Overview of Publicly-Available Data Sources on Road Traffic Accidents
in Russia
Alexey Girin
, Nikolay Teslya
2 a
and Nikolay Shilov
2 b
ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
SPC RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia
Road Traffic Accident, Risk Factors, Data Sources, Data Analysis.
It is very important to develop measures to prevent traffic accidents to increase road safety. The paper provides
identification and description of various publicly-available sources of data related to road traffic accidents in
Russia. All the described data could be combined to support an detailed analysis of accidents. A review and
classification of risk factors associated with road accidents was conducted, and the data required for accident
analysis as well as publicly accessible sources of such data in Russia were described. Additionally, a review
of the methods used for analyzing and predicting accidents was undertaken.
Road traffic accidents (RTAs) represent a significant
socio-economic problem that is relevant both glob-
ally and in Russia. According to official data, in 2023
in Russia there were more than 132.4 thousand RTA
(4.5% more than a year earlier), in these accidents
more than 14.5 thousand people died (2.3% more than
a year earlier) and more than 166.5 thousand were in-
jured (4.3% more than a year earlier) (Main Direc-
torate for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of Russia, 2024). RTAs also lead to mate-
rial losses, encompassing both direct costs associated
with property damage and medical care, and indirect
costs related to workforce loss and reduced labour
productivity (M
a, 2017).
To ensure road safety, it is essential to develop
measures to prevent RTAs. One of the main aspects
of road safety involves analyzing RTAs. The knowl-
edge gained about the causes of RTAs through this
analysis can increase the efficiency of the decision-
making process related to road safety (Goniewicz
et al., 2016). One of the important steps in RTA anal-
ysis is the collection and preparation of data for analy-
sis. This involves describing data related to accident-
prone factors, and identifying sources of such data.
The accuracy of analysis results directly depends on
the ability to integrate data from diverse sources,
as well as the completeness and reliability of those
sources (Gutierrez-Osorio and Pedraza, 2020).
Despite the fact that some researchers manage to
cooperate with public authorities in Russia in order to
gain access to data on RTA (Kudryavtsev et al., 2013),
the general tendency is that most of the RTA data are
used only by public authorities for internal analysis
and are not publicly available. This lack of an ac-
cessible tool for researchers to access comprehensive,
open data on RTAs in the country negatively impacts
the quality of RTA analysis results. The aim of this
paper is to identify and describe various data sources
on RTAs in Russia that are open for public access and
can be combined for further analysis by researchers.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 out-
lines the methods used in this study. Section 3 re-
views the RTA risk factors. Section 4 describes the
RTA data sources specifically in Russia. In section 5,
methods of RTA analysis and prediction are reviewed.
A discussion of the study follows in section 6, and the
paper concludes in section 7.
Firstly, we systematizes the potential causes of RTAs
described in the review literature of RTA risk factors,
and identify data associated with these factors. Based
on this review, we identify a classification of RTA risk
factors into three categories: human factors, environ-
Girin, A., Teslya, N. and Shilov, N.
Overview of Publicly-Available Data Sources on Road Traffic Accidents in Russia.
DOI: 10.5220/0012737100003702
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2024), pages 480-487
ISBN: 978-989-758-703-0; ISSN: 2184-495X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
mental factors, and vehicle factors. Next, we review
papers on RSA research to identify data sources that
correlate to the data usually used in RTA analysis.
These sources are categorized as follows: public au-
thorities, onboard devices, road infrastructure, and so-
cial media. Using this categorization, we search and
analyze publicly available data sources on RTAs in
Russia. To identify RTA data sources from public au-
thorities in Russia, we examine regulations regarding
RTA data registration and information resources pro-
vided by those authorities. We also review mapping
and weather services that provide additional data for
contextualising RTAs. Finally, we review the methods
that use these data to analyse and predict RTAs.
Road traffic, as a complex dynamic system, includes
several interrelated elements like traffic participants
(drivers, passengers, pedestrians), vehicles and the
external environment, which consists of the road net-
work, weather and time conditions, as well as the
surrounding terrain and traffic flow (Fig. 1) (Vogel
and Bester, 2005). Disturbances in the functioning of
these elements can lead to RTAs. Each traffic element
defines a group of RTA risk factors.
Figure 1: RTA risk factors.
3.1 Human Factors
Human-related RTA risk factors are divided according
to two criteria: the intentionality of the road user’s
behaviour and the duration of the factor’s influence
(Fig. 2) (Bucsuh
azy et al., 2020).
