large Language Model
The large Language Model (LLM) is a special case of
the Pre-trained Language Model (PLM). The
challenge with PLMs is that they are unable to
perform unseen tasks without task-specific training
(Kalyan, 2024). Generative Pre-trained Transformers
(GPTs) are using Natural Language Processing
(NLP) for task-agnostic pre-training (Brown et al.,
2020). Still, task-specific examples or datasets are
required on top of general training to perform the
desired task (Brown et al., 2020).
The public and scientific interest in LLMs has
significantly increased after OpenAI published
ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2024) for the general public in
November 2022. For instance, ChatGPT articles
published in arXiv have risen from zero in December
2022 to over 300 by May 2023 (Liu et al., 2023).
ChatGPT has been used successfully to generate
software code (Liu et al., 2023) and to teach software
development skills (Hellas et al., 2023). However,
there have also been some challenges. For instance,
the quality of the generated code cannot be
guaranteed (Liu et al., 2023), and the judgements
made may not be grounded in reality (Faggioli et al.,
2023). This is often referred to as hallucination
(Händler, 2023). Moreover, as an LLM, ChatGPT
still lacks domain-specific knowledge (Faggioli et al.,
1.3 Autonomous Agents
LLMs have been found to struggle with maintaining
consistent logic across chains of reasoning (Händler,
2023). Autonomous LLM-powered agents can break
user-prompted goals into smaller tasks (Händler,
2023). These tasks can be assigned to specialised
agents utilising contextual resources such as tools
(Händler, 2023). The balance between the autonomy
of LLM-powered agents and the alignment of human
users is illustrated in Figure 1. In other words, the
agent should be self-organising if the user needs to
perform tasks that demand active participation (L2).
Figure 1: The interplay between agent autonomy and
human users alignment (Händler, 2023, p. 90).
LLM-powered agents have demonstrated their
performance in language understanding and
interactive decision-making. However, usually, they
have only been able to reason or generate an action
plan based on human interaction. To overcome this,
Yao et al. (2023) introduced a ReAct paradigm that
combines reasoning and action within a closed-loop
system that interacts with the external world. The
autonomous LLM-powered agent and its
collaboration with the user and outside tool is
illustrated in Figure 2 using BPMN 2.0 notation. As
the agent’s reasoning is based on access to external
real-life entities, its problem-solving trajectory is
“more grounded, fact-driven, and trustworthy” (Yao
et al., 2023, p. 6). In other words, the agent is less
prone to hallucinate.
Figure 2: Autonomous LLM-powered Agent.
UserAutonomous AgentTool
and Planning
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
1.4 Research Questions
Our research sought to answer the following research
How can we implement an autonomous LLM-
powered agent to help administrators perform
Entra ID administrative tasks?
1.5 Structure of the Paper
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The
building process of the Microsoft Entra id
Administration ageNt (MEAN) is described in the
next section. The last section, discussion, concludes
the paper.
This paper reports a Design Science Research (DSR)
study (see vom Brocke, Hevner, & Maedche, 2020),
and we’ll follow the DSR process guidelines by
Peffers et al. (2007) in this section. Following Onggo
(2012), the resulting agent is illustrated using BPMN
2.0 notation.
2.1 Motivation
The problem and motivation for the research were
explained in the Introduction section. To sum up,
Microsoft is deprecating existing Entra ID
PowerShell modules, and the replacement module
requires learning new skills that are not part of
administrators’ skillset.
2.2 Objectives
The solution's objective is to build an agent that helps
administrators perform their tasks without needing to
learn software development skills.
2.3 Design and Development – Round 1
Jupyter Notebooks (Jupyter, 2024) was selected as a
development platform for the agent because it
supports Python, giving easy access to ChatGPT-4
API. ChatGPT-4 supports function calling, which
allows agents to call external APIs (OpenAI, 2023).
The available functions and parameters can be sent to
ChatGPT with the user prompt. The functions and
parameters should be in the format that ChatGPT can
interpret. The MSGraph API documentation (see
Microsoft, 2024a) is not structured enough for
ChatGPT. However, ChatGPT supports OpenAPI
specification (see OpenAPI, 2021). Microsoft
publishes MSGraph API documentation in OpenAPI
format (see Microsoft, 2024a), allowing it to be used
with ChatGPT as-is.
The agent design is illustrated in Figure 3. The
user sends the OpenAPI specification along with a
prompt to the agent. Agent interprets (reasons) the
input and plans the next steps based on the user
prompt and the given OpenAPI specification. The
agent starts to execute the plan by calling MSGraph
API. The response from the API call is returned to the
reasoning and planning process. When the plan is
completed, the response is returned to the user.
The source code of the proof-of-concept (PoC)
agent that implements the design is available on
GitHub (see Rodriguez, 2023a). The PoC uses the
MSGraph API users endpoint, which provides
functionality for searching, creating, updating, and
deleting users.
2.4 Demonstration – Round 1
The output of running the PoC agent is also available
on GitHub (see Rodriguez, 2023a). The output shows
the result of a simple query to find a username based
on a given object ID.
After receiving the input from the user, the agent
starts building a plan. First, it makes an observation
of which API it could use to get the requested
information. This leads to a thought that the agent is
ready to execute the API call. Next, the agent starts
acting on the plan and executes the request_get tool
to make the actual API call. From the response, the
agent makes an observation that the name of the user
is “Example User”. This leads to a thought that user
information is successfully retrieved and the plan is
successfully executed. The agent makes a final
observation that the name of the user whose id was
given is “Example User”. This leads to a thought that
the plan is finished and the information the user asked
for is retrieved.