Long-term RTA risk factors caused by intentional
actions are associated with negative habits and be-
Figure 2: RTA. Human factors.
havioural characteristics of road users. Such factors
Neglect of passive safety (ignoring the use of
child seats and seat-belts) (Fattakhov, 2018).
Regular reckless or dangerous behaviour (speed-
ing and failure of drivers to maintain lateral spac-
ing) (Alonso Pl
a et al., 2013).
The actions of road users that are consciously
taken immediately before and cause a accident are the
short-term accident risk factors caused by the inten-
tional behaviour of road users:
Underestimation of risk (e.g. overtaking on an
unsafe road section, overtaking in heavy traf-
fic, crossing the road in an inappropriate place)
(Parker et al., 1995).
Distraction while driving (e.g. using a mo-
bile phone while driving) (Horsman and Conniss,
Alcohol and drug intoxication (Rodionova et al.,
Persistent conditions that adversely affect road
users identify the following long-term risk factors for
RTA: medical causes (chronic neurological diseases,
narcolepsy) (Lindsay and Baldock, 2008), distracted
behaviour (Parker et al., 1995), insufficient driving
experience (Hu et al., 2020).
Short-term factors caused by unintentional driv-
ing behaviour include: mental and somatic abnormal-
ities (acute stress, bouts of illness) (Taylor and Dorn,
2006), fatigue state (microsleep) (De Mello et al.,
2013), panic reaction (Bucsuh
azy et al., 2020).
The following data on RTAs participants are cor-
related with the identified risk factors: common in-
formation (age, driving experience), medical informa-
Overview of Publicly-Available Data Sources on Road Traffic Accidents in Russia
tion (chronic diseases, mental and somatic abnormal-
ities), condition and behaviour of the participants.
3.2 Influence of the External
Traffic is influenced by the external environment,
such as the condition of the road network, weather
and time conditions, the characteristics of the sur-
rounding area, and traffic flow.
RTA risk factors caused by the condition of the
road network include (Fattakhov, 2018; Wang et al.,
2013): the arrangement of roads (location of traffic
lights and regulatory signs, etc.), road surface condi-
tions (low level of pavement, presence of potholes),
road geometries, conditions of artificial lighting, and
the presence of foreign objects in traffic areas.
RTA risk factors caused by weather and time con-
ditions (Zou et al., 2021; Hazaymeh et al., 2022): pre-
cipitation, wind, fog; time of day, and natural lighting
RTA risk factors caused by the characteristics of
the surrounding terrain (Hazaymeh et al., 2022): ter-
rain relief (flat, hilly, or mountainous), and the density
and type of buildings and other constructions.
RTA risk factors caused by the characteristics of
traffic flow: speed regime and traffic intensity are sep-
arately identified (Zhang et al., 2020).
Consequently, the following data on the environ-
mental conditions at the accident site during the RTA
correlate with the identified risk factors: the state and
layout of the road infrastructure, the time and weather,
terrain, the presence, type, and density of points of in-
terest, and the characteristics of the traffic flow.
3.3 Influence of Vehicles
RTA risk factors related to vehicles (Zovak et al.,
2016): wear and tear of the vehicle (correlated with
the following data: vehicle mileage, period of use);
unsatisfactory technical condition of the vehicle (data
on the presence of damage and faults of the vehicle).
RTA data sources that are used in accident analysis
and prediction studies:
Public Authorities: generally collect data on the
type, location, time and participants, as well as
data on the causes and consequences of the acci-
dent (Rabbani et al., 2022).
On-board Devices: devices that are mounted on
a vehicle to collect vehicle characteristics and
driver state information (e.g. drowsiness, anxiety,
distraction) (Gutierrez-Osorio and Pedraza, 2020;
Chand et al., 2021).
Road Infrastructure Devices: technical devices
that monitor the movement of vehicles: radars,
cameras, loop traffic detectors. (Gutierrez-Osorio
and Pedraza, 2020).
Social Media: information extracted from acci-
dent publications has been used to identify RTA
locations and to identify clusters of high accident
rates (Chand et al., 2021).
4.1 RTA Data Sources in Russia
The main source of data on RTA in Russia are organ-
isations that keep records of RTA: internal affairs au-
thorities; road owners; organisations owning vehicles;
and medical organisations. Table 1 provides informa-
tion about the data on RTA collected by these organ-
isations. The data on RTA records from internal af-
fairs authorities are partially open for public access.
These data can be accessed through a specialised ser-
vice ”Indicators of the Road Safety State” provided
by the Traffic Police of the Russian Ministry of In-
ternal Affairs and described in the subsection 4.1.1.
This service is the primary, and in most cases, the only
source of data on traffic accidents used in the analysis
of RTAs in Russia.
For instance, the research (Donchenko et al.,
2020) considered the potential for creating a model
that could predict traffic accidents based on data about
accidents in Russia between the beginning of 2015
and April 2018. These data was provided by this
service. Another example of using this service is re-
search (Kasatkina and Vavilova, 2023), which devel-
oped an intelligent system that determines the con-
centration of road accidents in the Udmurt Republic
(Russia) through the use of accident data from 2022.
Some accident analysis studies conducted in Rus-
sia use accident data acquired from the ”Indicators of
the State of Road Safety” service in conjunction with
information from various other sources. For example,
the authors of the study (Fatkulin et al., 2017) used
data obtained from the service and data extracted from
posts in VKontakte social network during 2017 when
developing a system for monitoring accidents through
real-time analysis of social media.
For a more in-depth contextualisation of RTA, it
is necessary to consult additional data sources. These
include road and weather conditions at the time of the
RTA, the condition and behaviour of the participants
in the RTA, and the environment of the RTA scene.
VEHITS 2024 - 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Table 1: RTA data in Russian organisations.
Organisations Description of RTA
record data
Internal affairs
General information
about the RTA, in-
formation about the
external environment
(weather conditions,
road network state,
surroundings of the
accident site), and par-
ticipants and vehicles
involved in the RTA
Road owners Data on the condition
of the road network in
the area of the RTA
owning vehi-
General information
about the accident
and results of internal
investigation: infor-
mation about driver
and injured (severity),
information about
vehicles, details of
accident (violation
of traffic rules fact),
consequences of acci-
dent (material losses,
number of deaths and
Medical or-
Data on those killed
and injured in RTA
who were treated by a
medical organisation
These sources are described in the following subsec-
4.1.1 Indicators of the State of Road Safety
”Indicators of the State of Road Safety” is a service
provided by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs
Traffic Police. This service provides statistical data on
the state of accident rates and detailed accident cards
(Main Directorate for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia, 2024). The cards contain
detailed information on the circumstances of specific
RTA. The cards follow a fixed structure with sections
for general information, scheme of the accident, road
conditions on the scene, data on vehicles, and other
participants (Table 2). The service does not provide
information on permissible values for each field of the
card. However, this information can be obtained from
regulations and recommendations which are publicly
available. The procedure for filling out the fields is
Table 2: Structure of RTA card.
Section Title Section Description
General infor-
Place and time of the RTA,
number of participants and
number of vehicles
Road condi-
Description of objects at the
accident site and near it, road
conditions and deficiencies,
weather conditions, and other
information about the sur-
roundings of the accident
Vehicles Description of vehicles in-
volved in the accident, pres-
ence or absence of technical
RTA partici-
Categories of participants
(driver, passenger, cyclist,
etc.), level of injury, breach of
road traffic rules
RTA diagram A graphical representation of
the circumstances surround-
ing the accident (the location
and direction of motion of
participants and vehicles dur-
ing the accident)
described in the ”Recommendations for recording and
analysing RTA on Russian highways” from the Fed-
eral Road Agency Rosavtodor. Table 2 gives a de-
scription of each section of the cards. Maps can be
downloaded separately for each region of the Russian
Federation. The period of time for which all cards
can be downloaded at once is limited to one month.
The service only allows downloading cards for those
RTAs that occurred before 2015. The following doc-
ument formats are supported: PDF, XLS, CSV, and
XML. The service is a major source of data on RTAs
in Russia, providing the most comprehensive basic in-
formation about the circumstances of these RTAs.
4.1.2 Road Fund Control System
Road Fund Control System from ROSDORNII pro-
vides information about roads and road papers plans,
as well as data on RTA (The Federal Autonomous
Institution ”Russian Road Scientific-Research Insti-
tute”, 2024). The data can be accessed through the
user interface; the system does not provide a tool for
uploading them. The system provides detailed up-to-
date data on both federal and regional roads and local
roads. Table 3 provides a description of the informa-
tion page sections for road data, some of the fields
(road characteristics) are tempered, i.e. their start and
Overview of Publicly-Available Data Sources on Road Traffic Accidents in Russia
Table 3: Structure of the road information page in Road
Fund Control System.