However, the agent was not able to perform more
complex tasks. When asked to list all users whose
password has been reset over six months ago, the
agent answered I'm sorry, but this API does not
provide the functionality to filter users based on the
time their password was reset. The API returns only
a subset of properties for users by default (see Table
1). All other attributes, such as
lastPasswordChangeDateTime, would require using
the $select query parameter. To us, it seemed that the
agent was only aware of the common properties, not
all available properties.
Exploring Applicability of LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents to Solve Real-life Problems: Microsoft Entra ID Administration Agent
Table 1: Common properties of users (Microsoft, 2024b).
id The unique identifier for
the user.
usinessPhones The user's phone numbers.
displayName The name displayed in the
address book for the user.
ivenName The first name of the user.
obTitle The user's
ob title.
mail The user's email address.
mobilePhone The user's cellphone
officeLocation The user's physical office
preferredLanguage The user's language of
surname The last name of the user.
userPrincipalName The user's principal name.
Moreover, the agent seemed to be capable of
showing only the 16 first users (sorted by
userPrincipalName property). However, the API
returns by default 100 users and allows returning up
to 1000 users per request using $top query parameter.
Again, it seemed that the agent was not aware of this
2.5 Design and Development – Round 2
After the first design and development round, the
agent seemed to work only partly as intended. It was
able to perform simple tasks but didn’t seem to
understand the API correctly.
The original MS Graph API Open API
specification YAML file had 28021 rows in total.
Validating the file with the OpenAPI online validator
(see APIDevTools, 2022) crashed the browser. The
first lines of the file (see Figure 4) show that the file
Figure 3: MEAN Design.
UserAutonomous Agent
MS Graph
Reasoning and
No Call MS Graph API
OpenAPI specification
and user prompt
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is using a lot of internal $ref clauses. Changing the
setting of the online validator to skip circular
references threw an error message “Circular $ref
pointer found. For the same reason, in the first
development round, we had to use dereference=False
option when calling reduce_openapi_spec function
(see Rodriguez, 2023b). That effectively did not
follow any $ref clauses and thus removed crucial
information about the API. Moreover,
reduce_openapi_spec ignored all query parameters
that were not marked as required (see Langchain,
2023, step 3).
To fix the aforementioned issues, the MS Graph
Open API specification was manually modified to
remove unnecessary circular references and to change
the type of all query parameters to required (see
Syynimaa, 2024).
2.6 Demonstration – Round 2
The output of running the PoC agent to list
lastPasswordChangeDateTime and jobTitle
properties of users is available on GitHub (see
Rodriguez & Syynimaa, 2024b). The output shows
that the agent now understands the API better, i.e.,
how to use $select query parameter. This time, the
API threw an error indicating that $select query
parameter was specified more than once, which the
agent observed correctly. The resulting thought was
that it should use just one $select parameter and
comma to separate the values. Next observation was
the returned user information and the resulting
thought that the data was successfully retrieved, and
it could now be returned.
The process seems the same as you would expect
from a natural person to execute a similar task.
Instead of a natural person, the user could ask the
autonomous LLM-powered agent to retrieve the
needed information.
2.7 Evaluation
The conventional way to perform administrative
tasks, such as finding a user with the given ID, would
be to use an MSGraph PowerShell module. This
would require the administrator using the module to
know which API calls and corresponding PowerShell
cmdlets they should use.
The designed agent allowed a user to complete a
task that used MSGraph API without a need to learn
software development skills. As such, the agent fulfils
the set objectives. However, due to limitations of the
current LangChain implementation, especially the
reduce_openapi_spec function, do not allow the
agent to release the full potential of ChatGPT. Even
the source code of the function says “This is a quick
and dirty representation ofr OpenAPI specs”
(Langchain, 2023).
Figure 4: Excerpt of OpenAPI-MSGraph-v1.0-Users.yml file.
Exploring Applicability of LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents to Solve Real-life Problems: Microsoft Entra ID Administration Agent
2.8 Communication
The process and output of building the agent are
reported in this research paper. The source code and
Jyputer notebook are published on GitHub (see
Rodriguez & Syynimaa, 2024a) and are freely
available for anybody to download.
3.1 Implications to Practice
We demonstrated that an LLM-powered autonomous
agent can help administrators perform tasks that
would otherwise require software development skills.
This allows administrators to focus on daily activities
instead of learning software development skills.
Moreover, this greatly improves administrators’
efficiency in performing administrative tasks,
especially in stressful situations like during cyber-
attacks. However, due to limitations in the
components used in the MEAN implementation, it is
not mature enough to perform the day-to-day tasks
expected from administrators.
3.2 Implications to Science
In this paper, we designed and implemented a PoC of
an autonomous agent capable of completing tasks by
invoking MSGraph API based on the user’s natural
language input. This proves that, despite the
abovementioned challenges, LLM-powered
autonomous agents can perform simple Entra ID
administrative tasks. As such, the study supports the
findings of previous studies (Nascimento, Alencar, &
Cowan, 2023; Topsakal & Akinci, 2023).
3.3 Limitations
This study focused on performing tasks using a
specific external tool, MSGraph API. Other APIs may
yield different results.
3.4 Directions for Future Research
An interesting avenue for future research would be to
study could agents be used to call PowerShell
commands instead of back-end APIs. PowerShell
module metadata, e.g., function descriptions and
parameter details, can be extracted programmatically.
This could lead to a more generalised solution which
is not limited to cloud services and could also allow
using agents to perform tasks on local computers.
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Exploring Applicability of LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents to Solve Real-life Problems: Microsoft Entra ID Administration Agent