Section Title Section Description
Legal informa-
Road owner and operating or-
Project activity Information on the types of
papers on a particular road
Technical data Road class and category,
pavement type, number
of lanes, maximum speed,
climatic zone, axle load,
capacity, carriageway width,
subgrade width
road condition
Compliance of the road with
the normative condition
Safety Availability of the accident-
hazardous status, accidents
with dead and injured people
on the road
end times are specified for the values of these fields.
The data on RTA provided by the system correspond
in structure and content to the data of the ”Indicators
of the State of Road Safety” service. Data on road
plan documents for a particular motorway include:
type of documents, timing of documents, technical in-
dicators of road sections before and after documents,
etc. The information system Road Fund Control Sys-
tem can be used as an additional source of data on
RTA, specifically to obtain information about the con-
dition of the road network in the area where the acci-
dent occurred.
4.1.3 Mapping Services
The OpenStreetMap (OSM) service (OpenStreetMap
Contributors, 2024a), which is the leading open-
source of geographic information (Mooney et al.,
2017), can be used to collect additional information
about the accident site environment. The process of
defining the accident site environment using the OSM
can be described as follows:
1. Define a set of objects types that may affect traffic
2. Match each type of objects from the obtained set
with a template for search in OSM.
3. Implement a function that searches for objects of
specific types within the given radius around the
coordinates of the accident.
To obtain OSM data it is possible to download
a snapshot for a certain region using Geofabrik tool
(Geofabrik GmbH Karlsruhe, 2024). An alternative
option is to use the Overpass service (OpenStreetMap
Contributors, 2024b), which provides an API for ob-
taining OSM objects by user requests. The obtained
data can be used in addition to the data from the ”road
conditions” section of RTA cards.
4.1.4 Sources of Weather Data
Data on weather conditions at the location and time
of the accident can be obtained directly from the ac-
cident card. For a detailed report on weather con-
ditions it may be necessary to use external services.
The main criteria for choosing such a service are:
the ability to access historical weather data based on
geographic coordinates and time, the availability of
data for Russia, the maximum data update interval
should not exceed one hour (to ensure the most ac-
curate readings), the ability to retrieve values for a
specific range of weather variables. One of the ser-
vices that meets these criteria is Open-Meteo, which
provides an API for accessing historical weather data
up to 10,000 times per day for personal use, making
it the best option compared to similar services (Open-
Meteo contributors, 2024).
4.1.5 Court Websites
Data on the circumstances of a particular RTA can be
obtained from the text of a court judgment on the acci-
dent. The sources of documents with verdicts in RTA
cases include court websites, where the texts of court
decisions are published. When working with these
sources, the following difficulties arise: the need to
compare court decisions with specific RTAs; the need
to handle unstructured texts from court decisions; and
the dispersion of places where court decisions are
posted. With a court decision text analysis it is pos-
sible to determine information about the participants
in an accident (a description of their behaviour during
the accident, their medical condition, the fact of al-
cohol or drug intoxication, and any injuries received
as a result of the RTA), information about vehicles
(model, period of use, and presence and type of me-
chanical malfunctions), and the state of the surround-
ing environment (the weather and time conditions and
condition of the road network).
4.1.6 Other Sources
Alternative sources of open data on RTAs in Russia
include publications on social media and in the public
media, as well as publicly available recordings from
onboard video recorders. Further research is required
to explore the possibilities for searching, interpreting
and comparing these data with specific RTA.
VEHITS 2024 - 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
In order to further use of RTA data from various pub-
lic sources for RTA analysis and prevention purposes,
it is necessary to have an understanding of the cur-
rent methods for analyzing and predicting RTAs. It is
worth noting that a significant number of techniques
used in analyzing and predicting RTAs are related to
artificial intelligence and machine learning.
5.1 Identification of High Accident
One of the steps in road safety is to identify high-
accident clusters in a given area. This task can be for-
mulated as a search for road segments with the high-
est accident density. To solve this problem, cluster-
ing methods based on the analysis of historical data
on RTA are used (Chang et al., 2022). For example,
in the study (Moosavi et al., 2019) DBSCAN clus-
tering algorithm is used to identify clusters of higher
accident density. Another common method is Ker-
nel Density Estimation (KDE), which allows to cal-
culate the density of RTA points in the study area and
identify areas with the highest density values (Santos
et al., 2021).
5.2 Identification of RTA Risk Factors
The high fatality rate in RTA is attributed to the lack
of awareness of RTA risk factors, and many stud-
ies have aimed at identifying these factors, which is
also an important step towards road safety (Alkheder
et al., 2020). For example, the analysis of RTA data
in (Wang et al., 2021) is helped to identify RTA risk
factors and to propose a model to quantify them in
order to compare the probability of RTA in different
scenarios. Part of the researches in this area focuses
on evaluating the impact of RTA risk factors on the
severity of the accident consequences, which can be
expressed through the number of fatalities and casu-
alties in the accident, as well as the extent of injury
to victims. For example, in (Eboli et al., 2020) this
problem is solved using Binary Logistic Regression,
and in (Alkheder et al., 2020) the decision tree, Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM) and Bayesian network
are used to estimate the degree of influence of risk
factors on accident severity.
5.3 RTA Prediction
Challenges in the field of RTA prediction include pre-
dicting the occurrence and estimating the severity of
RTA. One of the advanced trends in this area is the
application of deep learning algorithms (Gutierrez-
Osorio and Pedraza, 2020). For example, (Rolison,
2020) presented a method for predicting the severity
of RTA based on encoding a matrix of RTA data into
special grey images, which are then used as inputs
for a convolutional neural network. The results of the
study showed that the proposed method of predicting
RTA severity using a convolutional neural network
provides higher accuracy compared to other methods
such as K-nearest neighbours algorithm, SVM and re-
current neural networks.
Rough set theory can be used in RTA data anal-
ysis to assess the influence of risk factors on RTA
outcomes. It can also be used to reduce the number
of attributes associated with risk factors and to detect
hidden relationships between the data and for classi-
fication tasks (Jianfeng et al., 2019).
In papers on RTA analysis and prediction, there is
a tendency to use multiple data sources to improve
the accuracy of the results. Researchers explicitly
point out that the success of prediction models de-
pends mainly on how data from different sources can
be integrated (Chand et al., 2021; Suat-Rojas et al.,
2022). In addition to the above studies, another exam-
ple of such integration is the paper of (Marcillo et al.,
2022), which combined heterogeneous data on traffic
accidents, weather conditions and hotspots. Based on
a deep neural network, a real-time traffic accident pre-
diction model was built, which performs better than
other models.
6.1 RTA Risk Factors
The following RTA factors were identified: human
factors; external environment; vehicle factors. Data
that relate to these factors can be used to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the accident context.
6.2 RTA Data Sources
The sources of RTA data include: public authorities,
onboard devices, road infrastructure devices, and so-
cial media. The main source of RTA data in Russia
is the traffic police service (public authorities), which
is open to the public and provides basic information
about the circumstances of the RTAs, accident partic-
ipants, and vehicles. Other data collected by public
authorities on RTAs are used only for internal pur-
poses and are closed to the public. Additional sources
Overview of Publicly-Available Data Sources on Road Traffic Accidents in Russia
of public RTA data that could be integrated into a uni-
fied system are:
Road Fund Control System: road network data.
Can be used to determine the road condition at
the location of the accident, as well as to assess
the intensity of traffic flow.
OSM mapping service: can be used to obtain data
on the environment of the accident site.
Weather APIs: can be used to determine weather
conditions at the location and time of the accident.
Court websites and aggregators of court decisions
can be used to obtain information on the circum-
stances of a road accident, a detailed description
of the state and behaviour of RTA participants,
and characteristics of vehicles and the external en-
vironment. The data is unstructured and requires
Publications on social media, as well as publicly
available recordings from onboard devices (video
recorders), need further research to explore the
possibilities of searching and interpreting data.
These sources are not included in this paper.
6.3 Methods of RTA Analysis and
The following road safety tasks were identified: iden-
tification of clusters of increased accident rate (DB-
SCAN clustering algorithm and KDE); identification
of RTA risk factors (decision tree, SVM and Bayesian
network); accident prediction (convolutional neural
network and recurrent neural network).
This paper classifies risk factors for RTAs and de-
scribes data that can be used in RTA analysis. The
sources of RTA data were reviewed, and the pub-
licly available sources in Russia were searched and
described. Additionally, a review was conducted on
methods for analysing and predicting RTAs. In the fu-
ture work, it is planned to implement a software sys-
tem to automatically collect RTA data from the public
sources, develop methods of RTA analysis and pre-
diction based on the data obtained.
The study was carried out within State Research,
project number FFZF-2022-0005.
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